Whitby Chronicle, 13 Nov 1896, p. 6

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aAlNsT *5000-AN OLD SUITOR95 CERANCL-AN ENGAGED COUPLE MADE A BET WHERECBY THI WILI' GETMARRIED, ANYHOW. ()f ail féoish and nonsensical wagers thoSe made in the .months just before Presidential electios are the most4 ri -diculous. This year the most extraordinary urager, which in possible result.s is bead and shoulders above everything else yet publicly recorded, has been muade in Laporte, Ind. It has rernain- cd for Elkhart County. in the territory of the Hoosiers, to produce a bet that wilJ end in the divorce court or the continuance of a happy domestic coupie's life, with r- bouse and lot to boot. ' A, wife, the compan4on of ber hus- -band for twenty-five years, has been wagered against a bouse and lot valued at $5,00o. William Corbus and George M. Bar- nmelI are the parties to this unique con- tract. Corbt;s is a Republican whose faith in the election of McKinfey can- not be shaken, while Barneli, a Derno- crat of the Jackson ian stripe, interprets the signs of the times in favor of Wil- -Lam Jennipngs Bryan. The unique wager was laid last week and rcsulted from a jocular rernark made by Corbus. "l'Il bet you my wife,'- said Corbus, at the end of a heated debate on the xnoney question, -that McKinley will be elected President of the United States." -Do you mean that ?" was the quick1 rejoiner of Mr Barneil.1 THE LADY WILLING. A hall bour later found the twa men at a lawyen's office, wbere the stipula. lions of a wager became a contract, which vas signed by botb men. Mns Corbus is a camely woman, fifty years of age, and, like ber busband, en- thusiastically espouses bis politicul faith. Before signing the agreement în wbich bis vile played a conspicuons part, Corbus nelated to ber the coudi- tions of bis wager. ils acceptance, of course, being conditional on Mrs Con- bus' willingness to become a party ta the compact. Her faitb in ber bus- band's judgment and ber own enthus- iasmn caused ber to readily acquiesce to the conditions proposed. Mra Corbus does not believe that the veîdict of the Amreican people will decree ber legal separation (nom ber husband. Barneli bas been an intimate friend af the Corbus family, and if affaira bad sbaped tbernselvcs as to require the canrying out of the îerms of the contract, Mrs. Corbus said there would be no delay on ber part, and a legal separation wilh * be f ollowed by tic marniage of Barneil and Corbus's divorced wife. .--Barnell was a suitor of Mrs Corbus in the days of ber young vomanbood, S but Corbus, vb.o vas a suitor for ber hand at the same time, finally won ber. Disappointed in love, Barnell ne- mained single and devoted bimseîf ta * the pursuit of vealth, being nov in a position ta give a wi(e ah tthc cornlor-is e t a luxunious home. It was mutually agreed that in thc event of Bryan's election Corbus vas ta leave bis wile, the plea of desention being cited as *ground for divorce. In thc îown of Ripley, in Ohio, tvo welI known citizens of ýthat village, W. Wirt Leggett and Dr. George W Tyler, 't rade thc following agreernent: if M4cKinley sbould»be clccîed Dr Tyler was to shave bis head, gild k,ý and walk tbe lengtb 0f Main sîneet barebeaded. If Bryan sbould be electcd Mn Leggett vas 10 shave bis head, silver it. and walk the length of Main stneet banc- headed. HLTSBANDS AND WIVES DIFFER In Colorado tbe wornen vote Ibis year, and many of tbern differ in their political vieva froru Ibeir busbands. Sometimes tbey have long arguments ou the political issues of thc day. Suci a dispute arose between a man aud his wife in Denver. Then they felI to discussing vho would be elected, and one day the man nemarked that lie iras going to make a bet on Bryan. "fThat would be fooliai, " said the wife.. '~'Itell you what we'll do," she said, 44l'il make Ibis bet willi you. If Bryan- fa elected 1 will promise to chop all of the wood for the fires cveny mortilng for a, month. MIi the othen baud, if McKinley should vin you must pro- mifse to do the family washing sevcry Monday for the saine length of lime." These ternis vere agreed to. Thse Rev. John Qilér, a Baptist min- istcr of Connecticut, vagercd that sfiould McKinley be clected lic would ',pi-cacb a scrnÏ6n - wiîh -bis coal. vest ,-,ad trousers turned w:oug-side osut, j .Davidl Armsstrong, jr., a cool opcra:or, who betc ieîh hum;iii .attend-churcb, v,îh his apparel reversthe- I«,v Mr Oie<qssergsoq, 'Thé our. Bîyanvas aded estotu n va' leîé, is Ywb ar eted »0 puyai h edn expenfSétn ar oman,édea Herted eswBra iand feIl in love with his intellectual face and the forcible earnestness of bis Imanne r. She has a fiance who iq a clerk in a bank, and, of course, a Mc- -Kinley man. Whiie at dinner the other night she got furious at a slIur cast upon Mr Bryan, and a heated argument followed. -"I dare you to take my bet," she said in a moment of irnpetuosity. She agreed to cnt off ber long, black hair and look like Mary Walker, M D, if be won, while he should sacrifice bis luxuriant mous- tache and look like a guy in the other event. Two Philadelphia men agreed thatt after the election the loser is to walk8 on his hands from Philadelphia to Wil-f mington., Del., a distance of îhirty '1 miles. Meanwhile the loser will followa after, trundling his fcet as if he were ab wbeelbarrow. Such a journey will oc- cupy rather more than thrce days. WHISKERS AT STAKE. Deacon Weekly, of Liberty Center. Ohio, has a long beard and strong Re- publican convictions. With E'der Clover, who bas a smootb face and is a particularly smootb Dernocrat, the fol- lowing Compact was made: If Mc- Kinley were elected, Clover was not ta shave for four years, but if Bnyan were elected, Weekly*was to shave ever)y morning of bis-life (rom the filth day of November. Perbaps thc most pecuhiar bet of any yet recorded is one made last week be tween two waiters in a Chicago restau- rant. - The laser binds himself to pur- cbase ioo Qysters in the shell and tc open them for the winner, who is te~ eat tbem as (fast as they are opened. It is a moot question which man will have thc Worst of tbe bargain. In Walsenburg. Col., whcrc there ire coal mines, and wbere bu mon takes a practical form, and a joke often im- plies a cFacked crown, twa miners. John Welcb and Tom Carberry, made apeculiar wager. The hosen agreed tc got the bottom of a 200 foot shaft. and, detaching the bucket, take the rope in his teeîb and allow the vinner to dnaw him to, the surface by means of lie windlass. The only condition im- posed on the winner is that he shail use as much cane, expedition and cau- ion as be would in bringing to the top Mf thc sbaft a bucket of coal. t a t tg ti 0 AN EGG THROWING BET. In Gerinantown, Pa., John Leithead, foreman of an engine company, made a bet as a target while William Bennett. hoseman, tbrows four dozeri eggs at him. Mr. Leithead is to occupy a seat on the water plug, in front of the en- gin e house and Mr. Bennett is to do the throwing from a distance of thirty feet. The leading Democrats of the town will view the performance. About the most ridiculous bet of the campaign cornes from the village of Sharpstown, Md,, John Masten and Martin Wooley wagered that if the Re- publicans won Masten was to publicly hug and kiss the wife of Woolev, a young and handsome woman. They are to meet at the Town Hall, and the bet is to be paid with much gusto be.- fore an audience of neariy 500 people. Th!nnes5 làoftNh a1 .01gn , poor health. AI' s o w ghaý generaly shows *something Ib wrong. If duie to'a -coughý' cold, ariy Iung touble, or If there-t -,aiIrherited tendency to- weak' lungs, tal1e çr phosphites, Is 1$ à 'a t-to ôd' ndI .more. k cause suéb ehin-rm-P Inith a ti ai ai la NI bi al kg Sv bi a] h , ai air C di afl lai mn, thi tih tw ca. la% wa foi AE ROMAN CAJHOIIC PSI[SI athier Grouix, of the Arch' bi shop's E'aIae, Ottawa. ERTIFIES TO TUE VALUE 0f the- Remarkable Medicine, Ryckman R ooten&y Cure. .&icbbîbops palace, OTTÂ,àw Canada, Nov. 8, 189&. ML8.. lyokman, . .p , HI- amilton, Ont.ý My Dmî. Sm,-i eder to comply "withi your requeuil, I visi e leua than -wenisix paoons of d=-.erenlages sud $7i40iona, resiag in Oui ciîy, whio bad «asd fet inediciie ealled ,J;ootenayi be.2Ufpon imy inquir , « ifon ~dmaeiat tfter auffering atrodlouly for many yasfo~Rexajm no u bçri or -allo;borb hey ibad qbto*id cou- siderabielef rn b bv nu. au fy id -et u eelîqêwish the fir hope aiauhàui oertamnty ibat iii lb. Dnr futue ai. the- PunfaLl effecî -ýhey h4a<oQwpieteiy, fot nù rizê a, cou1d"-dige.hotfell Ws . w tie Iýý ', , , w 13 wd#~f.son o'the late Jh Hall[1 ýThompson, of flrock. severa dies reeve. of Brock sud warden.ol the COUnMy 0 Onrauio, and M P foi North Ontario. He bore a good naine, and- deserved it. His second marriage, hovever. proved the mistake of his life. The second Mrs Ward had been a doctor's wife, . and did not tace ifo Fariner Ward and bi's agriculturai pur- suits. And the more shbe experienced of it tbe less she liked it. Mr., and Mrs. Ward were badly mis- matcbed, and, to make matters worse, she bad a fifteen year old daughter and he had several boys, and they didn't agree. Soon the bouse becamne divid- cd, and each party fortified one end of it, and maintained an armed neutrality. 0f course this couldn't go on long, and after many a bot Sally of words, one day Ward attempted by force t0 stay Mrs Ward in something she attempted to do of an offensive character. He appeared to have tried 10 escort ber (rom the dining room by force-, but she managed to, steer out of doors instead, and then sued bim for support. 1 The case was brought here for trial. but after a lot of evidence bad been taken a seulement was cffcctcd by a'bicb Ward was to puy costs and $240 per annum. Some time alter that they adopted Hion. S H Blake's advicc and went 10 ive together again; but their renewed reations werc of short duration. A swarm of hungry Toronto and Hamilton lawyers, with which the city is infected, then took he malter in hand. and for five years have been keeping it going. They rianagcd 10 coilect the $240 pet nnum, and kept Mrs Ward starving nd hoping on. Some of the cit> îwyers appeared s0 anxious 10 have Wrs Ward for a client that they ad- ianced money at critical periods of tht use, and then clung onto the $240 2 cear for thein costs. During years of estrangement and itter legal wau-faire which the innumer- Lble law -sharks of Toronto managed t( cep up between tbern, Mr and Mrc Yard have had an awful time. Sht ;wears she bas lived a year on nothing )ut bread, whilst the lawyers used her Jimony t0 keep the war going. Ward ias b)ecome a bankrupt and outcast. ,dwas recently arrested in Toron to ,d comnMiued for trial for non-sup- ert of bis wife. The case came up in the criminal ourt at Toronto on Saturday.last, ane. uring the evidence the true state o' ffairs came ta light, showing bow tht twyers had corne in for the $24o ah- ony instead of Mrs. Ward, and ho%% àe whole thing bad been a farce in he namne of law. Justice Street too< àè case away fnm the jury and dis- ils*ed the charge agaiust Ward.-, There PIis not àaYsifetig ol ny &>urtin ,hich juries do not have to stand be- veen local defendants and trumped up ises hatcbed out by sorne of the 6oo Lwyers who infest Toronto and » who îtch for any chance t0 pursue people )r money. lu a verFr - =40&ràsi, bel oM N TEENAL Md XI'DENL Ulas, udvo. dam uin ils quiskamu= a le *U lms PAINKILLER uM PAIN-KELLER r" fedoth ows OUl chmes ot wua a meeh"pas ha v Daim, týf6c «I~y f tf nltiom . Tmknoue but tLe gmfuiu@ "PZUar DAVAO -. zi~h r- .b4g boue. - ' Var lrgoboule, 6kW Mr. R. Haruden bai -taen îwc more litale boy-, lHenry and Willie Brown, from Dr. Barnardo's borne. Mr. S. Snowdon wae laid np witb a ïore band. Mr. Gea. Gilbert dngon t 700 buglhels of turnips with a madock Tuesday. Who Can beat Ibis? Mi. Will Tyler bac retmurned borne from Now York state. Mr and Mrs. S. Barker visited frionda in Toronto reconîhy. M. sud Mrs. G. Sieveng, Ennigkillen, are visiting aI Mr. J ao9b Stmevens'. Mr. Wilson Adamo visited friendg in Elape lait week. We wore deliRbted witb -the success of 'ur circuit snpper snd the lecture l'y ?.ey. C. O Jebuston at Ebenezer. Wef tre Io bave a lecture from Rev. Mr fobuston, Janna-y 7tb. Save the date. Lively programme contesî is watring in ivision bî Iween sibters and brcîbers. Ollr IllllfaCtu i nterestsa Wbai a mut.oan anutastu~. H". te8aY. MP. damas Bpyley upe&"u for iho TRE PROPER IPOLIOY. I O=i repreSentative Intervleved Mr. James Brayley, oi Hamilton, s bisoflice, 58 King William Stoot. Mi. Brayleyia an enterpralng busines Man, and oe ofai Hamilton'. foremnoal --aUlAetureru Bismgooda, Saddlery bard- wue punches, dies, etc., are knowrn tram Haliax le Vanceuver, and stand veYMhigb la the estimation oflbtheatde. Mr. Brayley laid: Il Foryêsirs1 ave beau troubled, witb gravei and wekneu of tle' ktdneyz. 1Ihad to stand up andclench my teeth wben urlnatfng, se intense wia the pain. The Painsauround my loinavberelmostntoerabîe, and 1 feit sis lbougb a ca> vers b.Ing pufled Iovn my beek by tbe blnd legs. 1 vnt from bad le oiS»111 llit I 1ceuld nol, uuinaîte st &ail, ad bb. operafod on. 1bhd neoenfldence la anylln, sud madaup My Mind tle suer hue lemy dylug day. ieadlng lhe lestimony publiabed bytaDoun Kidney Pilla Ca., lsav a similar«ceto my ovu, and. bulng in oecuaant mgony, decided 10 W'.t Ébem a trial, aind g01 a box of the pille frmm Bpckman's ding au»,eas lthe orueroft arkul "Il did me ne gecd, nset elamoler, aMd Mother, u-*11I ba" laen four boxes, mmd vas hbou gingnp vhmn r.lam&e. i ecinusi b toabe ,lhom tln thepain lait my baok, md I unuovah limber.ae iMLInstusd ofge#ting, ipa dosea fmes a nlbt 1I neyer gel up 2mor à"an" M W v Tb*' urine ia nov psutsoll d"160ind b»s naedlwmm of aq kiud. 4"I amn dlghte td làss Qtaet;>à lidue.y Pill, Ms lby cmu- e »awler*0.lad -FO SAbLE.d~, te ai hl ai 1> Chernist and. Druggist, Brock -ste=, WIIITBY, £ Oh*reau 01er. 3 * rlatu OOuay Oro va A 'ter e ,, Bouri oielirtc.Ofloe-hulh W'iaccu Brook Sb., Whulby. DAVID >OIiSTON, . A., Attrz&yatLsw, Solicitor in Chan*e Clnvoysne, etc. Office - In th. O1 outh oft he poitl Ofce, in Idmci Block, Brook Street, Whtby.- DOW & JcGILLIVRAY , Barristers, Solicitors lu Chancery, e Offie i Mslbson & Bwken's new bI J. . Moore, M. D., F. Warren, M. Bieokin. Mfie heurs 9. s. m. p-Prvae Telep hone Conmunicatiu Whitby. Office hours Il a Physicaû, Surgeon and Accoucher el Office and eidence next to AU gini Churcl, Dundas Stret, Whitby. . B.- Dental Surgery in a&U is branche. prompt- ~D0H. Wightmai o Co Po rýe' Open every Satnrday niat. W. B. YARNULD, D. L. 8.. unty Surveyer and Drainage Enginee crt Perry, Ont. WM«. CALVERLEY, DENTIS T. Having moved into oui- new premies, w ara prepared te extend the range f businesi AUl vrk pertaiung te the arnea-makin sd saddey business viiib. donc te satim faction. Collars a eciaty. 0.11 and se çy hop and stock. W. CALVEBLEY, Second oor west of ad shop. tOThe 1Ig@ Wazp-D C.Maodonei, whiby Jaa.; Pb.8Msrch s., pri 2 lu ne 2: JuIY T Sep. 2 ; Oct . ~ Dée. 2.2 OsuàvA-D. C. Mcoiî,Wib~ Jan. 4; Feb. 4; Mdarch w;Apit 1y4!el. JUDOeS; JuJyS8; 8ep. 8; oct.8;N,4 Deoc. 8, Bsouenix - M. GleesonGen , Clerk.-J au 6; M aroh 6 da ; j l Sep. 4; Nov. 6. ~ ky5 uy9 PORT FEIY - J. W. Brnhaim Pemr, Clerk-Jan. 29. maych g or July 20; Sep. 28; Nov. 18.y1; Uxsione-Joseph E. Gould, Uzbitdg, Cheik-Jai. 80; Ma-ch 24; May I9th; jnl7 14; Oct 14 ;Dec. 1&. CÂrzIzeToN- George Smiîh,ý Caningtou, J#An 81; Mai-ch 2b; May 20; July 15;oet 15; Dec. 17. BzATEITON-Geo. F. Bruce, Be&veyt.,ý Clerk-March 26; May 21; Juiy 16; O)et. lôj Dec, 18. U.ýSTZutOEOV-F J Gillespie, Uptergra,. Clerkl,-March 27; MIay 22,'-Iia]ly 17; ()et. 17' Dec 19.p I i I f i F t t s k 1. il t r u I 'I I T1 JNO. NOBLE, -DEALER IN ALL KNDS OF- Lu 'e, Sbuglog,. Saboors aisi ELud, _-AUl orders or information cabc obtained frm JOHN NBLEý Dundai Street, Whitby, opposite Mr. A. C. Wil. son' s residence. Whity, Aril th, 894 qi Pe« annum la adine, oiberwlse g M5 8absoriptleas alvays pyable st lb, ofie of publieallon. The publisher do not undettake to deUver Ibe' ptper at «Y offiebutWhitby. A wbm ile ~ J.to re»,b t» d«tinnwrl¶1e replaesd upesa no9fiutilon a -talre Irac., 10 oeulç per Ub 9. noupui.,~rha sertieni d& oeus'pIw une eahsuie- fW71l changea loir yeirly adverhisments mugt bo broughî i ne ot Ibm taüTusda mérnung. BEIf]f T NIOBSPN hGRaà  GÈAN TIRVUX AND KZDLÂ!D oS, ý RpeA DlyMà»Pu .-48 a R pied )tel, mer th's byc. ,e. D. .m l r i r i lowed. Hef the Hampst. ofe ia fOur br ?re heir Qu ~fiebea!ring Il - 4F,8tnre6q la wnLat ji Walway'; ap '(ffites a speeiaý' tbire Independeu - ïïtGeneral Shaç 'in Jadis, and ls n Ijphonorable' VaaeShanki $fhe edoor itood before me1 40der at once] beariDg, hiEt i ai sold yen t DuT.NEWPOST., PWhitby Cemm«enl iberally deait vith Teaming donc at reasonable pcs Freiglil and Baggage hauled a reasol. ble puces. A cail solicited. il- IE IGGS.ý DENTIST. Dor. K.ing & Yonge St. Toronto. For the nOxt three monthe I amgïviag ýecial attention to patients tram a ai. ance. Amn still making plates in rnbber, 8, celluloïd $10. Gold and silver fillnm !cirk crowning by first-clas s operators 1 he mcii reasonabie rates in the city. When in lhe city call in and let me exm- [eîyoui teelh. I make no extra charge, H. RIGOS, Dentist, sonth east cornel, :ing and Yonge Ste., Toronto. Nov. 8th, 1892. COAL, LATE, * CORDWOOD, BLABIET. ýOÂL 00.,'TORONTO. iffice and Yard just East df Uptown'Station. once of coeof N -aIas 1 be held a ti the interview wu over, ho nghcred me aI My case tion. 1 amn af raid," cen ainq dist the-precise ebject 1-'expls.iued to inost antions, vil _.ome persnal ex rov eesape f had tors bad recently At tbat ho bri mnuet know,'* be an enthustuot onI Is very short. M frop India, sud -London I fouud L :wZheinnstie and ne perfeetly bloodhes, erally wcak sud doct.or vwu seau,1 lutely colorleae, nosa mid suffering leouneos. Sbc ha vou-s-headache, ar P&d the fmt :boxI 7 Ohe egainedIle r 4beeame altogethb qtea glow upoin ing the pill, aud ihbat she recoveni recommended Dr. vbe take thern de 1 "I have a siter taen them for a, ' ays reccmmn pie, and bound the -go9od te ai tO vho ed ihem; suad 1, boead of people bel --" sent thenisomE Dr. - williarns, F lan boxes beating saud viapper, (pum :in utîddIhat Dr.1 ,Mever sold in bu] "a drd sdany dttsin tbis fori 1011 *and aould bi 4-9hd.beod buii( op inu sirnula !evTbey ame IMakers ho-pe te mei ~pt~eby Dr. ý7youIm-doaIer fi ese ..PISeûe ýr WÜi&mn's Me b1i& - sold oui ~rest-ade ma;- twt~aý a-box, or-i b$ ho' by ma "V' uilam01 Mec E A8K YOLIR STATIONER IPARTICO vU >TW -WmRZTAZ  A~K NOOTHE' 'Aigs35 83 ~HAS SOT the, 8N For tbe PEOPLE'8 .-AND- 1 BY- Dr's. Warren à Moorý WUtb3 Ne Hi WARNER,.ý, ýGENT -FOR * - By order, 1 tu-bitbu, ebro-nicie, lgiit&bUshed- 1856. 1 1. Nov Llvory and Sale Stables J. E. FAREWELL Barriter, lo.,- one e Lo&zn» les ci M rrige icenes. OffCe - smil 'l 1 1 1 Break t..W itb, at fOtrabn 1 1 1 1 1 i i I fi E . liý . :1, October 7th 1895. MA'PLic Dundas St., Whitby', )ver

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