Whitby Chronicle, 11 Dec 1896, p. 2

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-ast awày-,< 1 %a tc h. ILLE. îerstand that corisiderabie 1 about the Fitch perjury )f whicli is erroneous. we public interest endeavor to and as correct a statemnent as %%e Cali. ln connection libel case Fitch vs. Malioy. s1 ýwas on June 30th last examin- dlsO4Dwery before I)eputy Exam- Ierry.\in Toronto, and on accourn >the allcgèd falsity of some of his ans- wers an information was subsequently laid agaînst him for perjury. The ad- iourned case came up before Judge Mc- [)ougall on Tuesday afternoon last in his chambers, Toronto. It wili be noted that at his examination for dis- ,covery under oath Mr. Fitch denied all knowledge of having uns<itisfied judg- ments standing on record against him in the Paris Division Court. denied ow- ing a dollar to the parties holding such judgments, and denied ever being serv- ed with a summons in connection with them. At the triai on Tuesday several witnesses were examined who testified that through their solicitors they had -sued him and understood judgments were obtained in said court and that these judgments were stili unpaid. >1r Campbell, manager of the Canada Paper Co, swvore that Mr. Fitch at the ti me of said examination owed them about $îoo on a judgment which he understood was o:btained in the Paris court and the firms solictor, Mr Fleury, swore that it had been paid to him since the said June 3oth last for the company by checks from Mr. Fitch and Mèssrs. Macdonald ý- Fitch,. although Mir Fitch at bis examination on said 3oth of June swore that he did flot owe the Canada Paper Co a deliar. The clerk and bailifi of the Paris Court, through some niisunderstanpding,-. falcd to be present as witnesses, but the crown was in possession of an afidavit of the clerk in which he states that a number of unsatisfied ;udgments were then on re- cord in the court against Mr Fitch, and that he examined thc affidavits of the bailiff and found that Mr. Fitch was served personally in cvery case, save one. Owing to the absence of these two important witnesses the Crown was rnoving for an n2inlirnnnt U. Riddceli, counsel for Mr. Fitch, oflered the foliowing objections. .1t having been proved that Deputy Examiner Perry after administering the oath to Mr. Fitch, did not rernain in the rooru during the whQle time of the examina- tion, he contended that the examina- tion was not held before the examiner and cited an Engiish case in support of bis contention. His H-onor agreed with Mr. Riddell and decidcd that on evidence taken thus irregularly a charge of perjury could flot be sustained, and scharged Mr. Fitch. This decision ,ne of much interest tothe legai fra- ty as we ninderstand that evidence ,nilariy been taken by other spec-. 'liners and that this irregulatity ailed for some length o! time. ALTONA ik Baker has ieft our midst -at bis parents' home in 'fnn of Uncle Samn's - special services in h. After 30 Years of Rheumatism, is Cured Completely 1-y RYGKMAN'S KUOTENAY CURE' The Medi'cine Is Universally Acknowledged to be TEBLESSING 0F THE AGE HAMILTON, Aug. 10, 1896.1 Mr. S S. Ryckmuan, Hamilton, Ont , DKÂR SR-I take great pleasure in givingf yo a statement regarding MY case ofRhieumatismn with wbich waa afflicted for over thirty yes.rs. The pain had graudualiy approached my brest and affected me so th"t.1 could flot sloop on my le! t side. Another troubie 1 had wua a kind of Dyspepia, known as Gastric in- digestion, froui which I suffered consider- abiy. I had to be very guardedas to what 1 aie, otherwise I paid the penalty At present, aince taking your valuable remedy, known as 6"Koot.en&y Cure,- I amn able to oat-tny oeais without any bad effeet and aIl night wthont any pain or bad feeling. In addition let me add that my Rheu- mat iom waa 80 b.d at times thst I could not move myseif. 1 am noDw like a dif - ferent man and oonscientiotisly reconi- mend your medicine, -Kootenay Cuam, 9 to anyone isuffering from Rheumatism or Stornach Trouble. 1 amn glad to have found the Rernedy aud williniz1y furniah v~ou with this information that it may help others who are siuiilariy affiict<ed. Wisbing you sucsu, 1 romain. Y uru truly, (Sîgned) GRORGEc BRAuw, Pastor, of the Evangelical Association. Reisidence, 146 Market Street. TYRIONE Mr. E Hawkey, teacher, Whitcvale, and MIr T Ryan, Port Hope Model, werc home for Thanksgiving. Miss Mobray. Claremont. while spending afew days here last week- rendereci very valuabie aid here in the elocutionary line at the Thanksgiving social. Proceeds $30. Mr Thos Smith speaks highiy of the Prairie Province. Temple Bar Lodge NO 215, Sons of England, intcnd giving a grand concert in the Sons' Hall, Tyrone, on Friday, Dec, i i, consisting o! humor, elocu- tion and vocal selections. by the following array o! t.alent. C G Airm- strong and 0 A Gamsby. instrumental- ists and vocalists. Orono; F Ruther- ford, humorist, Orono; F Trebiecock, elocut.ionist., Kirby; H. Dunslow, elo- cutionist, Blackstock ; j Gould. vocalist, Bowmanvilie: Miss McDoweIL. vocal-, ist, Bowmanville %M iss James, vocalist. Bowmanville. Messrs Geo Clatworthy, S. G. P. P., ard J. W. Carter, S. G. S., Toronto, will also be present. Doors open at 7 o'ciock, concert at 8. Ad- mission, aduits 25c, children, i 5c. The new village schoolhouse just coinpleted, is one of' the best in Ontario. Mr G H M4cLaughlin wus im purisies Munyot's. to ail women. MUriyon's AatL,ý 3 minutea and cure pera- si. &funyon'p Catarrb Reînedî, The Catarrb Cure-price 25e the. diasse froua the system, and Larrb Tablta-pnoe '2.c.-eleai beal the parus. Munyon's N#Arve Cure la a WC nerve tomec. Prie-, 25C. Muoyon'a Vitalizer restores Io Pria., $1. A separate cure for eacb diaes &Il dra2zgiats, tnostiy 25e a viai. Peronal letLers to Prof MuDn $,<ii and 18 Albert st., Toronto. aliwered witb free inedical advioe for sny aisease. EZAVEEITOI< Mr j j Holmes was in Toronto this week. Mr W Burrows, of Orillia, was here on Monday iast. Mise Allie Watson sgent thanksgiv- ing in Toronto. Mr Aif. Barber spent thanli5giving week in Toronto. Public Scbooi Inspector McBrien paid our school a visit on Tuesday. Mr H A Bruce, of the Toronvog Star staff, was here on tlxanksgivîng day. M r Geo A Young, of Torontoq. visit- ed his parents here on thanksgiving. The two shootIng matches he4d here on thanksgiving day was well patron- ized. Mr Ron White, of Waubaushene, visited in town from Saturday till Mon- day last. Mr. Chas. Lecock left on Monday for Woodstock, where he has secured a situation. Mr. A. E. .Cameron, of Cameron& Canieron has mnade some very for- tunate investments ini the Rossland mines. The Rev. jas. Brown, of Agincourt, occupied the pulpit in St. Andrew's chnrch last Sunday morning and in the evening he preacbed in Knox church. mvu. ana m~rs. U~. lHamilton and Mas- ter Arthur, who have been spending the Tbanksgivîng holiclays - with Mr. Alex. Hamilton of tit -6Hamilton House ", returned home on Monday last. Mr. Dan. Mclnnis, who hu been bar-tender la the e 1aznilton IHtuse" during the past five years, bas se çd a situation with the electric fight o,. pany and left on Tuesday moening fa Embro, where be wiIl superini:end the putting in of an electric Iight system. The Misses Barbara and Laie Mc- Rae, of Thorah. Save a very pleasant part5y on Friday evenwng last. UpWards of ioo young folks were present, about forty being from the village. Dancing was kept up tili three a. m., when thé guests dispersed after a mou enjoyable, cvening. Much syinpatby is expressed for, Mv and Mms H. Westcotte in tJeir receît sad bereavement, T4c lt Oewau taken 8ick about;ý ze.sa ro and L VI en. If be ob. »f~ed'- queutly1tis in utheki . A woin< C t not be a happy, helpfui amiable wife op%-V suifera fromn weakness and disease at t1L.ýt> very mainsprings of her nature.~ may grow up to take its place, b itacli seldom survives where th'i ebc b case. If a woxnan will, she 10aEy hold her pLace in a mamde min.2 heart. If she will take the- rigbt care of 0 Y-O-V herseif lu a wromanly way she will neyer etc..M tact loge her rightfui inheritance, a hus- nish a large, band's love. Ioo0,lock, The best of all know medieinee forwvo. seen on eii4l'f Mo. inen la Dr. Pleree'a Favorite, Prescriptpiano, fr whous terrnl It acta direetly on the important =Suddli- aat .Fbn~ ctez o>gans that make véifehood aud Whitby, Nov. ig, 1896. mnotherhood possblIe sudmakes them ________ atrong and el. It allays inflammation, heals ulcertîon. soothes pain imd tones VIM, VtOOOR, and up and builds up tlred nerves. It p RE TOR pares for "Smot pan u maherhood and R S O insures healthy ceiren. Thousanda of womnen who were sickly, mervous, fretful IN 30 DAYV invalida are now happy, cheerfut- and licîpful wives as a remùlt of its use. AUl GOOD EFFECTS AT good medicine deslen keep it aud there CÂTON'8 VITA. 's nothing "1just as good." Auy de4er who tries to persuade y ou that there ia, Curasgeserl or 810.01al déb is thiuking more of bis profit ilan ci an emas, torb»&s, 108.7 pen"t, etc Vl omre pour welfare and heslth. IrSe, oauasd,,by «m Dr. Pierce&. PieMiant pel ea N 1, i@W, g.i ZU w isor and ÎÎim mpCedY. permanent Cmr for oee*Içati.a. Thev yui lii io .a kte-" la ageutle laxative, a&" two a Mild oa- smpe e sna eei tic. Th uevez pipe. Draggits si Uji~ uI5 DT] Mdnapn e aU gOO&.]bon% be deived by it - G.t1 Nluizom £ulMt The annualimeting of the Oh.ee.. b.ufda.hi1ustlu nassed ocffvery satinfacterily on 8 juda. meo,to4 peu*s .IIr Me.sam. Wm AUj,,, R Burns,: A HoprtL, Oh». 1Stonehou.e sd 1. L. Brou,, voe OK iD.C. elected as&aboalhlof .diroctours for' tbe ~ d»Ùaing yeft. 'At aeboSqnueu t pf te u.vboard Mr. U Broya *w8s Vommý-'0 ànotr-a r reoaki~ Of- ol.'Y m M Su * ithfr.dRethe' unite atag i of weo vdlook list week. Bpwv'ii*il to*Ir.nohof lot- 29, o6, t oa à ' "tire tauOtbà boule" cstfd)q M iiim th Mr. lRenry Wlo, Oi ,~e neyer ean have a u îniM al4ko Il ite the1 1puos tbtt T IsaÂuiyÂwiaouV7,veur..p ~~~~~' 'u asitntt.he o WTa i nra Et I. f.' ~

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