mu~~ o~ am~ sth 1h au he r e ýw 1U L ÀW*1W UV&I U I IS ! s# Te known fact.thai both of them are itn te esso Af"dTayan ie mechrteinsitution whore Charles Mcib sw Th T rold Heand. Hfig -Fanly are W nefly Beed b sn M~ thy oul Rt e te-pry 01 ~= friends for a short vacation. His Cley o mpound. l"' th U licenitios. Should the mnc who fre- bicycle accorbpanied hii. PiesB quent the. bouse be prosecuted tbey Hugh jack and his mother, of Green- will. find that the penalty under the. baiik. are here with Hugli Gregg, sr., new crinlinal code is severe-Nothîig for a week or so. les ha te 'eieniay.Ecnois.Clergymen of ail the various Chris- fit of ail wbo determnetusPaes Pesta h eienir.Eooit Mrs. (Dr.) Ralpb Brodie, Wyoming, tian denominations have from time ta Celery Compound, ashr remsr Wri.s laiingtiaage fo liel aveD. Forsyth, for a short vacation. tm îe h togs ftsioyal n eetv eeyp~aaîn been issued by J. W. Crossley, a divis- M. Beelby is suffering from a severe iNforote maiine of Celer Cmpantd for ,Pins,"e aes esueyo s halji o Kig owshPt attack of pleuris>'. He is flot recover- a ever been Ohglspenaadttth name is oneahbte aganstWm.Wels, aco Waton as rapidly as his friends wou you O Darey, tWm. WFlsh,JTo. alot, dsie.Sageijerally recommended b>' the bu>'. D.Caey W . iser Tos Fllotclergymen of Canada, as Paine's Celery 'The Rev. C. A. SchifaIKlao George Lawson, Arcbibald McCallum, Samuel Webb, Stratford, but former- Compound. Renfrew Ca., Ont.., yrtsa olw John' Ireland, John W. Hutchinson, 1>' of this place, was here on Truesday The bonest, prompt and effective te- 1,1 have much pleauei ttn Henry' Mfachell, Richard Wells, Wm. shaking hands with aId friends. suits that are always obtained by the that 1 bave used l'aine eeyCm Monkmnan, jas. Stokes and Jno. Mc- Josepb Gregg and bis daughter, users of Paine's Celer>' Compound cali pound with grand resuis oetm Donald, ail of York Count>'. The Ruth, left for Walkerton on Monday, forth unstinted praise, after health, ago, lass of appetite ads'posa " eadache plaintiff daims that the defendants wbere tbey will' spend a short time vigor and bappiness take the place of kidney trouble and urnldsuacs H w d .he signed a petition seeking for bis dis- with tbe latterssister, Mrs. Ricbardson. sickness, weakness and disease. In made blfe miserable.*ain er !!~I!~D PERMANENTLY ge ro~m offceabicht b iTe Graham Bras. were very successfui ail the churcb parishes of aur country, much aboyt the vireso Pins ;ch AW Mwith their borses at the exhibition, clergymen are quiet]>' spreading the Celery Campound, 1 rcre1 upl $2,00-un.m'e agefo ioo particularly ith their light horses-in joyful news that Paine's Celer>' Comn- and used it with won(eîîbnft fact t.hey captured aimost everytbing paund banishes iii health and makes "I arn pîeased ta a'ta heCm C . O4O% owiMs. ~~ - W H I T E V A L E . ~~~t h a t w a s w o r t b h a v i n g . p e o p le w e l. p u n d w a s p r o d u c t iv e o r a e u t G n î m n - e b t I c i o ~~y ers E'IIIS ~ED. CHRONICLE: DEÂR SiR.-Permit The members of the Epwortb League Justa here it is imperative that we inm>' famil>' as a homemdcn;ali~C1GIHo' asprla o À y r P i s me tbrough the calumna o your valuable bad agood time at the residence o sounda note o warning for the bene-ar much pieased with t"Ihv entonidwt eouai paper to correct an errar made by Mr. Gea. Cooper, Esq., on Monda>' evening. adtra.Svrlknao eiî 1J wustroubWe a lonir tlxe wth stck Wilson, af Ciaeot btlkee) e h an ak atclari>' er>'much__________________________The__________folks_______ I tred id nt domeay god, ad W beadache. It was usuafly acoompanled specting a statement made by rnyself to enjayed themselves. mencedTON wi th severe pains In the templeas, a sense thocoucakof ickrigdtwnsip.Mr.saparlfpacelon t 01 fullness. and tenderness lu one eye. a th cunilaIPikerngtonsip Mrleft for Manitoba ofl OnacutaIReeanhaiile bad taste In my mouth ton eoated, Wilson5 is notin my judgrnient a gentîe Tuesdav mooning, whereyhe will re -thfa of G John, b bands and feet old, ni 81%0geeit h al a telu fhm at tRiae usa mrig weeh wl e away courncil was held on Fia even- te frm of G. V. St. stomach. 1 tried a god many remedies mi asyth em Ihia n ate ora"hot t ,ntnecai Fia> o r -J-pt recommended for t1à i complaint; butit ho made a very unmaniy charge on me in mi o ,otimfO sai>ing last. the i 5tb da>' af Ma>',18. was Dot until 1 my absence. Mr. Wilson wuaa eent 1witb a view ta settii1ng out there. In MrfJaes ano ih1Ik..--a.arg4Mr BrWhenI ec B g n T li gbelieve wben I made the statement beorefact lbe has no notion af doing such. MrC Jme Cno iwsapindalage Mr. Becitthouscne > r d n ol !ti eiie h o B egan T akin g ~the counil in Augut and did nt raise Dame Grundy has ad a sweet morse] cago af horses ta the Old Countr>. W rs o e h tte cek b n s gDadbfr s llhdti ~~ Puis ~~~~~the eat bjection to what 1 said but in ta rol under her tngue since Tuesday-Mr. Wm. Chambers goes with him. heeby nsru ta tonai>W.EYr-bnhsdnteydlpead" Ay rsPlsmy absence, which wus unjustifiable.le noon, and the old lady is equal to th e Dr. H. S. Bingham was in Toron to taa iE s reLnqSreoruTWOSagrvle Mie netbteiLAsnl oxo s ils o et that whatl1 said I t.aok back in in aur village are i the habit of induig- for the public librar'. 7th onsion rom os5t nc on tb idcd eb> n'Oh di terom I.tfoshipaeroakndarie amo'g lUs ufeeoesIlîo1 fo edceadawlma.- th rsneof Mr. essme anaother ing i frequent wordy contests and o The potato crap this year will flot be MrC. arih alo 0cn. gtReer tcaon!Remnt C. H. HuTcBiI<G8, East Auburn, Me getleman in My own bouse on the even- h. a nqetonMdaa ag slatya nti r C. caebr th ecuniofn thedy o ibv esv e dassoin etioe they hdaprolong- a ag slVtya nt ivcinity. ABok aebfr ,leofth saneda. ow hveto a. e sssin n hepresence ai a number great rnany wiII flot bave suficient for complained that the wtrfo h A YE' PI LLS that no person waited on me except Mr. ai neihos This kind ai thingrmust their own use. road and swamp on lot19atteim W. Ber-sie and 1 did not recafl one word ihos Awarded Medal t Woril' Fair that I st.ated te, the counicil, and 1 had be stopped and at once, or an officiai Mr. Selim Petitt is having same ex- ai high water, ran in o n lae Av4er'a raaWa»e. noting ta take back. I am prepared ta refere will be caîed in and that means tra additions made. ta is prem ises his property, and, althghbbaa prove that the Antis did secure signa- an expenditure ai mone>' for some one. which will considerably alter the ap- culvert in, it wouid vs utee> tures to th3ir peti tians under faise pre- Frida>' morning as Reeve Gerow's pearance ai his property. year or so. Mr. Parrish fee ag tences. 1 wiil face Mr. Vilsou belore team were descending Nladill's hill, on Mfr. and Mrs. Hoyle leit for Dallas, ane-third the expense i h onhpIKDI OORRESPNDENOE the counceil or an>' court and prove my the Brock Road, drawing a load ai Texas, where Mr. Havie wiIi attend would pay the other totid n statementa ta bis entire satisfaction. pumps, sametbîng went amiss with the the meeting ai the Sovereign Grand put in a proper cuivert S st ar Notbing wouid delight me more, for then harness. and while E. W. Evans was Lodge ai Oddfellows. Off ail surplus water. they would have ta came out Irom under fixing the same the horses took frîght r hlo a enhm asot Mr. T. H. Glendinnig ertr' HEAMPTON the ae scltigand aperas t ami went away. hAtethehoturn thehotreue-aith Brc sndeepatcloahinAt aheearrthtyevacation and wil; probabl>' return dur- tesoc ye a Agricuetura Mr. Fred Howard bai; gone ta t.ake really are. I know the>' will make s1 horseswgnadpmswr i e oietyappae n charge of a circuit at Clayne. sorts af attacks, false they ma>' be, be.wgnan up er i ie ing the week. He g<)es ta Sundridgere an akdfote N Mliss Braun, Port Hope, le visiting at cause tbey feel the force of the utterance up in the ditcb in a confused heap. in the interest ai Mr. C. IL Ame>'. uuO n to iM.Ewrsad r O A RBA ghrao ascnieabydmgdnt.ionl ofCSMr.U REI Mn.Ths. lloLt~.made by the late Sir John A. mcDonald Th ao as( od enin tb lUr. Thos. Elliott a. while ~~~~~~one borse bas since been unable On odye ata buiBý our«h sa r Mia nilyCorieSatbDaiig-to the grog sellers deputation whc> waited w hile ansiderbl>' damged a>' enat taoout.Behuteuulgata 2 a iailyCon b erat, MS.shar n m bc wati:"irg akta work. Mr. Gerow sems ta be par- i 'îokMs Baew n thaut made ta Brock AgriculturlSce>.DJ'SA I U to, sviitn htautMll. .A atnd hm'ake yo u uis S repectabeas ticulari>' unfortunate wîth bis horses. af the back door, and flot knouigta Deputy-reeve McCull aentc Dr. J E Brown, wife and son, late of y an ab yu wbn esschsurect a es a oewgo yourmvd h tpsta e ol h e Arkoua, la viing friende i this local will have to go." sh. eeferabute f e etrciigas-iginrdc yIwt eult h okad Ii 1 take this as one of the lu.t kicks aiorfrcur iteIg price ta be paid b>' the 3ckCucl odj.iabe1ns"tJ Misa Annie Agbton bas been visiting the aid enemy, intexnperance, before he The boys ai NO. 7 de not just like for sheep killed b>' dogs. frienda at Beaverton for some tîrne. breatha bia last in the grand township ai the way things were juggled at the On motion ai Mr. Edwad n r Bvrai farmers in this locality bave Pic2kerin3g. The hotel keepers have stat- rifle matches at Uxbridge. The lame. Brethour, Allen McLenwspi kED L SSP !OU lhdoeep kilied by doge i atety. ed that the law cannaI be worked. thse$h4cui6seoretyoer er9te2awsbp;ais ofJh rni ~ ,D1f.!haene oea -tua Mr. F A Cale is baving extensive ai- wouid say that in Brougham and White- thoe h, the ciean re e esp he'$4t orns92; ls odsagel supi rz.» < ou,. Â teain and improvements aie in bis vale we must bave above the average allowed ta shoot regardless ai the fact being two-thirds value a n he ~ Uesnoi~, aWeadpost office. slo keeper, for aur villages are quiet that the>' were oniy bona-fide members kilied b>' dogs. H~rcumns arTJCakis tl f ok ih adtod topers say they cannaI geI a for the day. It will be quite a novelt>' On motion ai Mr. Tbmsnad1kuM adikfor love or money and in Whitevale *111 ~ ~~amang us at camp next year. N 0cs o statianer>'. SbyIDugao 5 Awhite tramp dog of recent famne- for drinks but are aI home cutting wood doubt it wilI give toue ta the cooker>' On motion ai Mr. McCl n r KN~LOXÂ ToWhitby town ...ere one day came; for their wives and luvingI in< £NSBIJSN ru.svi- Hie found a home with S. H. Graham.lvng pnc.Loaf~a No. 4 ta have Mr. Raines eatîng Ed.wards, the naine a o sf Efie c He called hîm Jack. Opioai wrknggrnly and n> mn witb the rest ai us. But Donald was placed an theIs wbo says it cannot be worked simpiy THE GREAT hie will have ta do it just the sanie. at the rate ai $2 per monh acm -T[b dog was pleased wih him t say, defle the laws of oui- and. The tempen- -D And grew ini favor every day; 'iiiilivMedicneof tneAe A etn wsrfilnzkc l-mnc n Asatls ase aie hhlv ac popeinedi te er uurtacneAg. A etigwa ciedakigth recea Sp. st 89,ante e flve years ri My lieds uea whîch ben i con. b8es wena Lat 1 could eness ha4 *Coud the B ýia.cEaa Sarsapa. si-y cansj g-rg Lt ta merg 00.. r. I A nd ln digust ho ur ed around, m r n e s n t e i b a e M - . R . Payne as returned rom _ _ __ _ __ _ _ 8 oads a1 grav e u pp ie t is m u i Resoi ved if bis tried frnends were found resonably put forth wbich they faiied ta 1Tonta with his bride, after spending Bro& ok Ouuil. 18(al tin>fMr'.C IM7a: Rie would thon Lie eastward bound: do, for the>' seemed to ho guardiag the their baneymnoon in the Queen cit>' Sor. Th ' Yar This brave dag jack. interosas of mors.iity and the financial and at western points.. Many kind S~Tompsbn, W. E. Yarnadwspi r Ho et nb riindswhobm-ugh -condition of the township, it in viz - fiends i'mite in wishing them je,'and The regular monthly meeting af the 35 cents for examining ditcho an -Asd de te rsounedsne o o r i ainhm;,k h Is etfrmth abrwoehppns pntese iranmn above cauncil was heid in the town lue af Brock and Thorah,begBrc An hm eove omor o om; ae h utcn fo hefterw e Mn. Edward James and wife bave ne- bail Sunderland, on Saturda>', Sept. 12. and Thonab, being Broc, o-ino This brave dog Jackx. children are hungry anid ooid for the want t e ronEg andater uvn Members ail present, Reeve Umpb- the expenses. MXAUKEAV. of wood, food and clothing and appîy it tuere fr so w ad, burv'ixie>'re took the chair. at ioa o'ciock a.m. On motion the -Council idornd ç«miI"fo U- ta f urniah an elegant bar and fine r hirhloe snHoadwosaie Minutes aIof ast meeting read and ~- On uesay'manin Cont> C n d horsea, and beautiful houses. Trhe for the Old Country about ane year adotd '-OnTuedaymoring ouny Cn.:township, they will piead, la losing moe ago, la the vain search for beaith. but o peionspsnted -th stable' H. C. Clendenning arrested because otno license. If the mon were ho grawing worse and warse bis father A pti, indas MreS.entettantd 'Jeinnie Haggan, a half-witted young aliowed to pour down strong drink they and mather crossed the acean, and mil tr, igned b>' Mn. S. Halfeuan wo mnan of some 1 8 years, residing with wilhb o tter propared to pay their taxes waited b>' is bedside until nîeotes paig ht Mr. Atlu AR g AL t C N D d Ksm elly' be assisted ta a certain extent b'T ECOC8ETRE -her mother on cburch street, on the after they haire drank-the money and the taon closed bis career on August 13th. tbe council, as she is in need atpresent. I WAS CURSI of 1mai.b"& rferagl <çhae af keeping a bouse of ili-fame townahip colIéet licous. to fili the coffors He and his family r uhetemd aii Bodwspid$,5 o ee , bylI MINAIRDS - RSC>N' ýýad, abuiging her illéetimate cbuld. at the expense of human sufforing. and this entire commuait>' weeps with pmigcletaduaeilo on vrNl os ND Magistrates Reeve Robinson and H. Blood. meney will. make grand gi-aval those who weep. - ling cubetwerocl and Maat ripo on I A UEDo ,braalr otr ":Wilson heard the case on Tuesday roâda for ambon keepers ta driv-toî Ctà ie, y IN.R'5îNMMr'îîiiwr ITfhhIIDP PLl . afterngoa and cornmitte< the.poor un- famille, for pleawuré. B1OOd money wv oino r MClyidr bzp- ,ftmc ozAllar VU. l~iE* IiU us foprtunate for -trial, and Constable Clen- bufid fine prisom ho eme t th Prostrated for Waut Of Breath. son. M.~58Cil f ata uea On motion of 14r. Brethorndu r : XMNARjYý8LIiMiT a. awat for trial. would -amy, 1lm~ show with peao. and ExtremeCils. of Heart Dimeme C0ê Ewrdrm ~donas paid$12,3o mhu0. Ms i&m - Te vein o fi 7h ns. evra mlty,;and leepeople ointei"Met yD.Ane' ue o . for 256 loads of gravrel supplied te the.-~ fJLIY 7Th vnnofte7his.sval l vn et tamkngl hmixsffering 4 r e', frtecorporation, of.Bok - -~F! yMgmea living on the 7th cSn. of f à w"ýaeThr lcdr n h h -. th cmuiaiofoM.W Makhm a"tepat oal'lcowis ho udthe --- hepartm rtl Ii.tiogtoUst A em ucli tamM, . .obswu gà ea as10~ '.Sundtmsn's Corners, for a bit of '.(iMtol iue. do- g.' Cr o Li ImtiïuAs .oI. Yenýol, thIe rtf, s readwitc,,teatev~f..1.*mfMaio borspla>' brutally iil-treatcd an oid tub l, ot. 8. nof ames I ît--frc ofa at.ftedIh the cmecf>lme Men, une ofj-,-,t 4man who througb the aummer had -fs. ehn NB- wo l .ýôkýdýT-4*tt*îiI<t ê - yrorke for Mr. Marshall Stonehouse - 94 1 wuStohe,-ver 'h îoay.of but wu then où,hfs way to fiuid anth é- aspitwfzaoft .Iaiiý i 4 ~ ~ wa r fdr,~ êtî ~~eia nea iet place. The -man, whoia ,betrelay y ok9ký4~ a 4$~s h~f**~ma~a S n o years 01d, *atsmok isi, h i4t r 4 f1t 4' 8a # M'WK *h i#~a mu d ld w r s ié ' *, 1 no t t'ýb é _d- _.Yýüng nc'are now aghain. ofr._ t'bd- 4'Ideore Just: and Ontario Offce of the Cie1 'ame of E JBreen Bon FL-wel. Johcn Strickland - P.brt Love GeoRae.... Affie Gardner-- ýMary A Fieury R McKnight. Samnuel Martin - JE Mecklenburg --- William Ande-ro3 RI HalVood Herber-t Snelgro'.e :. John imne Jonathan Tenrv ' - Joseph Cherpaw - Allan Wright - James Welch . Austin McGra1 - William G Mitchell. . John Ferguson loaHem-y Par-ker - William Calverley - R 8 Wilson John Ferguson.. -~ 6 6~ I hereby certil June, A. D., 1896, Has been end( L-med1cal .professiý years. (Ask y This is because palatable- alwa) aà lways contabns ýMkrweg-an Cod1 IHypcphc Isist Emulsi trade-m and fish Put u and $-l.00Osizes. aize may be en( your cough or he Wbus yo ai& for Se pour &daalt gvesya mtomeed wrmpper 0fi. ummd O qumolr James B dagerously iII 1h F# nale glad ta Bay 1 *tioin of upeedy i-e uduesday evening 0"ie were taken Pof W. Woodr' 1udbea pIaeed ts as a pi-mat be«às go s at 1 the, pimoial pal )g choiera bas hi- @hip ùkd some, twï Mber mdied of tbe l4ýand by order c 1%e neot heard Of Ur, but w. woul ht uum ho idifimwy