sOnableg 'rOOIuSm BOTTLING WAX, RUBBER RINGS fruit jars. YRESH INSEOT POWDER, POWDER GUNS, FLY PA.DS AND PAPER, TÂNGLEFOOT, (sticky fly pape: cDisj5nsing of Prescriptiol gt and Fa mily Recip receives our care/t pOersonal at/en/ion. -AT- I r for w.) ns es 4, Ryley's Drug Stori Simc St. south, Oshawa. tt «hon*ïc OSHAWA, OCT. 2, 189E OS HAWA PAGE Fartnera will do welI te call at M. E May's for boys' ready made clothing. Il vit) pay any parties contemplting buy- Iaig -au engagement on vedding çlhg te sec the large stock et FéIt Bren., Ohava as they vii selit this mentis very cisegq3fer cash. Genuine diamond i4K. only ss. "Tisey are mue miakiag some epecial ofer in Geais', Ladies' sud Boys' geld sud silver vatches. See them. Felt Bren. Sale-Call et Murray's the tailor. He bas a fine selection of pantings, suitings, over- coatiags, etc. These goods Must and willl be sold by the yard, or made up, awsy below ceet at once. Terms strictly cash. M. Mecklenberg, opticien, was [n tcwn set week. Mr Hungerford, ef Weston, spent Sunday at bome. Miss L. Leake, Toronto, is visiting Miss E.. Wilson. Mies Lister, Hamilton, is visiting Mnx. P. H. Punsbon. J Mr WiII Cinnamon of Toronto, was in town at week. ~ ....>issHoskin, Bowmanville, la visiting E. MeGregor retiaud te Elgin, Ill., this T£bureday morning. '-Mr Tom Eone lq bônte (rom the States vis- hg bis parents, Mr aud Mis John Bone. Miss Eva Wilson reurned (rom Toronto lest week accmpanled by ber' frlend, Mis a Lena Leek. Miss Minnie Thompeon wheeled (rom To- routo on Suaday sud epent a few days with bei parents. Mm .FrnkGuthrie and ister, Miss ïmrs'Dr Coiborne Ieft this week fôr Cleve- 'lsud , M Ue 11e=ndxop, Master Donald $Mb, Sall, dcmpanied ber. <w lg toltbe absence cf tii e eltor Rev. J.i - 1*. Ttlhot îo0service washeldIn St. Géorge's chutrc i o.W Sttday evenlng last. -.Rerv Shorey ý U]i conduet the anni versary eervlcs of 0bý$ncoe St. methodiet church et»ext- Sunday mo*ng sund evenlng. ~ 's~tai O'Bren&* Stedban's studio, next K lo'topmfetce, you will be-traewe ..,ome *belher yeu require photos or not. Y sdepend on getting ail the latest ideaa lin photograpby. (rom O'- - ie 8 Stedham, next'doon th post office, A meeting l <on a choral society will be - leld luthe St. George Suaday echeo r1 r nèxt Tuesday eveuiog. -All interented in fchorgl work are.requested té . pr«esa ML .Klumg (.11 out of an apple ire. twenty YM-etoté e groand. H.Re cki#ed- erlons inuressu at tImoe of Wtgqg It la feared tirai internai Injuries bave alo- een re- Tbis Isetb. seon thte fârimer be-, bioldo mn<uz foo4 totdlaj on the grSnd4tht te cane m,, à 1wy,'bu t whtbb oua,1 T, Bréthourt'Tornto, idlu n y 'IF. T. 'VerraU »,orouto, vas ln tovn on Thursday. MISS Ruth Batemen returned from Ne*- tIonile lait ,week., Miss Blanche Meçahoe, Teronto, le v iilpg Miss Alice. Conant. l A. Cuvan -Was, in onono- on qtunday attcadiug the Clarke fair.. Watch Our show wiudov, next doer to post office.1 O'Brien & Stedham. Ms. T. B. James, Toronto, [s visitlug ber mother, Mrs. D. Drew, King St. E. Dr. McKay vil) move into bis new offices, even G. A. Gibseu's store, Ibis week. Edward Grlffis sud vite, of Buffalo, are visifing villi relatives and rneeing old se- quaintances. Geo. Phillipe, et Rewse's dry goode store, le speading is eboiidays a94»ç lake in shoot- ing lame ducks. W. Couithard, Jr., atteaded the Orono tair la the lutereesscf the Coulthard, Scott Ce., eft Iis Iewn. A concert wiii be givea unden the auspices ofthUe floyer mission i. St. George's achool room, on Oct. 15th. c Frank Jacobi, vho bas been il)lanTerci oft yphoid fever, bas so tan recevered as b. able mc cerne home ou Tuesday. A teature ofthtie song service iu Simie st methodiel chuncis last Sunday event was the neglect of tise efficials te tair. upt collection. ing the Miss Maud Dolling gave a party te a largo numben etflier tri.uds tast Thuraday aight. Tt hoing tise anniversary af her birthday they preseaîed her vils a besutitul diamoad ring. Various games sud pastimes vere lu- dulged in titi ths maîl heurs. cf tise mcmn- ing. Tise machinery et the Cedan Dale werks is bciug moved te, the Cote St. Paul branch et their business. This le a veny bad eut- look ton Cedar Dale sud especially for mauy et the employeaes fthtie cempaay vho have been eut et vork ail sumnmer sud have been expecting verk tisis vînter. Bora. ln East Whitby, on this 8th inst., thse vite ot John W. SmLth, cf a son, lu Dalington, at Tooiey's mitts, on tise s8th lit., tise vite ef Arthur Oke, et a son. At Five Points, on tise 22nd mest., thse vite et Wm. Phillips, et a son. Iu Oshawa, on the 23nd mest., tise vite of Arthsur Kemp, et a son. Iu Oshawa, on tise 23rd mest., lise vite cf Herbent Hull of a daugbten, silil boru. Tise Wonld sys : J. McGraii, auO shava iron moulder, tound himeelf in au avkvard predicama'at yesterday mrnng as the re- suit et a iittle-sprec. He climed upon a G. T.ý R, freight car aI Bovmsnviile on Suaday te gelteome, but, isaviag ne eue to put hlm off ho didn't valve up tilt tise train vas passing tbrougis Scarboro Junction. Tbo bridge hon. ooked te McGrail like hie native village bridge, sud, net vishing te ho csrried past ho rau along six efthtie cane sud put the brakes on. The brakemen didu't tancy this interfereuce vith tiseir job, sud brougis tise [non founder lu diegrace te Little York, viser. tise lav pounced dowa upon him. lu durance vile he denied tisat be bad toucbed tise brakes sud te gîve hlm a chance te pro duce vitnesses tise case is cnlarged until Wednesday. 0 bhawra's New Phato Gallon7 Mr. E. E. Henry sud Harrison Putney vil) open a piotograpis gaiiery i n i. J. O, Henmy's building, laWey occupicd by Mn. O'Brien. Mn. Henry vas oueetftthe eariy setlers linIisest parts, but bas been la tise States for ever thinty years, visile Mn. Put- ney euenetftise eaterpribing young antists from -tise States. Tise new gzallery viii bc- open about Oct. [et, snd viii heoneeetf ist beet equipped gailenies in Canada, hsvlng1 the inest instruments ton maing sA1tise lalest styles of photographe, (nom tis mail- est 10 lite sized. Tise people vhli dco lI ta wat, and compareir vork vith Usat of others. Petuliar côndittiens mark the advent o- autuman this year that are net often exper- ienced in a bunch. The September moon fulled Monday afternoon and ,Qierefore be- cernes the barvest moon. For several nigbuE il rose just about the tinte the sua set. lengtbening the sbortening days witb [ts brilliant yet mellow light in sucb a manner, tbat the ordi.nary work ef harvesting grain aud.crops mlght bo coatinued. From this came the name ef the harvest moon, andii wras finIt appiied in Englaad, where the dayLs at this season of the year are much ehorter than they are here, and wher. the ligbt of the harvest moon le fully appreciaîed. The1 hunter'. muon cornes la October, when ii nuses fer several evenings et about the same heur as [e the case ia Sept. Astronomicai autumu commenced Tuesday atteracon, snd therefore the store, le by Bore set down as an autumnal eqninex. Some of te Weather- wis declare that au - equinoctial storm is a myth, and tirat we are ne more a pt te have sevene general storms about -Mardi aoth and Sept. 2«tl ti at auy ether lime. Record, however, p#roves thut senti annual slorrns ,quite general lu character visit the noithern zones about these dates and se the old theoryis nunsed by a good many. The dayro sud ni gbtsa à re now of equal lengtb, and spring bas comrnced in tbe southeru -sznes. 0f the soien of the sesson, the harvest moon and the assertion of the almanac are aci mnugb te cuvlnce. us that autunin las surely ber., Ibere le the Irost lust, week that uvbjtmned th. roofs, turned-the graus bnittie and gdve resens for increasae-d epeed-su the gùit. The firet (ros of the onoemlng wisiter of ý;396 >(ell on the -Ist uieronng Auîuanbbd-ils hile; ils presenS'c çau - Tie reçular mnonthly meeting of thse board >(e'ducs±in vas, held laut Menday.- Mesurs I. ]w ~ e, nrse surns;4'bues, A- -Mihkle, MndCo a Bmb~,joues mad u~tt eepeet. Mr. Murton la. ho ~~ cbW etlcte of membslp ofbMr.- Burus resbd. A petilton was resd front tb. boy cf Mary st, sebool s*bg armia. sdvanice announcemjent$oef4.Hen. Thomias 1eonant's comnti tp round tise world. Xe -will go evcrywbereatnd sec .everything, and vwi» exhaisî tbe guidebeeks and- pecket usape lu vnitln aécceunts cf Ibe different contie'hîs imaginatiOn vigIied him b Hie. lspdwetfut hînd viii traverse Ibe vast expanse.,af'ibe Pacific, the antipodes viii be viâited angabciypontnayed ia the lîterature ofetIhe latter end et century nineteen. We envy our vortby frieud hie extensive tnip, and deeply segret that our lintéd mind viii enly enabte lns te gnasp materil thiage cerng vithin tbe range of our liiled vision. There le, hovever, always a drawlback te everytblag, and Mr. Consut'. trip bus one: W. are net lnfornted as le wisom the Refermer eud Viadîcaton are le look for thiein -eekly snoply of Cenast paragraPhs durlag the great travelen's absence. Surely the enly bnlgbt spot lu eur local jounals le net tb become a desent, a dreà ry literary vaste filled vith the tboughts sud intaglnlngs of erdinary mentale i Truly tise visiter wil) gnev dulI upon us wheu -tise inspiration 'ef porusing tise uever-tailing Conant paragraphe bas been lost te us. The eantis wll becomo filied vitistise rust cf use- fuI minda that have run te ueed for tise vaut of tisose hosutitul sketches et present sud pasî famlly groatuesa, thoe e eminiecences ef days that are aiieged te bave passed. Lot us tIipe that in eariy issues of tbe Re- former sud Vindecaton tbey rnay ho abl)e to announce 10 au aiment hopelees cemmunity that arrangements have boen completed 10 suppiy the dire needu efthtie public mmnd. A Lost Cause. Tise leva bas been upset this veek. AI' bauds seem to be eut et joint, as it vene,' sud the visole is thse resuit cf a very simple îhiug. There vws ne service lu bbc Anglican chuncis ou Suuday aigisi, oviag te tise abssence from ltova et Rev. Mn. Talbot, vise wae attending lise synod, se thse congrega- tien fieided eut sud many vent te flic Sim cee St. methediet churcis te hear Rev. Mr. Wlison. A soag service had been aunonc- cd there, but by a bungle the clergyman bad net been supptied wiîb a prepenly autheati- cated programme, and viscu li announced a solo tise choir vôuld probably break forth [n a goenal onsisu gis on some dlsceanected aud panlcky authoi, nsd vien ise gave eut there vould be aunatbem some blrd-voiced dameet would cisirp a lingoning sole. To vany tise programme Mn. Wilson bed pre- oarcd a short address euiogiziag Qucen Victoria aud glenitying tise grand resuits et ber long reigu. l;le aIse took occasion to reter iu glewing terme to tise isolatcd posi- ien et Great Bitala as the oniy. nation in the venld viicis proîested sud offened te loin lun repressing tise unspeakable Turk lu his Armeuia massacres. Things rcncised a higis state of interest sud patriotlc excite- meut, sud to round off tbo vhole afiair the preaciser prouounced tise bouediction sud dismissed thse coagregatien vitisout takiug up the collection ! Sucis an overaiglit vas se unexpected that many cf tise eIder methodists tel: dizzy sud could bardly make eut visaI vas up. By dogrees, isovever, tbey realized tbat for the inst lime in tiseir lives thcy had vitnessed a methedist service vith ne passing cf tise bat, and Ibus s tisere vas furulsbed for a visoleeveks' vcader and talk. s B 4 r o -:000:- Oamaa Buainese Dtrfetery. 1L. VICKRIY, barber. Slmooe iret. 'M. BOLPE, bham makter, Slncoe stx'eet. . B. MOTERRLL, butoher, Ring St., West >. PATTEneSON, Dentist; offic over Rowe store. ýJ. STÂx.TE-Dominion pianos and orga.n Simoce street Ji V'=flà xU J. DZWrS, Do-4ulon and ontef< Ibaud OurveYer. Civil Enginaer, Bai t (eh- 'Jxuos & orzL-J. C. Weon, P-roirletor Modern he.telry, seat sud ooufortabi3 equipped. O.M. Tons. -Caterer for Balla, Ausembiles, Wed- dingm, Suppers, *e., etc. Aiea &Ul indi a0] DL. EôULM. - Whitby-oehawa s"ge 1h.. LeaVe s sa Kt 8 a in ansd 2 p M,, and 1< Jo moeu CR&I, manufacturer of ftns oerulagem. carte, wagons, and ail hinds of guttersa su uleiglisRepairlng a qpeolty.1 [oux BEUwEE, 4paint. and decorator. Doere in w.» pap e lug deoratbonepaint., IAIMEsPELLOW, desier in stcygi, furnaces, Un- wretc. Laxerges kkepi ct ute" lyIo h s u . o b b u g a p e ! W t y . S m o s s r è tà . K. MuaToi, ]EL A. - -Bar*ister, Sofloo, Notary Pubic, Onveycrd.MoDey -to I ýd Oc oe DmninB&9animoe street, O8hawa. OoerTlnvar, sud PyGod.Pr TessdCoffees. Boyes' resymaeol . &Uom BêLu-The subsorm ibe wlbe lu Osbi -,& at thlae Centri b-ottl, fflday outsab wz t rozu one -10o3 o'olock P.M.,tO mule arw angenmnte wth parties bave ales.. V. êxnaa~é SiteThe loadin t anlorng C tie, ts urnishlug house il Oshawa. L mrmnt of tweed s oeds trowsering, shirts, colla, este, eiways kept 18LT lce - at*bMakers sud i.wolers Deneslu vadees, loc okeweiery, miter- vans, ep A.taAm, e-MErin odu Y'rauk Mitche lbs gn oowaiw 'DE I Ro I I I c I ilIy L 4of Plckering» isyislt- ~vra ~li~.-en i me bnftht b l aa, bout tite.&u 1 ng bo t n *ork nen forsoMe y ars past t n ni -o n hving a bachelore&t 8 o e r* mt ing n A V Y lI R F Il RfVIÇ an -average'«f siz qn seven months each year edue. Th"skovtseulit.B' ~ UbI I -lu som è deparnments, snd ln conséquence T efieso wer the Sm utr.l y e e i g b s 6 E R N O H the woekmen wouid only have, in many doee à ucb gcod. 'The root, crop la leoking 6YA SI SA A cases, barely to live on aud keep clear~eîgpnly sas ate(i ha.KN T ef debt. The ebject ef the company ne deubt eleeWESTialol hefi hat IGS iso concentzXte their business at tweotvîher Wblle the other gardens look broya, Mr, I'mta.yuho u onln ET %Onte, those rnentiened, and tlsereby neduce 2Grahl n sîlli bolds fasîte oIts b.auty. I mth ayth o oaond cUn, eoé ie the coeî of production. Tbey have a monoply vuld b. vellIif more culîlvated ln the same Wiîy atcb suid ca1, he lookedaoine iu tbe goede maaufactured' ln'Canada at the lune. "MAnd,st aved 1, ytou c-uta s.n preseat. Many old residents et Cedar Dale Mis. Braýr vent le Oraugevile with berAamutbvbenaBODS nov scatlered over Ibis broad continent wiii mother, Mrs. Dunlop, on Thursday week. Yes, tbal's the store, weil l lown by ai,, regret to hear of the total suppre.sion oetIhis Mns. D. speads the wiater with cblldren For pretty thinge, both large and 5mai1, works, sud wlll recail witb pleasure -the there. When next in town, give thern a al maay pleasaut phases of ilfe lu Cedar Dale There are Iveono three bouses le tb. vil- Fair dealiug la ai BOYD'S. wbeu theso works were owaed sud eperated lage tsaI neecltoccupants. It la seldom sucb 'Tris Ibere good watches you vill find by the late A. S. Wbitiag. He wae a medel a stste of affairs exist bore, but ne doubt lu old and silver, allIstemn wind", emnployer ef lebor, and if it la possible for tthey wyul soon find' tçnants. Re iable of every kind.- hlm te hear frem Use spirit land the mn Rer. Mr. Thom, B.A., of Pickering ap- Botb good aud cbeap aI BOYD'S. kind wonde of bis eartbly cancer, ho mus mnocuidth upi ee nSn coaclude hie memery wiii ho ever green te oinî.etgaoccapled Use uitbser.monSun- ýl utnpnsadda drns the early resideats of Cedar Dale nov living. da.f egv eyaîal emnsdGl utnpn n i odrns w e uly bi -q> t w e co ne i m fontnmgh ly. A n lots e f other lovely thing , COLUMEr npetrMBneM lîdM.MaiI Witb cestly jewelb, fit for kings, Mns. Muady, cf Toronto, is visitiag st echool on Mouday lest aud fouud everything oureue t ida ODS Mrs. Doubt's. ln usual fine erder. Ho bas been pleased te Young men about to tbrev the loop If D. M. Tod's wagon doe not catI on you. note the progrees cf thse school under Mn. O'cr maidens fair tbey'd like toCOP, ask yeur grever for Tod's bread. Madiil'u neglme. Select at once the pwr Aà -_E A large numben et people from here at- tendec tise county tain aI Whiîby. Mns. Jeo Wilson left lastç week for a tbree meonthe' trip te Engtaad accompanied by James Whittaker, cf Hull, Eng. Wm. Doubt .sso left to-day te visit relatives. Seme oigbîy tiseusand dollars insurance vas paesed by tise directora efthtie Maple Leaf Firo Insurance Co. Thse campauy nov carnes some six hundred thousaud dollars insurance visicis speake vetllfor tb. hustling qualities efthtie eaergeîic agents, Messrs. Luire and Haucock. The concert given by lise Cisosen Fricads [ast Thursday evening vas a success. A fair crowd vas present sud listened to a îood programme givea by local snd foreiga talent. Miss Walteriq, et Taunton, sud Mn. Deolittle gave veil rendered recitations The musical part of the programme vas contributed to by Mr. Seucr, Enniskillen ; H-eatlic Bros., Enfield; Misses Stokes sud ,Mr. China, Breoktîn, who vas a hest lu him- self sud kept the audience in continuai roans ot laughter. Miss Heatlie sud W. Stephen- ïou, Kinsale, acted as accompanists. Pro- ceds $i i. MG ovwo a eeNB n ilfraln MimeWove, is hsben 11fr ln uim e, 2 er 1ev., h ieo xGr don t'ise oalrdat. h iec lxGr donj. otLaaugiolmbsster.iin his fnîcade in Egypt on Suaday. Qû ite a aumber front here atteaded 1he Uxbridge sudbIÀndsay faire tast veek. Mr sud Mrs Williams, cf Kineale, vere visiting at S Salter's thse final cf Uie veek. David Dewney whe bas fer several years resided vitis I ôNeill, passed avay on vere taken te Bevmanvilte for interment. Mn sud Mrs W M Real retnrned (nom their wedding trip at au early heur ou Sun- day meruing sud arc fsirly Rettled dova to eajoy thse felicity cf married 1f.. If reports b. trac, before the CxnRomcr.u gees te print another couple ln our village vil), by tic assistance of a ministen, ho made happy. Truly Ihere je nothing haif A meeting of a.Il these iuteresee' in the Greeabank cemetery viilb. held ou the grounds on Monday aftrnoon, Oct 5111. This le an important-,meeting te ail hsvlng/ lots ou tise greuad and thc authorilies ii charge weuld like a full attendance. Thse W P M S efthtie presbyîerian church vil) hold their -annual thaaksgiviag social on Tuesday, October 13th, the principal piart of tise programme to b. given by th. mis sien band. Coensd spend s pleasat evening sud aI Uic came lime help ou a vortby cause. Rennember th1e annual senmotf lu connec- lion witis tie S. cf T. next Sundà y evening. Tise members of thse order viii meet at thse hall at 6.3e sud procccd ln s body te thse churcis. A hearty invitation is cxtended to members of neighboring divisions to jein in th1e service. Tise Sons cf Temperauce efficens for tise nexi quarter are: Wl, Victor Jemison ; W 8, Robt Michie; RS,_John Love ; AR S, E Cragg ; F S, Weston Phoenix ;Itreas, Albert Phoenix ; chap, Alex Evwin ; con, Arcis Mc- Arthur ; Ac, Bert Dobson ; I Sjno Borner- ville ; OS, Alex Boec; PWP, Wm Phoenix. Tise boys té Uic aurofe fiflees, aflen due deliberatien, resôlved to give tihe new- ly marnied couple, Mr aud4 Mr Real, an old fashioned, efrinlly charivari, se on Meaday evening tisey proeeeded 'te their residence arnsed te the teoth witb torches, gnns, lun pane, ccv-bell etc. Mn Real vas calld eu, su Tom2udSu, wbo'acted as leaders of Uie forces, scon msade t11cm 'viehes knovn, and Mmr en afier revicw- ig ltehé sudeid te lu csitlate viiout a shot beiug fired. Tii. boys thzen qititly reurned to the vfillage -and hada1 geod bleu- eut in theebape of,- almon, bis- cuits, nuis and caudies st D Penkia'. boys speak vory hlgisly of ise gouerous, way Uicy vere trcated by Mr Real, sud vould net have th1e leasi objeçtion tolsave another expcnleucç -of thse sanie ksnd. Mie Gm aUDLfEWity$Sdae ee Mies rabaorn, of Wity, Sunaed here. SuD. Calrh fWlty aldhro Whitby fair bas demeanded a deel of atten- tion ( around here. Mies Wilson, -of Uxbridge, la viuitug e M.Pilkey!$. té a orhe <Thoe. Myne le aid W b 1h srerm We'. W_ 'e PéthigSerlous 6s1 to l. AillM o tgoiery, of Clnis4ùdle la Millilory* OpOlill r.z. iiu1' a 0 os la - W,& Sept. 2Gthp 30tL 'NOctobsi'1 lut."" DISPLA Y 0F- Dre8s Good8. Man tIe8, Furs, Millinery. 'A -Cordial Invitation FE. ELLIS & Co., KING ST. WE ST, We cari Fit your Feet and Pocket. denote 9"GOodLuok" ià no rea- son why a man sho>ild wear thent, yet thousands oi people -buy Shoos -te which a borse would say "«neigh.» We Vit 'vitll auperior 81008at ai prioS. We-doietsit at coat, but very e r it e h ve juist recivd.25 Cam --Of Fait and Winter good%,icudn large asortment Of Mens High Biot ise sot'e;Very fieunes VUUC IIIINGAGMENT JHQcp Real gema You'i1l ind et BOY D'S. So wben "the daisy" you have caught, The levely presents will be brought, rhen cornes the ri ng TO TIE 'r HE N T Pure gold you'I1.find at Boyr)'s. 9 The next ln order le "a trip', On raload car or fine steamship, rhen mind your watcb, don't [et it slip, Good watch chains are at Boyw>s, rhen cornes the time for "settling dowr,i T'he old folks slyly drive t<, town ro purcliase, and a good Itok roundj For needful tbings at BOYD'S. T'bey choose a dlock that 's always right, T'o strike the heur botb day and night, And rouge the whole at mforning light, Real beauties find at BoYD'S. Thle welI filled purse is then cut loose T'o purchase silverware for use, And 'Rodgers' knives" to carve the goose- , Good forks and spoons at BOYD'S. Aword to persons growing old, Our pebble spex "as good as gold,"1 The crossest folks will neyer scold, Vben sight's renewed at BOYD'S. So aow our ad. is at an end, D'n't doubt our word, but corne, or send; Dur wares are good you may depend, Veu'il be weIl used at BOYD's. glaU at PELLOWS, and see hie Wrought Steel R~ÂN-AT- Usohie -ÂT O -J I *1 Il 'j ( A c 'v s c 'i -4 J A 'c an E and GÂS STOVES -FROM- $5.5oto e25-000 L!he Joseph Hal MACHINE -WORKS, -MÂAUFACONTE- LO MAR UFACmtheUmR- CHAMPION ]MOWEEý Etc., d supply parts, and repair ail ma- chines made by the Joseph Han M'fg Co., Masson Co. aud Diagie._ Estates, having bought ail their -patterns, fonîns, etc. îep n Stoceks -KNives Mndsectons fer mosi4 any make, mower or reaper... Iron- Pipe, Steam Fittingo,. (brase or fren). Paolking, (ruhbejr, garlocke -Thresiher Teeth mos ai ki Repair 'Bicycles, and sup] P"rtèfor iame. ]Rugines and floilers, repaùr (any make.> 1efair Machinery, any. - piiur Supplies, Beehi. , iiirs, comà b Y dati I mi I &1113 f Toronlto Pric 1HANGING LANE; HJALL LAM PS.. 'STAND LAMPS 3LIEGANT LINE 0F ailto be sold at ~- CHBMIST AN: '.Hou8e-oIeanin~ Me bave s langer sud t of viadov shades have ever sisova 1 W. use thb- bes: i shade cdots, wvus noler. Aie a sfinc varie Ask te sec our latt scneens, te fit any 'Our baby canniages ani . e igscks. Gir. us a cal) befone j W. are taking spei ologance vitis cc general utility. -unr stock is comuplet. We invite buyers Il vili save moncy Leading Undert ROKST., WhitbySteam Maîbifi and Du-ýndas Si WHI-TB GRAMTE M<9 tbe latest matki kt%&s of Cerieti A*-,Su3m- oit Dm Tk4O1XtO CONSER Pupilc0 ~1~trmsetc., arpj Sut. 27,1'99. L;oufe pDuetnof >Wyoa . ,sWted tMt. S. Cswker's à Ut4Oshawa, wlxrb an in go pI. 17tb' 0- la 0 a 9 , AUDL&Y 1 0 qp5o.oot )SHAWAJ ONTai )à 1 1 1 ' c 1 1 - 1 1 i DL. X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 i 1 1 1 1 1 ci ORMENBANX OUR A UTUMN Extendeà shed