Whitby Chronicle, 9 Oct 1896, p. 5

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r.Every lady our store ask NEw~ AND DAINTY PORCELAIN CLOCKS. SoLiI) STERLING SILVER TE AS POON S of new and beautiful design, Only $6.50 per dos. GREAT -BARGAINS, J 110 S. Barnard, -%,WATCH RE-PAIRER.w couaty Orga.-Largst Clu-ou gsn of any loal paper la Canada. FRIDAY, OCT. 9, 1896. LOCAL LAOONIOS. Renembher Bengough io-uight. Scoit repairs ail kinds of pumpa. Fail wheat is looling well in thîs distric Mrt Alfred Taylor, Toronto, speni Sunda Mens twveed pants only $i per pair ai 'Ç Waters. Hrd%%woo(1didnîng tal4es, 4 leaves, only $c W. Tlî's IIrG E Gros-, lefI on Saturday for Cbicag risit bis brother Alfred. Dont miss Bengowgb's entertalumient i temusîc hall ibis, Fniday evening. First cla,-s phobos from *Si dot. Up a 'Brien "i teIhama sgallery, Whitby. MIr. Thos. EIwin, guard at the Centra isn, Toronto, was in town for a lew day miweek. MIr. Wmn. Proudfooî, Chicago, bas becl mneon a vîit to hîs parents, Mr. sud Mns hoîdfoot, Port WVhiîby. Thousanids of barrels of good apples wil kfrozen oin the trees this 3Pear unics îb iiid shakes thein down for tbc poultry anc iks NMr C A (onner has returned (nom Brook 4N. Y, He had not sufficiently recuper tel to enable hiîm bo stand bis duties as op isca, although siimulated by a good raist i uaaryv . ly ý5' b in le d1 e a . The Gazette issued ils firat half-wet.kly r .kg. ItDe on Tuesday, ennssing ofthree Amierican m ain Toronto foundry and part of one page otype set up here. sell below the lowest cit v stores. Thousands ifdollars worth of boots and shoes ihat will )F'kbeforced sales and sacrifice prices. There iiodoubi about our prîces being the low- and goods the highest grades. M. ,W. Collins, E-ast Side. ND. THE CHIIO\lICLE offers the lowest club- kg prices of any paper in the Dominion. No oiher taoer has announcetd a club with hi Globe for 1,5 monîba nt $1-25. or with thc amers Sun ai $r, Our cotema are îrying àkes ta fool people into paying the old PnCes. They announce that they are stilI lubbing wîîh al the papers, but do not te prices, .H Pilper can SeI you a first class wind lalso the besi pump in the market. Wells cleatied out. Give hum a caîl. Andrew s Societi' The annual mneeting of the above socieiy M lbe helM on -Nonday eveniug nezi, 121h t, at 7 1)pinm., ai tbc Highland club iOflS, for the election of officers, and dccid- liii UPon the manuer of celebraiing the tOning anniversary, etc. AIl Scobchmen .aîd their descendants are invited ta attend. ,ýirwill be pleuty of music by thc higb- lInd lub orchestra. 4iiO County Teachers' Instit ute. selec- Cash- ;, and nTe annfl5 meeting ofthcOntario Couniy tchers' Association will be beid ini tbc PMI Perry high achool an Tbursday and PýdY, th nd th mat. The regulatians -14Yforeverv leacher inIthe counîy La ai- tlid Ibis meeting. If fifîy or more single ýerailwav tickets are purcbased teacbers e bk gîven return tickets at one third sin- ltare; but every teacher muat get hie ilWaY certih cale filled *by tbe ticket agent kstire and ask the agent for certificate. Neaiume. Thursday, Oct. tb.-1.3o 10 'Pi, Report of auditors and general busi- S2 tb P m, Preaidenb's Addrcss, W W iiiiilyu M A 3 10 4 p nm, Geography, Mr wly, Manîlia 8 p mn, The Water Babies, WfClark, DrC L. Friday, Oct 9th. ý to 40 M, Short addresses on Formation of Vllio>n Conduct and Manners; Prof litk, D C î;1030to x .3o a m.Comýposi- 0,Junior Classes, Miisa Hughes, Uzbrldge; ý'3to 12 a m, Elecîlon of officers ; t-30 o t el M UntyinMethod, Mr Brown,- gtY;230 03.30Pteprinalt- Ins, Mr Eddy, Brookhn. 1 SuppeeWeaus trîe supplementary examinations beld 6Ã"Oto university during September, . w ~ceu1 h names of tlhree ei pupils of our ei.Misa M. 0. Eastwôood. 4MurÏ Abrahamu and T. N. DaveY,ý- gj woo as not aware at thedm0 #IO e dMeMay exa minabion that WS w'ouId PasinlEthics o ai Uicthîrd yea* b.,. fi g rntdtourth year tadIng earnety applied berslfdnrIngthse O and tllnsba e bsatisfaction;&(eteIn Yfralustarred n efore ber. bM< MpAba' ka U tardinbs first yert* 4.rîq4 1 VCt po ih w »'.cbhew t*.M94 lu» bavlng renpve4i. p avey à si In, bisleMay examia&I in French, ont Smr and in iso -th - n s a ind and ,tê. , y0u can aund o, B- J. st fe Sc sa Io ai 0 of LA At Whitby on the 28ih uit., the wife ai D. McCnoban af a daughter. At Whitby, on Monday, Oct 6th, tbc wil (Mnàl Wm Brown, of a daugbter. Lacrosse E. i fe At Georgetown on F'riday last in a seii final match the borne ieam defeated Stouif- ville nine str3ight games. At the returu match ai Stouffville on Monday Georgetown were beaten by 6 goals to 4. Guy Bros. Comiag. The above annoucernentisl ail that is neccssary to draw a crowd. They will be bere next Tuesday night. They neyer (ail Co give a good show, and! they neyer fail to corne round once a year. The public may be said tb be their regular custorners. They are announced to do better than ever this year. Expenimental sale . What you mnay expect. We have received nearly a car load of boos, shoes, sliptoers, rubbers and overshoes, trunks and valises, and we are zoing to experiment as to how sinaîl a profit we can selI at t do business. The more we seil bbe cheaper we will sell We wlll refund monies if you do not find us the cheapeilt. Cail early ai the New Shoe Store. M. W. Collins, East Side. James Ray discbarged. The charge againsi James Ray for ste9ling oats froi estney's barn on the Kingston road west of here, after several adjourn- menis, has been diqmissed. Our readers wili recaîl that the offence is supposed to have been committcd last winter. Ray bac! some money aud started a sort or patner. ship with one James. Ray wasstbe loser ail the way through, and not oniy ibis was held to account for a good deal of mischief donc by James, who cannot now be found to an- swer for it ail. lb was 'a case of a young man geîîing in with parties whom bhe knew nothing about, and who were cunning enougb 10 leave himn to answer for their mis- deeds. Town Council Met Mouday nigbt. Coun. Devereli read a report froui bhe streets comniitiee order. iug paymeuts as follows - John Foiey., work, $1.88 ; T A Hovt, lumber, $58 55 Wm Hopper, work, $20 63 ;Jno McCarl, work, $21.1.3 ;Jno Bravener, teaming, $38.25 ;W H Warner, $.77; J MclntYre, $x1. "- The report passed. Coun. Noble reporied for the commniîîee on relief ordering payesent aI an account Of $14 ta D R Vickers. The report passed. Depnty PrinIrle rcad a re- port from the finance commitîce ordering thai John McCarl and Win Hopper be paid $3 eacb for services as special constables at Ontario & Durham exhibition. The report passed and tbe council adjourned. Soute Newspaper Snaps. $1. The Weekly Sun, (Farmers' Sun). 8 pages. cbiefiy conîrollcd and edited by Prof. Goldwîn Smith, and Tmz CHOONîCLE, 9 pages oi county iiCws, in al 16 pages weckîly, for $r îo Jan. i, 1898. $1.2,5. The Wcekly Globe, 16 page. of general newa weekly, and THE CHRONICLE, 8 pagea of lacal news weekly, to Jan. 1, 1896, for 8 1. 25. $2. The Saturday Mail Empire, 24 pages illusîrated, the Wcekly Mail-Empire, and THE CHRoNICLE, for $q a year (the price of tbc Saîurday maill alone.) &2.5o. The Toronto daily World and THE CHRONICLnI2.50 per annum. Tbesc are not briler plaie abeets printed in Toronto type faundries and palmed off on the public as newspapcrs. The Ontario Durhamn Fait The managers of ibis fair are juat naw fignring outitis future prospects. The total cash receipts of the year were about $2iao, aut of which they have awarded Si241. 25 in prizes. There la a debt in pi- miusory notes oai& 1, $ 4,400 ai this bcfri assumed by aeveraLl directars visc thie grounds were chaasged ta bbc preseut park site. 0f tbc original signets oi tis $4r4Sa note h lu sbated. bisat Messrs J D Howden, John Millet, j Il Long and H M Rsi-e tise ouly Iresponsib1e paries, aUbaougIt no persan appeaus ta kuow cxactly v'iose naines are ounbthe note -or thé, exact conlai- tions oaitlb cvenagt This uote bai to be *retircd ut onice as tise monc is ;ýequire4 1In the estate front *bIcb it z-as advanced. "à~ upon thc succeas of thç directors in uettUag it dependa tse -fui'. fitet tg@e tefit hC sotsrioei p rlu ont oif deficitM'-ucurreut exPeuses. 8#-d thé Lt Il il Oiu-g lo *e strikre on thé C. .R.M. H.Mel, ba s ucc#d a postlonis operatar. Men's yousihe and chilîdren'. o>Veroats aI exceptlonusly low prices aI W G Wat- St. John's Cburcb. Mr. C W McKim will conduct divine ser- vice in this church on Sunday next at the Si vi U! Cheap Printing and Clubbing. The CHRONICLE- does the cheapest print- ing and otiers the Iowest clubbing prices of any paper in Canada. Caîl ai this office when i'ou want newspapers or printing. In another columu Mr L Seberi, Port Perry, issues a challenge to trot bis mare against Texas Han I of tbis town. We trust that bbe feeling mai' be inubual, and that an A Big Shipmenî Of buots and shoes arrived at the West Side Boot and Shoe store this week. which will be sold at hard trne prices. ioo pairs of house slippers at 9c. per pr. îoo pairs of buttoned boots at Si per pr. Men's gaibers at $i per pr. Men's laced boots ai $i to $5. Boy-s' school boots at 5oc. per k r., at thc Cannlngton Division Court. A voters' lisi court for the village wiill be held on î5th of October. There are 8,; ap- peals. 0f ibis 33 are put in by the Con'er- vatives and the remnainder by the opposite party. Appeals on Brock voiers' lista will be heard for ihis township ai Canningion on the i5th of0October, 47 in number. Whitby DivWson Court. Henderson & Graham vs. Maîhewson.- Action for a subscription 10 the CHRONICLE. Judgmeni for $9.oo and costs. Carling Brewing Co. vs. Mallet.-Action for pnice of 5 casks of aie, and the value ai the caskrs, destîoyed ai a fire in the deft's botel. The defence set Up that the property was ai tbe pîaintiff's risk, it being the custom of the trade flot to look for pay until tbe consign. ment of aie bas been made. As no one ap- peared for the plaintifis, the case was sîruck oui. j B Dow appeared for the defendant. Hightoned morality is proverbial in Whitby town. For proprieiy and hoapîtal- ity it bas no egqual in Ontario. There is flot a vice..stained character totally depruved residing within the limita <of the incorpora. tion. The sages of socicty are inL iructing the rîssng generation by example and pre- cept, t walk in the path of moral rectitude. The young men are aspiring for hifalutin titîca by rnaking rapid strides ulp the hill of science. Money is the incentive of their ambition. A few middle-aged men whose' moutbs are tobacco mills persistinl a per- nitlous habit they adoptcd in yonîh, the re- suit bf whicb exasperates the fair sex and engeliders doîncstic attife. A Johnny Smoe occasionaily peranibulates the sîrcets 7W1uing the atmosphere wuth nooa cI bat Ihese minor evils are passing aWfore the spirit of aggresaive morality. Be flot deceivcd Those who think 'bhey are standing 'ontièi i bet pedestal of morality vilibe thruit doýz té hell if they are not. uved u in t eaxt cf Jesus.-Thqos. Hz.tr 4~ 7 The largest and mnost represeutative gathering of to*nspeople !el seen -in.tic beautiful Frances Hlall at tibe Ontario Lad. ies' College responded ta thc geucral invita. tion extended ta the opening of the new Pipe organ. Osbawa. toowsreetd ln Uic audience. The Chairs;:thatb - beei put ln are very comforîabie and baosne Tbcy are of quarter-cnt ôak and. in lely fi*- islied. VerY wisely, inoveablo cbain hâve been adopîed in placée of fixed Cnes.TWî Frances Hall lookimVellerthn0c.T floot lu respiendent and mirroSïobJeu~po,- it. so good is thse worfr of -tat1i*= um.Wi dîd tfikb. o ipolis j ft ' rMon, b pscldirectPr ' soativ l tae> s . m a u, t~ a Dl o- 31 g mt -&ndwe'Neirlots of- them for' lEWOME& and CHILDREN'. 0fcourse ve have the styles, and, Out, PrtOegl!niAit trait, and tisey do. NowDranu.gou 1 i 1 UtDo is e Old.euet U Ge.Decker, Toot-fgeryo Pýlk.rl inva l lva or a few days lait MU ba ».eole h apmed the remnark lu o nf 9ern tasat.autunsma esaeuuu- iy beautîfni tbas faîl. 1vsaeuuul Mta Judge Darbuel sund MsGasleft .on Tbnrsday last for s ivwo weeks' visit with relatives and friendg in Chicago. t A number ai the uparting irabernqty ai Our bava took un the muni club races held at taie Woadblue, Torontb, last week. Dr. Cnîhbertsan Once a partner ai Dr. Warren'., bausenapatd aaca b most respansible pou ns lu Uic l f ead Chicaga o Spîtal. StjsI h edn A 'Souple of load.s Oo ur Young people beld a succcssfnjsrpie alyo8Wd ncsda ecing thtie residence ofi it Jas Gqrusley, Liverpool Market. Messirs W H Greenwood, T N Davey, A W Smith, N H McGillivraY, E Joncs, B "basn, and Miss m Eastwood, bhave gone ta theit respective universities ta take up the 1897 course. Senator Price of Price & Reed, seedamen, Albany, N.Y., left bere on Friday laut witb four caririds ai fancy peau, the res;ult ai ibis seasons growth. H. paid Mr. James Leatsk, Taunton, $527.50 for bis crop. Apples may b. lOw lu Price tbis faîl, but ail tbe samineîany tbousands of dollars will be letit uis cuunîy in returu for this fruit. Wbere oue bas so nany be can aflord 10 sell ai a l0W figure. We believe the prîce will advance before tbc snaow files. Ths' w ubdtlsot fettan Thts btv bai h an orsniqueunetalM- J W Bengough's beore to-nigbt. Principsal Waunç ai tise collegiate instu- tube bam soved bis tmily mia bthe' Holden hanse opposite thse modèl uchool. A drive througb the country enables, one ta notice that Uic Whiîby Hedge Company's bedges have taken a good grow this sum- mer. W. will give UiecHNCitcLE, Wcekly Globe and Farmer>s Suns iS oiths for Si .5o. Thisa s the bout oaer ever made by 'amy Causadian newspaper. Rev. Calcb Parker, af Bowmanville,' bas accepted an Invitation ta bbc pastorsie ai tbc Western Methodisi churcb, Napanee, sub- ject ta the approval ai tbe Sbaîianing com- initiee.. Rev Thos Manning, the able and papular tbar ai bhe metilodîst tabernacle heme, bas been lnviîed t10 take charge af Uic Cam- bridge strcet cburcb in indsay next year, and bas actepted. Mrs Henry Gould and Miss Gauld have moved bock ta town from Belleville. They will reaide in tbe Perry bouse recently vacated b y Mr L Fairbanks, weo bs pur- chased and imprved the Mudge pi-operty and moved into il.o Mr j E Disney, Uxbridge, wîtiked in upon us Monday. He bas nat been long enoug-h in Uxbridge yet ta laorý4k a sand rat, ina tact be bas foi chainged ch oxcepi for bbc better. He runs a futl stU oa grocer- les, floue sud (ced out Ibere. Miss Mary Madili, one 01 escost agre. able and popular young ladlet ai the towîî, bas gone bo Boston bo take up hospital work and secure a certificabe as a professional nurse. Having been an active Sunday achool worker lu the presbylerian church, ihe achool joined in making ber somne baud- somne presenîs before ber departure. She carnies wlîb ber tbc good wishes of aIl, and we leed confident that ber cleveruessansd wiuuing ways will cuable her bo accomplish - 'Jr a A01ir nextwCCI search of the fineat display of DRY GOODS, Etc., who visit Que store. The dasplayi fine, but the prices. considering the quality of the gooda. are the lowesî in the mar-ket. kwno are in Good things 'n Dress Goods.-..e We have a large assortment of exclusive effects, the character of which warrants us in declaring them to be ahead of anything in the market. To use a vulgarism other stores are NOT IN IT. We invite you to inspect our lines at 25C., 50c, 75c. and 85c. per yard, as welI as our pattern d!tesses at $6.50 10 $1o. LNO GUESS. WORK.-+ In buying a READY-MADE SUIT or OVERCOAT you can try on Sa diflerent suits of as many different patterns. You can see how the clotb looks MADE UP. You don't have to guess bow a piece ôf'cloth will look, for some cloths have an attractiveness which is entirely iost when made up. Our Ciothing is made equal to ordered goods in fit and finish and you can- buy two suits for one that you would pay a tailor to make a suit ~~NEWFALLJACKETS at $4.503 $5.502 $G-0,p $7.50 to $10.00. w' G- WA~LTERS. Every ýW.eek3- W. receive a fresh ehipinelt. Of Sterling Bran4 -Hem. and EBek- fast BaCOÙ4 Tiese good a"' are midored, WM. TILL, o o Furniture DaaleL ai&. THINR' I of* lVroMa (not fan fsi)a~daegaate to any otherbrnd on the -market.. Far-inoa 5~4~PP I STEWRT Very mucb sympatby is expressed for Mr. J. Evely and fatnily, est of ibis town, on ac- count of Mms Evely's deatb, wbich occurred last Thursday, as ann-uunced in aur last is- sue. It is stated that she contractcd bypboid fever wbilsî aîîendiug ibe sick bed oi ber son, who was iii for some weeks with the ame disease. T'hus a motber's undying lve and faiibfulness cost ber this life. rsday us Worth .)ruce for ther, -,e' ats sPecial 2 )aPer than 13)oks in hubber -hallenge Gk hos Hunt's local mfor rirew WALTERS j IGHTm EEING lý\ 1 wu las. ci 7hc 1 1 1 1 1 c 1 'W. hav e the fluest stock of Dress Ùiaods ini îavn. Our Prices, Colors and Styles are the very latestý., W~See our F.ancy Boucles in Dress Patterns ouly. No twa Dresses alike, ai 6oc, yard, regular $L.oo goods. ff.i'New Tweeds, reg. $i, aur price 75c. New Une of al vool Plaids, i-cg. 75c., aur price 5oc. Beautiful 13eLine of Plaids, r-eg. 35c., aur'piice 25C. Sec aur Tweeds in all colors, ai only 25c. yard. SPECIAL. I~'WA M - £See oui- BLANKETS at $i.oo and $1.35 a pair. No trasis. 8--g"W RMUNDERWEAR is nov a necessiîy.- -- -----Have you secured your suppîy? EýîWe are making HEAVY. Sales'of these goods now. Perfect in Finish. Perfect in Fit and very IW'Duable goods, at lavest prices. Our Underwear is guaranteed nat ta shrink. Test them. .l-O'See oui- Ladies' Underdrawers ai 25 cents per pair, with Vesis ta match ai 25 cents each. !WLadies' Manîles muade ta Qi-der in the very latest styles. Sec aur Mantde Cloîhs. &W-New Millinery, New Hiery, Gloves. Corsets, Ribbons, etc., ai very lowesî Cash Prices. I*rGýenuine Bargains iniMEN'S FURNISHINGS. We have gai the Goods. We are selling îhem every hour.. jýîSALES GROW HERE -BECAUSE WE SELL CLOTHING THAT- GIVES SATISFACTION. w Go IsA TE S sreie iapitnbtn iapitnn wivSIGfTorS EE (urFIrNGv m.1 WEITB-y.. 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 li 1 1 1

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