EuuY Apples wae bebzg pared by Mnl.. ~Jlnfor sue.M.Miller, vith a Uwpa.1 Pmasd oni hho ecarpet aI huai Scraping vithz a piacaeof glass, au mdetoadeaimeti mootinosa, BiUeRsale, the five-year oltidaugiter ef the lbonse, stood vîth a in hem arma watching ber fathan ait bis vcmk. The s~i g coom, viti its briighlty i- tmiped nag carpet, itesaplint iottomed eWarâ, and Lia nov vhite certains at tic u.-z ndowie vas a cheortul looking place, *ad ita tire, occupants vere as oomfort- able sppearing porions na one couid viii Sutitenly Mrs. Miller, with a hait. parei apple in oee aud and holding a knife lbreatenmngly in the other, exciaies ed.:'Lt there je another-in the vorîti 1 daspise îiL i5 a dog in the manger, se it ina1!" Mn. Miller Iooked up eqnquiringly. *Why, Martha, vhat do you mean ' 'J est viat I said-"elle anavereti sharp. ly ; "a dog in tic manger ; I'd like te knov vhat cisc you'd eall a toiler tiat ]bangs around a girl keepin' every other Young man avay, anti hasn't courage onough te speak eut and-' .Hon. sic vas internupteti by tic open- ing et the door noar ber w.hich lad te the hitchen, vhile a dlear aveet voice askedi if tic appie von. ready. 'Juat about, , nid Mma. Milior, deftly1 finishing the lait oe, and handIng thej pan centaining them te tic ovuer et the1 voice. Thie vas lMes. Miller's young éliterand a pretty pîcture she made1 with bier aleoves roiled abeve bier eibovs,c ion curling brown hair pushed back fremi beio ferehead and her fatce rosy witi the E iieat. Little dropa et perspiration stood à anound ieho lips, and ais she viped them a away witi ber bIne checked apren, sheM naid: 'I gnose l'Il make a pie as well as 1 the sauce ; tic mon alvays like pie.' il 8h. iooked at ber sister interrogatively. fl -' '01 course, if yeu vant te,' sazd Mrs. p Miller, 'but ita se varm to bake and there's cold bread and lots et ceokies. c 'l den't mind the heat,' the~ girl said a laughingly, as she closed the door and a went singing mnerrily back te the kitchen. l can't see, 'seaiti Mr. Miller, 'why yen h an. se anxious te bave Lucinda ms.rry ;h aie'. mighty nice te have areunti.' ti 'I'm not analous,' retorted bis vife, eo vio looked like an eider edition of'ho ti prelLy sisten, "but I do say ne man bas a J r) ghî te go viti a girl and keep every- L body avay irniess ho meana te marry ber; p and I do say it'.acting like a dog in the hl manger, ton her' Lucinda noarly tvonty gi tire. anti miait have hadta otse chances ai if itladn't been ton him.' ai Mn. Miller evidently theught silence oe the better part, for ho made ne anaven, te -but acrap.d avay diligently st bis axe in handie. Preacntly ho rubded hie band w up anti town Lie surfacetofthe vooti, M aaying, 'i eekon that's about right new.' ' 'Let me feeliti, pap,' aaiti the Iîtle ai daugiter, anti sic imitatd hie mevemont in '.se eamueatiy t.iat hon fat hon laugheti. '1 fri '.dcm it'. al nrigit, pap,' ebe said, 'it's petrMi fectly sick.' 'Corne on, tien, Bessie,' ho naid, ris- 1- ng from hi. chair, 'anti vo viii try te Li finish tic job betore suppar.' Ir] -ThayloftILb. room tegether, vhiie an eMrifiller cleaneti up lhe acrapinga etfa hickory anti placedtheti chairs againat thlie val] as if tie mysternieus -dog in tie as manger' vas beiug handled in tie pro au 'Youituet tfon an instant tiink that tig Mn. Miier-n asnauIlintrtio ,m ovrdo hzmmu ae.jutice. Be lmuly lovetisu Lucintia Hart anti hati repcated te hies, sou' self a anutiedtiimes lhe very vends in V which ha veuldtell.11oetbis love, bul'once.ion in bar presence. tiubti beset hies, andtihLi enae glance. ethem bine ayeu rentierei him bont damb. Tis ho vas alvays at a tiuiat- cars vantage vicu viti ber, te a As fer Lucinda va canno e Ja11 hat&,Y< ber feeling fer hies vas. Si.vas mi se.1 cjuavôusly kind ti aee ime, anti nucily I cruel tic next. Si. langiet aI hies te ail1 is faue, but quickly r.aented any oear tb1s doing so, and invaI'iably detended hlm vhen hem siate: ridieuled or founti peut lanit viti his. coul A fev day. aflen the cenverstion ve Jo.'i "hava ecrdt aleen Mn. aud Mm . mb Miller, Jo., in a Dow buggy suddniVing Ti ",sfavorite herse, Prince. trdv, , p tehers Igr. Miliemus gale for the p*rÊMpcu1et4*- *nh Lac" t Lin a pienie l in e giëo> M Izooti, as Il bcd bean arraugà by '~~ selves tb. Sunday befo2Ire»'o.bsh u wW~ovLucinda mv hies, a U4 Mui~&~ eut sithe led iotesuje o1te. . i 'joyfuy eut - for aie liked !or, ais b.i* rMbý 'ways called Là % "#d- itr déiv. Mug W eu jeumcdd Joas consciene prioked his, thot ehieaheprt gareag lad boundi sud ho tu 1 d Prince arund sying, 'Il xpect Âi i, LuWnda à sready, nov. Lot us se. b fait Puince eau go.' SLucinds vie-at the gal;e aslhey dru uèl, and Boula wau fted eut laugh, meruily an~d znaised on kiauipg Je gc bye and tlling hies 'net te min off W Aunt,' taum e .looked se nice in nov dre. "Nice.!, thought Je.' Si. looka IE au angal,' and such a feeling of unwort nese came over b hislaI b. soarely l11h his cyca, and lif ted the 1'sugel ' inte t buggy so avkward)y that hier dr caugbt ou the step aud ah. almoot f into his arma. She laughed, however, maying" seema 1 can nover get inte a buggy vil out trouble. I do wish I was net clumay," and Joe, vithout a word, moat himmeif by ber side sud drove off gries a statue. When they arrived at the pic r grounds they feund.a gay crowd asscui ed and Lucinda, being a univermda favc itc, was at once surrounded and hurriý off to jein in a game of croquet. Ai when dinner lime came and the baiko were unpacked it was Lucinda who mu superintend the arrangements. Joe valnly tried te get near hier. D Grey waa gracefully unconscieus of heui in anybody's way, and managed someho to be of no much assistance in unpackir clishes and rescuing pies and cakes fro, perilous places, that ail the girls vo, calling on him for advise and help. Au when dinner vas ready he eaaily succeex ed in~ placing bimseif at Lucinda's aid anid kept up a constant streamn of laughtE and jest. If semetimes Lucinda cant glaîîce at Joie, vho wau heroically de vol ng himacîf te an, elderly apiuster, hoe ws gnorant of iL, and Miss Golden wus e lattered by bie atttentions that sho vhii pered te him thýat ahe had always tel 6when congenial spirite met a aligh lîfference in agoe should not be considere u the soul, knowinig nothing cf ime, wa alvays yo 'ung." _ Joe assentied te the remark as ho voeul have aaaented te anything sic said, bu hie thought if hie soul knew anything o time, it vas queer it mbould be se wretch dly tired and anxious for that particula bie te end. ]But it ended at laut an( eoe vas once more in the buggy witi Lucinda by ii aide. That "impertiaeu ýupp a Je inwardly called Dr Grey ad liugerod near hon until Joe bac rathored up the reins, vian with a boi Lnd a amele he mounted hie evn borest Lnd gaflopsdavay. Now as tiey spec )ver the prairie J o vasffully denmined ,tel bis love tale. "Ltf sho retuseA ne," hoe thougit. " I can't feel muci, vorse and it's geL to b. aot.tled. Mrs. diler was rigit sud I'm a cevard, but ni in ton il nov," and Lucinda glancing ýhie face, vas se startled at hie deter. aind look that eclaimned in a hall ightened voice, " Oh, Joe, viat in the aattor ! You are se pale, are you eick T' "No," ho naid sharply, "I'm not sick, -aay, Lucinda. let'm gel mamred," and Jucinda aaid aofîly :"lWeli, Joe, lot'e." n a twinkling Joe'sanm vas around hier md a jerk -of the. hue brnght Prince toc walk. "6Do you inoan it, Lucinda? ried Joie. Do you love me haif as welI sI do you r' Lucinda pushed him ray. - 0f courpe 1 mean it," ah. said, "but ere in a carrnage right bebind ue; for ercy gaie dnn't let them pais-n-," lJo îethzng Very iltyn"d.' Yhen they, drove op pte .. irz mead, IMm. and Mus. iller versin front yard vatohing the e olng: me frees tie rinosdi. ne forverd st onces est.nding Wu bsud masat Lucind*, but%-Jo. - ou.* >u look aller Prinei, >%Mler,. s4 Ii te Lue" -da sêbalo' w~now» Gré* SuÉ.l.e ud À o Is Neura&tbna Weakoned Nervesl and Nervotie DÃéeases Are Cutting, Off Thousani Paine's Oelery Oompouid M Nervous People WeII and Strong. lealnthe b.firet andi montitmipri Ching in tbis lie et ours. Hearli blessing tar beyond our computation ie vasîly more important than wealîl great social distinction. One efthle most dreaded troubles lb. present day is nenvousnesa. Lt Renerall1y acknowledited liat nerveu8 cases are growing alarmiugly preva]i The causes liat lea t teNeurastienia, or veakeas ef thc nerves, arc many Buies aes bers aste after rich- es, social anti honseholti vernies, sexuaI anti aleoiolic excema ah contnibute le the breaking tiowu anti phyuical rein ef thoueantisetfmon anti vomen. ln word. et truth anti sobernes e set before tb. sick anti afihicteti tiec aims et Paine'@ Celery Com>poundia a quick re- lief anti certain cure for al forme of non- vous diseasca. IÉ is a per(ect restener et ncrvc force anti power t-o the weakeneti antidcbiiitated syetem. Promninent mor) anti vomen, al even the country, bave rene'wed thein ives anti kept thein placer in business ant inl society by esing Pain'. Galery Compoundi. lu ail large cilie, vian. nervous diseases are meut frequnnly seen, the besl physicianas pre- scribee Psine's Celery Cempeund viti im menue succes. The following lJetter frein Mn.. Alfredi Penny, Port Maitlanti, NS8, prove. that Painc's Ce-lery Compound bas ne equal for Lic cure et nerve discases in vhat- aven torm Liey may prosent themselves: "For lwe peans my aystem vas aIl rmn dovu, anti I suffereti more than I eau de scribe frein nervoe prostration anti in semui;s;ta I"~es I almoet lest my reason frein seere pain at base efthle brain. My inabanti atiiseti me to try Paine's Ce-ery Comupound. vhici I diti, and the effects vere woudenful. I soon began te 4leep veli, tb, pain left my heati, mv wbole system vas strenuliencti, anti 1 amn nov cnjoying very geod ilti. III voulti checrf'ully recommcnd Paine'u Cslery compoundti teany oe suflcning frein like troubles. You have [Dy best viebes fer lha future succeso of ds. kes tant ;it Sor dis lent Mr. -Arch. and Mine E. Campbell ani Mn. and Mrs. D. MoRceo f Woodvjllb werc visiting friends in town on fair day Mr. George Horne, of the Hasniltor Blouse, was the victim, of B very paiuifà accident on fair day. Âhrs. st.p iu ou his foot, emaehiug the amanl on anid corde badly. Mr. D. P. and the Misses Tenùa and Jý Smnith, of Lornevilla,' took ini the faijr and wvere exhibitors. Tbe Mimses Smeith being very uSumf n in the ladies' department, while D. F. secured .2nd prise with his à teneral porpose team. Meuars. OBWeoT. & Camneron's exhibit of stores in carge of Mr H. 8. Camerez wual .ways a crowded spot*; %iat firo generoualy giving away frying pans, sauce paus and pote freely to advenuse tieji différent stores.6 .6 Our worthy reave, T. Treleaven, vas mise an unfortunate this wa.k. On Mon- day lait wvile hanging hpUe on Mn. B. F. Brown's resdeénce hé vas working on a ladder vian il broke and ptecipitat ad inn tote #round, breaking one or t,. of bis uibe. Nover ini the. iutory of tia Thorab Agnaulurl' o0<ybai their aucual show. "Men.so8 là eu l tbeone heMd on Tuesday lust.The morning sernad soe baî thr ýbut,- before noon the- gky having qIiared op, stnings.of rige o6l4 ho comng w n eeh u oad, ald- by tbmee p.m , - eanly 1000 people haLpuusd, muo tq hi Wgodi.ýTih. ex- huls vré, aÃœ ëet-a sp1an4mid qmnliy, but s l1uùy oùinthe horn as., a large DI1~eWof~~uiioeî aiiealibeing on the- un& li te rfioa, W hbitor Wbing 2. O. itopusaon f "it. to*,rwa w.U w y ôiiDID bbkbigla fin.e xhibit et la"#e *njc, 2d le, n Ig id it NO 7 xa 4t wi hnanf Nh 0o. -tCo'y. t at, a sf Rinlseo and li0utnan, Mclate Robîns o« ndBSiisClumb iatte Roinso,*to Briîs hero ubia. Rnson wio h a hir.hto ben nes cti wia tha Caniutn Bli basl purcthaset ppe n Bcehi,E Roins oven. ht on uces Aeotdent. On Sunday attennoon Mr. R. Gilpin anti wite were eut tiniving and turneti into the shedi at the Presbytenian bury- ing ground on Quaker H ill. Mr. Gîl- pin jumpeti eut et the rig te ie the herse, andi he bat ne sooner doue so than the animal became tnigiteneti anti tried to run eut of the shedi. Bob pluckily helti-on te thee unes until he got the beast untier control, but this was flot don'e till boti shafts were broken off anti the buggy upsent. Mrs Gilpin was thrown eut anti receiveti a severe cnt on her forehead anti hati ber dress badly torn. Mr. Gilpin es- ered mrs. rof Mr. con- rier, and Bro. cape t witha mbruiseti r.-Tms An incident that provoketi both laughter anti anger eccurred one day Iately. A traveller who had aeen brougit te town by a Port Perry driver was anxious te catch tie mixed train andtihLe two of them were proceeding down street for that purpose. * The travelier was tolti near the journal office te go straight down te the cros- sing, as the train hati just whistled te leave the station, He ran down andi coulti have caught it, but when he turneti arounti for bis grip (a small eue) it wras flot there. The driver hati net got eut et a walk and was away be- hind with the grip, remarking te a greup ou the street ..1 wender if he'l catch it." The traveller was angry as a matter et course, andth Le onlookers sympathizeti with him, but they could not help laughiug at the cool, lazy, buil-headeti stupidity of the fellow with the gip.-Jourual. A HERO 0F MAGDALA. A Chat Wfth a Vetesa Who W.i British valor is the tienie of many a thriiling story and stirring sang. Mr. Geo. Kingston, et 136 John street nerti, la one ef Hamilton's best known votes-ans. * A manz et martial bear- ing, magnificent physiqne and genial person- ality, lie is a splendid representative of lie best class of British soldier. To our reporter Mr. Kingston readily gave an iuterviev. With ail thc pride of a citizen efthai empire on whici the sun never sets, Mr. Kingston said: - 1 amn a Devonshire mani, boru ries the banks of the Teign. I entered tic British army ati 1, and ses-yod feurteen yemr in India. Was tirengli tic Abyssinlan Cam p.ig, and (ougi: aitich stornuing and cpw- oMagdala, King Tbeo- dore's strongheld. I-es-e tic king and in- dreds et lis army felI. Napier, tic 'Hero et Magdala, was created Lord Napier of Mag- dala for his splendid services. After this I1s-e- turcd to Old Englsnd, rernaining about f ve yens-s, wien I1vws agaits sent te tic sunny senti until my 21 years' service vas nearly uqp. That is the place to get kidney and livrez troubles andi I vas ne exception. I was sent as an iriralidti t tic Netly Hospital fon irivalid soldiers, and for mentis vas a snffening immate, finally being dischaa-ged as a hopelessiy incurble invalid. Tve yea-s after I sailed for Canada, andi have sufféed mo-e on lms ever mince from tic censihut misery that kiduey trouble entails. Pies-cing pains in tic back, headaches and unnany difficulties vere seldees absent, se that whëe 1 neticed Doan'm Kidney PiM advrntise. ment I g't a box frem- Zimrnermanm tmrg store. Rcliet came freme &ic Xi tfew dose, andi beoee1 hati taken twe boxes, tic pains bad left my back andi I (clt liiÈ Là novman 1 consider Dean's Kidney Pulsa vends-fnlmedi. ciue, tic more me-because mny compiaint voulti net yield te tic ukili ef tic best physiclans iu one efthe geatest hospitals lu Quea Victoris dominion& " Contiuuing, Mn. Kingston said: -"1 eaun e. ommenti thenm as a quick cure ton kidney ruxbles without hesitation. How could I do otie-vise wheu tiey have givon me back the zenith and vigon et long ago?' a -FORISAL BY- 1- ci hemist and Druggist, Brock Street, WHITBY. (Nblifkd t!y Reguesi.> Dear 5fr. Editor :-Wm -onkindily n. f*0u mhompdrse ofraubopra Lu bî&Ul Old v odPE ea~mSrr(o ofs Ofhe, evnsDbIIya Nib ils iiq .UkA ie S.AREIBEL6 fiCi B irrster County rcwn ten y Cunty AeUoitoOffie-South M'in@ Court Hone, Whitby. JAMES 5JVTLEDGI& Brrister, etc. Offie formerly occu] by Farewell & Rutlcdgc, next Royal Ht DAVID ORMI1STON 9 B. A., Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor ln hanco Convyancer, etc. Office - In thée01 south f the Post Office, in McGMi Block, Brook Street, Whltby. G. YOUNG SMITH. LL. B., Hrrister, etc.,-Money to Loan. les et MardWage Licenpes. Office - Smil Dlck OWth&oMcGketLLIok St,Wh Barrister, Solicitors in Chancery, Office in Mathisn & Baken's nev b) Brock St., Wiilby, sonti et Ontanie han £Uc~tcai. J. LJ. Moore, M. D., F. Warren, M. Broeklin. Offioe houri 9. a. m. te il va.m. te 2hop Commc D- P.ivateTAleph M ComunicaS. Whitby. Office bonne Il a Phyican,' Surgeon 4and Accouchere Oiffice and Begidence net to Milgain Cbrch, Dundas Street, Whirby. N. B Dental Surgery in l i is branches promç- attended to. Dr. H. Wightmai o o' DENTZS T. K Open every Satnrday niglit. W. . YARNOLD9 D.L. S.. lounty Surveyer and Drainage Engine« lo Perry, Ont. WU. CALVERLEY,9 aving moveti mIe ur nov prmises, w aeprepared toexetent the range ef bsinsi Ail veik petaining otehrs-mkn and sadley business ili b. donc le mtio faction. Collass a specialty. Call and se my shep sud stock. W. CALVERLEY, Secondcdoon veuet oit dshop. dittiffp 0f TiDivision C u OOUNTY 0F ONTAIO 1896. Wm!wvD. O.Mactionoîl, Wiitby Clerk Ja. 3.; Peb. 3; March 3; April 2. U&8 12 Ju 2: JulY 7 Sep. 2; Oct.2;N .8 Dec,, 2. OsHÀwà -D. C. Macdonell, Whitby, Clerk . Jan. 4; Feb. 4; Marc], ; Apnil 8; liy 4! June 8; JuJy 8; Sep. 3; Oct. a)* Nov. 4, Dec. 3,-0 Biaouoium - M. Gleeson Greenweed Olerk.-Jan 6; Marali 5; May 5;July 9, Sep. 4; Nov. 6. PORT PEnRY - J. W. Burnb&M p, Perry, Clerk-Jfà n. 29; Marcb 9; m 1r1 July 20; Sep. 28; Nov.js1'8.5 U"snIDOZ-JOSePh E. Gon Id C'xbridge Clerk-Jan. 30; hlarc]2 24, Ma thjU 14; Oct 14 ; Dec. 16. y1f~;Jl CINNE-rON-GeOrge SMith, Cainntr'0 Jan. 1; March 2b; May 20, j uly 15; oCý 16; Dec. 17. BEÂVERTON-Gee. F. Bru1ce, Beavertonr Clerk-March 26; May 21; July 16; O)ct. 16 Dec, 18. UPTE1tOIROVC-F J Gillespie, utergrove, Clerk,-March 27; M ay 22,y iu;y 17 ; Oct. 17 Dec 19. JNO. NOBLE, L6umber, ige, saab, Deemansd miisb Turulug auni re"-aving. JIP Alenters on inofeatin can b btained rom JOHN NOBLE, Dundas Street, Whitby, opposite'M. A. C. Wil. sou's resideuce. Wh'tby, Apnil 4th, 1894. Wib Qlljro18c6. el pet saum luavance, otberwlae $1.50. Biburiptions alvays payable et the. offie of publiation. The publiahcrr do Dot undutake te, de l'er the. ppr -t sn bst offie .but WhibM* z a rplà S acd o s amatter o quW . Advertfsig rtsunion by o- tract, *et per Une, nmpm$iel, fit-in- srtion, and 6 cetteperlmeeb -ubes. quent lIertion Loweal,I1O etspet lin. IWAI1changes for yearly'*Éâvertiseineà ts must ho brought in not late: thun Tuenday morning. RENDB8ON & GBRÀA&. VOEN 8T Tmoe Table Ra.ilwAy Timo TA à BN EYEÂI ILN i3 ANI 01f liywin it Moi '4 nt 'I t and pied ery, face mer th's tby. et. D. Lr: "Jn. yc. t'a in ie DI 'aALEB IN OOAL, LATH, LUMBER, OORDWOOD, ýGENT For the PEOPLE'S lfice and Yard just East of Uptown Station. itby, Oct. 251h, 1894. ASK YOUI? STATIONER IPÂRTICA,. Ti b.- wu l olis &KE NO OTHER. ipat 3151 :893. WUCTIONEERP; WHITB!.- ONT. Snderdged hep £0 oanneuce that h inkeu ot license foi aueuelneerng, aud 4-1, ho kept a: J. R Lo-g-H de ' > beluSptn ai .otwd fvsg 94 ,SÇQ21M 'j one bottie of bai-r waq rest color and Cea occasional app] the hair in go> ]E H.P. FaNwic Growtl ' "Eight year~ -loid, and lest i ously. was quit a variety of pr, ,out beneficiali fean 1 should 1 A&bout six Mon brougit home larV* or, an( us nt. Ia s' began te appea every prospect of hair -as h.e -Mrs. A. WEBEI, Orleans, La. -' AYERS -I OR. J. C. AYER &CO, .ffe?'g PUIS eu ENDIJRED ip Vit ni BY hBv arn -FOR SALE BY- --AND- S. C Ã" T Tpý Prs. Warren d Moor -FOR- 1 1 1- 1- 1 1 '= 1 1 j 1 1 i By order, New Livery and Sale Stables li J. E. FAREWE-LL, 1 7ý Pl i Dundas 'SL., Whitby, r. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor. Commercial men liberally deal t viti. Teamin'g dons mL reamonable pricea. Preigit and Baggage hauled at reaLson. bble prices. A cali solicited. 0.. IZ IG-GS. DENT IST. îor. King & Yonge St. Toronto, For thé neiLtinhee menthe I am givin-g pecial attention te patients frein a dis. uce. Amn stihi nialing plates in rbber, 8, celluioid $10. Golti and' silver filling rork cnevning by firet-class eperaters at be meut noaeonable rates iu the city. 'heu lu the city cati in and let me exam- e your teeti. IL make ne extra charge. - B. IIGS, Dentist, South eaet cornei ing andi Tonge Sts., Troute. Nv. 1892 1 i One Who Sufferel Years Relates WUi Prove Va From Lie Tribune. Amnong the resîd Matta-athies-e isa more bighly osteeu B. Ranen, who La iis scotion fer tl Mire Rauson bas fer yeare, ber affic ,of dizzinèse ant Iv tie attacks wotild c denly liaI aie con; bed unaideti, and x ùuir for three or take any nourisbm<' _-tban longue can ex seveuleen years of a frtcame upon lie. tien attended bies-, ion ber lile would n ypars m-t ment. Bru, years have since pa er'part ef vOicli t vas a great sufferer nov-paased, aid sb icaîti Ibm-n overi-là tr ,of the Tribune M, fitory, adding earne her ciperience m:gi "ome -other enfleret spelis et dizziues ai *ould attack me 'Weeks, anti wouid la tisys seciatWac, My suffening appeans 1os. Ibail goot tmied many remediei ýficialrculî, lu lb, 5ppatite bcgan toi à Vold swell, anti ~iInl.I vas utt ".fu~ -La vouitine ý1ï-dymy danigbîs 'ld taken se -mucb ~afîthat i refui VSSlrlo'itov-0n ant izg 94s'irmon. Lia 1$Dft1agreeti te a * thê6first,e-bx do the ý1imeI b iml . ;tz te . Ito ra1*yself- constas .Waà tzd friendaviý m7dnt had a weeke, lie a ,and decidet w-e 1îaa 1 ýE October 7th 1895. tg