Whitby Chronicle, 25 Sep 1896, p. 7

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Oct. 17 9 MXbLd ih ïac Omo ereabon. ronto. n givirg a dis. rub-ber, filling itora at e City. exam. charge. corner ResltsLA.2tnish MIEN 0F SCIENCIE. , Sam-a AYERSPami A MEDICINE WITOUTANEQUAL. statemlent cf a Well Kownbootor ýANers Sirsaparilla 13 wlthout an equal as blood-purtifer and Sprlng medicîne, and a-ilfot have praise enough. I have watched Its effects ln chronlc cases, where other £restineflt was of ne avait, and have beeni &ssonhbed ai the resuits. No other blood Medicine thiat I have ever used, and I have ried them all, is so thorough ln Its action, sud effeCts 50 fLaiy permanent cures as Ayers Sarsaparila."-Dr. R. F. MERRILL, Auguta, Me. iye'sf 'heSaîsaparillia Admitted at the Warid's Pa&r. Aîe rs PilLs. for liveT ansd bowel.. A FATHER'S STORY. liPPSF~sRESTOItED WHEN IlP l' 1lAI> ALMOST OE His 1)aughter Began to Droop andi Fade % cW Attack dwith Hemorrhage and Lite was I)espaired of-She i. Again Enjoying Robust Health. Ft n tlic Brantf-rd Cou rier. A recent addfition te the Grand Trunk staff in U.us cîty la Mr. Thos. Clift, who iliving at 75 Chathamn street. Mr. Clifî wilo was forruerly a policeman in the grai cîîv of London, is a fine looking speciwen of an Euglislian of the type K~ otti enen in the Grand Trunk emi ploy and wfso nake so desiralle a class 01 c:îtze-uSice bis advent here ho ias be-eu a wtsrrn advocate of that welI- kaou orelîcine, Dr. NVllrissPink Pillà. and îhrousziîbis endorseaenî, dû7en of boxes have been sold to his inns d JacquainLances. A Courier representative, anxious, ai- thougb uit surprised, te know the reason for Mlr. (tîft's3 warm eulogy of tihe pilla, C&iled ou tliat gentleman recenatly. Mr. >EB Ciift wiliingly consented Lo an interview, sud in the~ following story told lis resson for be-ing so sincere an advooate of a wrnd reuowned medicine. "Sorne five ;t of years a2o,' said Mr Clsft, " wy caugliter LlUy bc-,an te drreop andi fade, andi be- came disincelineti ejîher for work or pléasure. A doctor in London was called in and h@ prescribeti exercîse andi a - Roerai rotnssng up as the best niedicîne to effect a cure My daughter did lier best tu foilow hie instructiont, but the fercec ée- cifie exhiausted ber completely, snd sIce ,radually grew wort;e. One Diet 1 and iny wife were terrîbly alarin ed by a cry frein Lilly, and hastenieg to ber rooni found her aulping up large quuttis of blooti. 1 rurhed fora doctor and lie lid Lis best te stop ber hemorr- hage, but aduiitted to tue that her case vas verv crîtîcal. She dropped away te as - veritaible shadow, and for weeks when 1 vent to lit lier gooti bye lin the morm- inîg as I went te my werk 1 feareri I fligbt not see ber alive again. This went ou1 for a long tim-e until one day a frienti Re. recowwended my daughter te try the effert of D)r. Williams' Pink Pille. 8h. Corseuteti to do se and imn a comparative- lv brief ierlod a deoideti benefit was per- eePtble. She persisteti wir.h tihe use et r, - bbhe pi; ani izraduaily rose frein a beti 0[ uife-ring and sickness until she once tRain attaîneti rebuet yonng womanhoc'd. For thie last tbroe yeare se ha. been ic tand excellent lîealth. It wa Pink Pills that moi- Tirtually brougbt ber from the mouth of nlger' the grave andi preserveti for me my only d. daugliter. Now deoyen wonder why 1 i'. icnitheir praisies and recommend them Ut every epporýuni&y?' Dr. William.' Pink Pills are eold onl~y Iboxes bearing the firm's tirade mark auiwrapper, (printed in redink). Bear 'il Mnd that Dr. Williamns' Pink Pi-le are nieyer sold in bulk or by the dooeený or hfltdi.ed, anti any dealer who offer sb- Itittites in this formin l trying to'-datrnd jou and ehould b. avoided. The public > alec cautioned against &Il *oter se blId bloti builders and nerve ionis, -~ PUt p in smilar form intiemded. tod O6Y.They are &Il iitations whos. ""akers hop. te reap a pemuniary advan- tage from the wond.rfah ePput&U«Io 5cliievedj by Dr. Williawis' Pink; Pilli AkYour dealer for them. Thu Pille are mantifctured bei ville, Ontario, and Sobezeeha4y> sare eold on 1u eavi# -t 'râ6tirade ma budw rpes lit Tey M&Ybe boas4' ý Wlbe Sent by mailet Dr.iu ci QI1 o Pte 1 Barker, NO 2 Pte AMcRae, NO 4 Pte Boweram. No i Pte Maxwelli, No 2 Pte J Parker, NO 2 Pte k. Campbell, No, Pte 1 McKay, NO 4 Capt Bick NO 7 Pte Walmnsley NO 4 Pie Wilkinson No 5 Col-Segt Kif: NO 7 Pte A T Ellicît. No 2 Pte MoBter NO 2 Lieut McGillivray 52 competitors 18 20-38 16 2o-36 --o 16-36 17 16-33 15 17-32 4 1517-32 16 16-32 17 IS-32 14 17-31 17 14-31 19 12-31 17 12-29 8 2o--8 Il 17-28 rize. $6 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 DRYDEN MATCH. Namod in honor of Hon. Sîohn Dry- den, M.P.P. 200, 400, 500 yprJs. Seven rouus at eaou range. Name. rCapt Dillon 2 Sergt Greer No 6 3 Pte A Campbell NO 4 4 Sergt McNeîlI. NO 4 q Pte McGratten. No 5 6 Lt MeGiflvrav, No 5 7 Pte Mustard, No 5 8 Sergi Campbell, NO 4 9 Segt-Maj L-awrence 10 Pte R Parker, No 2 i r Maxwell. NO 2 12 Bowerman, No i 13 Watson No c 14 J T Eliiott No 5 15 Capt GOnerson 63 cOmnPet'I or. Score-Total. 31 33 25-8Q 29 24 24-77 2b 29 22-77 25 30 20-75 220 27-73 24 24 25-73 28 16 17-71 27 2Q 12-68 21 27 18-66 29 27 (9 -60 17 2; 23 13 28 2b 9--65 28 19 17- b4 23 18 22 -', 28 a2 i1 -02 Prize. $Io 6 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 TOWN 0F wHrrnY MATCH. Named in hionor of the citizens of the town cf Whitby. 200 and 400 yards Seven rounds at each range. Open te tearn cf five N.C.O's. and men cf any company in the battalion, and 1,0 mdi. viduai menibers. lot Team Prize, Town of Whitby Cap, presenteti by the citizens cf the town cf Whitby, value $50, to be won three turnes before becooeing the property cf the winners. (Won in 1895 by No. 6 Company) and cash $20. No. 1 teara of No. 4 Comnpany. N ame. Score-Total. Sergt. 'MeNeil .....28 30-58 Sergt Càmpbell ... 26 29-55 Pt.e A Camnpbell.....27 29-56 Il A McRae ......... 29 27î-56 44D %hite ......... 23 19-4~2 To t.a -267. 2nd Prize, No. i team, No. .2 Company, silver cup, value $25, presenteti by Len. ard Burnett, Eýq , M.P.P., and cash $10. Namne.Score-Total. Pte T G Parker.....27 27-54 R Parker......... 24 27--5 D Mosýer......... 26 18-44 Maxwell......... 29.25-47 A~ T Elliott.....30 24-54 Total-251. 3rd Prize, cash $S5, No. 1 teara, No 5 Ce. Naine.Score-Total. Pte T McGratten ..29 20-49 IMustard .......... 28 16-44 6J T Ellictt.....28 18-46 1F N Raines.... 28 19-42 Sergt Davidson.....19 22--41 Total-222. No 2 team No 4 Company-182 No 1 team No 6 Company-181 No 1 teain No 7 Company-180 No 2 team No ô Company-15 No 8 teamn No 5 Company-154 No 1 team No 1 Compan-139 Name. z Capt Diil 2 So-gt MC 3 Pte A Cai 4 'A Mc 5Sergt Cu 6 Pte Bowe 7 .4TG1 8 «*ATE 9 'R Po io Serg- Ma. i i Lieut Me 12 Sergi Gre 13 Pte Mc( 68 comç INDIVIDUAL PRIZES. Score-Total. Pie Ion 29 33--62 $8 cNeili 28 30-58 5 ampbell 28 2-9-57 4 cRae 29 27-56 3 Lmpbell 26 29-55 3 ertnan 27 28-55 2 Parker 27 27-54 2 Ellîcu 0 24-54 2 irker e2952 1 aor Lawrence 25 27-52 I cGîllivray 27 24-51 1 ,eer 26 24-So .t .rattafl 29 2>-49 1 eitors. ÂGGREGATE PEIZES. Fer the higbe8t indivitinal scores made in the * Dryden a.nd To',ýn of Whitby matches. -lit priz., silver enp, alue850, pro- sent.d by Hon. John'trye. ;.P.,te be won tlÂree ýtimes nsucsso,(*on mn 1895 by Gattian Dillon) and $5 ini cauh, (Japt. Dillon, 152. 2od pr0e R A modal, presented by Capti Dil, and cash $4, Â Campbell, rNo. 4 Co.. 188. lrd prise, ailver piekIe di.b,> presentild byOCapt.Dillon, value $6.50, and eu&$2, Sergt McNeill, No 4 Go., 188.. 4th prise, Borg& Greer, oaeh $2, No. 6 Oiseeruprie-htKReke j*cIkI, value.$750, preen$d byJohn-Martin, Sons & o,, Montreal, Lient Mo(llvty, 194. 2nd Prise, goqds ote ivalue of toi prea.nted -hy J E Âus$in, Tàronto, Gapt. :9190le lvor o.up, value. CINNA MON COA TED. Dr. Agnew's Liver PUlls are coat- ed like a Oinnamon drop, very amail and delightful to take. ODO PUI a dos,40lan a vile for 10 osuts. Theis populasfty la a mighty whilwUwa swe.piag oompoteoubotor. iu lir No pain, nogripinir, neDonio Soeall in size aad pleasant to the ato. Most pleasant 'fter effsts. 4o in a viel, 10 cents, at aIL druggista. ~The D& L la invaluablo. If you a' u down t Is afo udaw8Ua ap f ouo.orsbult l TeD. & L. Emulsion e liD. & L. Miah L s the best .d mout palatabloPrepsieOuf Cod Liver OÎl, agoeeng w& stdOW Dh . & L. EmulIon la ~dby e adm ngp Moai da Ith .&I, iu~o lA anvI,~s rouwSIWI OLD GOLD vas n Mo may haie'o .pt- te ail subSfflàem -te the rifie &r .Rsnges 20 Ma&500 y"&j. pive Shots ai euoh ng.. Naoee. Score-Trotal. Pýrise. x Lt DA Clark 90 18-38 Tea goî&à s 2 Oap R Dillon 14 22--36 S 3 Pie& T Elioit 20 14-34 3 4 MTreen ti 15 Z8-33 2 T G Parkr 21 s2-33 1 PeWatson 22 11-.33 1 7 Capt Grierson 13 15-28 1 8 Segt Maj Lawrence î z-28 r 9 Mr C E PepIer 16 11-27 1 10 LA McGillivray 18 8-26 1 84 competitoms NURUSRY MATCH. Open to ail mèmbers of the battalion wbo have nover won a prize at any mii. tary rifle match. 200 and 400 yards. ô shots ai eacb range. i Pte T McGratan, No Co.,silfer cup, value $25. presented byT W ýcFhaple M P and cash by the association, Si-O. 18 21-39 Name. SAr-reI 1-- bitoiLt, e tooIclhW. hotu tat hë trined for hurdle jum pivg and 1waa aucesaful in carryieig off aoc! prize.' We are glad ta see Ho h McDooal -sgain ini our midst, looking wel, after spending three wreeks holidaying in Beaverton. Our flour miii is nearly finished, and when completed will be one of thé best in the province. Mr. Alex. MeClennon, south. of our village, has sold his farm to Mr. Turn-- bull. who has already commenced to plough. Alex. i§ retiring from farming and wili seek his future home at some pleasant resort. He will be missed very much as he is a good neighbor, and highly respected by ail. H-e is thinking of going to Orillia to live. Mr. Arthur Kelly had a successful barn raising on Saturday last. Miss Malone, Orillia, is visiting the Misses McGrath, on Church st. The Misses Kennedy paid their brother Ed. a visit last week. A 'ery pretty wedding took place in St. Andrew's church this morning. The contracting parties were Miss Annie Kelly and Mr. John Morgan. After the ceremony the happy couple, with a number of friends, drove to the home of the bride's brother, Mr. P. Kelly, where a sumptuousTrepast await- ed them. Their many friends extend wishies for a bright. happy future. Mr. Thomas Warren's driver, which is very sick at Overend's hotel, is slightlv better. A speedy recovery is hoped for. The Mara Agricultural Society will hold their annual fail show in Brechin on Tuesday, Sept. 29th. Prize lists for this vear contain se%-eral new fea- tures of attraction. The directors have obtained the use of Mr. Mc- Grath's new implement hall for the exhibits of fine art, and are having the agricultura] grounds remodelled and thioroughlv levelled off for driving pur- poses. Sev-eral liberal prizes varying trom $10 to $2 will be awarded for ex- hibitions of style and speed in the horse ring. Prize lists and any other information required by intending sub- scrîbeï-s can he obtained from the Sec- rerar-, %Ir. E. Lanigan. Atherley P.O. In Favor With the Doctors. Dr. Gyodbout, M. P., Beauce, Que., Speaks in Highe8t Ternis of Dr. Agnewas Catarrhal Powder. When a mem ber of *,he medical profes. &ion, hedged in as he i.. by a large measure of conservatiam, expresses an opinion of a proprietary medicine, it meai-i a gond deal. Dr Godbout, the popular member in the House of Cern nmons, of Beauce, Quebec, speaks in high- est termas of Dr. Agnew'8 Catarrhal Pow- der. flot alone aà a profesional -manl, knowing the nature of this remedy, but. from personal experience. Ho ha.. used the medios*ne for catarrh, andi freely lets the public know of the retnarkable, speedy and effective nature of t.heme- cine in all cases of the kind. One puff-of the Powder gives. relief in 10 minutes. Sold by J. E. Wilis. 4.é Sole Agent at Whitby, M. W. Collins. ;You need a IPaiI Suit~. W.bave ile Fines*ol. tion in town 0f those BEAUTIFUL AMERICA N WALL' PA PER&, WXT-- Borders to Matchý Core early and getfiraî choicg. P. B. WARAM, Bryan's old 8tma Brok St., Wbiby DOMINION BANK. Capital Paid up, - $1,500,000 :-: PRICES.,. surplus, - - $10-500000 General Bankding 8gVINQS DEPÂBTIMET. Interest allowed at hlgbest mrrent ratu. No notte.etfvithdraval reqo.tred E. J. THORNTON, OP LONDON9 ENGLAND. Established 1843. Total funds in hand ..... $ z8,5o,77.q&B Bonuses added.....-........ 9,635,706.4* -Total dlaims pa!d........-.. 22,jI.32,9e39- Total amount Assurance in force Dec '95 .........__. 7o,967,x.40 685 'claims paid 195 amnount.ý Ing to ........... ,&,66$ Grants a world wide and indisputabl policy. No restrictions as to residencç. Profits increasi#g witb age of tolic I mmediate payment of death dcaims. Intcrim and compound aoue dded.. Every description Of Lfe~ policy granted. #Local agents wsnted. Most liber~t~i. Apply T H Carter GeneralAgt-Zi onto jonction, Ontarlo. -71 Head Officefor Caoadaq No. z AduîI':4î St. ÉasiToronto,QObt. Gen. Maniger, A W BRWGGSes Fq. June 2,, 896-3mtos. Torbuto,- Oitt W. ADA MS, R-oçoaver - Whitby Agency. OD, ETC, and it can be made to give such splendid healthfül warmth that - you'11 hardly require an overcoat au'U'b y seeing that it is lnndÎwith Fibre Chamois. [1. No weîght or bulk will b. added, but the natural stiffness and sprfing of this interlining will,,keep the garments in their proper shape, and Its perfect non-conducting proper- tics will keep out every breath of frosty air or damp wiiids, while the waterproof Rlgby process maes at - proof against an ail day's -raîm or sleet storm. Wonderful value at slight cipense Only 25cý a yard. Don"t buy any ready..mide garMents which haven'î the Fibre Chamois Labe-you'Ul thoroughly enjoy the comxfort it gives. ýW'W _lw la ~*CIGARETTES Wvr ýS. 1Kimbald& Co, ROOHESTER, N.Y. Retail Everywhere t50. Per Package. 17 First IPrize Medals. Businem LOWEST

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