Whitby Chronicle, 16 Oct 1896, p. 7

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;oct. 9 A prîl 8;My; Oct. a son, rew 5;Jly q! Burtbam, Port f arch 9; 1487y 15 ; (Iould, Jbrde ali, Cannhigne, di;ý July 15; OýCt ru ce, Beavertort, ;J iy 16; Oct. 16 Br'ie, Uptergrove 111; ý 17, c01t. 17 A REW ELL, .l-kof the Peso. aie stables vh tby, Proprietor. dîe-ait wîth ille lirices. id ut reason. GGS. F, St. Torontob. tls 1 anm givirg tF frorn a dis- lates in rubber, id fiver 8illang lis operators at S x iLb eCity. d le-t me exain- o extra charge. Limtii east corner it INERM AL, TH, MBER, INGLEEP RDWOOD, ILBS, ETC. EOPLE'S NTO. st East of 'IONEI? CAP [HER. i', ONT. ounce tbat bc~ oneerîng, and cias of buvÎ- 1. H. Longs- )e obtained. C. SCOTT f5$of.) ied bus]i ý.R. BIc ,Newbie New PMi s repsl crk wana, out. Or, COTT-i idOh A I R S i, W iq ýaj t à M o ;io n à n1 _: , 1or m er q vole Ont ro L. 1rJohn 1a d suld Ona ' id81 tadIl-9Y.,reaidents hers,moe'ak and re sld el~y ui b &es e*rix ti, village. Hai. finatrade arlî-sd,'wrapper, t60 M la i cnts abox, or six boxes for $25.a <lark's evaporator works are doi lm Ft be Ma e'a may dealeroa large business. V IG Oii b. Sent bY mail on reoeipt of pi'ie. 1frs. Wmn. Butterios i.s erieusly iii. but Dr. illims' ink iII8may e wh ar nderetand se . alightly bttratM Dr.Wisias'Pik Pll xay e adtimeocf writing.betrff < I I e t he s t r el o lDrg i t r i e t b m i r m M r. G eo rg e O liv er b a d t e n iifo rtu n e and Mao irMe Wliag edcnnCmay ri cort ieot. f. l air' Dr Willia.Tejgj0 ea yfr to fali and fracture a limb lait Friday. F 11 it a~res. Ii.prieatwhioh the Dr Hlliar reduced tbe fracture and tbeo ]E . 'pnwe f Pilla ae -- aeacoreo ra-ptin sdiga el Bol ee* Dlgby, N. 8.9, saya: mont OOoeParRtiveîy inexponsive aspatietsdoiga elascndb o m p a r e d w i t h o t h b r r e i e d i e s o r m e d i a a ll J E i " " I I i L "'A little more treatment medr.pot. Elliott, Jr., is stili eomowhat thnioyaïro indisposed, but i. able to attend to busi EJUTITJIjI jj nesa rnost of the. Lime.1 toegau Rival1 Telephone Ooxnpamies. MrJohn Cole basmade1 . Sexiteb ilsiveo, and fa I t will be remembered, says the Bos- buildings, and Mr. Wieks, Bowmanville'sW.S in (l & Co - ~~~~Out. Af- ton News Bureau, that sonie months veean palne] bsgvn h wlii otesreefhldwt the freh coat of paint. useote fAyrs lir Ofrn great things the Harrison Telephone 1frs. John Nonn, Coiborne, ie bore MRO H S EN.Y OnF. botte ofR O C H E ST E R , N . Y.y haîir was restored to its original Company with its $8o,ooo,ooo of paper waiting on ber niother.M icolor and ceased fallhng out. An capital, was about to accomplish as a We hear that Mr. Fred T. Allun isM ocras-tional application has since kept rival of the Bell Telephone Companies likely to take to birnself a wife tbia tle hair in good condition." r, throughôut the United States. Inves- Wifter. eal E ry h e FENWCK, igùy N~t gation showed that the main asset of 'I.A'sajRo, pl e lor, ba O ro~ rththe Harrison Company' vas an opposi- porchased several orobards in this locality ~ * Ark., owned by the Harrison Interna- lateil o nar. tontlehoeexhng t or mih a2 bs a agngoMmn ikigb 3 Per Package of fia ]r. tional Construction Company, but Mr. F. J. Groat, principal of ouracbool,9 ne-vertheless great thîings wereprms bas been re engaged for 1897. Flgzht P~-ars ago. I hai the varîo- ed for the whole country The Boston Mrs. Edward Howard and daugbtor,W 17 First Prize IVedals. andT(st y air, whicb previ- News Bureau is just advised by tele- Brampton, are vietiniz at the. parfona«e. O L I S Y w a s u i t e a b u n d a n t . I t r i e d r p r m F r S m t , A k , t a M i s C n h a C y e a , B o m - piît freparations, but with gahfo otSih r. ha yti rdraBwa L)I f#ieteicia resuit, tillt1i egan to atter four years of desperate struggle ville, visited friende ber. thie week. f,.r1should be permanentîy baid. for existence, this opposition exchange Rev. E E. Howard preacbed an ex- Aluoit six Inontha ago, y husband has passed into the hands of the Soiuth - sronSna we n abt troliht homne a bottle of Ayer's wetern Telegraph and Telephone ob8ervance. M l îi;r Vig1or, and I began at once to Cop-panvr. which operates under the The. Hampton Cheeso Co. bave soi lmto appear, and there is now ihseh n Aranas efuiain T is part of their September cheese for 10' ____________________________________ 4\rvprospect bf as thick a Wrowth Ti xhnewstefunaino cents. ýjf:vîr as hefore rny ilines."- the Harrison International Company, 1Mr. T. J. Clark is still off work nurslng .M-~'F.WBEit, Polynunia St., New whîch was capitahLzed originally at $8o,- a bad knee. r. u a 11S, La. (>0o<>nq), afterwards reduced1 to $4o,- 1rT- (00,o00. The exchange was but in a - ,-r. evail, Taunton, bas been thresb.W f -= A YER'S NAIR VIGOR HrionItratoa omayciver Mr. Wm.caylor, Cmrato $2, mj. The Southwestern Company twentietb place in the bicycle race 11 Ralnbow Footvear OR. J.C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MAM., U.S.ft cent. of the cost. Its failure lis attri- The pctato crop is below the average Red, yellow, and blue, when properl S buted to the fact tha t onlv one x h n e ti e ri bsl clt . l n df r t e w iera T e m Àvcr'a PUIs cure Sick Headac>e. can be )pcrated success(ully in any one Owing to the wet nilzbt 1fr. A. B lendhed, foi- twite a. hp '-au _________________________ommunity, and thas the rates charged Crydermn's invited part! of Sunda leasrfther alue h e S I oraShp..L4n by the Harrison Company, 83 arid $2 @c"001 officers and teachers laat week was Ies Poi mk teSater .he h A LIFE 0F MARTYDOM. per mionth, were far below the cost ofs faîlure. ) " roes.wbitest" YOu've ever worn. Goodyear operatîng. TeWeltesen om r.CrocessBow ele p oSixteen shapes, 6 widths, 13 ses. ot the ant, ut the vatae lnegelartcorse att ee dbool of edago bipBlack...Ta-Sea Brown-~.Carmine-a.d WÏie E\ I 111-D BY TuIoSE WHO S F pofnhe cant, us e rglagepart oroent ateekl andatrto n hiColon You'Il know it by the Rame and price 1Ei -Lh i M CONSTANTf and S~itchboards will bc desroyed. Mege Brignell, Belleville, and Ben- t m e n fi il . $ ,$ ,$ e ar HEADACHE.- The Southlwestern Company operates son, Picton, called bore laat week on in the terrîtory generally known as tbat che1ese business. AAOU T e l t rS àà ooe \"la Suft-,red Thi u for over Twenty Of the Erie Telephone Conipany. A ALTONA Fie----t %q; Yuars fi.eltes ber Experîcuce 'ilc Topeka. Kan., special states that the W. J. Lehiman, of Mlarkbam, is visit \Vîll Prove Valuable ta Otiiers. Opposition telephone plant in that city. ing at bis old borne bore tiis week. costing the promnoters 850,ooo, was Mr. . . Halîey, of Goodwood, wàs 1- he T.ihunu M attawa, Ont. sold out under a judgmient Of $35,000 viliin friends bere ibis week. A71A' tOie reskleuts iu the vicinity of ta the corripanly operating the Bell Mr.EisRe8radbA afhe cir luly -atesîte i beu r. and Mr pata 8,o.BsonTasi Nettie, were viring friends in Toronto S l Agent atW hitby, M. .W . Co6 is tI, rf Wiill steIha en Mr.eadnts.oftbisweek. 1fLnoi h( aebe rsdnso r. Linton, of Pickering village, paid a _____________________________________ àir. R1anson bas been a great sufferer A N flying vstbr e asao fvear4. lber affliction takîng the tortu i Ab Yake is buyîng Up apples in tbis________________________ o! ii7,,uese and violent leadaches, and neiglibnrbood. til- >îtack. would corne upou lber sa sud- W. G. Barkev bas sold bis thorouRh YX1nww enin, fthe in r- wo 00tiiv lii ýie cotîi t carelv reacli lier bill Berkshire.* 'Soloin on,t Pbillip 1J~'~ I-'mija,ft(luad would 4e forced to re. Brown, of Stonffville.byyune t: II týir iliiree or four day., tuable to Go el a en nae -' tthrough ail its varvinu modr i lio t î~ an e x p es 5 w W H b u P & L Y reS p o ff o rd fo r t e co i n g y e a r. low«iu h a v ei b r C a o i .Thin g on- Nmâgieil McMarin, 27 Radanhurot St. Toronto W. eai-n tîtat Geo. Walker, of Lincoln- ihFbeCa.l.T se% l e a rs o taâg e w li n theiw se a itta c k s O n t, w e ars that R ckm an ' Kl OO Le aCII Y ue .' 1 0 a u c a s d M . N a a k y' e f l f b i s o l g t t a f:s vaineu upon ber, and the doctor w~hîo her,: Pardi'.îu whieh renderedJ one e of ber bodly ville,ba ucseMrNohBky'drflari olgtf i - anelber sid ui jutu o~m ntirely useleaPhYscaresuadthere waono chanr. bomestead ber.. li'tilier b;tàd l LI fis 0111) 0f( er ever recovernng the use of ber l M bis. Bolpe i,,L ..~r lle wall not exterid aver a feW de*erted berbtt -sbiwîîg, 0 ebg Ou oua tioF . otbi buternotceit-prseceingi-enttilyu gt ntint te -. edv yMr. A. Curtis wbeeled ont froni Ash- 'W r'Tr PIit@RUbbe ad D8anew.no Un a n alîgbter urged me to give Sol b J o. ilà hmdtaken so rmuch medicine witî no -The choir bave procured now hooks _ b1 that I refused However, sbe and we will expect something exta i Relief in Six Houra.-Diatresng Weir:î town sud got four boxes, and t e I usie lino. Kidney and Bladder Diselases relieved in )0gdec ilea,lier ~ more than for any bope of Mr. and Mrs. Hlarpor attonded tho six heur. hy the "SO)UTH' AxaCUIANi&jrn)- ber n it 1 a reed t e take Le r. I did not fun ra i f t eir ister at W it y 'on Sat r- yE u x" 1 B e e iy l a gr at r a o fta l .the surprse a ddlg to c o n fise e o si p s t!i ý Ith irst box do me ay good. but by day. w o died after a short ilimess f c e i Pr' utse w eîe ofgpa it ex.ra tlucg s ll tIle ie I hall takien tihe second my typhoid foyer. tebadr inybo u vr at m el ftPftltc- began to iupi-ove and I could Bor-At Raglan, en Sept. 27tb, the of the urinai-y passages in rade or fernl 81efp lette-r. 1 then began to bave faitb vif. f C. Hodg8en of a son. Lt relievasretention of 'water andi peMi n SoI<1, rom lu mhe-tii su as I continueti their uaee Mr. Stantou lest a very valuiable herse passing it almoat immediat.ly. I, yen- foiirj, Irve constantly getting better. hast woek. When doing up the choe., aut quick relief and cure t-itasycrr WLen I1liai finiRlied tb. fonrth box both fer the nigbt lhe notioed the hoeewa rewedy. oey5 -il ard friends vere surprisedt t find net very well and hastened afta'r the Sold hy J. E. Willis.. . -. L.~. . . tb5 î hah ot bc a ea ac e 9r oe vetrinary but before ho coulti get there thambx weeke, th. action of my beart the animal was deati.. It ia thought the yraHi iowibbsotl. u had become rezular, sud I conld sloop hom.e g et au over feed of iye chop and sueie *reo iMâ- SO1ndly ail night. I vas still veak, ctnged indigestion. . uuieted y huer QIBniirPrlSsto l)OWP eer sud decided te continue thue g l udubsîytet fiï!awl e lsewpa M ,of the. pll, wbich I did until three more Bon wletaade ubradeoemioùlhat-drésslng iù them.st 3 41Oea were used. Since tIen I have ohe mteil oreteorg tomhdea beenstrngertha ~ ~tj~ j<> thie methodist churehlwhieh bas beau jt=u h poerhs-o i~ before sud have flot bad au ache or pain. verYqac, edtwago au ess-- ICan do my work, have a nov juttekest . b8t4d n oti ÎIi~ ~ D. . Wih IL, 11f. aud feel ten years yuger. IfeIIIdio!wehe. uto tru the M4oý8otdi tbat D)r. Williams' Pink Pille viii de for jefUWu ~stwv aealt u Aii i <tbers wbat tbey have don. for'mansd ih. division on Sgatudy evèning- W P, but gi. bewl believing thie rIgadt ruae my BO<r i ~8~B, ________ ~Ypublic in Lb. hope that iL vilk b. e B ofa; B8 i zz1ewood, vaou so8me sufferer. B aU!élln; Tri,-Si Bs. QrumastoÈi ers Han son'. houbanti and - motlier Ohap. Bis Keau1tevood ; -Con, Bro XIiha*- 1eeboth present sud-say Liaittheây loo>k #LQi;_A ci Bis s" ton DIV PObereovery as miraeulpus. Tbey Satn 8îo r 6ýr Buî. aid that many and i &y5 a niglat Wedge. daetatd a keepiug hbotglot@ lier A meoungofaR oý C'elmen tid big the oaaly treatment Lt rfU Mag w l -th... 90 eýy aa elpd hrbefore ah. be$au $the 'Cem 'If Dr. P111. -.T D-Williaas' Pink Pilh W i4 t eboxes bearing tiip f . ts a Pe,(pruted lain i5 '"ver ,.solld r.. ~-zAab in buUk- 0 milc laU ipt' We have the Plnegt Seleo- tieni in tovu cf those BtUTF(LAMERA WALLer Pt A PE88 BorESto a Corne early and getfirsg choije.' P. B. WARAM, Brysu'. old Stand, Brook St., Whitbgj vnPîil aîrida p, - $150,o Surplus, - - $1950o0000 Whitby A gency. General Banking Businem Traneted. SAVINGS DEPABTMWENT. Interost Sllowed at hlghest cretrts No Vua ituhdralsîroquired EJ.TRO.RN9TON9 and Jeading drugg" el 'O STAR LIFE ASSURA CE - CG.,ý 0P LONDON, ENGLÂNj>.ý Estahlished 1843. Total funds lin band.4 ........ 18,501Y Bortuses added ...... ........ 3,7à6.4- Total dlaims pa;d ...... ......963 Total amnount Assurance in - force Dec '9....... ..7o,i7,GLlr4 685 dlaims paid '195 amopul. ing te................ c 38c656.3W Grants a venld wid-q and indîspaaa policy.- No restrictions as te residence. Profits increasing wihb age of policy. Inmediate payment ef deatih "*us. Intenim ana cempound bonuses :addd- Every. description of Lu o1icv gatd e4ua Local agents wýanti. bMost libral teti**a. Apply T H Carter,' General Agento ~a ntJncton, Onairlo." Hend Office for Canada, N o. i Adelal4& t. East Toronto, O: une ýj,xJz96-3mlS. Trie on~ A< DAMS i. j' e -i.- I WALL PRICE&,

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