Whitby Chronicle, 30 Oct 1896, p. 3

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Trhe fourth annual convention of tho -YounIg People's Societies ini the Presby- tery of Whitby, was held. in, Pickering,' on Oct. 1 9th, Dr. McGillivray, the prsident, presiding. T.here was a large representation from the societies, Oshawa contributiflg abont a score as it quota. In the twelve pastoral charges of the presbytery-embracing tw#entv congregations-there were at the cisc ,eOf 1895 fourteen Y. P. societ- ,es-ail but two being Christian En.; dea\vor So jeties, (two have been added snce). The membership at that date wa.ý 5 - of whom 204 were young men anid - 1;o comTmunicants. The amount of rfl)lev raîsed in 1895 was $421, of ,hich about $50 were for running ex- penses of the societies, the rest being contrbuted to other objects, $134 going to iLpplemnent Glenora Home Mission Fciin SManitoba. The report of the Converier of the presbNterv.s committee on Y. P. societ- es shnwed that the efforts of the young peyeare flot confined to raising monu*-that being. indeed, quite a m.nI' ohct-but that they are earn- e.:v egaged in various forms of chrstian activity and and benevolence at homec, and thus, as well as in their meetings, are training for wider spheres of usefluncss in the 4uture. The programme was varied and in- teresting, and the papers and addresses gven were eicceedingly creditable to ther authors, and helpful to the audit- ors, and the loyalty of the young people s evdenced by the fact that of the twenty-eîght persons named ar con- tributîflg to the programme, ail were either present or had sent their papers to be read at the convention. one item off exceptional interest was the report of the Rev. R. D. Fraser, convener off the assemblys committe on Y. P- societies, as to the plan pro- posed by that committee, as instructedt by General Assmbly, for bringing te , doctrine, policy. history and work of tue church more adequately before the younig people through their societies. " The plan proposed is, ln brief, that, say tive minutes off each meeting be given to doctrine, the shortercatechism being1 the text-book. and one meeting (the4 second) in each month to the,- polity,1 'iistory and work of the church." Thei t piîcs suggested for 1897 are "Why are we l'resbyterians." Fotïndation work: John Knox and his imes. The Westminster Assembly. How the busi- ness Of the church is done ; ber contri- rtons and courts. Many streams, .une river:ý the story off the unions and ite present strength off the church. T he reinaining six topics are on the vork, as represented in the various 'beesoff the church." The com- 1m1ttceu have arranged that in the Pres- Vtran Record off each month the tup br the following month be dis- Lý>ed by competent writers, in order t', a-ist in preparation for these meet- ne.g. They also suggest other helpful l-raiture relating to the topics. Thev c reaiso arraniged wvith the Endeavor C '~~(o. ta publishi for presbyterian - .4 I uC ailtapic card containing the r'illl.tr uniform topies of the Y. P. S. C. 1ý tt ncorporating the above plan off -:d.The convention cordially ap- e the proposed plan, and conmend- ui i tot the societies for adoption. 1 ie consecration meeting. led bNI the re-,i<ient, was a most imnprtsslîve and -r iillating feature of the convention. The hospitality off the Pickering .7ends is proverbial : but the\, fairly -.XeClled themselves in the côrdial wel- j )me given to the first convention of the kind that has been held there. Un Tuesday, 2oth inst., the presby- te!-\ of Whit by met at the same place, Reýv. J. B. McLaren, moderator, pre- -îlîng. The business was mostly rout- rce. .nd off ittle interest to the public. ,jnsiderable time, however, was occu- bcd in a conference on- Religious In- -truction in the Home. What can we (!( to promote it ? --introduced by kev. S. H. Eastman; and - How can weadvance the spiritual ife off the Iîurch ? "-introduced by Rev. J. A. .\IcKeen. The discussion was partici- pâted in by Rev's McMechan, McLaren, ('hisholm, Fraser, McLean, and Mr. .1ohn McLaughlin, Enniskillen. As an u-Ltcome off the êonfference,ia resohution \vas adopted. to be sent to aIl sessions within the bounds, with a view specially ()f promoting family religious instruc- tion and the attendance off the childrer at the public services off the church. The next meeting off the bresbytery- as well as the annual meeting off the WVhitby Presbyteriah W. F. M. S.-will be held in Oshawa the third Tuesday in january niet. EVSERY, SOUI-om 'AMILY of the Bodyý. 1When Rebellious and Out1 of Order Paine's Oelery Compound is Your OnIy Hope. ef It Brings Comfort, Happiness and Health. Fair Ti Meit. taklng ]Mo, anSfd am re 0 at deal cf good. )Und&.ts, » ilia .CoDstipatJ05, tie, ladJgesti.. people eebue-.s HEy Fe #er end 0r~2 Anac nia i"ur rprovisions for the rtcin-o ie As the, public is.>Cont4nua4ly seeking informati,#,egsrding the provisions of the game làws, the Act of 1896 is here- with published -in full:' 1 i. No person shail at any time hunt, pursue, kill, wound or capture any deer in the waters of any river or lake witbin the limits of the Province of Ontario, or immediately after leav- ing such waters, and any person carry- ing a rifle, carbine, or sbot gun. and stationed in a canoe, skiff, punt or a boat of any kind, at or near any place where hunted deer are likely to enter the water during the open season, shall prima facie, be deemed to be en- gaged in hunting or pursing deer with- in tbe meaning of this section. i i. -(i). No person who is a resi- dent of and domniciled in the province of Ontario shall bunt, take, kill, wound or destroy any deef without first hav- ing obtained a license in that behaif under the provisions hereinafter set forth. (2). Every such license shahl be signed by the chief fisb and game war- den and countersigned by the provin- cial secretary or bis deputy, and shall be in force for one season only, and the fee for such license shall be two dol- lars. (3). There shall be attached to, eacb license two shîpping coupons, one of which shall be signed and detached by the person to whom the license is is- sued in the presence of the shipping agent at tbe point of shipment, and at- tached to each deer or part of a deer about to be shipped, and such coupon shahl be cancelled by the carrier on ar- riving at the point of destination by writing across the face thereof - cari- celled. - (4). Sub-section 5 of section 2 Of the Ontario gamne pro tection act. 1893, is hereby repealed, and the following substituted therefor: (5). No common carrier or other person shall transport or have in pos- session for that purpose in this pro- vince after the same bas been killed any wild deer or the raw skin thereof, or any vension, save only from the Tsi November to the 22nd day of Novem. ber in each year, unless accornpanied by an affidavit that the same was bunt* ed and taken during the open season, and unless there be attached theretc one of the shipping coupons belonginf to the license authorizing the shippei to hunt or kill deer as provided by thi act. (5). The said license to hunt deeý and the shipping coupons thereto at tached may be in the form set forth ii jthe schedule to this Act, and shah b jissued by the chief game warden, an( the wardens upon application therefor (6). Every person engaged in th, ihunting or killing of deer shall on re quest by any person whomsoever, at a] reasonable time and as often as reason ably requested, produce and show suc] elicense to the person making the re quest; and if he shahl fail or refuse t ndo so he shall forfeit any such licens 9 he may possess, and shall if foun, 1hunting, taking, pursuing, killing wounding or destroying any deer, an', Mr. j PhgllIpe -of Cobocok, viuite& friends ln town laat Friday. 1Mrs Langford, of Fenelon 'Falls, wasi vlsiting her brother, R1#éve Trêeayen, last week. The Rev j McD. -Duncan conducted the anniversary services held ini Knox church on Sunday last. The Rev. Dr. Watson, of St. An- drew's church, bias placed bis resigna- ion in the hand of the committee, con- tinued ili health being the cause of his -resignation. Mr M McGowan, of the Royal Hotel, Woodville, spent Saturday here. Mr A D Morrison was in Toronto the first part of the week. Messrs Alex Hamilton and Thos. Overend attended a meeting of the L H P A held at Sunderland last Thur>,- day. Wild ducks are very plentiful on the lake at present, doubtless owing to the presence of the Beaverton hunt club, NO. 2, at Mud Lake, which is a favor- ite haunt of that game bird. Mr Geo S Wallis spent part of last week in Buffalo. Mr Alex Dobson bas leased Mr Geo F Bruce's cornmodious grain bouse for this season. Wm Maynard, an Orillia man, was drowned in Lake Simcoe on Monday week. His canoe bas washed on the south shore of t.he lake, but his body bas not been recovered. Cherrywood Paring bees are mIl tbe go just Dow. Mins P. <Iomworth ia visiting with ber Misa RoIland visited ber home in New- castle iset Saturday. Miss Manes, of Whitevale, vimited a few days with Mins Mabel Langhlin. We are sorry to eay the$ H. Hedges la again laid up with bis lame ankie. Dr. Blandon, of Markhan, lbas opensd np à branch office on Bark street, ot this town. (3eo. Bedges visited Newcastle one day lest week to oses bis fât.her, wbose beal&b is hegnning to fail. Wm. Carter liasrented the bouse thaf tC. Petty purohkaed fromn Mrs. Wood, and will move in as soon sas convenient. 0J. Lntener le under Dr. Dais.i' cars at -present; we hope to soon se Charlie around agan. Inflammatory rheuma - ism lie the cause. The bons. buyers have been throngh r hors and have purohased severs.! fine s animaie, but there are stil a good num. ber loft that are for sale. rJ. Todd bas purohased J. Dimmie's -farm for the sur of #2,500. Wble we n weloome Mr. Todd, we are sorry to part e with Mr. Monney, who bas worked the d farm now for tbree years. e A MESSAGE TO MIN. Proving that true bcmesty and true - philantropy stitl exist. h > If any man, who is week, servons aud debi. Slitated, or wbo i. su.ffering from %ny of the varionsu troubles resulting frorn yonthfnl foll7, e xessor overwork, wi Il take heart and write d to me, I will send bim oufideutialy and free 1, of charge the plan pnrsued dy which I wus Wha~ i. ~*1' Cas" tala Dr. Samuel 'lter' eÉ soelpi V for Inouts a"d Obtdren. 1* t onta>us ucither ODIUm, Morphine nor otierliarcotie supdsaàceo It la a barmiesa substitute for Paregorlcq Drop14 8oothùg Brupe, and Castor COU. It is ilegat. Its guarantee Is thfrty yeaWs use by llionis ofMothem.Castorla destroya Worms and sua7z feverlmbuesa. Castorla preveuts vomltlng Sour Curd, eures Diarrhea and WInd Colle. Castoria relieves teetblng troubles, cures constlpst'4on and 'fltulency. Castorlaaslla the food, regula*.es the stomach and bowels, giviug hemlthy Mud natural aleep. Cas- toris là, the CbUdreon Panacea-the Mothers Frlend. Cestoria. Cboeats tean eelBt Mdicine for chu- ire.. Mothoesha» repestsdly tod me of iLs good ect WS theïr childUL" DiL G. aO oocn LQ e-4 "Oa*oaIith lbbeas roedsifor childrea of vhlch1 amsequalned. I hope the day IlacMt hrduthmmoth»whfl.d5tIssmâ ht«emcitheïr cbUdram4 &sum asCageoria iu- aed t tbmo kuomqm um' hih sr ie.treyig thefk wed eaes, crefgeiuzc, -ophne - otsu y.upasd ether utf - umdoun thek dtss #mer u Dm. 3. Y. KmoauEsu, ommwl ,ArL Castoria. "Cautoeil soveil adaptedtêcbldremths 1 recommend it asmpmirIotoaay we.oefîpd kuovu te me.,, £L. A. A303304 ILD, 111 Be. Oxford S&.,BrooklynN . Our pbyian lu tho childrsu'sdsper. Mout bave sqoken higbly ef thuir a«port- euces in thslr outaidé, practice vlshOsaoda, sud aithough vsonly have sm Our.i UMediei spplies vhat le- kuovu ae recuae- producta, yet vesamt esto contacts fl us- umrflaet (estotla ba S u s to look wM~ Laver upou IL." UMTun HO.MAL AW»Dssuwssar, Au.uN C. Suris, Es., ,ne. awCmm,'31Mwslt"urt iNuw rk Oier, Too few recognize the fact that the etemacb is the obief organ of the body. When this great and guiding organ is out of order, ev.ry. other orgau de. pending on it for oourishinent is affsotsd by syxnipathy. ge long a digestion is properhy performed, snd bealthy fluidF seorsted from the food, the body is neur- ished. Wben the tomaeb je inactivé the, symtem lin impoverisbed, and disease ra idly develops. If your stomach i rebellious and ont off gear, bo assured your whole system wil accu give evidenc-es off trouble, and your Ifs viii b. a miserable one. When you s.ifier the tortures of indi- gestion and dyspopsia, just remember that Paines Celory Compound hata brougbî ease,cocmffert, bappiînsaand hsaltb to thousande in tb. paut. Thib marveilous and vouder- working medicine when used for a short time restores per. toot digostion, sud givea te every organ uov lifs aud aetivityi Thousauds of Lh. strongeat testimoniale are on fyle from our beet Canadian peo- pie testifyiug to the sfficay cf Paine Celery Comupound in cases off stomach troubles that conld net b. cuired by any othor medicine. Tbede Jettera off testi- mouy can be inspected at any time. IL is folly, dear reader, to continus in suffering from dangerous tomaoh troubles. One bottie cf Paine'a Celery Compound may suffice to give yen freo doma from pain and misery ; one single boule bas often banisbed the dreaded enemy forever. Your noighbors su-d friondo have been cured by Paine's Col ery Compotind. Do net delay iLs use in yontr own case. CLAMENONT Miss Kennedy, of Bloomington, ià visiting wiLh Mrs. Leggott. T. Gibbons bas commrnced the making off those eehebrated sausage, and they art solling rapidly. Charles Gibbons in home from the city for a short ime helping hie father with the apple harveet. The methodist church sheds at Bethol bave beeu removed bere aud phaced ran addition te sheda cf the charcb. r There is orne talk off starting a hockey club bore during "the presout wînter. There will be a meeting held to organize in a short time. Alex. Montgomnery, clerk off Dalton townsbip, was bers hast week visiting Aie'. Wilson. It wu just Lwenty years since tbey mot hefore. A car rau off the track at the station on Tuèaday and for nmrne hurs the yard was full off trains. The wayward trucks vers after a time replaced and the wbeels of commerce rosumed motion. John Gregg and J. H. Johbitt have formed a partnersbip and are geiug ex tensively jute the boot and sboe business. They bave- enharged their shop aud arE placing upen the Shelves a very superloi chas of fufotwear. James Ward ia t.aking a veil earne< vacation from agricultural pureuiteaun bas decided te improve the opportunit3 te secure a good business education. Et bas entered the Central Business Coihege off Toronto, for #bat purpose. By the yulloff the laLe Miss Birroîl, Lbq Erekine cburc-h bore vas ieft 8500, an( the Womeu's Foreign Misson 8ooietî 18240. We understand that Barber Houdrebai has dîaposed of bis business te Charle Derasba, off Piokoring, and tbe transfe: I WAs CUES ff ofterrible. lnmbiiio by BMNt A1tD8 LINIMENT. Ra.WX, Bxovm 1 WAS O ouicf a b.d cas esuai*e by MIN.- ARIY LNMET I1 wA5 OlrBED off seuitive, tnu- pby ,IWle- mtection act, 1893. or any acts amendir or same, the lieutenant-governor in cou re cil may, by order-in-council in that b D1 baif, designate certain counties or po 19 Lions of counties in the province whîch it shahl be unlawf ul to hunt, tak d pursue, kihi, wound or diestroy amy de Y- animal at an-v Lime of the year, subjec ofto such reservations in fayor of t] dresidents or settiers in sucb counties may be deemed reasonable. or IV. The, hîeutenanL-govMjor- council may. by order-in-councilin. th "behalf, make special provisions for'i Sgulaiingy the shooting, hunin tai or kilhing Of any birîd'or kiwl protéce *by thç proiions of t~he sid-act witb Ktw.miler, ofT i~eau rkor witli - e...m il qur-h u 1i 1bà4rn CURE. Apr. 3, Mt ended itet eeama wut [dresa for' MAUX&, ITS cwrt te )rx uzy No Man Knows.. the perturbation of spirit, a woman ut- fers in cooking with aàbW& stove. Our" constant aimbhas been to furnish the bem 1 antcle possilcfor the un mtended.The §#P£ÇuU PEFECTION"p: ..RÂGE.. for coo or wood, Iflls eveiy requite-I ment. The design and orniaebtatin * ofthàs range are in advance of snying * previoul ttemnpted. -The evens are argnsd provided with draw-ontraçk,. oven doors- lined with tiv4, 6re box pvro- 1 vided with genuine duplex d a tesdi a pfect and surebikoeFWy1 equippçd with overi sheif, teaPot $blf, fotovendoortrip, doorh55rhS4dxtM lrroi nigor tossting door *à- , , - frame, Zadewith four or six cooldUIu holes. Send for descripie caloïà&>- THfE JAMlES SMART 1* F0. Go.. LTo... gw*OOKVlLilg, O ILI1ÂX19BRYÂTN&8G DUndas Street, Wihitby.ý A Toronto evenflg ppe5Y 5tBsteALEOIR S-s Petition vil h. circulated "b mtil _______PALE !for thi e"ame of Geo. B. Ager, who vasffl sent t. Kingaten lustig Maroh t.dOs Aa*~ ni" th t&ie -ooïnWeea r Wmm' BiéImte* .seîlng., wbile »0 ieowa eo8d WEAK WOUÎ, pretallgeu r 1ythat, bis oeutencSva ,oriisoi 1 Ver e p It aIywhntho" a.-

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