Whitby Chronicle, 13 Nov 1896, p. 7

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dÂPE 0P 918 uli donei, W)4 Ulseson, W. B E.* Gould U- h24, Smath, 'el~,,,a [&y 20; Jh Bruce,B y 21,1 JUI16;Ot V 2;hih 17; c.~ Cierk oaih Lbeas. 1 Sale stables' Whitby, r; Proprietor. ral y, deaIt with son1abje pnicea. e hauled at esa 1IS T. ge St. Torontc n,0n thea I am givin tients train a du g plates in rubbil 1 and silver filli» t-ciao. aperatorsà rates in the oit I and let Mue ozau ,- no extra chargt tsounth eastcorne ýRNER- COAL, LATH, LUMBEBROI CORDW00lIIP SLABS, ETC. PEOPLE'E RONTO. just, East Of TA TIONER 7ICA INCG IPAPIER OTH ER C0T Ti Il BV, ONT. n announce t'et b aucîtoreeflig, en r ibs chues of bSI ,PI at 1. H. Long rnav be obtsinOtd- c. SCOTI Tlzorpsotl.) n openedl 'at E. R m rs. ýb ut h. *eÏ nd worki ried out.< I. SCQ' tby an4d foskened and Bun Down by the Oppres. jiveOOlimate of Iodla 8h. Returued ta ugland-WheU Ber Father Fol- bwPd HSe Fouad Rer i a sorious~ condition. Fr,),,, tie Hampshire Independent. Tbere is notbing more iteresting thun th talk of aur brave defenders, wbo bave .erved their Queen and country ini far di;tsut lands. To talk with au Indian icegr, hearing bia reminiscences and ad. vrenItUres, 15 wbat those wbo bave enjoy. ed it &lways approciate. Cousequently (ifriteg a special reporter of theflamp Ob,,, Independoflt) I wum deigbted to re- ,,ive instructione to interview Lieuten- aID.ieneral Shaw, whbuhawon bis apure il mas, and ta now living, witb hie fam. ily.l i onorable retirement,at St. Paul's vic,%rage, Shaukl, Ile of Wight. 1 had grasped the bell-pull and given it ono tiug wUf n the door opeued, and the gener'il 0,.~ before me. You knew ho wua oiirat once. Hie manly, uprigha IÀSrjg, il e , bis pleaRaut voice- al1 toid you that you etood in the pres. eneof one of Nature's gentlemen; but iesh held a time-table, and I felt that te interview wnnet needs bo short. Haow- ever, lie nshered me in aud at once put me lit rny ense by bis affable conversa- -1 aum afraid," Ueseaid, "that you have zg Coule a long distance ; but let me sunow s. ue precise abjecet of your visit." 1l i -plained ta ths Goueral that I was n- ,st nxious, wth Uts consent, ta obtain pswo personal explanation as te the nar- r1 w -se ape I liad hoard one of bis darigb. e, ter, bad recently exper4énced. At. tiat ho hrightened vioibly. 4"You ruulsi know," lho said, "l'mijuet a bit of ail -nthnsîset on Lis point ; but the tale îý N'try sbort. My da'igbter came home froinu India, and wbeu I joined ber in London I found Uer ill in bed. Bbc had rl-utnatic an'd ineuralgie pains ; eue waF perfsctly bloodless, listles, aud ini s gen- rliv we ak sud prostrate condition. A dortor was seen, but sUe remnined abso lu[el 'v colorit-i38, wae in great wretched leiS~ and suffening hem mrneia or bloed iesseress. 8he lad a kind cf fever, uer v,-ms headache, and other pains. Well, 1 lipard of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla for -Plaie ,.4 &Ip4e. My daughter took some, anl tUe first box had a marvtîhlous effect. Sýitrs-gained Uer colon, hast tUe pains, sud leeame altaizether diffrent. SUe Usd qi.t a ghow uponUer. Shie wsut on tait- i, e:tlie pilh, and I am iglad ta tell you tiuai s-le recovered connpletely 1 have ruronmended Dr. Wiliamse' Pink Pille ta a2 witii whotn 1 came in contact. and al w i,,, take theni derive great beuefit tlYere- E i have a astern t Jorisey. and she Ua- týt'F.t-n tbem for a vers' long tins-, and lia- % a vei recoimnweded theni le other peo- -.ailii ound them ta do a greai. deail ol j!og>d to al to wham sUe hIs recommtend , I ii; and 1, mytielf, wlien 1 Uave l[eari] of people beiug ilI, have taken theni ur sent them some cf these pille." D 1r. Williams' Pink Pille are sohd anly in boxes beaxing the firm's trade mark uil wrapper, (pinted lu red ink). Bear in round ihat Dr. WilliamsB' Pink Pille are iipver sold in bnlk on by tUe dozen or litndred, and any dealer who offers sub- stitutes in tis form isj trying te defrand yn sand Blhould be avoided. Thé public are also cautioned againet sîl other se calied blood builderesud nenve taulesa, put up in similar forni iutended ta de- cs-iLe. They are all imitations whose miakers hope to reap a pecuuiary advan- tau-t, frem tUe wouderlul nevutatior s-ýhieved by Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla. A-k vour dealer for themn. rhuege Pille are manatactured by the Dr Wi I[ar'. Medicine Company brock- 1 le, Ontario, sud Schenectady, N. Y., snd are eold onhy in2 boxes beaning thé iriuns trade mark and wrapper, at q0 centî; a box, or six boxes for 82.50. Tus-y may be hail Ironi auy denler, on wilIlie sent by mail ou receipt of price. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla May hé bad cf' aIl dnuggista or direct by mail froni D)r- Williams' Medicine Company frose eît lier addressL Thé price at which the Pills are sold make a course of treat- mlent comparatively inexpenaive as compared with other remédies on médical treatmeut Potataes are a good cnop this yéar. Mr. P. Boyle bas moved off bis fans» jinto tUe bouse formcnhy occnpied by bis M.A. Cuddahee *as in thé v'lhage on Monday night. Mr. D. Grahams ahipped about two, hundned choice hepi on-the 3rd înstý rns. T. Sheridan is visiting reittiès in Kirkfield.- .1 11 ôuth unand* b"t pmn ng on~ Chartes Derusha bas disposed of his, b4arber business to à Mr. Bnnett, 101f Torontg, who assumed charge on Monday.- J. OConnor, jr., has uioved into Mise Kate O'Connor's cottage ChtIrch Street,'South, taking ýpossession Wed- nesdaY. P. 'O'Connor now occupies. the Larkin residence.: iCapt.- Hilts has souie notion orf visit- ig frkénds at San Diago, California. The change of Scenery and climate mnight have a beneficial effect upon his health. John Ludgate went to the general hospital, Toronto, on Wednesday where lie wilI have his eyes treated. He has become almost blind, but his affliction is by no means an incurable one. W. H. Hilts, of California, is liere with bis parents, Capt. and Mrs. Hilts, for a short tirne on a visit. He is much pleased witli lie in the Southern States, and in a business way is prospering. The organizer of the Canadian Order of Oddfellow, lias, we are informed, abandoned the notion of organizing a lodge here. The Independent order are now making preparations for locat- ing here. We are told the 1. 0. O. F. promoters have already obtained suffi- cient names/to commence with, and will organize in a few weeks. Thomas Law and wife are celebrating their golden wedding to-day (Friday). Fifty years of rnarried life is an experi- ence that few rnarried couples can boast of, but as the couple we speak of are stili robust at would flot surprise us to learn that in years to corne they wîll celebrate their diamond wedding as well. Mrs. Marvin Burk, of Bownanville, to whose fame as a butter maker we have often referred, has won some twenty-six prizes and a gold medal for two years in succession. Her caýh prizes this year aggregate some $270, besides selling the butter at fancy prices. Now, we refer to Mrs. Burk's achievement's occasionally for the laudable purpose of trying to encour- age our own dairy maids to put forth greater. efforts in the line of making butter. Do you kriow, Mrs. Burk neyer milked a çow or handled a ladel until she was a married woman. But she put her mind Lo the work, and to- day has no superior in that line in the Dominion.-News. False Stateinents Made to Reap _Largo Profits, Diamond :D)yes Hold the Fort Everywhere. The false statemen Le, 'Ijust as gond as the1 Diamnd,""- Put Upsanme as the Diaaroud Dyes," used by many dealers ini ordêr &0 Bell wortblesand orude dyes, are stifflient ta etamup theni as mean and ishaonorable. Stneh mbin are capable of any forrn of business dis8honesty. The oomwotù dyes are offered ta yan aimply becauuse the dpsier makes a far -f-r -4 t e ale _tf DiamndlDyes1 try hous stands a barraI containing the wash, made as follows : First shake thé lime ; add a quantity of wat.er and strain it, placing the thin liquid in the barrel. A gi of carbolic açid added ta the whit. waah will improve iLs purifyiog proper- ties. About one and a hall inches above the bottorn of the barrel insert a hase with 8prayer attaclied. By having a t.ap in the aprayer t.he talla and ceiling can be whitewashed rnuch essier and quicker and more perfeodly in the cracks than if a whitewash brush were used. Ordinary f ruit-tree âprayers answer the sanie purpoae. Takm fWttb Spasins A Collingwood Resident Tells How South American Nervine Cured His Daugliter of Distressing Nervous Disease. Thé fathor of Jessie Merehat of Wo. lingwood telle thie story of his - elevon year old danghter: 1*I doctared with. the mnt nkilled phyaWfflg in- C ollingwood withont any rielief oomingto my daugh#î-' or, @pouding nearly Ove bundr.40dollar i,"t wsY.ý A friendeinfupnoed7.m, te tuy SoutbhÂnnerieau. NerîU, tboxugb.1 took i4 with littte h o * eoft ig CI gond Wbn se bPo- <t.s un s M'y , W h o u.~b . o e x e v s o u a n s Ff e r ê i rsew 5ouýtýWoles6l TO*u ia yp man, but bas ý4esII-_»Io#z, iw matob@es 'a regatai t yê8i. ERis de. lest of N.lsgo*ho 'q.."rr'Jier near fintS8dIuo, Ila etiost noiâble per- chapin. ows oale ee laineéued. by ex-ehampion -Peter Kempl, and is quit. Ranafebeue ferbhinsto gnnke. H. lwants to row for the .haznpiùnsbip 'cf the venld and £5W0 a "d, but b. amigathé Cham p- ion té beave Canada and jonkney te Australia te now Ss thé Parramet a. For thia he offéesau sllowance et .£100 ex- penses. The Tnoet Vali. CazaL Mayer Jupp repnesented Oli in thé delegatiîon wbicb asited Micister of Public Worke Blair te inspect the Trent Valley Canal lut Tuesday. At the ban- quet in Peterboro that evening thàene were speeches galore and Hie Worship le oredited by' the Peterboro Examiner witb makirig about the best. Mayor Jnpp naid bis trip had but strengthenod bis belief that the Trent Valley Canal je a goed thing, and would eventnally be baiît It would coet about 04.000,000 to finish it, and ho believed thas in a couple of years, wark would be comnwenoed an the Georg. ian Bay end of it. While it would be building it would be a good thing for the district aud when it would ber finiabed iL would go a long wsy to ms.ke us prosper- aus. At present, ho aaid, the lumher from Waubauslhene hiad ta be take-n around tUe lakes to Tanawanda, 12 miles down the Niagara river, u bere it waa transferred ta tUe Erie Canal barites for slipmnent t-.9 New York. Ail this costs about 82 40 per tbou8and. With the canal buiît tbe 500 mile laka trip and the handling would be saved, and it wae a shorter distance from Waubansbene ta Montreal than froni Torawanda to New York. Then ooal cunld be deliveréd ini this district for 81 a ton chesper. Grain would also bring a t'igger price bore than now as there wauld be oheaper freiahta. Ris worsbip pointed ont ta Mn. Blair tbat iL was tiwe eomething wue done ta develop Central Ontania. Ho helieved that the governument whicb carrie *d the canal through would recoive the uuited support of the constituencies interested, and that it W, nid be Unwise for any govoruiment to negleet the canal.-News LettAr. Death of Mr James Gev. After au ilinese af upwards of twa mouLUs Mn. James Gow, Orillia's oldeat living nesident, passed away sbortly after ten o'clock asat evening, in the 90 year of hie &Re. The bu"y burglar. The busy burlglar wag abroad on Satan- day sud Sunday nights, but obtained huIst reward for hia pains. Taitse office waa entered through a rear win.dow, aud the price afisi postage stRmp taken fram the till. The safe wau not tamnpered with. TUe sarne night the methodiet church was entered snd the dnawer lu the communion table, wbere the cburcb envelapes are kept, broken open witb a cordwood stick. The visitons got loe than at Tait's. Surely these gentry muet bo amateurs 1 Ais well think of finding money in a printingr office as in a chnroh. It would noventhelesa te a terrm in the peitentiary if the miscreaute were canglit, whether thé swag ho gréat or amall.-Times. PARALTMS4WUD4O~W'TNN Mas MsgieM~prUn 57Baeuburst t, Toronto, Ont., e ý B na'sKootenaj Oum" OUMe ber ofParalym edored en*sl sof her body entirely unisses. Physlcans sid thers vai no chance or ber sienraoeoveriugithe urne of ber limbe. Hope desenlued ber, but to-day t a aknrudteling ber trienda how Ryckmnan'.a 11gotnayCurs' cave ber ite sud bappinses.Si o. eJuly 10. lu&6 betore J. W. Seymour Oonlsjr, Notary Public. swOeN STATENENT 0 *irAÀGRATgpg Touisa White, nins yns ad, vUe suftsrd wlt Eczema mnce ber binth, bau been ean" S! edg andl ber gsuerai systeru built up by Rycbmma s '<ootsaay Ours" The aboie tact. are givea la a sworn Liste- ment nmail by ber mother, Mms George White. 139 Stinson St., Haiton, Ont., datod JuIy 3. 189&, beiore J. F. Monck. Notary Public. A VOEEIATION nismnzii - aW*» STATEMENT MADE. Charles E. Newman, 13Marlborough 8L Ont., bail a oomplisation of biod trout~i, matismn, sere Kidney trouble- andlana1 W&& trequentiy diaturbeil at night, ot bsaýg and was a very gick usa. Ris Kidaet- uae nsin heaîbyconitin, isappetice g.~ pis~ turedà an osipto ured; ail Liaswaudn.b Ryckmaa'e Kans y Ounre." Héemaes wer mta e nt to thZ e :oe ac "s before J. W . S eluwwo Mn. Shier, Port Persy, is having bis house repaired.è Mr. Umphrey, Manitoba, is visiting, bis Sunderland and Brock ne s. Mr. Annand, Orlliap setbog here on bi$ way to Sco t this.week. Mr. McKenzie, -Port Perry, macle is fiends bure a very pleasanv visit thla weenk. Mr. -Bucît, a iWeles t* place, speent iwo <aya -héer ol14 acqizamnitanceg-. r.T. B. Tikso5omet --a OLD GOLD 4* CGARTTES Go,,ý ROCH ESTER, N. Y. Retail Everywhere 50 Per Package. 17 First Prize- Me,dals. Sole Agent at Whitby, M. W. Collins. No Need to Muiffle Up. when your dlothing is interlined with Fibre Chamoi. -It offers an * : equalled. Neithor wind, frott, ram or sloet will penetrate it whed you use the Ligby Waterproofed r. E Uneand yet itis so ight that it I.?41% adds no notfcoable weight to asuit j warmth giver that caU be had and ý; every on* should ensure their win- 9 ge r-ter comfort by ueeing that it ià put in ail ordered dlothing or by finding the Fibe Chamois label on any ready to wear suht&a they may purchase.. Selflng now for 2,5 cts. a yard. 0f M«kffl d ach Y=a to eit al the J ld .vey Wehakve thé 1VMD"f slpui tion in town .of thon. BEA UTIFUL AMERICAN WALL Borders to Ma tch Corne early and getjlras chok. P. B. WARAM., Byu.old sta Brook iSt., Wbltbw DOMINION BANK. Capital Paid up, -$19500,000 Surplu, - - $19500000 Whitby A genoy. General Banking Businom Transacted. SAVIuiGe DEPAETMENT. lnteremi aiowed £5 highes mirrent rat»s. No nottce of withdrawal requtred E. J. THOINTON, PRICES. 'i STAR LIFE ASSURANCE c801% 0OF LONDON, MNiGLÀNI>. Establishted 1843. Total funde inhad...$xom. Bonuses adtded-... .....e9,635 706-ë4 Total dlaims pa2d... Total amount Assurance in 685 5daims paid 'g*5*amount. ing to...... ,380,6568 Grants a world wide and, 1ndisputàbIt policy. No restrictions as to residence.ý Profits Increaslng -witb ae of policy. Immediaf e payaient of. b hclanu.., Interitn and copipound bouses adde& Every descriptioti of Life anaoe pollcy giranted. - Loco.l agents wanted. Most libIerai tenms. Apply 1- H Carter, Genegal Agent, Tor- ont JuctinOntario. Hutedfl ce for Cang#, No.x b.deisip st. EnAst Toronto, Out. Gen. Manager, A W BRIGGSEuq junO 23, ý896-3tD05. Tiokonto. I, weAIJaMS;' ÇD'5DEN.TI Rendeu'c ozTTe raeW Wbity, ~. s~hl zSçi. I W.S.Kimbald PA PEII& M W Ir ýw qr Ww lr"wu, le, ýl& LowEST

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