:777 WEAL The jir' s pt jl twÀesuî u- MSSvasbsreturned from Tiusvie, Pennto rsie itisel oe. Shwsot thin" ncniar.he," nng iîreemnh njalbr er W1 Hfor Penwordu..Trto ele.44G slnd mey of yur nei per 1b., Itrai foorsthe ý are Ioud ii. the Mr.usul. 7, cci. 3, liRe'homtese peinisesofAle pras ee ofs not nds MRem emer . teMatiofmSite lace tenotMics esie éanother l. obsbenTr pesbl rtitsmpe pet nthre re othsoincail esandforn]ler theforso.ete Iem&-oug Pelsstbeong- theonelry.omateen, y eafr NewdYlrdcity ed fth der ofr - __man of _yo- fine he bre in m il trali f st hwe srthe b nco tdto imprîso d t en f l o easternre inaen ccclld hket. r s atle o garetsefgain aeo essa JugOz arePoudim S, W.Sua. BodadJ rff eund(o rwndsonstables ii Torontoon8Wednea prase f hisniot nd de ernhuutingDonMton>'. theplacet tc nanfnelst tr eeitof PrtPery tu pe nl reriimand buck ahea troy. s fcnie n fc- hesentfene ounninghortss,in heudingh. meno. Hlde t othiy.ngncrthnorseca od em-brokye wîadnnr of fth Q uee rdpae lu birssedhosforX msipreetOredacldofn Ma l ast. tHpei uy a - & Stfieham es poitoalelery, oeeve dy ontfrgtte ratbraiso St ~1i.am aStnwarfeu otedpho ee e tdth ee 2isudti i Nw isie tfor e.Bot Go d lxi S. ontsand JhnoGinrhetuonedMfodAt a.thes wreth $î, 52 sadle3,fors«oc 75C deeghtNains reMonahed Winnipeg fioneGand'sstablesindaTorono ensand in_______ Pearl the ucwes ato WedesdaytebjMrn. Eerybf oy cali a tet npr- In aothr clum laadvetisd fr sle W oiivens' ed Sores, st ad bi fEIGUTI 1.L pr. o'n esayNov. 6, 16,n th preni leboothe Gzttwies ofto Quot'atino AINTX U FI ose ots oS i.M r Serve s, t o. 8,OeBr prienMylst(rjbwrw.c tpeed r &hth acresphoof woeo pn all' y daylts) cheap. Eery tege i ber hnatre cowpedtchie o edar ofsevd hardwotd, ChONILEaskst(or tesame Store. andows ste 3posointsntoe norwo d da"o eos on good1,apeand i, f a thîng ight Nobisreains in ToroWnndpeen-anurch upo n qfrmn oe n B £3 K~ U £ L~.~,ltoewesn. Tedvneral gnea ay.th ad en edy, alndngutto gîve. Inuest isser, lMr is. Heg.isedfe sle M W t in' ReSthcaeofeesd asa uo ...JEWEIL E plar y Noev. 26be a cisiton tthe pneie-The Gatebrw womalt froin Prin orf VAITY ... I.. of MrsNear rihSe (rer ltd3aCowoi.,Wt p a torantejob o ch apperetenbe are bultet, no acdoft mîstakn (o r e lt)er by rdin ryei bte shd hiertalstse sompos(rushimrnd T e ar ander newofeshere bv eprss (rmforosnte o.k nd a rewa crd of tovnd crwo outhethebsuoner'sdname Haane Made ares.d Jw03Seo dongbi es aio nnoontnw o whndheer-. rtis ihigihuboecae uple ande eit at end he ffer thnupeutio n Tb c allnga twhersiee on MTu enra 113u îcc A X AiuDe lon.e vnrgnlmnsue.theoand.Wdedy tedn or egv Duestrucbs tion of plate gsindowHs took Stimny in tSemson lee ssutu JEWELR -.. placyle atlTorontocqisiaind or mt Hop-e Re. rMcAlpin wI Prcte Annert hatwe.I peri strict w The. rbisnsermao inat. Ane's curc Officai Cu ily 1gan-LrO_13lC 3 mai kpi al t hesea tows u hose hue on nday.e t h ins ppart. a b3.3tpin Canil wo estr oo uch propaenrty aoud uer- riaywebtlehdbsmassn rin fan ocl ar Dstantieeht il ndeanThe fre o feral years in e xpresgai s od' Troto a reward of $Oneaccountutothtbuetshortage Hofecreae Baea wh deunnt isw ary.n ec t ars Saturday te habve de cided toiun FRDA , O\.20 196 an Sunda pabto teoftatundr youn mer ingis Sthersdat9ct er l.'Henry (rom en.we ett ougBohr oud. - oDssrctioneofpate hgysy irlos tdance, ÇlearnSero pad ao Tnontchothriispn ortaw tHope Rv rMAbu ilpeahteana lastweek It ppeas aKif astrit w ur i ngîhisernei St. days the Burc otiiLCAL yog.LaONIS. hou a eut o(hem. n llThe sh ownsenc oed e. tokfbonSa.tse 9in testore' no30P.tM tinofayloa aprmCaaa wha etion, tche giprlyshude nder - Brasatc Bo. ilhe odasadud M Rbi.Hîreil Clrenon wa intow sacd hate(ore on îb rghteazy dnpe. cai.On cusi fthe nuary theobalance of t3 thi DAY NOV. '20Th1896.le punay of gyasis pased hougbtocir wi hie atrexneved9 to sharw. Bs ht.rlwoddînngtabes 4 eaesony $ bre nthe nexernotne ongeroayhes' gains neer e at CA L Ctilts. Mr.out E tlis, dThggshowas sumned Fbl ac .1 cocoate ony 2 cens pr pundbearecoliectiagtre Hrp er oi $iesday teoclef s, o( the tore waruo ai bt biriCarrot iathsonsnigbchafregd igbhavig otheintoxicatne Catain-&Harry illbc a slud aibed Ma Il-k The iotbva tv ntlo lîqo n qtanty ofgreater tase6 oug c sO s, Leaf lub, o the nre a nerofCa set'ti .îeM tabe whsoly$5 ich ithe nmtaft a rongngist ca isîos to anchs.Tmbc lyen, etehaaueofBar Chas. erusha Pîckring, sa inai onelime. r. Jaob Mcltye ainsrn ha e(er ie.di îhyacpa air the p NrincE ilitsdus. He apurd ted beb ac fto' n onN aiurayi'ssi. ç)urîecîy ewigte tein ld iwhere bu es în an er. yByR lecdte 1, .t ordn, of tartîton, u itil the torinquand y rate thati 6 uwas a ealQeto iinz .>î . R B. Hayward's. the hotels. I-e had net bought any ai One of the disputed points lu the liqu( Trv a loaf oif Tods home-niade or steain- drugstores. Hîs answers and passing r-e- license act, sud tme oee ver which thes cil Tead. ai 'ate" old stand. msrks caused inuch fun for the assenmbled has been a great deal cf discussion is wbeî] Nit Hosk iii. Toronto, was a guesi ofI-iis crowd. The case was pestponed and will er or net a hotel-keeper may supply liqu( Ji _or Juig Darnel ove Suday. likly fil.te hiq lodgcrs lu their roomns during prebil }I..îoJg e )srte l over Sandaea. likely (ogail.ied heurs, A biah court judge bas receul B- n th' woleîamîy ud hve grup hotgrahs.decidud that ilt l against ihe law te do 9 -i nn Thanksgiviulg day ai O'Brien & Henry & Putney, Oshawa's luading photo- Judge Sinclair lu bis "Annotations," i ham5.graphers, wiII psy raitroad or stage fare (rom also taken ibis ground. Nir <eo. Ayers, express messenger hie- Whiiby on ail orders amouulîng te three Oh for loess at Home 1 t wct-n Toronîto and North Bay, was here dollars. Sece E. StephensOn. Wbitby, for chef 0, t r Sunday. Piano tun'ng. tickets te and frein Englaud,' Irclaud-ar %V. H. Piper keeps repairs for aIl kinds of The R. S. Wîlliams & Sons Co's tuner Scoiland, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ca i-ps. He bas the best 'sîndilîl for sale. wlll be in Wbitbv on the week of Msndiay (omnis, aIl United States and Canadis \els cleaned. tht 23rd is An>' orders left ai M rs. Allin's points, auywbere, everywbere, boat rail, \Ir. R. Cassels, the popular tuiler of the store will receive careful attention. ecean. Rates guaranteed right. Tbroui 1 ,minion Bank, bas been rumnoved frein A Big Shipinent tirkets frein Pick'ering. Toroate, Myrtl liere to the Lindsay branch. 0f boots and shees arrived ai the West Brooktin sud Whitbv. Sec E. Stephenso tir. R. Huggard was the purchaser of the Side Boot sud Shue store this weuk. wbicb Wbuitby. before traveling, aud get cheice - CrnrtY Fimsold ai auction on Friday will bu aeld at lbard lime prices. ieo pairs ten best ocesu Inles and best raiîway rouic -lasi. Thse price wî55 $F,0 Or $32 an acre. o( bouse sippes ai 9c. per pr. ueo pairs of Boy cbeap tickets for Tbanksgivlng. Miss Lillie Bond, wbo wss recenîly ill butiuned boots ai su per pr. Mei's gaiters institute Notes. ~ tbîypOid eve, ba opned drss- a t $i pur pr. Men's laced boots ai $i te $5 The meeting of the literar>' society passi Stvepýhens ovn eluarph ofice. Bo-'s1ahoolbots ai roc. per Lr., ai the off -v tlr su .ccsulty hast Friday afternoc tice wintur's icu sports. H.eÀg teucifg of' The management of theu methodisi taber- euquiry iyWas found ia everal veuti th ,aigpart frtébnfi ftehc nacle are te bu conrtltduo tesc ihe skain oxt",yeitoib hc esogrsltu po h sc some yonng men Irons Pickering bad dei tcwbo wifl bu very numurous sud vr'csful uniertaluiment betd under tiscir cd tote>' a race wiîtiste celcbratcd geai stru ig here tista wiutur. auspices in the music hall on Mouday uight in the third tory of tise Oddfelhews' bi MIr John Cleunens, wbo bas filud the Posi. -inatgiven b> thse Belle Rose Emaglie con- here. Between tbirtv sud fort>' Oddfell tien uLll ;oremnau over ihe moulding duepart cert compan>'. Mr. Charles Kelly sud bis ef PhSonix sud CoÃintletan lodgcs, Osha ment in the buckîe (acier>' bas resîgnud bis dauRbtur, Miss Haîlie, are sccomplished iu fuît war paint, came up te seeýthat posi ,,r there te accept a similar place with musicians, solo singers sud performers ou Pick.eriag contingent received a fairm ai tise Niagara Supply Company of Niagara. the piano, guitar and maudolin. Mr. Kelly 'the bauds, or borus raîher, cf the localg HýiI wiwll not follow hlmn until atur. maintains bis reputation as s finisbcd basse- For foh>' four heurs bis goa$ship praisceý A:) irpresbion la said te exist among profundo singer 'shile bis daugbîer la gifted sud dowu tise hall, îakîug a risc fistoc sonrie of the teachers of île couityt iat the wîtb s woisder(tîll>' sweet contîralto voice. one, tben oui of anoiber ofthie five presur îec n f vertical writing is comprulaory, Blle Rose Emsliu lsas Scotcbwomsun, a witty nons youtbs wiso bsd cisalîenged bis prow accu riing 'te rucenl regulations. On this sud ciever reader. * Hur intei'pretatien of wbeu ai îasî refèee Butler sud tUme-kel point tbe Deput>' Mnister of Education jîîvunile sud Scotch pieces was admirable Kirby dechared tisai the goat, alibi wniie,; ibat ibe choice of style between ver- and druw (rom a critical audience tise bearti- showirig aigus et distreas, was Still in tical iiiid slani usuiboda is options1 witb the est of applausu Encores were the eider ef ring sud bis challengers beiug severai ti teachur or achool autborilles. ihe eveniug. The attundancu, thougis fair, knocked out, iberefere was tise vit was net what the muis eh the performers Aller the weuuds isad been dressecl To inorrow beCgius the self detilal wuek of' warrantud sud would draw wure tbey again broken furntiurc remnoved aIl adjeuru. the Sa 1vatiou Ai'in. Collectera are i nstruct- te appear lu Whitby. tise flat below, wisere Mr Dave>' Matl ud to collect frein heuse le lieuse, sud - iss nsiut ad provided reîresbmienis fur thse ccii uver'.' effort is being put torth te make Tecer'Inttuesud their frienda. îltt'i year's total exCeed auy previotis record. Tht county institute mt in Uic collegite Ih is cause for surprise tisai the amounts hure on Saturday afturuoon, when aut AÀCblizSU and a Haf collecteil lu previcils years have been con- sixiy teachers assemblud te listun te an ad- out cotem. wades trough a coltina tinusllincreasilg. Many bave determined druss ou "Vertical Writing" by Prof. New- a half on towU Affairs.laslt't weèk, insi to live on tise scanteat (are for tbe suIt denial lands, of Kingseon. The chair was ably how it thinka town agair coà ld le 06 week lu order toube able to Contribuie te tise filhud by Mr. Underhill, vice presideut cf. asto ave aboutisS per5flftt.m5it w fun su tius eîptis 5iiiy5 iari soialthe association. Prof. Newlaunds eccupicd t1se coUlegiate minstite=duc *4d te s fun an ths hlPthe attention of the teachers for full'y twi? of a higis sciscel, =4doise of'tue aeuterl ansd spiritual cbJéieu5. heours sud gave a vury lucid explanation cf charged and the salaries of thse otha A very quiet but pleasafli wedding took hia methoes of teachiug vertical wri.ting.. -downa ; these laides of soute of thsen placeon Wdnesdy evninr i ib rua- As the profeo sse l realhy thse faher cf tise scisoltahr u iedost dence et Mr A A Bugbee, College street, Canadia.n systena, le spl>ke as oee iavinxg pensesi withs, etc, etc.. A chUs igh4t1 being thé isarriage of is daugisier, Miss authority. Re was formerly a most suç- juade every oe ft tUÃse agigestidus rýa Louiêe, te Mr William D. McClellau cesaful teacher et the Spenceiian or allant M ou~laceui. i*rlvegect -te frmýo ~~rer ~< Y Rv- iss.Manning, M. style of writing sud wasled to review the maueyaa<Wi sotiat if t ~.~îeme0# treoiy, wblcb was wbole question cf writiug fron tise report wifltake a Ivr,'lm- grade of teà ch1ug, ;.ýa ueîè.t annouticeinelix- cf a German commission, c3>aMg.writing lem' eabit ¶boo tJiat 1mon". C% 01,lo'hck. Mr. MeClellail was supporied b>' bhis- brother, M-.Samuel MCleh.c Corner, N, Y ,,as best man, wiile Miss Nellie pateson of ths.tcwa, aisied tise tbride. Neith«o f tise contractiiig parties bas su>' relitiVes here excepi Mr Bugbee's fAmîil>', btt a niuber cf frienda here were ~ present îWtSSSS5 apy yatand te, express tIWtW -0dab0tO ibethide, wbo lias wn sufpie$Iun4s diimg the tbree years thse ffaiuly bras ,'idad ln Canad. The ce - - - liaé ame$d dirougi u&."î cls ss. eud in the' 4à 4OUtt tfluth dl -'u -roons "jI"on« oflI .Y. w ~ epth en thea sdirpcnecauevat u tofat s- vpbailao nd scineolcildrure tho a e-a grietdal g cf attention e ti.Se gavcftiea moue a dasledattetise onc inthet tis stned ws lto th e valed lis Use thenstyleaof vwitse ua -rly a iIe4inthe o ufw etrl, *e ea a yo w a osthé old tt of e cnturias aoa o uV.H e.,utbe'ltI furchtOiser ab .cewt n hsa te is funhr. Wd rged Wtit'n'g bak t th mu pîntandfroi $t 9 taou s w heo,i"d ews-tei~w~s bts au ovld .th2is ni uye ý~ç. . 1b, esw henatua nacticalwsuts F. STEWARTe y, v Uale. + LIvely USA 055. ~We're wilhing to give you most of the ~profit, and in a good lime the whole of it. COME and 8EE.'ç~ There's much he newpapers neyer tell about. BATURDAY, NOV. DRESS GOODSi Bargain Day. 1lthp MILL INEIY. NEW DRESB GOOD8 ........regulai' $1-00, NEW FANCY DRESS GOODS, "4 .75, NEW SERGES, (Ail Wool).. ci .35, 1896, MA N TL ES& tg .500 c' 25o Ail Millinery ai reduced prices. See our Ladies' Mantle Cloths at $125. Ladies' Manties muade to erder in tise very latesit styles, and at very lowest prices. See our Ladies' Underclothing. ORDERED CLOTHING a Specialty.-We neyer sold Ordered Clthing as cheap. Perfect in style. FIt guaranteed. Be sure to call ad sec our New Overcoating, Tics, Ha.ts, Caps, etc. BPEOIAL.-New line cf Caps, regular 50c., on Saturdsy 25c. We always seli as we advertise. Our sales are GrnuvuuurBÂISGÂIN;. :F. STE W.RT w G. W~IITY WALTERS. We Lead in Manties, aud our immense Business in this Brnch cf Dry Geoda haà been built up by the thrce great inducements which we i.- invariably offer to thc public, viz:- The Latest Styles, The Best Materials, The Lowest Prices.* Our Stock l'orthe Fai Trade of 1896 is larger by far than any provions asaortment and at the mre time it is distinguisbcd by ail the nacrits of fermer ycara Our prices arc lower than elsewhere.tF M anties at $2.50, worth $8.30. Manties- at $6.00, worth $7.30. Manties at $4.30, worth $9.50. Manlesat$7.50,wath$.0. Stylish Heavy Cheviot Jackets, al wool, Ladies w/to wislz Io make Mue mosi of their money Skou/d insftect 6e fore purchasing, elsewhere. wm Oddfellows' Building* G~. W1~LTERS, -o- -o- -o- Quality Tailks.a The Exceptional Qualities- of ( ) c.onvinces "iKolona" Oeylon Our stoIé Whitbyw e o Furnituir. D«wbr .w STOP AEW THIffK 9Bfore yen pusicm ~Ym tIFitnoS store for à & shorti tise. 'iI.s1 Good Wi .l tim S", Ié-" Good Maple Bedatuoada for 4 ZI 8oi.Oak Bdros' S oïts ."è*I#AO TEk -ý-A athe most criticaltQver of the cup. that ch eers that it has. no equal. and i lb. lea.d packa'ge.s ol 0- e b me. -c. LAWL VIAI,. -4 4 AMI NKa 0001 -p at 0ip4.9,D. M 0 - mom m 0 m mo- \11ý %f.vf%-PkME and SEK9" Baok lis