ênnt t t oaxty we1i- Hlughe4 C.P . n oda ftâita éitraitied bne A -"-ô el, vei a 0 a e.;7c;ntalà Il bei i owiced- ttat Mand ni t tu 5,oco pe the1e WbOughes are gaod ent.ertiners. >vrge Cobumîylaad 1eont Iineyer fai 10 set h tÃŽ)r. ao Coutny wohaé been opaqualtqtIceB vhbpo r-$te, ie s eotd pbit.dy 1W Ãe& -or beard of for fil.St- t fr0C ie Veeore ~w.Wy*s. Thrja a lavy eiz. >e 8some better. 1. ettiiag alilthila newa lntYpe, 5Uh!J It 5 rportpd that »uncan ogn tu,.Cuaoacsa Cot~~ of thte townlîare. is to be a candidate to plaitha doilepaet u- for the municipal honors in Uxbridge W Tvoerntowfl o vls .... A stafi Twnship. Duncan is a successful cru hr V hôte wcek -farmer and should make a good ipan. ýZtîî0x spendistro!uail the se Theê lovers of lue roarin' gaine had ~ oref. ve ~ otar news coleumna theur firat curi ou the new rink Tuesday .,îjoe or ,e <>< resssae o n- week. The ice was splendid. Mr. tS' wonderfutl *-cumpared wlth thase.af Leaper, the proprietor, deserves great butda t we can caaily Prisit s n rdtfrhsetrr o t1~m blg cl ut, and the man is yet tu praisancritfrhseepisfr ever sald "ht he aaw a erlectiflg suth a fine substantial rink, or hej IKL<NICLE which was not weiI which is the flnest in this part of the L.a %.John Larke, for many yearat country. If the weaher keeps favor- Osaa îdiaote a able he intends having a carnival next rennarlSdta the writer that l a SCn£ON1CIE for over thirty years, week. never yet seen one poorly pi Inted. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Reesor, Locust Ã, johia Stantan, who ta atill mechanical Hii t hitakgvn ukywt UPéltdent ofîhe CIIitoNICLE office, se-Hil tth-rhakgvntueywh beto b type to tarti a forty Yetsrs ugo. Reeve Gerow. 'habas jtrloîed almost every one ofthe 2 100 The school board at Claremont had isucb"à Wicc. We doaubt if any printer ca over 200 applicants for two vacancies b. lourd ln the worid who bas occupied the irat position in a newspaper for 90 long a on it teachting-staff. perlad.' The subscription price of the Rev. J. D. McLaren will occupy the CUIRONICLE was originally $2 per annurn, Erskirie puli etSbah but, though continually improved frora the ii etSbah firut, the price has been i educed by haif. [t Christian Endeavor meetings will bc atwaya stood for Iaw, urder and decencv, held on W'ednesday evenings during sud, tbough plone to makte enenuies in pu r- the absence of Rev. Mr. McLean. suit of ibis pollcy. bas always exercised a commanding inf1uence in county and other Topic for next week, -How to strengtui local affaira. en our faith in Chrisuanity." AI] Messrs L Chosie stnd P Powers of Oshawa, welconie. were ln town an Monda>', look ing at the Tom Forsythe has gone north to thc bakre oven in the rear of Glpns store, with 'efoth ner Tmiset a vlew to tart the baking of bread for- ped- shantiesfrtewne.Tmi e dlininn luOshawa. If îbev aie flot success ting a good exarnple which ought to b( fui ia aecuring the premises, their bread followed by several others here. wilI be baked at Mathisns bakery. The presbyterians of this village ar( The Gazette says our town public me n mkn rprtosfrab7a have no enterprise in themn. For months mkn rprtoi o aara pasI t a been also asserting that they have tea on Dec. 23rd. The prevailing dis no boneaîy ln theni eiher.. Will our cotem course now is. flot the weather, bu, b. go good as to nominate from among our, what articles are you manufactîîring fo cititens a set o! public men who would meet teb.ar rcest epce ls ideas as ta the bonest and proper manage- dhe bfanse.Prces ohlpc ment of îawn matters. Up bo date Mr. db fMne Newton bas alwas bcen tearing down but Mr. J. A. Morgan, of Walkerton neyer building up. We do flot suppose any- visited with his grandfather, Jos. Gregg W.y pays the izigtest attention to his taIk, but the man's dispepsia is dlaagreeable over thanksgiving. ail the sanie. We unierstand that the trustees c ln another columnn wili be found an ad- our school have eagaged Mr. Torrie, c vertisement of fariners' institute meetings t0 Toronto normal as principal, and Mis be held ln Saîîth Ontario this winter. ForLtlofSaboassitn.W two or tbrce years, Pat epense and firtMLtl fSabr sassat lais addresses have been wasted on empî>' wish the new teachers success. benches here, as the farmers did not appear The hockey boys piayed the fit- tu take sufficient interest in the meetings t o attend. Theie bas not bren a meeting ber e game of the season on Wedncsda for years where half the audience were afternoon, the 2nd, and if the v'ay the £ armera. There are a few good and pros- handie their sticks is any criterionc pet-oua farinera who alwa>'s show up. but the the season's success, they willb othera appear ta treat scientific knowledge strctiy in it.- qWitb acora. Still the governinent recagnizessr the absalute necessîtyl of better farming in Robert Graham is at Beaverton th Onur country, and la pushin'g the education a! week closing the sale of the Clydesda' the famer ai the cautry's expense, a thing salo,'RylSadr' oasr motdonc taotherlines ai business. Fariner5allo,-RylSadr oasn _.would cotisait their awn inierests as weil as cate thcre. Royal Standard has alwi show their appreciatioti by attending these won fitst wherever shown and will bu meetings. valuable addition Io stock in th; T'ake Notice and puy aP Wc bave bren compelled ta mnake cir 'for a lt of deliaquent subacriber s, anîdw -' o te sasse witis-ail the others w-to aret *d.as f0.t as we van arrange ta attel Suort. Thisappearto b1ehothe ttry'wa y suakînsmre people pay, and we havei luetantl>' adopted l. No petsoi who ow us a vears subsciptiat or more need ssîrpuised t receivlng summonses to att the division court. 1St uil be- end of re- oes 1be end Coilêglate atertainaiet. The entertainmetlt under the auspices o! lte colegiale literat-> society will be given on the cyening of Tuesday the 22nd, the last day of the achool terni nsiead of on Friday te iStil. Callfaalua Md Mexico. Old and erpet-lenced lt-syers will tel yOU wben gaing west 10 taire the Wabashî tail- road, because their train service is the- finest in America, their Unioni depots at-e the braI on the continent. Siud y a Wabash niap and be convinced t bat It la lbheabattest and best route ta Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas Cil>', and ail veat and southweatet-a points. Ask -yaur nearest ticket agent frt tickets and uerp tables o! ibis great tailway or 1. A. Richardson. Candian Passenger Agentï- northeait corner King and Vouge Bt-cte, Toronto. Tise foflowing Is a copy o! aruesotlon passed by Whitby D)iglaon at ils lat meet- jng Dec. 7th. Moved b> Bt-o, W. H. Bcv- -etI, seeonded b>' Bro. Thos. E. Hougittan .carî4c ununlousl>'. Thal lthe thanks of the Wiltby DIvIsion No. 34 S. cf T. ho bereby tcadered ta the citizens o! this towd wbo ao lu ndi>' opencd their homes for the receptlon ;nd enterttainment ai lsdy' representatîvea .duin the session of the Grand Division and în Ã"ther waya aided 'a mjakiîtg the session a, oae af the most enjoyable in the histor>' af ithe Grand Division. nosisot Place la Canada. intelligence j nat tlahand saya tise moal hustling place in tht province a! Queec la tise offie cf thse Famtily HeraJ-d and Weekly Star, Mostreal, a paper which la pntiing Wltis extraordinarysucçeasa Iis à ar -Tise .offiee le a atonue of aetivlty rsré1y-iwltùessed -in nespaer oiM 'hTisew esubstibents S nding te'ruaWëtothse Fam Vy ffrld aida Weekly Star «cti day would block the atrùeets for a long distance. P'eople are ask .4i2g boy they cmn gel samPle copies of thse 'Farniy jfegdaWnd04Wekty Star . A pootal '4-.snt ho thie Iet, Montreat, trili seure one. laif imua1to a vold Mine, WMImre of 70ST r aen sgive nue â, good r*cipofori iÃ&king sa ld tataroi ? l ".C gMà g Uings.f.esting fiatiron. and iron littile at; every bomseasd have la use- so" tarche1ove place undt vant la kno*hol toU»eaaoil d , atarcb. My bumbanit vas i debt ounit1iboitz anZtibtIs'ohelp hi. h hooghl 1 voald oil un 1sfbsls fraaurcnaundt Iam rn i à plenîiity. Aceul's worth. cf fuel m*ilI beou the bion fOO bourm- s&0ouhare#t fee o veshea V-'u Mna iton a .ii&«tii. lime and no thae lothea, as witb thi ;,um gelt the most bea a»OWIly .every house rqngbfuel, verybMd uuak #VD onoab!L section of the country.1 NoI.re ,a= Wimtboe mc g Aqd 1b1uia Cornes imuuda cm And brio-, the Ion Howcân MY bt à ;-;o~uJ âf scota!s patron' Salut iIy hgI thie board, TIlieliove of Scotland iËe4iloe asMndg; As aiounts- the mninng dew , " Mingled witb fragrance of tbe heather-bella, Rlght upward thraugb tht blue. Andwhen they îhiak -W berces f the pust. And herxota- oda, They give ta eacb the honiageof thelt heurtS, As welu ntnrth ey namy. For Scolanda bherces are of world-wide lame. The amen wbo stand for rlght, And lave ad trutb soon shed througb ail the world, lhe haloof th* lght. Ba acenea ofothedays c uetlkto mid, Perchance tanemtory's eve Some gpar sea-hsuind eflS stands out ait-esh, Wave beatea, sternanad hgb. Liat tc the roatlng of the wlttds ind waves As with a swreep>rofqpnd, They madly mardi alcag thy western coast, Tbronghi channe4lh lt, and Sound. That thickly gem lily short ýtAnd stand like watcilfut sentinela ta guard, Old Scotia ever more With head among the everlasting sna*s, d Ben-Neis to lwers alaft. And with eternal vigilance looks down, SO'er loch, and Ben, and croft And wiih his glistening eye above the mist, With vision piercing far. He set- s Balmoral's regal spire arise, SAnd courtly bigb Brremar. 19 Harlc-hear ye nat the slogan of the clans? i.The Pi bracb in the glen ? Tht clash o! steel as Cînymore meets Clay in hands of stalwartmnen ? e re ut m, 91 iss Ve of be lis ale Lys hat NO ÀAVAIL. Adam Saper, of Bot-t'a Falls, Found AU Rsrtuedies For Kidaey Disease of No Avail Until He Used South Ameri- tan Kidaey Cuio-To Day Ho lu a Well Man and Gives the Crodit Where il je Due. ) -For a long lime 1 have been a great sufferer foin disesas of the kidaieys. Tue pas 1 Mred ers te severeà %t. I had trodafl kinds af remedies, but al] to no avail 1 vas persnaded t~otr- South American- Kidtsey Cure. Have taken bal! a dozen botties, and I cuit confident- Iy say- that to-day I ua a cured man, and en highly recommend tbis great mnedi- ciae o & asufferers froinkidney trouble." Sold by J. E. Willis. Past-Walking Farm Horses. Arsy good bt-ted of walking bot-seit, or any horsd which ha horoughbred blood in ils veina, cum by ptcesho made ho walk fuit. No ccmmon-bred animal cun bo mado a faut inar. A fasti walker iis made by curef9l exenoise in Ihat gaiti and il in a delightlful ane for a traveler if hi. ase8 walkà -four or firo miles an haut-. It la aiso, vey important la the* fariner to have a ft alt ukine tioam ; but it dependa inueit on the rider-or driver wbether a hot-e ever at»ins this highly esteemed qii8lity. 40 Ue«4Voats Lîks And Or fl Peac Oe'r The Noi But 1 he, As '0 AndI LOc In k The Cho To1 Wel And Cou De But An( Yci ISo i j ni mou eghoSts th.y linger stili, 1haunt the hidden caveras ofithe glens. ft fram hbu to bull. we, blessed peace, now reigas a'er loch ai Ben, r maor and mounitain side, t- tce and blaody fends af other years, more tby clans <ivide. lai the ranks of Britaint bravea sons, ey hold their ava the wbile. witness Waterloo, and Inkerman, d India, and the Nile. ok ! tee but yesterday yoni Royal band, 5taîeways ai Broemar. kilt. and plume, with battit-axe la hand, r>' guard the migbty Czar. >sen th-y verTe by our belaved Queen, guard bier hoaared gmest ; Ill k new abe wbere ta look for trusty men, id chose the very best. uuld tilat yon murderous Tuirks, and e tbroat Kurds, sld feet their doughty blava, eeping Armnenia soan would amule again, !spite bier bellisb focs, it we must close-tlme hastens, and tht sot waits yaur listenlng car, id the wild music, oflte bag-pipes bora, our bearts agaiu vill cheer. fare-ye.well, and la Ibis pleasant)and, his land of yaurs and mine, et us bold fast the trutha beld by aur sires, days o' ud qe sIL&OAX adt Alexander Scott, o! Goodwood, was visiting friends here [ast week. The ladies' aid was held at Mr. John Mortson's [ast Wedaesday niglit, and was very successful, but the crowd were flot trery big eaters, they had ta have a ten cent social on Thursday night to devour the balance. It was well patronized.- The Sons of Temperance aie having a lively time this quarter. There seeros to be soute inl.erest taken ia the contest. The captains are S Brown and B Richardson. They are both, working hard to win. New members are coming in very fast on both sides, but they ýhad better try and keep bet-I ter order both inside and going homle. Rev. Mr. Thornley o! Gxoodwood is holding revival services here and they are well atteaded considering the darký nights o! the past week.11 abgMer it the latcl sems torse hli gt aSometimes ith thel andshomsetbcmes il will not.i attended the hot supper ,of the Chris- tian church on the fourth Une on Thanksgiving nîght. The Rennie family of Wick provided excellenti music, and addresQÀes wei-e given by Rev. Messrs Washington and Cowle. The proceeds of thse supper and a social held the following night were over$6o. Stormt Potatoes- Sull .5hi E ->Our b ksins. 5 lb. for 4 lb. for 8 -lb.. for 25c. 5 b. for 4 lb. ýf4,' 25e, I Lb-,for- 25ô.. ltana8 100. Califernil 1 Bfl8 m10C. Table Rai8ins -from 150. up. w/ted Alrnonds 3o, c/s. Shet/ed J'Jalnufs-jq.a15 Ã"RANGESt LEMONS) G RAPES, FIGS) -,- DATES. ETC.ý *WALN -UTV" FI1 LB E-RIO< ALMONDS, BRAZIL PEAN UT89, 'PECANS. Ct' Prices of Above Down Low, (; 1. t Papsin. Me laren Fietwo yoar oI4,,. 0F m4tLLetD. Choice Hrams and T-- Choice line of Ptancy Cup a i oth er Novltie8 for Xmnas pires'ents MSATIIISO1 TJelt TotThein That Yoll Sa W" UI Buying Xmas Presents Fineçst Stock of Perfumes Alin' s Drug ever han dled Everything in Fa.ncy Toilet Articles Suitable for Haair' Bruehes, Mirrors, Bhaving Brushes Cigare, Cigar Cases, Etc. Fancy land Lamps, E in W7l presents. iandM LTobaccoes q' langin r- Look o-ver ti .s List and make ui4 bity Xrnas j5resents ltai give value. Watoh tbi Space Next Week.- m~E hi.?,.o r ¶1 - - Strietly speukuug, no one ou'bt evet- -Put to route an Army of Formid- store potaloos in tihe houe - %bleTresas,ýr9,u huîdredaeof Ihoîsa' able Tespasers. r, ns.ad vill coîitir Coustipatiou, - -Dizziùe*o,^ Pain under the utay n ol prove amis Shoulder Blades, Sick Ileadache, .De- It sbouldthe ongei pressed Feeling. Bloatiug Afler gaves atorage roora ai iiatiug, Debility and Insomnia, etr h ai .Pota rcsul>,pfronan Inactive Livîet-. are test barr.ld, a' Dr. Agnew's Liver Pis, 4o little able when the aecidt Red Coats, ah a Cost of toc., will set frol or- vo»tho the you riglit.iiishort order.- Piles o! tes- 1ePiroofo'aiui8h bath. timopy to ptqrove k.these j0he eIlr J- -Sold by J. E. Willis, Whitby. cos ortin ' --- Out traw. Ilt. igwel1 to again cull attea tiôu the ioprtafotmof usiag cut aIra pbuyhoua., fluor ufter cold ne*hIs, semrves te keep tbl' warn. Leavos are algo exceUer' tupi a tmon oxusiued. fP dà eptt of 5, t;ng W»i" ip i&' 'ce en ;ain 1 at ass»Or/t 1 1 1 fl . 1 1 1 1 1 1 "« 1 1