Whitby Chronicle, 6 Nov 1896, p. 1

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XWES >oked 5 iu shine, DIS. iown by ailll and small m a eaîl ' Will find, wind,)p DIS. :nd rings,- le loop le CaughtI 'Oughî, 'S. ihip, let i lip L) S. ling down,, wn round 'ays rîghî rd nighî, g light, re the goose...l old," mue, or send~ epend, 1Iows, 50.000 .00. Hall npro ed. Etc, alI ma- eplî Hall d Dfîigle ail their )r fl]ost i eaper. ittîngs, Bull for' Service. Thorough bred jersey. Terrassi~. Apply to M. Coffee, opPOsite GrOsa & Grangers plaining miii. G. H. SONLEY, Whuùtby. May -ci. 896.-tf. GATES FOR SALE About 5o good« Parer Gates for sale uat $î.4o each, at DQWSWBLJd'Sr"Claremont. SePt. 3th, 1896. WANTED At once. energetic man or woman iu each town and cotIaty4q take charge of order de- parterent. Steady employerent. Good, pay. H. D. *HUGHE~S. Trenton, Ont. J Sept. 39h, z896. ~ B. Duncan, mercbant talon, Ria secnired the agency for tRie Olliava Stuam Laundry. L.aundry will leave bis' shop on Thurs4ay morning. and vili bu retutîned on Saturd.y. Ail woik gtiaranfeed safistactory. Hastings & Manners, Oshawa Sieam Laundry.-ne-tf. Coal oi-Canadian, 18 cents pir gallon; American water white 2.1 Sntb, per gallon, cash ic.Get yor c n éld ov, at Slugar doamau ci, CofH b i 7r«M VOL. XL. WIIIT'BY, ONTARlIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6,196. O.4 1897=~ SUPPLY 0F ~' LIVER+ tv OIL SJust Recehred. ....#Sc.a Pint. c~ THIS OIL 1S PURLE AND PALATAI3LE, SA. H. Aluin, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, SWHITBY, ONTARIO. House-cleaning time 18 haro. 'Ne h;%ve a larger and better assoirted stock cf window shades this season than we have ever shown before, from 45C. UP. We use the best hand painted opaque shade cloth, with Hartshorn's spring roUler. Also a fine variety of cornice poles. Ask to see our latest style of window screens, to fit any window, at 30c. each. Our baby carrnages are ail of the latest de- signs. (;ve us a cali before purchasmng( 'Ne are takîng special pains i elegance vuth economy un1 general utility. Our stock is complute in Housu Fr \Ve invite buyers to corne ar It wiii savu money. Leading Undertaker, - I. je JOHNKÇ BROOK ST., WHITBY. Established 1849. fhb Steam MarbIe and Gîanite woîks; Dun d as )eh and [I kinds supply paired, iv de- i& Co. ?bives, dation st..- Chas. H. Smith, (Formerly Wolfenderu Works.) In- porter and Dealer in MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS, Etc., of the latest inaterial and designs. Ahi krnds of Cemetery work. Our work guaranteed. ~-,«SuEr)FoR DESIGNS AND PRICES. Miss Bea trice R Docker, A.T.C.M. -<;RADt'ATE OF- elsewhere. Local sportsmen bave been haiug gresi luck to combine week. They baxe te bu satiafied vith amaller price and Rame uban tuer, but pantidge, rsbbits. sud coons bave houa secureti by tbe meinhers of urnishings, i every expedmuion ihai bas gone out. md seè Mr Wm Bull anti famnily. vho lefttbure last tiseus. fall andl bave since been living ou the laite shore i n Pickering township, are moviug ta Part Penny. Mr Bell bas heun veny sick for aone tru nsd has been very sic> for semne rime and ibere ap- Spears to bu roe hope for bis rucovery. SO N Y Mn George Colley's frienda vil! Rie glatite lu u earu ihai he is getting on wel inMalu ba are Rikn tie country veli. Mn Calky bas par- chased % fsrn ot m6a acreS, ail brokren andi vitR huiloiluga au iu. Wu aIl vish i hm aucces lubis tlig of the soi!. He ati! vens vith tue trowel tb. This bas bren a great veek for moving. Mn. Noah L.ukebas moyeu tfromU. ..Jumuuaintu ue sourb bal ai vhat bas beun fon se ayjer known as the Nichois bomestcati. bMnWm Durrant bas gone ta Oshawa Mn Thomas Wickeîî la coming ie b is uevly punebaseti pro- perry vhicb Mn Durnant bas lufi. Mr Chas Aruoldti akes Mr Wicket's place aud Mn John Coten is nov lu ibe bouse lately occupieti by Mn Arnoldi. Report of the standing of tRie pupils of tRie jr. deparument of Brookhin achool tor the month ai Octoben. The usines et tour pupils tram eaeb class are Riven lu orden -et menit: Sr Second- Jeunie Lavrence, Louie Biggs, Effie Deloug, Lura Frauda JIr Sec.-Gertie Lavruncoe, Lottie Whiteford, Grant Eddy, Pearl Reeson, Sr Pi II-Clara Coheon, Raîphi Marshal Tilly Robson, jennie Cairna. Jr Pt Il-Laura Pav- lie, Laura Lawrence, Andy Çpok, Patience Fraucis. U pwartia of firy repruseutative men gaihereti in tbe council room au Mouday evuning te listen toansd take part lu thie discussion on tbe money question. Amnong r base presunt venu sonutrain Myrde, Kinsale anti Columbus. Hon John Dryden, vbo as videly knowa as being stronghv lu favor of ba-metaliain vas listene tote ith close attention. Questions vere asketi bac> anti forth and the fnersu discussion vas aloeeti o that aI] uhe information passible voulti bu dravu oui. Another meeuing viii bu huit nexi Menday nught.1 W. A.H. Business Dtrectory. GU'Y & CO., grain buyers LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. Oxuoixca xomso"xuaczo Mns W A Hollitiay la visiîing lu Uxhritge. Miss McKay of Uxbntige, la visltiug Mrss Bingham. Mn Graves of Ferguson, bas been visitiLg ut Mr A Ketehens. There vas a lare attentiauce a: the Epworth League song service on Frlday night. Thie Royal Templar Dramnaîîc Ce. are ta Rive "Out iu tue Stneets" ai Bovinanville on tue a7th i. Mr R H1ockiu bas ýgoneW Orono anti Mr Marshall yl nove int<> the lbuse vhicb bu bas jusi vacatuti. Mi Fraudis Bailey. jr, et the i ith con of Reach, lu comrinteiI live lintRie bouse ai preseut occupieti by Mr Tnos BIa*k. Mn Altredi Holiday, vbe la uow atteudiug thie model school ai Whithy, bas securudt he Kin- sale school for nuxt yean. The executors ofbbhetstate efthue laie Wbit. welI Hall yull seRi îhirîy acres af standing timber by auction cu Saturday, î4th i. Hou John Dryden vas quite il1 lu Taronte hast veek, but vas stmficieutlv rec:,verud te corne homne on Saturtiay. H-e returued ta the aujy on Tuesday. Mr Bitton, vho purchased Mn Geo Colley's bouise lasi sumnmer, bas arnivedto te aie up bis residence here. Mis Bntton bas been in ievn fer uevenal veks. 32 inrch fiannelettes, plain and fancy colons, 14 yda for Si. These goodsaran becaminz scarce, se &et wbat you vaut whule present stock laits, ai Hallidav Bros. The shed adjoining thie bouse hmuly purcbased b, Miss Miln. as being pulied dovu ta maRre room fon a twenty foot addition wbich is te be matie te thai end ai the building. SugZans are advanclng, but vu have tbem yet a: the old pnieu-Standard granulateti (besO 23 lbs Ion Si ;beau iight yellow, 30 lb. for si. This is strictly cash pnieu. Holliday Bras. Thie Ladies' Aid soiety of the methodist chunch .mnet ai Mr A Rohent's on Tuasday alter- noon- ln the eveang they vere joineti by trient, at a social tea. Abouutbiriy venu pre- sent. The annual church service et the Royal Tem- plans viii ho held on Suuday evenang next, 8mb unsi in the m,ýu-hodilst church. Dr Lambly, pas- ion of the cburch, yull preacb the sermen. A spucial collection i. for. . 1 1 1 Mn. David Biggs la ouly *weli enaugb toi sit up a part of each day. The chunch hene lu belug nepairetianu r. James Kentit t doing the work. Mrs D L Williams froni Prince Albert v». visiting friends bure tbe çarly part of ulula week. Richard Hurîbutfr(om Waubausbue vas in îown , ou idonday callng on- ol friends. Mussrs. Thos. Brooks and C. W. Baie- man havt laid up ibeir peddling wagon fut tbis season. Mr and Mrs D A Brovn (nom West To- ronto Junction werç ai Mn Davidi Briggs' ons Sunday hast. Mn James Pairburn mund vife, Toronto, venu the guests of Mis James Kelly on Sat. urday and Sunday lat. Mis William Tanves vas couiidered dam- gerously iII a fev days aga, 'but is sente but- ter the early part of ibis veeli. Miss Lucy Francis ruturned f0 Tornuf O lasi vuuk after neunalumag somue 1ev daya with ber nother, wbo vas 4U ut the tie, Evenything se far as wv. koowu vas 1* is place on Snîurdsy night làet Goed boys, keup doing so, foi ibis lu as ft gbouldi bu. Mn. Richard Pucketing bas punchasedth Re faim lately owuiud by Mn. S. Bray, neur Audley, and will take possession lu thie spting. David Ashton, Columbus, who bas pur- cbaaed the livery suable (non Mia Banreit, took po'aession on Monday. Mra. Baruett has moveti on ber tarm soutb of Manches- ter. Sucessful cottage prayer meetings venu 'held ai the home of Mia Hodges on Mouiday evening of last week, anti Tuesdsy evening of ihis veek. Messrs W R Kent anti Charles Hartie, not having sufficient pçtatoes for their une bought good ones ai Uxbridgu somu few daya ago for 2o cents pur bushel. The trading cf bouses andi iota by Idr. William Derby and Mn K-emp as mentioneti by us a few dsys ago bas aIl fizieti oui anti nov Mn W Bateman and Mn Kemnp have traded bouses sud Iota, anti took possession of tbeir new homes on Tuesday of this wuek. Pal NC ALBERT. We are sorry ta learrr Mn. George Bond lu an the sic> list. Mrs. Heek and family, aofLindsay, la visitlug ber faîber, Mn. R. Balfour. Miss Ida Jeffrey, of Brooklin, lar spunding a few days wiîh fientis bure. Mr. John Wauker hacamne ta spendth ie vunier with bis daughter. Mrs. Etigan. Mrs. Foy anti famîily, Port Penny, are moving int uhe bouse lately occupieti by birs. Bruce. Saturday vo vure visited by Shenif Paxton's sonl, of Wbitby, vbo vas servung subpoenas for court. Rev. Mnm Stewart, of Taronte, is te delîven a lecture Wddnesday evening ai ube residenàce of Mrs. T. J. Wheelen. Rev. Whuîlock, of Port Perry occupedthtRe pulpit Sunday evening. Mi. Wl l!b ii anti not able tw attendi. We are vu7y sorry, to loau aur much-respecteti citizen, Mr aJhnWest andti umily, vho bave gone ta reside ini Oshawa. On Mantiuy Constable Sutoliffe calot sanie of the nuigbbors ta vwitness the destruction ai s large jug of lqunor sezt by Inspector Ferguson- anti Constable 8utcliff fron au unlicnset boiel sud orduruti by thie J. P. te bu desiroyed by Ipounîng it oui. We have bati five liquoi cases in ibis lecality in tie Isu few danys four out of the five being fineti as higb as fit7 dollars andi costa andt tere are prospects of more te fllov. GIKIMNWOO» Robt Brown hba purehased Paf Teufy's bause anti lot. Miss Etta Gee, of Tarante, spent Sunday under the parental roof. Misa B Palmen, Pickering, waa thie guest of the Misses Harrison- laaf vuek. Hallowe'en passed off very quietly this year. Very little was doue by thse boys, cxý- cept moving a few gatus andi ploughs avay a short distance. A numb'er fnm hu>re. attcndu.d Mi, io wIoK Thtis neighborhoed bas tRia week er'joyed a visit frein the township publican lu the persan of Mn. jas. Bruthoun. Begonra beys ye muet pony up.1 Sevenal plouighnen froui-hue vuwnt dowu te Port Perry te takte part in thie ploughing match yesterday, but vu have net jet huard wltb wbat aucceas t bey met. Most of people arounti bure have nov fin- ishut f urnip barvustiuig. Thu turuip cnop ibis yuar lu gooti and the vuathen for han- vesfing then lu aIl tRiat could bu desineti. TRie ring of thie blacksnitu's bammcir may bu huard at Wick fron nt ili uve antid oftun fan inta the ulght. Thia la sunuly an uvtdunce of gocti vorkmanshlp ou the part of aur blaekamuth, Mn. Collins.I Mr.'jas. Luask han just rcturueti looking hale anti bearty afier a tvo montha' viait ta tRie Norchwest He saya ibure are goti crope, good ppuces, anti goodtimres'iu Mani- toba, espuciahly in tRie parts bu was visitiug. The fbuuik-oflernug meeting of tRie W. F.M. S. and the mission baud bulti lately vas a very enjoyable aud auceesuful affain. A goat numubun venu present snd venu truatuti tanexcellent lienany anti musical pro- gramme. TRie collection amauntedti t $28J3. Mn. John Huron bas ltely suflenedth Re loua of a vaîuablu boise. A week ago Sun- day iu compuny vith bis vite bu drove ta Manilla, bis horse apparnnly all igbt, but almuost innediately alter his arrivaI the animal droppeti deati. We sympathise vitb Mn. Huron in bis osa. Hallovu'eu pusseti off veny quiutly lu ibis fown. No depredationa of any account bav-. ing huen connittuti. ORd vetenans vho have buen chaseti into swamps anti who have travensedth Re country with Paint can!, on ubein arma muet have buen disgusted viîb thie shownesa of aur ballowe'en cehebration this jean. A ve> ago Sunday vas cbildnun's day ln the Sunday school bure anti the cburcb ser- vices ibat day venu uspucially. tor thurn. Mr. jus. A. Mîler, supenintentiani of Grebank Sunday scbaol waa present anti apoke a few very pessant anti be'lpfuh words Ia the chilti- ren andti teail. Mr. Wilton McLeod, who bas buen neaf pf the summer ai the hospitai in Tarante, vith a white swelling of the knce, rutunneti home somu veeka ago îbinking bis; trouble cureti. Hovuver, since coming home it bas again returueti anti Re is forcedt t go bac> te thie hospital. This la a natter of deepuat Iegret ta bis nany frientis hune anti ail hope for bis spetiy anti permanent recoyery. It bas beun thought for smre une tRiai the fanons school question henu vas finally sut- thuti au the Minister of Etiucatien's decision Ists spring vas tote îbmeffect, Hovever, tRis tulas oui te bu a nuatake as repçateti complaints te theu de.nmeutt about the pre- sent location of tue sIool bave &gain eliciteti a lutter froin hlm. This time bu proposes to, have settîcti by arbitration vhich in thie ntost advantageous location for thie achool. .Accordingly tRie trustees bave appointeti Mn. T. H. Glendeuning, of Sunderland, as arbi- traýor for tRie section. The du partment bas apltdMn.. 1. J. Gouhd, tue (napector lu a thfid by ïffitue-of office ai the arb)ition la te coime off et tRie achool grounti eon Sutur- day. As to the outeome of thulr dulibena- lions vu flmmly believe tRiat il tRie arbitratons camne unpletigeti the school vill net bu noveti, as uts prusunt locution is as suitablu as any. TRie sectfbn la alnseot a unit againsi further expense andivu do îlot think ih shoulti bu navedtotesatisfy se 1ev. Hov- uver, onu opposition trustee bua lready had a contracter theru ta sue about moving 1: anti atrauge things nay bu doue. He muât have Rad strong assurances fnon -seme one tRiai thie school would bu moveti or bu would net bave donu tRis, anti considering thla vu sbould net bu grestly surpriseti if the de cision bu te nove if, ibongh vu buhieve it vil! go tueeothenw"y., Wallace MeKeuzie, of Port Humio.l home. Revival services are being catniét ou in tRie uneibodisu church by Pastor McCamus. Ornin Powell of BrocRipaft, N Y. anti Kennetu Campbell ai Toronto, are home on a vislt Thune lu quitesalvely contes - ol n~ divison bure viîh Mses Pi Mlantatwum as espiais.They imtet oldIng a pescp the<b night of tue x6t of November, !l=eaii ham latci. 'Mr. Ge. Rêyudssbu uOve4 cseront ç o into mis, curn baeL* ieuse ai s meg ah-j buîing known as tRie jfat=on al onto ibte preut... tae his a lemnas igýoSO "'4u Farm ta fient, TRie veuf blit i 1 Lot 3, 9eR cbiceBoài> ering, le ,wu »a-the! vil! bu rected ,on fal able tenant. eApplyil oct.,i$6; v. lu I * ar TORONTO CONSERVATO-RY 0F MUSIC. BEALL, &. - Issuer of Mairtiage Làteuses. Pupi of r. dwar Fiser. Besidence opposite Town Hall, Brooklîn. w A MONxzLY, D V S.-Gradumte of bthe On- Teacher of Paoot.~- tario Vetenlnary College, Toronto; Honorain appl ai usiduce, memben af thie Ontario Medical Sooiety.; For terras, etc.,apyt inc, Treatsaù ai dhms of thie domeUticateti W'litby, Aug. 27, '90., COUNTY BUILDINGS. s.n-lby the mout approved method. Aiea particular attention t» aurgical oper&tiona __________________ sd dentislury. Day or nlght oafs romptly - - ~attended e~. Ornce sud residenceBroki 2 MnduSM Por Prry, the, Ruv Mr and Mrs Fenneli, of GogovMi and Miss 1 Jcsocf Toronto, Misîesnof Sirat(ord. the Rev Mr Ridley of Gali, Mn, Mus. andi Miss Pearce, Miss Boultbee, Mr A Mueller, Mr Kîlgour, sud Prof Shav of Berlin. The bride vas the neciplent of many besutful werdling glfis, indlcating the high es- teenà luavb:hhahe lu held by a large circle of friends. Congratulaions to Doctor sud Mns Procton, wbo vili bu welcomed as citizens of oui pruuty town. Tbe doctor vil lu a few days oc- cupy the bantisomu resideuce corner o! Queen and Lilla streets. Plowtng match. The Reach, PctPerry and Scugog ploving match came off on WednesdaY 4tb Imut, on the faims of Messrs McClintock andi Raines adjoin- ing the tovo it was e nice s1gb:ta ose some footy teama vith men sud boys competing for thie prises offéred. l'lhe vork douevas excel- lent sud the jutiges bati noueasy tamk ln award- ing te prizes, These plovung matches aie pro- ductive ot mucb good, sud go à good vav to en- courage fainera' sons to makue firni clasa plongb-» men. Thie dir"ciors are deservinir of mucb praise for the. way eveiyting vas carrued out, so that everyone was satisfluti. The followlng is1 the prise Itst :--Men---sod. Wm Paicb, Arin- dale ; M Mari,, Raglan; nos Bmnnln. Saint- feld; A Mime, *Leaskcdale; T A Marquis, Sun- derland ; beat 5 rounds, M Martin; beut finish, T A Marquis. Siubble men-rat clasa. C Blakely, Sintfield; F Hoopur, Saintielti; F Dames, Oakwood ; no.OtLeàxy, Uanifield; Wm Davey, Cartvnigbî. StubSile men-anti cass. Jim Goatea, Shirley; A Page, Epsom; W Moflaît, Columbus; J .Welsh. Saintfleld; J Holloveil, Raglan. Boys in Stubble-1 Mackiu, Shirley; E Matin, Raglan, Wm Love, Oakwoad; F O'Leary, Sainîfillt; B Coates, Shirley;- Thos Michie, Greenbauk; Win Luk. Taunton. Voungesi boy-Aler Mackie, Shirley. Afier the prises had been pali the annutal meeting for the election cf officers sud diruptors vas held t ti he Whitney House. W Smith, ex-M P, vas chair- in,&miter wbich tbe followmng fficers sud di- redtors vere elected: Pres, GLBrown; It vice pres, WM Weîr ; nti vice, N C Brown;* se, W Graham ; ireas, R Brabazon ; diructors, 1 C Browue, J Pearson, E Newton, W Binke::, J S Baird, J Stone, j 0'1£mr. 1 Bradley, J Lamb. 1 Ooates, A Page, G Marquis, GGY, Movbry. 1 Bright. 1)Whbitney, J Sionebouse, G Jacksoti. The pres, vice pres, sec, sud Messrs J Martin. P Christie andi M Coates vere appointeti a corn- mittee to meut tbm Est andi West Whitby Ploughing Association ta arrange for an amalga- mation of thu uvo socleties andt uat the coin- mittees meet ai Mynile ai a trne te bu ngrued on. i vas the unaninous opinion of ail prescrit tRiai if thie bye societies 'could arrange mattmera tis- faconily they wouli bu able te bave one ofithe besi plouigbing societies in the Province. htLtbe beys clasa. NW Lepsk of Taunton, vboee plougb- ing vas moi jutigut by su ovursight in location, vas seitieti hy thie socieiy psyiag him $4~. Afuer pavinig ail primes and iabiuies,.the tuasuier hati over 82e on band. The LI1oor Trias. There have beau raîher exculung tues iu tevu ibis lam ten days ln connection vJibthe liquor iniais. nhe puWze to tue liquot im> lu, vbo bave been tue spies lu the camp oS th PRiîs- ulne& As theeditor of the C<oî**sP. sent ai <bue trial hast Moucay nq doubs (nUrp- port vill bu founti elsevhere. For otyse I fèl tosay te those mntiies vho aemtot bave Um gab iban bruina tfilat Idddmgetbave anyting to, do, direculy or tidiretcty. yul> nyofithoe trials, or-in eaneetl i th gulg mau ms or infor- inatlou tuar ftuishedth ie ispeoio rithevidence te ly alu information agamnstanaujof fthe liquor men. Wben 1 bave anyubiiug to, ayy fur or againse tue botelmen 1 do so over nxîovnm signa- ture. -1 neyer diti play thie sunal or informer in any case, moi vil! h do se. lspector Purguson is paid todo tbaildofvwork. Durlng tbis last tweive or fifteeu monîhs information bas benu placet in amy bands tuat bad I beeniso disposeti te aet the informer, ibat every liquor nm in tovu woulti ave lest bis lice=su. nstuad'cf iuform- ing ou those men 1 vent, te thens qnz4etfy and vainut îem, and inlu uch =nd every, case they proniseti mot tesel! turing Prohibitet heurs; sud if auj one deslreS ibis verifet, 1 think suJyoe cf thie four mm wvii bu canditi euougb te amy &o. Wbihu I do met pose as a supporter i c' the tRie liquon traffic 1 psk candWdy iwbut more any mua eau do te befrieuti suother thau I te frWd4uka-- other than toivaruof hum vues bere va l*ely, to be troubléeahea4?, I baveu asledao favqrfreot» amy onueoocerue4 fi thee quor lateresus,: but baye t&Wetluaimyhuuml vay gel <'heu»ýtO sd+ hune sîrik! >to tue 'Javwsad avoti uaopecàu tions. M I1bave v» Inside knovlee:Ria; canspe*k by bock. 1 have é ev eason tobbe1evi Mms Daioe, Utica. wbo pleafed guilty sud vas adjudged Io psy $e and cosis. Neui 1Ur.Se- bert of the Si.- Charles vas called, and twelvp wlinessed examlned. Several of themo--bae not: been in bis botel for monthe, others do not, drink liquor ai ail, and the balance of them os-wore they had flot h"d any liquor there during-pre- hbiied boums.Asuîfrere ta no reason to doubt tbeir staternent. I do not consider il nees.asy- f0 give the naies of wlmnesses. Itisiiamatter cf« regret tuai they were called ai ail, and who~r. ' gave the lisi to the inupector must bave known:,, better. The Inspector is flot ln any sens- lb blame, but ithe informant whc senda In nanes cf- men who am known to bu tetotalers and of many who neyer even go into the hotels le deservlng-ýr of sévere punishmeni. Thaem Who do euteê. hotels ln connecion, with tbeir business, and. thure are many such in every town, bave no rught to be harased by sncb persecution as ibis. Surh a course makeS a farce of ibe law, humt a hotel-,.' keepers trade and drives bis guests from bis'- place for fear of buing dragged int court as wit*, nesses. Mr. Sebert feels bsdly used in beîng2 pulled Up ini Ibis mean way. snd those of bis borders andi guesis who were summoned as vit- nesses are furious, with good reasn in both cass. hit s fot necessary to the enforcement cf'ý- our liquor-laws ibat hotel keepers and iheir eus.- tomera be prosecnied. Mr. Seberm keeps a hot4& that in every respect lu equal îo, any la the coun- ty, and h. deserves credit instead of persecution. People may have varied opinions as to the evils of the liquow trafdic, but it lu our Canada that lieuses it, and flot those interesteilin thse trade> therefore one holding a license is ou a perfectly, Ravin! footing and lu entitled to protection and' fair u'eamment. On bearing the evidence > In. spector Ferguson abaudonedth ie case lu disgusj - stauing that be had been given to undersisndý tbat every vupees on the liai had been seen ia'«ý the &ci of violating the lucense lava. port puwr7 EMlnes» reetory. G. B. WiLziAm5oi, barber, next tw post oMfe. Oct, lubei-8 Mo. IfzLLnsznr.-Mxn Tnoxwso« bas recetvei bcr, t'new 1.11 stock of millinery»asud la prcPared, turn out first-elaas mill ery lu the l1 styles and lo* prie. Stamping doue 1j order. sept. I9th.-4-mo. W R Ox.àam has fer sale thre good ao& haudprSlor he awitb ovens, whlch hi vol chap eorcah. Cal! and i npect t a& tlàey are gooti bargains. O ~ ~ pas this year be improved wiîh thii est funeral equipin mtmmntil]i so tinit vu nov have this branch of ourt ulâ ~ness one of the best. D ? ?M T City.Ou er a rOùt fine casket wagon la a decided lmp ment for delivering caslkeis and Coffne' conveying bodies to and froin trains or, one place to anotbur, and far ahead < common wagon or dray ; bu beWuÙ' ren several occasions for 'those vho- *,i > 0 bury their dead ruspectfulhy but . Dot afford a hearse. Thie trade journl' 7-at la not proper tousay a word atbout .ptileê xidurtaking. For somne yeat pstwe felt thit 100muck mon4y ej'wapaad takers-in fact toc much mouey vas >in the ground by those vho-coibd ptà 4if. For neveral y"ae uharonmade- pries on tialtpincipe~ ia(vuwhteom tdertakers think vu ouglIt '"ot to. p -nes on such a basîs, vo. are saUîsfie&dý knov that r m apor ianbas gonec. extireme,an more tban he could, Wben deatb takes away a Rovedore- ut thie fine nafurally tbink ntgs good, then la the tinte for dnu d tc mukeblis prceiso tba'ta uwouIldK teel bulrdesîud. Foir thie veahthy ýthWî,,-- go as expensive as they -inyd' 'Ireau and not. as la fre4uuaftly. doue, ehrg maan accordlng to bis weakbh. bTexz ýconneM d whhau lflneare hea -withott belag. burdeged vftla. for funeral epeuses. Our stock 5froup tRiheaiu1 0 heb 1t,.l ve have, bee>,ùn mlipn'o f raoale dargpssud9g se JESSOf',IIITUR '-'R IrIrRRYý W. e.NTT ýl

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