'OSHAWA; ING ST. WESTý n, helJookéd 30 âe- U Cut a shine, at BoyDIVS Weil known y i th lre and~ ail ie th a CIal, Vt)'S. 3mi les y<u will find 1 ci wiudi at BoYDs'S d diamuond rings, ly things, for kings Boyws, hrow the lo 'd like o -'scoops 1 .A.ERMEVT mOOp, at BOYDPS. you have caught, Mi be brought, 10 TIE .9.rH KNOr t BOYD's. a trip', steamnship, , dofl't jet t1 Iip. a t B o lvoS » i* 'settling donP ýe to town od Iok round aI's always righî, i y and night, morning llgbh, Ilhen cut l00se for use, to ca rve theg900se - Iflg old, **d s gold," lver scold, Il BO',D'S. endj but corne, or send;- 1 mnay depeld, (lN î' "ILLOWS, qý50, 00.f $25.000 li Hfal 1IT ORKS, 'U E- the #rnproved WER, Etc., repaîr ail ma- ie Joseph Hall Co. and Dingle Ought ail their ons for most er or reaper. amn Fittings, garlock and not ail kinds and supply rs repaired, ry, iýtly de- Z Woon &Co. - Beehivea, Foundation e Threshing rtable, good 0 idmp VOL. XL. WIITBY, ONTARIO, FIRfI)AYe OCTOBER 16, 1896. MANCEESTEEthe depafttd, ici woe full of encouragemenoft LOC L N WS ETT RSI MrsGibon as ove ino Mss Di- ) t the benoved phrocession, whlch a o l lare, thon lproceeded wMaple Grvoe en boue.to tetery, Ptlnoe Albart. The entire iland joinl p 00 s(1ONso LX cL ConasroxDzuqcz. Jos McClintock bas gone to Tor'onto 1 t extendiag to the bereaved tdir utmosi asympatby tend coiiege. in thedr great sorrow, and we press the wish us:t - 0 -Birth-On Thursday, Sth is. the wife of o e mtS ay be found sfiin fobthern iu TOWN U LMMr. Simpson Martin, of a son. ti1sterfneo need. Thee il e n pracingat hemeto- Mr Thos Graham is somewhat better this OUcTa. ohsbdads L am p ood Tere wll beno peachig at he rutho-wcek, but still unable to leave bis bed. Mr Et! Reynolds is confiued t i c u Lam p oodsldist church bere on Sunday next. on ac- Miss- Lottie Haruier, of Toronito, was very low. count Of the anniversary services in the visiting bere last week with ber sîster, Mrs T Goodman stili keeps the gris: miii iumiming methodist tabernacle, Whitby. R S Park. #a good tutie. A large number of 4A nd's cbnrch con- M 1r ana Mrs Wm Tborndike, of Oakwood, Mr Cook repitîs a good year for banus, of Toronto Prices not iit gregation took p -i of the home of wrvstn eaie oeStra n bd egossvmlvreis Mlr and Mn. S L Brown and! presented theinr e iiigrlaie eeStTdyadwihe e ts Ãare aldnadvanageai hes WEE NW witb two easy chairs sud an addres, which Sudy Tefmewae aig dî.t« f hs WERE NOWexpressed great regret that botb were about Mn. Wm Spence and daughtor Maud,'fine days to bustie in the potatoos sud buck- HA P -86.~~ ~1~ *5o, S45o to leave tbe noighborhood. Mr. Brown wifl I spent a fo dayslasat week viiting friendueaà vr;sn esyM W ai a leave in about a montb for Michigan aud in Whitby. bad asnack of typhoiti fever. We bope to bear 5 5, 400.wiii ho followed sext spring by Mn. Brown Miss Minnie Byamn, of Derrville, w" o f a speet!, recovery. HAL I\ S $ 5.00, $3.oo, and family, who in the meantime will resideI visiting bore last week during the teachers' MrreRihdsnsoni wytEgld 4.00., 2 in M W Colin's terace on Centre street. convention at Port Perry. wt nte o fbaydagtbre.Fe 50,Theaddesswasrea byMv iltn Bown Mrs W Byam, of Carnbray, bas been bore is a bustIer on horses. ST \ i i A N PS 81-.25, S *75, and! the presentatian made by Miss Edith during the last week attending the bcd-ide vSselKeiwobsenvryI wb 4 r Kemptborn. Both Mr. and! Mrs. Brown of ber mother, Mn. Powson. .Mr mub i l sud asnenrli te ervesit ""'~ " feliniy epied MnBron wll e mch M S Tooley, who bas been very sick for is umprovlug iu healti again. ELGNTLNE 0F rissed in cburcb and Sunday school work. some urnme past, is now around again, and Most 01 the people arouod hmr are sbipping EL~ANTShe taught the bible class and was Presi- able to look after bis duties at the botel bore. their appWestbrough tie Farmers' Club, not 41eH nl L m dent of the Epwortb League. Mn Tooley cornes inoa ur neigbborhood b gsmuisà ed wi the buyers' low prices. v' H nd Lampa weil recommeiided and we predict t bat the boxugO public will find everything quite satiwfac- OOO (:'1 t2c. each, worth 5oc. Chas Mackey of Enfield, Snindayed under tory. He promises ta keep a good bouse We regret ta learun that Mr. Ormu Walters, Litb' i tthe parental roof. and everything up-to-date, Iri that case we jWho is sick with typbeid lever in Oshawa, aq aMrs. Brignail lately paid ber ssîer of Baw- wish him every success. and was reported as vecovening, bas bad a maIn~vill asor ist relapse aud is now iu a dangeraus condition. H . mn a hot I5 The Sans of Temperance division bas His mother aud brothers let Wednesday ta Our pedagogue sutendet! the teaciers' con- again star ted its regular routine of meetings. attend a: his hed side. vention at Part Perry on Thursday sud Fniday At the meeting !ast Friday evening therePOT RHY ciii:NIIST AND) DRUGGIST, af last week. was quite a gaod attendance. The afficers OS alI . Geu Saltan still bas some threshiug (o do. elected for the ensuing. quarter are as fol- George Irvin, af Rochester, hs homo- -WITBY - - ONTARIO. Ha bas made an excellent season, bis machine îows :-WPý_ R M Holtby ; WA,' Miss Anna Another barber sbop iu :owu. Cbanles Hadges doing good wovk and cansing little or.vo trouibe Parkin RS. W D Munra; ARS, Fred wieids the razor. Our Epworîh League workers -bave excellent Parkin Troa, W F Dabson; FS, Miss L In tie case of tie Queen vs. Burnie, tie pris- programmes aut, giving eacb nigit's meeting Mlartyn Chap, Mn. W Sîubbs ; Con, Miss ôuer was cormmitted for trial. etc, Mr. McAvaly stilI fuls the presideuts L Munro, A Con. Eddie Hodge ; LS, Fred Miss Gertrude Rass. daugiter of Reeve Ross, chair. Lyle; OS, Gea Munra; PWP, W Spence. left an Wednesdai for the Ladies' Collage, I ~Y &âUI IuIà Y~u Mv. na Rod ba puriase! t - stoebre Iî'is our painful duty tii week to chron-Wbby aud will be foud in charge of the situaTk>u early icie the deati. ai an aid and respected citi- Mv. joseph Bigelow is attending to McCaw's ~. 8 ~ inArilnet. e tustho aynolreget bezen, in the persan af Patience Powson Fan statiauery business for à few days lu Mr. Me- House-cI liflg ime M her e .flately taken. some time she bas suffeved. but an Mond.ay Caw's absence. We hve lager nd ettr asortd sock Wm Newton~s cider miii i. in full operation last she departed this life at the ripe age cf Thc indian agent ba S orte of tic indians sumn We avea argr ad ottr asotedstokDow. It gives splendid satisfaction, notbing but 8 i yea rs. She la one cf tbe oldest settiers li mouedto teltol where thcy bave been procurnu of wndow sbades this seasan than we pure apple juice extracted, andi that st the low- the township, baving resided here for tic their fire-mrater lately. have ever sbown before, rom 45c. 11P, est living puce, oe cent per gallon. !a.-t 52 years. Deceased was harn lu Stan- Mlessrs. W. H. McCaw and A. 1. Davis and Wýe use the best baud paiuted opaque Mr HaIt ai tbe front road near Pickering vii- stead county. Queboc, and aI the age cf, 29 tbeir ladies are lu éitendance a: the ticket agent shpde cloth, wjtb Harthbr's spring lage, bas leased Mr. Gald's fairm naw accupîed camne ta Oshawa. Sbartly afterwards she meeting a, SL John. roler. of* ric e. by Mr. Neal. He wjll move iu nex: spritig, sud ber husband, Mn. Jno. now t stld Did nTooton undy coe i Also a fine variety ofconîe olS. tbe premises ave vacaed by Mr. Neal's ou and cleared u the farm occu ied Ps Fnuy Austs eodwi fF% As to lu Our lts tl f idwfml.by Mr Hiram Fitchett. Aftev the oat f186uuîn.bloe!wfoa sc.rt-ens, îu fit any wiudaw, at 30c. eacb. Mr. Wagoner has net closed the Wbitby ber busband sho moved to the village, Cotraaed 46Toono, nars sdayment. t.89 Our b>abv carniages are ail of the latest de- ioundry deal jet. The only difflcultv seems to wbere she bas resided ever' sinceHer DioreTeunToonBeo. F, sct.dtson of sig ns. be iu disposing of bis Kinsale property suitably. ways and actions were most pleasant and Gog en'o ieoscn o fM Gîv u'a cti efoe prcbsin elewire. Rev licCamus of Port Perry preacbed an baviug led a good cinistian lufe she u'w as.mBîgelow, ai Part Penny, saed34 years sud \ive aioe în pca pings acobiere.loquent sermon bere last Sabbath. laved by ail wba knew ber. The funeral montis. elegance wth economny in price and A person aut of emiployment canno: perhfps toak place from the residence af ber son, Mv Mt. 1Jilo. Noti bas been appoiuted tu issue li genra utliy.btter eniploy the time than by attendiug the H Lack, on Weduesday, and the remains ceuses (or deer buutxug by tbe chief game wai genera utiliy. -ti-tinn -ilewi,.h aedailv tainie nlace iu snd vere e -- îd n thuePine Grave corne e,, dnfrthis district. Those iuîendiug to bun onîer6s-d8 hd tair~le ,ntice. Our stock is completo lu Hanse Furnishings. WVe invite buyer te camee sud soc us. It wyll save maney. Leading Undeftaer,- E. Je JOHNlq-SONP BROCK ST.0 Established WHEIT 1849. Wiltj Stcam MaibIe and GanDitg woîs, Dundas St., WH ITB Y. Chas. H. Si Fortneriy Wolfeudet porter anti Denier iu (RA1.ITE MONUM the latest matenlal ai kinds of Cemnetery w guaranteed. iND Fop. DEsIGNS Miss Beatrice R Dec) --GRADVATE4 TORONTO CONSERVAT( Pupîl ai Mrv. Teacher of Planofort*.e Fur terms, etc., appiy at Wbîîby, Ang. 27, '99.Co Bull for Service. around Kinsale. You can attend a: leas seven or eigbt sales iu thii parts within th& r.allares ai five miles. Mr Joseph Hariron sud Juo Radd's auctian sales are uaw a thing cf thc pas. Bath iad good sales, nat large crowds but ready buyers ind sales exceptionally Izaod lu cansidevatian cf tic serions depression amoug tic farmers. Mr. andi Mv.. Dr. F. A. Joues ai Windsor, 'have returued homne, accompaniet! by Miss Flornuce Mackey, who vil reinain ulth them for somne time. Miss Mackey will be greatr missed in cunection idth tecburcb aud Bab- bath scb"o, beng anceof tie active workers. Mr. & L Orvis, aur popular merchant, bas goe e t te Algoma. lie centeimplates build- ing, iavîug ptirchased a ucun utc in the village ai Dryden. He viii place a banse on bis pro- perty sud icld iselt iu readinesfar lie early departure wesîward lu tic coming sçiring montha. Themeviii be ne s=a11 exodus cf Kin- saleltes. We base our friends witi regret, but wisi one and ail abundaut succems John Lynde aud vife visited fieuds here on Sunday. Ed. Jackson of Greeuvood, puipit- ized bore ou Sunday. Many visited the Pickering barvest ______ home festivities on Sunday last. Rev Mn McCamus delivered a fine sermon. IIUth, Many wiii not recognize the name ofi n Works.) îm- the newiy-married couple of iast week's LMARBLE AND corspondctlce. It should read Jess. ERNTS, Etc., of1 Banbury. id designs. Ail vark. Our work Messrs. Puckern Bros. losi their imported ram last week and immediate- AD PRicES. I y bougit anotier, tic :st prize ram bf Toro'nto and Montreal, from Mr. C 'T ker, A.T. C.a. Garbutt, of Claremnort. 9~ Much sympalhy is felt for-Mr. and OF- Mrs Bailey iu the loss of their son afteî C)RY OF MUSIC. abnief illness. Ho vas a smart young EdwardPisher boy of much promise but ho lias gonc e=ýý tic way vo must al go--se o eady. ý reidene, -We vaut a social for S S funds, and residuce, there are talent, "tables, etc,. reýdi UNTY BUILDINGS. upon notice, but vo have no place tx hold forth. Who is going to give tu roomn? Wc ought to have a hall. T'horough bred lJersey. Teme SI, Apply ta M. Coffec, opposite Gross & Granger's paining milI. G. H. SONLEY, Whhby. May 21, 1896.-ti. GATES FOR SALE ~' bout 5o geod Faim Gaies for salei ýil40 each, at DOWSWELL'S, Claneinnt. Sept. 3th, 8. WANTED At once, energetic man o onoun lu each tlWin aud couniy te take charge ,ofordcr de- patment. Steady employnr.t Gond pay. H. D . HUGHES, Trenttnit. Sept. adth, 1&)6. r d is Ibereavod eues lu their affliction. Mr and Mn. Harris, Asiburu, vere guests at Mn N Byers'. The hum aitich threshing machine is stili to be beard bore. miss Hosîlu, Bowmauvilè, is'vWsting ber aiter, Mu. Neil Smith. Miss E Trevin and Miss C Erlnacmbe vere guests of Miss Minnie Martin. Rev 1fr Mallett, Sc"ga, vas visiting friends lu this neighborhood. Mir sud Miss Willis.msou, Cartwright, were guests of Mm John Potter. Mr. Hsucock sud Miss Littiejohus, Cour- ice, were guesis at Mv John Martin'. Rev C O Tohusten vili deliver suother of hi. popular lectures in the methodist churcli, Ennisklllen, ou Thnrsday, Oct oM.- Subject-"Seveu différent people cf vhom yen are eue. " Dr. Jobusion is a fine singer and viii give a couple ai solos. Everone shouit! come and have a life size portrait cf himself dravu, and sec the- other six. Ad- mission g5c, reduction for [amulies. Pro- ceeds to be used by Ladies Aid for landable purposms Doors open at 7.3o. lecture ai 8 clcock. Miss Lillie Balfour, Zephyr, vas Ubome Saturday miter attendlng. tie teacient con- vention at Port Perry, Thumsday and Frlday. Mv. Aiex. Montgomery, a resident4fAsi- humn anme tiirty years ago, paid a short visit an Wedneday to a number of bis old gcquaintances. Mr. G. Savage bas the contract for graiel- liug the bill by Mr. S. F. Johuston'. [ar., sud tic roat! vili ho greatiy imr.poved simce tic late grading. it is env painful dnuty tg cironicle ivo deatiga afier veny bni illneis. On Wednes- day Mr. J. Valentyne lu bis &ndt year. ^t Toronto, 'Miss ,.May MWaddlugiam. grand- daughier of Mrs- 9gilvie, Ashinma. )Mluchi sympatiy h expressed fon the hereaved Tige great concert is ali but neallzdaW-d the prspects of a vevy auceesennain-. met yevery bright. Evelryone soû tend Oct. sflt. Tic objici la a evooe, to prcre a mucbuee Uru o h Sunday uhoatc tleti&-cf ti bout ii prlce ofamsit but 25 -Ota Ope o. Creail. s i. I j, 3 i. r. Il The Hou. Mv. sud Mvs- Dryden, Shenif sand bfrs. Paxton sud Charle suad Tlme:by Bigelow vroie lu towu last Sunday atcndiug the funerai ofi the late G. T. Bîgelow. W. H. Clark bas opened out a johbing sud Mearso the rom lateby occ'pied by the lace W.Bond, wbere ho h preparedt! w &> ail klrdé ofYtnd sd lvanized work. - Gu~rSgtdor:~j~cjbis lot nêLife on the Rail st Frldai eveniug lu tho metho- dist churcb to a large audience. b: as racy. and humerons. Tiecaoductor isa gonid mimic and truc to hie, Ou Wednesday fonenoon tbc fine bells more clanging but iappilv tic fire tnued ont ta bhe a smali blase lu Mr. John Ewerse bouse. wicre a few pais o1bwater elIt appiied put ont thir ip- lent line lu a partition. Diot! lu Nanti Toronto on the 9h mut., Eliza- beth Englisi, qed 48 years, daugiter of tic laie 1 no. Engiish. of Reaci. Thisins ver. beought bore sud isterredt!as Satnrday fia tic Pine Grave cemetery.. Tic KLasonie lodge 1oom lu the Carnolie block wili soan be ready to be oacupied vhen tint saeiety viii -have a fiue suite of rmcmi. -Tie twoarnb windows Iacing Qumu areet anm frosiet! and tic squame compass ta bine show 'Tie supteme court of Canada bus delded tie fisbory casein ayon of th. Proviuooe for fuishls in tlnd atems.Tir. decsioc in tiec casd Crandoiva. BOven by Magistrale Non viii bob god Iri as-e-vs. apipsale! by bfr. ioweni wb% ,ne doubt' vii now rwttbdmaw is appe* snce Itis suprem eout.decli a aginst Mr. Bowon's coutotot Miss EdielWIllud iohaIûocopla4thec - tdon of organfl tin Si. 1ohn'sPSi!çýCnLs'cbtirt in tôvn Worthe lait six monb, intheaobsenc of lass MeG, uli vs taen - .upn t th close cd prayer meeting on WtDdncdu .éa' of lait veek and presentcd hy Msr. aG and Formani vit)'an addrese ad pee fr i eyoung lady%. v.lue<Iservce = nWerganit. DW ed uPont p" 4 cmt *. ibist utAitbo I..., eldeitisono(Mr. John bln, ged 2 yem T)'. deoeased bwb oubd Iwougbi tp v-ibis tout' as n avrie,:uthaU ,wtt)'wboin h te&sadvasf la"-y dipo stlW -44 4 o.. Ri c à obWà M M NO. 46. - - - - - 1w A 1InU~v.w fl V .~.....fl...A..nk.a ni thn <11 arn amy uuusmsu £nw.szory. Vaterlnary Coilega Toronto; Honorary G. B. WiLLisoxa, barber, ont to poisofie Oct, Ut.-8 mos. Min&nsr.-UmxsTueuow bxan reelvad bas ua'w fanl stock cf müUhnery »ud la praparat t turD ont ftrst-claus nalilnecy ln the lataul styles sud 1ev price.. Stsmping don. te order. Sept. lth.-8-mos. hand parlor bel saon Chemp f or a they ara goo WAmenor o! thaDOVado Mediclofat 0 Treste ail disaasf the domesiioatd animnaisby, tha most aprovad imetbOd. AhBo partieular attauton t crul aparattouS jSd detlstry. Day or nlght cails Promptly attandat! ta. Offloesud rasidenceBrooklilu Ontario. tars wtt ovans, whih ha vOl Ithe agency for the Oshaa SteamLaundry. cash. Cmli aud inupet thain Laundry wili bave bis sbop ou Tiuvsday d bargalms, anngsd will lio returned on Satuvday. AIl work guaranteed satislactoy. Hastings $t Mannors, Oshawa Steam Ià undry.-22-tf. [et ~1000 l'b.. VICTOFý TEe.1 Our Speciai Importation cf New Japan Tes ha. just arrived. This i. the sanme brand tiat bas given aur - We have had buiît for our custamers suci Uudertaking Depanrment a universal sais- fine Casket Wagon. It as faction duing made accordiug te oui OWii te past season. desig n ad is, arrauged for It seils aI 25c. every canvenience ln cases or dt lb. for a dollar. f emergency. Iu a few eeks ve shall have seveal s UGÂ4RS. articles ready s0 as temake au AMBULANCE WAGON Vou can't boat our pce ou Sugars. St of it in case f accident, L w ec rnlte ,2 b .fr$ drowniug or snddeu death C sh;StLaww r n celat t ed 2 l or S away frani home..Csh ; fort. Lash. e Bng tYcbw 28 JESSOP FURNITURE CO., IUS4,Wlui- ad anpigs IJESOP F-RNIURE Our w Tweed oeds WasndsdPantinga W.J.NOTI, PORT PERRY, MANA GER.1 Rev. T W Lýeggott, Claremont, was in .own on Saturday. Mr W H Hewltt. G T R agent. retnxned from hie holiday trip last Monday. The E L of C 13 have arranged a special missionary meeting for tis (Frinay) even- ing. Miss Oliver bas gone to Toronto where she will spend a few weeks visiting with friends. Mrs John Wells is moving into the north *haif of the double house that belongs to the Darlingtofl estate. Mns J B Bickeli and lirs Batty, Toronto, have been visitiug aznong their friends in Brooklin and vicinity. IMiss N~ichois ha advertised ber verni estate and chattels for siale by public auction on Wednesday next, 215t inst. Mr W S S licAlpine, B A2 of KoMXaster IUlLiversity, will J)reach and sing at both tservices in the baptist church nent Sand*y.- 'Coal oi-Canadian, iS8 cents Per gallon ; American water white 23 cents per gallçt. cah r ce. Get your cana llEUd->uiow, at bank this-!(YFrlday> ~nutgvte~~~ 4 "The Grave IROb1Fraitir. -F-0. T iconcert. Carpeaêr Shop to -Rent A carpenter shop adjolning Mr. T. Scott's blacksmlth Shop; Broôklin, Ont. Appiy ta T. Scotto Brookili. jRemember thet antion of milcb cows amd other cattie on the prefuises of B-P Dlong., C lot 27, COU 5, WhitbY,- o1 SatnrdaY, Oct 17, Rev j H Malletto prealdent of the Ontarie Couaty CEt1UI'Uno. wsef pec"te atci jthe methodist E L at theÃŽr list meeting, lut*; ci for someresson he was uiflabtget be!t epaitorot the. -old M.e.L burcb eh u îP pr aut botb seMrvkice i te ntids cincmbn zSunday. -DM. lÀmb1yw1tk 0~ chare f the serVice atuamptoln. D& M i onison, w -vsitýn<ied ithe ecent ~ ; in enéavorconvntionat' eavertp 2-1 s degaiefroin the. Brooklil presbyteria# sodtyaVC slez'did repýOof tihé Coni ai Vention atthe ISstï"ieeiR#oftîhçuocity .Mx CotterilT rto, a au<eih of MrnMsOiAgutas died -i oot on u dy ieremu9s weie brôougb b er orinemeflut1erâeC-C~~ are now ia stock. Big stock to select from. First-chas workmauship and perfect fit guaranteed for every garment we tutu out. READY-MADE OVERCOATS AND ULSTERS are now ready for inspection. ltbi TownLoa. Severai ioads of potatoes were on the mar- ket yesterday. W H Greenwood, of Toronto university, was.,in town yesterday. Varsity sports to-day will prevent several: expupils [rom autending. the local spdrts. *Fireman MeAlister sis=proingbi reises greatiy., A coat Of rugcatha beadded to bis bous. D. M. Tod's bread and cakes are sold atT Itates'. Give hlm a, cmli whexî, you wan> anything nmce in that lune. M4essrs. Dunamore and Thoa.sop, medica students Torono eete0unso r and Ms. A. -G. IlnenoaunS'und'Y at liMr mI b. tu"D wlfidé.e One o itens. The Chinese, population- of'Whlbyl'4u 9creaslng. Another son of tii. céeIM tm 1,pire bas been sdded în h à tii.-oring sà tor, the City latundry. - Thecà kï" intownape iivlt ie aliy cogtnlbt.4 t 9t1r"d isliâut *wdk'th avensmlbsué~g a r.tF.decile"Osalre on reay ws . Mrs. Win..Love, who bas been iii for san 1 em *Mlo*wl" Preb h .1t tbe long, passed away on Monday of this week. end the Cenreetm maSnday* The.ne cigurcnle luprogresisrapidly. t rh , 11, , an~flcntnest The carpenter work is wveflon thé way and Welonluws'tfohi the palotons have start4qd-workrba bsac ïeledtp w Recent. viitors: 1Mt$~. and MissJack> 0-f llI ibis"ttm0 am t 8 Uxbrldge ; Mr. pa Mie. Wright) of Toron-i to; Mr. T Brown, pf Broughamn. LÇ Reniember tige grand cpntn lwsW TI t U-ffld Uvw' à bail on -Fi diY'evening; itla gongt tabe a bm I-Rep jgd bue. Thge tikects are only iS cts-A Cburch SUnsday ps',ýe»t plèasattt anêpro- noce"ýfk fitarle.Neary11uwas taken ut b j Ru.Jseb Mio*bei,-ol *o t* bair 2 FARMS TORNT Boti near Klnsk On. 0& ace and the ouien47. oi ted, with gôond boildinpe.- water. Pivibcgç Of plIOg full possession A ýPril ,îSr S. GOLD, Whitby. Sept. r7tii, :896. Theafm to Ro. t Lo e1.g x,ý r --j 1 1 1 >n- Ins- lar Mi. tallju. 1 i 5 1 rID«V Deaths -se 1 1 - a ASBIMMM amock