!landObh for, 1,is rmME ateE a~1 e 1~ k dv sIn~ n~jj. tr.J M1 ers ufen g rt 1se er 6 YE RS IN OS U we kuow 1 o1!.1 a pape. __________ issued tii. ~~~ Car" by W t> Doeig_j aVbtseèrM.Hlyfibaead7paieî>t o a~ M a, ad ,yuci tire d tée ap'Whbg erCowdtas' bs Tu rb Ming.4iig rahl w Igt ic el Thopet laie s' do ! imt a s tre mth odard > h hel i l etT«gfed m a ll 1 awek heigon & in Stn , is eth ! oono l be g es1wVs ta'see tre eî chrc eeîe te folo ig l fices n Il eut bote. Miscol. G. H cokF rpe y b gbîhi g fruit Jars. ~et ber uueas, MsJ F T m lyr'og n s, r eJ yby geuîng On B;d toot. Wend' share té'of tOth hk Aae . ve ucall wî fohi OSil? eibo Sleal Pr u sq acn eiintce weaîer ouiedctors arekepi bu offeacb er ngbins M r a.SleV sy a iilga i Tatee o d wîhso FR SbN8 C O DE , te MsJ W ElE. D rnglate h y et a iý'0 à r 'youD o wem nsna e Wade e hromS nayeeg gsiecmirlr a d M il a d etrl e d uorm o! $ 0 0a li g a te h eb a d a b ois -a d b u g g y a n M ebi. G if lumi n g a gr. ni r v e e î b r iicv rs best sP cimen f afeevery kindxed PO W DER GUNS, ~The Refoe cri f ice u, e e in da tr. walrllngon Si calut B' ote opohave adyuch or bitd na n 'wifn a gîr o i . W brnl od bto s Pn n î, we know of. b thevlast tgm aiiMr.gBoîb goodwialcip isé Heaih, - F'LY PÂDS A.ND PA.PERIurseîo l!e ord' gathe.yo ng mai ui t heufdobw sgtc.An lgeo!oheoib b ec use th w h u i c > oa - t i n d do v e o f. W d e MPre a tf rt e r as succ e e lu s e i i u M i.s F e d ui lc , w a n a ua ngdu' e su e t word we a t vf'ic i sh .,ib "cd."ie d istrubestaCosonl God anw Ou lg fora nd Io Mthe inger. We expdalhonl ienorb aîue i er e c P S peNG Slo rn g c o m îngr Sw o o u g d airo CB o v fo ' ~~PAare kpt mafyea-h L ti.. abinsi kn w Ir , but i e llef oe r d es er c o om i t ey we nt a wy u g m n eard blby A 3 o' ioc n t erb aie tm isys.. fI U t e b o ks "W a s . C a p i u t e s ys , Md tr .on l i tGof i e r f u n h e n g nA nup W i s ac u ag e stîn u o n d £ i un Frnk a a c E s r c u it s h i u M p e G a e O e m i e s ( i h y d l whenlouud ake a noteo!." * We ave o isEteon eWh byahoue d bgy t andc u e osie the s W hoponblng aon Tes. gehs infantiud i B th e la d ie sMraa m u e th e c k olias m a v e d iaithegS ele ct ai so c e thttie m e a n D is DE R i G UoN P es rz T hslo e for m eo a w icb c ope l 0s pe i l n a tîo îaw . th e s snganidutha t th t h ett buggl y e e nlng, Nov. r et. r d neu s mcîd b> i . . S lt n w l b c he y u h word ligogethe wr dfiere> rm i r-vatt-yougmabdooff. a aber- W ol bn,~e elg i (i re ,diy V P Y A A D P P Rcaior butth r :5 su cliaiigase b-t e . wen e g t>og Eingko ib Ue r.ci t t a s uibêgo c ould d astu>'iben ivsgeprtedse Cri meao h oeypeeî iîb ipes g so i ni isrn. w Selin ie l . arubesd upContblerordta n w he wbu l gefa r hOe cth itr e « efj kow f u h eomrndbetr lotTe ettwrdWib.'t30okl on Ar top oirSua ,coma ;ndebok sse-e utesas adth nrig teofce on tergS 1e urh egaptedhlig oilSudyli w h e qu estio k no tell - of.' W d apeU have not a t . i'sI ws o ni L ti.suet ny ne Enrbe nsae c. as odih oUr.e . n an a>. Ur g ld >' ulI Su aTB y recewes our areSu4 agai Vindicatdrbarge WBs n ue ibe the t he rThe haof p.pW T m es chrn'au auonfrati o T en xin rdrsaîn sulverme whwic cm e n a o pîie<a oul o t a apain wZIOSwr loeh ich ho tlu wrangmuufte aadonodthe a oenaebot ;g5!utatd lu-sdR Id.ê.odebpsicuburdSaru>we&aseredugteoo -A T ---diso~ge tat mens nd iew anoten esson id arekoelngquet uti ib9là r Wof t: Sanda>' morniug. The TtebfaicossesOfOie time or "set an.Fm;aZeSigters, apdyofg rgucimens awy w blosave.Ths e putler tn ame ig ut fav:W booml aroi ooof. gbSpn aynna fteegbnucasaraiB "eersuge sd. Theoutiln te in ss a on bt o us sngeblohe mua be « themti. Sine M.. . Bbhueaaroga gin u nga tc. ue ft sunnw J ? y l e 's D r u r S t reu , r g r a o i: p o s d ve ~ ii b ve u a w u u E aI an d t a h an i st Oln¶be ie po plm u iho e ri git For need!l ga ai O" supposiion isthat TheyoaId foîksco slT otb e u sd on d o hdione g >' wi cb ch îd T e h vanred repent nce, p id 2 eAch uTba>'schaos a docknthaîs a pearsto enoy ne spape writng. ie as to t eir snsesandToalpurcliase, a L ruA aagooheprop p erso al at entio . su e s a uge d pp ose t Oi enod. if ed f o ul be r tarit a in cev e bs olu tion: Lïh ve M n. eal o! i oile o , Dexcbange Simco St. outh, Osha a. ha Ibe rpeneuce ud beounce o! asas ~ pusihRev. r . * a S t he p ai bis pa on - l iiP 1Au rus ceonoe i oin toiu pa ' nts w cu eîd p roi> nd le bn aul oeaebebutnd O O ..... an'd meMrcBred u e fxc ellen t is sta phoi euterSdaiByj' -To sirnke ibe hour boih da wa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ c n n o s o - b a d . S u p p s a ve O s o l i n o m & ues i oUa dar e Ip i -AT-edqhistspac audthene abEliyvottoi-îing Ohswa 8o.sia.u. ng.etardo l. ecativeUaudiences Some oh our localumens snRponuse wewnt af.Ther crlbbitons oue Taj >arcliaseg ofis i ouvr w r s su e td . w e o a dro afa dr a u s m i L.u t Io K E B y ab r S im . h aveiut. S li e l r A .' a.iernton. The>' s u sceeded P ndît A A A u thev s" ofauu wrim te sg insir e a d uli ou gliprs edo! O .ha hm, ra;w ;t e l a l ar i d th t t e il, snne g t ,ng ci t s ashe eol e s i th . e R M'R dgtu whelioad a nounghre vtsb cmendi BROKS'haveRY, rSimc. repetc, north. tndes Mr.ouRea, oys. A word ta xchgrawn1 ren c n be argag d witout te rod Iferwfore eiork ni aond forts au apbsoluaioB. ba h x e ie c n o e ur e w ausid o f M. ROLPH. harassa r.matuart oimia. plaeeon oiu Sho bot ofltOIlW. id ateasd. t'.B. MOTHrSTUbutodorsuinbut..wo.. lialldwen psed offceenr>weinons' urpebe peoa oaaa ca nThere Esan pp oue>' fo c ae fi t leam iage iednc. e pra b euvd - t an gou o d gs tan Oe o d ab d use B d roo i coning u ma>' thank t -T he k en hrt g i s h d l o g s o :h w M L I K R ,b r e .Sm n t t el o rnm u cfoe buyers are tal iug abo t Wbensashî's nonewed ai The OSH A W TA, N O V. 13, 1896. atta. Alrosta n ichlye co mb e o ine B'M S # LTEB-D m one plai o rts.nd a raa ft meivesth t fa c was ube. oasi>' hur. ca r-l pB A sRh(trato s in S 0 ura.E a ued for p*l t t e a h rf t h w ib i hae .bisti e wea l d f hL I . a ne ',S m e e e re r îig s i wbo dbts b i nd w ih p i t p i e n a g t c s to s l c r m D uî d i a r W r , b t C bebte sd .B.ihRIJ4btheKn t et Owur hat e>' posse d ver wl' I ylîtie sen.. Ouiwure re g'i __ m de cse s a reot xceedingiv fond o! efruitlm ge w are T eprsnwo e o e wîsthou prale. and ta Canadianu Wbo visit ilion., thei -. E. Dvr.it, Gornerai Agent Ontario Mutuel Dont do sucti seusc:css things boys- B wtou arGali O H WPAneyer tire of talking o! the beautitul fruits o; Mr. Boyle, of ithe Ontario Ancheologica BI *A () I Â ~ ~ ~ [ j J the pDo diionof the ch ards, tbv e ueta s JB* s D m zon a d nai seu saie ver'illae a sit n orklo!ngia orn mach. But uotwhbsîandîng tbis passion foi Land Surveyon, Civil Engineer, Box 57, 02 z ame ta thc conclusion tha:i in ibis vicmnif' are ic NEW CAPES N ACES admit cauned goods ta their tables. Thejyi "uu oH-J.C onpo$tr ines of America, He visited the fort on Mr u agdr ___________________ prejadices îowar-ds tin packages L hautreqip e ur>', neat theoamioon)Ir.Wbn.o A than their love for the lusclous fruit, and hiipd ilg uto a- fM.W.Dbe. A)y German and EnglishJeès u ae this is the case thr-ough ail the strats of so 0. N. Ton. --Catenea.for BalIle, Asemli es, Wed 'nfommat:on concerning village sites anrailier re-aen w hr a( OSUAWA. ciel>' witb diminisbing force as the scahe i, in , spi"e, etc., etc. Alzmau aiknda o) nains wil ho uppreciaîcd b>' Mr. Boyle, wbosr- plete. Better valuesadmr orc d e sc e n d e d . T e y a re a b le a d w il in g tO sty les'd d s la 31wBe ke e>' St , T ra to Farmers will do weli ta cal] at M. E. pa fanct. prices for !ancy frait lu fancy (or-m las. HouLun - Whitby-Othawa stage lin, qotngpics wy elw ome sa lia>"s for boys' rend>' mode cltîing. and the Canadian pecker who ta the fit-st î. Lieavea Oshawa st S a Min id 2 P M, ail( agis. tles wiers nye sow. e It il pa' n>'patie c utenpaîi g uy cater ta iis class wilmake a good thing. W h t y as10 à in sa d 4 i m.M i-sRossspentSaturday in Toronto. sons. O ur gi eat ob e t S to ak aWr gh S e l Itwil a ay aris oneipatngbu-We spake anme wceks agoabaout a an bmEuCRmGi, manufacturer of fine carniages We are pleuSed ta bean Mr 1 Melyon lu gem- Iargç turnover which ecnol tho>an eigaementibis monii v r-yneap ocsh foritghs the isdse ai ghabottngi atwgnadtB neo utrsé(igbteoffering very ternpîigpie. '... the Ian o stock o! Felt Bras., Oshawa as frgtntenadepcabegrs jha.Reaning a ap*ee1y. Visitons: Miss Phebe Hemleoaod and à fr Gen ils di mon 14 . o ly ~. hey ar~ thisi :ing was stpped. M arried wo m-tl. boux B a u m, pa lter and decorato . Deaei M aithaw Hezzewooci ro m U nited States. N EW D R E S G O D .-- Genina sim snie1specialyofsr 10 eniat'have been chased carl>'iu the eveuing. 11C:inwa baprs, chl. gd uaiospait Wmn Squelsb bad a von>'succesuful ploughine ta 'adBy'gold sud silver watches. heur o! eight people wbo hv been cliase& tc to n Tuesday, 101h. About 3o acres werr The Dress Goodssetointsyu Iliftbem. Foît Bras, ln the labt îwo weeks. On. Young woman JAMEs Pm.m.ow. dealer n i toves, furnaces, tin - >touzhed. wt rl anfcn sotet had the courage. uben she couldu't ruan,% banedt. Lnge sock kety. cioa tanti>' ni sobook agent ? We bave nomtFrance, Egada longer, ta face lier put-suer sud pull out ablg pciJy.iioo tre benfr i auinEeg M r T ler w uv a O ono las i w eel , co siderible a mn ount of bis w iskers. O rm f.Kei r T n B . - B r i t r Bo î i e o 'au l n fr ai e urn . Ge a su an. Dave andq u d my a l o - i a hi O1 o f i i s g a n g l u w l l k n o w n , a n d t ! h o d o e s n a . M n - s . A a n s e , B l c t r V n e a l r g t r b t h i u t o a d h a e Mise Dingm an, B*wmanvile, 15 visiing lutaire care h o ray ag in f , ims lf in tn M tai>' PublI, o v yancer, t&c. Mo ey tc T tc direc#ors of the W o nd's F ir beme bld P Up of our assort mn t. M s f t ea d G S SE tolic, courts, As it is, if anc. of aur younb, Street, Osava. I)ec ._r tRga F. Gutbrie, Audie>', was in town aven ladies had the courage ta bning a charge .B.MÂ.-Lile l rooe raies.P-n l aAr uheag e ose nhbeufuse l.we againsi hEm for the manuer with which hr- ro-ry hwre ud s.Puc'Cin t-W. ae mch pasertauenducb MissP hnte, Bwrnnviîevisiîed in treated ber, and wo hope she may, be Touan sd offe&s Boys' reiLdy - Teartsanbuy takîng up tflcîm h O u p l a s i v e e t h m m a d F n yu - v a b r h mrre u y t k i g u h r ogeh e-niu yiio w n o t» luwer.uld, no doubt, noceive bis board fr-ce fona speclty 'very o unmeandprpain fr iner Elgn, ai hi sn, Atic.We hope this wilI ho the llas imew au-I .~l .~ The Son& of Temperanoe ueholding anaibei a î itl s w e .w ll bveota r oer t a Iis kind of w ork and a 2 m :::the Centralj Rte l, F iday 0 a e . Rro t 1J a!SgPivi n d ai& avi o g os a f i b r i li r a s talw ays i o a po l st d di eetat these meu wiil actiEn a civilized man- week tram nsn to ma-k. - $5.5o to $at25 eead hti c tn Ulm o mseR Waite, . - fut-ton hening n Mtshe mEe's ase Lthpatis i" havd-s.les. Our pump agents don'm seem ta ho doing a part af ibis busine» s umr ntca1eee A .'fMr me.4,f"e erngi r.Dml' as utoer eny largo business. Tmes re quite daîl. -The day. Ladies can alwayudpn ngtigBir 'e- W tl C in n a m n , T o ro n to , v is ite r] w it b b is o n ¶ hM e s d a y . o n a c h a r g e o f -r A R I m a k iI ONa- T h e t n o s : b u s in s o n nRaU h t re f c h e v s i o s t >' i b c o l o s p o ta seur-îu a ma- 0.gesu gnmt'fdns-hgbe a Oshawt i igbifall, wheu yaung snd oMiddle aged men aiu curable anY'wbere (nomusadlepisae Misa E Sheridan was the guesi of Miss E license tn lump the broomusticit wiib yaung Splendid asioartmuî ito tweeds, 'Vonste& - round and tecl yarus. spociali>' îompting. Pavos, Mplo rave tbi wee, - of Cedar Dale.Wbc lat Mgis gs hirts, collaise, etc. awy e We understand Mr. Squeîcî lias sold liL' Mn ndMrsM Jaes Bamavletraite M unon sat upou the case a question lrm. We anc verv soir>' ta las. lim sdb resand Mahiaiginal5S8asnbe Fo Mad haaA viit neS, da>'. eat-use as ta the legal righ of à Mn. Willox ta ftLT Bains - Watehmakenm sud j eîastimable famil>'. Mrs Squelcm uill ho eI branches a specialty wth issue marriage licenses, but t appeans thaï, eJr uvths okI'ee-,sle-mssd o h sazaoswro uiecuci- T lied the onîr-lea niade u the fort thery a bL.- AWA. oaked sa fâne iWnby all e and amat crui a calE, j wiEI find tond rings,. Igs, rigsy 'S. Ie lOop vo caught, )roughtî 1.1THE5 KNOT D'S. iship, tjtil slip, YD'S. tllng down"P )W n - round raya right, nd nîgbî, ing iight, ti boue ýe' rve the goose. Kold , coId, D'S. onOfsend - depeud, ý50.00.I .-00* 1OEStS 7k i6w u n e, ut ~I 1~ U v o A . C . S iD ith ' W h o s s ta io sie d i t i. i n a " p e c tin t w e s- s.tc ~T I r . . . . . . . . . . o - ua Tci _s ebor Lw p u à u u i A e is wh r. r e b E B o O ts. h e vbw &i vaà tù.i vrdithe otier wyfrth og a h urn oFineh O ~'Mn. E. I. Rogers bas sold oui hEu station- utc ofopposlng Oic C7É~m~, uoe> sdGadTut id up wlein ttpbol t-y.mn attersonMg? tist lm", 8......... ' ér ' >b u sin ess a i a good fig ure n th c d ollar, t iing . T h c O sh a w a pa pe s v nt pe pl t ( ve . o as ai w o k b o 1d a mB id e sl ldIftsh *tca on w y i .1 CJ s' H e v LKe o o s and is gOîg ai business ou the road for a beleve that ohing good can ompate fr(nm 140 and bis temper*tnse- 13 d not. Ool -0 old o mvod and Mi C hupple t >. , * , . . . tisse. Mn. R. A. J. Uitile in bis auccesbor, ibis journal. Bro. Mundy vants te oo know wa Was henattu.î. ew4J1he w u. tsi*ded that It fini'ohobd oslon h 'T /A a d la a y u g m a ti of go d business quali- o y ur a iler- ept a ta g t d arn t O ur ic r od W b tdfr abi e o g e i r . r f u ~ ~ l o l ' b a o tl e u od. essi *- e- < ties, sud bas a splendid oppontunit>' ta os- youîb. Ho musi have 5e ra utnefacpjsccî~ hciariîa~p~a &*dM 'Id nerul od tha , Mteom tablial i bmacif in a profitable business hero. Do doubi. addéd ta- kEnduess and vain rea- sud pualat kbenefits. Ji La veu &ýaumuis, 'd procmpd firn, 1frbeepon bh#present. O w ing ta the tact a! ano ier cuertain . sonig, or vo ould ot b vetbeen il. la io é t, In tits v > hu . fis t" yi(h b e & >tma o tio na g 4 y o y f, a e ay t u - e r P g ) p r ment tating place on Frid;>' ulgbî, Mr model mati that vo are. Timat oui- ehtee* Of! memberai nshlp 151 tsoscieties - iii*-, i. . 1ix 'fi"joz$ty Of. the votera, Cansweli bas postponed bis lecture Eu bonor e oeibudsekoua n <em co 'qt.he la JJi.Wë -bis4 <it b<ym oved n "Eergy, Fantl Mt ad T oe. Mx>5tidod tc ubjo!".5no.:onlit, the iit4osb veti sasv.812a (ho U 'atUHy, hystericai maoinga l o:'t1. s'îh ir as la - !Sk lj>arheM ve'autaouiuty lrttemoaL .Ont iii. exepution ta s O Se aI e r o ays vecifer.id- - hm a ùlIibouse sud ve hope il;wil bo no iiuêll' 0oPted b>'- those ,WbQ >suppont So- - *at scuttia. Iteer-o( fh sinva ibisnago.iOà = pec théoîé- earnof On Wenesda>' mot-ing about '2 a'cloctins P iWn-aandsins Iiy$ ta)btiouejh lia 44oie _xfr, Heur>' Laue, Harmon>', liard came rvlt tth béauoUhl-wiobject P e nso u sto p sa ig ho fin t o ! b is p a e o t i s l o t W a > o g y w g t ip h ,ls4 v o-ïe tino, aimer wbicbt dm-ave ou. The dog did anlis t, amestnvi<i-ti.y4.gý. j --arQ b; rt--*' ':b>f ~ - m eseba king d ain g the ti se t ic, ig -st oo o g > b t o , s v d i hi n t h l j .'e~~~ geasti vas sisuig. Ho lio*Wst-ee#vinehd<>m nfouudvlpus fin" -- parti., tebonplatoithe t l th yt-nnreved -evide 0 .D- V'z- tou~ th 4 iniliadO t ihu t-c e ba rn ine t e !m irent t r 'it-te b eR.M hogè s reu- Mg r.hani, w hic a bies d kcomleeygo- tt$IItlbt e,--- -. ~oéal, on rid>'tut , ? otJr3ii.e1t I lW , . A ind ti e -,hýei tht-aMs, v Wl he laessthataw. ' bo..5 -kt .. 18~ c THLS c CHEMI' House-cleal W. bave a langer o! wm-dov as bave oser shqc We use the b~ shade cloîli, iroller. Also a fine i Ast ta soc aur ucreens, ta fit Oui baby cariuagce Give us a caîl befo We are iakriug elogauce wmth goueral utility Our stock is campi We invite 1w> i wilI save mu - Leading Und »Established 1 -,Uundas Dhas.E (Fammerly 1W parter- and E GRANITEJ the latest ma, kEnds of Cen guaranteod. SEDFOR roitNTO CONSIh $4Qr terns.'etc., al ltb, Aug. 27, '9( &M to Rent. VOL*