ACommon 000""A ffliction pormanentti Curd bi TaIIu AVERSpail Inany Me-dicltueÎ wtilch werehlgvrea,- onineided, ut noue gae me rel et. 1 wa5st aJ.ts, ad vtsed tOty Ayers Sarsa- pt la y a frIend wbo toId me that 1 inuîs'pircthase six botties and use tbem seccordiflg V) directions. i ytelded t li$s nerlls>i.bought the six antissd iook tbe on t !be e !these bot-. tieswthotit notlctng ay direct beneflt. Before 1 had finlshed e efourtbbotUe. Iny tiands vere as Free f rom Eruptions am ever they were. MY business. whiCh pi~ taiaî of acaL>drtver, rqirsme iD lif ott incid and wet =et.erOten ,ýtout gloves, and the trouble bas pêer retturned."1-THOuAs A. JoEBx8, ètratfordJ Ont 0.e,,, IySaîsaparilla Adited at he World'a Patir. Àera PIS Clea use t"e Bowe5a. A TRAPPERS STORY. AC.LLING TINT ENTAILS MUCH BAPISFIIP AND EXPOSURE. one Case ini Whiclb the Exposure Brouglht on La Grippe and Serions Afiter Troubes-Ilow tbe Vîctim Secured leiiewed Ilealth. Promtht lrockvi11e Recorder. Any farmer who pays cash at the stores for his goods should receive cash for his produce. Any merchant who carnies a farrner's accounit and pays him cash for his produce at the sanie tirne is robbing h4mself to benefit another. This sometimes happens, but flot al- ways intentionally on the part of the merchant. On a busv day a farmer will get a cash bid and go and collect at the store, while owing a bill in the store at the sanie time. If the market were strictly cash there need be no store bis. The nutrkef question At a meeting of the board of trade held last Friday evening. letters were read from outsîde buyers st.atîng that thev would be willing to attend this market but could flot corne any day cxcepting WVednesday. As our princi- pal merchants have expressed an anxious desire to get off the rmarket provîded buyers can be brought here to take the stuif, the board of trade, being desirable o! trving any reason- able means of irnproving the market, passed a resolution requeating the town council to change the first mnarket day o! the week (rom Tuesday to Wed- nesday, and if :possible to make the rnarket a cash market. This change wîll test the since'rity of the merchants and of the buvers. I i- Rockport is but a smaîl hamiet, but it lias achievod a wîde repu attc>f owiflg to - the fact thiat it is itua.ted in the very ft he&rt ot the tar-tamed Tbousand Island@, hý and for tbis retason attracts during the h( suminefr tnontbis lîundreds of pies.sure tr îeekers. Aiuong the residents o! thie tb village norw is better known than Wilson in A. Root. Lurîog Ithe summuer mouitlisw ie foitowri îbe occupation of au oarsmn, dt and none kuows better than be the n( hauct.,fhe gainey ass and pickere. it 1ý1 tiie winter &tsi sprnuR monthe Mr.w Roût oIw the occupation o! rupplflg and this pur8uit requires one to be out in ail sorts of weather, and in the water P frqently at a tine o! the year wien the w iSaler ig noue too warma. As a resuit o! a P wettng Mir. 11oot tLok a severe cold 01 vbîeb developed into la grippe, whiclii(t took sucti a firiu liold tpon îR su.t.em uU that for a trne ho was nuable to leave g the bouse His hkudneys beoame itfjected, 1< suid lie stiffered (roi pevprp- uaîns acrosa U the hack. Tiiîre was a feeling of con- tinuous tireduese, which no amount of rst or sieep seerned to relieve. The ti appetite was fickle, and there w&8 a .inisoetlonto exertio.n or work. A cutmber of remedies were tried, ope alter the otijer, luit without any beneficialu tebultg. At thins ijncture a friend stn-ong- t lY advtsed that Dr. Wt1Iliamsa' Pink Pille; lie ziven a triai. Tlîev had etired thons-a à 1de of otliers, and why flot he ? Acting u ou bis trîtend s suggestion Mr. B.oot f, procured a single box of thé Pink Pille, < mud before ail were used feht an iunprove- tuent. Ts encouraged him to perse- 'ere wîîîî0;i, treatmùnt, and after the usne o! a few more boxes o! thé pi;ls Mr. Root fosind bis beahbfnlly regtored, ail the Paine and aches had disappeared,t nUd wîîlî their disappearance came re ùewed strengtb and activitv. Mr. Root -Iays : * I firruilv believe Dr. Wilýams' Pinik Puis to be unsurpasseéd as a medi- eine, and I advise any who are ailing to ive à t a fair and bonet trial." Dr.Wiliamus' Pink Pilla are sold only kD boxes bearirig the firm's trade mark ad wrapper, (printed in red ink). *Ber in mid tliat Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla are neyver sold in bulk or by the. dozen or hundred, and any dealer who offers sub- hiiltes 'In this form iB trying to defrand, Inadshotld be avoidéd. The 'publie etlIed blood builders and nerve tonlIos, *P2t UP in similar form intended to de- "I1e. They are ail imitations whose iakers hope to réap a pecuniary advan- 4RO fromn the wonderful reputstior S.hieved by Dr. Williamsa' Pink PUI&-a A.kYour dealer for them. Thèse Pills are mannfactured by tbe Dr Wilam's Medicine Company Brock- VilOntario, and Sceneotady, N. YL9 ad1re Bold only in boxes béarlflg the 8trade mark and wrapper, at 50 eens bxor six boxes for- *2.50. TheY inay lbe thauîrom any' deletor Viii b. sent by mail on receipt of prios. Dr. WiîjamB' Pink ÉisaM SY b. 0e V!iii drue 3s rdiet by mail fr b.Wiiams, 'Medicine *Oompauy fro "7: - ither add ress. The prieg st- wlil#b jt&ý Re sold malte a "Oif5 of tre*t ody of a ohfld found Last Monday atternoon a horrible ind wvas made by Mr. H. Solley. He iad gone under Mn. R. Nelson*s wane- iouse, whiLh stands beside the raiiroad rack east of Brock street, to nail a )oard on the flçoor where the grain was n danger of leaking tbrough a crack, çhen his eyes rested on the form of a ead baby. Constable Wright was otified and took charge of the body. twas wrapped in a newsçaper and vas that of a weli-formed maie child with black hair. Near the body wrap- ed in a cloth was the placenta. and vithin a foot also was found a hair- In. The fact of thé chiid being lef n, the ground, just a short distance ,omn the track, where a person peening inder the building couid see it without oing under, proves that the chiid was ýft there hurriedlv. A man can walk .nder the building in a stooped posi- Lion, 'so it can readily be imagined it l'as flot much of a hiding place, and hat the deed must have been the wiid act of an over excited person. Mr. Nelson had examined the floor on Sat- urday and the child was flot there hen, so it must have heen placed there >etween Saturday ýad Monday, prob- Lbiy Satunday or Sunday night. Sat- urday would have been a particularly favorable nighit, being dark, wet and ..oid. -Journal. Governor Gênerais a oot. President Reesor was successful in his mission to Ottawa iast week in get- ing an order from the Minister of Militia for an escort of the Royal Can- adian Dragoons to rattend the Mark- ham Fair as escort to the Governor- General, Lord Aberdeen. The sol- diers wiii be . here on Thursday and Friday and wiii give their musical ride in front o! the grand stand on both afternoons. TUIla ghoSt h"a rugia tUre. Wrn. Armstrong, formnerly of, the Toronto police force, made a ghost walk in lively style a night or so ago near Sheiburne, Ont. He was driving to Mono with a friend wheii thçy met the ghost in the roadway. It wag wav- ing its arms and was aUinl white, while -a dim lioeht envelopedikt imton' companion got scared at the manifes- tation, but, thte brawny . 6-comstabke took the . whip and weà t - aft-er the'. sceptre. At the firit crac k tra, an Armstronig- pursued, belabori te spectral shouleers for a mile. h lin -the manifestttof to t - e- and Sca ped in thé d rkne5s. It 'W said:Ite bave kiven jip the busiiness of haunting ithat ne% gborhood- stqck breeer opdIaamee, w o - ves Iwith- a paià iu I cdentý-'e o- lie doctor lias strong lovery. ake; y celv ~4to Toieg"« last week p anwer a çbarç of steal- ingaýomandaua4vest. ià -eciy.e admitte'dthe coru and got, 3o days. Tuesday mnorning at 3 -oe'ck Mr. Henry Madili, 0f 7th con. Scott got up to draw a tank of water .for the thresh- ing engine wbich was at his place, when, looking southward to his other farm, he saw the barn ablaze and the roof falling in. The' season's crop of that farm was in the barn, and also the implements. The Ioss is probably about $1 500, with only $6oo insurance. WUtag9 On. Thursday, ioth inst., Mr. S. Eck, o! Todd's carniage works, was united in tmarniage-to Miss Vernon, of Scott township. After spending a few days at Buffalo, Niaera, and éther places, the happy couple returned to Stouffville on Monday. Our cornet band assembled in the evening at Mr. W. H. Todd's, where Mr. and Mrs. Eck remained, and, after playing somne choice selections, Mr. Eck added a handsome sum to the funds of the band. MIr. and MIrs. Wadinghamn are visiting at E. Roache's. Mrs. Wood is visiting ber many friends hereabouts this week. Frank Woodruff is renewing old ac- quaintances in this vicinity. Camp meeting on the 2fld con. was well aLtended hast Sunday afternoon. J. Davidson made a professional cali at Green River last Sunday evening. MnIs. Shaw, o! Little York, is at pre- sent visiting with ber parents on Bunk- er avenue. Fred. Brigniali. o! Claremont, spent Sunday wth relatives at Maple ave. Miss Shaw has retunned to ber home in Toronto after spending sorne two wceks at jas. Lawson's. J. Sinclair has nemodelled bis bouse and made it secune against the expect- ed stormns o! the coming winter. A delegation f nomn here visited Brock Road Sunday school last Sabbath. Mr. Charey, o! Locust Hill, bas made a capital job in repairing, the church organ, but we are very sorry heklid flot attack a erank to iL Mn. Petty has dispensed with the service of ail his brick-yard hands, ex- cepting Arthur Poynter. who he bas retained as watchman to keep the yard from running away. EVERY FAMILY SHOULO %NOW 714AT Ru ~ bolb. for lu- derwulin»~S qu" s ots= W eli." dimInua. PÂIN-KILLBR iLrWib4 C5nb Mn il1 ca 0of SvsLa='. ala SpaSu, 0O-w pAIforLLEROIS.u UE.~saeW1er Fant? ~~1laU hCIaU elaus waniig 51E*. Y le boia Bey. Tsum Whiloak, 8fflg, pre!> OLD Sole Agent at GOLD 'e-00À1,o Whitby, M, W. Collins, You can always Feel Ga -b, Irne matter how cold or stormy / the day is-be- you -man = or child-if you bave your t&à l - and winter clothing interlined with Fibre Chamois. Thij popular style and warmth giver- *Souls oow for 25e a yard se that evcry ont cmii afford te 0 enjoy the comforting, healthful warmh it fiunishes-n0'extra weight or bulk, only a pliable stiffness and à cosy warmth of which'the çoldest winds or froset. icst air cannot rob you. See thatit is put in &Il ordcred clothing, and look for the label which shows that a ready-to-wear garmet has been interlinedwith it. You reinlycap'taffora te o &Ih>utit - a a a a a a a a a a a a W. have the Finêst Boise- Iltila in town of those BEAUTIFUL AMERICAN WALL PA PER3. -,WIE- Late on Monday evening. as Con- table Sanderson'was neaing his ,home at Wexford, he noticed two toughi- looking fellows on the road, whosel stufled out pockets s0 heightened sus- pici on that he laid bands on them, and walking them, with a hand on each shoulder, the trio set out for the vil- lage. On the way, just opposite a bend in the C. P. R. track, there is much thick bush, and'in. response to shouts of ",Corne Tom, corne Joe! " from the prisoners, two burly toughs issued from the woods and rashed upon the Constable. His weapon of! defence was part of a whiffletree, wbich he found had cold steel to contend with. So cleverty did he wield the wood, bow- even, that flot a knife reached him, wbile he felIed one mnan and had his club well dyed with the blood o! the rest. Ail four now fled, and running to the track, chimbed upon a beef laden freight train for Montreal, which was there iaboring up grade. Sanderson reached the cars together with the last man, whom he grabbed by the coat. In the struggle here, the tramp's black tweed garment and his shirt came away and the robber, now attined in oniy his pants and boots, dropped off and made good his escape. In the pockets o! the coat were found 5 1 knives, i o of which were table and 6 butter cutters with peani handies. These have al been identified by W. S. Rogers & Son, Glencoe, who telegraphed Constable Tidshenryo! East Toronto and stated that they had been stolen from their shop on i8th inst. Some razons and three doubie-banreiled shot guns were taken at the samne time, and the for- ,'md,. Constable Sandenson thinks, were upon the persons ot the nmen. LowFEST -: PRIÇES, Corn early and gotfirat choie.. P. B. WARAM., irySUIS old 81BII, Brock St., WbIdt DOMINION BANK. Capital Paid up M, $195000000 8urp1u~, - - $19500000 Whitby Agencye SGeneral Transacted. Banking Business BAVINGS DEPÂBTUENT. Intereet mUowed st hlgbest ourr nt rate&. No aottoe of wthdrawal required M. J. THOINTONo STAR LIFE ASUR ANCE CG., OP LONDONI ENGqLaND.. Established ,1843. Total funds i nd... 8or7. Total dlai-spadt... ..22, 132,956&- Totai aiouut Assurant» ilu force Dec » ~,66L4 683 dlaims -'pald '95 amoupt- Grants a world wlde and 1ndlsputabl>. policy. -No restrictions as te residente. Profitsiessin ltwagffl li lm Imiate pay ment, of edeashdam. Inteim and compound,-bonuses aà dded. Îr Every .description of L!Wfe Assu-cx policy granted. Local ýgents wauted )Mps liberal tetras. :eý -Ontaio, Get. Mamager,, A W BRIGGS 1Zmqk \ENTS drg, u~aiUaUwb,e4 , ai LI.#1Ul1i I - - oomblaaton it à MwIfle««4 iprompt si ~pemat oakliU et«m &aulJè6lIJ, au if oaqNr etWeêumtaha Mi" Woey, ."rvuw # o ieu3m, bv"41.Iu $i=7I,* Wod.Pbospho4lhathoçocums tbMai ha4 bem rW4 fCIGARETTES W. S. Kimbali & Go, ROCHESTER, N. Y. Retail 5C. Per Package. 17 'First Prize Medals, Fý Z Z J. Everywhere 1 1 Borders to Match 9 ý ý:, -ý, t;-, -- ý, - - ý': ý,l. --j