Whitby Chronicle, 30 Oct 1896, p. 8

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nablo GOODsB BOTTLING WAX, RUBBER RINGS fruit jars. FRESH INSECT POWDER, ]POWDER GUNS, FLY PADS AN-D PAPEIR, ?ÂNGLEFOOT, (eticky fiy pape: DisPensing of Prescrzpto and Family recei'es our care/ii T h e D* g ' ' S I P u r e g od oy o u ' îî-f l-- -a i B- - - -AT iuIi""SLIU Then camesdthe ringsTOr iEa'-lat, T e B o a r d O f m a n a g e r s O f 1t h e p r e s b y t e r . t i a t I e r e w a s n o a n s r t t "q u e i n gb t T o r a n o d n a s i e b a e c a h G o a î h c a n s a e a i B Y ian churchgave a goOnCraceroin ceigeorofinee Qestionhbu - A T - in ~~church a e ay good co ce t i eir a reco mendation to apply 1the d. Th e li eo wrt g.' d SmdT ncres bc i efrig church lD r 9 11 Il a s et Frnt iay ni ht me o Oh- ar atOusand and oe uways Of regula îing a eofM tn ah uo a on n> Ucbc- L r aîs a ei c-" et R y v yuLI rg S to e a' ettlntto ath 5 gramme, boy, but k îndneu ss t he best of ail, and f iog . ueba Mecklenburg, optician , vil, v shIt Osh - big bo y oravmata. WbNO e cause brex o ul Mrm" ridMare b ars tang ibei th unhpa Sig The ke ns uy sa rei g a o t T uc asadago jkr V vos olavn o ShaIl a boy be lhreshed becanse be ha weak ? weaiher.tpricesiandtlargestocks to select from Theycboose 8 dock îhat's alway S i m c o c S t. eh 'oc o rs e inh ,e e'Os h a w ara iY. in g to n ' h e o n y re a s o n w h y tif lad o e . Il C h a rle s A x fo rd b a s o p e n d th t tn n e c e s s a ry r ie sw t h tan a r a]do t e w h l i o n m g h H e w i l b e f o u u ai o g e r ' b o k at o e - o n e o n ly l b d a c h e d u le o f t be e m e lt e s p e r- d tc b a c r o s b is fa igm . B ete r D o t a v e c h a n g e c a e w t o u a a le l .T s r k e b e h r b o h d y n d n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iat d ate. pe ra ed U pon c ild re u y early because hey iresbers, C harlie . % r w s a g a d s c e s a a rGeB A RGyN S I NaRn d b e a n tee sf, n ipB OYs u arntesric a bu bl hog e ayard .Andblp s, 1e erecord would The cbicken i - perws BrIdsGcs a h wl fledpie sIhncn o W b e tb se vic w a a b ut aîf thr u g b b e p p a h n g A u , s m e o w , th e b g h r E b ene er ls î n g h . H o o u ld il b e o h erw ise N E W C A P E S A N DC E S n u c a e i v r a e f r u e in Simcoe -St. Meîbodist cbnrcb lest Sunday form Our cîirisîaanîty takes lise more cruel bhen Maple Grove had abaud in i. s' kurvesrge. direct nhght the cosaregaion had ta be dismissed People become in tfislerespect. There i15 M. Poers' for so ba been lviongTs Mn. Ormalardge, iretiprain o odfiaad posa OD e on* Le on accotant of somethng baving gone wrong neither law non gospel la back i. Bv Sta o. owersai7 'c fro m thn e rnedcd on Tuesdsly Graticn hJcesadCpe od1 esosgoigod S~~I44 wh th ie gas wihbwbîch the cburcb la light- gla.rlng msitcnpretatîeu 0f law il la permit.couu iocar,(omueefc faaîî< >e ow ere nyr uic ___ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ _ d. ed, and some people appear te facy iat trke. ae n w h r n u t c a cr- u e x a oda od New Pbotograpb .fller*y.nen cau perpeirate ail sorts of immoraliîy pee Better valuesadmoecretTecoet lkwhlnercld and w ro ng, su long as th e boys get a b each sty les wh o n. W e ar s gbem nc e w d i O Y 'S O H W eOCT. 30 1896 . E. Henry and H. Punev ave opened ing regulaly. Mr. Bistteris' sale on Saurday was a greai quoting prices away belwfre e-Sio u d va ned O ODA~~ ,'~ 30the J. 0. Henry gallery on king S . West. u rb m DsrctDvso hI cl br esr g et ouet1 0 ma ea ou re c < ; u __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _in Oshawa, and are now prepared la makt--: 00: ---- stc is tritk.vsin . Don'î comnseO r i at ob some of the finest pîdtunes ever accu ln 1hie Oisawa Bàauum .sDfr.@t@ryy v.2«. large turnover which wecç ol ob section. Ail styles and sizes of photograph! .. FET are.Smoosre.Orhdyv.llaoeth. Yon'll be wcmorlI uscd at OYD5.terrptin I1~ can be made, and al work will be guaran. .VONBbre.Snc.sre.Qrvlaeiiswe otismr hnofrn eyîmtn ncs O SIIA A PA i~ tîed. Stage or R. R. fane from Whiîby paid BROOKS' LIVERY, inicoe street, nortka. isusue amount of sickness. NEW DRESS' GOSC l L L O H WPA E Robent McLangbUin, carniage maker aoft'. B. BOTHEBBIÎj, bufocher, KingSt, Wet. Rabbins, are ail on'the ick list. The Dress GOOds secto nie o V T- Oshawa, Albert W., Fttlhx E. and Eljah W Ms Ethel Crydenmuan i 'prt smre with a tuymagnificetasoteî Benamn o Yrke, ouny f Lun Dia O. PàTTPEn, Deutist. office o-ver Rwesbetter ai lime of writing, but tlveyi. France, England andGexayalcn 08" J ohr 'aeinoprae s h enannMn. T. J. Clarke ha mîh il under the docîon's inibute tbeir quota towrd th mae adsehi Faieawl owI ucl i~E$2o,ooo, for the manufacture of carniagt: moostroot. flou on ber finger. u fOraSrmn a's frbs' ned mdo eltcl]tb 14. . wheels and sirnilar goods. W. E. Diza, Generu,! Agent Ontarioa Mutuai Visitors-Mns. H. Rogers and Miss Ken- woven beanties shownby scaote Ma'sfr oy'redymdecltin.I give bandsomne and useful presents with Life Ausuraucte Ce. Agents waratad. nedy, Enniskiîîcn. ai Mrs. W. H. Rogers'.* seen clsewhere. Colneinad g Ilb will pay any parties centeinplating buy- every cash purchase ai my store, cubher is WZzÎMj. Dx£xS, Dominion and ontarit Mn. and Mrs. Shotb oea r .Sle'.truhte n u lng an engagement or wedding ring ta ô dry goods, men's furnishingm, ordcrcd oi Land durveyor. Civil Engineer, Box 57, Caa*rOFly a n .Slc'. hog hmadbu fyuwn-0 the large stock of Felt Bros.. Oshawa as ready-made clothing, funs, grocenies anc MILLANA they wl l se]ibis m onîh veny cheai> fo t cash, provisions. 1 take fan m produce at th e: O u CUL Eo Trxz -.. C. W oan , proprieto r o, çe ct g h ;a s n . h e v ili e v h s a w y Genuhue diamond i4K. only s5. Thev are hhghest market price for goods. A. Mackie. ?Aoderm bostelry, neat and coomfortablbî ase making some special offers in Gýents', Oshawa. equpped. Depuhreve in the chair. Minutes o last here and that i c. ntinues l e nipotn Ladies' and Boys' gold and silver watches. In O'B, ien's & Sledhani's photo gallerv 0. IX. To).-Caterer for Rais, &osee= , eBuen e and hsowcfr eid assr.prtoecl uies sro %eetb m. Fet ro. heto n asa sudo ha is i lomee axtingnwcne reaLaddecsnflnned. of thi the own as astudo ih t idtzens oughî dingu, Supperu, etc., etc. Aise ail kindaecitotahave griht milI ai Brechan exempt <nom bbc ncwest and most sîviis rain po FO . Cu be proud of, and we believe they are, toehtxain Pasaed bylaw fixing place for curable anywbcre (rom ussdtepcsar * judging by the patnonage that is being ex los. HOtULvv- WhltbY-Osawa stage line holding nomination ; also appeînting depuiy ~rr r Miss E McConmack, visited lait week in tended ta this fini». Tewene tbe first tîc 'e Oaha'we. at 8 a m sud 2 p m, and retumuîng ollcradpacswecdc pecialiy tempting. ~L~ Toronto. itrodiice life sixe pheîography in this towin Wfb a u I & andt4Pm. tien will be hcld. O'Donnelî and Reid DesadMnl aigi i l Mn E Fowke Toronto, visited with rela- a-id already have made exceedingly fine !OSEPH RA.ô.x, nutaotnure o fine carriagea rnoved ihat the clerk noîhfy parties lu re. branches a specialty with d , e s l a i w e e . l lc e n s s e o l e v e r l o o u r I e a i n g îti e n s c .rts, w a g o n s, a n d Il k in d s o f c u tte rs s u1 d m o v e h e ir fe n c e o ff c o n Ko a t R R c n o s in g , n 5 MiaS aneiba etred(ombr , Tniey would bt pleased at al l imes ta shan aegsRpiin pcaly cor îad 'onllmvdUat 'he --i ManisSlre stt a eundfo . anyone through their gallery. Samnples o lomi BKSWEEa, paluter and decorator. Dealez clerk notify P Maugaw te change culverni u-JI innil ii.their work mnay be seen in ihein wwndow, in wSII papers, ceiing decoratioa, paints, cou 9, placing it opposite sidelaine, cosi not F. ]e.raL I5 E u .J s jl Mn Fred Hinton, of Collingwood, is visit- one door north of the post office. où, vanniahines, bruaes, winaow shadea, etc. 10 excccd $6 ; O'Donneîl and Reid moved ing ber mother. To tbe readers of ihe CH RONICLE 1 watit AM190 PELLOW, dealer in stovea, turnaces. tin- - bat Thos James be appointed paibmaster KING ST.LY ATr T~ID Rcv Mn McCall visiied wiîh Peterboro ta s-iy that 1 have jmai cummenced tht bandt. bLngarg eck keptcoe snîy t 'nîcd f m ms;Dlonnelsud ReidST VS, friends lest weck. gneatest, most ghganîic, clearing sale e'.er% nbaud. Jblgs*elsly ic. movcd. Ihat John McOad be granîed 300 Messrs F Morgan, and A William were in conducied in South Ontario. The Wigbîm;le ie ocntutfec ln oc Toronto Ibis wcek. stock was cumposed largely of <aIl sud witîit . K. Muiere, B. A. - flarrister, Solicitor, rqad. lot 27 ; McCorkellsud Reid muved 'oay P bic noaor 0 oc c htci wie t ace tA d alng MocktS H AAesO Mn. John James is visiîing relatives 'a et fabrics, and as I bougbt ilaie in the lad. Pubfic, onveyaomnonr n, Muoy 1ibatibfre c 'ollctr ce MadRidg's taesvedMNFCTR.. Canbnry ibis wcek. ~spi i'ng a large portion of i had lobe canried Street, Oshswa. DmninBtiil co*lssafr o; Fîtlau ed oe Canbury this week. o~~ven until ibis (al trade upened. I arn1% nou5cprro egrne Mri Hay. Mrs Wm Beggs, of Boston, is the guesi of closhng i ont at any sacrifice. If I catuno i . . Mck ernae tand Gî.ooe thPur at 1C ro nuad be K n n the MartinHeai IMrs Wm Bambridge. mar h rc fayatcei ysoe Ts n of.By're. admanu5Cilatsard bld ing a one the lung ;Redamd Messrs W and F Cawlccn, of Port Penny sattlsfaciory îo any custumen who calis 1 wil, Speewity-very cheap. huFoete oaî andd n Snudayed with Mn M Cawlrer. maire ihat custoîner a handsoe presetil &CzxSLSTesbcie iib n O' Fod anexe that the taxes against M y uTo Aie-h usrbrwUbn'eFO'olnemoe F an anheupply artsandxeear a M n sd Mre Wakely Sundayed with Mr before they leave the place. Now core and awa, t he Central Hotel, Yriday o! eacepigteaholtxs ec i e m d y t e J s p ad Min S Graham, Whitby. sec and hold me to ny advertisement. A week rom oeue b 3 aolok p.îi, to >ake ar cancelled, becase of the accident fromi~Mf oMso o n Miss E Ho bm n turn d ths we k (n m a T e tow u board of educaton met on Mo - angeme te with parties w abing tu have sales. which he was c nfined ta is room dnnu g sa c aing b u h i two monîh's visiwith western relatives. day niht ianîd spent almosi the wbole even LFiRCoKrctooeiellwbov S'us e ODonellsudf tac- wees' JiitwthEas t Tonnto (nm w ing in discussing tbe salany question inra e P.LaxBET & Mop- -The lai- "oî@cbargedaa s h anreafrM 0< taxes e se HorseSh wees'vist ithEat Trotorelatives. dqu gard ta teachers. Mr. Scott brougbî up the nsuenta' furnialt1ug house Of Oshawa. n lot e c ad aof M Me ndeof odqestinb a Iamto aisnc Splendid asbortmeut Of tweeds, worsteds 'andas hs hnc gis b ada eoe"odLc"1 era Mn hoipon o ie omnin an sd c icolnagementof c otiee isu at trewuerlugs, shirts, collea, etc, alwaya kept' R Cmpbell, be cancelled, ibey being cbarg- dKoop la Stock : wifc are visiting with Toro to relatives. 'out. c hed ue cuting down salaries. Fiud- '-u en o. R d s d M r eî m v d "sY a m h u d w arK i es nd e ton f r i Mms Fred Hatch aud Miss Augusta of hn bat ibis weuld not go he changed t i(' S'ET Baos - Watchmokersansd Jeveî.ra. that the following oraerâ be -ceuutersigned, thcm, yet thousaid fpoi Wbibyviste wih Ms FA uy asiw 1e. nginaructie atecmiîel usd, Dealers In vatcbese, docks, lewelery,Osilver- viz . Jas Lee, gravelling sud turupîing Mn by vS McLaugin rcîFA uydholas he question Toheevco sierablcoie i- w%»espetacles, etc. Engrvîggld snd Rama zoad nerti cf R R crossiug, $22 ; J J buy Shoca, to whihahreaymkmwro e MrSMcaglî etre hm ls heqesin Tee a onieabe ilver ;zP)t, a ,andi oldgaitirings madie oser. Edgars, gravelliug Une 30 sud ,31, con xi, would eay "neigh,"-Io ie ta it week fromi a business trip through Western cussbon, windiug np vith a vole vbicla ne Pino walch, sok, JSd Jew#l.ry rPeiringa8 lie ; Jos Lcc, gravelling centre read, Myen's (rs rio) Ontario and Manitoba. sulicd iu a tic and kiled the motion. Noth- epeclety. - Cerner, 114 ; M Doolan, bruhing and Mn A MdcLcan hap gene ta, Cleveland, icsinc 0emleso rmto.Tkom'toulll Cor»ne s overnug con 13, lot 29, sud repaining coun nbrBlig v b e r e lo h b ias s e e k . H s f r i y T h e V in d ic a to n a s c o m e u t tà s v c k in -W e re g re t 1 te s tte th t A lb e rt B e c le tt 'a b e a lt is 1 T lo t 2 1 , $ 1 4 ; W G o d a n , r b î u n a k n , ( n b r a l c vil!folov im n a ew eek. ' ne:£oerovug.clearnig con & los tc,5, $ J'as h ndn Neit Tuesday uighî Prof Rabbits yl seven columu fors, sud bas adopted tebbc FO B'tBI blacefr ithig ndrope).enrei anoîh n le ture in th îow hal boiler-plate inside. The public appears to V eng Colby. w o wo rs for 0 Pascoe, also oad, con 6, 8.5; M M cKinnon, gravehingT '- " T~ 4 il1 Wghvc sd W hat am . * T he ect re av en a big heet, n e m atter o y k ha m ade, M r John B alley ar e dow n itl fever. con A , lot 3, $11-1 ; Jn e M c eC zie, c ea - w h sup erior ah o s a f ir~em o t su ni wRl e cîerainng ud nstuctve.A ansd vil! listen ih cager car te the soliîita- Ournpresent taber. W W MelAren, bauing culvert, centre road, $1.25; H McOen- wt wilb netiigadisrcie -lion lu subscribe for a patent sheet, if il be been engageti for x897 atau hucneaseds"ri,. -snott, werk on con re, lot xS, Sa2 A Whte,pre.Wedntel tvtR arBiyes adsu m issio n io c.b ig g e . I h sta n d s té re a so n th a t a fo u d rY - M e s O m o n sd B c e t ac h o ld a brs e, rv-li gPo u lo1' bAu t v e ry n e a r , a it o vt Miasionary services will be ceuducted in made newapaper, vhicb appeara in tise sametete e y o rBaessenz acn Bn gaeln cnA os adz, $ $ ite, bAit. " r-have d forC the Sîmcoe st. methodist hunch next Sun- type in abnut flhîy lovais vil! be Cheapts, <Ieoîhed airteMn rke ss, byert, i - rael g con , lot 1 sd 6$5 ; RA -dey. Rev. Dr. Heudenson, af Tornto, bas and Ibis enables the hoiler pistera te offen a rJond, ar p ti n f h mpores. Brown, gnavelling lnîoand i i, cou za1, 4; - and Winter aods been secuned for the day. He isoeo e a 1 langer abeet, The indificreace of the public Mn lba rtitis ha ueofhe vn e -DConrplaigu Ue r n ,cg i area orteof nldn aymk. bst sd m o ntta e ued imen in the nichodist tb the m e iti of a newâpaper1 pr vided h a sv ar i n iis o un y, be lî vi g P>- $2 D C onn rs, l ea ing andosud x i n x ,l r e a e r m n f M u s H g e a r M c i e n cburcb. large, is certainly dhscouragjug, and it aq. dmeed vla dierenTis bre ei 0f owg umu ia;nD- Cenc, l rot gsu1 d spread-hug è and Lad îe The epwanîb .leagne of the Simnce sîreet sisis the patent feuudry MadeÎbeets in Ibeir dis<rovrcd Thebesi. Ttis01aiTyrell, T ,ork on lots1 nd of Men-ha 'netbodist chureb enterîaiued the older mcm-' flght te squeeze the hcnest home pit dh i xpertaities o! (walvcal. wthe reait.> i ncl, av on conama ot , $U14;andofMnsad aie'B t. bers ef the chuncb ta an "at home" lastius beome uews ont of existence. As ihis Our eern bats l vted vop mer susthe LeotUXdg Mu rsligm a na, c-o zLee, Tbtarsday evening. The schooî neeni vas vitenever a. paper is loy in aubscriptiepa t ?bc igbsclsdo toafr gth eilngatoneyfoinpt r, $ r JsRLcc vcny neaîly deconatcd sud a very nice pro- 8111 bîaatn Crnôsdvedou 1 yar ust tik. Mr. Editci, of! 4> uù <>é 0gnavehhningMct ine -hthesd, 4H. Ridm --7 gramme vas rendere4 bg o! t fold reading setter . pninicu in twenty (arinens eonsueauiutpvards o! ith ud 'ouh î#c -htts olv O f suprem e im ortan cet- n u er s t e T eo nt e. ii p blcr"* 5 - 8,1-ie-u ----tu s ir t D 5 a t>- - - -s C m b F' nn at fToTOitovrSuud*y. Tbe VI"dctraler o f T re n trS , 18t ih e g u e s t la r g e fao = . Q û lte n - C ui~el Lw h el t P o rt o p e, nS C . y J a t S Miss . aKl esr» Hu7 utueY have opened Tise Rabber Cos 11r sJohn ary c ewYr l om. he 1 Po6rahngbsnesslu -the galiery Mayor Loscomj>e recelved a coMmunica. f~" e*etîy vaCated by 141r W;E. O'Brien. tion fron3 hie Secretary, last week, ln 'vhlch biss Ethel Stark of Toronto livis iting We are free t0 sae ,seepr in tuis county lesae htteC.bddéoe fnal Mis m Stvensu as scb sarifices maië liprices of gonids ail the stock, and that it was the intention to Mr and Mrs Robt Maynard of Chalk Lake as are being made at A&Mkey'és, Oshawa. proceed wtbîthe erection of the building at visited with Miss Bertie Briton last week. Thé Misss' Pediar, Ransnad bî-Once. The plant and machinery for manu- Mr Hi Craig, manager of the 'Westernan, of Osawa, came down on their wheels facture, bas al] been purcb-ased. Bank, Midland, spent Sunday wlîb bispar on Tuesday aflernoon, ad. while bere tbey Curling Club, Officers enta. ~~~~~~~were the guests of Mr. MalcolmGlrih, nto-.Bih ent. ~~ cMiîa~ofBowmanville noGalbraM.h.;-Patroness-mrs. ad Mrs JF ilà fVictoria, B C, return. DiloD.hiim myB:M . ice peson; ... Mcideln .c.apKing,,; Lnd cdo ber home last week after a pleasant GH ly Journal, FotW as ys-rViePsdn-A&CCel;Chpi- fo visit witb ber sisters, Mis A Blainey andG.H Pediar, sr., general manager of the Rev. R. D. Fraser, M.A.; Representatîve for rs H Carswell. belrM:talRoofing Company, ha ini îown Mernters-D. B. Shmpson and Dr. Beiîb; TheChrstan orersgae asoialtoat h Agi .Tbe company bas been dis- Secretary-Treasurer-.... McTavlsh; Com- The Chtriens ian Woers gave alsocaltoposing Of its goods in large quantities ail mittee of Managemnent-.. D. Davidson, D. ther rind i thirchrc IatTbursday throue the west tu Vancouver. klr. Pedlar B.- Simipson, W. McKay, James Deyman, D. night. Refreshments were served after la a very old friend of Coun. Geo. Hodder.BebJB.MchLNes MrbTboit drsing tprogrm was gie.l asî u Saturday a very painful accidentBouDa3n 5 Mr aibt drîn th witermonbs ilihappened to Charlie Cari, an employee of old a bible clas e every Tuesday nightit n Pediar M etal Roofing Com paqy. QSeof Ruthr. Ma vi c ri:n ed o c ili n o St. George's scbool room. Various books the beavy dies descende<j on bis band be Mi WP uris in th e bible w ill be taken forenbeswas prepfred fWrPhi, and r.) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e forypis n wec meii> a d tdid t andbi ines 0smasbng The armers are busy etting in Ieir rootsd Sale-Cali at Murray's the tailor. He bas amputaîed.bal hyad b wieuefneeabrotnu. afineelecionofpantngssuitigs, ver-Miss M E VanCamnp vlsited ber slster, MisL z Cfain selec.Ton f ptigs, mstluad 0Ve The Vindicator is bound to arge Jh ~Dic-kie, who bas been very sick. coaing, ec.Thee godamut ad wIi oy mut b 'touced"l for Perpetrating The social at Ebenjezer. ta pay for building a XS be sold by the yard, or made up, away belcsw miscbief around towo.Popehvbensalfo eprsaea asces cos eai ned ers1w nis sriaytl y uca v brought uP to Ibis flogging Of youtb, and lames Rundie returned borne from Chicago, es~~~ ~~ Redesi at e a 1 of a aealarge majoriîy look tapon It as a virtue to wbere he bas boon a-4 summer wnth f<enda. j tz you seven dollars on thprceo a sihteen malîreat helpless children, and we know we j; dollar suit of clotbes, ade to order, and al have tbe nuPopular aide of the argument. MaPLe Orv. other prhced goods in the sanie proportion. They ail ask:- "Wbat ol o owt Sadrscn ---son - ---T Mn:be asterr , rdSalin ad i eond- sonvtI~Y U [N A j -very îîî. KIN(3 ST. XVI Mis s Be tha Brent was a t Onangeville 1 m ei a youîh ou our tauv 1ne ' yesîenday, atieudiug the weddhng of Isaac Wiîh vaîch and chain, he loLked Couche - - "My lad," said I. you Cut a shi3e, Tbe majority of the (armers in ibis vhcinity And muet bave been ai oL)S anc busy îaklug Up their turnipa; lbey ne- Yes, lhat's the store, well known b port s fain cnop. For pneîîy ibingi, bath large ands Anumber <nom bere abbended Rev C 0 When nextin toZu, give themn a ca Jebamîon'm lecture at Euniskilleu on Tues- Fair dcaling is ai BoyD's d ay evenh n g o! lasi v eek . ' i 'h r o d w t h s y u w l Sabbatb scbool ai 2.30 next Sunday, ounTsbeego vth1yo j account ofithe quarîerly meeting vbich ha îo lu gold sud silver, 8!! 'item wînd, be beld at Bei?îesda. Business meeting the Reliable of eveny kind- follvin Monay.Both good sud cheap ai BOyro's; Rev.Mn Byamn, Millbraok, fatben of Mn P Go!d buttons, pins and diamnond nir, G Byam, merchant cf ihis place, occuoied And lots of othen !ovely tings, the pulpit bene lait Sabbatb cveniug- and With costly levels, fit for kings; dlelivered a veny practical discours to a large You're sure ta find ai BOVOS. :ongnegatiun. Young men about to bhrov the loop O'en maidens fairthey'd hike t. -ý, Select ut once the ENGAGENIFç,v-rHo Real genis you'll flud ai ODS q q i > S ven " the dais7" you bave caul ~u P1 The lovely presents yul be brought, EST. )y ail, ail, nl, Oap, tslip, down,"y ýnd righî, igh:, ýght, ose Je goos... ar scutl* w, ).00 mia- Hanl 'ingle, n&» 181 Just TH I- Hou8e-ci We have a larg of window -have even We use the shade cloti roalIen. Also a finet Ask ta sec 0i screcus, tlu Our baby carrie aigus. Give us a caîl b We are tak elegante w genenal uti] Our stock is col We invite It vil! save 'LeadingU E$J EjstabIishet Whitby Dunda WHI-T Chas. (Pormeni the latesi kinda o! gua=ate, Mi 88Beairî TbR-oNTO cC e or tenuas. ce T toio1rlr " - rangen'4 plIeu Reciýi TOL*

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