Whitby Chronicle, 9 Oct 1896, p. 8

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Mts~ eca sG aaaoqut is Vinitng D r. W ig tmnaau ofc . -M . T cf T n w n i Nvla iOM MeTO Ba !zV 1 )1 R 4MnJ ~~' ~ f l h ) t I n f l < I n i n vi61 da.gN.rY., inese e Every m anuscr ti s h fs rn c I b i Cicao. ykes 1 pndnPuewwes es~ <~~ U ~ tjlOjIis hnicago. th a fw ees erphgra pl 4 eyhaveopened NMr. HarkneuS hipped a carlond cf falrly good fond paren. "-Dr. jhsn l eun E SINO galleryapoems (rohe C. T. R tccthe'tldo-uas poiao Miss Morgan cf Toronto, has been vishting recentlyvacated by Mr. W. E. O'Brien. PoinrtOnhusd y fhoasi week. in MissEmm Moran.At Courtice, on the 2& nttewf f r eerp prtr srk nteCPR rin bis ways, but 1 S ~Geo Stephenson~. prns al a . o îe a m i h iec :r çe n n and coperator were notmembers of theunion. Cogent cnsrs s urni ~i g vI:~ Miss Ida G _iy, Buffalo, in spending her of a son. Mr.d SetEdeBupon a bank which yields Andymuse have been ai Bo Bapt Carter ofx thendshevea ing. his coie-sthe few David Bniggs, who is Stil confined te bis roin. n seet eta' h trwl n pasy, was in onMody companles that cas travel over the saine It as salid.last week tbat Mr. Williamj" The trial trip is over dthnatecmeFrreyîinsbthlgen BOTTLIN WAX, ad Watcbour sho ivindo, nexi oor te year *after year and yet draw large bad beught the property bere of the laie S. Bar- home,Wbnnx nîwgetei RUBBER RINGS for post office. O'Bries & sdham e. gain bas ne: been cooeplete<i. Welcomne and be refîet drjcîdcid rAilcbrs morthreceni reporta say that the W. Froinsarge itoimi.Fardaigia ODS fruit jars. The new rime table came into efiect lot Oct. lot,189, Mary Ans Durrant, the beioved delegates were a pelsîed frein the E,L. ef C. ty joy, I edadsleal"ti j FRESH IN8EÇT POWDEThe m c rusdassocatndfat he ontywifl vifeof John Evely, aged So yeara and 4 bers, to attend ine convenâtion ai: Und~.W May bap te llnd.a fient esnsuo h eibec vr PR SH ISE T O DE , et nThrsa ad rda, h 8hand menths. On Oct. 3rd, ai ber son's resi- sbould have said Beuveres nstead of Lindsà A virtues, BohgoadchaaioDs POWDER GUNS, 9th, ai Port Perny. dence, 84 Robert street, Toronto, Christina UdriebednAf'Sse-~nd launch theeè-tmthe tei fehollGi utnpn n imn PO D R G N ,Cal ai O'Brien & Siedbam's studio, next M&rgacb, aged 85, relict Of laie Johs Grant, Snaps' the CHRONICLE saidld eeiton bsatetahr n s oac thrivi hn FLY ADS ND P PER, door tc post office, ycu willJ be made weî- sen, cf Oshawa. et ul ol n h EIII - Where thon mays'îWî oîyIwesti o ig P Y P S AN A E , cerne wbether you requins photos or ot. New Phctograph GaIIer7. Iar and fifty cents per annuin. Wer Y ietaghebYce ur e ifiiOY' TANGLEFOOT, (sticky fly paper.) Yon cati depend on geiting ail the latestILE E. H"~ry and H. Putnev have opene<J a listake? (Yen, it SIluld read 82.5O .B. ih ihenbigibms on e and beut i4sas in photegraphy. frein O'- the J. O. Henry galiery on king St. West, The G.T. R. bas lately bulit a stockyard gang- .T JL5. Oe adn'?t ho h -Brien & Siedhaaa, next door te post office, in Osbawa, 90(d are now prepared to maire way, etc., at thein station bere, 80t t tok al The Ridge, Ont. te' îe1 sohwa.no the fbs ictures ever seen in ibis be loaded and unloaLded froin the cars quite con-____________________Rlgen7t r> Dizspensiii f trescr1pt1ion Rev. Dr. Marvin wyl preacb in the Sim- setin.Al st7es and sites f photographe venienty.OI fd M' anj Pmyofz>e coe et cburch on Sunday. Re9 J P Wilson cati be madle, afld ail work wl be guaran. Mr. William Parka. witb soins assistance, basThioeyrsnswîîb and PabuI.m.Z s wlrheac on Mr Marvin's circuit during teed. Stage or R. R. fare from Whitby paid. just put up lange platiorin scales nean bis shop, ~Te onstebo the fly. Mr T. G.RFle ruggis, wassurnmSed wbenae he pubidaesy" youo haveed c receives Our " carelul, While Mr. King bas had ne very decided befons P. M. Murten on ruesday and fined Inghing ceai, grain, stock, etc. lIff ida QDS change for the teer,.we are glad te learn $40 and cosis on a second conviction for Last week Mr. William Derby and Mr. Kemip Yh bersonal tittention. ta ebsamwa ipoe n htbsselling intoxicants witheut registration, and traded hocssand lr.W eiee10tirr eii rdrl atp -AT-- ~~~chances for ultitiate recovery frein bis $2o and conta for seiling Intoxicants in larger hundred and fifty dollars vas psid by Derby asTen'I& urachdoîle accident are mucb better than they were quantities than six. ounces witbeut a doctor's btmney, Tepopn hat Mnr eb gets j ~ ~ Go r iB~j latwe.prescription. The auibonitjes wyul sext direct 3$ ithe bouse and lot forrnerly awned by Mr, . Dg111Jl> Te ensteun o sîi Ryleys .19ru g toreA New Dentist their attention to ibose business mnenwbo A-Brown h i<cmk i'i'diet B y e s D u t r ,sel iiquor and cider beîh in qnantity and bv UL"JVAA]LjJt Dr. Wigbtman, dentisi, bas secured the the glass witbouî license to de business ofOprhse n oa 9krt dental parlers over Rowse's. recently Occu~- any kind. Court of Reviain was held bers on Mon-Fonedi hngaiBY'S 1.>mco - ouh, shaa. pied by Dr. Pattenson. Ail kinds et dental haibpîaue * day. Quite a number of appeals were _______ t._outhOshaa.__________Pt_________carges____ Tandey hchoheseeaaudock tharay nshtaofmade ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___bridge work a specialty. Painess extrac- vsîuing Me surs. O'Brien & Sted am's ne aewo tiete erbt ____________________________________photo gallery, and may say ai the outet Mrs jas. Parkin g is visiting frien s i n os b i a onn tien by lcal anoesbesia. of that it is a magnificent place. It ha the best Bay City, Michigan.R albat s nd iBO D . tas Tuesday nigbî a meeting ofbehse iigh:ed gallery vs ever saw, is the b*çt Mrs. J. Way ef Tornoe, la visi:ing here I ar~~lrftn;~qÃ" s rested in the choral clans was held in adapîed in eve)ry way and bas the best with ber parents, Mn and Mrs D Resse. *~TXrhsaîe.aefrue S.George's achool bouse. Meusrs. P H equipmnent onîside the city cf Toronto, and Ms iloîc alnde adak Punshon and A O Geiger yl be the leading ais equal to tbe best there. Photos rnay be vsîrlst veeC te br n f alrie a . Rder'nve ecav mernbers. Mr Norman Ras vas elecied as had lite size or any other site. Theur neu ii atweaobrmn red ee : secnetary and Dr Kaiser as assistant secre- cmr sbgsog t tn r < c~ Misa Lottie Daniels has gene to Batile GodfrsanspnsiBODS tary. I is ibeir intention to give three con. boxes in. They bave a large parier andCrkMciaweeseiirsdenOu certs duAiwordheteopensonsntgrewinfuoure OBHAWTA, OCT. 9,) cra1896.ie ite ieîb.dresshng roin ad gailerv space sufiienî futr. O S E3. .Grah7am. he Pbblsine a5ooda g Oshawas New Photo Gallery for a amali gymnaaiumn. Being both practie r hsGaai sznndt bis bed, h)sgtsrnwda ens Mr. E. E. Henry and Harrison Pntney ai, pushing mies and thorougbiy Up in their and is under the doctor's cars. wlopnaphotograph gallery hn Mr. Jay.mu 0nd r CHad e airtopn aj, w iii be able te bandle aspenî daysMrSand00W oun ad, speaiaan endy Henry's building, lateiy occupied by Mr of business and do i in betien style than ha- of lasi week vssiting in Oakwood. un cb u ed u on (1 jO'Brien. Mr. Henry was ost ofthe eaniV ever been done before bib tis tovn. Wt- Mr. Jos Gould of Uxbridge, whtldoe Son . e Setteriesefo pov r tisbytyans wh inr Pt- trstwarded.energy viii be fuiiy ne- hreon Sunday and spent the day with e Stheesefooverer 2Sthy3Otli,,You'ii Mr. eut- wsedeat BOYD'S. PAGE ~ney ia ose ef the enterprising young antusts Vindicator: On Tbursday last EmilyQieanmr onhr tkinhefr ____teSats._he_____________________________ nCaiWhibvLadeq' î Wity lstwga!lerytobe asdwii beoneof heCollege, and dauchîer cf Mi. Josiab Lick.i hiyls ek bt qppdgaileries in Canada, having ieft homne frMnt tadon Birîba the inWL instruments for nuaking ail the saiied for London, England. She was ac Mn. Geo. Marmen of a son. latent styles et photographa, from ibhe amaîl- companied by Mfiss Jessie Weir, hogersell Our nev hetel keepen, Mn Tooiey, bas ne:adseti Farinera wiii do velI to cailiSi M. E. est te life sired. The people vili de veil to They wiii spend a few weeks in Great Bnit- yet put in an appearasce banc, the neasonO R TUI'TM te Miayas for boys' ready macle clothing. wait, and compare their work vitb that ef ais, wben tbev wiii taire passage ior hodia. being that he is sick ln Port Penny. WrouuOURt- It wili psy any parties contempiatisg buy. othens. wbene ibey will engage in mlssionany workr Peter Culiy ef Oshawa, ta ho the ineantime Ing an engagement or vedding ring te . Tivo weeks ago vs prnsted a paragraph in The missionary society tbat sends themn oui efficiaîing in bis place. DLSPL A Y 0F- /. .I J 3 they viilseli ibis month very cbeap foi cash. renu that Mn. Cochrane ba.d been put in jai. won n tl adta h ucaeo owing te the tact that a fev wiid cats had Genuine diamond 14K. enly $5~. Tbey ane at Toronto, cbanged wth stealing iambs latins dresa for an isîeresting event that iF put un their appearasce- near Pi ospect. r aisemakng einsspeiaioffes i Geîs'near Enfield. We sever ksew ustil then announeed te transpire upon the arrivai ef rhein borrid yells could be heard quite dis-(o d, ais' mand soya' g old nds in e nttche.bat ibere vas a Mn. Cochrane residing in one ef the young ladies in the societv in- rinctîy, and ibese vite have ever ses» thein, M tteAeiheC I Se thmanedBroglan irwths. Oshawa, but bave since iearned that be ii. snested'tbat may resuit in tbese regulations t.el] us tbat at isast ibres ans sulking around ka See tem. Flt Brs. tr aged gentleman, and apparenîl>' quite be beingr amended. Whateven the nesuit ma)* the nidges. lu issometime since ibis species yon th phsicl pssirhiy c cong ny-be ibis young lady bas lier wandrebe and h-1 ,f wild beast bas been located bers, and vs Sal-Cilat urays te aler.Heba uing et the kind rumored. lu ail prebabili- o. ntebi> ep had corne te the conclusion ibat nons nov n ASSO E a fneseecio c pstng, uaînaovr-t>'there has bees a misapprebession et To coia. existsd. Our supposition vas wnong, Stijli u coatings, etc. These geods muai and viiinie fenor o en mlaMvî h ccs aione. ens sniîl> cshpeopefte' hbna Wetheraemoen t n cilwas held on Monday evsning viîb Mayor to nid us of tbein tincoinfetabie presesce. be sld y te yad, r mde u, aay e x oopress or exnemeregrte t tatmet snoulu Cowan in,- the chair. The foiiowigme 'ýens versopcesentrnMssans McLaucasin olumNWOOD A Cordial Invitatin Etedd Miss Ida Frain is visiting friends in De- have appearecl in aur columns. Ws are Dvr roflLmbyEliCa T V rMsLv Mce i iiin redsi h tri.sorrv that our attention vas sot caiisd te tht t Dv en rsoTmin, c Elis, Cunai. oul Ms ei akMcs-iisig rensinte tY.u yk~ u Mn T Sheridan vas in Bevmanville overparagrapb in tune te enable us te refuie ~iard. ndrennh. Mr AB en illabefMc- cîtGreen ba re1iiiedq mbis h CavandFreeb.MnA BDemti ske frrFedstee hs riuredoe hs omei n ma%- U r meULENinI - Suinda>'. t sk, but v trusothrane esonfay -irebatsetfbis taxes, as the college had beer Illinois. .Fe 0 LEaS O 1O. î b i k i i a M n C o h r a e b c a u e c a i > ' - ' m r n e d j u s t a f e n a i s e s s m n t h a d b e e n J H a r r s , U x b r i d g e . m a d e a f l y i n g v i s i t t a Jof r t a 1 Mn and Mrs R Hobbs snndaysd ai Higb. îhing thai ina>'have appeared in ibis journal. ad./rJIA CII/NE I'kORe-ju vllgeo Sndy.KIG T Iand Cneck. ~~~~~The young ladies vo pro mets the inter ml' a xs e. n e ir ataed fat Mn De viaeonS d y.[5JLb .. YI .4 Rev Faiber Jeftcottin inuNew York on 2 enta cf the flower mission are cai-rytng o n ii's t axevee suoofHe woul oe M sRichard Wilson is able te be around lia a ebts f 5o be made. Mi' blt m n b u s i n e s s t n p . ~ ~wo nk th a t n o s e i ii p r o p e r ly a p p r e c ia t t s a d b le va s in fa v o r o f g l v n g M n t h ll f e a a n f e bi n e e r j s 5 ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mn. T. J. Boyd la is Milton attending bis uniens the>' bave the mesies or sorins other rebats but thoucbi the council had »ot the. Miss Minnie Wilson bas bees suffening erte' unrl fthte many aiments that fissh* la hein te nover te grant i. as it rssted entim~ev witi,' frein a slighî aitack of neuraigia. - A U A T R , Mn and Mn. E h Rcvse ans spending their l ste btiemsinvlmakre its pre- he Court of Reviiion. The inayer stated WSGe» heeWlonfoe feCt can Fit y u L V R MLB h m holiday. in Detroit. sence feut and icave a grecs spot ini tbe menu- fiat il vonid be quite prepet- for tbe consecil and spent Sunda>' in the village. Iiîag relaives In Cicago. sr ceo l the i ete r moa t wiba aend lu mt-s blrpr n ie Ahls. dan ehd vt r e -Mr i bsn a nd F *of Bg ampon , . ya lpsofLmâebe u. iv n r C rn e. M.C uîad hn m isavr- M s, W ibvsie eiaslaivert a d P c k t n u py pat, a d rpu VA. WýEST. -te' n bY ail, Ifnd, rings, iol) S4COop, HOOP, ýaught, ght, 'HE KNT it slip, edo)wn" it] s righ t, ose hegoose.. Or send; end, ~ws, 0.000 )00 [ail cand ande- ipply iredr de~ - tuth onn ctnmtx i e unnus band in ihai ercck- Mtehessrs Pudsbosn, Couithard, PrOvRnand81Y1the Rr '.I.'Iiresher Teeth muet aThe e ou ei 4doun d e ni d byte wRs verMcD nald, t-G nev & T e - h àhoes at fair ung ta e e m n's m i si sa y m eetin g , e- le s va >' an d a d v ised cau tio , n u t i bi M hthe s s b o s il ' h u n d î a î g v c d di n g pv a svery >uiet, oîy ise sea n rd a- pi c e s We d e n u'a s i a < e t e ai i y le , a d pseUgthe mission band. Sait could be called eut, but as dsiay vas the maîter n sibi bands et finance commîttîse eiug pse n the vilagCochisourviii bl- but very near 1t ehv at o ae MseHanses, et Oshava, vas in tewn te- theirght dangenous * b>' the resi cf the paru>' te report oce.atits nsxt meeting. wve a>' n sadunii v iaçs se Chumand ai-ied9 'day, the' guest cf lin.. Geo. Wilson, efthie he advised closing the doors and îuutung a Susday school and was a gsneraI -fvorite and Winter go"s icuig aymk. Guide. Site vest out te Lindsay' as nepre- match VtheUtsarehouse. Ih vas boier te ihal.Ts apycul e thte l.., sot~tfMnsH~ - eutati-ve cffie mission band, to tbe Wo- sacrifice a litle prcperty thas nisIkvauable sveuinq train cen route 1pr Pç,br= ; ', here ç.~a a~ey .l mnasMissionar>' meeting held tbere.-porî humas Iltebnîthe barbecue ttîeywould OshvKs uaus »»Dihwour. îhey viiiseend a short likuymoiW th Boots, 5.180 soiR eryfnie Hfope Guide, Oct. 5îb. have veuid be soescompensation.', ver>'- mL. VICKEBRY. brbr.Mmee trethe bide's sister,Mrs T Lartoni. o e' n ale'Boe cito Os the sots of this moah fie Royal Tem- body endersed thai and as tbeiY, uSeilte -plans viii houl £conUs'oclal at ibis home et carry ontthie plan Charlie McItiv' beagle BBOOX8' LIVERY, Stmioe -suret, sonil. - ' P HaetrRWoni lin J Ke dle Th ad isson se iiibe came oeuotet bsbuilding wih a a5d fmusk- vit. nopX bamu as na Sr mmoo The.ffl auvhS-is the-nepont off sh e nS tuge C p a y u pi s e toc I th yungmae tmparsves lketi. The apple picisersgot up in ibeir tmes E OfK g,, imarks Saken b>'the irai ive DpeIla sac the cor , w arranîed t o pop, ihere vouit], ne &yifim<D nt nt O C lr .4i aep em w ord.us - H u rD 'doubi, b. a large atedance of young Anvmesry Servkes. r. B. bWaoh67.rWitez7P ais lde.Rev. J. Short>', Lindsay, preacbied the I s». . Mie, l B. gast iFn t- l s se= 9 te b.com ing the fad Is O shaava sn lî ersary serice of Sim Coe S t.uL u' Oclsu t'E D iI 1 . < a r 36AfS',> >' k e,. .1 for youung vemen te b.e hased by -treatures cbiurch ou Suuday Ias, te Vêry lange con- ~ ~ -A tsba3,V 4k zIJ.<a.- wh t c hsmselves meu. A youg aygregations. The, subjec t bIsamornsg WIDXJ.DAS D0fipisdOn Otn C anne 6, Il, evSr, A I euii4mral4Trs 2 iýn* s1ake.nonibi paruf et btowu, "ilie sermon was part oet u. 29.o: "LeanaetLadofvyo el y 6x Midna4,W arad M~ Ïus ss eek, kvas chaied by '?4e."Thsvesttvds0ib Gat BBMwra6x I ll*eGait-ar, emeBlaiuiThssewe.e the w a f theyGreatlo ug ohs, but succeeded là reach- -Teachsr1 vise spoke as never. inu ppke. Oxuor ozJ ."oc~5¶ kcIo? ~M.E~, odtoi a - f sasty Whit im Mespoe tea mien~le ud opresecîJieaui oeieryunS u4 n' p. ~ MÂùifiuilnws. n floim l ~ e c l i a d e o i e s d c o il i ~ w e o s E n e p o m i e r. uJ . C . W o uis M4 7l y -6 , m of ol lad p op e, aS=I " -'.Il - 1,-- l--o fo sz2, u gan~ anihsi~n*~osouo-i. e~ tuyo Paruhsg- w IIIS> UcIOSD ad4lu.- A57: M ;.&l ~Z ~ 4 g iîrv n s e pÇ A o o t %emI m d b We, U Nt 4Auu.- -- - t~ -tyen fortboWI~nu for,Ste adcoet' us-t- 5D" s5 :Mido oel 6 W.: rOL.X ý-aIlP 'kmotoPr DroItO P IALNLN LAS --SANDLM S p1LUGANT LINE -al to besold at A-H. CHENIIST WTBY, We have a larger aui et yjsdoy sbad bave ever shosy We use the beý abade cloth, w relier. Aise a fine vu Ask to ses our scrsensp te fit ai Our baby carniages signa. ,Gîve us a cali befor We are takung! eleganice vîtb generai uuulît>' Our stock is compli We invite buy lu viil save moi Leading Und, tB!LOCK ST.. Established Dundas WHITE Chas. IE (TPrmeriy ýporter anti GRANITE thse istesi in kinds of CE guararnteed 'SED FOR ~-TORONTO CON Puj toaoko of Pi For' tel=a, e. 1Whitby, Ang. 27, 'Thmeough bred âwyte M. LA 1 LAMP-

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