rERMAIr$ a fine ae it eshadel; Suits r i'GS) VI Ualities and out to give osslaud, ardys, 'Fl (400DS, ) w prices now 1 tevery ue Ire'ss (l'oods% lai-s, $4, regu- )reg. $10.00 re.i-g 7-5 recg 8.00 i-cg 10.00 i-cg 6.oo r.i-g 750 i-cg 5 00 r-eg 7,5P ie-c 8.5o . i-g 12.50 i-eg 12.50 i-eg 1200 $t, $1.25, $2, $2.$250. Iveralîs. 's style, lesa 54 ;$7.50 for id gentlemen -35c, 45c, 50t1, ot profits-as o this nionth. )Y buying at rd's. k NTED. s olun. and a haIt 1, corner of hilby, with 'aid stable, :lass order, Rough cant 1- 5 acre cfË WHI be. .corner cf' W.~ ill be rwhitby, Chancey Depew calls theni 41 inoomparable,"P and mnany* of-,your neigh- bors who are Colaetent j udges are Ioud in their praise of this moat indis.- pensable writing impie- tment......... Gold P012% *in Silver, Peari and Ebony iloiders. fELIGHTFUL GIISI Jnou S ... JEWELER... WI ITBm oficial Couuty OrgaL-Largeal O-UIa- tion of any local paper tu Canada FRLDAY, NOV. 6, 1896 LOCAL LACONIOS. tr. lieCulsters, oniy $.o, at W. G. Brh-Un Nov. 91h, Mrs W j Luke, of a H iriood dining tables, 4 leaves, only $5, ai W .Tirls. 1,-n"Dont buy a stove untii you set JAke NMlntyre. oranges.. lernons, Malaga grapes anti ovt î lt od's, Yates' oid stand. mr -'cutt, of McMaster university. Toronto, pr",,&ed in the baptisi church last Sunday. Nir Iino Vule. who is working in a drug ;nr~ G ranid 'alley, was in town for a few da% s this week. Phots from $100o per doxen upwards, at ÇrBr'en & Stedham's. GalIery open Tues- dâ% Fridai' and Saturday of eacb week. T.ldesof the W C T U arc getting up the ç,,tbrated "Temple of Fame,"- andi pur- poe.e giving à in the music hall some lime Ktýv lias an Irish naine, but he knows ho%- -o) sng "The Mai-ch of thefanxeron )Ien -Toronto News. Music hall, Mon- daor tcnîng, Nov. 16th. \LirWin Leask. son ot James Leask near Tuinwon a 8io watch as fii-st prize in boys uni-r z6 class ai Markham plowrsr match last Week. diSO $2 Speciai for best crown and 6 fur- rgtb-, andi 51.5o specilfor best finish. The Caiadian Lumubermiin issues a spec- N M numiber Ibis month. The issue is weii lusrated, and conspicuous among those on the 'rîtîpiece is Mi-. Ge:o. Cormack of this Pwn ()tir lumbering nterests are enor- mojus and are well repi-esenteti by such a journa Th'. Gazette tells a lie te# make out that ire chirgc-d twice as mucb (u,)r pninting for the gene-rai elections as ilt iti. We titi miort thani thi-e limes as 9ittpui prnnling as the ý;i-ete did, and did -'ot collect oui whï)r iil. Oui- coîem. ia a littie off bis nul o-" an-et po)iint. ht compares the CHRON- t tF i the Ne-w York Recoider. whlcb it ie.s deffunet This is also unîrue, as Vie R-crder is runniiig far better than ht em-- iîd. anud is ont of the snîattest papers in Nt-w \ork. The Music Recital ai the CollegE. A 'lelîgisîful recta by Mrs Bradley's pin: '- in vocal music was given in Frances 1-a' -i: the (Ontario Ladies' ColLege Monday ahtrn-i,,,on.The fair singers were the Misses Duril-p. Belle MeBrien, Millar, M and B Eveesî)n, F, Greenwood, E Thomas, Amy Wilon, liJames and EHill. Dr. Lew Barker Promoted. At the reguiar monthiy meeting of the tttStr-i af tht Johns Hopkins IUniversity Yes-tdav twa promotions in the facui:y were nfliJeti- r. Lewclys F. Bai-ker, associat in arlat(i iN, at the J9?hns Hopkins medical s~nIson of Rev. J,, F Bai-ker, recently of -hiv was raiseti to-ht tank of associate Pt'of anatomy. ÈOr. Bai-ker graduat- rd %% ilh thtetiegi-ce ot hachelor of metilcine 8' 1tit- 1nivei-sity ot Toronto in î89o. Ht ttiuk lip graduat work in pathology at the Hiins, anti belti a teliowsbip in '92-'93 anti , Dr Gunn's Reniniscences Vie have receiveti the following letter froni a Chicago man who once resideti beie: THý Cu-RONICLE, WHITrBY, (ON'.-SIRfq,- 1 hae- reati wiîh unusual intereet youî aticle- by Dr. Gunn on "0ti Reminis cences.- There la mucb of hlstoricai inter- n M i he eariy lite of Ontario coonty, which 1 feel some would be gladly read by yout E*uLýscrjbetre botis at borne anti more distant- IY 1lecated. This cotîltiDot be better given bY a n Yo0ne than by Dr. Giu n,* wo bas been 1Iltim atel1y associaîted with niost ofthe famni- lies ai its early bistory, anti bas becs con-j neCted with utarly, ail of is many changes and irmpiovements* I téel tisatyour many i-taders wilil oin me In a hope that yen pnay secute a stries of sncb writings froinitise Pien of Dr. Gune. H. B. P, Potatoes. AI] tbrougb wstern Ontarie potatoca are1 totting badly. Tbis decay in flot tbe e- - : Sotato tilsease or roi, Pisolo iIfet- ' ax ýutevitientlyi a aued-,br the tuber ate ripe, or before theis eskil't :zer1y, And having smoinf the large tttn"posed t0114e sun andi front 'Ibis regu r pota irt Sitis long before tlisiualks *wlt,î or,*Ii' tbey are green. The disess tarte ett U10 top ofthë staik man4 goes dbontà thé tÜbW. !tthe botton. aMd cesë-pQntatô iwod* 41-The Eir-Warden Alian Gray and Mr. Abra- hamis, of Scott, visitedti own on Saturday last on business. Mr-. Gray has Do idea who wvili be the Scott candidates for the countv council, and does flot expecc much success for the new county council scheme, which he dlaims does away with ma iority rule, as <ne-third of the voters can eiect as many members as the qpposing two-thirds. He thinks the people wil bave no faith in îim- portant messures lize tihe bouse of industr passeti by such a body. uniess tbey are firZt submitted to a vote ofthe county ratepayers. Home Made Bread Parties wishing tht above can be suppiied by calliang at the residence of Mr. Henry Gouiti. Takre Notice and pay up. We have been compeiied to maire costs for a lot of tielinquent subscribers, and wiii do the same with aIl the others who are be- hinti, as fast as we can arrange 10 attend court. This appears 10 be the only way of makring sosie people pay, anti we have re- luctantiy adopteti il. No person who owes us a vear's subscription or more neeti be surpriseti aI receiving sumnmonses to attend the division court. Haywards On Sa turday-Ladies' trimmeti and un- trimmnet hats ;ostrich plumes, wings, andi flowers aI baif price. Special mnens anti boy's overcoats and ulsters. Men's overcoats, black anti brown, velvet collai-s, $4, reguIaIý87.50 ; ulsters $5, regular $8. Gold watch for $3.75. Cet a ticket, witb particulars. Warranted tor- 5 yea-s. Special sale tii-cs gootis anti fianneis now on. Thse Homiletic Review A brief ani compact outline is given in the Homniletic Review for November of the ii-st 9)re lectures.of Dr. John Wasen ("ian Mac lèren) on Preacbing, ju delivered ini Yale Uriversitv, on the Lyman Beecher foundation. This popul ir preacher groups much that la of lasting interest indter bis thtee tities : "The Genesis of a Sermon." "The Technique of a Sermon," and "The Problern of Preaching." Funik & Wagnails, publishers, New York. Browning andi Poetry. Thse lectUre on Robert Browning by Miss Eleanor M Ladd of Buffalo, in Frances Hall at thse Ontario Ladies' College Friday night was a literai-y treat of the highest value. Miss Ladd, who is herseif a gifted writer of potry, affordeti townspeople an opportunity in the college chapel on Saturday afternoon of heaning some of these beautiful potins, Varieti in sentiment, but always graceful and elegant, the'reading of these exquisite ptoductjons elicited the heartiest of ap- plause from tht audience of students an4 citizens. Should Miss Ladd again 'riait Whitby she'will no doubt be greeteti by a larger audience than gathered upon this occasion. Thse Sun LiA Assurance.Co. of CanaAm.. This strong andi reliable company is now representeti in this country by Rev. J. S. Clai-ke of oui- town. No other Company iîq Canada la doing so large a business, or pay- ing as gi-cal profits to ils polîcy bolders. As higb as five per cent. per afinum hlas been paid ln premiomsata the last division of profits.. The sun flot only pays wbat il promises, but in a numnber of instances rauch more than it bas promiseti aI the lime of making the conitract. Mr. Clarke will bp greatly pleaseti to explain the plans andi advantages of the company to ail peisons who mnay bave the moat remote idea of tali- ing out assurance. Caji on biin at his resi- dence anti son wiii be satisfieti. Taken by Surprlse. Tise', news cornes from' veil inforined sources thai the subs.cribers te the Family Herid. and Weekiy Star, of Montreal, are receiving tbhi wonderfuî premitaniPlate en- titleti "The Orpbam's Pxayer."I Great in-' deet isl the surprise, anti greatlaisthse adira- ion this picture la creaîing. The Reverenti Etiwaîd Everett Hale of Boston,,tise'eWaineni Divine, Ma. first amengst the onlbïusifflic ad. mirers, and bis taste - isbeyotid -question, Artis, connolseusnïssd. otéýiser oriese acknowlesd power are ou lu Ihéîlt p aise eoftie "Orpsanl's Praye r;" Itail JingM inheartfelt thankfulness - te the publisheua-of tise "Family Hetrà W,for 'vetiringio place- ai 0 tIIfl a<Dt. -W. undeWitnd -h' <C ziý, ftneepue f&r a fu U -ax andtheii W. !L Pipr-er eps ket #iti.tulI& Prà h lIfi>raase.£r ee audtai helalGaonnramroichcoat. *îîng t<Pgfre you Most of the profit, and iný endirs ~18ds~l~Chi5CCroosa ari ~W~reThce's much the »wspaj ' 44 p U.ou i.eHpoe Reynolds, Smrks &CO., 124 Victoria St.,Y Toronto. .TURDAY yard, at#%W. 1tse. , , lit d eo m gi vie' H u four garaitpatent, 6 Plfee oid wainujt parler suite, plush, wIth silk Pluth bands, for 832, Worth $45~, at W. Till%'. Mr W R Howe Hamilton, was bere on Tuesday, settiing the $44W0 note be holds on behaif of the Cliishoim estate -against seve- rai of the directors of the Ontario & Durham Exhibition. Don't forget the great bai-gains on Satur- day the z1tb at the New -Shoe store. Boots and Shoea wouth si, $2 and $3, for 5oc, 75C. and $î.Al i for men, women and eh 1ren Everybody call and get snaps. M W COulins' Red Store,.est side. Since the Americân ëIections the Wbitby Evaporatîng Works bas been able to make a sae of a carload of evaporated apples, wbicb would flot have occurred had Brvan been eiected. It is a bad wind that biows no good to anybody. The Bell Rose Emslie Conlcert Co!n pany wilJ give a very interesting and varieci en- terta4nment in the nmusic hall on Mondav evening,--the 16th inst., under the auspices1 of the methodist sabbath school. Seats re-1 served at AUID:'s drug store. Plan opens1 on Mdonday, 9th inst. Popular prices. The Gazette makes a very mean reference to a libel suit whicb bas been forced upon us, in spite of the fact that we did our best t0 avoid It. The diflerence between Mr.1 Newton and us in tbis matter is that whei. he got ino a scrape for wiIfuI slander he put his property (even to lus ciothes) into bis wife's name, while on our part we have neyer wiifully slandered anybody, but wher, forced into a figbt ws face it like men shoulId and do flot crawl under a woman's pettîcoats. A botshnd heentie a heWs OC eboots ani shoe sared at tek h We Sidl e Bool t ndaroe to r ths week. phics ofI boue s tliesad limerpr.ics oo pairs o of bousedslppe t t c. Per Pr. îoo p airs o butt$neperboots Mens per pr.boets gi ters5 atys' sper prootMents-%acederbootsat îthe WVest Side Boot and Shoe store. SAlver v. Gold. n istutie dre Avl]b vev neres tge antinstructe aidrst tueli beradeiiverety îbe meeting o fteinsti- atu 3li0era r.Aciety h, (rday)aHenoon tat on30 thelMi.A.G.ueindefrson.Hé-e wi piek on th tediStqestion1before, thé pev- pied. o s the Unie taes .xon z, Silerfvs. Goid." uAsp. enkersoand sn of oi mhougt poiuarnseaerset ann p rnbi thoughs in anteelalnthmaeroatgrand trheatis n steoplre owaltose. .wHoaed sec. npepeaewecm.F.C ae lnspuing Scenes. MONTREAL, îotb Noveinher, r896' The office of tbe Family Herald and Wleeky Star is doing a, pbenomuenai busi ness. The establishment i1 en day and nîght, anti the work o ggtîtmu he paper anti gettung the naines of new subscrîbers on the lisis la taxîflg the enorînous establisb. ment 10 the timost. The public are gi-cati> interestcd in the scenes of activity at tht FappW1y I-Krald office. Thse increase in new subacribers la evidentiy running fai- aheati ut ail previous records. New macbinery is be ing rusheti in 10 meel the emergency andti a- teigether it la very citai- that tbe Famiiy HIeralid toing ann enormous business. The new picture, "The Orphan's Prayer." i An Historical Event. Ail Saints Clîurcb in Ibis town ceiebrated ils 301h annivei-sary antiAUl Saini's day on Sunday last. This edifice is stili one of the lotast specimens ot chui-cb architecture in ibis section of country, and the recent i-e novation bas matie everything inside of it look new again. It was tîected in î866, Rev J. D. Cayley, M. A., being tise incuin bent at the lime. Th~e comitltee wbose etiergy accomplishedti he building ufthIis cburch was as toiiows: N G Reynolds, Z Burnbans, John Watson, James Rowe, R J Wilson. G H Dartncll was secrcîary and j H-am Perry chairman. Judge Burnham, Jutige Dartneil anti Rev j D Cayley are tise only present survivors. The sermons at the o;iginal opcning iii 1866 were preacheti by Rev. Dr. Wbittaker, Toronto. assistecl by Revda Cayley, Worrali of Oshawa, anti Pent- landt, ieirtd. TIe edifice cost $xo,ooo, of wbich al but $7oo hati been matie up. The collections of the day aniounîed to 846, 4-3, anti the balance of the 07oo was made up in a day or two, thus lcaving thc churcb free of debt. Spcaking of the collection Mr Hig- gins wroîe in the ncxt issue of thc CHRON- icLE : "We do flot believe tlsat so large a collection bas ever been matie for a like pur- pose in any churcb in Canada." The organ coat $85o, anti was a gUif of the late MIrs. Peler Perry. The site was Ibe gift of thc late Mis JHain Pei-ry, wbo was an cnthusiasîic worker. Messrs. Devereil & Spence laid the mason work ; Butines & Kirkbridgc were the carpenlers; Robinson & Tait the fit- tings. Jotige Darîneil and Miss Kiîty Fraser aie thc only resident members of the original choir. Mi- John Woifenden put in the font anti Miali & Co., Oshawa, the lecteru, thv communion servic by Miss Lamoîte. The various tokens fresnted amotinted in vaine to nearly $,3ooo. The whole of Uic werk anti material was procu-r.- cd bere in Whiucby, except tise glasswork, which' caine from -cCausianci, Thronto. On Suntiay last Rev J H Brougisa> was as- sisteti by- Rev'de Frank Heatiscote, Toronto, anti Warren, Wbitb'y. The. çongregations were very large, thse percentage ofoid peo-J pIe pieponderating, on accountcf tise. is- toric nature of tise serices. Mr Heathcote preachedtheUi sermon, on the iclebraton of the day of aIl saints., His teiâ vas froin Rev. 711-0: "1 Sawi a gréat multitude, etc.'!eHé irai congratulated .tise onugrega- lion, stating that h muai tbe a glad day to ail identifleti with-tisechureh t' e se it restored to its originial beauty, andt t li back ggain wlthin ius wi~ .swell as being- vesiyday «t the bul4iîg of thse - chutch,- this tahasoîe anni em -day oflths ,Saitns. Wée keep isolyv'i ~ybcawo the gra3d livestiezatst4i4fdttSt may aL aai.foIlowisg t l 7isen th-cir-çl* hIe wr.We owe 'a gret; deil -t*-4lit*ii Àoa ia âd;ibât a-lti DRES8 GOODS. Bargaion Day. 1".uËne'the Whole Of it. CKEand 8E&-.jý NEW NEW NEW AilMiinryatredce pics. See our Ladies ' Mantle Cloth a at 1.25. Ladies' Manties mnade te MLthE, DRESS 000ODB . ... .regular $1..00, FANCY DIRESS GOODS, .75, r.LAIAU................. 1896 T , SATURDAY' ordr i te vrylatststyesan atvey lwet ~ce . Socuui,. aueTTu--I----tIrýg4 ORDEED LOuuNuarSpciatD.Wfleg' OuRDnEED. CLOsure INal Secaty v eer sold Ordered Clothing as cheap. Perfect in style. Fit guaanted e sre e ctiand see our New Overcoatings, Tics, Hats, caps, etc. SPEOIAL.-New line of Caps, regular 50C., on Saturday ý5c. We al'ways Bell as we advertise. Our sales are GENUINE cBÂRQÂI's. 75c; 50e 250- 250 CGE'F. STEW 2T A large party of Arabs are catnped north- east of town, and, their presence causes much concern to thé chief constable, wbo la bound they wiii flot winter here. The Bowmanvilîe Statesman declares that mostiy ail who visit the Iree reading room there are weaitby people who can weil af- ford to boy papers, and for who-e benefit the towi spends $150 per annum<' an expeit- diture of doubtfti wisdomn. The Whitby Royal Templars are te, have an entertainnient at Uic town hall on Friday evening the 2oth inst , when the Brooklin dramatic club are to give their splendid draina, " Out in the Street 1' Tickets 15 cts, children io cents. Don'î miss it for anything. Aid. Scott's mail contract ia flot to be can- celled after ail. Euquiry showed that it was given bîm in a perfectiy regular way, and as the authorities at Ottawa were flot seeking to disturb legitimate contracts tbe notice of canceliatIon was wîtbdrawn. This bears out wbat we have previousiy wnuten 10 the eflect that the contract was not anulled for party i-casons. Photographs. Henry & Putney, Oshawa's ieading photo- graphers, wili pay railroad or stage fare from Whitby on ail orders amnounting to three dollars. WeLead in Man Vies, and our immense Business in this Branch of Dry Gooda has- been buiît up by the three great inducoments which wc in- invariably offer to the public, viz The Latest Styles, The Best Materials, Our Stock for the Fai Trado of 1896 is larger by iar than any previous èssortment and at the saine time it is distinguished by ail the merits of former years Oui prices are lower than elsewhere. Manties at $2.00, worth $780. Manties at $4.50, worth $5.50.' Stylish Heavy. Cheviot Jackets, al wool, at $4.90 Ladies who wisk /0 make th e mosi of tizeir money be fore purczasing- e/sewhere. - Oddfellows' Building, Quaihty skoutd inspeci Our" -stock- WX LTE s, -o- Taika. The Exceptional. Qualifiés of mo-m WM, TIt o o Pugiture DoaIer~ i -, "Kolon&» t crop, >Oatols 'e fDuma III 1tO<j,, '1Y4 it -r' s- Wu G. WALTERS. .35, q K cý;-. mo- y J6,1 %cor 4th) 18969 MIT Ment Mantles at $2.50, worth $3.50. Mantles at $4.î5O, worth $8.80. m 1 B-â--7 7 _ iù- 1 - Tà l-kse