NEW AND DAINTY PORCELAIN CLOCKS, 'S-<îîî STFfRLING SILV-ER TE AS POONS of ncew and beautiful desilgn, Only $6.50 per doz- îIREA\T -BARGAINS. Jîo. S. Barnard, -wWTCH REPAIRER-',. W11i1T9:3 y-. Officiai co'iDty orgaicL-Largest Circula- , _n of aay local paper 'n CaUnaa FRID AY, 'AND. t flaiiy-I ~ .îîjand the selec- te ofCash- tlfet ts. an'] i. miake you VOU can Èggs and- sud grade subscuibe- P>le ta seil ai bis pro- be tawu of i. M)q6, thc Hoi-ses-Iz re, 4 yem, yhbi-e. 3 Cattie- old, mup- V. 4 Y05i- .bi-ed buUZ Fes ; s' fa- M blirs itultili ne*~ ai-se î e- boa! > bua ' 3 wro cdu OCT. 16, 1896. LOCAL LACONICS. MNIrR. Collins' family is dowu with diph- F.îrdivood dining tables, 4 leaves, oniy $5, ai \V. Tls. N1r Chas. Blair, Bowmanville, was in t 'wn Sunday last. M7 Jos. Heard lost a horse on Saturday trI-n minflammation. MIrs. Hl. Fegan bad a bad fall on Byron - iec njuring ber bîp badly l~'tc1as photos from Si doz. up at t Bîrien & Stedhamns gallery, Whitby. The Whitby curling club ineets at Wood- - iir tel to-nigbt to organize for the win- t t , -port. limmy Sadler, artist. bas rnoved to the M itrav bouse, around the corner from Wa-ihee Chinaman's. Nle-srs. Wright aud Murton and His Wi or Judge Burnba.n. audîtors of criminal iutc accounits have finiéshed the audit for tht- quarter. W\e sîlI jZive the CHRONICLE, Weekly 1,')e and Farmer's Sun 15 moniha for $i.50 Tu sthe hest offer ever made by any Cîtiadian newspaper. N1i W . .Johnstou, Muskezou, NMicb Àrredlere ou Saturday acconîpanied by lîci two chîldreu, to visit ber inother, à sirs. R Ross, and other relatives. MtUss A. Moutgomery bas been appointed as--tant superintendeut of the Jewisb bos. tr Cîncinuatti. Miss May Greeuwood, uýi ftiîs towu, is superinteudeur. !t- ;.sred for bard time prices and wili -lw the lowest city stores. Tbousands or dollars worth of boots and shoes that will t-t.rct-d sales and] sacrifice prices. There i, ii,, doiffhî about our prîces heing the low- o-l!d eexods the hîgbest grades. M. W. i. nEast Side. Mu.-s .W. aud Will Brant, W. Muir, 1i- \Walters, W. Iawler and H Wolfenden r fitu owmanvilk Sunday. their prefer- tc liavini- been transferre'] to the girls of ti uufrom those of Oshawa. Two of ti - ni sought a lovely bower which is left n'-iavnglts iu the keepîng of a bull purp, * lie old man" had to he summoned to -ktheir release, the bull hai ing sur- i 'tirîded them. P.irn ps W, H. Piper can seli you a first ciass wind ný:. aiso the best porno in the market. \% ; s cleaiied out. Give him a eail. Lost fiack Fedora Hat sud a Black Carniage ¶Vhtp, on Wednesday uight, Oct. i4th, be- tters-nWbîtby aud Mr Jerry Licks resi- derîce. Finder kiudly leave saine at Mr-. Lick's or at this office. Guy Bros' Minstreix. This compauy played bei-e ou Tuesday n tght to a good bouse. The street par;%de m-at, good, but the nigbt performance was btlow the mark for t1iis company- The horizontal bar sud contortion performances me r e good, some of the j okes exceedingly g-.the masic was fair, tbc impersonabior, t e1ýmales excellent, but thcei-est of it did n I-catch on. " At Oshawa and Bowman - %-Ille these minstirels drew mach crowds that * hudreds could not get into te hall at any puice, lb may be liard trnes, but evcry. * hud y appears to have a wad in their stock- Ing. The Whitby-Toronto Record. 11 h s about 27 miles froni bbc Don bridge, Toronto, to thc Royal -hotel, Whitby, aud * for ten ycars past wbeelmeu have beeu Scorchiug away at the Kingston road, trying * lu cul down the record. Notbing bas been, (lipped off it for bwo or three ycars ince W. Tulloch, Toronto, scored the distance at 1 45-.30. On Mouday Herbert Cassidy, the wîîîner of the recent 2o mile road race in Toronto, made an attcmpt to lower the re- cord, comnmeuciug asubis end, a thing wbich bas not been trled heretofore. He left tbe Royal hotel at 3.32 sud ai-iived at the Don- a t 5.20, hbis e xact Urne being 1.48.46, or 3.1r6 behind thc record. Garney Hartrlck arresgted. Oui- readers will recail titat iu Janitar last Gai-ney Hati kwas caught inu-the act] of urgarlagHatch à Bro'sastom,, md1 that Mi-. Jéhu WillIs clInched hm aitÊc back doo- r afth bI1 IL-rb__ facd o - Try Tod'sbù 4..I o1 ra±Vtes', at 5 cents per 1of Listen 11 Don' buy s stove until you see Jake Melutyre. Whitby's burgilaries are like ber fli-es, veity slir as to actual resuits. O'Brien & Stedham's photo gallery, open Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. Mr. Wrn Burns and' his yonng-et son, Frank, tôok i the ezcut?sion trip to, Detroit last week. 6 piece molid walnut parlor suite, pluali, with silk piush bauds, for 832, worth $45, at W. TilI'. The choir 0f the methodist tabernacle Is arranglng for a fine sacred concert on Thanksgivlug evenlug. Pickering postoffice was robbed last Thursday night. Postmaster Logan keeps a store, and about $,50 worth of goods were taken. Rev j S Clarke spent last week in Port Hope securing risk's for the Sun Life As- surance company, of which institution he is special agent. Mrs. Dumble, nee Miss Eck, of the O. L. C., who has been visiting friends in town, the guest ot Miss Beatrice Dartneli, left foi Peterboro on Wednesday. Mesdamnes Carson and L'iwler will be pleased to welcome ail their friends at a social evening du Ail Saint's school bouse, Tuesday, Oct. 2oth, at 8 o'clock. Mr. MacNarin, an Evangeiist of Toronto, will preach in the roomn occupied by the Brethreu,- twice on Sunday, at three o'cfock in the afternoon and et seven in the even- ing. Ail are invited. e An exceptïonally heavy mail arrived at the post office on Monday caused by sampie packages of the "Kolona" Ceyion tes. Eveîyone is to receive a sample. If yours has flot arrived cail at M C Lawler's, wbo wili be happy to suppiy you. The special services which have been held for a few weeks past in the mnethodist taber- nacle have been greatiy enjoyed by those in attend.ance. The Rev. Mr Manning wiil probably be assisted in s short time by the Rev j Branston, of Nebraska, aud also by an excellent singer. Mr. W. H. Warren and famiiy have re- moved to Tpronto, where thev wili reside for the present. During their residence of nearly twenty years in Whitby Mr. sud Mrs- Warren have enjoyed the highest respect of ail our citizens. and we doubt flot will con- tinue to do so wherever their lot may be cast. About i o'clock on Friday mnorniug there was an alarm of fine, and tbc party Who souuded thc bell kept it ap ill nearly day- light, when exhaustion is said to have set in aud stopped hlm in his mad cancer. He pelted away at it long after the fine was out and people had gone home. We feel con- straiued to advocate titat tbc bown council pass a by-law making lb the duty of the fine brigade to kilI the idiot wbo is iiging tbc bell before settiug out to abolisb bbc blase In other words tbey should give him blazes befone putbing out tbc other blazes. The fine was at Mi-. H. Thomp.son's on Pine street. but did not gain aCny headway, and was stopped in à few minutes after it wa discovened. Cheap Printiug aud Clubbing. The CHRONIcLE does the cheapest pi-b ing sud offers the iowest clubbîug prices of any paper lu Canada. Cail at thîs office wbeu you waut newspapers or priuing. A Big Shipment Of buoos sud shoes arrived at tbc West Side Boot sud Sboe store this week. which wil be sold at bard bume prices. îoo pairs of bouse slippers at qe. per pi-. îoo pairs of buttone'] boots rit Si per pr. Men's gaiters at $i per pi-. Men's lace'] boots at $i to 85 Boys' school boots at Soc. pern r., at tbc West Side Boot aud Shoe store. Accounodating the Bungiar. ACier notifia the mariner in wbicb burgians bored the door of W. G. Walters' store on Thursday uight asat, ta secune clothine, MIessrs. Ross Bros. saw the utter futility of trying to baffle the genius of tbe burgiar, su they bung a suit of clothes outside their front door on Monday nigbt sud leit it thene bill mot ning. The robbers refused to bite ounso easy a thing sud the garmefits were stili baniging there next moruing. Burglary. Ou Saturday m.onning last it was found that Mr. 'k. G Walters' store bad been en- bei-e'] the nigbt previons sud some articles stolen. The bui-glar ba'] stolen a bi-ace sud bit sud chisel frotu Alderman John Noble's carpenter sbop, au'] bad bored bôle after bole aide bv aide ln bbc back door until a piece was cât ont sufficieutly large for a boy or a amal mnu to crawl in througb, and thc door unbolte']. The objeet appeax-s bo bave been to secure whiatever rney bbcebuis cou- tained, but as ouly a dollar or two was to be ha']th bchcap dcckcd bim'melf out wibh a suit of cloblies, uudcrclotiig, shirt, glaves,î overcoat sud bat, and a srnall dlock, sud de- pai-ted. Mi-. Walters bad arivFed borne laie tbe previons evcniug sud taken sway about S$5o cash or elsc tbc booty would bave been langer. Unmitigated Gal The Bowmnauville News publishes this week s letter froni a man wbo -bas been a subscriber to that journal ince 1882, bat wbo, during that tume, bas anly coubributeti $6 to the News' exehequer. A short ime, sgo, after tryiug every plan ta colleet bbc same, bbey oftered ta setie ibb bal- ance for $5.oo. The following is tbe epamle they receive'] in reply : "You tbreat- en ta sue me for noupsymnent, snd maake tue psy costs. 1 would- not stand the abuse from you if I ha'] $5, but ibis amount is' nat ail due until Dec. 1896, by your bill, sud you say, No humbugging ! Whab da you mean by that ? Do yau wanb my whole time sud arcass t ) psy for yo'ur imposture? If so it is coming ta a prctby pass bee- Nevertheless, I will moon bave tlie $5 ta psy, sud tbauks be ta God, I wiil nover bear of you agalu lu this world snd maybe flot in the next. If you cau't waib you wiil have tu carry out yaur tbrent sund srrest rme snd put me iu jail. I wan't have ta stay lu moi-e than a month or bwo at tbe most, sud whilc there I wvil bhave a t'est sud wili flot be afraid that you will be dunulng me ail- bbc ine. I suppose you wlll moud me the- paper to ii-, bei-est me while I arn in." Wbeu the S5 10 receive'] this mn wlll be put on btcefi-cc > list af bbe News un«I bho aqd $i-other Gale mdeb iu thc neat wosrldL Srmo oonomuy. For the woast Of!- o.wtbing, te;'fil pthe ouly. page thc Gazette prints at W) S>, lb libe-aUtle .serçmon où towu eç0C*»1y- IM thc firai placet fudsiw 'te eading pbkic !ii o~ fnieutis at count vit@s interests tie,* beftore tisai ëf -isew tpys i-o cagd p S114.y-ieuin Miss 0 Bir-del aPtut ist week wltb re- latives andi fri«edla Toronto. *Save your bsptter actount by using Tod'se bresd. Half the butter will do. Mr L Bogart, who is attending militai-y college in Kingston; was home over Sunday with bis fater, Dr. Bogart. Dick Bout, who- workrs ln Luke's cooper shoP, had the wisfortune the other day to rut the end off the middle fluger of bis right baud. Mr Paul Gordon, who was homne for a few days last week, left on Saturday morning for Luckcnow, where lie takes charge of a drug store. Mesdames Carson and Lawler _promise their friends a delightîul time ou Tuesday evening next at Ail Saint's achool room. This is to be a semi-private a ffair, and the public of ail denominatieus are iuvited. The famous monkey theatre which appears at music hall on Ssturday aftm.rnoou sud evenlug, Oct. i7th, will doubtless receive a large patronage The Ottawa Free Press speaks of it as lollows: " If those who visit- cd the Academy of Music asat uîght were as enthusiastic lu their expressions of admira- tion of the performance when they got home as they were in ttieir applause Urlng the evening, Prof. Wormwood will have a crowded house o-night. The show is as interesting as it is amusing, sud a good ex- hibition or what animais can do under intel- ligent and experienced training, wbilst the comicaiity of the appearance of the lfttle men of the woods as actors, deutists, coach- men, jugglers, wtre waikers, bicyclists, etc., provoked incessant rosi-s of laughter. The moukeys, 22 iu number, were well support- ed by 2o trained dogs, au sut-ester as grave as a judye ou the bench, sud a badger as weii versed in tricks as s political wire puiler. It is very funny to witness the evi- dent gratification afforded to the moakeys themseives by the appiause of the-spectators, and the bond ot sympathy thereby created hetween tbe stage and the bouse. The per- formanlce was reaily a verv good one, sud more t han worth the low prices of admission. We recommend it to the patronage of the public." Mr. Troop married. Ou Weduesday of iast week Mr. J. G. Carter Troop, who officiabed at AIl Saint's church here duriug tbe i nterroegnum betwecn the ministrations of Revereude Messrs. Fiddler sud Broughai, was married at To- ronto te Miss Minnie Plenderleath Temple, daughter of Dr. Temple. Newports Bu.s &ad Livery. Remember and icave vour orders at New- port's carrnage shap or livcry stable for omnibus to junction or up towu station, also fon iivery. Note the reduccd tares (rom 2o cents one way to 15 cents, sud for the round trip from 40 cents to 2s cents. Support ne- duced fare. Wm. Newport.-46 4 lu. The Tabernacles Anniversary. Next Suudav is auniversary day in bhe methodist tabernacle. Tbe Rev. W. J. Crothers, D. D., of Port Hope, wili preacb botb moruing aud evening. Iu tbe afternoon a mass meeting of the Sunday echool will be bel'] lu the cburcb, sud short acdresses wi i be delivere'] by Dr. Crothers and the Rev Mr. Wilson, of Oshawa. This aftei-noon service is of unique interest an'] shoul'] be largely attende'] by thc parents an'] the childreu. Coliegiate Notes. Inspector Hodson droppe'] in upon tbc staff sud pupils of tbe coilegiate instirute ou Thursday rast sud remained duriug Friday. The aunuai games of the institute will be beld on Friday afternoou ou tbc athîctic grounds commeucing at a o'clock. The aunual commencement exercises will ,>e heid on Fri']ay evcniug, tbc 23rd iust., wheu the certificabes aud diplomias won at the late departmentai examinablons as weil as tbe prixes won at tbc annual garnes -wil t>e distribute']. Ail are cordially invite'] ta attend these exercises. Cross Country Ruuning The collegè institute cross couutry races for tbe Michell cup aud other prises came- off ouMonday at 3.pp.rn. Tbcre were five starters in the senior class for te Michell cup, and six lu bbe junior i-un.. the couises beîng 354i aud 2,4 miles iempectively. The boys ail fagged out but bwo in ecd race, Br-adley wiuning bbc Michdl cup for te second Urne sud bccomiug its owner, witit Davey second, Iu bbc junior cla.-sThorn- dyke won, wibb Bewell second. The races wcre witnessed by several buudreds. The anuual games cf the coilegiate institute snd pubpc sebools wxll take place titis, friday aftetuoo. By subscription srouud bown cuougb bhas been raised ta mnake titese games a gi-est success iu way of good prises, snd titere are al*ays plenty of entries. Ou- 23rd te annual commencement exercises will corne off iunte mussic ball, wben a good progrmmie wifl ho added to Uic pi-esenting of certificates and diplomas. Apple Market Shaky. Repor'bs state that smre shlprents of-ap- pIes ta Gr-est Britain have nt beh solti foi- raoney euougb ta psy freigbt andi commis- sion, siber throwing lu tbe cosb of buyiî and packiug bbe t-uit. Que btiyer Is saidt t bave been thi-ice calied Upon ta pub. up more rnoney after losing bis fi-uit. Msny tainens are refusiug fron 50 b<> 75 cents per bar-el for picked fruit, aund are barr-ding lb up to await a i-aise lu prices. This plan bas been successful ini toi-mer years, but -it begins ta loak donbtful if it will woi-k this year. As things stand at preé cut thc ouloor or gaod prices for apples le bati. The markes are glutte'] witb bhem, sud lb lW doubtfol if there willbe s change before £*pplos wotild have ta be repicite'] sud epacke'] in aider te ronder thesu fit for shipplng. 'At bbe manf iew wauld not lite ta ask auy frt grower to drap bis owu opinion adopi ours ithe.uMai- ber. They must slbeat 'lu iti' bowever, that fi-uit is a precaionstblog au'] oes iu value -ve-y (ast, no <natter hit- well h t , bouse']. A good many arm shaking d9wu thier apiples and bauit-g- thons toi te evap- orating works. at Wblttby, Whée. ibe> eau mak& ta cents'perb 'el iwthout culling ontany-but-th emui ne, hci IO~ made ftb ecider. 35 cents -per ba#'dti way -le proably botter ihauê 50,o 6 cns for bise very best fruit antUblioe WIoù ". the tanueiosbands;- - Ptum stoit Cifld 0< -e Wea And we've lots,.If theis for MEN, WOMEN ind UIIILDRIEN. r : Cornfort our Prices must attmat and they do. New n'ramau1G@oda. course we have. the otyles, and riNow Pad ge'ýwmWe have the fiuest. stock of Dress Goocis in town.. Our Prices, Colors and Styles arc the very la ArSee our Fancy Boucles in Dresa Patterneo orly. No two Dresses alike, at 6oc. yard, regular $1.00 goo4oh - WNew Tweeds, reg. $1, our price 75c. New line of aIl wool Plaids, reg. 75c., our price 5oc. -BeautifdL. NFLine of Plaids, r-eg- 35C., our priCe 25C. See Our Tweeds in ail colors, at only 25c. Yard. SPECIAL, ffl'See oui- BLANKETS at Sî.oo and $1.35 a pair. No t.rash. IeWARM UNDERWEAR is now a necessity.- -- ----Have you secured your supply ? IWWe are making HEAVY Sales of these goods now. Perfect in Finish, Perfect in Fit and ver- Iýj'Durable goods, at lowest prices. Our Underwear is guaraà teed not to shrink. Test them,. ýSeoui-]Ladies' Underdrawers at 25 cents per pair, with Vests to match at 25 cents each. g&-Ladies' Mandes nmade to Order in the very latest styles. Sec our Mantie Cloths. IWNew Millincry, New Hosiery, - Gloves, Corsets, Ribbons, etc., at vcry lowest Cash Prices. tWGenuine Bargains in MEN 'S FURNISHINGS. We have got the Goods. We are selling thcm every Iiouz~ kffSALES GROW HERE BECAUSE WE SELL CLOTHING THAT GIVES SATISFACTION. c~E.STEWRT Wu.Go WALTERS 1 WEITBýy. 31011- SERIN Is sometimes disappointing, but no disappointment awaits visitors to oui- Fair next week who are in search of the finest display of DRY GOODS, Etc., who'visit oui- store. The display is flot only fine, but the prices, considering the quality of the goods, are the lowest in the market. Good things in Dreas G'oocs.- We have a large assortment of exclusive effeets, the character of which warrants us in dectarng them ta be ahead of anything in the market. To use a vulgarisix other stores are NOT IN Il.. We invite you ta inspeet our lines at 2 5c., 50c, 75c. and 85c. per yard, as well as our pattera dresses at $6.50 ta $40. NO GUESS 'z' ¶5 r j' j, -.5- I. WORK.-+ Iu buying a READY-MADE SUIT oi- OVERCOAT you eau try offSe- dificreut cuits of as many different patterns. You can see how the cîoth,,. looks MADE UP. You don't have ta gnose how a piece of cloth *11l1lookt for smre cIotlbs bave an attractiveness whieh is enbirely lost wheu -made- up. Oui- Clothiug is made equal taoi-rdered goods in fit and finish and,- you cati buy two suits for one that you would pay a tailor to make a si ta order. AME OAT at $4.50, $5.50p $6.00, $7.60 to $10.00,'w - W~ G-. Every Week- We receive a fresh shipmenl of. St.rilng BrandH IRLd r~ fast Bco.Thèse gasare, mild - (not fuilofsait), sud are gu *xieM,.siiq te ayoiehrdonthe M-narket, W- LT0 DIEaolk fiW WM.TZLL, $TOP AND THZ -.,,-*~ ~ 7uweT - - Farnosa- mi Lu fait. ta Lit-bitA - i. -lieu Every lady te, cDUr store u sday as Worth rtce for tbeta rd as pecial Iqq 0