ielI, Wjdb - 20 15o ' Goulde ot Impie, Utrry 1 10Y 17 ; Oci.17 Clerk ai L. he O 'ale stables Vhitby, Proprietor. y deaIt with abls prices. auled atrea. G S. T. St. Toronto. ta f rom a dis. lites in rubbr, A~ silver fil1in -eB eoperators ai e in the City. a let me exan.- o extra charge.. uth est corner tu. iNER. AL, TH, MBER, INGLES, RLDWOOD, IBSe ETC.- EOPLE'S .NTO. st East of IONER ['HERw.ý i,. ONT. uunce- that tmG oneering, a2à class oI huM-, 1 . H. Loista )e abtained. c. SCOTT. ned b R. New S ~ >/j J..... 5"vi#MW leham.m Mlmost Passes Bel lef mu. Jas. X. 1Nieholaoa, Wiorenevi2I. ]B , trugl.e for sB#rur Teare wità CANCER ON THE LIP, AYERsparilla Mr. Nicholson sa : I consulted doc- tors whopr uclbd for me, but te Do purpose; the cancer began to Dit into thç Flesh, ,prad to iny chin, aud 1 suffered lu a 0fy for seven long years. Flnally 1 1 iegantnakngAyer s Sarsaparila. . a week or two 1 nOticed a Decided Improveinent. Fncouraged by this resuit. I perse. vered. until lu a nîonth or so the sore u ider my chia began to heaL In three mouluhs my lhp began ta, heal, and. after using the Sarsparills for six months% the Luti trace of the cancer disappearotL'i Ay&rs 's "y Saapaffila Admnitte4 st th. World'a Fair. À ]rEB'li .1ILLS .B.guiL.t tseBo~"je HEALTHY DIGESTION. A BOON A'ND A. BLESSING TV MANKIND. The Life of a Dyspeptie ane of Constant Mîisery - One Who lilas Suffered îrrow Its Pange Pointe the Way ta Uenewed Health. From the Cornwall Freeholder. 'Fbs Life o! the dyoepeptic ia proverbi ailY a wîiserable one, ehiciting universal ciniieration. Not so ucbh beesuse uf tiie actual painfuinoes of the ailmeut, 1,t iargely because it projecîs ite pessi- ut-tic shadows upon atilthe concerne o! lift-, and bere they sit like a deadly incu I-ii, ipou every enterprise. An iinpaired di..:oetîon gîves risesLa an irritabiliiy thai txoshie poesn to nînelisr noyance, i -es eng extremely rying upouj ot (rs. We are aIl aware of tbe value o! ciu-er1ilîluese inlife. Lt îs a fiower c!flte rire-,t wortlh and strougest attractions ht i- a tonte La the sick and a disinfect4nt 1<' th eteiiehy. Those thin2q that de Lkrc y a man's habituai cheerfuinesa, :etsmen hie usefulue8s, and oughlt ibere tott be sesisted by saine drastic snd etieient. remnedy. The duties ibid de- v-eupon tbe average mnan and wotwan lari- nveeîed in so rnuch difficulty as ta iraprernium on bo1îefulnesta. The re- Itnheî-.een the prevailîi2 moodls of t 'it 11111), andi the healhfthAf bdigestive aii mratus te close sul vital. Hence i jl rt urpn ing that wany wîîultl-te bene- tictorg bave caughîLte pitruumage tif e.-esfrom indigestion i JuIginz hy L,-t )r. Wmilluînms' Pink Pulis jeaa rîw-yunique in ils success, therefore IlýýCotiletitly recommended as a safe aid aileqîate cure for scute dvspepsia. Tts clait-n je substaniiated by experience as th te lllwing facts will show: Nt rs, D. MeCrim mon o!f Villiûmstown, Glt-iiarry Co , rnffered uuîold uia8er3 frîïî a gevere attack o! dyspepsia, whicb fit mnfeseeî it8esf in ibose many unpleas atut wav for wbicb dyspepsia is notori t .-N. Every attempita take food was a mtiltace ta every feeling o! corufori, until t r- etaxnacb was relieved of it.s burden 1,v vomiting. Wbhen flot euffaring from tiie preseuce af food in the etomnacb, thert w. r,, otîter symptcoms more or less dis ;remahie coneequent to the functional ,!.-uýrbance of the sr.omacb, such as imî- .î.ýrt-d haste and appetite, unwonted lit-îîtnîr, increasrng, and failing raintiou. Sncb an aggregation of the Fvinltîîorue praduced s îrying strie of R'ars, and relief was eagerly sought. ri a!( o the beet prhysiciane tof the neigli. i ýrlhood was consulted. lie preecrxbed. Il s medicine wae taken and hie direa- 1î-)nq followed, but unfortunately three iiintbe of the treatment bronght no eub st-mui relief. When Mii. Meorimunon (ipreseed ber intention af trying Dr. Williams' Pink Pille Lhe dactor laughed1 arud held the tbonght in derision. How- ever Mrs. MoCrimmnon decided se could flot afford ta leave uutried such s wvell- r-eccmmeaded reînody sa Dr. Williars' Pink Pilla. Heuce eh. teck a course cf tii medicine, which afLer a fair trial wae ominently successfai. From boing only able Le take stale hread aud milk or sod a biscuits, s b caute abl. te take a bearty mnes. cf any variety, withont the painfol effeca-that oince asserted them- selves sfter every niesi. ILonlyréomaine *» ho sald that lirs MoCrimmon impror ed lun fiesb snd general comfort "from tb. firet taking cf the pillé, and "lmoS~ ny. tbing geoing the oould cati witb impumtiy. Dyipepti. becanie a tbing lu dedd and largely belounn«te thbu ,t. I i lîttle wouder theuteforott s 0 .dm rg.. till USe cf Dr. Wiliaup n' igkPilb iiPou athers simsly pt.d.m,:»mà -MV oam bbox, oee bX«fo 2.60.- The3 PUY b. hatiý o u elî,~ vmm itby aai ë oureeptlof-pwice. Dr. Wlla.'Pnk in ay- be had 0f ildrugissor direct by mail fromn Dr. Wilim'Medicine Ooimpaby fhem gifiher adarea. The pries at whloh the Pill are s.Id malte a course of treat- meut coumpawtively inexpeuuive M8 oompared with other remedies or medicm.l treatment Friday eveuing lasti was the occasion of a very pretty wedding st the resideue of Mr. J. I. Paterson, Boarboro', wheil bis daughter, MissMary E., wua married te Edward Stouffer, a well-kuowu vocal- iet of Toronto, formerly of Stouffville. The ceremony was perferned by the Bey. J. A. Brown. The bride, handsooeely dreased ini oream silk, witb feather trim- maingeansd orange bloasomas, was Riven away by ber father. Misna ggie Pater- son, sister of the bride, attired in aile green silk with chiffon trimminge, aoted as bridesoead d isa Dairy Beston, in lemon.colored silk, attended as muid cf houer. 'Phe littie flower girl, Migs Liuzie Clai'k, wore pirik rnuslin and oerr cd a basket oifioweioa. By ber aide stood the littie page, Maiter Johnnie L Donaldeon. The groom. waa supportaod by Mr. J. M. Fip-ld, of Walkerton. After a sumptucus repaet a.nd the uanal toasts an enjoyable musical pro«Mrae was rendered by the Stouffviýle Quartette, under the leadership of Mr. David Stouffer; also Ur. and Mrg. Senior. Mesers Martin, West 'and Zillar, of Toronto. The briée wa8 the recipieut of numerous and valuable presents. Men- tion migbt be muade of a beautiful silver tes service, the Rift of Knox church, Scarboro', as a token of their approcia *- tion of Misa Patterson's services as organ- jet for several yeurs. The ncwly tnarried couple, bearing with t.hem. tbe hearty good wishes of their rnany friends, left for Toronto, their future home. 0e EN N IauEILEN. Rev B W Mallett. Scugog, bas been the guesi of Mrs T Elford. Mr. W C Powers, Duluth, Minn., lias been the guesi of bis cousin, Mr G L Stevens. Mr Ed Davey, Piîtsburg, Pa., made a brie! visit ai Dr. Miîchell's. Rev C 0 Johnston's instructive, in- tensely inîeresting and able lecture Tuesday evening capîivated the large audience. In some descriptions lie was extîemely eloquent. Mrs F Rogers slipped on the icy sidewalk Sunday nighî sustaining a fracture of the lefi fore-arm. An inchio! snow feIl here Satur- day nighî. Mr and NMrs Joseph Johnston. Stay- ner, are guests ai MrJ Bellwood's. Mr. Hedges, Pickering, visited' his tather recentlv. Mr and MIrs S Ricard and Misses Maud and Laura visîîed ai Mr Jas Stapleîon's Sunday. Dr Olver, Newtonville, taught the bible class in the Methodisi Sunday school here last Sunday. Miss Agnès Orchard visited ai Port Hope recently. Misses Maud Clemence and Mabel Rickard visîîed ai Mr W Rickard's last we e k. Mr Wesley I3arrett preacbed Sunday in the Methodisi church. The court bouse is being uîilized as a school house by Mr L B Davidson's de part ment. Messrs W A Pickard, Stanley Uglow, and W Parnell picked 3o barrels apples in one afrernoon in Mr W Rickard's orchard. # TRIALrS AM TROUBLES It às admitted by ail thst the good wife sud motber bas, in hon management of home affaire, many trials aud tribua t ions. These trials sud troubles are very fre. quently inereased whon the mother or daughtcr makes use o! some aifLbthe any deceptive sud worthless package dye put up for home dyeiug. Merc4t4 tewho bell snob dye ar e r- tsialy deserving of public censure sud condemafion. The women cf Canada who use dyos with the view cf ecouemia- ing ahonld nover lie doeiMî'ed ; if is cruel sud heartlese ta do sin. Kpwover, the case i lais L those who know ; the greedy dMer tihinku «moe- o f bis ptbfita than ho dois about the welfsre sud. hsp- pinees of bis boa& custiomers. Ail troublci and loues'in home dy.ngl are avoided whtb e DamudDyceA»a nud. - By ýtheir. , worÙk 19' weil aud quickly. donc ; resiiltes mn perfcctly astis- tq *=&r agsinê* au itqe$rouble, y". -mouf habthe leréhat wbo reoom, -,ndthe, oau$thià i jnu S ' 9 itogaitb , Solina; Mr Russe1VRýeyÉià es Scarboro. Mr E Hezzlewood-bas been re.engag- ed at Union school. No 17. Mr S Kiveil is recovering from scia- Mr Edgar Bradley -won the silver cup for the second year in the cross country r1ice held by Whitby Collegiate Insti- tute aud becomes owner. The fine residence of Mr j Stark is nearing completion. Mr R Reynolds died Monday last. The funeral Wednesday to Oshawa was largely attended. Mr. J. Alexander aud A. Niddery, two Enfield boys, have returned from Manitoba, where the former has spent three years and the latter the past summer. They both give very glow- ing accounts of the northwest; but stili have a love for the place of their birth. W. Nichols was made happy a few days ago by his wife presenting him with a bounicing baby boy. Prof. Hodge gave art exhibition on Thursday evening of ventriloquism and slight o! hand tricks. He greatly amused the few who went to bear him. There was no sermon preached here on Sabbath last owing to the sudden illness o! our pastor. Mr. Roike. We trust he will soon be able to be about wvith us again. Many are taking advantage o! the fine weather o! this week to gather in their root crops. The yield is very good. insr- pr na It sort a ie.' l ' aa d - U ritf e.a in, rie od A eland br e i, aj u kt andt aiso cured W. Q. IfeOober of a M.J.H. HvTr, Chemist, Aa528 YongO St., ToroUtO, Wrltea: agunera ' and u yrup pMn. h«tvUteutn« etasUfacýtlo1&aL wbo have ti"=% naiybvtrgaok the. f b Tt is autabefr ol.d r on oi l eir faloo e. and I ca ,Iw=e epomeaIt as a Mai. aMd University of Ottawa# Hligh Authority gives Uuimpeach- able Testimony for Ryckinan's Kootenay Cure Hoe Used the Medicine Himueff and Recommenda it. BE SURE AND READ RIS LETTER. University o! Otiawa. Ottawa, Canada, April 10, 1896. Dear Mr. Ryckma,-1 wroteto t you in July laat statiug ihat I derived much benefit ta my health from taking twe bottes o! your truly marvellous remody là Koot-enay Cure" Siace then I bave taken three more bottios, and amn now ploased tobe able te iufonn you that 1 amn f reed from chrompic sud seuLe Rheu- miatiuni, DiabeLos and La Grippe. This in the firat wint-er sino. 18Q~O that 1 have escaped f rom havingeeral severo attacks of La Grippe, sud netwithsflandiag tihe incessant sud onerous duties cf My posi- tion in thus university, I have, thank God, enjoyed excellent health aince August laat. I have recommendod the remedy te many persons, bath inuide sud outaide cf the univorsity sud in meut case with eu tire success. Theu include persous suf foriog frout Rheumatisr, Bright's Dis. esse, Bouls, Sait Rhoum, Lous of Appetite, General Debiliby, lasomnia, Somizambul- ism, Sk-ia Diaseis, Dyspepsiai Nervous Debiity, La Grippe,, etc., etc. lasome of these cases the patients had hesit under the care of physicians for severalmoftbas without relief sud were cure& by-usrÎng a botule or two cf "Kootenayî -Iaai adopt if as the "Famffy M]Riim for- this Insttution," Youra truly and grateà l j About Hood' e spa ita-i .xp humor sud croes good buffle ,&,ý-ý . .bsW1. W. S. Kimbali c& Co,,, ROCHESTERt N. Y. Retail Eeyhr rDC. Rer Package. 17 First Prize Medals. Sole Agent at Whitby, M. W. Collins. Who'd Wear Two Coats..., when bne la warmer? That le if the one i. interlined with Fibre -Chamois. It gives such a 4 wholeuome comforting warmth - without addlng weight or bulk, - that you can enjoy outdoorexer- ducisor labS asmuch again asiîf - j you.were aH ifled up. Besices youl know it là only a mutter of time till th~e plercing wind gçts at you eventhrough three ordi-, nary cots, whl:noitherthe e-.. froStiest winds, nor rain, nos' able Fibre Chamois. Sec that tipuinyrodedélhig and find the Fibre Chamois Label on, "veryrady-to-wea garment ycm buy. Thon youre sure'cf perfect satisfaction. IMLLS PORI 265 CTS A YARD. I i i e e I of pure Rubb< Thin, Light, Exr thc t SMI W. have the Fluest Selso- tian., In, tovU ai those 8EA UTIFUL AMERICAN' WA LL PA PER&. -WITH- Borders to Ma-taf LowEST :-: PRICES,.. Corne early and gai firai che.. - P. B. WARAM, Bran lSlaa Brook 8gt.,Whçr.ihblil DOMINION -BANK. Capital Pe.ld up,-*10,0 Surplus, - 1,00o 000 Whitby Agency. General Transe.cted. Banking Busiiness BAVINOS DEPÂBTKENT. Interemi aliowed st highemtcaurrent raho. Noenotte af withdrawal roquired B. J, THORNTON, STAR LIFE. ASSURANCE C. 0F LONDON, ENGLÂND. Established 1843. Tgtal funds Pin band ... Bonuses added.- Total dlaims pa.*d.-*........ Total amount Assurance in force Dec '95........ *** 68,5 daims paid '95 arnount- ing te 9,63.5,706.40ý 22,132»"&.. 70,967,2&140 Grants a world wide and indisputable policy;W No restrictions as to residene. Profits increasîng witb age of poicy. Immediate'payment, of death dlaims. Interint and compound bonuses a-dcdd Every description o Life_ Assuranos policy granted. Local agentswanted. Most liberal termla Aýpply T H Carter, -General Ageat, Tor- outo Junction, Ontarloj Head, Office for Canada, No. -XAdeli"e St. Easýt Toronto, nta Geu. Manager, A W-BRIGIS, Esq., idue ,3, 1896-31106.Toronto,, Ont W.A DAMS, -t f t-. UT, '%W-No