Whitby Chronicle, 25 Sep 1896, p. 8

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j..ton It lu lmot OrteOi tat e -M-VJttraOn ~ ~ < ~ etkllup am~bv Bom Nce v Mre R S__ ~ ,, T otVS n ib t O I~a~lt ~ on. T a. CO atl TAi I m Ibo.r ra Mrs Ellis Iaut week. ths eek A ladunst a vlu ble ca e Mti s S tella S cott v ialted , last u e i i b u i w eeks a g o -a n d a d v e r i sed iï in C o usib le Q o3o d mn a n je on t e loo k ou t fo rth e M s e î a P a e e l l i i i g t r s s e E R N O H W Port Perry friends. th Reformer. It, su happened thatli.Cobmïzg buWI&i r WlerF.e Mr AberîElil attndedLiteMonteal nant bad found the garment, and lie at Mr Ernsney, Torongt, tas vlsiting bis daugliter, Mrs WonHitbsbenvltla e Expsiton atwee. ocedrove bo the Rfeforme Office to find If Mrs. F. Mallett. thr a t eadolr tefidr rtu tpitn1f 1tefrmotr1 other at Pickering, e ot n u onIn, (J~~O O D 8. ~Miss E Sheridan spent lut FrIday witb gnd uo ecirg h ald dollrh aIl1 aieaStainteresw. k t henv l e f r e d . nr ecs 1 e a d o l l a r a l d d 1 0 i t e a fi n d e r , ta r t i t u S a t o n t e f t l a : w e l f r M o e a l M r W i l l T h o r n e , o f O h w , 1 t i i g a i h w b l i d c a n e l o e moneY of Canadi, te Hon. Tits. gave ip Lu sklt rn rnt~~Mr John Witherage's."Mla" ad1yocuashe B o M iss e L lya nd Bee t ie B ne. ie c pe li o g t t e ltter w ag w ort b $2,5 barrels of 8pples rom tiis point. P d O O M rs T hos V anC am p a d M s F G u , v it A n m u h e b en a Bo D . Bowmanvtlle laut week. * or 830. Not. only did titis prove Mr. Con. TiedMsLvVaCm.eta'ut.Sorwlkowi BOTTLING WAX, and guest 0 Mrs J F Taylor. tive and healthy business capacity and lively season, nMrte aeofandquiiy acquisiivens in securing tbe reward fr GSo- Walker wîilgIve up bis store in a few ing bis (aliter Mr 0 R Hal1ie eîi on aeîe RUBBEIR RINGS for Mr- J Black and Mrs G Rice of Wititby, the return orfbile article t0 its owDei t. b uWeeics. Miss Brookcs will succeed hlm. The'farmner's beef clubhdametnonFidelgistBo 's f r u i t j a r s . w e r s Fî W so n M n d a y . e s t r ni o vr y tosi .a w u d e t r . 3 0 c a p e P a tr ic k t S h e r id a n is b u i l d i n g b is b o u s e u s t o d y v n n i b c o o o s . T s t e e o d w t c e tW M e ssrs F W il o n a n W e ste r ai d f r $ 1 S o e p e o p le m a y s a y t a t M r. (tain t ts d e p o t, a b o u t a s la rg e a g a b o a s i t as n o w . M iss V id a V a n C a m p s c r d t i d p i e I o d a d s l e , a l " t m w n Bowmanvi lie a fiying visit lsst-week Conant should flot have kept te garmen: a Mis. M. COurtjoe as ln attendance on ber given for girls bicycle ridnaIbtFi. Reibeoevrkn- 'YRESH INSECT POWDEIR, Mr P McDougal, wbo bas been living in montit until lb wus advertised for, but should rmotter at West Torontoutconwo svr lt GrgWieaeStdMisNteBttgodachpatoD' POWDER GUN ~, Rochester for some inontits bas reure have tanded it in at a newspapç r office as in. 0 cin woi e Wititerage, of Toronto,arvslngMJon odbutspsaddimodr borne. 9oon as found, in order tatitl miglit be re- Mr. F. L. Fowic a ogt i oas Witberage.Adlosfohelvlytns TÂNGLEFOOT, (sticky fly paper.) wtt a beavy cold. as one can see that in banding tbe article an te tM.oahevnignsadfF Hon. Mr. Conant would bave lost the $t e- Tbe pea crop is so beavy titis year tM.t it at Mr Marche of London, England, bas been ward. Many point t0 a case recently wbere Coryeil 's using te Kssney sievator t0 store bt 'rmiesfi they' ie enae yteR S Williams &CO ta Con-a son of poor parents gave up a pair of go verflow (rom bis own warebouse. Slc Ioc h NA qtutteog npipes, petal i t e Reformer offce and dcl ThI e Oshawa Railway Co. ave put up incas-Ra eisy ul fn ts Dipensi'ng of Prescriptwons' The members of Sons of Temperance are ed a rsward for doing whaî lie bcid to b descent bgbts In tbe yards about tbe MalietnS hn"t aiy o(av a nd Famu'y Rec ~iugcntly requcsted to be at their hall next lus manifieut duty. Tbey contrasîttis cou- btolt out of doors-it lu sald-for 6o cents per IlIVTelvl rsnswl ~bog aeevs or cmeu r ob discussed. dernanded tbe reward before restoring the' The G. T. R. Co. hiave ust etected a new Mn Edmondson as putting electric ligbt in article. That is bbe way of lte world. Pre- bridge overt Ieir tracks cas: from Oshawa junc- pesnlateto. Medcalf st Methodist cburcb, the Western indice ruies everything. 1 'indpt tlo 6 years frteodbig Bankt, Wakely's the ballai and in Mr F The Water Witchin l the vindicaton back yard. to rot clown only. MIltflfd nriodcro iescmhp -AT-----Cowan's new bouse. Osbwa Vid T V Hunit and Pedwelof the fin of In- *Te m orwth otlti E v e r y p e r s o n s o u l d m a i e i t a p o i n t 1 0 b u b a c k y a r d i s d y . T e g e rm' Gsr a c ea î c it, c h a m n s a r e a t s .e r a t t e r i b w s c a n e h u p c s o e n d g i t d. T er e arp o is ts u a c e bh e ý ast w ee Ha u t h Ped owtel Tb o rn b r yg e r a p e s V l ~ J IB B yley's -i-uç,St re he Flower Mission, Octi 6th. If there is a only reward 10 far has buen a pocket of wic il T hipd ni N oA..the- o ras soit nOhw htsbould meet wiit quicitsand which is dryer tian ail tbe test oÉ WrÀmLaynes, wife asdaughteer n New- T~ti n od ru (OnVille JThe old-abIns slythe drive tof MWs scesin acy bing it undettakes il as bbc us wbo have an intetest in that bacit yard,1 eton, elatiweek uçeg ie hrF r -Simcoc st. south, Oshawa. Flowier Mission. and Ibat is saine six different concerns, and Beightoa ltive, wboreusdta e er. r.a dckandî ____ Mr John Sherdan had the rnisfortune on wbat is more bte quicksand gebs ail the Uslgittn Iatb i ia breisars ao a Monday, ta severely cut bis wrisî white en- water. Evenytbing in the way of disease le ng am at gaged in doing some watt in the McLaugh- 3 Inte bacit yard, always on top, but no anc COURTICEC lin Crriag Work. wit a drw knfe. I wans tha, andthe oly thng Totskenke bite Feboutrtibotttendayth aortPerg t ( # o ïl, will necessibate bis being off womk for a tram breaking loase on the twenty or mors races last week. PryTt couple of weeks People w* Reathlyadbemutiehesidi- Mr. Indieratas uBOYoD'S. en ____________________ The story is bsing circulatcd rôund town (trbsifunea eduresadororwls ek this week that te captain aiflte salvation reighbors, altougb îbey bave thiu faults, Mis. William jorie r., is visiting S I ..l: A. V*Awodt SpnsaBODS ammy, a female waror, was chiorofonned are protecbed. 0f ail wbo bave habituatsd friands in . persans OSH WTA SE T. ~,1896.o odyngt n e e tol en imelves ta tte pecullar adora af Ibis bacit13Pbroo u cbl px"sgo sgî, OSHAW , SE T. 2 6 anaonanght a nd er e neyable a yard those wito feel tbc need ai waber rnost Mn. Jas. Branch bas rented Mr. S. Trew. aou mats par 2.icularseaunlite case. ancebthe laundry people. BertHastings cari ln's tarinfor a terin ai years. -(DU -TecrseIf.lswl eyrsod zet along vsry wcll wltbout it bimsei but àins. Albert Lait lu very ill at lime af writ- We iiîsrnwda ODS Lait week persan or persans iamced an his patrons bave a disagrecable way ai in- îng. No hope for her rccovsry. *>ly Snoaumd19iannd enîrance lnto the dwebling place of tbe slsting ta ite abt] use water in bis business Sept Faece2iTtot 5 rud"9tA o' ouîarwod utcre Sîlvation Arm y offices anad ater chlora- or boss their cuistomn. His business laites ither bu oOercwnes arcoroodoou may depe tommingtem, robbtd bbe place ai cvery hirn ta Whitby and there te bas beard oai M y.lngnkproducwobbdît.sau'e bofwll sed istoc'k OSffAW ~4 P A G E hng tat was worthb:king, al ai their :temarvellous success ofDr. Ms.Wasoren, Prof.tu ' ei H lA PA E money wbicb was $2. The malter lu in bbc Briggs and thc retired agriculturist and cap- and implernents went off vcry niç ely. I It ha bee reprtedbere fora rta igit tat ovetflow te surface. Tite resuit was ing ber daughter, Mas. Simon Pentound. OSEAWi. Ibat Mm. Cochrane, bhc butcher, is in jail tbat on Wednesdmy last te Vandicator Miss Landet and Miss aor io Taun- in Toonto, ,' cbaged wtt sbealang amb. found Mrt. Brwn an te bacit yard witb bts ton, vliîied at Miss C. Littlejoba's Ips ek U T U'77 Farmers will do well ta call a M. E. Thete bas bleen noting ta elîber canfirrn or mnysteniaus crotcbed itazel wand, ite cadiaf Mn. Edwin Wotden tiint, bis OUR c4 uuAL May's ion boys' ready made clothing. deny thc ruinai, and bis absence iroin bawn wbicb were flrmly grasped iuncthen hand, ilyearocarl f plstit ard EL o Itwl pyay atescneapmin u-keeps lb current. The story is ltat ite is palms upward. There was enaugh ai thbCa yonfrm bt . Iwllg aenaementieor wsdin ring la sec harged witb baking soins lmmbs near En- base! projscting Lhrougt cacit band for Bert.Ca auISac anieY OFt-t Iga naennorwdigrn ose4Mn. L. M. Couttice bas gone ta Peterboro ruh te tbe wlluel Iisen nî vsy te p or cash. Epwortla Leage. A. Eby on the other. T ey w rs there ta fair witit bis flocit ai Soutdow u sbeep. He l , t . Genuine daamond 14K. only s$ý. Tbey are scbtIIem a oceaîig n îgt.e sot wka>. pies aiitownth îe faireLcG8 .iO uS Â also maklng sorne special allers i13 Genàs' Thte annual election ai afficers for lte tseie paced ltse yard and at certainlaiwet Mte crutittfisL. U-- Ldies' and Boys' gold and sîlven waîctaes' E-pwartb League of Christian Endeavor ai places te crolcted p otaifc el unktnukui, t Sestbtem. FeIt Bras. teSlrncoc St. nicthodist churcit was iteld upwand. Ailttres declaned that tbey tad Mms Heard, Manchester, visited frieudu ir bast Tbursday evcning and resulbed as fol- cri ýd theit besita hold tbe stickt fr-ml7 and 'r -wn lcktcwsges fM.Jo tues President,.j. Joblin ; firaI vice, D. ksep lb (rom tur-ning. The Vindicatot said Martdu. lu he GALOI Sals-Cali at Murray bte talion. He bas Spaidal, second vice, Miss G. Dingle; tire 't was a little steptical and asked wity ltse Mui 51l ad AS TO a fine selection of pantings, suitings, aven- vilce, H.' Luite, loua-lia vice, Miss M. E. hazel did not turn duwnwand. We were at Mn. M. PoscS, wis gues: of Mr. A. N. Mit- coatings, etc. Tusse goods imuet and wiîî Rice; eodn e'.F Lie o.scy Inesie yM- ronwosi etbIi j/n ,v-R M costat oce. erm slrctbycash TiecPrsp .ec Park t ennclu r.en se. Ait)nerbik e di Mrnownriait sitn iy b e Eerlxi's lie sold by te yard, or nadc upaway below F. Jablin; treas., C. Peart. heard silly people ast that question before. Miss Wea-in, Taunton, was visiting at Mr. Missl ime ai bite pavillon on Tuesday dvnôid nttrntepasbin s aids dowu- Mr. eckBusowagetofM.A C dilIVail Miys Alice Coad isft ior Orono on Mon - ïng, ta sud up titeir seasan as a club. Th1e vad, and besides ws did not want to jockey Bu gbam.<1Baisoi.wsgeta M.A CrilIvtto xedd G.Rle uviiin renui pavillon was very tatily deconated, tennis wibh aur chances for baving a good welai Dr . and lins Brown are viiting bis motter, - T t) 25O Mr T G Rly s istigfrens nnets and nacqueis faa-ming a prorninent fcm- pring water. Mr. Brown madc a circuit aif XIm Brown.. Betbany. turc nifte decaraîlons. Ttc 34tb batîmbion he welbs in sigh:t and said te7 were not ied Wfl* F. e .Eu -F lo., lits. E. R. Morgan is visiting iriends in band orchestra was ln attendance la fua-nisit by veins and wea-e supplic<l wîit surface . Miss L. Milîs bau rtumed from au exlsed ' ~ T 0 ~ "1 1 M 1iss Myrtie Wateli w iin r. .H tenially assisîed in rnaking te park pavillian ->fttc veinuie tad located froinlte place il Mr. and lin. Shîpinan, Oshawa, bave beîx K ING ST. WEM T 'Grahain, Wbiîby.g H. papular titrougitout tse ycar, and we tope mtnered until it left te confines of ttc yard. -ruests of Mr. R. Bycrs. AACJL ' 4O. Mis Ad Lronwa viiîng ninduintiey wil bhave lte use aifte park ort Had tbe aId gentleman's best frisnds scen Mn. and lits. Jas. McCulbaugb, Port Perry, M erry asLuow as . nexî yean. inhim mass a distance wite htewas folbowlug bave becu visiting Mrs, Gilbert, a-Pt.er ls es urailyrcoel netin dnugSudyni brlasthte courue of tte undergr-ound sta-eam and Mr. Robbins, Hmton, mad Miss Amnot, br. redce is ail eoern oetreduigSn W ehtbrlr o nonwa ewsdonte o frmbi ecn iles.atîeuipted 10 force an entrance 4nto T. M ' baveknon wbmî itswas doing, titey a gldZion, amvisting titeir fnend, Miss S. J . Aruot. W e an Fit yo rO HA, :: N R. C.Carte, ai ite Obawa ailwa Ca.,Tbc stor lestrouglite b oute -and neiittot Eby would bave ~belbâd We ama" sorr arepao rtgeuimimcrchaat, R. Crtrof heOsaw Kinsman. Thy ords ls trbough thec bacit dt><ot ba wun ibat tewavserelcate& goavns, -MANUFACTURE-..n th Vas i own Wednesdlay. and nemoved te itou bar ltai beld ih when sud weete ne Mtec teri-hr ikn.t Miss Ida Hoslkin ai Bowmanills. is visiî~ttey discovsred tat lbey bad anter door tbe pgwte re t e n tcm ackthetienstre fsecrr.euft t aritcLna F eP a i s w ,E bag lirs. Frant Hawkins. ta break in. As tbey did nutatte ta ogo rt e a nvnî aktt eteo e.M.Ngnta d~I n i aic tt -41d'reatment. -It wa dark at i ele l em O M .Bimel"d - duedaz verni O S u yi. thJ.fi ce.o n dc D ort s ehb dd e a d u e x p e c t d th a t O.. M. T i » - a te« for XabsrW. a On o mt tc g ro u n d af t e ate U p pu "» C a na d, -a n . in e g o f e n s( M y m a e la-. Enginesaion and M r W .E.d Boilerlans.' 9repafrC& I c e u o c p i g i eo ub no fd ea O e ffl a ra n c o f err SP M , 0 4 et . - Gi& b b F u r mfu nr m a w y e ah wpev t n th a ~ e i h c a r ent, laton and M. W.E. Dca, asalats ppsra ce a brwaitlom ùn x vtoetitbe ptnedsdcii. Bmts as s m v ryfnehethear a hi eroaf former i offage, vii ocu y lt. li Dcm Tter bs eena ig ble uck mlng eaes Otheaat a m ud putsu ad tcs seerl tisbe tain to te nsned - f a l d 's Ibri e a- o ffic e - m t y - e a ls , 1». u e l e a s b a d l y a n s d -i n s o o t tt be m dM n t d L d e ' B o s thc lake sitare Ïor saine ime Ibat vax doing Wbitby st 10aamn&Cud2,Pp ut.-M acd e h cl, u on ilk a doctd ?4t. John J. Lentan ai Bittinare, N. C., mrWortcsotadpwdatudsr f eaaCasstut mand4pi-set-iWsbynrer -gSo ebzf ss101 O * *= *a 'via bas teen se -bn lis hlda wittbis mite forxithe ml ltsad oettia- ut ofat cri alkidaetciti the gu aemscaped no» I# a WUhe ilte d reiainOshtawa. ieft Iast Monday xiotf- nta. ,Albcsot tCdrDi a 0i a ncedno., 4me ot dPuHretrRWo U40resUmue bis dulies on bbe Vanderbilt th e Pkunit tiOfte vauDae d s--pO9~l te is poured haduoatMa-.uJ. R. iLamewetre tlted.OA e$t a at tat place. sonS lvbowiaced abe bmdtld un ou baaaeal ieyuddeaatyureas Fli l n ,i bord a -oalmg the t M r- . F re d P a tte r s n , u O sh a w a b o y , v ow a uld pe xi o o ft î o f'b a u c -w o u d giv e s Iii V li e lM r.g1. j & . L a m b-O f laIm been i the T i onbu ag b a c t f t qu mCk or tw oa ns d paddl c ont lto b c a e.th v5 f 35 X e5i5 b l, yl4 - - . ,h.M a es .b ew u a ~ t e s r ~ > , Wetexan, asremnoved tote eead This baid bappenýd se many times thit il I&uas PurLveirl tss, fm.sUu eoelu iey-8aenW, Mde Mrn Dîametb oud onel ii Mv.1r. Guy Dingbe suc. oteaea lmtndc0Oy«,r Uet.Lreulo eteospyo ese d M a- ? a tc s o lu îls n b ur .d Y la stR o b t. K rk P atrick n d R ic i. - K rk - b S t . O >b t e s J5 $ S m I e v it-- P rt. Rabblb, ef Toronto, lu la towgt Is Patrick e t dowvp t e U lake sd takitig a A vIlllaècar9bBeroa a'.I )y~i ~ o i b u o ta l ,~ week. The. paofemsaso lsgeeti piarsoIW#tboa, vdnL%.fter Ibe pxttom. Tbey gel ri. .. KUTOR la,-8riss, , ' >it cii TUCSUil= wu iit ~ad Ju a read e d ct e d uofm e -aJof uwith u i r eh 86ýÏ di an ti b o gtSO ne v rl r j yig ~ I é a, u I O ~ ~ O osa- e dtgp »eili 40 fOmd lwr~iet. lb dovu. lb lubiner ta octlc 103&o.. rau» 9,adland tite 1anage vile il la purevhite -,0' luagat lte Qiace'. botL'~- haîtea' beautiul astitof julyorgeI .MZUuelOouhe di4stuc AoulV~ I W. egretlb, r~aa-lia~r~j~ ~tOder color. rcr~ - Visue Io egard lt e Oabav, - il- Speell uc S -Me *te*",5= m e 014W atthé,i',. t -. mooOtry r e mDeigfe ie ithue MT fem fIeCOI à edAO'M AM-b Wenr* oii eo 4 uy a * il Bt! ybrt rue Ilget Om ava.e u '4Iglbitg bslps.D t-teitvtIidat~ M-i ales désires t Octaber z#t, epd antiFJthýfxdâsfe ~Mubie lmUn iCjje4P Àù iaotYÉàaandDirtee -Ixv <>1 gite eem' tu stgukcI $t, x- b npp i4 a l ao , lêa ti m b e n t sdm m k 4 1 . ê g h . e p - D-- - Unasaplls. oa-~ ~ut~Ca& Muor lion fropnt -buts o4~~o~! *.~- .-- jI<~~~~ Seikr(à& ont.,o ajwlc ir llà o~~Iaàv'103" PaN . *tr- *ee à Wd l..ajf~g57b M ~ urses.-t fEine by aIl, imail, îrad, 'ings, ýp 'coop,' 00o,, 'ght, KYt, 1 slip- righî, Yhi, goose-. Dr send - ýd wvs, 000 "Tel ply~- 1L.M g Lamig Lootoai' ToroNto Pr HALL LAMPs. STAND LANlP'- ELEGANT LINZ O ailto besold at 2 A.H. CHEMIST AN]. 'wHTRY, We bave a lairgçr andi of *'usdow sbades bave cicr sitova We use tbe test ebade clot, wiii a-ller. Aiso a fine varie Asit te sec our lati sacens, ta fit any Ont baby carniages an sugns. GiVe US a cmli befone i We are takang spe elegasce wait co general ululiy Our- stocit is complets We Invite buyers Il wiii save moue:, Leding Under ý RMWK ST., SWtabIl8hed 18" WkitbjSteam ~~ante Wand Du.ndas St iAI-TieMo the intest mater inGe of Cemete b"mv R OIDu >CONSER, s, etc, app t% Ont volie

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