Whitby Chronicle, 30 Oct 1896, p. 2

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Headache CURED PERIIANENTrLY i-Ayer!s PlUs 1I va troubled a I n l m i e ae beadaclis. It vasus Ue an gi bad testeinmmotitnucatd banda andte odajseusait lthe stomnach. 1 trled a good mayrmdles eeommende<i for th scopait; but Is vas flot until I Began Taking Ayer's Pis that 1 reeived aybigIlike perma- nent benefitl A sinlebX of these pilla dld the vork for me, and I amn nov free frei n headahean sd a weli man."- C. H. Bwcuurs at Auburn, Me AYER'S PJLLS Awauded Modal at Word 'a Fair -duer'. Baawspsllrgsla th Bas#. CORRESPONDENCE ORILLIA.. John Tudimope dead. £ On Tuesday afeternoon, tht towns- people vert startltd by tht intelligence that Mn John Tudhope vas dead. Ht had been suffening more or less from btart trouble for some ime, but notb- ing serious vas ant 'cipated, and as he was about bis business as usual, few knew of bis ailment. He had tip-es-d sed for some oysters on Tuesday afttr-V noon, and bis cousin, Mr Reid, vas going for them vhen he heard Mn. a Tudhopt call him and faîl, and on run- ning back upstairs found him apparent- ly dead. Medical aid vas summoned, t * and eveny effort put forth to restore- animation, but without avail. Dectas- ed vas a most popular young man, and bis sudden taking off caused gentral sorrow. Ht vas thirty five years of age, and unmarrîed. Ht was ont *of tht partntns in tht Tudbopt CarniageT Compàny. T ht body vas buried vith Masonic honors. 116sewas 1 ic1usv6 da QI ,uioq . UL yfêAae costs,ý and ordered toema"e restitution ' 18IVC. witIin ~oet~.~n efalt f wicl he Mr. B. Jewot1I, of'Balsover, ,intenda wili beé àiveà siityý aysatbard labor. toOpnO~>u t in the tinsi'r.hing lijie A n ~ thig place. The Midljand Free Press tells te Li r .C lsaifml.0 ak- Iowîng littie story as another illustra- wood, spent Saturday with Mr. J. W. týn of the fact that true love neyer Whitesniith. rnssmoothlyt: Wil 'ford Miller is a Mr. C. Bott, of Sunderland, preached 4 young farmer neair Waubaushene. very acceptably in the mothodist churcli TeresaJosçph was a neighbqr's daugh- here last Sunday evening. A womaln' work la bard in u msn ways. ter. Th yong eopl, bcam swet- issM. cQuen ad M. L ShrtUnlesthe woman in atrong and hettbY ber ter.Theyoun peptebecae s~et Mis M.McQuen nd r. L Shrtwork will cause ber mucl i dstress and pain hearts, and on Sept 2 1 et Iast they c4me of Lindsay Coil. Inst., spent Saturday and she w411 suifer from headaches, sud to Midland, securëç a license from and Sunday at their homes. backachusand &lde-ýaçb@s, and oach eveaing Reeve, Ruby, and went to the parson.. Miss M. Hasardwho or smeetme ftrl7 wonut, sick aud dis. age ad wee marièdby Rv MrCald Hasardwho or soe tie guted ith conditione cndifonuoimid ageandwer marid b Re MrCal-bas been visiting here and renewing sand bodY abe carnot be a lovlng and ami. weli. This didn't suit Teresa's parents, old acquaintances, left for homne lat able companlon for ber husbmnd wheu be and tbey nursed their wrath to keep it Thurdy retiarns frou bis vork mea" toc iu body warm. Then they had Wilford and rsaynsd nd. Teresa arrested on Tuesday and brougbt Mr. Irvine J obnston, sr., intends If a.woman wauta to lîve a happy, con. te Mdlan tedefend a charge of per.giving up farming and has purchased a tented, loving, helpfuî Marrled lif àe au- to Miland~> fot take toc much care of the beaith and jury. aileging that Teresa is flot of aire residence in Creswell, where he will vigor of the orgauts diainctly fttlulue, for (i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ': 8iv yerrl)adta h udWlod etired. bertnenaj bealth asud atreugtb inlatisely (18 earsold) and hat he a d Wiforddepeodeut upon br speelal heltb in a wc. swore falsely in securing the license. We are glad to have Miss Bella Mc- mýau1y way. Dr. pieree's pavorie rirp The case was tried before Mayor Fadyen with us ag.tin after an absence tion enables a womau te be glways well sud Horreil.- The evidence was given yes.. of some weeks spent visiting friends in stro>nt wbere a wemhn moat, utds eath teray n te twnhal. FankJoephOriliaan oter oins.and strtugth. It acte directly ountt ue terdy i th tow bal. ran Josph rilia nd oherpoits.portant anmd deliCate organe luvolved lu ber and bis wife swore that their daughter Miss H. Dixon is at time of writing a wlfehood and Motberhood. It M"«e the= Teresa would flot be 18 years oid until victim of typhoid fever. We hope for strpigadîu mth erbod lbumJse thte neit August. Wilford swore that be ber speedy recovery under the skilful tua d ecimberd akes ab'. thlu had bonestly believed that Teresa was treatment of Dr. McPbail. easy aud cparale atnes..it iaue ove iSyeas od. he ayo deide MrNti Mconad ' ~ isthe e - corner' =an sd Provides an o v e r 18 e a r old T h M a o r d cid d M . N e l M D o n l d i h a i n g b am p le su p p ly c f m tu ra i u c w lsh u me u t It that the case was too serlous to be dis- bouse painted. Tbis adds very mucb cures ail weakuess sud disease, sud head.c missed, inasmuch as the law was being to its appearance. Did it ever occur to aches, backsch.s,'sud aide-aches no longr made even more strict against the mar. you bow mucb better your bouse would totueber intiberd o tht Oerfn0oSwo riage of minons, and that anytbing in look if it were panted? tues of the -"Favorite Prescr-,tîon"y? the nature of subterfuge in procuni ng a Tebr ie aecmelds their signatures. Anues dCMit î license sbould flot be condoned. He Theotrdtry W force QI! 7011 a homeStiist orttil ondered that Miller stand bis trial at 0fourpoi1n amnst un hi ake of a few pennies of added profit Barre, nd eadly ssetedto ccet-bogs on the road and ît is a case of Dr. Plerce's looce-palme "Couuon Sttsse ing the bail that was at once offered rothgrdi." The roadsides are MNedical Adviser,, will be sent fe, paper_ covered, for 31 one-cent stamps to pay coît and gven."not very much improved by this species of customa and maiin ~. Or cloth- adgen"of cultivation. bound for 5rstamps. fidrenMsWorldIs Dii.ç I COLUMBUS We understand that several pf the pensary Medical Association, Buffalo, Nx. Y. g There is a talk of a number of wed- yourig men here intend going into Y. M. a_________ ding. coming off soon around our burg. C. A. work in the near futur*t_. Tbis A commercial traveller from the city, nccessarily speaks volumes for their tf 7 T T iu. g wbile stopping at one of our stores, was mental and religious attain ment. Why JY L <M Y O .N bS untieing lis horme, wbich izot the start of flot try for the Lindsay secretaryship ? hirn before ho got into the rig and mu r ilimJeel ho oeTe away some distance, but was caught b. r ila eel hstefwa fore any damage was done, years ago. rented bis farm and moved ii0 Meusrs. Walter Moore and R. J. LuireuPr enhs on ieaget LIF c frOIi'( T wohv enaafo on i ,many others, that there is no place like cO who ~ ~ ~ n haebe"aa'o om iei thehorne, aud accord ingly intends to work -- Northwost, are expectod home this week. his wfamnxyer W elo s Mr. F. Stabback. Balsovor, iS Viiting him to fr m net gyesa n entercm DEVOTING HIS ENERGIES du his brother, C. J. Stabback. ing and progressive farmer. TOris- oTf ~~fl Mr. E. Collins, wbo bas been visiting nu*II.. '. d11 bis mother and bpter, lef t for bis home EEHN atStafodonMbdy There is considerable competition Thousands of Peopnlu There is some taik of having a skating among tht drovers, and bas been ail f EVJI rink bore thia winter. summer, altbougb prices are not as The Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, of Wilfrocî igh as tbey sometinies wert. Stock is f i secretary of the Ontario County En, Skd" lt rerayfrueIerllai oMoo' ~ deavor Union, is to give bis report of the mnarkett tereby causing a frequent IlL'fj Waahington convention thia, Friday, circulation of money, making room for praveu Hoo patutc noei Bvaning, in the methodist churcb. It is growing stock and avoiding tht beavy hoped that ail who can vil ho present loss in carrying animais after Maturity. ÂkYu rgitfrMno' .nd enjoy bis addross, wbicb viii, no We are blessed witb the best market Gs oDuide eathforB u ny2 onsn [oubt, be both instructive and enter- in tht Midland district. Good horsts Gud oRat- ya25Cn aining. can be sold at any time, at a paying Munyon Remedy and Cure Your- pnice. Mr D Graham, tht people's M. self. rIME ABfOU T UP P., is paying good pnices for hops. Cheese is also a good price, so that Mr. James Thorapson, commercial tra- ,,~., .,-farrners are not at ail 16blue, " over the voiler, 49 Ring Streot, Toronto, Baya: 80 HET ifUUf T. smaîî matter Of 2oc. a bushel of oats. "I tried two Jottiea Of Mnnyen's Rheo Mr. Charlie Cooper is getting bis oeatism Cure with the best restit.-1 'aken on Tme Dodd'8 Kidney Pii bouse bricked. Mr. F Benncît bas -tht had been troubled witb musoular rheu.J contract, and judging by itsap- rao matiom for about two year% d.dBvea jiave a Lile 'once More. Mr j Moran, of Bolivar, N Y. suc- ceeded in convincing a number of Or- illia business men on Friday that there TH E ABSOLUTE JRUTF was neasonable foundation for his be- lief that there is oul and gas in Mus- koka, and in lnteresting them in bis It w&5 Diabetes and Tboughr Ineur pnoject for developing it. Mn Moran abie-But when tht Proper Ineat made a liberal offer for tht formation mient Was Used tht Patient Re of a.company. H-e owns al] tht limits covered. on which these products are liktly to be found north' of hene, and offens to BareOc.2.-Seil-Yu o- give tht company vhatever territory BarrieoOct. 29 -(Spe in loucori tbey mnay require for their own pu r spondnt la edfiut ntotn FMr rederiek Stoeo hc on ah poses. Ht will also sink a velI at a -ks fIi ou .h low ric, o if heypreer hae lvoelt kuovu aud enjeys he confidence loy nic, o ifthe prferto aveof ail vhe kncur bmm. The particulars cf someone tise do it he viii supply tht bis recovery stitl excite enthusiasm a. xnacintry fret of cost, and wiii gîve marvellous-cures evoryvhore do. Wbea bis services ln any case. Ht witl also found at bis bugssu ess o aid: take som e stock in tht company or flOt "Il vas about a yoar sud -a halff 20 as tbey may wish, Mr Moran would, that I began Wo suifer wilb tamnsa..of of course, be amplyv ntpaid for bis the back. I accu begen to radcwn trouble by tht increase in tht valut of rapidly iu fiesh, becomiug in s short bis limita on tht discovtny of ail. time sîs.o very veak. Those to wbom Mn Moran made thîs Iu minory, sud unable t. work, eue of proposition vert favorably impressed, the best doctors in town when ccasulted and ir is likeiy that a company yull be totd me thît my trouble vas diabetes. fornmed and a test made. IL ici sincere- Meanwbile I hsd lî t orty-fiv. Pound@ ly ro be hoped that Mi- - Moran's faitb in veight, sud bis modicime vwu doing may prove weli founded, and tbat tht me1no goed. Orillia capite1sts may 4"stiike it rich" I tbcught my lime vas about Up until A~~~~~~ fuy agsta..nd c'< old me that ho knev cf abveral -cures Wfceues similar te mine byin g Last veek vas a pretty iively oneitn Dodd's Kldnoy PiUs. Poice Court cii-des. Police Magistrate Ti aem e.tombIfi Laiferty vas calltd upon to adjudicate ashauaed te lolt the dootor kaov tbat I iîn a bigamy case, a slooting, an as- had chaagod ny medicine, howvvr I sauit, a whisky case and thi-et larceny vas eucouragad by th. elp I 1gel frein -cases. The fi-st of these, ln whicb the. fret box and ne kept ça. Catharlue Nichotîs vas cbarged with ' ?o shortea tb. story;-aill I bave te having m'ore than orme husband, vwas say la that four bïoxioshave oompîlely re- tilargçd -for a week. Tht sbooring storti l -1-u#h îm Ihavs -reooered adassatr cases came frota Hobart,, inY llst vighî with immtlmipg addod. aud ai-ose froin a farnity quarret. Wheu aaoII fo ati hnfryenr ud -Old Mrs Lawson rtmoved froni berpoclyurd Éon's* to ber son-in-iav'asuihe tokik vith The ýsucomsaofiDoM'dýÉKidâey Plla liera cow. 1Her son, William, vantedihv bomwon lalu ja e o nsb. o g-et the bovine backý, but this thte, . _M, cbe.-.ir opeleuoce, So-in-iawrefused to permit uît1 ho e- 4a rrits#115i - 1ou tàok flhc old lady, too.,Lawson 1caun W 1 , t -bs tbBtlo c>iver to claim' tht cov,,-and =a itorca- edý9m 10fmni4s-u tion vitia tht Do)ugfas.sfo1lowed--am 1g'Sa D -Wfich etded up in hîoseptelw.W T jue Dgae,- fng athim -ith %wShlot gÃœo J Mr#. E1f, Barclay la mà hundergh Mrmw.JoaèPb Young la réither vears ding the. Ist few day. T. (0. Brown bas returned frein Réa] aconmied by Mtos. Wallace. John Phillipu bu parchased the In Sbarraa'd farm and is now vorkiag ifi. Mrs. A. Law And daughter, cf Oshawa, wote bers this woek viuislng Mra. Wilson, ¶Teacher Counor hau. been r-nae by our trustees for nej.c year. Re semi to e ogiing splandid eatifation. Jake Liaoombe, cf Cebiconk, made bu annuaI iait tb ns lust- eoi And pur. cbasod a load of appies to cake boerneWitL Our bamuesmaloer vu proseniod witb a email javel on Thursdy cf lut veeh by bis vife, ln the form cf a boncîng baby girl. Ui doing nioely. J. C. BeUl's pony fell bile being driven &long the. road tii. other day sud broke à sbaft. The occupants of the carl vere dumped eut but nos very muci n. jured. .Mr. Colfiman , we regret te Stace, la atil very 1ev and Dot ezpected go recover, and Dow Mrs.. (Jollnmaa, Who bas beau nuruing him, la dovn v ith typboid, but éh. la met oonuidered dangerous. Frank Geo viailed us on Bstgrday lut frcm Toronto. Ho is in attendance at tho Central Business Coilogo, of Tor onto, where ho la taking up th. work of the commercial dopartment. Ho oxpocts George Stevenson te join lai n ext week for a similar course of etudy. The old 6or tS7OfPomethena ia à parable. Prometbaus vas on terms of inimmacy vitb the goda. From tm e i tole ire, au I1lave it te men- For tis sîn h6 vas boand to the rocks of Mauni CaucSaus and vuitureî vere .et Upof hlm. Tbey oaly &te bis liver. Tht. ro g sf ast- as it vas Pecked svay. Are wils auffngto b. imagîned ? Take moerm intortatjon of the parible. !hbero in no cookiug vithout lire, lIncookiug and ea:ing the misobief lieu. The stcmacb in Dvertasked, the bowels become rjDgized, they annot dispose Of the food that ts jiven them. rhe impurmea back up ou the lher. Tho. Mme the vqhunres-gtbe tormeuga of a diseaad iver. Dr. Pierce%. Golden ModicW Discovery n more than equal te the- vultures of dyspepsie md its knred dewàThem eanogo e)f etR i s u fo i g ro m d y sp e p use t h an th e lo - Whenever in need of kidney treatment. always be tru-e te yourself and refuse any substitute or imitation of the or- no vlibeot f htmothandsome n SetmdcneItld did mot givel intsettlement vhen flnishtd. me ane permanent rolief. Il in five veeks sro I ean Monyon's treafimnt, sndI M.Hanvey Cooper, of Beaverton, 1asn"bpyt a rnfeigalng .~ passed throug b oun village on Sunday. M nyna h umaspCie B ld m Mn Athur Cuddahte, wbo has bten fails te relieve lu eue te the honrs,lknd living on Stravberry Island, has moved curets in a fev days. Price 2Ue. into Mn John Boyles house. Manyc' Dyspeptala Cure positiveiy Mr MrtinKely, fremn onthecures ait ferme Of Indigestion sud stom. * r Mn un M rti ely. oremarnoth at ach trouble. Prie., 25a. ' Pary oun rainoa duing ht ast MuUycus Cold Cure prevents pun.u summter, bas retunned homne and ne- moDia -aud breaks tmp a cold in a few sumned bis old place witb F j Gillespie, bouts. Pres, 25ë. -at Uptergrove. Monyon's Cough Cure' StOpS cougbs, Mr. Angus Walker, vho bas been in iughtoveats, allays eurentieo, sud speed Parry Sound for some rnontbs, bas ne- il7 beala she lunga. Pie 5 PileS Oured in 3 to 6 Ngt. turned home booking vel and htarty. à nyn'R iduey Cure fpeedily cure, Dr. IaginiwPd"Oin meag i * cure aIlcae Mn George Bruce, Point Mai-a, as p cfrieinde.y dleo.Puocgrns2ad &VOn. apphcoation brings comfort. For been tngaged to run tht chopper in tht Munyon's Headache Cure stops bead. Blind sud -Bieedimg Piles it la peerlees. new grist mill. ace lui tht.. minutes,.Pce,25c. AISe cares Tetter, Sait RbeUM, Re0ou»s, Dr Gilpin bas succeedtd in bagginga Muami n'DsaPile* Ointm.ut #positiv.î'y Barber la Itehs, and ail erupticas offthe large numberý of partridge this sason. cures ail forma cf Piles. Priei, 256. si. 85conta. Rumor says that we are soon to have i Monyoa's Blond Cur oradict"SU 8 Bld 47yIl* E. Wills., new harness shop in town. impurisios of the blood. Price, 250, INet. vàa xtravogautly fond of dito, aad4,il Mfumjo'a Femal. Reinedisarm s býom t ai ao tlne,,spern violé e t»saa <i We bad a slight taste of vinter Sun- teoI l vemen. gainthe- day morning. Muayon'S Aetma Bomedies relieV# ta :Adgiton in te voFrld of ho'uoepatbie medi- 'Tht farmers are all smlles these days 9. minutes and cureperwanemtiy. Prie, aiewbus been lm V. . bou! t fprogpose, as lm on account of tht risc ln grain. $gpo -0s14,wolu -tge' dlel c pno fuuyon's Catarrb Reamedjes ner .faiL _'»d the lifividualîty of mmen havébe-n pare Large droves of cattie Passed tbrougb he asr uept.2o-radia te<tie duiasîmumu, by wmoâch le ataudamdc tht village on their 'vay home froni the the dia... frein tle.systami, sunth- - tb 'bodie - ave lissaeleveted. w'th ranches lut ve. abTbtsje2e-canesd IrI fewppemÃ" ioï ý_ feioettp et ubgq fwhiek truh'tmistavrd Hov quiet oui- village seemns nov heal the p4rts. : ~ouy ~ ism~t ~isgm after tht large crowds -attending the MU=y4om's Re,.cure le& *d,U)flrMd ognaleiit-ï Ufr Missions tht pasr two vwecis. Tht rarve tsoute.- P"ice250. Rev. Father Eliott's lectures 50 on- uy 'Oials res..loa ino", ~ ~ , -- b WtIbogpriftily tti m ~ p cath o lics ve r t w e ti a ttende di b n g > 4 O 1 W a u i s ~ ri e ~ ,~ m s t t~ ad hghly appreciative audiences, Aler "cr or~ho~b.~~ çâoQmm vbich gathered froin'fai- and n=a. 9918I, ilaty ae à# fê& ap4b ',&>sGoftéf Wt I4nol-~c The question box vas veil patromized '<>'.o à P-@1 MIitt@ý, " '-1ss1 sud~~~~~ tem r fttquéstîousýapp u lAh. . T-> priâte-«-audPractical, but vWh 'could any -au imagine that in. the blzsg liglft -,f thte -- > - 19»1 centurýy, it voqld be aske4 _-4ls ID g ê .M true that if a Protestanitgfr4 uirrke 40ÃŽa a Catholt she ila eQpeUd, Jmay - - job "*-fo Riu'< i'atba' (eRa);4c for o d genemn PeigÇ~ bfé ý,- I;w Montreai. P. Q AMarvelou oden Whenever Given a FairTri Hood-'s Proves Its Menit. The followlng lette, is from M]r. J. JM Chaua,archltoct and surveyor, Nço. 153 SUret MontreaL, Canada. "C. L Hood à Co., Lowell, Mas.,.: 'Gentlemen: -I have beem taking lio SarsaparuMa for about six months and amgl to saytha tthas done me a rrat daiOfg90 1 LastMMmy veiglt vas iW pouns bt~ HIOOD'8 Sarsaparil la 1t*m Hodta'aOS aruapartua It ~a W 1to63. I tlmwnk ood'Srark wInueb o mediajue and am'a Sr mapfJ1e P40'aFlle cure Ilier iliI, contPýWi bWoUu, Jaundlee, Slck headache, npi, g - FOR MA R nmUAST. car"tu le -, -ýw a »"wwa« 'SPAI OURL "E~~ ~~endaiiaSai ne li uSmsa Sue Bernaave.,.. Have msemmor d i t floeiiteylnde Who ane muaS pieeaevu De'. . J. END P. 0O. xy, gf#0o*Sm A.N att, Yv for' Potr Twenty-Sîz Yesrs -!o Mcn. wastedoptby R i thi hen', Sva apthed putin htic nx tht public îs yugPeople» -,cyof Whitbv, preldelt~ pre jarge Ie-prestinL OshbaWa cOntril hTgsof the _t*entY coYngre. tht close Of I iesa1 but tvi deavor Societi sc).The m was -517, Of wh. yand 336 comrm of m0o'ey rais<- which about $_î penses of the contributed toi to sappltmtnt *Field in Manit' Tht report c presbytery'S CQ its showed thp people are ni Imoriey-that rninor object- estly engage( Christianl actîvi at home, and t meetings, are t 0f usefluness Ir The progran teresting. and givefi were ex their authors. ors, and tht Io --is evidenced b twenty-eig ht tributing to. ti either present to bc read at t: One item -of the" report of convener of t -ôh'Y. P- socie Èo. by thati byGeneral A~ -,doctrine, po. the. church. tac Young peoýl Thteiplan prop five minutqs o to doctrinei th, the text-book, second) in tac history and wc topics suggest -jare we Pres work: John 1< Westminster î ness of tht chi butions and *ont river: the tht presents Tht remnaininp work, ap repi siScbemes ofi mtltee have ar byterian Rtcq topic for tht fi -cussed by com ôassist in pni ings.- They a literature relai have also arra -Herald Co. tc, societies a tc-_ itglilar unifor *Ebut incorp st;udy. Tht prove tht prol Pd it Mothe 1 madm OF à

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