With OMM sat ihbu1l4 A MILLIONA IRE BANKER. At the- Head of the Newv ompany.- The Faine Earmed by Dodds' Kîduey 1pilîà in Canada vins the C onideuce1 and Capital Necemsary fer a Solit syndics-te. ý-ý a turne vbon mont business mon are re!-I'nz on their oars, pouding the resoît hi ti election, it in interesting te report ii,. details of s new organization that pri ml-es to enla.rge Buffalo'. reputation s abusiness conter, and bring maDy tý usands o! dollars here for local dis- tr ri Utef. This lias referonce to the JutMedicine Company, witb s suite ftice-s in the Ellicott Square Building. ,uihstantial business men in control, and lecapital at its back. Nothing of ,ikind in recent years begina to equal nirportailce of such a business in ita rt-iath. t(( it e ommunity. The new cnhpany bas heen oriranizod for the man utacture of Dotds' Kidney Pille, a remn- ctîv thêà t has won faine and fortune over 1:î.caada, and titat cornes to the United s-tsin regponse to a wohl defined de- rd.Therp is nothing fictitious about preparation anti nothiug doubtful iiti ut ira resulta. It la clainedtoo te 1a t.,:Jrerne and complete triumph, bacrked thusands of legitimate testimoniale cinderseti by man and women of more navtraçZe intelligence. Because lit t- tnts frein Canada it is none the leus a trr-mlph. Lt bas von its spurs over T'htrt- is uo more progressive busfiness in luffalo than the big World's Lhmpen- sary. and there is every reason to antici- 1at inuilir activitv in connection with 'tc nia- tufRcttre rof Dndd's Kidney Pille L-rV condition fully warranta it. The 11#1w company represents men o! large ex prirence aud business ability. with the Hon, F G Babcork of Hornelleville as; ;jr"si'eut; Mr .1 A McKee of Toronto, as ':---îrsîdn ansd Mr B3ýinn Yar.es as &t-rrotarV aud treasurer. Mr Babcock iis prt-sdeit o! the Bank of Hurneavnille. Owner O! the famous Babcock Stock, Farins once the homne o! the mighty anuclr.sd the present home o! the- h-autiful stalion Voodoo, for which Mr. I~b'kpaîd $24.000, vben it vas about '21 rnenîths olti, and about 60 more o! the f tmpt hlee4ded stock in the country. Mr. ]lý kcock- is a man o!fat business inter eTsartnsd one- vho lias been wonderfully rtu<-t-mttsful in everything b. ha@ under- .,k-n. The Elmira Telegrain calîs hint ..; weait hy anti publie-spirited citizen and 2at thet-kinti of a man te make a place fanus aud prosperous." The develop- Ilt-ni of this nev business wil give hum a i.irt-ct înterest in the growtb and pros- periry of Buffalp, and vilI turn W our à 1aIl t'age in more ways than otie. Mr. 'aK-ei president of the Dodds Medi- cut- Company of Canada, whose enerRy- ai euterprise have made Doddsa Kiduney l'Ils fami-us throuchout the leugth and 'rîiideh (if the Dominion. Mr Blinu 'i ileta m nag~er of the Iluffaîn ocffice of As winter contes on manv o! the -rtc horse-s that have worked faithfully -r a dîvýs in the week front the openingi - pJring are releaseti front labor for t'.rt-e or four rnonths. The question t-.How can these be best and most -. nc>icalywintereti ? It goes witb- ,,t saviug that an abrupt cessation '-,)m heavy labor is aLogether opposed it health in tman or beast. The thing r>) do, then, is to lower the diet anti di- ý de the last portion o! the season's w rk among ail thbe teams, gradually lussening the labor o! tbQse we wish to t urn out- for th e w-inter. To prevent e-x essîve stockrng for a few weeks alter 'bor ceases is not an easy matter. lt fia%, be preventeti fromn reacbing oi harmrful stage by retiucing the amounit f grain feti anti by feetiirg boileti oats. %vth considerable bran, in thc place o! the ordinary eveniug meal, along with v h 1ch a tablespoonf ul o! Glauber's saits vcxiv be adtied three or' four times a ce k, except the aniTmal be in low con- cition, whcn a tonic shoulti take its ;ace. sucb as ioditic o! mon, in idram (Ileses"4 every nigît for a week or ten C',.vS. Sorne green foodi slould also bc given, sucb as carnots or turnips. at n ion during thc winter months. Stock- ing can also becxnaterially lcssened y gýentIe pressure o! band4es. from thei f tlock up to hock, applaed at nght;Od< removeti in the imornivg. -It la alsê w e11 to turu the bises outjwQ DI' tbiec hours daily when the1 enai>lCWlUh1l' low. lu ailcasSe io1bjciu-viewuis to acquire the ifiaitun 1act anti buoyancy of spirits w*LItbh Pentiitnre of tihe £inlotiUiUaMOtiO C rnoney and lebor. Kr4iPganM tiÙi lu gooti conditi= manas a t lettlêid andi limbs arc ,in te mMs51 hcealthy f ortu. -Iï m c p ,fl m exerele. b0 likely 'tà rvoe4 peciayê ied 'h le r eOôn Tédylit-.o wo bonis. Johnridtes a Ckvcand.i Mr. Edward Tiedale, 'wlioba-e seriously ill for the past two weeks -a once more on the roadto good b=altb. Mr. A. Moore Ls ut present engaged ini giving the exterior of Mr. JOS. Caves bandsomne- residence a liberal coat of paint Mr. John Smnith lias again opened out his butcher shop i'n Mr. G. F. Bruce's store north of the 'voolen imil, where le will be pleased.ti wmeet al bis olti custorners. Misses Georgia White andi H. Francis, who have been-speding the summer in Hancock and Port Arthur, returneti home on Saturday last. Messrs. C. E. Westcott anti A. T. Elliot. while out hunting one day last week, shôt four Partridge. The'next thing we know Harry Cameron will be shooting saine. Mr. and Mrs. John White, o! Han- cock.. Mich., arriveti here on Saturday morning last. We regret that Mrs. White has been seriously iii since last spring, but trust that since arriving in her native place she may rapidly regain ber health. Reeve Treleaven andi Councillor Mc- Millan mnade two o! the large tieputa- tion that accompanied the Hon. A. G. Blair. Minister of R~aiIways andi Canals, on bis tour of inspection of the Trent VJalley Canal route and we have no doubt that the Hon Minister has suc-1 cumbedta t the well known plausibility of those two gentlemen. On Tuesday morning last about ten. o'clock our village was startîcti by the clanging o! the fire bell. The fire was found to be in the out buildings behind Mr. Daly's residence on Mara street. anti gained. consitierable headway. However, many willing hantis andi lots of water confineti the blaze to the building, a stable in which it origi- nated and whicb-i. was burut down. The cause of the fire seems to be a mvsterv. Mr. Daly's loss will be about $12 5, and we understand the agent had allowed his policy to lapâe. The Messrs. Barker have secureti controi of the saw milI for the coming season and will cater to the public in their lune in a first-class rnanner. The Rev. Dr. Watson, o! St. An- drew's church, atter an incumbency of 43 vears and two months has. we deep- ly regret to state. resigneti his charge. The Rev. gentleman's health has been poorly for some years past. and gradu- aliy getting worse until it has comnpelleti hîm to letire f rom active work. We wonder if there is another clergyman in Canada who has been so long in charge of one congregation and whose loss is as deeplv. deplored as thc Rev. D>r. WAatson. A gentleman who, by hîs kind, gentie and considerate mani- ner and consistent living, bas endeareti himself to ail classes. high or low, rich or poor. Catholic or protestant in this, and widely surrounding neigbborhood, and in his withdrawal front jicir charge the congregation o! St. Andrew's church has sustaineti a loss thcy will never recover fromn.-Echo. A GreatBo"k Freo! When Dr. R V Pierce, of Buffalo, NY., publiahed the irst edition of bis great woîk, TPh. Peoples Cion Sens. Medical Ativier, b. annonnnd thst atter 680,000 opies bail been soid at the. regular price, $1 W0 par c«pv, thbe profit on wbicb would repay bin for te gr ear arn' 'unt of labor and money expended in" prod ucing it. b. would distribute the sert bal! -niliion free. As tis nuzuber of cnpies bas al- ready beeauso!d, h. in nov giving away, abso- lntely free- .000 cWopies of 'this moat comu- plete, interestiug andi valuabie common Ens. inedîcai work ever puiibat-the rccipient only being requiredto mail Le hiua. at above ad dres'i. tbîrtyuone (31) une-moti st&mpa. to caver' cost of rmailing on ly, sud the book vil b. ment posî-pabd. It is a vrnabe medicai library,- ocmp eteioune voluine- Cuotains 1008 pages, profuseiy iliustratedi. The Fre. Edînion in preoisteiy the magie as bast okld t 8150 except onty tbstu the bot-km are in strong reanîlia paper covera iustad ot elot. Sand ÇOW before aU are given say. Capt. Jobn M wrriott, of England. who w»a captureti by brig'wd@ near Soyrna and beld for ranaom, tbas been relea».ee Pa i n-KîIer. Pain-Killer.> It la mbnplh a Itquk*ooe fo Mn.3.tover, Toronto, à vlmiting David &oEe f Soufrfl, "a.d »Ml ~a~une, o en*t, a, LANAN'S FLORiA WATER Eust Whitby Conufci. L sthe Âyes AerugeIls <-k fever u LIS. teyaie 1 have ever ON1, 365 ide~r 'Id'g Fair. the blood., ASPOTENTJW -iTERNALLV ipoeuU ansAth«esBSr Jon pmS. russall Baus, Burxi es, Sm Otrou Astbmà g, blr Kidncy DuaePzvisHu~rd Apparently iHealthy>Men Fifi- If L ýqmà iJ ote 4 sont, mnI. Rhla uMnd. ws.&à the £Met of lb. Misse. Wibsn. aev. Regdof Skuffai e opisd BFskine puIpit on Sanday, sud dalvered flme mumrmn. Mima Pilkey, mouft b oha&.bas bout engaged sa toacher ai AtIms seool for the oexL year. Mms.MUx, of %xbridge, has rentodl Y. iHutchison's north residence, sund in uow mssuming possession. 1 Xis En&l Patteueon bas juit roturaed front the statos, wher e "as bout risit- ing Vit I Mi. and Mma Miflard, formoely of titis vinlage. Job Porsyth alash.d bis foot rstber soversly the other day irith an axe. Re wül b. off duty for sme tiys nurming tho iD3ured pedmi. Barber Bendrehan liaschanged bis uaind aud vii -4ot lesve Claremont as statod Isat vek. John W=9ism of Iransville, met vitit raLlier a severs accident one day rocent- ly, lie havlng halm lg erushed beneatt the wbools of a tbxosbing tank. The lin- jury sus ail below the knee. Miss Mowbay bu resignod as junior tescher here sn ud bas bnt ngsged as principal of the Tyrone public achool st a salary of $M0, ive are told. W. very mucit regret the doparture of Miss Mow- bray.'Z The curling club reorganized lsst voee and the saine promises to b. a tory hoalthy organization during the cownlng winter. Manager Loapor la getting isi rink roady snd every advantage the cold weathor affords vil ho utilized in havingç ice as early as possible, W. may oxpeoi to har#manoy curling matches ber. dur- ing the coming seamon. Hallowe'en vas smovhat observed ini thie place Baturday evening, but not much damage vas doue amide froni mutilating Ândrew Linton'a shop isign. That vas not exactly s ploasant pastime and those who destroyed it should psy for Lte faun. Other signs vero t'xelaag oti and some harmieu pranka indulged in. At a vol attended meeting hold in the tovu hall, Oct. BOLli, a hockey club was orgzanizod vith the folloving officrs : Hon. pros., D. Macnab ; pros., C. J. Brodie ; vice-pros., Robert Graham ; management-comoeittoe, E. L. Boives, R. Birreil, T. A. Grahamt, W. W. Ravson; captain, T. A. Graham ; sec.-tress., J. C. Macnab. ABl persons wishing to joi the club pless hand their names to the secretary. The club lsasnxious that a *eague sliould be formed between lJi. bridge, Stouffviile, Pickering snd Clare- mont, and if the ides, is favorable te the other clubs tho secretary would b. pleas- ed to hear froni them.-News. A MSSAGE TO MEM. Proving that true honesty anti truej pbilantropy st4li exist. If auj imn, whla sweek, amsrvou sud dsba# Iitaxed, or vite ]à suffuriug fhu my of Lte varions treuhissreslting froua youtbful felly, sionas or ovsrwaek, vOl tae besit aud write to me, 1 viii send im m nataliy snd free of charge .plapursed dy vieci1 V»u eooiist)y rst e perfect sub d mas- bood. miter TUB!,o!femffruq- from lNervous, Detality, L -Wof S ornd (>rgauio Waalws. wthe Naroie sbma It hlasbarmicl m b tt foir Frgre,»i Soln yraipaand Castor 0on, ht in Plena IS gA! tg athfrty yeme'ne by fveu*a. 4ateri la vents vom33iting Sour card, - Dlrrhoa Md wln4 -0 b. torla reilovoe trtlba ouble%,cre out &a'nMdi4 f-tlec Casoul auueh*"tS he food, regulaGeS the stmaeh m& bowela, glivlug healthy anid saturai sleP. Cas. t«Ula h the Ohlldren'. Pauacea.-theNother's frioeL dx.u ZodtbSave aepstdly teldm»ncef l gaodea"upontbo&cildo." IDa. E. C. (Mcao, u.alaa ltb b radoe Cbldýtuae whldtlamacqui5bse fl t bstudvss btu - t atbr bdzaend msu&oba ta- ad cf flîvsruiqm* ~iu5bObaO agmu adoua thie - - -emy.mob Omway, Att. Castoria. "u terla Is wweU adaptdtoiddrntb kDova to MW-" R. A.. m ]Ia. L , s 1U1 Se. Oxford St., BxOokIUK.MY. - Our' p1yebm12theb.cbflslm' deoat- nasaL hmve sokeabffblty o! ls zpoei- - las0& uwah s racda witLbCbia"Ds su attaulavsebae h moeag eur muelsiupaà m s vitu hkuovu as rgmiar ip rf m *, y«uvlme ftris So aufm tba LIas merts of Cb.rioa l" s v s tg S. lak v favS upcm t UUm sowu'ItLà »SD Itvay, Bum- MM Auu C. SalsI., 7h. sm~ .~.a, 71Uuuw7Srot, NewYork oegi, Knows.ss vIww'w No a the perturbation cf Spirit a WComnans- fers luncokng vi"la abad stove. Our constant ambas bee to furnish the best - srtidlpmslbfoetheusended. 4e "REGÂL PERFECTION" for ceai or vood, fulfils ,evcry requiro- meLThe designansdorautte oftibis range ore lu advmceofanytbg W msy sempextThe orens m ~ndroidedvltb drà w.outack, eS doors Incd vlth tn, E&. box]ptro-> vided vith gmuule duplex sud IL eqmpped vatb betcap0f dhe fisme, nazIe Vftb four or six cooli -" bales. Seua for d±idesmos~ LTD. * Uommt4g1, omiT.- The Council met Nov. 2nd. A eom- munication vas read from elerk o! the i peace re J nierv'LLt.1 Mr Guy moved titat Mr W L Oriaoton b. re! uinded theo sum of 45 cents, being error in ammosmeut. Carrted. Mr Stocks, moved that the reeve grant bis order on te treasurer in favor of R W Grierson for t.he-aum of #là , relief Lu Frank Hamilton, and tha t us council viii net ho respnsible for any furtiter aid to the said Hfamilton te Liithe spital or othervise. Oairied.j Mi Griorson gave notice that at Lb. ,next meeting of te council, le vil movo for leste te introduce a by-lsw te appropriate the municipal boan fund ini- tert e t tte sohoola and union schools o! iis manîcîpality. Mr Stocks gave notice that at the neit meeting of titis Council, ho viii introduce a by-lav to appoint polling bootits and deputy returning officers for holding Lb. municipal elecuions for the year 1897. Mr..CGuy movod that the reevo, don snd assessor ho paid $4 a.ci for selecting j urors. Carried. Mr. Henry moved that te sum of $15.46 ho deposited in the Dominion Bank, in trust, te the credit of Misa Edna Kerr, being balance due the. lat. S L Kerr, collecter. <anied. Mr. Grierson movod that te reove sud clerk ho appointeti a committeo te, pur- chasse codar for titis municipality for the comiug yoar. Carried. Mr. Guy moved that the collecter ho instructed net to collect the sum cf 3&., being commutation of ýone-half day's sta- tut. labor frein Wa. Squelch, whicit bas been returned by te pathinastar. Carried. M r. Griorson mnoved that te reeve grant bis ortier on the treasurer for te folloving :Indigente-Jas Hobbs $3, Mary McOarthy $3. Mus Burgoyne $3, Mma J Dingle, relief o! J Abrama, $8-50, (Mo. Walker, relief of Mis Ornilo. Orandie, $L4&. Boads sud brid#ea-- Thos Sieep $15, J 0 Olifford $5. D Moore $5, F WLee $7.50, E Welbourn 81 02, Tito. Courtice 45c., P O'Boyle 83.25, W Pm-urv$ 3.90, E Mlilson $3.92. Thle condil thon adjourned, te meet on the lot Mondsy in December at one Dundas Mi .W. W. T&MbYzJ, M.., Whu&byt mm t.johU Burke, <Jeai Dýoais, ws il tomu Wedse*asd g&v uaea. Ik. à lbert E.- Jeuiugs, Whity, spot Suu=yVilli bishie r. IM ffJoieu MMs.T. J. Helà lty =s oi%; lMi. Gsi ime. G. Dovsos sma son, Myri Strýeet, W-bitby. ACENTS CAN ~ARU 'LAWGE NEW BUS L -oem that Mi.J. CaMoenisou bad giallmy -tom fa~Ing lu bealthfor yye Te awtoec oft-bisuffwmup vaskus oll=y*t i.md is "wsinçM0ch$si Of lis O=,s l 'Kilm.usd lI. à m bôes t. vis saoet îg bu~ ' es --s T" - .u~' 1-~. WILILIÂX ERTÂNAl . .0, e e e e SIeN: e I 11110 iloosa, * Lhha S e I bav.got ta.'d rueior* fldoeabiy in I Wu~ LIAd* Juiitiem.I e IIOUTRE.AL* I... -tS, toJ tw Your. iiiAmerlos. agbt ýbefoi >a"er la 0ia îrk City. ears 'S UIEND I 4% DA. -Pres. csstÃ