ah, Jould 16b ierk ofihe ea aie Sai 'hjtby Propriet«. dealt with ', ble prie.. uled &t es. C-ýG-Sb Torontoi,1 s f rom a dii &tee in rubWe d silver lâm 0 operator a in the. City., lot me era*. >extra charge tii east corner 0. tNER. ffBERF NGLED, .,OPLE'B S4TO. t East IONER ONT.- ,un)ce ta class oi bd eobtdhled C. scol Affliction Peruanmnfiy Cmd by TaMu à cA-i IV LSOY. q Wasaffllcted for eit yaswt~ phetum. Duiing thabtîhn, I tiie agress ,nafly medicines wticb were higl rec- omneîided, but none gave me rejet. 1 vas at Iast advised tw try Ayer's Sars. parlita. b), a friend who told me tbat 1 must irchlage six botties and use them accorClg Lu directions. i[ yielded te his persuiasion, bon g lt the six botties, and took the contents of tliree of tisese bot- tes withftit notlcing any direct benefit pefore 1 had fliiiabed the fourth bottje, Mny bands were as Free f rom Eruptions as !,ver they were. My business, whieh ib ihiat o! a cah)-driver, requires mne te b ttiii cold and wet weather otten wltu goe n the trouble bas ti,%r etiredý1TaomÀB A. JomEsf, :fiatfordI, Ont Ayeî's$0 On' Saîsaparilla Admiittedtthe World'sFPair. Ayer'a PUil Cleanne the Boveis. A VICTIM 0F SOIATICA. UN B 1,rVTo WORK THOUGH ,ýTR>NG AND) WILLING. The Suferings of a WeII known Guelph Ctkzen-Could nul 'ove About %Vîîhout the Aid of a Stick -Acaîn as Strong and HeaLhy as Ever. From the G~uelph Mercury. drive dise4e fri»u th0*e Stain luh=t dreda et cse-they héve or ftr other modiùea had fiaed, thut&b. ltshiug thlediMm that they a re a masrvol aIong the triompha of modern mediosi D. Wilhisms' Pink Pilla are sold only in boxes bearing the flrm"e trade maki and wrappr, (printied in red litk). Beai' in mîmd Ma t Dr. Williamas' Nit Pilla are nover aold in biilk or by the dozen or hiundred, and any dealer who offers euh. situtea in this formn le trying to defraud you snd should be avoided.. The publie are also oautioned againet ail other s0 oalled blood builder.s ad nerve tonice, put up in sizilar form intended te, de- ao.ive. They are ail imitations whose makers hope to reap a, pecuniary advsn- tage froin the wonderful reput.atior acheved by Dr. Williams' Pink Pille. Asit your dealer for thern. These Pilla are manutactured by the Dr Wilian'is Medicine Company Brock- ville, Ontario, and Schenoctady, N. Y., and are eold oui y in boxes beariug the firm's trade mark and wraRpper, at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for 8250. They may be al rrom auy deaier, or wiii ho sent by mail on receipt of price.. Dr.- Williams' Pink Pille may be had of ail druggists or direct by mail frooe Dr. Wilims' Medicine C3ompany from s4ither address. The price at which the pille are eoid mako a course of treat- ment comparativeiy inexpeumive as compared wit.h other remnedies or mediosi treatnment G n n n dt B F th cc t, bi bi hb here is perhape rno business or occu rg patin iithat. aiy îmanacould loilow that ilasi nirt, tryiiig lu the hualîh-particu lariy c iii the wîîîrer -than that of mouldig. A wrKiiiaîî leaves the shop wlth hi& cloth- b 1iLa %rîîîgîîg wet froîi perspiratlion, ansd a clIg w i chilis hîrn l the niarrew, l11h îîî Iiîiii a ready miark for lumbhago, sciatîîýa anîd kîîîdred troubles. A inoul- der reqjuir(-s te bu a maisof more than 8t~îar ireîîg! b, and tei contisnue at hie w(ork ma, alwaVs Le In good hoaith, for viiul îg li îîplasno place for an in- ti si .s lîtia iby no imeans ais un-il cuintre n affliîction for men of this craft, çç aid 'niec die dread disease haa laioced a el vctii it seidouis shakes hîmsBelf frkee c fr,îi il tîlîIii facî suie people de I c1art- thai it s18incurable, but thmt Ir is v i -.t Ae are abile toi îesîlfv hv a personal Nq uitivieW with oe, ene afflcted with n iii- tr'ujhle, but w-ho ise nw in perfect ti lelh, t tirks lus iiiiîely use (if t-ho fâ(usï reîîc-dy. Thure are few work- uscIle-t t -r k1nowîs in (Guelph than Chas. W* Waldren, perhaps butter kunown as Chariî-ýy %Waldre,' for lie hasliîved iii (iuullîh alinoiît continu(>usly à ln- lise waa thre-î year8 of age, and he has ntpw pasa- elj the :;8Sth mille poal. Mr. Waldren lsaa iuller, and has worked at t-ban business foir 22 years ;and besides, beîng noted as 8teaily workinan, he is a man whose veracitv ia unquestioned. ht is a weil- kinî,wri fact- hure t-bat- Mr. Waidren had tii ,ut work in January 189)0, on accourit f a severe aîtack of sciatica, and for Giev,--n cueka wua nuable to do'a tap Knuiwiti, that ho waa again at work a Aitreury reporter called at- hie residence orte eveniug to iearn the exact facta of thî, case. Mr. Waldren, whenr spoken to 91 lie subject, replied quite freiy, and hal i hesitatmun in creditiug Dr. Wil- limiis'IPink Pille with hie remalkable re- cl, lry. "I amrn ot one of those people wl, are sueking nuwspaper notoriet-y, sii Mr. Waldren, 'noeither have I been âti;itched from death's door, but froin the da w heu 1 quit work, untîl March 30th, wfen 1 eîarted agyain, 1 was coufined te, the- house wiîh eciatîca. It locatasd in rny hip and would shoot dowu my leg te ii 'v foot and waa very painful. I couid riîît move about the bouse without the aid of a cane, and thon only with great 11dm. I1 was totaliy uselesà as far as dIling rny work was concerned, vau nover f ree froru pain, and it made me feel very inuch dupressed, for hoyond that I feit strong aud auxious to b. about.. I amn a nember of three houefit soci'ties, f rom 'Ahîch 1 drew psy, viz : The Threo Links, the Iron Mouiders' Association, and the Raymond Benefit Society. Peo pie came to see me, sud of course every- body recomnsended a sure cure., I didu't ry bal! of tbem. Il wau net possible, buit I tried a groati many-particubSaly remudie, that I had beau in lhe habit of using for lumbago-bu; I foond no re- lief. 1 tried Dr. Williams' %Pli i i After using tivo boxe& 1 uotiod suid provement, sud-I kept on osing them4 Wh en Ibad ua.dix boxe 1was bckitt work again. I kept - onu util 1 had fin-> -ished the Bth box, aandv, tot ot ter in My lîfe." "Have you zioticéd~yvereoe trouble sio " uted the eporter. , have net, ho rep ledi,oufie twîinge in." 'Mr. WIdr ed in ail the mÉould*ahP alasud asnover I bis - ié long as ho wu t bciatica. Hoe ' *Ù4mWý trai, aid Reach Qoncil. The regular meeting of the Reach- :ouncil was held on Monday last. Al -embers present. Minutes of former neeting read and approved. The Clerk read a numbet of corn- -unications. From Mis B Prentice. claiming pay 7r attendance on the Longfield family uring illness. She stated that Dr. Bascom advised her to apply t0 the Reach Council for remuneration. From the Clerk of the Peace stating .hat according t0 the retuins of th.ý ounty selectors of jurors Reach's ap- oîntmenl is 228. From the Clerk of Forestry for Ontario, asking for the iames of owners of saw milis, portable ir otherwise, in the township of Reach. The foliowing amounts were ordered .o be paid :-Mr Lamb $4, sheep killed Dy dogs; jas Lambkin and Gilbert Wood $6, work on Reach road, con. i; JSwan and Sons $120, Supplies for bridge north of Port. Ferry; Municipal W'or1d $3, for a book for registration of births, marriagesIand deaths; Ed Bar- ett $4.66, sheep kliled by dogs; Mar- hall Coldw cli $5, for cleaning out ravel pit, lot 18, con 7; Wm P Wat- on $8. 1 2, amount due him as provided Dy Bonus by-idw for erecting 65 rodsof 'ire fence. On motion the counicil adjourned. Food Preservatives. The subject o! the preservation o! ar Lies o! food againet decay le of no litIe importance. If in any way the gerws wich cause fermientation eau be deatroy- eor tlieir developmeut provented with ont aoy change in thbe food product iteel!, it seets possible that food cau be preser red for such a duration tbait noue need resto from d(ecompoaltiou. We bave n0w lu nse st least three mnechanical modes o! proeirving food producte : let, tbe canniug proceas, which de8troye the :-erms by heat and prevents the introdnc -ion o!f njore germe; 2ad, retrigeration, îebich hinders the multiplication of germe ; aud, 3rd, tho evaporat ion of fruits, whicb aise prevouts fermentation, by lack of sufficieut moisture. We have aise suother means of presor- ving meatae eepecially, sud that je by tbe application of sait, as witb pork, etc. DLbier substances bave aise been used, but not without prejudice on the part cf dlealer.sud consuwers, viz., borax, borie acid, salioylic scid, benzoic acid, 6uiphate of soda, eaitpeter, snd formalin. Froua these substances préparatîins are being made and RIaced upun the market for use lu mut sud milk producta. Two ef these compouude have been recentiy ex amined and tosted at the New York (Geneva) Experimeutai Stations, wbich have issued a bulletin regardiug their ex- perience with tbemn. The first used bore the name of "6pro servitas," especially for cream. INOT. -A substance of Luis narne is cormuly used by the Australiane in buttermaking. -EDrroaj It in a fine white powder that dissoles readily lun-water. Au au- alysie ahowed il Wo coutain 80 per cent. borax, a emaîl proportion cf salicylic, aeid ; tbe remainder, sugar. This, if, added j te I ounce to a gallon ôf freeli cream, will keep it eweit with fou l isor for a fortuigbt or longer. The second preparatibu là caUe&,cal lerin.," a colorlosi liquid having a dhs. agreeable, pungont, odor. Au aualya: shows il W o ea perfent . aolution-of formatin, or formio e di 1?ormik 1 ounce cf callerun o W14 igsUnn Ofwae will keep iielâfr , throê daýyo lu a temple- sture cf 75 0 F'abr. For louger-koepmg cabro caierine AhOUldhob . usq A - lieu of two ouces -ot calestno b-10 quart of water Willi, o foupud aUýeZIien wahfrpreotvig tate peuItty, gume, uilwfshed-with -1hes lo6i îW 1lg wed to re.ini ixtt-for <.w Atth 'e4fet ofà lMiolib. Ü IPABALINIE "IraWNNIATHET ont., "Mnrsth" lyckmaa'u uKootena! cure ue lier of Paralyuis whioli rond.red one uide of ber body entirely useless. Physicians sid there va,% no chance of lirererreoovering tie use o!ber limbe. Hope dssert.d lier, but to-day shli l walklng.around telling ber friends boy Ryckman'c 4'Kootenay cure Mav ber lit e and happineas. Svorn te, J uly 10, 9, before J. W. Seymour Corley, No&ary Public. SWORN SiTATEXENT 1OFf A GE.ATEFlTL MOTREIL Louisa Wblte, nine yeu old, vbo suiffered witb Euzens ince ber birth, lia been entireli y edan be~r general systesu built up by Ryckmian a 'lKoot.nay Cure." The above tacts aue glven in a svorn stase- nient made by ber motber, Mma.Geore White, 139 Stinson St, Hailston, Ont.,, dated Juiy 5% 1896, nefore J. F. M.onck, Notary Public. A VOXUÎNATION DISTIJREE - BWOIEN STATEMENT fDLÂ. Charle & Newman, 13 Marlboroughi St., Toronto Ont, lied a complication of hlood troubles, Risen. matiesn, levers Kidney trouble and constipation. Was trequen tly disturbed at niqght, lashue appetit.. and vas a very sick man. Hia Kidneys are nov in a lieathy condition, hie, appetite god,9#leep undWs tubdand constipation cured; aiU this vas don@ by Ilyckman% ' Kootenay ()ure." He makes sworn atatement ta the above tacs. before J. W. acimonr Ooriay. Jui, 10, 1890. OREPIRIVERK. W. R. Baston rnoved into his new* bouse iast week. Miss Maria Hopkins was visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Ferriers Sunday last. Since I sent you my last lines we have had neither death, birth or mar-- riage in our town. Wiliie Farmery took a s-un out from Toronto ou bis bike to have a look at bis best girl. Ms-s. P. R. Hoover, who was taken very iii Friday last, is said to be out of danger at this witirig. A lady and gentleman fsiend wheeied out from Tos-onte en Sunday last on a visit teO0. P. Fesrier's. Ms-. and Ms-s.'Wm. Lott, Locust Hill, visited Mr. and Ms-s. McNealy Sunday afternoon last, James McNealy, Mms. McN ealy and Ms-s. Ellis visited at Wrn. G. and Miss Annie Barues' one day last week. Miss Cyntha Ferrer, -who le ho6me on a visit fs-om CieveLa-nd, accompanied by Mns. Milles-, is at presut visitiug fiends lu Uxbsidge. It is repos-ted reported fs-oua Wn H., Bus-ke, a littie.to the north o oe that -about a fteek ago l hd'-over , twenty sheep killed ,bydo. Hy.* Popkins,, V. S., î lnuprovln*g -carry le atsrm in a -à , ug yçt as 'it-seesi t -è onj4raWly prly R4. is ý - w , OLD GO.LD l~wft1i or ohr~&pWw formua or au.y 1k.abuan thes. subst..noes tô cover Up tlii remit. of celes., unoleanmethods ii badling mfik and ite producta, then we muet re- gard their adveut se a mifortie.- Furmers' Âdvocate. HRow to Treat' Wowxds. What in tic propor way 7[ust stop aud think a minute. Nature in trying to cover the' wound with plastic lymph, If thero is dirt in the wound uie j ust enough lukewarm water to remove it. Thon as @nature wanta to cover it up tW keep thé germe out, lot us help ber do it hy put- ting a dlean white cotton or linon oioth over the wound. lu short, carefuliy wrap it up with a bandage, if it is on the iog, and tie juat tight enough to keop in place, But ià there nnr% edicine te ho used 7 you msy ask. «Yes, thero may ho germe tlaat have already entered the wound, and others that may get there. We can use with advantage an antiseptic dressing, and s& very effective one is pure white puiverized sugar, and as everybody han it in the bouse and everybody hae aa camphor botitie, or at least the next ueigh- bor bas, we wiii aprinkie some sugar on some white cotton battiug aud Lay on the wound first before putting on the baud- age. Thon put on the bandage one or two thicknesaes, and wet with the cam- phor. But why do we do ail this?7 Simpiy because the aicohol in the cam- phor i. an ant.iseptic sud the camphor às an suodyne and will remove the aorebeas. Let entirely alone for two days.. Then remove and saturat e-a littie cotton with carbolized nil, made by mixiug carbolil acid one part in twelve parts of raw lin 1seed oul, and wrap up again, uaing a clean 1bandage. Continue to remove and apply -daily until the wound à e healed. Use no wat.er at ail unlesi matter is formed, when a little warm water may ho used with a sof t raz, usine juat enough to remove the miatter. By following the above treat ment al flesh wounds will readily heal unlees they have been mangled and there is a condition preaent which wili require the services of a cotuptent vetorinary 1a urgeon. Co, ROCHESTER, N. Y. Retail Everywhere 5C. Per Package. 17 First Prize Medals, Sole Agent at Whitby, M. W. Collins. :YoU. won't feel the WInd~. - in a complete nep-conductor ofheat -' and cold, and preserves the maturai warmth of the body, keeping ont -every breath of ra'wair and froety. *wind. What'szMort, the waterproof Rigby proceas makes it impene- trahie to the driving -let or au al fj dys an _Jyf.gý Prepare to enjoy thorough cern- <.à -"~'Vl fort outdoora in ,ail wcather by seeing that this popularInterlining iu put lu ail your ordered cloth- tng, and only bu( the ready-inade taxrnts wbi<h have the Rbre ChAmois Labo.. t only coetb 29 --u ayad.and',,l provide a heulthfül w.rmth of *hkntmixg ýa1robyo. - - .- - - - - -i - - - - - - - 1' - - Granby, R' ubr s newpatera ae ddelto'%fi te là o~ Rubber Li arealays'i>to~dt. Ti - -ie hosty.~aeo ue i.. *Ve have thé Pineat selee- tion in towu of those O -EA UTiFUL AèERICAfI WALL PA 1PEII& Borders to Matcfr-.. AT LOWEST -:PRICES,- Corne early and get firuoi hoica. P. B. WA«RAM,* Bryan'is oid Standt Brook St., WhiUSl DOMINION BANK. Capital Paid up, - $15009000 1 Surplus, - - $1,500 000 Whitby A genoy. General Banking Tranated. Buslne SAVINGE DBPÂBaTIMT. Interest ailowed at hlghest ourrent ratir Nonotlo. of withdrswal requlred- E. J. THORNTON, "inager STAR LIFE ASSURANCE CG.,. 0F LONDON, ENGLAND. Established 1843. Total funds in band ... .. $18; o,m.7- Total claimspad.. .2139630 Total amount Assurance in 'force DeC 5. . .. 09,6.4' 68.5 daims paid '95 amount- Grants a world wide and indispuntabl policv. No restrictions as to residence. Profits increauing wlth age of i-olicy. Immédiate payaient of death dlainm Xnterim and compound 'bonuses-sdded. Evçry descriptioncf 'Life, Assursaoe E policy granted. Local agents wanted. Most liberal tenus. Apply T -H Carter, General Agentý Tor'-, ontojxuction, Ontario. H.'M- Office for-Cnaa No. i Adelaideý St..EËà ti Toronto, Ont. Gem. Manager, 4 W BRIGGS, Esq. Jane 23, 1896-3umoi. Toronto, nt, cjD'ENTS1 1,ert, -which are flot uncoiora ltA W. S. Kimbali d j r i t i 'IWW 4*O-JIGARETTES ,00/Â