Whitby Chronicle, 2 Oct 1896, p. 4

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'PE8 TE-D with Se. and 10c. Pac finest Uuali inlseet WIL CHEMIST & DRUGOý MEDICAL --HAI Erock Street, - WIHTBY, OCT. 2, Polti ma!Notes pr«mià»f Ibiand yenr the prOs. ps-sremot i muebrbn terï Tii. ora ausg at tht. fair was a lumo suc~af ftre.M:fli.oe eutroî good horse an d a» veil nuatched vere they, and aâObtonest«Ir e thie Imats conoted, tuat the eJcite,Ùýe. W"- Intenme.Our Wbltby borsemen - Messrs. Woodrufft, eGealy suad lisynard --have,. spldid: trettgrs adtiyet -th m o ir i the~y couldvn FL! ES. dnad roe aW4ti pc The sport- on Weduesday vau declèred by ail to be excellent. A mnmmary of the re- suits viii be found lu anotiier ounwt the prize lust.wli LLI, Whitby d l. a d si 1896. s -us Since Sir Oliver Mowat cancelled the new list of Qu.en's Counsels, Mr. John McCosh, Orillia. dlaims the. titie of ex -Q. C., vhich stands for about as mucb as a réal Q. -C.- An Ottawa dispatch says that Dalton Mc- Carthy bas made a bargain vitu Mr. Laurier by which no remedial legisiation viii be passed, but the best offer of Manitoba sc cepted.-Mr. Davin, M. P., introduced a motion iu the House of Comnmons on Wed- nesday 10o remove the import duty on cah oil, binder twine snd agricuitural impie- menta, sud ail the. memnbers from rural cou- stituencies who have protesta lodged against tbem, sud wbo may bave to fact au election aoon voted tor it.-It bas nov been decid- cd that members of ti.h-anose of Commons yull not b. ailoved to buy drinks of liquor at the Senate restuarant. Whether or not tc House of Comutona tries to make tue people sober by sot of parliament, it is. ceortain that the people bave made tht Houa, -of Commons sober wiitanut legisation- No Dominion appropriation ban so far been brougbt dovu for tue Toronto Exhibition. ahi* 'Notes. Four vecica frain neit Tnesday, Novemb- et 3rd. la the. date of the. Uuited States Presi- dentiai election. There are five candidates, tii. main ones b.ing McKinley, Republican, Bryan, Silver Democrat, sud Palmer, Gold Deinocrat. McKinley sud Bryan are vigar- oua campaiguers sud are maiug one cf the. hottest figbts ever sten in tue United States. Having goid and protecUion as hie poiicy, McKinley -appears to b. the stronger man,. ~'especiaily se as tht election of a republican - as conceded until the silver cry upruug up ý iùb inchi force. Tht money argnment baving broictu up ail strong political organ-t Izations. even to Taimuany hall I New1 -York, ont can scarceiy takre the measure of the possible resuits witii sny great accuracy.y Great Brltsin appears reluctant ta tacklev Èthe Unspeakabie Turk, but is carrying onn r m bath ln tue uortb sud aouth of Africa te establish herself more flroely on tbat con- n tinent. The. ether nations cf Europe are r baay îl*9 their *dual sud tripl alines, 0O .,ad jeâlous1y- rus. te support Britain in 1 ciioplmgM heead off tht Turct;wvile the~ Oldcou-t.Jei carrying the. Union jack ino aw aines latiâs,0sud a. extendlng British mile tint tO OvIer of the people of theivioe Pl i I o lo i adflag vith pride. 5 - Exkbttiou Nétes. One Young cbap from the rural parts lnwitiia nutsbell mani ln one of the.b ah"ed. After vatciiing the piielis for s t he elauly detected the. pea, but -ouId bet more than fifty cents on bis opinion. coufederate of the. shel arist-usuaily cal a capper-was of opinion that be, too, Co locate -the. pea, vb:cb under such ciret stances la like the fiesa: you p ut your finq on it and-it ain't there. The. sheil n: wouid not bet less than a dollar, 5.0 the c per lnduced the rurâlist to go halves and 1 1611Y cents eacii. -Botb bat, but after cc paring notes avbile tried again, and le They kept on until the green chap il cleaned of four or five dollars, ail be hi Our informant then folloved the. victim foi time and atarted conversation vith i, The you thi.said ho vas iooking for a frici froin vhom to borrov tvo dollars, wi vbicii he vas going to vin bis money bai frlom the. fakir. T1ýus does the sure thing tbe sheil gaine rendpr it fascinating. For the. third tim2e this fair bas been ti victim of bad veatiter. Everything von 8ppear to b. propitious until the. fair wou: open, aud tiien rain vould set lu sud pot inceshautiy ho the end of the chapter. Moi iay vas fine, too fine to iast. 1h vas tlj :ind of miid day local veatiier prophets ca v eather breeder, usualiy bad veathei So it proved tItis trne ait ail events. Tu., lay morning vas murky. Tii. probabiitie iaid gales and beav3 rain, and for once th weather vas equal to the. prospectui hortly alter noon an occastonal sprink. ,ept sviftly front the sontheast. By ,'ci4ck the gape betveen siiovers hsd ciosei ip,'nd Ît let fiy nearly ail te Urne. B, 'yven o'ciock there vas a big Storm on, an« e 8.3o a tornado burst upon us. It ble ( earfully, shaking every building and every hing else that stands upof the. ground tain fell as if a deluge vere opening out 'hase vbo ivere out in it viii ocrer vaut tc ee the tbing repeated. Tiie viole uigbt ras given over to terrortzing, and viies ie-uîug davued it vas as if the. Storin king rere gettiug ready for another day of kt, ,icb Promise vas fulfihled, barriug the ale. Tii. effect upon the attendance at the Jr vas disastrous, tbough about 35oo brav- Jeverytbing ta se. kt on Tuesday. There vas a Iist of fakirs ait the, show com- ising every sort that is kuovn, barring the. t-sbeil. Wby the, nut-sheli in is banish- 1and everythiug tise licensed ve caunot l, but It is so. Hovever, tiiere is no ortage of devices to assist the fool to part [th bis mnouey, nor is there auy shortage of DIS. Tbey flock around the, slick faker, id watcb. the. green lookiug cappers draw oney on vhat appeurs w be a fair gamie lily understood. Tbey try it once, snd tn easiiy. Next timne they vin tvice as ch, Theuti iey las. a couple of trnes, id vin »gain. After that tiiey las, ai the >ney- tiey havt, ln order that the old pro- *b rnay b. fulfilled viiich deciares that a ) and bis inoney must take two -ways, iere vere several fair gaines, vbere tue ir vould oaly get a percentage of the. uey paid in. For instance, there vas tht ýeeI of fortune, the spindie vîthout a pincii t, riuging devices, bail tbroving, etc, tthe green country feliov does not pat- ize tiiese garnes. Tbey depend too much uck. He likes a gsm. viiere he cala ex- ise bis vit instead t 1 bis skill or iuck. Ht ks the siick fakir, sud tries to, beat hlm at ame viiich the. fakir bas spent a lifehiie ning. If there is a tbmng on earth that guilefess youtb bas been vsrned agalust itht fakir:* H. bas knovn bis fellov bh to b. don. up time sud again, and er knev a fYbOdy vbo couid beat a fakir; h. thinka . aJidestlned to acconplish ,nobody else ever could -do. W. havei ým1athy vwitb those vho get skin.d by 1 rs. They are generallY Young telovu i believe they are sharp, sud vho viii 7 er do veli until they get the. sharp edge i yoed ait their ovu coot. Thot tair direct- hould allov fakirs on their Irrounds in a ýr scarcely calig for further coudeni- n. For or fev dollars aplece gcondreis shonld b. in Penltentlary are aliovèd y their uciiemes on a juliabte public. a o ir iidcb t muatbe-a1-ited.is deafto QUIt a eW fllos ejoYe . heirannal iss ttaGeespent Sunday viti lier par- dtUsik durlng the (air. - ents. Âuibrof ladies iost their purses in the Jasa around tue dril shed, thie picktpockets betng alert vien shovers burried people ho Aà e gîve the prize list elsevbete, ve. -Im&ke 19ospecisi commenta on tht exhiblîs, tihe vinning of avards beiug thte bAt asurn- anc eOftueir respective inerits.- Sectetary joseph White bas proved i:- self a 'Most capable oficer. Duriug tvo Years We have uevtr heard anytbing bat the. 9reatest satisfaction vith bis management. - ood music and good haras races. These are the extras necessary ta, make a good' f Mtsd Whltby had bath ln abundauce. W;eatiier preveuted thousançis romn m- IkYblhe programme $snator Price5 aof Mbauy, vaslutiie 'Jýl*tW'Msand as unal, 1h would notlook blty atifhe. vere abs.ut, i*g more people sud *here th" àw ethi do.posape anY.othr person Who isils, thuiIldl.'vi n oif uafa Mir. Walter W-ilson bas becs speadiuga tev daysatachome. -Mesurs. F Gibson .audM.W e fto Monday asat for Lucknow, tbey havis5se Cured the situation of packing appe. tuent for àfr. Henty, of Osava. - Mr. Oye,of Oshawa 9z.vew.d-tbe Svïn. day achool on Sabbath' lat. ->ThoSer w'ho vert notpresent missd >satreat, lHe sp*e briefi> on eacii iesgon explaialng theraisWo nicel> that thç. ,yçn s coutl mo help uzn-, derstanding td"nianilYe making lt veny Wu teremýing ho die eider oes. Thé epworth, effa1 e à oekwa* ou dactedIW by e"ara.'GWardaid LGOrter SuWe-Litesng qd oa b é,e Who vere ptrméent wenls ~ » -iauiner -wbich -th. aJautu Mir Gren r7= 'sci mupmprry lie ifatorly' Oue sud~ ~ k alwl& 1êto, ý*hgu'renait: a ctWtî vt.bhm asnut f-bccOS «à. Qar tore.B r .for -e to the. hlghest à :era 1wlient. prôpr{etor inten de golg wstwrd entsprnghaving pur- cb*Oe4 a toua ttela!àDryden, Algorna, so a farm of$i > a.We hope. su equally good ma" =&Y suéeed -ita heère. Oefflg for aPPles armezceptionally 10v tbs seaon.Mot farmm sarmholding on fo r- l aurier to &0 arrange matters that Prîce may- advance at least a litte. We ver much tear a similar delay here to the ProhbtorY measures talked of froci Urne to trne. The Inspector visited Our schoole a few dass ince sud found thinga 30 ruaning he gave the usual liaif holidàyalong with a full daysm holiday ou Tuesday for the re- novned Wbb far.Giving the. chools under bis j urisiction au occasicmal holiday seernS to Meet the hearty apprqval of thie pupile sud of course the teacher does not seraousI:robjeet seeing bis sa ar laforth- colntg 3 ust the same whether achool keeps or flot. eider iMli. The undersigned bas il pover cider Mill at Kinsale. Farmers Mnay have their cider home vitb hemn. Bring sbeafofciean straw along. Price, one cent per gallon. WM. NEWTON, llaale, Oct. rst, l89.-44-2ia. SZAGRATEC We are pleased to sce Rev W Elliott back From his visit-in the north looking so mu.ch Improved. Soin. of the youg Meu (?) of oui coin munL;ity do flot kntovhow to beharve then- elves. We think for the. sake of their ovn ,eputation sud for the feelings of others a tte leshooting snd cheering would serve great deal better. TEDNItSDAY OCTr. 7th, 1896)-Auctjon, sale - Of farin stock, iinplernents, etc., vith- Out reserve, at Lot No. 32, in the Ist c0flcbeai0n Whitby, Kingston road, the PropertY of Mr. S. L. Brown. Sale at THURSDÂÀy, OC-r. 8tii, 1896-Auction sale of horses, cattle1 pig-s, înzplemuentq etc, at Lot No. ,, in the 5th codcession ofý the tp. of Pickering, haîf a mile west of Kinsale, tue property of Jos. 'Harbron. Mr. Hanbron is giving Up farming sud vii seli everythiug vithout the. slight- est reserve. Sale ah i o1clock, p.m. L octei tme led nid mm- iger cap ost. v as ad. mra CI. ind SIi ft Lk il lm id be es le S. e 41 I I THURSDAY, OCT. 1. -A large sle af 25 thoro- bled Durbamn caîtle and zoo iCotSwold sheep wili b. eld at Josph W ards, lot 9. cu n ReacIt. Ail must b. soid; proprieton Ir' T ~--A-------"------- Dr y rn't buy befar ufllug o Go>ods House, Ask to- See our Dre-ss Goods in Ail WooI, at 12J and 15 cents per yard. We have Park's Celebrated Flanneette, tue wiae« n ff ue and for the îOw price Of 7 cents per yard. $1.OO Corsets. We have the samme brand of Corsets advertised in $1.23 antl offered as a bargain on the following day every day in the veek (Sunday if necesaary) is *1.00. We al8o have the saine lino of ail wool shirts and drawers at 50c. but advertised am speciai value bargain day at 49c. by thos. cheap city stores. New Stock Tweeds. Ail Choice Patterns. Fit Guaranteed anid Pi-ices to suit everybody. When ini our store a.sk Toronto papers la.st Thursday as worth (Friday) at 98c. Our price for themn ANDREWM. RO s se 23-25- Lindsay :28-&o-Ontauio &DurhamWlrniiy 4IcGILL UNI VERSITY, Montreal SE.SSION 1896-7. The Curriculum comprises Courses in ARTS (including 'the Donalda SPECIAL COURSE FOR WoMnic>), APPLIED) SCIENCE, MIEDIciN , LAw, sd VETERINA RtY SCI. - P Z H O U P ~ L QA ~A T . T ~ ~ ~ y z - ENCE. MiatriculaUion, Exhibition and SU PL ES RE AL Scbolarship Examiuatiousviii b. heid s- ARTANDM£)1Cýý 3tý;Er.;APLiiD EE OUR PLtTM SCRIBBLE-R8, 'made expreasly for My nurneraus custOmers, with better paper than' SCIENCEr, i6tH 8aer.; LÂw, &u sugp.; an y other in- the mar-ket, yst no higlýerPrime Other splendid value at 1, 2 and 3 cents. Exercise Books i.; VETICRINARY Scumwcz,' 26Tm SEPT. 8 great variety, and better value than ever.' Rubber Tipped Pencils fi-rn lô. per doz. up ta 50 cents. Rabl'r Copies of te Caiedar, coutainùtlg tull in. Erasers 1, 2 and 8C., formerly 2, 3 and 5c. Ail the Public and Iligh School Text Books. tote cin-ecearppn. 2IIcatosaine cheap Stationery leet vet. Note ,,ar % BARGAINS I BARGAINS I E7 Aotion,., Tht subacriber bas received inshu<ttions rrom MB.. S. - I BROWN, te sell hy public auctiot:, vithout reserve, Bt hlm prermises, L~ot NO. 32, in tue It t onceuinWs tv Kifgston road, on WRDNESDAy, 1&e. 7ti, 1%& ~tue viiele of bis fa=m stock snd niplementsý,etc., in part as foflova, vis: Hatas.-i fine dappled grey mâte (heavy enrlparpose) by Ambition, 8 yearu oid; ii ndappied greymre avy gseral.parpose) 5er Ym, od9by Yomg jumbo ; i biy horst, ged ; ibay mare, aged ; iîayhboue 5yU~ Id by Young Jamo (good om eitiierfa or md .irhosw colt <bisait) IiSfg 3>Ys oli by 3waune. CÂrrL.-z ow 9 yraok14,msu enlent mnier )O6 hîquamugy suit qusllt; t co 8 yrsold ivimni.-, due to c" vIn Nauiiiber; i cov5 rf l.duêl ioeata,.jb D-rïw, half Jet- esT 3-vu old due to cafre laMatch;* z-o<»W us.y, ~ ~ ~ I 3V iotei c; r Swv ert7 4 yesrsold.ýdS tp «vc airisManc; 1cov iJesey,4 YW04 ddue to SIwin -Nov;zhh m top 7as ccw y's cM l vlm ing lk .c t 3 tiicrosg ual;z cov 5 aodivî g*1uy ysn for tts darr d snt_-a b, y' [se Jée AGENT for the Preston Autamatie School Dyeing Co., and the Deleneator. WALL PAPER AT OOST FOR 30 DAYS. Deverill'8 Block, 3U ST 'R Q Z E -~ (ai Mt bt 'so fet&o the -, k ad Olhêlco ffe.w0od48 in C1 1sware andCroSkery,, Dinner ad Tea -Sets$ Cheap. Chic Fmiy Goeis-~s ofe Frit, tc, tc the Times. -~ a.oe~v uv.per urreana uDeror E v - per ana g..- Desk. The best in the mnarket.--.Àlso Age.ncy f.orthe British American Pull stock of Patterns always on band. Fli ter NEW AND ORCELAI N SOLID STERLI TEASPC new and bea A.VWATC H R E M7I r MWla c.uatY Organ. '-Oea of »aYlocal pu FBIDÂYO OC] LOCAL LA etac Clark. left on ,ardwood dining tabIý W. Till's. lir. P. B. Waram is pa the English cburch.- P.D. Williams, of i -sister, lirs. A. Bugbt DBrien & Stedham's rsday,.Friday snd Sa &and suMmt Lou Sele' Lovn this week atteng Ir..Thos. Rice was (j ;t week acting as judgi rhe apple factory is st there being loads iy. - )'Brien & Stediism n tup rncely in their M 1-se them. We have limited the ai neya this veek in ace to other matters. 3. IL Tod's bread and tes,. Give -hi= a ca rthig nice inthat lin dessra.Richard and B et faizr timrn utowr m(dýn enjoying th f SRay., youngest soi rmo, attended the fa Vs Simgog -Maid for the green trot. Bro. Gale, of the. Bovi, ont fait on Tuesday.- la probably the han marou«ud here. om eThu CH RSON pet witIthe cheàp b ms pubbished around 1er -pisten are 1argE ooa apeny sstead( formùet as tue largest 'repared,' for hard ti aolirs.worth of boots foroed sales and sacri no douit about Ont -P aiId s the. bighe 'Side. W. -Bengoegb, Ca- mist *ll give ont of h uta h iin-ie music ha maiitng of bumorous a 3, s'sketches. "ud Club. and £ata w an Monday ' The. meet «xe- attend tsually a at tue et ?etoa gr IA Y«ARDz ON HAND, eal No better value was ever 8town. Every lady .GREAT Il ti L'IVLV raper ac. per quire7 'and superior Envelonffl 2lo- nar vI*É%L,.%ÉvA Gromwood du En ANDR me RO FOR 30 DATS.

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