Whitby Chronicle, 13 Nov 1896, p. 2

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-hr, ùfor the past fifteenýyem W"U "jj I~ 'W W A *pBd 6~aoei udyi Sebaker. Broe., Chicago,, 11. .1 0M L t 1fi éycuresOIIgÃ"Zti us f«r~.Dvs Maager of the hatïm, ess mjat, < 1U4IfoiCO.D We JuAMtha thée tti41aplc had died on Sunday of typhoid lever. R M DE t, j ii > i.vonyl h uiosbo M r. *N içbsw n~ w married about ~£u ohn oe ton yeaa ago t~MissM~ySitumods. - ev. Mr. Tuchor n wferund d= o It - Janîes Siiumonds EdredbyPreaeand publié .C f~ oiTrnola ek br byhv OfCda Grave, who with two children cuu,. beeri viating for a fewoi s survive hun. t %*04 e i~iw . ,M.J pehimr omryaM * r. ,.. or ~ auaConvincincing Statem e ts -froin Per- J . oy, n of ihe i a, uem iS t r Oninforiniation lad by Wm. Button sons Who- Declare Tbey Have Ma. J. H. RuvrrY cheInIst infl OWf lIoekut>g up ad 0 en before H. Wilson, J. P., warrants were Been Conipletely Cured. PWhî e i i'rn Mr. Taom Sprung l pniglm issued for the arrest of Thos. M l ntyre 'i'u tu u s waa t"no &ILi ein ou idi - for fraud, and bis son Normnan as an y M. ousGuu ad aiNFbv accessory to the fact. The informa- Y U E G I O S T S I Yîî~ I f t,, F,? ofruIal«m o ) m v d t ar ntei fB o k raeM . Je o Intyre, who is a tenant of Col. Button, If You Are Sick Ask Your Neareat af o Sule. in CUo. sorTy te loe. hm. had frauduleut rernoved ail bis goods Druggist for a 25-Cent Vial of DAVIS a LAWRRNCE CO<., LTD. W. bave a nuznber o eio rya A Coliflion and chàttels from his preniises for the Sole Proplietor iesiitw i rsn.TeMrbl Purpose of defrauding the Colonel out of M unyon's Renedies and MOfiLLCoe s d CnatPai ieLb plc qu e A ri'i(I the rent. They were brought bfr ooe n ati Magistrates Wilson and Wales on Mon- DOCTO YOURELFaMpeM. .oenpetafwdy day evenin.btwr eaddutlGNNava last week with bispaei.H an Friday evening, on $4oo bail. Con- Mr. and Mrs tro tutil dueted the morningsevcinheb- re stables Clendenning and Taylor made Mr. H. B. Taylor, Teronto'. well s m.uda St nark y wouitb , it cburch Sunday, ada odyIf the arrests. knawn d larinbusiness ut 119 King sea nd is arre. a re plena sd tQ k sY ail treet west, Toronto BayB._441 W a d inMaft- wheToonoe beu àLd e u h ' f M r h m a r r on ubed wiî a s upa n d n ki dusys, n P- vere llness. se w iiI distingu i ,h b inu e f i h u u e a A V E R S Chargste t C ars t i a tkênght ; w&ter. rhee nthfor arat, t eu ehe cam t M -.1wasacted 1 for e1 d ons iue Wdesa eenn oast wekthe Ms.James Coone nisVn rnanyme di es hlch ', iere alglroc-eiin h othadbayO u ilaeada wbne e etb ey Ilspn cul amened utnos ae e res msC-bl fMrhm.Tegetieîie a point in the vale and took 0 P Fer- of monthe visiting fried n rltvs mu Prlaby a e nix wot olàýa d mue t>t stak n ro M .M tnyon'o Rh ennatim m C r ied rier'5 dwelling by Storm, ta say good- D uring the absence o i ss C on h a i urchag e direc tios leded JS prernise .o d y evening, and from fails to reliev. in one ta bree hurg, and bye for a time to Gergeon his de a rga in the metbdiat cuc il b rrsuasiOn, bOu&bt the six bottles, and information receved suspicion pointed cures in a few days. Prie. 2r». ture to Belleville college. where he in-presided over by Mr.GereSth ties wth otntotl yrec thèseebot-. togyt euhaa h h.H tiswtOttcano n direct beiebot. srnî euh stetif e Munyon's Dyspeppia Cure pooitively tends to prepare himself for the min- Manilla ifiagain abead ttepo foe1h dniae a orhb tUe, was seen goinez through W hitevale with cures ail forma of 1ndigestion n t n sr. A v r no a l i e w s i g m t h hl ut w e e r Ln a y my bands were as 0 Dadso sr. Avr noal iewsigmthhl gt a viheel Tuesday, and yesterday was ach trouble. Price, 2.5e. spent. M.T rleo hapaepoe isl Free front Eruptions located at Clare-mont. Constable Clen- Munyonar Cold Cure preventsMpneu. Grie ie ats hrhhdatebo llof hin irp laem.fe denning and Mr. Campbell drove to mania sud breaks u up o n Gewvrens Rvessfuîaniesar he s te er-stPluok pr ifrthbutfisan as ever tbey were. My business, whieh Claremont last night and arrested boaurg. Price, 26. pacl nafwveyscesu nieray h .-F'8 ukpie o b. OutInl cold and wet weather oten Derusha. Mr. Campbell also found Munyon's Coqýgh Cure stopte cough8avie were welI attended from far and geeo wno i nrw.Nlo i wiihout gloves, and the trouble bau his wheel at Mr. McNab's store there. night aweate, ullaya orenes, and ape near on Sunday. h netaînment sn seoured fourth plaen bby' nertrOned".tuo~ .KS It had been found against the fence a il7 heals th. lunga. Prie., 250. pe Monday evening was a most successful Ayeî's The3 quarter of a mile this side of Clare mont Muno 1{ idDOY Cure speedily cures, one. It was well attended by numbers On remains aith on Tuedyatmoweei hdpi@i h a loins or groins and dil from neighboring villages and a gen- telt fi coa bdjI IIII evid n îy ben Iet b the thie, o frme of kdney diese. Prie, 25. eral tnrnout in the neighborhood. Th Brook cemetery. The dcue a i A d it t " aue s a f t r o o , w e r t h de d a i l b sh i fe h . i n t h i s i n i y a d u c _____________________o n e ofte_____s. D e- M un y o na' H eadache C ure e to a~ bead - P rog ram m e w as an ex cellen t o ne an d en m bed a t a o m para îi e y e r y a e t Âdmfted t Li e W o îd' P ai . ha bro en ne o the pedas. e ce in three Minutes. Price, 25C. well rendered. -t a ra ie a, c s u iio . R v. 1 t ha ai s o no n th ng ab u M u nyo 'a P il e O i tm en t poeit.vely Jno L eonard had a paring last w e ; B u e a d T o e o a e a b u e a 4 u e 'a il a C e a ta. th .B w e e. he w he l. M ag istrate W ilso n w ill cu res ail form e of p ile . P rice ., 25e . t p t us i m o l i e a ain sr vce a d Tc.r c hear the case at one o clock this after- Mainyon's Blood Cure eradiostesaial As apple paring bees are almost a thing - nooan the t h. irpuricies of the blood. Price, 25e Of the past. everyone enjoyed the mn-Wh n re ea ChVarles Munyon'a Fenale Remedies are a boon selves and had a real good old time -oaohuh C O R RESP N D E N Q E harles Con klin, the wel-known te al iranen. treat. Suitable parlor gam es were kept . ~v ~ ~ : v teamster 'of this place, has gone to MunYOn'a Aethma Remedied relieve iiite"e m'hes ea LIDÂ.Uucle Sam's doan, 1vn almost 3 minutes and cure pormanently. P ue. p until te-wesa or ea domans, aven to turn up, and everyone then wended Mr. ecto Cam ron, C, w o fo evey mechan an busness man n Seriagonadohom sr.ing twelve years represented North Victor- the town a momento in the shape of an Munvon'a Catarrb Remedies neverfail. thi-a om ign.News. ia in the Dominion house, and who unpaid bill. Charl-le resided in this Tii, Catrrb Cureprice25eerdicuteg wsdefeated by Mr. J A .>arron, Q C, villageuntil abut two yars ago, wen tarh diseefrth. seyst adth"a mýWowtrn tah i aet-prithe 2o.semans te C.uI&nd11, MyMyyOLA died ai Cobourg on Monday evening he rented a farm about a mile south of ha b at.IEihutadlc from an attack of dropsy, aged 65 years. here. He still continued to team Munyothe erveCr sairneflv am nI-o ote.oe During the absence of Mr Sandford 'goods ta and (rom Toronto, making suYn' erve CuPre., à a wJounJU wys tiande and his wo sons, of Sebrigh, who are three trips a week. About two months àuv n a Vttzr rsoe atvgrsrtoo x augacidt ieo u said ta ]ive in a ver-y miserly way, burg- ago he secured jowihisemonPe,$1 lars enîered their premises and mnadJeihe railway i-n Hum ilton and iresi A soparat. cura for eacb diseuse. At Out af sorts--esslytrehs. fering. -The moiheririto, tr1 higoac off with S1 15 in cash and. notes. For- ihither leaving bis family ta ookatrairaisa otl 6ya il al n itire , ty ndan poas îha ftlie thodpoilbrg. tu sately ihey had just banked $5oo, the fart. A few days ago his wfer i Pdre sto le 25c.L a rof . M s , i or neleet f taendalb andvignyof te or th e p ro c e e d s o f a re c e n i c a t le sa le , re c e iv e d a e tte r r m bi hî l is g b e a n 18 A lb e r t ai , pT rof . o, a n a w ereI l h e ad ac h ea, h e ur t 'alpitan tatio , c n e d m e m f om a n w a u d h v e Ir ro hm ellnghe ad 1 Abet t.,Toonoanserd ew Blod a.It fli5,ks5 110h into the world a sick and pn hl sa n eir b ood, u nish e b u o k ches, fal fo r th e life cf su ffer in a i b c t h i and iras ibis amount no doubt the he had gone to the States and ta look with free medieul advice for any diseuse. etptinsd i Lie not ehyretIfhap wodn: lt rhh burglars were atter. The theft is sup- after bherself. His stock and such of ---- we tiaiih ian suoer &'aJet It futhres, sitmatappo r urcohhri posed to have been comnmitted by some bis implements as were sot under hein STOmpFvILIIE. l nem oaha' raet ioialef a d t e h b t o f h e S n t o d .l r s t p e i n T e d y a d s i e t hR J D a e i s h r y i g p t h r - c -W h o t y ?D r P e c e s a v r t P r c r p onon e w e l h a c q u a i n t e d w t h t h e p r e m i s e s w e r e c h a t t l e m o r t g a g e d , a n d t h e l a n d - a c tag o & h o d e g e t e tw mn l e f anshîait f t e Sa d o d .R uJction of sh n w aing t eriak. It bo o. R as ered t eu an s-T he best of a il m edic în s fo r ni n s When Mr G W Bennett, township crops and loose stufi for rent. Cahebsrbeein noftenwed tfi.n goisg It dii -iii el.tpl-tan orgn nththettbresc u dhhecîly and anly oarthtedeti0, e sud mi clerk of North Monaghan, went out was a hard-iro8kig mas wthaut ay ta beropfertvet ut nce. Thgraund ± r t ia b is barnyard the other morning he known vices, and until be bolted iaw h ass vr o ThYile riose Fr 8le b J.E WI I8 fur ifeha.od sdmohrooj found his entire flock of sheep, îhirty- considered an honesi man, nd ve en tan ther aberoisbeileeie. onste as - -WLL8 ual dthixenoasd ks three in number, lyingdead in different 110w many consider him more unfortun- Mr. Daley is bound ta Put i. ia odWHTYtIbb casm ayx hotpila. pat o h yr. hswholesale aie ihas dishones. EooGs hp adw ws ii gdsucs apeaa naien Oergo slaughter had becs the work of a dog sduri ndthe oineson. u gom ucssUen havrotesthe tismrt oe hi gr dogs having taken hold of each one drngseigig esn.wmnaes Ai odreists sih. by the nase, the heads being badly AOothnfDea. M Saîurday lasi as Mr and Mrs J G Preservig ggs. signatu rres My bay o v isnarf chewed, This, cambined wiîh té at Mnt oftact ni reredrvii3-a*-gthe'-'ad. h.irs olu _rf Alrsh a in aaaands Of cases Faine'. CelerY neutkyokae î Dyi> thcbralngOfthtefor-uae. t o trendeuladg eL utille" ar sveaym iastoblivnha stute that the lady iras very Young and Cmpun ha roud arelou anuetadrp ndstckisti rand egstrm en uthe hchnemueieid iimyliitirict oninedeetig -cu prbby ddsoffer any objections aicrs vninLielaet tndnZn asnuttvbcet o on1tî gis fbé en aîgsthat c nomlie7 mi din outil thmb I. irol ae eqî vi,- -atermmntog.iepoabycidnai nual cssLtra eiieover. Tht occupants mere al badly in- b. fertilized, thon tolai Lte plan given, flet the pai ns vera'e e vero i tat aI c - - -utter. ~ ~~as iv e n io n d e rf l a n d i s. ic O tl lt j r d r K m b u tc h e r, W h ao iw a s a d t e g g s vi ic am e e t a t it e- en d o f- te t n ig t & 1. o k e b ox e î I r' e t -,fa~ttarvie heone frnuscaimoment; procure Pai-ue's Gerery Gem- tht injured ta Peter Bytrs'.-wi;eLtyw er lid AL6ush adsiur-no .a ie1r ward tan-gang, whicb fiourished like a Pound and est its 'pavera. If ven are îhey wr oig Teta thr.ýWflade -lah. ua -hdn otr e . greta bay leat a feir years ago. Sun- vainh.v tryi-ug toi effect a cure Viti ether vr a-n.TetamvsM.AIfi4 dbiA -day eveniing a yaung mas nanied redicines, ibroir Lbeà uside sud -use Lb. yë n4a agi yMloi r L.ruuao"te ft lirParty-E Mailon vas escatisg a young lady mediciue ths.t isnv ig yodr Inonda Raer tidb ltoi o1 I)Lxon's 1111menAsf l*..fpu7mi i .. voUate'~ o1u0w7 tX named Lauisa Jock front cburchi and aud neighbes, hy ike alyteywremc cL,» rgerma e ô ~ ~ 1, i sota ig n whe- m t hey bad nearly reached her is. J. Vince,'Bsrni-e, Ont, after vain Lp.-Tibuite. blond aîre 'itarned et" b yrsSmprU -home on Si. Paul st, a large stase iras attempts to efféeC cure vitiltLb. ondin GANNTN a ffoctuàiy &*-the . old ýpeetmasttet redis- hurled by sanie cavardly, skulking krY MedicineW e b.dAY, ud Paine's Mn. Findley Mc'Rae, Therah., soid a Pau yauw4unsrfe~ Uut Stett i.i.* ruffiàn. Tht missile mas evidently fineelChestepr d v-it t-ly blsse-, tertded fer Maîlon, but struck bis coni- iutlt. 8. nits itnt dr.-vey fneChete viteho taMi Ut p4Ã"udio uec aWoàsIaaiut - panten fuRit he face, inflicting seve- O-ln mbapy ta &y,at t hak e onOead rcithsw~,- Otteeeteen 3îyWOê Ifamultank. 4- - rai severe gasies, freni vîich tht bloo<d Pain, elàer.y-comound viLli great re- -Dr. Auderson aofMiuneapoaîi,,Min.IMit.is-ts stÙ flomed - profusely. She vas assisted te ut.Ihdsitc ebdyîetineoa a h uso i uhr r abouse cdose by-, a doctor procured and cndnttai- . rv wthpuT h e son it eeks. of t4em Can-~ua~a~-l tot wsbag~ml, a*lj~ ;the voundt dressed. The police are auflfr prtdetLire eeis Th aUwig ebes i K Ca-t on the lookeut for tht camardly us-. th5 eàt"at ehIU stierd ungo m~ lu r oiiMs~1c .Ws~t "anad -if be W, discov-ered he Lta is Lms-a ab.ab-aderh -i -eua.'- H ena.-zh l. , ~'eln-,1biià~ 'àôould be deuit* viit1ï ite severest i 1».'Sru.W;F<4Dwo~$ P inamuer the Iaw viii aliaw. A fellow P1W&Celr î-n.d- wleWgià toàm dk beowiad ogultv -of an act aofttis qi-bo lan AM x-ýi icind .Would ,nat hesitate te shoot bis' @eýÉéod j ito 1 - tke jaktes* i <P.WI-,o~ê~f l4*>W5 ýVict m Jrom beiid-a iedh . .ice in commenging the -Vii : whlhe,:husàitg t.ea Sad., H'Y tbe above VRS put Ia type me learuth4t 'th~ i.~a, Edppphpo 4uane -unulua ou n g fe il aw naua d J s P h t t o . r , - 1 t h b *dné. nt t ird', vsarre steil Chai~lÃ" ~_ byCifBlnupicion oaI bei-ngtlihe ie " jts~'"~ àt-h H___ - - --tS' 4 Il'. io - WO6 AyeresPMOUS "I oald 11k. Laaddiutestmony te tbut of tes robve en Aerg Pilla aynd ta say thai I havetaen in lor nauyvears, and als-sYs derived th, best resuits from ti u ue. For Stomach and liver troubles, and for thse <-lip- Of ,,ea4abe caused by these d eran 5lmeli Ayes Pilla cannai be eq uuie<f'e mny friendsaàak me s-h t is the best remedy for dlaarders of the stomach, Liver, or Bowels, myi Invariable asier Is Ayer's pjn, Taken ini season they wlî break up a cold. preven la ZDe, ch eck lever, anrd rellulate tie igstfve arguas. They are easy to cake, and Are the best 31l-round !amntîlmedîcîne 1 bave ever Ave., New Yorkd Ciy' .8Rie AYER'S PILLS ligheet Award at World' Fair. 9 vr'» Sarmpa /laer the êIOOd Rnelie/ for ' KUo XS yr adv galo ad artmlyI e Uicle aime round mazalruIL vsI lgt. d C k ibi s ion &0 weui 1wa.siW T. EL WINGiga.&C, C.moubu. Ur-, and et er Dotte DAVIS& £LAWRECE CO., Lna., Uouuu&* tsk=U brb bonotbai rNN A,» c!0v0ed Bowe, Nw Y a. ForTwuyS Years At te Head un The Faine lE Pulis in Caria and Capîta. Syndicate. Aia lime vht- -reatimg on th.eîr i of the ehectrun, the details ut à promisesto ben! asa busaines thousurds of d trihutian. Thtd Dodds Medl*ciri- cf offices in the substantial busir ample -capital ' te kind in rcv Lb. impartaace relation. to the~ companmy has he ufacture of Du edy ihat hasw lu Canada, and States in respo mand. Ther-- te preparatiori about il-s resu i supreme and cý by thousands und indorsed by titan uveraîe i cames trom Ca tsrhuipit. It 1 there. There is no in-Buffalo than mary, and thene paie uirpilar s the mu-ancttr Every condition uts- company re perieuce andb Hon. F G; Bal presideut -,MNr . vice-presiden t. eecreusury and ir puesident of t amner of the Farma oncet Smuggîer, and beautif mil stal, io Babcock paid S- 21 manthu aid, finest biooded 8 Babcock ila Sm ests, and ose w succestul in e taken. The El 66a w aalthy and -just the kind o famous and pr meut of ibis neý direct interest penity of Buffl -- advuntuge in ri McKee is presi csiiCompany a nd enterprise1 Pilla tamsous tr As minter farta herses ith six days in the -91 spnîng are irece or tour arises, Hoira oui sayîng th frata heavy lai ta ltealth lunrm ta 4eothen, lE vide the lasi work amnong Slessentugithe1 Iurn out" fat lexcfflvssvt soc -abrceuses is -~~may be pncî Jiarmful stage etf grain ted ai wîîh consider2 the ondinaryc Swhieh- a table.E mybe adde week, except 1 dkt$nwhen la sucht a- I~oiduring i afanalso Winter

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