Whitby Chronicle, 6 Nov 1896, p. 4

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est added if 1ct4yr ea. M Ij .a o . L d j e m y s a d p o q . < P O O f , Wt e i ïi ï 6U . -Just how Much money and Rbf m n.?dslcue~vtotk u ondbyD. cii -5aîsactonyou are Iosng ma ret wIth wide feIt apPrecltidu. On. Ueconded Iby F. Iowsrd Au eww mi -liyows buy your Drugs and dbe*n8nt ,need1f b. a iHNôWnng- itiolar to heartily sdoed and preeuedthe . ectîi -Medicrnes. Cetyour enJ 14 forMise Ladd presents ber tboughts er witl he .eannsu lhacopnigt Iy 1, nbcmsa learer aud rtMerks exp tsd yge paer gi an .. trthIeayto vonqehend. AU wbo love furtber'Iectures upon' nüatur!hsoy u Precrzîzo..~the beairtiful, the true, and the good, will kects of wbich Dr. Hare lesoimc Copllsm find a 1east spread belore tb.mà. Admission snd Pleasing an Interpreter ,nfght b. givm FILLED AT 25 cents. diring tb. comnlng winter sesson. A great many people visited th. free The s» ue ihAsurmSu Co. of Canada. T [ji:i reading room Bat the opening on Saturday Thtis strong aud rellable company la nom night. For a commencement the tables represeuted in tuis country by Rev. j.S were weII laid with periodîcals, though smre Clarkre of our town. 'No other company it -We use none but PURE Drugs of them were not current Issues. Tii. daily Cnd adig ag uieao a '-and Chemicals and offer none ppr wili b. there from now until spring, Ing as great profits to lts policy bolders. A -butanid one can spend an hour or two to great high as tive pýer cent. per annum bas beel advantage each evening pursulng some ofpadlprmust .lstdiso c the best pictorial and scientlfic periodicals. Profits. The sua flot only pays wbat il Genuine Paienl M iilCéneS. A great many young men and boys were In promises, but lua a number of instances M ucl on Ssturday nîght, and were made welcome, more than il bas proMised at the time of as this is one of the main points of ils ex- making the cotract. Mr. Clarke wtll istence. greatly pleased to explain the plans and On Wdneday niht r. ajo Haperadvantages or the cotnpany to an, personi Cod ]Liv or Ou -.. invted anuiler of bis friends lu to cel- who may bave tie. most remote idea of talc brate his sixty-first birthday, and it also ing out assurance. Cal] on bfin at bis resi- S50 cents per pint. happens that it was the fortieth annive-rsary dence and you wiIl b. satisfied. L-W Nearly Tasteless. lof the marriage of Mr. and M. Harper. Among other things the party ipdulgec inl cards and at the close the worthy police A CTE0 A8E . a ,~ magistrate was the worst beaten mann the dougethe11LciL iatureot the occasion RAD NOT SLEPT IN BED FOR WN . Harper upon reaching nearly hait a Century CIIEMIST J DRUGGIST, of happy married life, and trust that the re- . MDDOE OTRUEAOCN maîning ten years May be given them to en- EMDDOE OTRUEADCN M DCL H L, i oy agolden wedding. TINUAL MISERY -PATHER, GRAND- MEDCA HALThe Buftalo Illustrated Evpress says of FATHER AND GREAT GRANDFATHER Miss Ladd in connection with the Federation HAD DIED FROM THE TROUBLE-R E- Brook Street, - Whitby of Womnen's Literary and Educational Or- __________________________ganizations or Western New York:-Miss LEASE COMEs IN OLI) AGE-THE CURE Eleanor hl. Ladd is the first vice president LOOKED UPON AS A MIRACLE. and is well known in Bufialo, which is ber For years stories Offtamnous cures wrougbî home. Her whole lite has been spent in lit b>y Dr. Williams' Pink Pis have appeared erary work. She givesscbolsriy lectures on in the CHRONIC[sE. During ibis tinie we English literature and has published several have been casting about for a local case of _______volumes of verse, the latesi of which, such a nature as to leave no doubi of the ______-- __"Cherry Bloom," appeaired Iast spring. efficacy of thes us.Wnav ou At Ontario Ladies' College, Nov. 6. svtlbtweachPcase hprve foubed W'HITBY, NOV. 6p 1896. Musical Recital. sensvebtdiy wh caseulfo ear to bea ____________ Sme t te msi puitso: heOntario his or ber namie and disease made public. - Ladies, College will give a recital next Mon. Recently, however, a most striking case UniteOd Stat« s m.ctions day, Nov. 9. at 4 pn. Ail are welcorme. came to our ears. Lifebiz AgtM.Mr. Solomon Thompsbn lives on a beauti- Wm. McKinley has been elected presidentLieSzPhtst]famotbweîhretMuLken by a tremendous majority, Wmn. J. Bryan Her PuevofOhamdte Carden township, North Victoria. He bas fi rst and only life sized photographs ever having carried most of the south and the sil- made in tbis vicnity. resided thea-e for foony years, being the. first ver states oftthe west. Latesi returns yes- Deaths. settier around the lakte. Hie was reeve ol teray avetheresitsas ollws:FurMc- Reuen ing Pot Prry agd 8 yers Carden and Dalton townships tbirty-live tiey-Cgavetreui t6llws: Fuowr PMc- Reen KingPort Perry, aged 86 eas;years ago, before the counties of Peterboro Kîle-Cuncîcu 6 Dlear ~ I 3a1PhldrHrPrteryaed8 years; and Victoria were separated, and h. used te Mrs L. H. Hurd, Toronto, formerly Miss attend the countles' council ai Peterboro. Illmnois 24, Indiana iS, Kentucky 13, Mainie Oke, ot Port Perr, aged 3 years. H sabohre i.Dnl apele 6, Maryland 8, Massachusetts îS, Michigan ir ei rte fM&Dnl apeio 14. Minnesota 9, New Hampshire 4, New Thie Myra Lofllus Co. ibis towa. Mr. Thompsan bas been a vic. jersey zo, New York 36. Ohio 23. Oregon 4, This comedy company bas been plaving tutt. of asthrm afer torty years or more. Peunsylvania 32, Rhode Island 4, Soutth to good bouses in the music hàll sînce MÇou. H owever we wil let h im tell bis owa story Dakota 4, Vermont 4, W. Virginia 6, Wis- day uight and will continue until Saturday on thât head. censiti-is-Total 277. For Bryan-Alabama nigbt They bave chard the programme On October l5th, '96, we tob a trip te 11, Arkansas 8, Colorado 4, Fiorida 4, Geor- daily and have won unlimited applause by Mud Lake te visit te- haunts lonÊ tamiliar gia13,Idao , Knsa to Lulsna , Ms-their clever, spirited and respectable acting. to us, and made it a duty and tcund it a gas13i , Iso3 ssour o, oana , MirsaMyra Collins is advertised as tbe star of the pleasure te aluo r.Topo n 8, Nevada 3, North Carolina 11, South Caro- comPany, lbut the general opinion bere is learn ftom selng hinMr.ud barln isac- linas, Tennessee 12, Texas 15, LUtah 3, Vir- that ius members are of equal meritor near Mcunseofin bow bead bengubes. Fo ly-o Te atrdytnîyf il oe khd enowne o DobîuiCaifrna , othDaot 3 fo te hi- ren a t s cents for adl sciouhl gasping, sufleriug asthmatic, the worst we Early lu the campaign ut became apparent A reudorets o dui.evet knew Who managed ho live ah ail. We tBryan that al the great politiciaus of the ATu eot often wondered how be lived fromn day te Democratic party bsd left hini, and that lbe In anether columu we publiia report et day. Ou calling h. met us with a cheertul mua fghîou bi cmpagualoe.fi s Ban extrordinsry cure througth the use et aspect and wiîhout displayiug'a trace et bis Platform bhad been made by Henry George Pink Pilla.Titis la net copy sent te us te old trouble. Being ai once usbered into bis who arfles that to hold a deed et land is a publish. We have kuown Mr. Thompsou, bouse, we naturaliy mode il our first tbusi. *in In GodBs sigbî, by Debs whc believes whose Case ia spokren et there, for a quarter ness'te enquire if il were qll truc about the it Uthe. employees of a large institution -m>y of à century sud are fmil .r tih bis cse. benefits bie had received from using Dr. wreck it wheuever tbey are dimstisfied, by We do flOt knw outw efficaclous Pink Pis Willi.ams' Pink PuIis. "Beyond doubV~' Gev. Altgeld, wbe pardoned the. haymnarket May 6e, but they Muet have proved a great said he. <'Hout long bave you uscd ibeni, murderers et Chicage, by Coxey and Harvey bo@i te Mr. - Thompson il, tMs case. Feut aud bou mauy boxes bave VOU used ?" be Who belueve ibat irredeemablç money should utould tare to liv. as ut have known birto twuas asked. «I started a ear ago, and took ^ b. made by thc stahe inu ulimited quanti- b. troubled for years, aud yet no mon ef bis eigbt box.sý." We neri asked him It he teli fies, by Tilîman and Waite utho claim ihat age could expecite led lîveier or heartier that the cure utas permanent. 44Weli" said D goveruiment sbould own ralway, telegrapli ihan hie doca acut. le, 'I have net taken any cf tbe pills for and telephone hunes aud ibat the blcod etf Suppressamwig foration - hree or four monîbs. StilI I arn not entir.- ~tics. B no oniug ubese hunes shouId -be shed 'Wlthin the past month we have been sev-iy saiisficd yet. You see my father, grand. by pilchfitt ka. Bryau touud hîmseit In eral urnes asked te suppress information re- fatber sud great grandfatber died et astbma. wreicbed cempauy, but hie pitched into it gardiug prOsecutiena mn iquor cases. We My people anirae ih sooner or later and it i.and made the most phenomnenal campaign are very so-y te, sec eople fined, but these always ends their days I1 have lest three on rtcord. He delivered 6oo speeches aud cases bave nothinq a ui themn ca1ling for brothers trom Uic fatal tbing. Knowiug my 1traveled nearly 20,900o miles. Secrecy. We say in tulkindiness te every- tamniîybt oyu sbrdfrmuogi Tenext Cougress and Senate util be Re.- chair utas occtipied by the Rev. Thos Man- We noticet! he utas greatly iMproret! atter publican. That party will nout b. iu a POSI- uing. Unstiniet! praise utas bestowed by takigg tuto boxes, sud bega" to bave boe.. lien te enaci any class et legialatiou itl the chairman lu bis lntroductory remarba Later on, wheu hc saw eoddptta chocs...upon the goot! uork utbicb Lb. W C T U3 la he utas mnch better, I recomnded tbe SAY] The Republicans appear te bave mat!. a deing lu lova. The enly regret expressed 1PIlate a olec. of mine, Miss Day, vhese suteep cf the governorships aud siate legiala- by Dr. Hare utasîbhat the '"small boy" utho bloëd bad aparently turued into utatet-, aud tures ln mosi places tbrouglieut thc union. -dcîighîed te get où*<lie front seats upon uho had run dout- la healtb sud spirits go ihese Occasions was net à larger constituent bad that she did not care to live. Wby, ah. Short Nqotes. elemeut of tbe audience, for b. sait! that h. bat bmqcome as yeUlow as saffron, sud luokcd 1 alutays fount! h casier te catckýa»4.bold Lb. as if ahe utoult! net live a uteek. You would 1 "W.iniay rejoice-witb trembliug-over iniercat et bis listeners'by <Ils sdded zest of bardly behievve lu, but tbat girl utas, the MeKiuley's succes,"1 said a pronineni question sud ansuter betueen biumcit sud beahthist, and - haudsoect girl -tic m= Wiby mtau n uth. CiRozacLE office yes- themn. There muai hbave be.u n.arly a hue- uihohot',Lr be mnisha a dred peg~e presect 10 hear <the lecture, forcseir on11 takug Pîik Pilla."t tcrday. This'about expresses il 'No C ta prna- ett!uuad»o aud s1 u cic fottu cq ;except tbat lu portend&.-barriers toe rie- oradii . h'bsr-buteCk l. 1's ale mte'ZO dian ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~a vcl bett cilys~dt11framsin b itrebg h thw aunctur.toiaetot!to,*euntîbor.$I .tw0cn thre two countries.Soute Acicuct a otetyrlteos du",'<E<< atisbid MW. Thouipsen r.eumed the ïub- ,ioLrnatéhave Iately been recommendZZglua lieDr% hum ru a=cunt or"utho utere elsmaefô ur Yoca a, deçenu treatuent et Canada witii a siew t t>'acuin u ams Tmustj'yeç wb, a t t bavegi iitdù'clng er te aune, aimd1~ro o this inse wa .suicfrekit tweuty-iveyears andi never 'have 'flew preaéident m r4uusfrayforrye obthey tIi. wr- bcd t iongs EdostO ue4 e te casl 'tifr au- ott<- niglts s luiij.tb - pin.I wluile with a vlew te swlloui«gur country. cutrÃ" llel l f long age , - « Psittfi Jt bias beceme apparentltaIt the AMecricaus eut aJele -Cos bat'twe-wern 4P'-ý-a<>.- between th m co ( ruZ1ow euloy. aûd thei 114 a-nnithrefrtwicc as %**ehir geoda i-man's tougue andi ber aptitfide in is 1I5-autl1.Ib! o'oln X ii -~swseîlmemudlfheyaaiuty sue-theriQnt 0ý f utiicb nRes la hetact ,attitfanilyof inouthtê<.diu-ba e~n Xide wU odub to'M ak aUü Ids<unuding--druai of th e Cicada laWfoMld éd Dd, d aýWb -r m the i e dbt voyltak a ocîy lt thesuae. Tihis* .uclequ sud fresly tc dis. I,,,es4 1iTe ibn~l Bappy aré lte Çiod,é st , tee f et. he W nôtfo W k *y T "m OOdoUc onowi Vo< ls la M hfo iv s , LB(. I arnett, iM.F., vas luittoopmd . 'W. M. il.rkeqe oprs for 411 kids of i ýwh LII15'e if-~ leaxthre 5tues w ator-m asie. dtMà-i>b*"Ât bam'!30 ssi, be14,ad î ____ -. C *tlUE~iaPq~# P(Wb'bisa iq~w~soe nieraine * fw fn~dso et*ppâgé" _ _ We Open Out -This Week - o A a New Stock of Ladies' Nanties; also a fline as8ort. ment of New Dress Goods ini the latest s'hades and designs. A complete range of Ladies' and Childet Undervests, ail sizes, drn We have also a New and <Jomplet e Range of 0 Overcoats, Boys' Ready-made Shirts and Suits and ~~Dp rae rs -m 0wr Gents - Furnishing o ANDREW ie stocked witha a choice ailsortmaent of SUJTJNGS, OVER.. UUtNA'Là(b andv-a-vWr, .. - prices, and we guarantee every garaient turned out to give riLle u iu 0 aiusactîon,. JUST RECEF me ROS s. V~ED~,.-Gold Exoitement ORf to Rossan Ohoice -New Goods. Don't forget t ala China Glassware a D5inner and Tea S4 Ohoice Family Gr, Fruits, Etc., Cleap/or Cash or )on't buy beforn calling and examiuig the stock and prices for yonrselL and Crockery.' lets, Cheap. 'oceries, Teas, Ooffee, Etc. Tra de. 'rices Io Suit t/he Tim. --a-,ESTÂTE 0Flrke m The UtrketsNOTICE TO CREDITORS WHITuY. Wbeaî, uthite, 8e te 8oc; ted utinter. 79 te Of GEQRGE HIC-K. deceased. DC;* goos, 8 te 5qç. Barley, 25 te 35c. Qats ate 24c. Pes, 5etir c. Hay, $9 tc $wo. ickwbeat, 32c te 00. Rye. 32c teoco. Sirsut, Purrsuauîte oan order eft he bigh court et 5oe. Butter, lb refis, z6c; do., tub, 14jC. justice made in thi auter et the calateto gs, 'sc. Chickens, per lb, 8c. ' Ducks, 9c. George llicb, decease!, sud in a cause et utkeys, 9c. Potatoca, per bag. 35c. 10 4oc. Hulubard acainum Malibeva, thc creditors et resset! bogs, s$4 75 te $.oo- Lamb, $2.75 te George Hick, late of Pickering, in tbe 1-Beetf. hiut!-quarters, $4 hO $6; fore-quartera, couurly et Ontarie.,who diet! in or about the 50 ho 03. ýr uofetJy, 1879, are, on or before thme TORONM. ith diy cf Nevember, iSg6, te sent! by peau TORONTO. prepalid) le Dow & McGihlivray. et tic Wat, uwhite, 82 10 S2c ; ted utinter, 81 te tovu cf Wbitby, tire selicitors cf the plain. eg;osce, 9 te 0c. Barley,î3 hO 40ic. Oas tif. hheir chnistiair and suruames, addresses ý o 27r4 RYe, 33 te 4c. hIaY $13-75 Io aud description,.ltme mll particulars oet<he-in 4.qo. 8raw, $10.0 o te$11.50o. Butter, tub, dlaims, a statement of their seceonuts, anrd te l4e; relis, 14 te 18c. bggs* 15 te aoc. the nature efthie mecurities (if any) beit! by Dg$, dresset!, $5 2,5. Cbickens, per pair. 30 tirent ; er lu defanît timeneof they vill- 6e 35C ; dueks, .40 CO 6mc; iunkeys, pe lb. 7 tO pencmptcniîy excîndet firon tfi~e benefit cf erneee, 7 tO 8c. Ptaoe, erbuh.4o0«th u dcsat!order. LRVery cret!itoruholt!ing suy r-Lamb, 85 te 87 Beef, biu4quarters. $4 seculty là te pnot!uce the saue before lue, 87-. do tore. $z5o to$4. Mutton, 84 teS8 atnuy cbambers, at thie tov of Wbuuby, in àl. 85 to su. Pes, 49c to tirecouuty-et Ontatio, op tue sath iday cf eat, 3840 < . ,Novemben, r8g6, aI eleven o'clcck lunlire feirecoon, being-the lime sopoiumîcit-for adt- jiudicatioueon the claim. Salo~g1serDatet! tir,. ýth day eo ttober, u8o6. 'ru RD A Yr, I Qv . 7 th .- S a le et 25 c m l te(i>e1,u . . D xt n o u faim utagens, (ucut,'oe set bôbsIlgtîhs- Local MaSter, S. C. J (ucut,)Ycuitera, f sn atcs,-acven;à-Do0w &MGL.va hand carnage 4sud tck soe, ~ --4-u litf o oiios Doutautels utarero, daretonu. Ai tire neW 'vehicles are of -b.e'Spegbt Y---------- manufacture. Sale te, commeôce et Il~ ?A f <f~ R~ o'lck. Th. P0eer, etioneer ~j W Ç i i ide Haywads His FALL and WINTER GOOD, at the surprisingly low prices new going, is better than GOLD. Stocek fully aaserted in every lime. Everything new in Dress Gooda, extra value. Specw l lothing sale now on.-, Men's overceats, velvet collars, $4, regu- lar $6.o. Men's fi ne Melton do., $6.5, reg. $îo.oo bcavy Llsters .oo, reg 7.50 < 9 . o , r e g 8 . 0 0 'extra do..#...7.50 reg 1000O Youths Overceaus ..-3.50, reg 6. o Vouihs Ulsters......... 5.00, reg 7-50 Beys' Overcoats ......... 300, reg 5.0oo Mcu's Tweed Suits.... 5.00, reg 7,50 heavy aus...6.o, reg 8.50 fi ne tweed suits.. 8.5o, reg 12.50 ~ fine black aus. 8.5, reg 12.50 fine coat ant! vest, 8-o, reg îaoe Men's Tweed pantS ai 85e, $1, $1.25, $2, Regular pie $i, $1. 2&,$2 aud $2.5o. .,INMe's Smocks ant! Overalla. 25 Ladies' Ceais, last yearls style, less t Iban haIt price. $9 coats for'$4 ; $7.5o for Y $3 ;,$S for 425. Our underwear fer ladiesanut gentlemen beat. ail cempetitors, au 25c, 35c, 45, SOC, oc, 75,Six. See hem. Our ebjeci is te selI-Bot profits-as the wbele stock mustîgotitis menti. Remember yen save meuey, by huying at FAUM ]PRODUCE W&NTED. FAIR ~NjÇ RI'l -8te Oolfumn.- ]MR~ 54X*.-A tifi or udaIri FOUIT Chant. them andina bors wi judges; praise ( pensaVil ment. Gold BELICd J: Qfflc ouuty Orga tien cf any local FRIDAY, Ni LOCAL L Miss Jessie Fisher, Dr. Meldrum's. Listen ! Don't bt see Jake Mclntyre. Mr C Burnham, 'P>t week's vacation here. Miss May Dean, Mi" thià week with frien( -W-. L. Barnes. M. Mecklenburg, si lue lu tow ttia the Roy, Nov 28. Eyes tested Posîponed on accoum suie. Iu will take p~ -yuh, at i o'clock.. L F . A Young cbap in T and costs for ici atchInI A.t utants a uitile oQthat ment in Wbitby.'à Messrs. W S Gelo, 1 ,McCullough are de9i josepb. -Mr. Fred Ha ioin the party. IMr. J T Wilson, rn day te speud a threei bis" parents ai Napan rence bas taken his pl2 Great slaughtering û continue at the rrew em and Si.5o boots for come to bavesa pair.- ,Collins. 1VmeBell Rose Ems' r11give a very intert tentainment in thcenm eveuing, the 16th iuic ef tire metbodist sabbý servet at Allin's dt! eu Monday, 9th inst. -The Gazctte's attemF <vice a weck bas woeý Tucsday it came out,% renie o tnùqry print inade upoet dvertsen eoua assoriment et -stuif, wiîh halt a doze Home Made Bread Parties wisbing the by calling ait the resi 'Gouit! or ut Mr. Pring] - Mrs Theo McGiIli-vr- Mi&s Rev j Chisholm. - Mis D L Vick-ers, et -O'tConnor, Whitby, et RIgga, Oshawta, of a a -Osýhauta, et s daugliter St ýtAudews Day Th Ti.anniversary -cf 'eIebrated by -tire St ~Whitby and Piekerin -30,»1h yh inst., 1 Juasie bilhere. An stativg contnittec -everytiug gives prom ffltieWsgin afirst class lï dtMouday, ---Very pleasant tim ýiàës iit vasÈad at -àQpMs, IWhitby,ýou'W lkweek, lu vicwc invkof Mr Thos Yjî n -udfamnily te l'l~ûWitb c lm t~tsd entum te do their, sb -race on anye ivlbe vcry ma - -- rtet ize -eéheerfùl fa 'Iu e a Men'i and Drawers. AI, qualities A nil i se

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