Whitby Chronicle, 2 Oct 1896, p. 2

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tryt fit tir,4m" i grcg tio Bezn d Gi- pmbk verewith PFoteî Hutch n ~and" 96 ay wbîecdd bx:n j b n a "te r. t h a n ix l M r M I bamlly Vf 148ty. e ek >0a S C O U n ~ a oeil to m r. M D n l , o i g t n le yk f n n , MT r o n t o e * s * e e b . ,0 o v e r d a e i h b r O 8c " . ~ t e c a g f t e c m i e il, - ý iIs is iMr ai d M-.thie r" gOff a b ak t fbis favorite pears, and te dieu i m oThise vil] b _ ar e M . M D n lb olybo ii tbe a~~t~ i, n ist d at teba s ver 'Sunday î j4 5 i villi iard peahis. di ingthibisarimal wfthm e undetëlm ithkv e ttadwf. e i la w th R v. L g g o u a n d ife. th e h re p e c o n te n ta i lo th e m a ra u d era ai e f r t e p o s b î y. m t n th stn , h ie nmial brousgbs Up Charlie,-Doiphin bsshaken teds akand nekas v as xaking a sp» Bevitnan uto fîru a ghtr âm "o6l n S o .the o a ad ri ofhsfeta d gne to for the fence. It tes aid that t took a fourth cricket match of he ea0, o ring litarteil operatiôna, and ,theo bet of Uncle Sam's domaine. M&anlla doCtor somie ime taet heî h Wednesday, on theBeeto crae aalsfol<m as pr~ ai d ln11 isi. W . H. Bundy, Of ParrY Sound, wa peas. Theoeasu M ay Y eî reah the. courts. and dire def a se l d on t e b n r auguration. Mr. ,Gibson, 1b, balbe,, ber f or b. rig, ba giro exCelent last veek 'calling upon friends. on at'ray afternoon lî about 4 Of the visitors, the scor en gis fBorthe fl., a ivnMclln isseso'olook Mr. Caleb Mark met with a very thelm 120 tO g0. The evrtnta &to.Gea. Bundy is refitting premises for s"rions accident while ruunang a planer scored 6o and 6o, andStin5 n Sehno, umhe&Co MissLinton & Hood, the fashionable in Mr. P. Mandera factry at Litl 1 hsmkstown ahfrte Step onso , pe d hr y & o. ro dress mnakers who have latelY stared in Brita wn. n e bad just finished s dwa ea1. oThs play et wee h cu s J b ue l y e n a g dat r y fo r h e atfire . w gT h us v illa g e . T h e ir n e w s h o p i ii b e in i th e a c t o f th r o in g La n d b o tsoff v î h M M G o dha yo n r t d J e w i. claimd 10 b. a uperior animal buving js otofheurire sore.th e ofwh Ir.Jm er&bis foot, viien a boit eaugbî bis trousors ,~ ,~ ~ ,, won a bag of gold aut he faili show s I1 at G eo. R eesor and ife, of L ocus 16dieg, tearin q t b. fe b fr m h ne eattenM. G ô d h g le ge in To on o AI m ost a sosn u ovi .dupontod sbouid Hill, vas here--Tuesday caîling upon to the anki,Mr- Mark had the. resence delivered an interestinglcuei t hetuko hie Place among the, gettoru Reeve Gerov and vife. Mr. Reesor is of mmnd 10 tbrov tb. boit witb the other Pauil's church last WCdedy vnn Ibisason, manager of the Locust Hiilcremery, fbtholding on for dear l o vi fhedbos o hesujcto un e s V ry im e h VbI we tl ound "T e ll Je. M. o od eat isa a Iio p eàless C a se . Miss Lily Mackey, Rochester, isvigt.but on account of ill-heath is taking a a nd fa osh hnthk ofitew o vn g Te ofRusi, ad-am to Wh.bG icg ut ber homo boro. 8h. je atm e. .few day's vacationl. aait gwon tore0 bn. oOnt.,ftre asago nabenodsea A. T6rribj. Oough. *0. s jggh guged at ber professionul dutiesbi Gog e uslh.sbslf and a rooeorO b bishaoe, vhe veiculiaewoofEgihbuhesnoabe1 netDay GlsuUp y Dot 't.that.of a trained nurse. She find tayvisoe hs dy navr-sb i as preouro d & ii.mwound eduio ta orpakiofluEnî.H pasi I L IFE SA V E D sie .Miy es dec e leone th e r u fr h stantal manner. He as engaged br dresed. H e n o in a eiPu eke lan uaesl. _____ _____ ____ _____ samo Mis Muok y le u. o Ibe oungthreshing at Tobias M ichelis on Mon- eau b . expet.d, but il viii b.e sorce ime Ms ate S ot b a e n r A la~~~~~edes oe vidbadey oli ae u d e a. a d w u ajusting a belt his before b. vW"' ave lb. us. of is limb. wib er a tin D rit M c., fr " B T A I Ga d b sb er h n l p e n pHRR eleucyfitnhe lfad ostatd hndslppe ad as drawn into the -rie adlU i Cd.u somt iereunieioels ek aHdD" bllfbyfttu brel unOeratPY fans and severely crushed before it Friday morui g about 10 o'eloek fire ometmrtre D[fTlR L Position. The youug ladies of Ki.ale could be removed. The injury, ai- reouinteugercnofheRvM.N Bth DiILiIU FLUUU h2aro mevléer exleoiieille utheoir undertukings. though painfu4~ is not considered of iltoui's carniage vorka, aud for a fow Min- nxcuc etSnamrigadu Miss Maekey wiil, after a SortvQ sucb a nature as to necessitate apt-ne botndsroscueunebteeig "B'elYa ,1cau0gt aumover col, aie, amutaon. hrmeatdrions ongeqauo teM.T . ogisn o icen ttended w th a terrible cough that allowed 'r rin g a d reaie, eu o t . sudrompt a i o f tebemi Cal bu e nn o gt o n V coi R a al f ]Me n0 e rsi, elther day or nlght. The doi ber sonîberu home. 'emrhnsad'bsns e ploee iteqniekly CheprtOfsd.the e eeexbi.T.R.boitigsvnhoss i lors, aller worklng over me te th. besî t Ms LeluMba s teThg b emer aofths paehv ual iasnd'rbtsinessîemen<j ta b. o o wih oo pizs their abllity, prononnced imy case hopeles, Ms w laMwrfinete Ldeto i icO su m id th y eud o emore for me.ya r e o l s h i respective placés aba r*ingP im m diatey in front of the A n m b r of h r es f om h re w r A rtend, learnlng et my trouble, sent ume J- N. Eortop bus. left lhe employ et-of business eacb and every evening of boiv by Iteofursling open of ie a botte of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, whlchtr lbOpenuroo theial LiteA surune, of. uudde torl, hih 1 th Onaro Mtul LteInerace o.the week at 8 o'clock sharp. This ewing to defective dnaught aud a nsde taken to the Woodvileir nTe. began te take, and very soon i vau greatly We have flot heard viietber be intendi; agreemnent takes effect on and afteracmuaonfgs.uanitnttedyltansccedinarinof i ftlleved. By the tm had used th hole werking e.îeug that lin. longer or net. Oct. iîst next. It has been thie customaccmuslaretisongl. n h yng- sand prizes. hu u~e ogimnet a n ied. 1mdie eersig Int h rig eea rzs Iwa uc fascopîine teîcrdha yenev ba ertith Consideruble suocese in this and other email villages t ep ae, bcb soeehl n Mr inyMKnj, h xii-J irmly bolleve that Ayerm Cherry Pectoral wenking insurance. toke umaovw1aesnrdwt n M. inyMKni Rae ybusiness places open te io and i .flamuiable material. The aamvse uniyo adnsufadfut g .ve d my el, Ma..w . W E ,8 Ql b Peter Stephenson stili co tine s bis o'clock each evening for no apparent sound d throngbout the Bop, sd al at the Toronto exhibiti n su c e d no Ave., Loveli, M ass. m ilk route to th e G reen w ood reatu ery , p urpo se o th er than furn ish places for b ande ere soon fi b i g ie la e vi n c r yi g o f h f a do n pr es but cf lut.. h. goos but once in two ay., loafing and gossiping. The owner of Pais o f vater sud chemieul band oxtin MJW~ CheryPectoral Oigt criyo jn ob. teplqce irequired guhee fu f hebaefias eî The Misses White, E cok ic. ovi g o sarcîycf iik nedobî. the is e urnish oil and who have been oisiting here during the RINET 8 T ORoS Aj. M r. W . Dennig vhe bus, for a umb. fuel, as Weil as remain. indoors fer fif- In radiness for snb emergenoes. Their tw o orve hee wees, rturnd t R I O N S T A A R O T W O L D S A I R . e , o f Y e a n m , vo r k e d o u n p o s t . m s t r ' t e e n o r s i x t e e n h o u r s e a c h d a y . T i f i a c a e o s r t d h i e y ~ S ~ ~BsS~ A.~.farm aI Salem -bas given up the saine sud is not conducive' to health. Few of sud the fire vas get unden Control vith. Miuchigan this week. ba rned*farin On the. front rod. Our mnerchants are over-worked, but ut the aid of the ose sd team pump, Mr. Thos. Graham, orpplrG hr u ni a lasbenam ofneeti hmrentnjrdou vi ti vhich *he factOrY i. aiso mupplied.- T. R. agent, je at presetaseto Mn nduiU nd hum ulucitieen nd mcmltnfinemet i muhore ijurouh10Tii.loss vii aMOuInt teabout S50, vbieb his holidays, Idurîng hihlieV itustsices sudMapigbtc itize sudv elthuthn esso rk.aThwiOse Who je cf cours, fally corered by insunano,. place is taken by Mr. Dn. V U 5z rO DE O tus sces m y olo u iha e buin sstotan ac vi b arthsDuirig the progressu f lhe fir M r. T oa ' e h w o c r ee o Frak Hrrion s c lae bco in in d and have al suci disposed Of Tbomas meoGinni*, n empoyeevho n- Octothi attached te the western eiers dagi bon. before 8 p. mn. If properly observed sides ou2 Peel et ,land vhe vas doing Octy . t and promises t1h sces 0f ch 8 S e 4e s n o se a milne '. ugteris et hs n vi en fcii 0 alcon- on the roof cf a shed, made a Missb.ep The bicycle club sent a te m e li te br, M B M l e , o o tv t n e sm n eee w is u t. p e cedued fa li g s ane fourtee u feet. H o o.yKi iighted races in O rillia l st T u s y. T y dau ite , rs. Ahile, T ron o.a n ov top buggy. The u§Q al chage vii GR 012 'ou is eft aide on a Wagon box, b neakng were n t successful in t e î a a e 'A gMrs. Tho s. S tep.e au s iing b e rUY o mm Les olwis anicipa... i dulgi g intve ibesu d receiving other in ries as but Fred Smith look third pie i i A l ona f oMa y e i n t a i n g ya u n y d u î e e f l R u s s e l F o s t e r i s d o w n i t i y p h o i d w e l l . H e a s a k e n o b i s b enDuiu i l p n a a e r means. Many re aoicupaî g aje ruey . feve this week.medical aid prOcured, When il as fou d B L A I N of th s o o ig s p u tre eePao d u d eorM rs. W . A . F u ller sp ent a eek vis- a l HOne. one s pe nrins e. atdhn a ec d so e m r of ie mentebcf it wful tu rprcisnefor iing friends in 'l'eronîo. inuge. oee D srin ,oce J. £ado a et if12lta ewwol cane hPr id m.Arston etrnd o renqueuces are anticipated, sud Mn. McGin- land fromn W. Coultice. . if ewt a f e ot dh ane h a e i mD m r sr n eu n d t re is opes t restiueowo k again in a fe vW . u b r, o e ga e svsîn god decido te romain in eut uiidst. 0f River after capnwugfrjm Îe. .Hbaro eg co m ur be ro b . 2Iîihave f Mua y e edM r R cdandMingsus rS om*i e. d yw itq is brother A lbert ai Be s m Mr. Roddand Miss Pence, of Brock I u te Toro to ciil aglize ourt on , r t e b m . A , p e c e t k la d a dm ade Paymentm tireon are R a ,viM Iin s e e Sunday. BMcDiaTho n, .d, eeCd9 n R is nirfe av e arady .scne RW @ ijîd Ire ds b reSturdaY Mi. Fanny Mj ioen DiayrutIb c n re ato deoide ad mgiay fo-b e rîamte up î t I.M iss Em m e Fawthrop, Of H espeler, nurse, living t Fe elon Falls, broug t i 'va s u s aîî e ue.t 1r19 t ie i alued m yO u i e n p g te i t r se visiting ber sister, M rs. a i nagain t theGrand Truk rafilay, V im 5 o r (Dr.) Hopkins. ClaiMing 10,000 damaRes for injuries e- Mis A a R g r is h m fom v - upposd vale sud our itendî g seliersceiyd by being kno ked dow u sud in iing friends in M uskok , e d on ye rim n Robert Defoe bas had îin abs oe y rck ip Lihe Union sation. on1 the trip very muci. Mr-Wifri Bddlerbureted]bslime this faîl getting the berne Cleened Octoben 11, 1895, mrs. McDimid vue James Wilson Iook a lo( fpok & l' lMn. W iri- Pa lr bs r te n th is F L O R ID A W A T E R Out witî is thresher.tr eli g fo H m to t en on le cî ls M d y ov i g a dgo a e Wrertvr o termalo r.M.Flumerfeit, teacheravlln frtHmlo-oFe6O h iylatMn ee W. eg e e 7 ma h l e re o a o f.THE SW EETEST bas g el ucely senîlled vi t ach le d cFl . S alg toff tud vasivn in g e S uth very good price. tru t t ey aylocte n o n ids. e O FRAGRANT, MOST REFR-SI NG Welcome him and bis wife. thle plittform vb.u aie vas tu k m i a e o e a e te b u i h J b a c k b ywe u e cf li e e x p re ss c o m p a n y 's a c re s o f la n d fro m W . C o u îl e K in s ul. P E R F U M I3S F O R T H E m p ro v ed t e u rn ip s in Iis o ca lity . h vr k, bi S ius e en p ut e ex os e u d le fo r . li e R a in i e r D is tr , w e e J. W. Ballon intends geiug to college HANDKERCHIEF, TOILET OR BATH. viii be f ainl go o ntineaue eîdeo wrly, ma e ubte v a nd tohieovil he bushls o RiceDstr. Shouhesgoll okiscmlte wl Ibis weabe o ntnu iecrpgreat sufferng. Mrs. McDiarmîivei iltk pladadst.Myh ame infnrme. M. lisi-dig:11ie îed us-no-bo it-l.ai faculb Bi - & -*'. rP me us agely for their 1 H. elndenson -leftttus ve e m M Us nie Wouîlienill is visiting ber benefit. Nev Hampshire, viere ho vili take WS O E PAi 7,0,ken, Mns. Willis cf Malveru. Everyîbing is looking.veîcfraroo e o e omrilsho IE w ,MiasMay 'lnipp la ut pnesenî living fair on tli 41. slidfortgld about 10 start liere. We v isili vih Mn E.W. Meflnien aud îamiîly. joining lie village has been procuredevnrsces fYUEONYTE MW. Newton, eue of oun wortîy foiM. Joseph Bell, and witi lie Il je exceedingly dangerous te -dis- DM UE NY TES. ,, cimeas a eqnippod eune of the hie best roomny hall for lie grain, moots, fancy cierge revolvers in the direction of any ad l440t imprcvodl eider presses in vork, etc., exhibiters viii ho able to person, even if tie Marksman aimsfr I miiiore St., Eeien' ont. .bârx*g ând begin vonk as soon go the have a much botter chance of oxainin- bullet to gianceland take a life. o ~yyas-u liutM oaf ppies is forvandod. Ho bas ing ail the articles, tbcreby doing more The mendiants and business mm> ofhem. Jlooated bis miii in Mn. Geo. Salcon'eshsbp justice te all coucerned. i3ouha hvemenalyag of them. r yu edLkQtsy sudexpeses vor cnfienc laI ie Mr. W. O. Wese lies rented the close up their prenilss ecieenn t'¶Snhirel1eaaewith. Diamo ýPY a u sa tify a il h eaB e . v iw l gi'v e h ir l ; e fl u r m i î a h e v i n v i 'c o ko ce t d b. i' ,ço p . . u o ie > o z 4 q Patronage. b i. Wnai 1.perfecîly large 5b ad il oclcksarp-SatîurdaysIv :Îeliabie sud nobêdknedfugehu be romoving tiore' ii' October. We Thi ule rWmiepe vi i dpu na d pr' s a hrafe~'Jy*pra .eir eider vatenedOr any sbarp game cf Oesot- e cMr., Weese frQni oui (>ctoberf1 îst. lisevihaeia terê,I'luun .My * siMilar nature bexug perpetrsiied o PÇÇdt.Holis 4.e g0od citiznor 0tier business to dow bii e ehr fLA POêcffio. oanoEloor ythiii of'labor.sen d trafnsact the eGa<t4&Ïnç 0 " s cf R e ti n g p a r e i d e r a s l o ve e l l v i . a d v a n c e t i c. i n t e i' e s î o f t he p a c e , m m a n d . lns.i.l a c n r l. A l h s e d a ,. a v a s r e d-o > i p a o ntùy h nut h i n d t a s a î t I a i e b f o e 8 . g p .- -~ , z ." guv e t us iaci r ui lues wiii h gr atly. M ie d , e sincer elyZ f Sb« tbe'Plaoe.onedooî n or w ih hi i v e Mr.jne Coh we t, aërth me=98 n his ew fied an;- of Ybur aïor #him pc»tI"liroùe moul t.s. lWe sac h beeaMré wlre i Gïgmdd sd h gî7 -1 h ~- ~f~ fr m j ~emi,~ th brvel n. nt ur ag rm n las lIth-t ) r4ea1a-eug'd --m,~ 11 001 renw o,3 ut Tm eaay ev n- fl8s nSPnti g li îe ?u da on î~s ee a limte"'ye lm L ia 1 ,lOë'~ v sle u fet aveo c o n d*eiiinp la tc bil~ ~~0 f c r ~- . 149A * Lea qùhdag w.forXbasiueen a cha smlbU 'me* %jî, , &îOTb, .1 .L. - - rush-,' _ _ Bt. George, Itew Bnzisw,,c. After the Orip MO St'rngth, No Amrbitio.. 4ood's Sraparîlia Ca.e Po, HeaIth. ro The foflcwlug ltIer là trama wenjk0,4 lerchunt taller Of St George, . B.: C. L Bood & Ce., Loweit, Mass.: "Gentlemon..-.1Iamn glad le may that OI uiparillu and Hoodm PiM have don0 une 4 rat dea cf good. I had a Severe attack ol tegrIp lu tho viner, aud after gettflg over the ver I dld notmàeem tO galber strenMt ,and hgm ambiicu. Bood'mS arsaparilta itoved to e ut vha. 1 needed. The resuits were vM lsf»actory, and 1 recommend thLs nbedicine te v ho are uffilced Wfth rheuniatismOrohr R(Ol%, Srecure$ ficieus eaused by posuad poor blood. wbym kceep Beodmas wurîilu lnMy house d use it whou I noed a tonie. We aIs e odms PUIs on baud aud thluk hlghly ofthm W.~ DYKE>UJr 8. George, New Brunswck. I@@<'a Pileamepureîy vegetable, and de purge, pain orngipe. 8eld by an cdruggigU FOR MAU OR 81*0?. Oumwa la tumba ansd zuever btlg" f f SPA VIE SURE PoelgS~yIaUIf O.,ILP&S ,udai eSpv Cr il» mue - t e SPAo -R :1 Dr Tw y-Six Yaru ~'v:~ù~aynigit la, ïof Siloem, w "Mdicine for a ce. In1iniènt insîead. heoein hs tir eand aI once k, épehd. Assistance wý crdat.his fathers. acr ,.m>'ad an cmetic admini, wbicli le getint a bug4 arsta a doclor in U. whmhe slayed rive Widdifieid and hils ma lunch -aftercpinilg imn Lai fd it iseaid the lunch pr., -- bis life, as tie poison wo,. fatal bed il been taken -w momac.--Tribune. erg&*oqlttd -John B. Creke, the faier vie vas chared - acyto humn his dueln acquitted et the sessi ,n lustweek. This case cc) -Monday, and il WIbcL that eue of the principat the Crown, one Thon-i-i 4 vas Creke's hired niari. (Crimie&) hed set fire t,) but thet bis employer iii$5 end e bottle (f vould do so. For thie plea of paretic demrentia 0 tie brain vas set up. and wa> put in with thintent thaI Crake wouid a.ssent t, tbing tuat vas sugge;ted uc ical testimony was also ad, vent te show that Crake bar." Wben the e%,ide-.i tie couinsel for the priisontî B.Johnston, and C()unt, toruey Dewart, for the addressed the jr.Judg, tien explained thie evidenc bis custemary clearness ness, andtihti cane was jugry 1late in the evenin cf-.g .ence of ab)out ha îbey returned vith a ver, guiity, and Crake was seta Last session the C)nta ment passedan act reduci ber cf county counicillors and edd te. 500, thus savi e rs afruut $25.000 a vea -takes effect this feu, the, r arc alroady beiug divided i missioners. Members are cd foritwo yeers, but no m( council of a local municipa dot-k, treasurer, assesso theteof, shall be eligible being ne.t only te save exi secure men vie wifl logisJ cyo t the good cf the d represont, ratier tien, ticir ovn particular tovnsi of thc existing counîy cour mapy as 6o members, or ab ~,as tie nov council olected Englanti, witi e populeliei idministratien nearly equai the whole Dominion. 1 "-otwn bodies debate all soi tiens, in order, appereutly. the session, and drav tie -~ lo nc It is saiti in b abses hat an occesional conaty tovn, witi Ivo ori aday, .le really al tiat a to gets. fom dcveting himeîf t busWiàieg;Lt but liat plea cf irmd, Saturday -eugi.pas"& 'hind whoeis cf vas -romn th. wi =9 fwie uciah 4lb.o appîccin lad liab mer o

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