Whitby Chronicle, 25 Sep 1896, p. 4

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Çoi. J.c Coûnev la tutown u w i 't»emýEL Â D N= 1t'Ttt b«d.muvbinyelYaeeerty la simple yet ampl.__________________________ T~y Td's read sbl onlyat Yteo' at)oèmafor ail Who btuve l, its _____ - cents per loaf. psninls Remuer social lu St. anadrew's ciirci'The Sonsof Tenîporance gladly cb-cper- Wbol ,Prlday. ate with aul other temperance Organlzations, go' henvisiingthefaironallsa t either secret Or open, snd by the. influence II ~O'Brien & Stdham's photo SgUryaedag tof love tD ry40 G oodsp hmeq ur ï theianse plltn fi".Ulmreexalted charactersa thus theirnew latin fluiSLhaste»niug tii.dey wheu peace, teuiperance -TO BEB- Mr. and lire. Tho., cGrattau sud Miss sud nlghteousness shall triumPh Over war, D4cGraîtan, Uxbrldge were in town tuis intemperance su n Altos h PESTED wit FLES.week, the. guesta rof Ir. u is Toaaproeh ndlIeadorto w 1fr.J. . Touison wh ha be p- ensbip. Any members or the local division, 'naat akesonog o patd g, wbip IthisdtOwn meets on Moday even- r-oebis wheel to Whl u gwl adly recelv. Dames of candidates reuno o apWedes::ni. or ir. linformation relative to the oirskdt ee o r D ess G- o Mr. Hbert hisho1mn was in town lest-- e> A k t S e ou Dr s C ammmama ma week. He hua been residiug et Oakville, a.e .g«t.. TAI~LE~ft? I~T ~ sirce he left here, two months a, and isAlWou 1' d1 et rd Nbte v vr tulklug of golug to British lmfi. TH(YRSDAY, OCT. it, r8g6.-Ufnre" vd i Al Wol, . 1-Jand 5cnsper y. u a vrsw A grand dance wiIl be held ln the music ceysleo ossctipiga,li-wote y xcln. hall on Tuesd.ay evenhng, Sept. 29th. Ad- plements, etc., at-Lot No. tg, in the 7th ~ai~1 ~7mission Soc. a couple. Music by Gorst's or- th coessio of the tsbp fW bhîbry chestra. Everybody corne and bring your tale pîonentyof elate m. oryanrv. best girl. Saean 'lcpn orsre We have Park's CelebratdFanlte 5c. and 10e. Packages. The W.C.T.U. reading room bas been te- Fibakactoer - ain's photo gallery. Beng now on the of fat-mstock, iilements, etc, with- tsetoegos ground floor it will be very convenient for out t-eerre, et Lot No. 3Ï, tn the it ~~toegos fiet~aiyIoetP~e1callers, and they will find plenty 0f good lit- concession WibKnso od h Special services have been in progress 1 o'cocR, p i. L. Fairbanks, auct_ $ 1.0 O C ors e ts. during the last week la the achool rootu of THuRSDaY OC-r. 8th, 1896-Auction sale the methodist tabernacle, and will be con- of baises, cattle1 piga, imptements, etc,Wehvtesaebrn ofCsta detie inTrnoatas' J rtinued for some turne. Nezt Sunday ee- a ,tN.5 nteShcneso fW aetestebado ost ing there will be a special pruise service la the tp. of Pickering, haif a mile west of$12 nofedasabri nth f EYIL L /i the tabernacle. Kinsule, the property of Jos. Ha-brou. e *1.23 n oee as barg innte floig a Fidy t98.Orprc o YHit, to Correspondent, - Mr. Harbron ta giving up fat-ming and eeyd~ ntewe Sna fncsay s*.0 Numbr te paes f yur mnusrpt will selI everythiug without the slight- (JE IT&D U GS, DN't nber hecpa es. rite nso - est reserve. Sale ati o'clock, p.mL. I, lu e CHEMST D UGGIT, Dn't uer theite. WrD o none ~Fairbanks, auctioneer.%5a ieothppèoly Don rf o tnr s an d . ralvers. pepeby their initiais. Do not Write ins. THURSDAY, OCT. '5--A large Sale Of 25 thoro- MEDICÂL HALL, teon paraKraphs that only yourseif sud a btcd Durbha calc and îoo Cotswold shecp few others wilI understand. Do not abbre- wilI be bcd at Joocph Wards lot 9, con 1 ileas aetesm ieo i ola Erock Street, - Whzitby t-jute words. Do not refer personally fo Reach. Aa maust be sold; proprietor te- value bargain day ut 49c. by tho8e cheap ct trs young peaple's courting. Do not say '1yes. ting. terday"' or -' tomarr-ow," as your items may flot go to press for sevrai days. Give the day and date of everything. Try to do plnra» -good ;yau xnay neyer have as good a chance 23-25-- Lindsay New Stock Tweeds. again. Build people up; doit pull them 2- 8- oOntario& Dut-bam, Wbitby down. 30 , tn i -ast York, Markjism.Ail Choioe Patterns. Fit Guaranteed andPie ____________________________Mormion rets thý Plana. Eacb county unnuully nominates one puJ- 4 GL N ESTM nr WHJITBY, SEPT. 25, 1896. Guelpb. Ina aIIwer to theadvertiets SESOi867 put out b this county for 1896 the following SA N D R E W M86-].EA OSS. applications were received: Thomas Har- Iaoug lave nt Qeeurison Howard Hodgson, son of the late Major Hodgson, Port Perry: William Wilb-urcuu opiesCussi On Wednesday of tiais week Rer Majesty liamson Holtby, son of J. W.Hlty ARS icudgteDola SPECIAL Queen Victoria had reigned longer thun uny Manchester; and Charles A. Morrison, son1 COURSE FOR WOME»N), APPLIED SCIENCE, fomrEgihoofc.Ta sewstea John Monison, Brooklin. Mn. Warden %Eiis Lw n EEIAYSf fomreuls onrh Ta h wsteGrahamn on Mouday nomninated C-harles A.MDCNLW u EEIAYSr greutest and wisest of thein ail is aIse Uhc Morrison to the position, and we doubt not &NCE. Maticulation, Exhibition and verdict of history. How warmaplace aie that he wiIl do full bonon wo the Warden's Scbolunship Examinations wlll be held: bold o in the hearts of ber subjecs m ay be choice.A R S ND M IC Er th EP ; PL D uzeaaured by the tide of indignation and Albert Lynch', Ainerc t- ARS AD MEHCSEiT Snr, 8 ASPT.; apprehension when the Tyna plot ta kili Albert Lynch, thc fumous French artist is SCIENCE, 161- ET;Lw 1HSP. ber ud ic -zu-afRusia as iscverd sid ta have given us a new and distinctive VETEt1NA.RY SCIENCE, 26TH SEPT. laett wek 21 fterbis reLut-n froni a recent extend- oiso h aed. otiigfl n Queeu Victoria was br on May 2of'Aer Grl n fctr o rm atCoiesofthe al endr otain ng pplicaion- - x8g, sud waa called ta tic tbronie ini June ed visit ta tuis country. His cîuructeriza- omtomyb buado plcto 1837. She ut once adapted a course whiacb ion of young American wotnanhood is to the Acting-Secretary. Jne. 26.-3mas. showed her confidence in the wisdom sud exccedingly intereating sud attractive-tic fidelity of thc British pecopie ; and ere long conception of criticai student, sud Uic TueEsot ber snl4jecta conceivcd a lîke feeling of' trust creation of a skilled painter. Mn. Lynch WHITBY. aaad good w-iIl towards their Queca. For was co!nmissioued by The Ladies Home szxty ycares ae has been tic subject of CRI Journal to portray Uie "Americun", as he Wheat, white, 67 to 68c;; md winten. 63 ta umuy, every public and privt-ut fault being s"W ber, sud bis picture will be ieproduced 65c; goase. 5 o ta52c. Barley. 25 ta 3oc, Oats afttubuted toheraet one tîme orsaother ; but in Uic October number of that mzagazine. 18 ta 20C. Pes, 42e 10 45. lay, $zo.ao. such things only served ta induce the pea- Non-Jw-Y Sittisaff, Straw, 87.00. Butter, 15c ta 'Se. Eggs, gc. ple of Uic world to study Queen Victoria's- The non-jury ittings of the iigh court of Chickens, per pair, Soc. Potatoes, per bush, é~onuctt aud Uiey ulwuys found vittue justice wcre bcld here on Thursday of hias 5oc ta 6ac. Honey lanf6a lb caus, 7c pet- lb; Wbere vice was attributed. - wcek, Hou. Mr. Justice MeMahon presiding. frumnes, SI .2o Per dOz apples 50 t0 75C per bar. S lu 0urope, lu Asia, in Africa, in Americu, There w-as only anc case McPîerson vs el; -ct-abs 25 ta 30c pet busbel;- Peans 40 10 f6a tiiere in but one feeling for aur greatQueen. oade h.Teprisliet uaPtbushel , tamataci25 tg30C pet basket; plumai 'Ds T c eyd love ir. H ierypow race o n u d township. Angus lMPherson loaned A gus 40 10 flc per baske. . _.D. LIG £0,2]4 SéUP P L I Ej, . J9J A R E- inee le hrit Re'ron oawine r nt ofciMc Donald a smm of money on bis farm, tuk- TORONTOC. ber ~ ~ ~ ~ n awldomunrgoduas.Th foai thc saine, Thc payaients -ber-wd has baefittedbyn e zmpThe wof wenc not kept up, sud test yeur McDonald Wheat, white, 65 to aoc ; ed W-#t, e6< to E OUR PLUM SCRIBBLERS, made expresly for imyn eru cuturswthbtrparth ýieu e e ditted ail acrdta erofstaved où foreclsure-by offering ta puy Mc- aOC ; goase, 52 ta O1ý aoc. ny other M i bornagend vuc toands eaa]ed abr heenthe noney soon comiug fror au - g.2X10 22=r-Rye, 45 10 00c. to, $5-0 . nyote in the market, yet no higher price. Other splendid vlea ,2ad3cns xrielok icextury prayed tiat Qucen Victoria muigît [n couaiderution af an alleged agreerment rix ta 13e; mils, 112 t0 14e. Eggs, 81 ta 94e. Era.ers 1, 2 and 8c., forrnerly 2, 3 and 5c. Ail the Publie and HighhlTx Bou long be apared to reign ovn er p olewitb MePherson thut be would flot foreclose Hogs, dresscd, $ý50 Ohickens, pet pair. 25 in wisdorn sud God hazi answet-ed evcry for a year, Mcflonald'a sons went on and ta 50e du c . oa to a;îres. zer b s SiecepSainr lf e. Nt aeS.pe uradsproAnvlps2 e akg fra3vr oftem ail. He has soee upon 10ei ol 1 worked tbe placeadaenwmd e 2;ge, and1aree. Pomateede-petcbus-,30oto GENT for the Preston Autornatie School Desk The best in the makt loAec o h rts mrc 'herandhersubject, suci blessinga as na fendants in this action for possession because 35c4Hoe, 6al cans, 6J ta 7c; franes, Den aadteDlnao. Fi t< fPten iaso ad on liO12vr k Te etic Qucen! -huadrcfsto cethe ui; aso ins te ARA-N---A GNlJBlo yo ng M e on ld f r-os es io-w it-u D-v ri.' China las'a'eand OookeMr %fo Conwsl, eIldow-n gtaire on 'r dbyM c rdial Scott, that "COufl exend CATTLL- 00w-g yr ldaueoictmlcIv nrac e es ha.w -m w-r ecver.-Tbe Winnipeg, Nor-tic Sous O pnan te bgcrnetaiionofboth in qflarttity and qJeity'e; a cow x i hieFiil rcns es ofe a I teSnofTmeacto oet hLyCvamaikduetoacalve l rtubn o 5FiIs EcE vester, Conservativn, declat-es tiat lit. 'for themsunnuel session lu Decembet-, 1&96, yrs otd. due to calve lu mach; z cou, hall Jet-CI >orr CSreq0way w-I not seuîle tic Manitoba assuring tuai that we- sah be pleased ta sey, 3 vmosold, due ti calve u Mat-eh; i çw- -I T 0ad 00ooqUestIon on auy diflereut fHuesfor Mn. place aur music bal at heu disposai for tic Jersey, 3 Teasa aid, du focalv iii Oc; zoow Lariqr hanw-au oflered tic Conserratires, occasion. Jersey, 4Test- old, due ta culve lu Match; 1 owI. mI4 that a ternedial bil wlU have topas- ~ Tic invitation thug so heartihy given by 93leJoe Ï4. ys o014due t alvuirelaNov; r higi I.trzces Io.Suit'the ' et ed et, Ottawa.-Mr. Rogers, M. P., Puat- tie tow-n couacil w-as duîy nccognizc<I by the grade "-,urflanO.w- 7 yui old givinag mihk, in SeiX 7 I uno mimber for Frontenac, bau introduced a grand body atIt ieson lu Tilsanburg lnuCo thorugah bu; z1oow 5 eans old giving uik;bfe n iii neb Ho se (Com onstgf tbi tfC D e c., -1895, sd tiouai oter places asked xz erd gDurhamco u givîg = Thest D om % buy b f c aflf9n d x m n n VIt ~ . mer 'ot pelisient sccepting t-ulway'Passes. for tic session af r896 Wîby w-as chosen by 00:e lcsepciib-d u t dure 4 j,,pam vbafor .Vwmial rbemaibers have given up their hskcey arcnry large Inajorlty sud lie date fixed for Ù1g thec lait 7 yeans for the <lait ndr of ~au- w à the Rfouie, but wu, feat- they w-h!sactick1Dec. tt, oend d3rd. be ate nsprt tanYugCW W'UetaJw-gy passesa ittle lnger. - le l atoc'rcgiz h acet2 cratelsùte ystod ratus. Yan b ~~ ~ benefiti tob tow-u tîrougi haaing 1w-o ort-years aid; 2lDurhama steeru z year nd; "zmEé 8TAT Ecryohuaie w-lU eonie ol i m"Uy 2 Dhniam ste«s y r Dana itba ys Xt-. Pès'y Preuties, Cleveland, O, senis 5llsmcCtio of the, province, as w-elî as vieil- aud froin oue ofthae best cow-s lu tiherd ia p nüe4tlilttle pamplet (priçe 5c. u sfo n aoutslde-the ptaviun,stjj "div Irclesra thonbld>u udbg-- 1-ela lu e rat f ssdsu r dadysila hie Iow-u, sud as Ihe-nuec. IhitoefOihaglbéed -t . lver iouey, and tellzow dllicy .abe howu every 'ttelt w-tii dubtless' (ccl'iaGa- sW okilc l o 3 04 b7muutal consent at equalvalpe. -We specialiInteret, lu gir#Iu&thatjîo odyx ldwfth lier of igbe b !aruî~near,'i .','.î-- >pexiate tii. mau's#od luteut Îwhotries d"eptam a4edby-any giv.,, b k u lu or4leho; l rgeYr ac sd hstirer -.n Wu *iutau MsIlk sud, vatiru P rt f l l.o , eP ht desoed ïlu 3 5fyeaSoidbred to sa uê, pee dtcA ae ud lb goer . - U iaitil r- 'VùUe, but we.e prefer milk To'ma e ï- aof heto ý fut-xn '-o Tbfrdyfs,;Suti<.--OUifs y** M, 'Yinlow-ipii belreday of -à D . wtht 'riitee tlg > w-s crsi-ehefi! - tQ Pyfotii n.1j i y- e i, new haut%~-Ye mae) 1don î;ïUswo1 lîït o p coupg 0- al 1t , - -GO.', rIngjMcbi rlm biah ehonegrain dama i___andW si4i 0IIlI4 n-.t - I I~II teu, em e. NEW AN4D D. PORCELAIN Ci SOLID STERI NG TEASPOO 0f new and beauti Ouly $6.50 per GREAT -BAI Jilo. 8. Bar ',WATCH REPAI] WI~T] or "y f u local paperà FR.IDÂY, SEPT. LOCAL LACOJ 1frs. Dartuellilas visiting i tbis -week. Hardw-ood diuîng tables, 4 1I at W. Till's. There le quite a bit af rair ,dingthese times. O'Brien &-Stcdham's photo Tuesday, Friday and Saturda Uis. Grass and Miss Edit viti relatives in Peterboro th Co=plt uew stock ladî1 select fromn, ut W. G. Waltey- 1fr. R K Orr ha nteredi year ah tue w-oman's medicai 01uto. -Misiw Mary Coolidge retur Priday lait after s mouth's sister lu Manitoba. Mt- Juo. Fergusbn bus îreat, bs store 10 a coat af paint, i iproved tic appearance theri liens. Warden D. Grahami nid znd Deputy Frank Dira ïere here on Monday on coun 'We invite yon ta inspeet &ru sgocx's ut 25C., 50c., 75c, a. Weci as eaur pattern dresses iot W. G. Waltet-s ý,Mr. aud Mrs. Gea. A. Rss Warren sud Mentes. A. H. AI W. Wilson took a bicycle trip rriday last. The ime made v lyfait, being a itîtle at-ct tht-e May. The ladies are said ta bh grong w-beeliug powers, anc eeling equal ta a great deal lot MIf Simon Irving, northw-est iad a bad fail from an auple t lay. He-w-as standing on a >ickiug apples, sud stepped of f tue trc.. It must have brok leuly for MfrItring lay on the =6cuscou state for upw-ard' ,iau rends w-il be giad :8e fered noseree nj ut-y a he faI!. W.H. Piper can seli you s fii ahi ou th elacst pGinp in Vreis cieaud out.-- Give hlm itouvidqe Wlsthe Final Tic lait gaine lu Uic semi-.& W-en Stauffvifle, champions 2àd district; sud Richmond sons of York district w-asw giisteStouiff banaplonsbup of tue tw-o dieui e-0 f=r tWest. ,VoW mm auai western excen e,-Pickering ta Port- Huron o eUtlu4S; -Cleveland Ï'.,5o ; Sa llY 48; Grad R.apids 89 ; 3ntunuti $sur;.StPaul sud 4e Qut hapetickets sud al .è.CsF e fromn E. Steph ý s4xpesagent, Whit :B~i~ros,) He aisa tickets e,,,Brookliu, sud Tarant( 1ne feanousucestuat four pages twice-a once,-a w-eek. Vezpajesofla d be asked tLain 1 i itt ora aen Y& sr*y fiumet f« $1. ttw 0 waltm'. rr 0

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