On Suuday W#pIa daer, lMr&. tt WOodruff had the mIforW»unteochoke T TAT TRE1 no, qhîoken boue. The ai"tal3e of à PN IER LLFE WOU LD dotor wau'oesr boel aY" ~~E SHORT. ~~found relief. o b t @Osin hbu s«pbeno. en in the sh-%Pe of a caif at Iith'but a Grain of Faith Her witb flvo loge. The extra pedal ilu front &ad appearnto&be of uecesuity w-hen htfAdmïrtstered Dr. Williams' t .. u nk UiIs'and She îs Row Cured. w-o.k old, .yes is strong aud wil likely hi5 Woi full of change. There Master Fred Hoit wua taken to thé C ~ hataffct he onsituiongenere.i bospital, Toronto, on Thureday c . C$ hivaiaffcth nsituatinaftornoon whore b. viii undergo a oritical t [idiicanuo haer th conig. operation. .W. ail trust that h: msay get wèMay parry the unsalutary char- b. home again. eý(their influence. Womanhood Me ibsWcrf fDaatn tiiCption i lsusceptible of changes sà Fre KerrfOubava, w-èbr dul t.~andthemoa juicius tte- ,a:ried in Tonaw-anda, N.Y., on Wed. 'vend prudential care to ensure per- usaNv 8b yBy f os Vtek1pment and happy maturty. The aewly married couple have tairén op *fchagoes are so vital and so subtie tbeit abode in Othsw-s, where we trus& itieir character that unless the ut- tbéy wiii prosper. The bride's. many Cet vigilance and discrimination is frieudi join us in wisbiog ber every hap Ziied lui the choice and application pige«. tfCrputed remedies the worst resuits The înflux of oid snd décrepid hots .accrue. The constitution mnay be have tarted for the City, several ganîs ul ' crmnined and the germs of disease havingr passod through tbis villa ge dorlng fOstered. Vigorous life is at the basis thé paSt fortniaht. Pérbapo to dispose cf Of ail enjovment and success. To bc oid and %iselent animais ie this way in but weak le to be miserable. t la there- te improve t.he sanitsry coditions of our fore fundamental te every interest ot country. but if you have an aged animal -bumnanity that life's red.' red stream be that bat been faitbfül in yOur service for ,%ept pure and hodthY. Owing to yeaMs, ave;b Put out of tJe w-ey and de. neglect of these pa.Culars many young oeutly buried. Mauy of thèse buyers of womeu have alswCd lite to become a, sôsndhband herses have no feeling and burden and a ovearisome round et dut- will starve the poor animal., giving tbeoe ies.Faij ad weak very aptly de- nitber food or w-tter jout se long 04 the .ia. Fair odtonatrveuigpoor brutes can walk. Beveral fines for scrbes,>er ondtio afervenu rî~cruelty in this way have been imposed to perPrm some ordinary househol igthé psut couple of yesrs in snd ut.Wbat can be donc to accomplish dnring théeCity, but innumerable caues rejuvenation of Lhese unfurtunate bave psssed unnoticed, and are being hes ?* here is a remedy wie'l iiew-u winkéd st almoat daily while the hoe and loudly applauded, wlý, virtues tramelolatte. ele preclaimed on the bouse tops and Mr. Thomas Pencher, new- iret deputy, whispered on the streets. Ten thouf- wiii bc a candidate for thé reevé.bip of and mothers have recommended it and Pickering for next yesr, b. inakes tbe an twice ten tbousand.daughters praise it. nouncément that reports te thé contrszy Read what one of them has to say. In wil hé eounteraoted. Altbougb w-s have the village of Lancaster there lives Mrs net ohtsined it offioialy w-e are of the A. J. Macpherson. widow o! the lte opinion that tbe preut reeve, Geofgu A. J. Macpherson. She is well and Gerew, will stand for another yésr, sud favorably known in the comrnunity. that R R. Mowbray. second deputy, will Some four or five years ago Mrs Mac- fbrsake thé tow-nship aréna a.nd stand foi pherson sent her eldest daughter to enuntY houoe. Third deputy Hiltsi i New York. While there she resided ont likely te b. a candidate for any posi. wiî.h her uncle and attended schoolten as hé in rather indisposed Counoîl. being then only about sixteen years of or Richards will likeiy step op and ceu age.Thesocal ife f hr tmpoarytest thé firot députvsbip One thiug i age.Thesocal Ie o he tenpoaryevidént, sither R. W. Meowbray or Ge home made rather severe deniands Ge-vl poe hmsPnhrf upon er tie. an bemn amb thte reevesbip. Frem this programme ii she was anxions to make rapid progress wil b.e Pén that but two méembers of tLb in' her studies. In each particular she old council are likely tu stand, and thii enloyed a covetable measure o! success. will make roooe for at least diree név >ý-but at no small cost. Many remarked men. Arthur ]obnsteu bas annaouncec ,her paleness and loss o! color. She himBélf as a candidate for county houoe ..' egan to f eel tired and weak after a sud sithér George Gérow- er R. R. Moçu - 1ý,.tt1e exercîse. such as a short walk.raw-laieska iirpoti.N 'Miss Macpherson's stay in New York oLbcqr namés bave as yet boon definitel, ',ý,,'asted about two years. Ail this time annouuc'bd, and Le some mmndi it w-ouli 1 he ate and slept tairly well. In the appear that thécaunnty men viii be elect 1 pring o! 1893 she carne home, and her éd bv acclamation. Fer thé miner off] V,1 ýother could flot but remark how cUN ibère ane a boat ofunamés mntionéd - hanged ber daughter was-pa]e and but it in rather seon for thés. candidate ýnguid instead o! being bright and to sonounce théméaelves. Mo st of the£ ~<ddy. Thinking that nourishing foo>d will w-ait otil after thé couuLy nomini dperfect quiet. wit.h judicious exer-tenote2i ni-Nws ise. would restote the lost vigor and udyalow, at was participated in te -the fullest extent. For a month thîs wa rid ut stili Miss Macpherson the qualities of the Pink Puis, but they advantage. Soon after beginnng the use o! the pilla, says Mns Macpherson, i thought 1 saw a rcddish tinge upon her cheek aud lu the course o! a week or se my daughter feit better. The tired feeling began to vanish and the abeormai sleepieess began te yield te -the influence o! Dr. Williams' Pink -PikContinuing the use o! the pilla the rgress of he? resteration was con- nuous and complete, and ber improv- d iooks wcre the subject et favorable omment for some time. To-day her belbis ail that could be desired. and tbh hc young lady and b er mother flrm believers lu the ruedicinal -vi " sof Pink Pilla and often recom- men* tbemn. Dr. 1ilas Pink pille are Sold oui y tu bo es besring thé firw's inade markr sizd *m9o.(pewt&ui -.da)..ýsJ in Ixnd 9hai Dr. Wiuu' Pink Pille are n et sold lu bulk or by thé dosén or und.red, sud any dealer who offen u sb- suinutes Libis fotuisi.tr7zg té d.fraud you sud sbould be avoided.. Thé IýpnhIe are aie cattio>114 agaiMo al~ i, oer s alted biood huilders and nerve tonie*,. ut up in imilar foraiitu.t e eive. They are al imitatins W-houé akers hope te résp a peéuxiary sdvamn- g. from the vonderftl \reputattor hievod *by- Dr. -WiWaW ik.Pla k your .4ear Sr u. le, OntmigN sud 8aéietady,2N. YTi, P srge compilut' lâ î t # o s J. H. tD. Orvia for a yt,. The ealvitiou Bru. Thunîdsy of lait veék. bouse gathered m) hear thenA Richard Puokerin bas been neiahhorbood for a week or se. doubt getti.ng thé drift of affaira for neit yesr. J. H. Mmdiii intendi and il prépsriug for au ope foncer& on thé afternoon of oue of thé îeisiug days of the Lerm. May hé have à fiue day. rw onist onFray Isoat ewith s vas insturd itéonsudbandhaet W.t ;îarn tati e isite ntioan taain te ouancy honore. is igienionore -it gladty eee him tbère. Mr. Bray'a @ale cf farm, productions ras lsrgely attended aud huying w-as verv mctive on Fridmy last. Iu out cpin ion thé salé roalized as manch as a sprlng sale would have doue. bis sous Thomas and Samuel wére dow-n for a fév deys. E.L. of C E. w-'. voil attendéd Tués- lay eftls&t eek sud thé officera for thé cnrrent tarai are :-Hou. Prés., Rev. J. Tbom, B A.; prés., F. M. Chspmmn ; soc., W. b Outbnio ;'vice prés , Mdisses ~Sdie sud Katé Bray, Messrs. F. O. No Quay sud J. H. Mad.l We cengysatuiaeeasd vish mnch sué' îeeding prosperity teontu friend thé Wbitby CHILONICLI Uponu s arrivaI at the 4Oth mile steue in its history. Thé new-sy pages are always volcomed lu ont ruidet. Your item ré tempérance iu Pickerng Mr. Editer wui. a hnsttiDit article w-eh worthy et perusal by &aI l beral-mmnded men. Tho tow-nship w-ut soon have te record it'. vote upon thé question again sud w-e w-sut Eacandid discussion fre fres &il underbaudeduess. No, 5 iiterary seciéty met lest Friday with Master Wili Calvort in thé chair. Afier minutes w-ère resd thé follow-ing programme w-as givén :-Chorus, achooi; songe, A.ggie O'Lt-ary, Annie Maddfrd, Ethel sud 'N Kéelér; readinge, A. Bd- yards. A. sud F. Brown' recitations, L. Puckrin, F. Elliott, E Lynde. A. Lynde. Maggie Hlaight. Thé toliowing résolu tien w-as tieu movéd sud seoonded: ",That tbis seciéty donounco a&l destruc- tion of harmiese animais sud disapprove of snylrnembers cf scbool sngsging thete- in.- Thé abeve motion w-as theouonme of thé bumauity of thé girls opu'u w-lt nsssiug a couple or se et boys kilt au in. nocent taquirrél. Fniends yen miss a treai Sw-heu you miss thèse programmes. r le ie 1q, o ly d d. es In takieg care o! the finger nails neyer allow the fiesh at the back o! the eaul to be cut. It should be gently pushed back with a bluet stick from time to time to preveet the formation o! the hangeail; but under no circumn- stances should it be cut, and it should neyer be se !ar pushed back as te clear it !rom the nail. The indentations se elten seen on nails suppesed te be wecl carcd for are the result of this pushing back the flesh. It interferes with the proper nutrition o! the nail. One must aisoexercise great cane in.cuttiflg the nails. They sbouid neyer be cut close te the quick on the aide. A sui- ficieut portion of the nail must be left at cither aide te completely cover and protect the nail body. There is ne ob- jectign to poiishing the nails, provided in the procesa the akin arouud them ia not pushed away. If that la doue, it la ouly a question of time whcn the naît will begiu te grow crookcd, and a de- formation o! the nail is eue o! the most -difficuit things te correct The n.ail should neyer be cieaned with a sharp instrument. and the under audface should neyer he sciaped. Gare of the Finger Nails. Diamond Dves HaveET.aL'T World-wide1 à il broai Albert. There la considerable talk here about building a griat miii on the waten privi- iedge owncd by Robt. layes. The revival meetings at the method- ist church have bçeu discontinued. Rumnor says Rev. G. W. Dewey has been tendered a cail fromn the Aunera methodists. Dr. Richardson han vmoved here from Zephyz. -Out thankugwiing vititmns ,,,Robert Rowland of Toronto, Prof. Shuttle-. worth and Miss Shuttlcwonth Gep Misas Sbaw- cf Sutton, RLiý.D. MOOoIS of Tonntb, and lMt. aà 4dMIK 0 Iog Goodwood. ýThé chopper put un tihe old fonnidry_ of late. Mr. *Vu& Brooks. speut thaiksgiving, day lu ýOttawa, rewriting SatS=day evening, MessmrEfflgne Ro'en-sd , W. Woôdcock- t auitfew <jays a Toronto.' Miss nt: 3 s eutverà : holidays a Record14 The Diazuoud Dyes are far aliead cf ail other package dyes made for home dye- iug. When tihe plain directions are foi- low-ed, a child can dye enccésafnlly. Diamond Dyca are wârrted te celor more goeds than any o&ber package dyes sud te make colon.. that st as long am thé goodi haold to)géthen. AU viseéonosnizng and prudent w-e- men ue Diamoud Dys because 1t1îeY nover suffer di.appomftt, oitures on loums îat ruait fSpz twué 1f o 'l prepmred dye. Every ak¶ecfD0 10 ~ fis:w 5ffPiié tO o the wrkl deaWrs wWil try ta sIlI t mittos -mou&d>ibtbringae uoeid. lu tokhîg *uÃ-t foryoungbreedlnf, lew-s tkt armet î1 OODapt te 9vext100 w.s. ROCH ESTERI i I I Capital Paid UP, 4, Wbitby.Agny Transaoted. Sole Agent at JTii5ari I I .3 77.ieeah ycarofi~ailtheo i SAMIOS DlgPAZTMET. N-,~ IntéréelS aloved b b.«ur4mat». 090 ettecf wtthdzaval roquire4.. : "g&L,"PASTER-ý 0<CSU lof n.orswge a" baunmtk&' an 3 L notipIsUa-.0A385 i hacVbe umethO iaen ta oe.vai oeMM -J . flE M -wsiiton. Dcp 19 Cu m mSo atica, A1m baz. TNon. *rAig1i i"i Be kdé, or * Price Davis & LawréneeCo., M&. sac. Sole Proprietors,.MNloTREAL. STAR LIFE ASSURANUCEOUGP 0F LONDON, N3NGLÂND. Estabished 1843. T o ta l fu n d s lu b a nd . .. . ... $ 18 , 5 0 1 ,7 7 7 9 6 Total cdaims ~22,132,95639 Total ainount Assurance lu force Dec ý95.-... -.- .. 7o967,2614 o 685 dlaims paid 19 amount- iug w...-. .... i,38o656.83 Gmga wo aved w*Ide atid ludisputable pohiçV. *Nô réstrictIons sm te resdence. Puilts lncesing wfh âgeocf policy. Imédiate pymeut of desth daims. Interim ana cnud .bmusms sdded. Evepy drpon cf Lite Assurance w-atéd Mci lbérl trme Apt1yT H Carter, Genrl" Agent, Tor- ente Junictin, oxdto. Head Office for Canada, No. z Adétald. si. Es TorotoOnt. Gen. Matnager, A W BRIGGS, Esq., June 23, 1896-3moe. Torento, Ont W. A DAMS? Rooms everj0 efinýies sclcthing utoem Residencé-,O.n i,'r oo BgSt Whltby. jan. s20b, 8 FMM W fiENT' 5ý *oces Apply i.0 -lutJA&UX l Hq siyind $I,5~k ~fDry Feet 1cele Heal thy-comortabls...warm....cernic- painiess-comiiy feet. Feet rescued fromý _ old, clarnmy, cluxnsy rubbcrs and shod n wetproof -snowproof-oidressred lather shoe<, macle ith ~' I the Famous Goodyear W elt. Styhish, wea'-resisting, S quickiy cieaned, hght. Black or tan. $5.00. Siater Rubberless Shoe. Whitby, M. W. Collins* Now for the Cok1 ciothing ie interlined with Fibre -- Chamois. Ih w-ut fot add.weight and oniy costs la few exa cents, ibut it givcs a graieful comforting warznth to mense, women'a'% and fi ldren's clothiug .which will defy -tecoldest blasis of winter. For your ow- sake don't try to dowifhout titis baèkbonc cf ýaII Don't bjy- any ready-to-wear suits which -baven't the Fibre Chamois label Think of the. healdhtil warmth, the différence in, prioe dome't =ont. Du. er, n r a FiUMPS l as wind; t or <t put ilJjj can mal in n arny Ot a i CaII maie, 11Yone directi4 ièfnin« 1 M0e, etp' upjin ene i Flýwx bà Retail Everywhere be. Per Package. 17 First Prize Medals. DOMINi. Banking (2<ýn DENTIST. HERSe