asoIli BOTTLII RUBBEI fruit jari .FRESFI INSECT1 POWDER GUNS, FLY PADS AND TANGLEFOOT, (si Distensing It Of and Fat; receives personal -AT-- Ryley's Dri Bimcoe st. South MW 0ReMnd l1*1er fltroit onModa Professr Mexa* itterlaspcndieg a, few1 ibie daya iu îown wbb relatives Thre preabyterian woman's fereligu mission convention,, ofthti is trict, wMiI b. elti bere in january.- The Tennesce jubilee singera will appear __________ er. under the auspices of the 34tb batt. baud orn Oct. 301h. The teachers attcnded the convention at Port Perry last Friday antd diighted tic bearta of the pupils wltha holiday. NG WAX, and Messrs. Henry & Putney. bave opencti their photographing business lu the gallery R RINGS for reccntiy vacateti by Mr. W. E. O'Brieu. W. are free te say never int tus county was such sacrificcs'made in prices cf gonds as ait bcieg matie at A. Mackey's, Oshawa. POWDER, Rcaders 1 want to say te yen I can save> yen seven dollars on the prive ef a uixteen > dollar suit of clothes, matie te entier, anti al PAPE R, other priced gootsin the smre proportion. ticky fly paper.) A.1Itacke Os ant sea.reetawt every cash purchase at muy store, cither in dry gootis, mensa furnishings, ordereti or -- readv-rnade ctothing, furs, grocenies and Prescrzp*tw*ns provisions. 1 take farm produce ut thc highe't rnarket price for gootis. A. Muckie, ~nl Reipes Oshawa. ou>- carefu4 e 1tTronto papcrs last Frituy announc- l a//enli'on. now celebrateti Smith va. benton chickren1 case, was heard at Oagootie Hall. The case is an appeal te set asitie jutigment lu favor - eof James Lenton for S3oo damnage for false arrest. The appeal jutige reserveti bis ig S>toreC Last Saturtiay evening about io o'ciock Arthur Wilinson's barn, on Albert St., wasC dîscoveredt t be on fire. It had a q-iantity h, Oshawa. of huy anti tools in it anti bcbg olti anti dry it did -net take long te humn it down to the ____groti. Mr. Wilkinson hati$5o ncontents ant i $15 on the barn. [t la net known how * it caught on ire. OBHAWA, OCT. 169 1896. OSRAWA PAGE O5BAWA. P'armers will do well te cail at M. E. May's for boys' ready madie clotbing. It wilI pay any parties conteinplating buy- kng an engagement or wedding ring to sec the large stock of Feit Bros., Oshawa as tbey wl sel] this ,nontb very cheap for cash. Genuine dlamend 14K. onlv $5. They are aise makîng smre special offers in Gents', Ladies' sud Boys' gold andi silver watches. Sec thers. Felt Bros. Sale-Cal ut Murrays the tuiler. He ha a fine selection et pantinga, suitings, over- coatinga, etc. These gooda must ant iwlhl b. moIti by the yard, or matie up, away below cmet t once. Terms strbctly cash. R. Waiîers, of Manitoba, ba bn îown. R. J. Urqubart waa in town on Sunday. F. Dingle visitet in Montmeal lat week. L. R. Hallami latalentiing Triniîy college, Toronto. Mr. andi Mrs. Wmu, Hobbs weme ln town on Monday. Mrm. D. Parka visitet i n Toronto fer a few -days last -week. W. Alieg, of Urbritige, la in Iown rencw- Jing olti acquaintauces. Mr. Maynard, London, Englanti, is the gucat of Mma. Grierson. Etta James, Bowmanville, vialîti wiîh the ]Hisses Bond over Sunduy. A. McBntcn, Buffalo. is visiting bis parents, Mnr. andi Mm. Dr. McBrien. 4 Estber Pewers, Mapie Grove, was the grucat et Miss E Sheridian last week. May Rebson left luel wcek to attend tire Emerson achonl cf oratory, aI Boston. -Mra. J. Gouiti; Boston, bas retumneti borne after spcnding a plessant week here witi Misses Gertie Fohey, Alie Souch anti Mn. JStevens, Maple Grove, vislîtid wii frienda, on Suedity. Mir. Geo. Hall moveti bis family 10 Hamil- ton IâSt week wbeme be bas ebtaineti woik. W. wîsh tben, succesin their new home. - lils Wright. cf F. E. Ellis & Cols millin- *-cry tiept., waainu Toronto yesîemduy looking1 - o p the Aewest novelties for hem dcpartiniet. The young pcople's christian cudeavor convenUeo f the Whitby presbytery wifl Imclat Pickerng on Montiay. Tic preaby- tery willmmclou Tueaday. Next Sabbath tbanksgivbng services will 're helt inbaSt. ec'achu rci ad ntiei followiugufodayeannui burvcst home - fstial iiibehelti au th. sehool rom. A à plw$Ii pogamme is being prepareti. Dr. Wightman, tientist, ba s ecureti th*. -dental parlera ovcr .Rowee's. recenlly occu-. Pied byý Dr. Pauterson.. Ail kîndae t dental <pcratîonasPt modesate 4aagea, Crowu and- "bo gewark a speciaity. Painleus eztrac tien by llanacotugA. à , taitinhero<younng people béloughng go ~0~Gregory' ,çircb gave a;,daà ncelest tee s-gadFldyluh oyiuotx ast th A great curiosity in the peculiar growth o: a cluster of Vicar of Wakefield pears la to be seen in John Gibson's window. The fruit bas grewn on tbe stere in a cluster much in the sarne manner that bananas grew. The cluster of fruit is about 16 inches 1n lengtb andi there are over 30 laige pears in thc clusier. The fruit grew on a tree on Col Anyene who saw the crowd at Guy Bros. minstrels at the mnusic hall Monda *v evening would have thouKht there was plenty of rnoney in town. Nearly ail the seats on the grounti floor were 50 cents, vet the place was packed and hundreda gave 35 cents te stand. The show was rnucb the same as other >'cars anti as a whole flot quite se gratifyiog. They shewcvd in Whitby on Tuesday night. New Pbotograph Gallery. E. E. Henry andi H. Putnev have openeti the J. 0. Henry gailery on king St. West, in Osbawa, and are now preparedti t make sorne of the fineat pictures ever seen in this section. MIl styles ant i aies cf photographs cao be matie, anti aIl wcrk will be guaran- teeti. Stage or R. R. lare frorn Whitby paiti. To the readers of the CHRONICLE 1 Want te say that 1 have just commenceti the gecatest, moat gigantie, clearing sale every contiuecd in South Ontario. The Wigbtm -n stock was cern pseti largcly of (al and wit ei fabric, and as I bought it late in the spi ing a large portion of it had te be carrieti over until this fait trade opeueti. I amrnow ciosing it eut at any sa7critlce. If I cannoi makre the price et any article Îin y store satisfactory te any custemner whn cails I wil mnake that customner a handsome prese"t before they leave the place. Now corne and see.and hetti me te nîy advertlsement. A. Mackie, aign cf the golden lion, Oshawa. Dr. Bigsby, Detroit, a graduate of Oxford Univej'sity, England, gave an address be- fonc tbe pupils cf tbe Oshawa High schooi on Monday afternoe6h. He la intercstcd in cdu- cational work in Michigan and dropped u iff here whtle on bis way te Bowmauvilie te lec- ture before the Collegiate Institute there Mr. Smith arranged with him fur an adciress liere andi a few citizens wec invited te at- tend. The atidresa cf Dr. Bigsby was cal. cilated te masure an inçrcascd interest in the~ study of the Engiisb language by acquaint- ing tbe pupils with the feuntain (rom whence it came. ralking the Sanscrit as the source, cf ail languages lie took certain wortiu anti shewed the Sanscrit - word was the root of numereus English wortsin jecemmon use. In like manner Greek anti Latin were de- nived fromi the ancient language andi frem those languagqp Uic Fench and Germain and from tihe Prench an4,German came the Engiish whlch weulcU-F'tîme become the language cf the werld. The address was very lnterestng. Mr L K Murton mpved the vote of thanks secondeti by Mr. Wezzle- Bach Ern maut John Nesbit, oeeof thre proreinent and vell-to-do (armera of Eas Whitby, returet lust weck (rom a trip to Manitob4u He was iu the. SO-uris andi Deloraine districts anti was tavorably iutprcssed witb tbe general ap pearance of the country, The wbeat crop ta most abuedant, but tu smre places lps beec .caught by tbe (rost. He ta of- the opiion. that Rth farmers are too, muchat the' wurcy of the elevator companies. -For tre, fariner of lmiteti means there lit lnt lke it neder the sua., It la e»u lly worked anti cbeap.- Land, he aays.,tint nos once boee broken but not reguWaly cahivated, in, worse tirai utibroken landirbecaurte of weede, wbich baie a rnk grow. Hç,auqhou wbiIettw stdIke 'vas on andi uâ d travelling very tediosa. Thectrains van, vcty sô wly antd -au rurves In -the -rcd came' oa ead standuti» wile a brakeatan vas sentsbeagi ta m rthé agltn J tas agfr,'Vtur cf timç- Was apeutt Ii pslssng a»L" thernoytlv sbho1m etLake üdtwLw L0, it t a IT. iwer tu if on cert onu- a ngtwas#Aà 4ddduis.>uce [ly fine Progrsnae wasredri ud a25 cent concrt could fot beà "tn te omjl O'Brien & Stédbam bave dechre t window wi W rk donc ainiont life aize their big camer4 andi ro r norninkte oni, crewds- stand nujg nt the picturea. SI work bas uevefbèec done ln this town Au olti reaident gosee IOn Friday laist James Smith, a wefl known reaitient. passed quicîiy loto rest, at the age ofe 76 ycars. Mr. - mith was bore in Scot- . land sant came te Canada In bis boybood and metriti o n a bush fart» nontb cast of Columbus. with bis motber anti four broth crs. Tbcy wcne an industrbeus famsiiy anti did weill rom the start. lu due lime de- ccsdmrriethe c taugliter of Wmn. Beggs, East Wbltby, anti moveti on an adjoining tarm on wbat la known as knowe as the new rondi. He atterwards owncd the tarin now owned by thc Coolies, anti liveti there until he movet into Oshawa. He accurnulatet ia large fortune anti aI the lime ef seîîling in Oshawa was worth some $6o,ooe.Ht was then, anti continued for some lime te be tht treasurer of East Wbitby township. On moving te Oshawa, he, lu company wiîb the late Win McGaw, bougbî the livcrv business of W H Thornas. After morne five ycars tbey moiti eut te Thomas Walker, Mr. Mc- Gaw taking the Quee's botel ber.. Mr. Smith firat lîveti where Win. Bamnbritige 110W ilves anti afîerwards owed anti tiveti in the propcrty new occupicti by Robt Won, His property gradualiy slt.ppcd away from hlm until at bis death ho hati scarceiy any left. His wifée dime ten years ago anti their only chilti, a son wbe marrieti a daugbter of Wm. Black, Whitby, dieti about a yeum ago. Eeceascd was ef a kindly disposition anti hati a hoat of frientis. He was burieti untier the auspices cf the Masonic ortier from Mrs. lhompson's boartiing bouse in lie McCaw block, anthIe large attendance at the funs- nual indicateti the kindly feeling anti respect 'ete teir e on ight ucb be Mr. St. Germain, cf Toronto, is visiting his relative, Mm Thos Goodman on King St. East. Mr. St. Germain owiis a z70 acre farm juat .north of Toronto. He la upwurtia cf 7o years ot age, but dmesot appear le ire 5o anti bis wondemflilv reteetive memnory Is weil storet wiîb reminiscences cf men anti eventa Ibat carne untier bis notice whiie he was engaget inlu nwapaper work. H. ut- rendeti Meticaîf St. Mctbodist church on Suntiay momning ant i aturaily enoui while h. listeocdto te .gifteti divineis mind went back te sonne fifty years ugo wien as a newspapcr man a lad prescutet i hm- self anti aketito lie apprenticedt te tprint- ing trade. The boy hati jusl arrived inbthe country trom over the ocean anti was ambi tlous le begin ife for himacîf. H. was ask- eti if b. couiti apeil anti replie t bat he knew that a-b was ab anti o-b was ob but that lic did net know as mucb about grammur as be would 1k. te know. Tie boy's intelligent face and bright mannen gel hlm the job anti lie proveti indualrioua anti hard-working, anti on borrowing Cobben'a grammar front '1r. St. Germain, proveti a capable schelar. After serving bis appmenîiccahip at the prîet- ing raide b. vent te St. Catharines as a journeyman printer anti evenlually became a metiodîst preacher. While the ceegrega- tien on Sunday onlv saw anti thougit et tue ziteti toctor etftiivinity wbo atidresseti rbcrn, Mm. St. Germain saw as,-. well the iioy who knew that a-b waa ah ai o-b was oh anti knew smnebing et the industrv it hati requlredti t make au cloquent preacher ')efore hlm eut oftheb ambitious boy of flfty ytars ago. Oshava BUaisem Diretory. BROOKS' LIVEBY, Slmooe street, orth-. 4'M. ROLPIL, hamen au nk.i Slsor'autwe Da. PAiJEBsOx, Deutiot; o000ce ver Rewoels kt.J "im omnupinnM a4. o J 5rea-omno iaotu ergana, Simeoe stresut. W. E. raa, Ohava, ana e Ontariedi WnIrLLIAMJ. Duirs, Dominion sbd Cntalo Land Uurvoyow. Civil EnginSer, Box 57, Osah- Moderns hooi.lry. neat snd &imlà stabiy D. M. Tbn. -Ostueroer Balla, Assmblies, Wed- dinga, Suppers, ec., etc. m9&U.1 ruda of Ieo. BeuLDu - Wtb-OosIstagelins. Lear..Oshawa Kt 8 armsMd B nsd Whtby iOarn s«ngaa p ni.s 105PEOxxe mauaour o ~cUU ada eeMigdeoorton, lxsPUaLLeWI desiemin 5oofrsol L. .L Kuýa., à . - Ba.znster, "obe*rs, Nosy el. orvyuer s"Kuy l V. E.oë 1fllt etcoo -v.rylb SI meady m*ao le band. Salè very-sidi witb gaogerene ofte Mr on Gifford, Orono, is vlsittug at S. G. PiekeIs Mr. Geo 'Aflin, Whitby, la visiting Ét bis Mr-teis Bre a envsdgfisi Mom vle vstn retl 14rwmavà i vrn (o avr svr Mr Iac Trof q l recoeig(rmavrysv atMacir tz oonoui nsey. e sstr Mra, WDr.zDromavnte avstngle it M.r. AnhoM avle j ulig an 'Ms. Ganthony Pascoe s uidiga ewbue MHosale bal s Uic onoL gupa Munr Harr Slterf la cantpbeg u afo Mueredario Sl omchisaleas. ofniey r Mkhr arr era' sOalcieeîof iel Mr iabo mies a ol n acto ione rocoo Mas. Tiiiyacool ispecterisaetieochee Mrs. Fmary air a rets ey sai ftr. Mr. Sary anrbas ene oi ani ate ri Me SuOiy sudOcetecGrapong oenrl i .u ie ig ppritfor a eUc Gand StcntralistJn plckieR.aplea frkadedays. StBelick e itJoN.. Mas. R. Claing rk dodusinters.BleimonteN . basbnd sno e osnMs îinRn Quite a number (romn here attendeti the supper ai the reopening et the Meticait St. churcb, Oshawa. On Monday, anti report having a gocti ti me- Nr ag.mnaerWoftheTadesBni Mffr Cbi . mianaey fth rdmaBn.l Mr. A Lewis was up before the beak lest Mon- day for assauli anti fineti e3 andi cost. On Frlday night burgians entcret he bouse et %4ms. Wallace, but we are gladti t say i net, gel rnuch ler their trouble. We have juan learnedti iat a second hanti lire engine bas been boughî. AIl we cao say ia thu: we hope if we bave aDoîber fire that the reeve tnd council wiil turu oui and pump it. At 4 P.-rn. On Suturtiuy lat, the olti cry of tre was again beard on out streets when it wus tearneti that the Public ant i iigh School was a nasa cf flimes. Je was net long bef ore hait the village was arounti the building. As there was %strong nertb tuai wind biowbog anti ne fie engine of any kirit on baud the citisees were obligedti n stand by anti watch it bumo. We shouldti bink it about tinté the village hati fine protection. Atter the two* large fines of lusi ;prlog a public meeting was calleti anti the mat- ter discusseti sud the Reeve and Council asked eo get one an once. That was six rnonths ago ctid stiti tieme la no engiue, 0f cousesthc cny fabera wonnt thinir of coming before the public for re-election for thtomiug vear, df tbey do wtr cear it wii ouly be a waste of their pretons tiante. flic school waa ingureti fer s$4oo sud wili be rebuili an onoe, [n Uic meanîlme. Mnr L B )avsdson*s divison will b. belti in tht Court -louse and Ibe ether moome in the bouse latcly EOWIOANvIlLE,. The Bowmanvilîe Rifle Association wili hoiti tbeir annuel prise meeting en the range hert on Fsiday Oct i6îh, c omerning an 9 a m sharp. -1 ninher cf good prises wil be efféeanetsd il tht wcathcr la fine, there will ne doubt be a gooc cr:)wdinhoatteetiance Bicycle roati ate. The above snnai oud race took place on Fnda atternonlaineNewcastle anti back l'tda wlas fione anti witthe exception cf a h dt wîd rm the cat, everything was faver- able fer tht race. As the time drew near for the sturt a large crewti et people bat assembleti. rhere iwenty-foum wheels saameti anti by special irrangemeet with Mr H Simpson, of the Bell Telephone Co. tie naines were cialiret on a- blacirboard enîside bis office, as ec an ue cd the bamrel an Newcastle. The timot 99 finish was- W Downey, with 6j mies. atart. going tht xc 'elles bu 37 minuits, wbile tti ne prise was wou by Malcolmn Galbraithinlu33 32- Tire fol- lowixag are the naines ie the order finishng, anti the bandihcups-W Downcy 6j minutes, A Os- berne 6à min, C Mernison ta, A Coucha,2 min McClelian 2 min, A InmSber 4j min, G rewi 3 e min, F Grigg41 iCKah5UO F Downs 4 min, G McCleilau 31 min, %, Gal- uiraitir, scratch, W Crydermu 4 in, F Mitchell 31 min, W ROY 4 min, N Plummer 4_ min, A Goard 6j min, M Wonnb 2% mie, N lames 934, W Cawker ze, W Taylor 4. tg t .fi fc rt E F Mis .Bodan msP.Jue re mtn Mries in BooklantiMs .Jnsrvsnu r.da l Breynodrsdn o spae Mr. WeslaBshort s, Sau lrden e h lae pal u a sor tovImmttrandMsBrc n tendlare ssomvn car Misati Mis Bre - tien teavStats.sety byaeglgn e aidre tic States. is uce ned going te thse Stateu.£0 write lu ber cousins cdi- It lareported Mr. T. Gilde lutenda leasing bis nesideuce bere aoi rturulug £0 bis ta=i. Wc alto leur- tha" MMs.Jones sud sous iu- tend returning-no agicuhtural pursitsm We sec from tic Canungso newa m E. B& uey, oftt lm lc, bas beugbt out the stock eftC. H. Amy. cf Canarngiou. . Wc cogratalate Mr. Nottion bis item et lasi w«14 Scucernng thea bebaviour etciredmbefme ameeneseti ri n; le c emery. Tlîq long aMdilie*lq w l i lpita footing befere t hirebt hroirqb stoq sud sunsbine We *ooder if t1197 1 o, udo ir pr sesson ct bobt-Slme nbe mudsw bides, day~ ~~~~i evan ~w ouiOf et weay senti- mg s bai - sMtten attet a- e sot er home. Se oct gmatefnl enogb bosavertg acoes bs.ompaY. 'a c Mr R. Reynoldis lacm fined tcbis bcd and ist very low., T. Goodman sill keepa tic grist imllhum- rning a goodti une. Mir. Co4ok reporta a gooti year for bens ef Te armera are taking advant«ile of iese fine days te ustle in the Potatoes and buckwbat We arm very sorry to say Mr. Win. Davis bas a bad sntack of typhoid ever. We hope to he of ja speedy recovery. Mr. Fèred Richardson la on bis way te Egland wth another lot of heavy draught horses. Fred is a bustier on herses. Mr. Samuel Kivili wo bs been v"ryID wtb scatica in bis legs and neuralgia of the nerves In improvng tn health again. Most of the people arond here are shipping their apples through the F:trmers' C ub, not sat- isfid with the low price oftered by buyers. COLUMBUS If D. M. Tod's wagon does nt oel on yen. ask your grocer fr Tod's bresd. Millinerv ha always been a specia 1 suty lire anti tht ilcm ntilues to be an important part f Iis business is more noticeble evry day. Ladies can aways tepenti an getting the newest anti m s ylish creaions pro- curable anywerc from us anti the pnies are specially ternptlug. Dress anti Mantle mnaking in al its branches a specialty with. Fe E. IELLIS & Co., We can Fit your Feet and Pocket. Recaus eHorse Shoo denote "Gooci Luk" ja no ra- son why a man should wear them, yet thoueands of people buy Shos to which -a horse -would Say "neg .p with uperiol ahees ,at -fair -ýriceiL. We don't swflai' cos%, 'but very ,near IL. We ave just receùiect28 Cam e fs al and Wiuter goqiucludig & Boots iésme very bilime S of M u u and L d e ' B o s F Oienin Loe 4,k oN5.T Cf twed IOIWn. 6IYEAR IO 8N OSHAWA.' 6KEASINGST.AWST I met a youth on our town line, With watch anti chairn, he looket se in &"4MY 4t, "- saiti 1, yeu c ut a shîne Anti algt bave been ut BVe' Ves, thb-Vs the store, well known by ail, For pretty lhings, both large and small Whcun eit in town, give thern a caîl, Fair dcaling lsa t BOYD'S. 'Tis there geeti watches you will flnd, In gold anti silver, ail "stcm .wind," Gold buttons, pins anti diarmond rings;- Anti lots cf other lovely things, Winb cosîly lewels, fit for k:ngs, You're sure b oidat BOYD s. Young men about te lthrew the loop O'er maitiens fuir lhey'd h ke b '~scoop, Select ut once the ENGAGEMENT Hoop, Real geins yeuqill bd at BOYD'S. Se when "the daisy"l you have cauglit, The lovely presenîs wmll be brought, Then Cornes' the ring TO TE T H E KNOT Purecgeld you'ulfind at BOYD'S. The neil in order la "a trip" On rail: out car or in. steurnship, Then mind yeur watch, donIt let it slip, Gooti watch chains are at BOYD'S. Then cornes the lime for "setnîing dowo,", The olti folks slyly drive te îown To purchase, anti a gooti liok round For needful thingsaut BOYD'S. Tbey choose a cockr that's always right, To strike thehour boîh day anti night, Anti reuse the Whole ut morrting right, Real beauties li ut BOYD'S. The weil illcd purse is then cut loose To purchase siivemware for use, Anti *1 Rotigens' knives" to carve the goose- Gooti forlia anti apoons ai BoYD'S. A word to persons grewing olti, Our pebble apex "as gooti as goii," The crossest foîlka will neyer scoîti When sight's reneweti ut BOYD'S. Se n0w our ad. 15 ut an cuti, Don't doubî ourjvorti, but corne, or send; Our wares arc gooti yen maytiepenti You'll be well useti at BoYr>'s. iCali at and see his Wrought Steel RÂ-GT- Alo bi AT--I and GÂS S'TOVES -PROM- k $5.50 to '$25-00. The Joseph Rail MACHINE OSHAWA, OLOVER UMLI.8, the improlred'. CHAMPION MOWR, Etc., aud supply parts, anti repaîr ail ma- chines matie by thc Joseph Hal M'fg Co.,, Masson Co. andi Dingfle Estates, haying bought ail their patterns, forms. etc. Knives and sections for moat any make, mower or reaper. IrnPipe, Steam. Fittinge,~ (brasé or iron>., Bubber Belting. Paeklng, (rubber, garloek and~ rope). Thresher Teeth most ail kind&-ý flopair-. Bieyolee, and supply_, parts for saine-. Enflues- and Boliers repar epuir Machinery, anyd Pea arve ters RWoon & YOR i A --- WORKS, .VOLU i 000 pac i we ne Fresh Sto Extract A.] CHEMIP F e 1I111ii: I Ca BARGAINS. Big Bargains anti special induce- ments throughout the whole store. The keenest buyers are talking about our low prices. The attractions i0 prices andi large stocks to select from are witbout a parallel. BIG BARGMINS IN NEW CAPES AND JACKETS. Our large, direct importations --of German anti Engiish jackets anti Capes are now here anti our stock is coin- plete. Better values anti more correct styles were neyer shown, We are quoting prices away below former sea- sons. Our gleat object is to make a large tumnover which we can only do by oflering very tempting prices. NEW DRESS GOODS. The Dress Gootis section invites you with a truly magnificent assortment. France, Englanti and Germany ail con- tribute their quota towarts the make- up of our assortment. Most of the woven beauties shown by us cannot be seen elsewere. Core in anti go through thein anti buy if you want to. Whb e Maîble IDundas WHITE the latest mr -kindu of Ce POILanee -QI yAug, 27, týt eýroRitlt* PELLOWS, 0 a 0 0 l-, 1 - 1 - 1 - i lý 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 ý 1 1 Hou8e-clea, W. bave a langerà of wiutiow sai have e-ver sho Wc use the b shade clotb, roller. Aise a fine i Aak to sec our sereens, le fit Our baby carnage --signa. Glve -us a cail befc We anc taking elègauce witlt general utility Our stock is cernp We invite bu, It wlI sure m( Leading und BRO T., Established el NIRWCABTIIZ. $50.000 Prln» à lbmt