Whitby Chronicle, 25 Sep 1896, p. 5

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\E\\' AND DAINTY pORCELAIN CLOCKSI Solt> tRING SILVER TE ASPOO NS Li necw and beautiful design, Only $6.50 per doz. GRFA kT-BARGAINS. Jno. 8. Barnard, ý.,WATCH REPARERk W il Iî rInîc7. 00ella County Orgau.-Largest Ciroula- U4on of any local paper in Canada FRIDAY, SEPT. 25, 1896. LOCAL LACONIOS. Mrs. lartnell is visiting in Port Perry tis week Hardwood dîning tables, 4 leaves, only $5, 0%,~ Till's There is quite a bit of raining and mud- dng t est t i nes. 0 Brien Sc -tedbam's photo gallery, open Tuesdas, Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Gross and Mliss Edith are visiting wth relatives in Peterboro this week. Cotopîcte new stock ladies jackets to select frorn, at W. G. Walters'. Prices low. Itrs R K Oct has entered on her second year at the wonan's medicaI1ý colleg'e, Tor- onto. 1 Ms Marv Coolid ge returned home on Fridav last after a month's visit wth her sister in IManitoba. Mr Jno. Fergusbn has treated the front of bis store t>) a coat of paint, which greatly aiproved thle appearance thereof. Messrs. \Varden D. Graham, Gamehridge, and 2nd l>epuiy Frank Dingle. Oshawa, were here un Monday on county business. Wr invite you to incpect Our uines of dress gooO-,, ai 25ec., 50Oc.. 75c., 85c.per yard asweîl as our pattern dresses ai $6, $6.5o, 1.0 $îo.atý. G. Walters'. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Rocs, Miss Clara Warren andl Messrs. A. Hl. Alunr and Geo. W. X'olson took a bicycle trip 10 Toronto on Fnday last. The time made was reasonab- ly fast, being a ltile over îhree hours each way. The 1 dites are said to have displayed aîrong wheeling powers, ansd camne back feeling equal to a great deal longer trip. Mr Simo~n Irving, northwesi of this town, had a bail tati from an apple iree on Mon- dan He was standing on a siep ladder pickîng apples, and stepped off onto a limb ofthe trtt.. It must have broken very .,ud denlv for MIr Irving lay on the g-round in an unchiCosCi siate for upwards of an houn. His many friends wiil be giad to know ihat lie sufftfred ano severe injury as a recuit of the fall. Pamps U'. fi Piper can selI you a firsi class wind Mill. als> the best pumis ia the market. WVeils cleataed oui. Give him a cali. Stouffvitle Wins ibe Final -Thse last garne in thse semi-final series be- taren Stî,uffviie, champions of the Mid- laid district, and Richmnond Hill, cham- Pions of Vork district, was won by Stouif- ville bv _s goals to i ai Stouffville on Wed- nesdav This gives thse Stouffville club the Cbatnpiotoshxp of thse îwo districts. Ho for the West. Hu fur annual western excursion-Wbiîby Or Pickerinag to Port Huron or Detroit and return $5, Cleveland $7.50 ; Saginaw or Bay CîîtY $S Grand Rapids $9 ;Chicago and Cinlcinnfati st i - St. Paul and Minneapolis 134. (jet those tickets and ahl particulars ai YOur leisure from E. Stephenson, telegrapb, ticket anîd express agent, Wbitby, (opposite Hatch Bros. H -e also tickets tbrougb from Ilyrtle, Brookiin, and Toronto ai propor- tuonal rates. A Fake Split in Two .TeGazette annouwCes that after Oçt i:t 'elght pages once a week. Almost the Whoij'e of seven paees of last week's Ga- lette was either printed or prepaned in a TOronto foundry, and we do not see why PeoPle shouid be asked to inn twice a week 10 thse Posioffice for a fake newspaper which Wili bt no largen nor any beiter than its Sangle issue as at present. Evidenily tise Gazette man believes that people who will be guîîed once a week for a founclry made Piper ai a dollar a year, wihl ea thse same dollar and run twice after hîs boiler plate Glicet Split in two. If a publisiser were tlVtng anything extra in starting tva edi- tlOfls one coul understand tise object as beîng legitimate, but te issue twice and Ile thse came amount of matter as is issued Giace is certainly straining public confi- dence. Y he Law 1 bpon anoîher page will be fQuad tise lls ofconvictions in tise county for tise Pa8tI lree rnonîhs. It will prove veiy intergst-4 aIng readmng to sorne, and should open thse1 eyes of ail. ht is astpuishlng hov mnauy laW-1 braesthere are tha Ïêtty way.On Would suppose that lu -t eý oeuuftyi .1re Mfolths would roll round witisout goe tuei as1 a single magistraîte serape, but it le -net SO$ o PParentîy. Howevert those wé iso TU ina read, and the readlng of tbio retuep of cou l SViCtions should open the- eyeu cf ail te thé e rDa of obeying la*. lt la uotlsSS Xe dtyBrtsh law. No person caM-dê " !ith - îlPanutY. Its force sola etWéts.blltbgd, *W- if We do'not learn tise leîsà ci eseo 1 frot tise pains anti penaltiesI<ela# uther people vo w Ii moneeçj Or . tuae nlctionu rpeF=whe t4 bOdy 1 Stud to'd- la mail aîuttM __a h~ o , W , r e l I t a n d g e A " ,oc rf Cimé 44T. uy. Dbl LaisM 0luo unextNse ., Fiat phto - h ix 40Z. up at crBren Std'h te allery, Whitby. place au adVertl5.eet lu thse colutune~o *0 eCHIRONICLE and note qulek resultjj at eetlo~tly10Wprces at W. G. Walters. Coun. Devereli estimates that it WS iCost $xaa to fi Starr's hill after the recent Im- provemeums .Mr. Frank Campbell, who -bas been work- Ing on a bridge on the G. T. R.- near Trenton, returned home last week. Christian Endeavor social in St. Andrew's chureb to-night. Refreshmemts served dur- ing the evening. Silver collection. The dance to be held in 'the town hall next Tuesday evening will commence at 9 o'clock and not at 8 as stated on thse bis. Dr and Mis Hershey, of Massey, Algoma, spent a few days in tawn last wee~k visiting Mrs Hershey's parents, Xr and Mrs James Johustan Bir James johnston returned this week from a trip to Huron county. Fali wheat looks well and the fartas ail through are in good condition. Messrs. Geo. W. Wilson and J. W. Thompson left here for ?ine Point on their wheels Wednesday. They wil shoot and fisb til! the ist of October. Several young men cf this town were sum- moned before Police Magistrate Harper for delay in paying their poil tax. They ail set- tled witbout the imposition of fines. The lady's black blazer that was found and advertised in the CiiRONICLE of last was claimed beore noon on Friiiay. This goes to prove the CH RONICLE is the best ad- vertising medium in the county. Prepared for hard time prices and will sel! below the lowest city stores. Thousandsi of dollars worth of boots and shoes that will1 be forced sales and sacrifice prices. There is no doubt about our prices being the low- est and goods the higbest grades. M. W. Collins, East Side. For Varieîy, extent or excellence of exhi. bits Whitby fair bas always been away ahead of aIl the shows in this part of the province Last year the horse racing was dispensed witb, but is again on the pro- gramme for 1896. Our fair should draw a very large attendance ibis year, as between mnusic, racing and exhibiting the programme is very strong. Asi argument sprung up on the street here on Monday as ta wbether the Roman catho- lacs or methodists are the more numerous in Canada. When the parties repaired to thse CHRONICLIE office and turned up the reti- gious statistics n the Canadian almanac it was found that ibere are over î.90o.ooo catholics and only 2,100,000 of muethodist.s, presbyterians and anglicans combi ned. The Catbolics comprise 42 per cent. of Can- ada's population. Hanse to Rene.. Residence ai present occupied by Mrm. Billings, Byron street. Possession on 5tb Oct. Apply to Mrs. J. Richardson, Wbitby, Sept. r6, 1896-2 an. A Big Shlpmeaî 0f boots and sboes arrived -ai the West Side Boot and Shoe store this week, which wilI be soid at bard time prices. acx, pairs of house slippers at 9c. per pr. 100 pairs of buttoned boots ai si per p r. Men's gaiters ai $r per pr. Men's laced boots at i Stio 05.1 Boys' scbool boots ai soc. per pr., ai tbe West Side Boot and Sboe store. Dr. Hardie &t ithe model school. Dr. R.A. H'die wbo has been a mission- ary in Cures during the pasi six years, un- der the auspices of the Canadian Colleges' Mission, and who in, now homne on firlough, addressed the teachers-in-îraining ai the model school on Monday. By means of înaps and charts he sacceéded in giving a very clear account of tie customs sud lhves of the people among wbom he has beén lab- oring. The iDr. is a zealous worker and one well-fitted for tise varied dutmes of his posi- tion. A commiîîee ofîbhe studenta wss ap- poinîed to secure contributions in bebalf of ihis admirable work. Pretty September Wedding. Otme of the mosi pleasant events in the town's hstory took place ai the home of Mm. Arthur Richardson of this town on Wednes- day afternoon. The occasion was- the mar- niage of Miss Mamnie Richardson to Mr. J. Gardner of Belleville. Wbatever ia neces- cary io coustiiîue a deligisîful marriage vas present on Wednesday. A young lady viso as alwsys cbarmimag cannot be complimented as a bride in any less terrms than ihat she is irresistible, and it is enougb 10 55y of tise groom ihat he is worthy 6f the good fortune wbicb bas favored him. Whitby bas many fair young women, but no young mans cas take away a prettier and more amiable bride then will grace and ciseer tise new home in Belleville. A ist of fiends wea e present ai the marriage, the bouse being filled wiîb guesta. Tise wedding presenis were numer- ous and beautiful ta an exceptional degree, among tise lot being anc fram Dr. Oronya- tekha, and one from tise officiais of tbe head office of thse Foresters in Toronto. Tise bride was supported by hem ister,. Miss Laura Richardson, and tise groom by Mr. Stewart or Toronto. Tise ceremnony was perfarmed by Rev. Tbos. Manning, M. A , assisted by Rev. Mm. Gardner, brother of tise groom. Tise happy couple took tise evening train for Belleville, tueur future home. We wisis îbem long and happy lives. Town Council. Met Monday night. A letter vas read from Deputy Reeve Pringle on behaîf af Miss Hanlon, stating tisat she had ne income but $2o a year, and asking to bave ber taxes remitted. Reeve King read a report frons the fine and water committee, ordeming Oay- meuts as follows: Electric Ligbt Co., for incandescent in front of tevu hall one mnontis at 4c. per nigbi, $.24; Grass & Granirer, timber for new tanir near college, $4430; Tisos. Toms, repalring ceaI cart, $3.10; Riley & Aahby, balance on contract price of diggiug coliege tank, $4cM Andrew lireen, hauhing englue 10 ire at John Riley's,$. There is a prospect dflively Urnes lu coutanl betore tis college water tank Io ail setiled for. Accounts have already been passed by council for incarly p$om, bSldes tovu labor and tImber taken (rom-tise t*to hallyad.% Tisera are still about $40 Of claîis. Asisby and Riley refuse te settle for $W »o affered * them. Tiseir contr&ct vas.tédlÈ and carb> a1 well- . n( eet deep and = e est acrou for 80-. Âfter 22 leet tisey were la -die ahboWInt centre, tUfect Icroos and, cgr i t, 4 t r foot. Tbe couincilinov. çJluw » tat g depths ,are noe t ety ien by ts o~ tracters , and.ofteres te pay $Ir lu full Orm- mit tisematter te i$rtln The. aneouja la dispute lx aboqu 1ITl eiibt1ue othrdlputd aeout.Thse Iiss1t rassoie t6s car l ukiteQmP thse >fl ruberiand 6v*uhi îùýandm ad we aie xoot ï o experimeait as to how emafl a profit w. cm- sil- at to do businésg. The alors we sell thse cheaper w. wil se»IL W. wil refund, montes If you do net iud us the cheapest. Cali early at thse Ne*, Sboe Store. M. W. Colins, East Side. Christimn Endeavor social ln St. Andrew's churcb to-nlght.* Mr. W R Howse was ln town yesterday. He met many warm greetings. Save your butter account by using Tod's bread. Haif the butter will de. .Mr Wm Rooke, Gaît, fa home on a visit te his parents, Mr sand Mis Thos Roohe. Mr. O'Brien wiIl he in the Wbîtby photo studio every Tuesday, Friday ana Satur- day. W. G. Walters fa showing[ a large assoit. ment of dress goodo for tis seasons wear. Prises low. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Roberts, Toronto, were visiting at His Honorjudge Dartnell's, on Sunday. Thse young people will hold a grand dance at thse town hanl here on the second night of the Ont. & Dur. exhibition. Admission 5o cents. Mr. Arthur Hulis, af this town, has two pears. of hie own growing which together weigh 3X pounda, Corne on now. one at a Messrs. Geo. Ayres and Hugb Yarnold, Toronto, two old Whitby sports, wheeled from the city on Sunday on a tandem and spent s few boums in town. Thse many friends and acquaintences here of the late S. Barrett, Myrtle, were very sonry ta hear of bis deats, which sad event occnrred ou Sunday last, after a long, and plucky but losing fight with diabetes. An orga-n recital mn the concert hall of 0,~ L. C. on the new pipe organ will be given by Prof. Harrison on Wednesday evening, Oct 7th, commencing at 8 o'clock. He will be assisted by Master Willie Wilson, soloisi of Si. Simon's chu rch Toronto. Free to tihe pub!ic-all welcome. A lively runaway took place'on Coîborne stre--t on Tuesdav morning. Miss Meen, daughter of Mr. H. Meen, 3rd concession, had driven ber sister to school, and was ne- tunning ta Brock street via Coîborne when the h. rse started running. The animal beaded north ai the CHRONICLE office, but could not turn the corner at uts high speed. As a result il ran int one of the many posts which our counicil has allowed companiers to stick in dangerous places. The front wheels were brokren ta piece.. and Miss Meen pitched out in the mud. She hung on to the lines, and was dragrged several rods before the horse came to a standstill. The phaeton is very much broken, but otberwise the damage is slight. Correspondence crowded out. Asbaan, Kinsale and SeagIrave crowded oui ibis week. Wbe.re our writess send news on Tbursday ibis cannot be avoided ai times. Our correspondents will please write agaixa next week jusi the samne. Si. Johns Church. Thanksgiving services will be beld in this church on Sumday next ai ri s. m. and. 7 P. m. A special "Harvest Tbanksgiving" service will also be beld in afternoon ai 3.30 p mn. These services wiil be conducted by Mn C W McKein. Thse Apple Crop. Some idea rnay be formed of thse enormous apple crop in this viciniîy by the fact ibat the Whiîby Evaporating W&orks baughi over i 200 busisels on Wednesday ai 12 cents per bushel. Thse packers pay 2o cents per biashel for hand picked apples culled 10 suit the buyers, which in reality os no better price than 12 cents for fruit shaken doçwn and unculled except as regards thse smnallesi apples. Ontario and Durham Exhibition. Mark this down iu your diary that tise p-eatest and best connty fain iu this Domin- ion wyul be iseld in the beautiful fair ground at Whitby on Tuesday and Wednesday Sept. 29th anad 3oth. Excellent programme of sports, and the famous Queen's Own Band will be in attendance boîh dey-& Tise Con- cert on Tnesday evening by tise Queen's Own Baud sisould surpass anythimg even given in Wiitby. A cisoice program me ai popular mnsic wiIi be given. Don'tmiss it. Special excursion rates on ail railways. The Hon. Wilfred Laurier, Premier of Can-. ada, us expected ta be present aitithe Ont- aria and Dumrham Exhibition at Wisitby Sept. 2tis and 3oth. Tise people of Sonui Ontario shomîld tumn eut in immense nnm- bers ta show theur good wishes to tise first cammoner iu thse Dominion. Levers of good music should not miss thse rare oppor- tunity of attendiug the grand promenade concert given by tise cisamjuion Queen's Ovn Baud of Toronto, assistefby vocal sand instrumentsl talent ot the beet eider, in thse floral hall, Whitby on Tuesday evening, sept. 9th. Everyfx>y welcome. Seats provided for ladies. Admisssion 25ceuts, ccildren iac. Doors open at 7.30. Last of tise season. The l.sst garden party of tise season vas held at thse residence of Weaver Wilson, on Hlenry street, hast Saturday night. Tise lu- vited guests vere Joe Brady, Patsy Fogarty, Mannmey Loch, and Bowser Coflee. A large supRy o whskeandbeer adBologne suges isad bec faid in for refresismeut, sud bronght wiîbhlm as muchet ofisese viands as ise could carry, cousidering the destructive tendency af sncb cargoes upon isuman equltibrlum. Bovser Coffée. as higbly infiated frontishe start, and oifered to ick any man in tovu as an opeaung te tise night's proceedings. He vas estralned, 'however, for tise moment, until Joe Brady vas appointed chairman, afuer visicis ha soon tell asleep across a stick of cordwood and dreameditha ieatheiad been hafiglug over a clothes line for a montis . The programme opeuéd iwîtis a recitation fions Patsy Fo' gartyr " Thse Boys ara Home To-nigbt."ý Mlanuey, Lock proposed thse healtis 6f tise hast, Weavem Wlsin, . Se md h. only vofced tise sentiments of ail present 4e stat- in the p leasure It gave hlm to-bavie Wlmon 011in their set. H.etsad lutesded te 'have proosdthe hoSt'l iealtisats a ter p'il lun thç evenug's prOeedhMgs bfear ed the boys might et toou by tise tiasýýe s-p- gramme -would condàde tel do bonor ta tisu toast., Chairnuan Erady said bls huart w tee <l t nable irnte ventilaé Ilvitis 91e ýôcason9as tis-w ete becodi-, iuig. ail ton! fe,. -WUt. tears la blsé .be -0FA. .. .. Dr Stock is now c'omPlete ini ail Departrnente for FÂLL and WINTEtrade Ou iiery OPening Yesterday was a grand asuceso, andi the- op!nions eeta display waS far- ahéàd of anything ever shown. wethtoui We exteinî! a warrn welcorne to ail visitors to the exhibition to corne and make our stor e their headquarliers und look through qnr stock. SpeialValues in ail our Departmentsg.. NEW MILLINERY, NEW TWEEDS, NEW NEW DIRESS 000DB, NEW 0VEROOATINGS, MANTLE CLOTHS. Custorners requiring any of the above kiines will find us with a new stock of the NOB- BIEST GOODS in the market frorn whichî to make a sefection. .All Good9 merked at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. C. E STE WART wu ~G. WALTERS y - einvite in8pection. WIIITBY~. Is sometimes disappointing, but no disappointment awaits visitors to our Fair next week who are [n search of the finest display of DRY GOODS, Etc, who visit our store. The display is not only fine, but the prices, considering the quality of the goods, are the lowest in the market. Good things in Dress Goods-=< We have a large assortment of exclusive effeccs, the character of which warrants us in declaring them to be ahead of anything in the market. To use a vulgarism otiser- stores are NOT IN 1?. We invite you to inspect our lines at 25C., 50c, 75c. and 85c. per yard, as well as our pattern dresses ai $6.5o to $io. -NO GUESS WORK.-+ In buying a READY-MADE SUIT or OVERCOAT- you *can try on 5o, different suits of as many different paiterns. You can see how the clotli looks MADR UP. You don't have to guess how a piece of clotis will look. for some cloths bave an autractiveness which is entirely lost when mnade' up. Our Clothiug [s rmade equal to ordemed goods ln fit and finish and- you can buy two suits for one that you would pay a taior to maire a suit, to order. SEEOTIRP, ~-'EW ÂLLJAOZ at $4.50 .50, $6.00l,$7.50 W $10.00. w. a-. Every- Week- We receive a fresh -shipment of, Bt.rling aàd Hamm sani BmkurV fast Baoen. These goode aie mild ord (not fuitof sailt) aind are guaranee Supero* to any other brarnd onlthe u'aret. WUAWLTE E WMd 'TILL)' STOP AND TMIF-K I s -refor b s t t s . I v u ' Farina ~fL ~< m Gk SIGHTu EEING

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