ted bore wonutaî:MssM i fayluqt Friday sarc quito e o lait wich f\t,. m riende-inft wD. - Miss f itYre »but aturdty *Wsatng ValU, ,p1 f d the Su---.y ends e n Argy<1é sd Lotviile.JE h» ML ia ie mi "~up, of Cannington, wasg letcngre' the guest of ar.- and Mr$. G4. Protor, j Dted themn- an Stinday. I b rnie t F. Meurs. W. 8000 and Aloi MeRs, e (reIf o t me hunting at Lonig Lakq, where Ihey Wgeur- , J J j ehv L lefBie re bis pur- ad tbree fine deer. înhavt lt 5016 .BJAUTIFUL AMERICAN turn&e. home -l-it SattUd a fr a a wek'i lighta, spent Friday in Lindsay. Meurs. D. MMiIlan, J. J. Glaver, H ,L %. Martin, W. Oshorne, E Lit- 4l. LJ.cameron, C .Westott, P. ,4 Mlian jr., A. <Jh&ilers, Capt. R. Gil. berton, Rub,tt.MeKay, A. Murray, inom- bers of the 1. O. 0. F. atteuded the ban- quet ten4ered Grand-master H. White, by the Litadsay Lodge, in "Lindsay Opera flouse," ou Friday evenirtg of lait week. Mr. Ken Davison lait a couple of valn. able eh.-ep laut week- Killed by dags. Mr. W. E. Cameroli viait.ed friends in Thorah on Suuday. The Rev. Dr. Watson, of St. Ândrew's week WIi 11 epU04aHly icleman froru the cinity ot, dIe was bere a few day'c mnce de l ocating ini aur midi 1 nd tak 'e of the harneei (hop\ but Dat ta find a suitable bons, vacant t Make the desired *~ange- f lhe bad Iocated here he0would anu excellent buginefs Datloubt have doue go in tbe past. b. Orvis. aur srenial store-lxeep. has b(a.ù building in Wabagane tat.F W4Kks pa.st 18 expeeted hame - aturdav of thi wek. We prumor says winter bai for a &et in ut nt that northern L j. until the aunuai meeting of the cougrega. J W. Saitan bas been working for W. tion, held in January next. Services wilî F. Joues, of Mt Zion, of late. He b however only be held once eauh Sabbath, <Va. -0 beon iustrucuing the aimaist dofunct alternatly morniug and evehing. Ill le te CL 4r of that place. The lecture given by the Rev. J. j. nitiu ou tuc , intf- e were îamowhat surprised in look- Rae, of Pecerbore, in the Methodjat lst1ahe ie 60Ch, isndo ifn12R, ver the items cf lait woek frn achurch lait Friday evening wai porly at- <t, i the Ottawi any Wte ands mon Auffley, were the cor. nakes humble tended, owing no doubt te the inclemen. ra n te Otaw vaioynd inogconfession that the admission feeo f 30c-. cy of the weather. asked for te enjay the entertajuiment at Mir. James Hodgson, of the Talbot the Mt. Zian bot supper sta&rgerte bu. river, Point Mara, abat a very ha.ndsorne 0/~';' Whon wo consider aur Audley friends ailver fox lait week. ~' ~ nover give anytbing scarcely but a ten For some time past it bas bien a hotly V. cent show we are led te bîlieve that tboy debated que@ tion here as to what two '~j, have developed into a ten cent era players in towu were the champion tion. No daubt chanld the fe oly have "Orokinoîe" teai,, but the inatter was e. ein ten cents sanie of the more narrow ruait conclusively aettled on Saturday ainedonee would have aaked or at leai4t evfinofltwekwhuMsr.A. deere a etnd ffve ens, ndiuvi-- araei-<n and 4. W. Hamilton met and , 'Ny t ce aksetmore, @av more, vuqihe-hnâ ow-essrs. Cha. th N~ , iiznly give the YatocI club, and H. S a ern Beverot askd fr 8c. ow e hvehad the tons& well-kuown sharpshooter -, ina ~ -,-- . ploasure of hearinz the Stouffville choir xnatett for the championship of the,&Q.o. and we, along with the Kinîsie people The sà qrJewau 3 te 1. The winTlig teaiu, wo~ ~ ~uld .willing pRy thirty cents ta hoar both uite y0un fqEHows., ar ering thElm render one of their niait excellent their la.cî i ibocomiug modeety, and âuy is Thos. Dobie, of 130 flead prozvamiDeîs t any time, and * re es are conildent of being able ta beat any Chaudiere. who for twelve long pOcially Wben the proceeda go it h n i 'ows*ad atl ihIeu as wrought for the greaî luniber fonds Of One of Our ohristian churches. If Mr. W. H. Johnson, of Peffertà w, vas . R. Booth, shautyiug in the snowy aur Audley friend'or friend@ as the casei .0 forests, and lifting tbree inch may ho @end up a dologation twlce the iu (Wr mid.st on Saturday. ring the sommer beats. It iî not aizo Of the ognal nunhor generslly attend. Mr. W. H. Spofford o'f Lindsay; wma ouidered at tbat in hig long experi. ing places Of this kind, îay six people, viattor hore lait Tburiday. d great exposure he ebotild con- and aftor gettlInR a good bot supppr and .A few af sur local 1%i1mrods are ipo1ný_ severe cold that iu time tob per- hearing the poprilsr choir of Stauffvillo ing their time in the l*sh north of hoe lottig u' the reglon of is loins accompaniod with the addreeaes, do st bunting a doe and fawa that have been ducys Like uiauy o tîers hi the end Of the îv8nine's eoh'rtainment occasionaliy seen'there' ta wvork it off, but in va n. Soon make affidavit to the effeci, that value ta On Monday l1it, M Chas., Leacock sl in thei region af tbe kadneys be the extent of a paultvy admiuion feof solerd Zs rsyo fitlk n intenise that labor was a torture SOC. wae Dot given W@ agi-es ta psy thebir accompanied by Christîebtrbori started alid i was ouly the ndomit.abie expenses bath ways, We hope thoy will off for Cat-eronis bush, t deeni a repu - l'orn of a knowiede that othera nover havi the audaeity to se dîlytto ai ht~rdb recor.e purueutuphhi u t urged tbeir narrow bearteduesa, for the exceed- bbahootiat," !vhilea mc urubis weary round Of daily iuglv Remaîl Pcun af haif a dîrne. WVî do tan Hunt Cub No '2. 4'ey udonmovemeut of the net judaxt, mauy of aur Audley friend& tieIN-k - aoutIl -1 as as a thorny goad tbat rmade are rmade op of .neb contractied aend nAX at the hu t>os nce beueatlh it6îh iug. Added te row spleens rs tii wrics'r, and Wç waulif 'h ad a r&k. air 5 au Unusual ttnd excessive sweat- atmget ta hini-not ta give himei; f awav whlmeia.y oti 'io eli necessitated frequent eauges seo oailv ta public ridicule forth ai the li ttieaniRui, 1mi .ug, aud whmch weakeued bini ta iun uof five cents. ,. frentof htm, 1 UM MUPI- pilnttht isapptao &5aI R. W. Meowbray's wife presepntfd ber ted by the bu" usee hed tirely gone, and evetuiW' Lulhand au Sunday luat with abouni Carie 60 1M. il d and much wator waB hhp daily baby boy. sfur'Whielxha n Vain tiffrts werq ru ~de.by Our aid frien'd and f-iÉor resident of 'ed; br*ke it 9c *> à aad b-ta fréee bîuself frars tb i painsKinsftle Staff Cori6ain Emerson a Ma-rb ei.iipr'fvt~41rt ýad fastened themselvea Yaon bîm, lv taken Pi ,; for Eng'"and. John is lok. Pa, 9ing a rakefaflof h medicine ufter anotbs'r acgued, ir his British possessions. We -.- 0a Jty, he,.dla6harged hia gun in, out effetif<ciet. b1dn ILnaio hérs! $~ ftie foot behind the rabbi, t.nce a thing alinost t u<d< ir deep - aevyg, tebin7 nemarking &his henchman, "It'fs no use, ,fruities% efforts bi,*à çi mn. Mr. Nathan Omvit, of Andlo, a Christy, 1 caiwn*t bit anything imaller *4.Willîamrn iPink Plls-7 w the cliauge warking for Mr. Hlanx-son, Of SpIm o. than a ten acre-ýfield, and it bau ta b. ns. suad bis nerb. Cr hele! for uee.-Timnes. 1 taken six, Mr. aud Mrs. Jnseph ran are ex- ,i-)ler the pffl'ed ta returu home is week feaWV r.prolouged Vîsat in M0~r. atr rel, cou Mr. Ahsoloem Lw.noce bad a plouffb- Break Up a Ood in Thu. K s*v ud ine bte on the Siýver farm here on Tues-&. us i Wht 'I~ A ood dpâl of land waa Lurned np frn na d f ae lwn. ret Oinr cdor wPre conspicuouts on Stib- M-PCOA itaimtis at ls by their non attendance. No COLDS, citour, "01q- (1( dubitb&,ir absence conld not be avoidodCHfS ARES tc a1me The U, per Canada Bible Society meot-Ma.JSP RWC, ille is bi lltd for bore one weok froni te oÇÃ"a Sonei NAe.ToronI ,riK nah.Adireises wili b. giron by the - Pyny-tectoaaI bui n«ve l.M cm arîcîîtios agent@îand oabers. ncirzoc.pfraw<h ar e- ohr e balei re tr cogh..croup or hoauesa.& r * wILu j 0 . . Bà pBouNI, '&LYIIS culND-4W01 W TzxT Maggle RMMatin, 27 Radenhurst t,. Toronta. f e'.rathat !Ryokman'i 'Kaatenay Cure' cnrad tParalysie whieh rendîr.d one aide of ber body '.Y u&eua..Phyutoansaad there wu no ahance everreonvering the un of ber limbe. Hope -dhebut to-day the la walkiug*areund teUin -11, ho- ' ttckmAn'* - KaotenajcuOre . cave and happmnusa. Swaa-ta, Muly ,Iwo 89, 4'.Seymr uow.rley, Natari- Pm1t>tlc NOTEMI.. 'te, nine year aid wiha uted with her irîhi bas beaq entilSI< ured and '<n huittp' kna s'«Kootenay inuà sworo abtte- dcie White, 189 atTomato l1tqa~7 ovir- bave i aiLitte RoherNB.,wrtes : V - A a cure fer coubuPIff'.etl?4 ~ieW, efla mil.t~bave;mi eu>- toaa. eru *tiiav.. Large Boife t&. DtVIS & LAWRENO'R co.. in.- .Praprietara, limornaui. Feteabero. At the f ail session- 4n ýPeterborough Mrs. Jackson sued the tow n for damag- es for injuries caused by a P~roken plaiik in a isidewalk. She We$ git CQ, $200e damages- and ber busb*&t 6o. 'The town must also pay the, costs. It is to be hoped t4zat Peterboo will notappeal7 and b ing about a r petition Of the ffloi1 case wbidth e -otet ould h.a'-'e been settled. > $00'but ini the end ot the Lw vers! thousan~ds of Aolla'[' I ROOFýSTEI Retail ver bC.Pe F 17 First -Pz kRETTES. tll &' Co, Rt N. Y. -ywhere Package. ýe Me-dais. 'I MMI. I t I i7,,M bers, which arg notý thest LLGÉa i L>y shape'ýsthe booti, 6hotd be unÙcojfortable'. lt coasm R ub ber sOlftrFy U' Each yea 'new ptterns are addt Itale1atcÃŽtshoe9îapeý,and(ri' R u bbers adaw y~ p t - a e 'laCY-are hou~xae~.pr Do LJaVe teet' -VITER- Borders to Match :-AT IE9 Corne arly ând getfira e,. P. B., WARAMI Bryan's aid B$ud, Brook St., Wfltb DOMINION BANK. Capital ~ $e5o Padu,-* 000 Genorai Banking Businessl Tranma.ted. SAVINOS DZPÂRTMENT. luteresi ailowed st hlghest eornent rates.- No noWa aof withdrawrni r.quir.4 E9. J. TRNTONe "Nasem I OP LONDON, 3NGL£5l4. Es.tablisbed 1843. ., Total funds in bu .418,501,777-9 Bonnies îdcied.-..... ....«.....«.1 9,635764 Total claimspad. .21,963 Total amount Assuranoe In- 685 1aim pad ' aucout. in g to .. . .. . .. ..... . 8 , 6 6 3 Grauts-a a vrie! vde and Iodispu"aW. Profits u l ag Enu-y d ocln o f -LitAa,*à w Local agcnts wanted. -MoBI libetal tA-ý. i ým Ça fiefr anada, No à çr,"- St bsT rôutq Out 'Ge . M nag .-,A W BRIGGS> 9n. ~ Jne 3,1 î8 6. u .t 004,1o nt DA MSp cDE)NTIS-X. 'Yqua 'ete w', sold uer pL -ent@ Gn t.ean t n] l'tt a 1 hIe rma Street, years Il king. J. ta Le W( enre an tract a 6 luio lkit thf- pliu cartl- sa werë, de l11111 ta tot!. E laody wi ut,. jw-at thit 1t,. ý-4 ti K s r V-wq Iqqup,-T, ýY ý 1 LowEST 1 OMTIUOI