Whitby Chronicle, 23 Oct 1896, p. 6

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WAn9TEI FI T5luârONIOLE. <Oiuiry. jpw, thiuio bIomin , 'rhe words ;ore spoken by Toi 'Warbitt - more famillaa'iykLOWE 44Tommy," nover haviug.thename 1 biti exeept on s8Pecial ceosion8 s il amiwering to is usnme in court. -Jw"or in full Joseph Aubrey, laohum and often hi. partuer in p crimes or in serving short souteneo Bri"hjupti.fication cf punisboeent aga the lawe of Her Majiesty's realuz. About the saine mgo, Tommy dark swmrbby and determined, J0. taller oue more wiling to foUlow than to b Those two boys bad become tired uecuring an ever doubtful living by boeot ways on the streota of nid Wl chapel, London. These two, of the mn parasites who feed upon the surplusc of those dirty streets and kindly am ance of oharîty societies, who are as mn sinuod agalat uasisnnxng, became WE of partial liberty-liberty on.ly ~inoien that which ua srelt deprived thein &bat precious heritge-resolved te old England. 46W'ere shall we go Tommy 2" ia Joe. - Let's try Eamerica."' "I don't want te try Hanstralia," i Joe. - Thevsamy dad was sent therea as 'e used te htmbast me h'id ratheri meet 'in yet for a wile." 8o the8e lad. deoided to pack their f belonginge in their 'kerchiefs, and wit.l stick run through each bundie tbey &tae ed by easy stage& Le Liverpool, where persistent efforts they suoceeded in sec ing passage and privilege te work[th, way te Moncreal. Rcacbing the eaate Canadian metiopolis the emigration she. gave thern solter ùntil they decidod try their tock westward. S Laing rid on the freight trains and walking in tu landed thein in a emal L own in Cent: -Ont.ario. They had littie difficulty pi ouring the necessary food frein the far people who had looked kindly on the ti boys, and as for shelter Tommy said t a 'my stack was away a'ead cf a stei door stop. Strnck by the beauty and appare thriftiness of the littie place tbey hi alighted in, they decided te stay tý fortune wontd chance te favor Lhem. IlWhat do yen Say Jow. Shail we t] to geL work ?" II don't know Tommy Work ainet My loine, but we migh t huit for it."- Ent.ering a bakery where thte steamin bread and, swoet buns and dougbnu caused a ionging in heir stemachaj participate, Tommy asked the baker wife if she would give thein a few br &8 they were hungry. Impressed b their incerity the kind-bearted woms aftiDg their travet-etained appoaranE gave tbein a dozon and they had a feai in prospect. Juet at this moment t baker, burly and fresh frein the heav work of kneading the tast batch, Cam frinL. te ar of the sbop. I"Mary, the driver ie gone again on a booze. Yc can't depend on help now-days. Who vili I de for this afternoon's delivery." "l'ores a chance Jowy hold boy." I Samy Mister, w. wants work, oan't yc Irese? ' A few word. of oxplanation on the pau of Tommy and ho wussoon instaled: drive the bakte wagon, whie Lhrongb th, kindly influence cf the baker Joe seur.i the rtion of stable boy te a retire gent emian. Affairp wcre now on the nî ward for the boys and had they beecb con Une wit.h slow prosperi:y. succesa migb '»omn ama. pose weaide. Whati d'y i7? TboaghtB cf the old City and amsites canud bomoslok feeings to eUd p _in JO:. throbt-,udIe boarit t thump faster un1a>a vst, sud vhen lji could contrel bis ~ --w" feln utc.to qsek h.osad,- If H'Ive bien a thidn 4'omliy, thouïh -,we'v a li±e by us, weo"av'on"êgcîoncugh b"~ad I'think we houghi to go baak in botter sabpe ihanW.b4f. 8pose we ty eue -of hci4r9Jd ,triokifors wo go. The. Stormet O t-bi itt1uýplaee JbMn't watched, and wo'l intýa lfew thînge teiy u 'MY n #ihmi, bastove Our ready mney. JZùàt- afew hààtdy thinga t t crrdan sU "lWa?'s the nue cf dola,' this 'ere by %ilves Jow. We Must beave Ibis pUce iwf proper s4tyle. 1Lot'. 'do the hardwre Store for some kaiive spoons ,iud Bo fth henwhoja the ltti. affaiw ba quioed dowth, fo« w. eau d.the= for a wile, u bf oruowJaelvda buta di' IL.toè e ve aut nv .0's Jip0 -logel nome tai-* Ding lgamid 1the o*ag4 su :-alf frth ôn, i ue wouh b". - of My~ they kuw oqght of!ita «M *i,. T. 1 lof ttbaowûwrià sfine dmyà4i C.» to a te bocaa.oîf$hiîr~ ni bnc.9Policiez and bard tim.. Eao en hhîra&hureof blsmle. But a short t VU sud the' tewh had relapsed into its Lt ime nigbt alumbons, àthough às pé inwtohinu&asplaced àob duty for as ne uigbt.s tb. towu fstherm who disi inost goésip snd psy lemat taxes grumb nd so much ah the extra oxpeuse that ho Ind releascd after a week's duty. Nu d. run er e, howevor, cemmoucing of ciroulate frein evideuce mdduced froin jis inquest into the cauae o! the fire.1 t. boys began te foot unemsy sud at the. f ny opportuuity they met one -uight ma ESi and Tommy wbispered as thcy caine liL- gether, 'I siy Jow, we'd better ho geti eh bout of 'ere, hit's tee 'et for us." -"Lt ry go te uigbt Tommy. You geL Lite bakE it 'orse and buggy eut at th. nortb bond of tbe tovu at the last corner and Fll t it yen at tb. bmck o! the general store 2 o'clock. Will yen Tommy ? Do id fail DeW." Jo. did net fail sud secung s Io plmnk iL waa quickly hoistcd tLe I.ha d windew sud Tommy was soon bai d ng eut au evercoat sud sunit a,' clothes apieco. Thon foilowed in qui succession oans cf corn, tornatee ai w. saumon &long witb seme tes, and cheei aand iu a fev minutes Lb. quartette, bc herse and atolon gooda vere bowlii ~aloug nenLbward. "Jow, we inuet net1 far this way ; vo vaut te fool thein r case th.y geL ente our littIe game mndi n don't wmet te cause thein tee 'ucb tro [s hIe yeu keow. We'l1 go voit ou t! o firet concession and thén ture south it vo coulc te .fiet rsiiway and feilow >goixig eatard." Se aoutb tbey wvo suad when tIi.y came te the truck th( quickly emptied tb. buggy of iLs cei Lenta snd sot Lbhersoe and rig te ahi fer themaelvea and they iought ambue and changed their ciothes. Thon a sbouldoring bis burden of " iilgetue gain" Lbey atarted emtward. After se' o ral heurs Lhey met a pediar sud Lb. 1 toAs bmving beomme 50 vemnisoine the 1 dispoed cf the-Ir spoil for a cousideratior A freigbî train came &long wbee the vere ucar a vatoriug tank, wbere iL ha beld np for a renovel of supplies anà ithey manageA te geL on tb. humpoe utn noticed. At a slew up Joe. sid, -Won' yen be gmad te, gel bmck te ciA Lonii i gauin," Tommy. "O0h won'î 1 thougi Jov, and say do yen knew Vye b..i îhhinking ve've donceengb crookei vork, anA do yen knov Jov that I'v made up my mind wben voetIL'one l'u goiug to- lesA a difiennt ifé." *v been thinking tb. same Tommy. Tha store buninng bas set me hhinkin' anA hi I bonly get back again I'm goin' te d( botter. With these coufideuntial good ne solutions they again crept on Lb. bnmp eo cfhLb.moving train. Poor lads, borninj sin vitb noue tx teach them, better. Let us think tIi.' ver. botb sincero in Lbe Heaven berio wiab te lema botter lives whicb they werE deshincd nover Le rema.. A teeting ei another train thhn their ovu abosd-ar application of the brake-. cgrash, and aIl was over. Juil a collision e! tvo f reigb ts sud cars groued amcmlte e plie t ors. Wbene idobris vas cleared awmy ameng lb. ruine wero feund thc maugieci romnains crushed beyond recognition, twc bodies voli clolb.d and vith mouoy but noae bte their identification. TIi.y ver. e iug ite live botter tives rneans the preventbon of scores of cases of colds, coughs, bronchitis, pneurnonia, and corisumption. Wet feet do not directly mnake the germs of consumption appear ln the Ilungs; - but they do cause coughs and colds and inflarn- matiori of the throat arnd lungs-; weaken the whoJe system. In thîs condition th e germns of consumption find just 'the soil ln wich to wàrk. ScMtt's Emulalon of Cod- lie 11, wlth ypophos- phJtes, is a Most valuable rem- edy -for 1.restorlng tAhe system to health ,,before these 'germ s get thue.uppérhgnd. by the. modicajnqgsonft'ftty. .=U9 ti "M 7 bo Se l 9! S01 io 6 rbad of wnuveî fupl ied the 0", IlsOvWf Uadadâbu, cannA by Comdlpati pe. motiob* ýf 1r. Bdwards suid 1r.. nn S *1cr b a ee uanaerg TOs- Bousin7 'wuapaid 61.25 5 Maur-, fu repahring 1ge 0vezX Beaver river on Biopla epdmbu~t Dr. Agne had con. il. o pà ee m Aie On motion cf 1Mr. Brethour sud tir. LAver 1> u11) te. ci. ial caredi ld oOullYo B. Edwards wau paid 85.60 for 'hai youtsioyadi siai 110 loada of gravel. 'hs ontstmn n t few 4On Motion cf 1Mr. Bretheur sud 1fr. faeî. Now 1. nover tose an heuro era. Edwards, Mthew Fair vas psid $6.76neald. ulod for repairmng bridge ovor Beaver river This is the wrispeu $etimcny of a v vas and puttiug railiug &loug marsh on con. known Toronto ionrnalist-yon eau hi wty 5, Opposite lote 12 and là." bis naine if yen vaut il. Dr. Agne- 00 O motion cf 1Mr. McCully and Mr. Luver Pilla, at ail druggists, 40 in a 'i the Edwardsj, Joseph Thompeon vas paid 10 cents. 8old by J. E. Willis. The 8 1.-50 for repmiring road on con. 6, oppo -91 firlit site lot 20. 1hv enmr hnoewi aiu, On motion cf 1Mr. Brethôur and 1fr. dI haveesaenoreth a eue vr te'. Edwands, John Moore vas p aid $1.76 iaoubr oe i hecer ac ;in' for 85 loade cf gravel suppliedto wnsbip-'mna ilo et's On motion of 1Mr. Edwsrds and Mr n lu isi advanced century agilo ers» Thompson, Mr. G. V. St. John waa paai knews as much as ber mother, mnd enjc of 81.40 for 28 loadi cf gravet snpplied her knowledge uiuch more. ocet t<>wnship, aud 01.50 for repairing road, Samn Biaa-Look hyar, Looshua, w )at con. 6, lot B. am dis hyar Valkyrie laik a trolley ce n't Mr. G. V. St. John appeared before Lucius Doe-Deed 1 dunno. Samn E tb. council and aked Le b. paid for a -Case de fendaliam allers in fro :ug Lamnb killed by deg.-Couhidere. ob 'or. ck On motion cf 1Mr. Thompson and M r. 6 nd. McCalUy, Mr. G. V. St. John wus paid "oPara, where aire the. meet diamnio Of 88 88, being 1 value o! a tamb kiiled by ound r' mked Willie. "ln someboe ck doge.1 else's hand when they are trumpa, nd Mr. B. B. Cevie, of con. 14, Brook, grewled papa, who bcd been having ha ,e. carne befor. th. council and expls.meci luck at whis. >YB bow ho bad deepened sud wideued the "If dere'a any invention dat I have 1g ditch on con. 14, as instructed. profound çeapeck for," said Moveatci go On motion of TMr. Edwarde and Mr. Mike, 6"It's de fonnting.pen." "Whul in McCully, B. B. COwie was paid 89 for de reason 1 " inquired Plodc±ing Pet we deepeuing 8taback -drain &orose tovuline -Dey nover works." )u- of Brook aud Tborah. hie Mr M.cCuliy, aeoonded by 1fr Edwards, "What was tb. moist confusing ca ýi1l meved that the clerk ho instrncted to no. yen evor b.d ?" aaked the doctor of t] it tiîfy Mr R A Sinclair tbat tb. statute Iawyer, "Case of champagne," returni nt labor bas bocu r.Lnrned and collected the lawyer. "I hadn't got haîf Lhrouý ey against part cf lot 20, cou. 11, for th,, iL beforo I was mil mnddied up." nû years 1898 and 1894, and the sanie bai, " Ah, but it's bie good record thi f' becu retunded to Lb. Pathinastor o!fLthe stands in bis way. " "Bey 2" &&] ah road division in whîeb said pnoperty ii' ba foolisbiy alwmys made ut a peint1 ch aitnated au, wnll ha seen by the anditers pay cash for everything and consoqueul] Bn report fer 1895 cf Brock.-Cew.itd, ho base't the least bit of credit. v- Ou.- motion of 1fr Bretheur and 1Mr ir Thompeen, J T Edwards vag mppoint ey cd a commiasicur te incet a 11ke corn- n. missioner frein Thcrab te equalize th, % ay mount of me7 o xpended aud statut.' D O A .N S td laber performed on tovlijne e! Thormh àdand ]Brook for tb. yoar 1896. Ridae" Pilla firt prowed to the. people D On motion cf Mr Bd wardîsuad 1Mr tiiat Ridney disoase is curable. Being the 't [rthour, James MCUlly wau appointed Oi"Kde eeyi ilfrn h in a cemmiasîcuer to' mccl a like comisn rgnlKinyrisyA i om h bh aioner froin the township cf Beach t ues they have Made, and iii famo 1hey ni oqualize tb.eAmounu of m'ouey expended have attained have epencd the wmy for a d and statute imber perfermed on towuline bout of imitations and substitut.,, but me of Brook an'd Beach for 1896, the. dent thoso who have been cured of M to notify Beach council o! the appoint e mnt. .î On motion e! Mr McCnily and M r I if Thampeoe, Wm Brethour was appoint K ID ~N E o cd a commrisioner ou tb. ovuline of Brook and Mariposa to equaiue the' >arnunt cf monev expended ou ssid town. Complainte through tb. use of Ibis.vonk. links for the year 1896. sud Lb. clerk to derfiil feicine, those viiose lame back je o ntify lthe conucil o! Mariposa of theiDo frac froin pain, those wbo nov have y sale. o hadacesthose who have esoaped 012 motion cf Mr Thorepsen and Mr froin the. death grip of Diabt. and for nliy, Frank Doble vas pmid $88.25 Bright's diseae by the.nueco Dom'@ frstatut,. iabot performed iu Lb. village of Sunderland, the uame te b. collectedKilO in Lb. ýtaxes cf the. villageni. On motion o!f1fr Edwaarbs and My1fr Brethour, Wm Amey wus paid 86 60 forPIL S 182 loade cf gravel aupplied te Brocaî township. 1rMOiy 1rE.are th. ones Whose opinion is valublê E On motion of M c lyand M .When scores o! snob people couic forward wards, Samunel Thompson vas appoint and 1.11 publi.ly that Dean'. Ridney Pilla ada oci ioner ou the tovuline ue hmmtrohe in ald lA 'M,-uiuLac tcer convention at Port Penny at Fniday. Birtb-West o! here, on Friday the 9th inst., the vife .o! B. -Carter of a son, ail doieg veli. Most o! the farmens around here have harvested their potatoes and il report a very ight crp.ý,f A temperairce peiin bas been cir- , culated around P% nYre an-da,, goodly- j. nrumber o! signatures have been oet» t tained, It I vonder *vitt asthé- maLteritb l the choir Sunday eveuing. Theirauto.. b matic lune siýector does nô'ot-asppar b .0 be rel iabWe Mn Dixon lbaSgivie - - r ouse a new seat of sfingbe" Id' iêddda verada to t whh mch improveits ti gosiers!app ~ ~ . We vonder what lm te. ~tatr,4 tioi ab6oem-Rv êsyotu yotiig Me L-Weu t Wé ~:c a - WHITBY. Dean- rarmntbe £ Goaei.ua Offer. (Pa.&Zished &vReqmeu.> Ma-, Rditoa- :-WlU0j~s kincl~y n. readens cf vour vil paper lIy asud to auy s1*r~r fepin BnUIW~II le. V8 a well bave owes rial man rof 116 joya why ar ? Biaa mds ody irea tng te. mse 'ho oed igb hat neo te 11Y JU aM. Y&BWaLi.< CourumeWbltby. JAIIEsJ19UTLZJ39E Barrister, etc. Oifficed ormnerly cm~ by Farewell déRutiedg, ,nez Rokyal E Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORMUSTON, B. A.,, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor An Chan Convoyancer, etc. Office -In theC south of the Post Office, in MciMR Block, Brook Street, Whitby. G. YOUNG sMJTII. LL, Bo, Barrister, etc. ,-Money to- Loan.Io of Mamrage Licenses, Office - S: Block, Sooth of Market, B,'ock St., Wbi DOW &McGILLIVRCAY, Barristeru, Bolloitoru in Ohancery, Office in Mathison & Blawken's new 6 Brock St., Vifhitby, south of Ontario ban Ors, Warren à Mooi F. . oore, .D. P.Wrel rc ori .a.m to il a.m. to 2 P.m. A- Plrivale Telep hotte Conmutncati Whitby. Physima, Surgeon and Accoucher, Office and Residence next Le Ai Sai Chunch, Dendas Street, Whitby. N. 1 Dental Surgery iii aIl its branches promj Dr. H. Wightma rcg b pE L)ENTIS T. Ký Opmn every atrday niht. W. B. YÂRNOLD, D. L. S.. >nunty Survoyer and Drainage Engin.4 lrt Perry, Ont. Jan.80; Peb. 8; marcii3Agh ~ t JUDO 2; JUI7 7 Sep. 2; . ' "l Dec. 2. 9 Osnàwà-D. C. Mudomei iht .Tan 4; Peb. 4; Maxrii 4; &pr . JuneS3; JuIy 8; sep. 8; ()r .'l 8x Dec. 8, 't.8 Baoueiux - M. 3,eon Clerk.-Jan 6; MarGleeson;GMay,5 Sep. 4 ; Nov. 5. 5 Mi PouRr PrimT .W Perry, Clerk-Jan. 29; arji9;J@ J'Uly 20;Sep. 28; Nov 18. 115 UtenmonG-Joseph E. Gouîd Clerk-Jan. 80; ha arch 4>Ma 14; Oct ]4 ; De7c, 16. ,M > j C.uNN cOero-Ge orge Smithý Can'. Jan. 31; March 2à; May 2Ùj; jUIY 5;i 15; Dec. 17, t BEÂVETON- Geo. B~ 1 WE. CALVERLET, Having mo'ved into our nov promises, ' are propeared tee extend the. range of busines AUl weik pertaining te tth. harneis-markiz and aaddlery business wfll ha doue tesasti faction. Collars a specialty. Cmli and et my shop and stock. W. CALVERLEY, JNO. NOBLE) Bah.Doerms »d RUade5 ?urulug and Fr.t4awlag. j»- Ail endors or information cark b obtained froin JOHN NOBLE, Dueda Street, Whitby, opposite Mr. A. C. Wl iou>a resideuce. Whitby, Apnil 4th, 1894. Whtitbg QSrouicrt Il POE peraum lu mdvane., othervim 8 1.50, -8ubsouiptions alvaju payable sa theb oBfee of publicatien. T ha publishor do net undertaka te deliver the paper ai any post efie but Wbitby. Azy pape -whieh fails to reaob Ils destination wiU bx roplaceA upon notification au a malter oi ourey. Advertlulg rateo iulesby oun tract. 10 oents par limes, neupariel, Antin. sOrtion, sud ô et. per Une eeh subie quant insertion Lel, 10 cents pur ine W»AJI oéanges for yaarly adverttenants Juat b. brlqoughî An net lerhaoudam" lOIN w * T& TN oe mTable- Iailay meTR»ANDxbl GlAND ,TR~3NR AID MIDLAII» fEarus '5011* 'vasivasu. -. D~ily Mail ~.. ..., ~4S arn 6:24cm 9:08 arn -gar ... 9:54pin q!8,Maijdahly......Opm tlA11s anRN* IàSyUAI» rpr.aw.daAlyexoepi Sun ..Sg$ ara 9#7an~ *~ *~ <~ " ê'l~pm. ~aiîy.. p~oaatg»al lp»r.&~» z»viuzo~~ tipied lotel, office lith's utby. etc. block uk. #pet . D. a .m etc. ]UY c s( w C. weK Me 1ng - 'ee DE ýe New Liveîy and Sale Stdhil, J. E.FARE WELL~ Dundas St., Whitby, T. NEWPORT, Proprietm Commereial men liberally deali with Teaming done at reaisonable prices. Freîght and Baggage hauled at roua ile prices. A eal solicited. DENT IST. jor. King & Yonge St. Toronto, For the next three inonths I am ' vizq pecial attention to patients from ai, . knce. Am still making plates in ri eb, 9,oelluioid $10. Gold and silver fuu ork crowning by first-elaes operaton ie moat reasonable rates in the c1y rheu in the city eall in and let meexm keyouar teeth. I mahe ino extra cag. . H.BIGGS, Dentist, sonth ea.tor ing and Tonge Bts., Toronto. Nov. Sth. 1892. I >1 p I. B r LE i I j f I. h Ti ci The biaib :Office* mos M Thoro ia perhapE pationthat any ii mono trying te t -in thc vinter-tha workman lbaves tf ing wningiug veti a cod_ wind chiUl sciakiug and kindrt 'den wries to b. *Wnmury strnnth. eork inuit always the. moulding shcij valid. Scimtiea î1 emmon ffictie. E8 and once Lb. droat -victîm lie seidorri froin it again. Ili clan. that iL i& il t et wo are able t interview witb o the 'trouble, but 'heabth, thanka te lamons reniedy. mon better kuowi çW. Wldreu, pe O"harley Waldreî Güelph mimoat coi threc years cf age ýed the 38th mile j mouldor, and bas for 22 years ;and -iteady vonkman, ecity eunqut kUovu fact ber. t itoq-nit.work in Ji -of a-aever. mttmc 41'oeWen uceki w Xnowing that h flrcy reporter ýne--evcuxug te 1En the aubjcct, ne bdne hesitatien liem'. Pink Pilbs 'Oovezy. "I mnr AltO are seeking ;matscbcd from de 4ÏY 'viien 1 quit i -,t4*bn1art d a4 -lotanAdvas a , e bout of acsneï. and W~1E as- te 4 o n ywork m bb, 1.,-denressed Un H. WARNE COAL, LATH, GENT For the PEOPL ffce and Yard just Uptown Station. A8K YOUI S TA TIONi -FOR- IPARTIC lm NEW WRITINGPÂP KEý NO OTHI Eas FU8t3Z8t 1893. IXCTIONEER; WHITY. t ndêrersged -begs tb mnc ta0f ont-la lies. foeaudiom Swerfnonao ayb wM ë,- bet a f AComi A CAB-DR' *qw saffficted Bheuin.Durni anany iiOdcflee O=eliuded, but vaat Iast mdv parfila by a tri purchase a'cerd1 ug te dir nersuion, boîc tlekthe .omtel hies without nei Before 1 bad fi ]MY bswer F~ree from a ever Lhey wt tg tritlof a Ca be eut in cold ultiteut gloves neyer returned atratUord, Ont. Âdmifted at -Averffa Puis C A .VIOTIM JJNABLE TO STRONG Ti.Suffeningg of Citizen--CouIc Without thi -Agmin 1 tYrTEIzaonvu-F J Gillegpie trpte Cleirk,-March 27; May 22 uj; 1 Dec 19. e Qt. fl' By order, 895 WMtb

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