'GUIDE"I FOR -diNG CHRISTMAS GIFIS (fle smailest price, we neyer hesitate to make roomn in .~our patrons the full vorth of their mon ey-and more. h rave prî ttiem -surprîsing!y Iow. ,,s for the Home. Covers in Fancy Pinsh and T&bleÇovers, Tapestry, &*ble Cloths, Damask,- irtains, Lace, pe r pair, frurn ~urtains, 1Damask, .per pair, from 'Table Napkins, per doz.,- Marseilles Quilts, iail sizes, froîin Tijuen Tea Cloths, from- neyoomb Bed Spre ids, froîn n Towels in flue qiialities,- i Tray Covers, at White Table Linens, Irorn Cheni.lle from 75e to $1 150 to $2.50. 60c. to $3.50* 25ec. to $7 00. $1.50 to 4.50. 6Cc. to 3.(00. 1 I.50Oto 4.50. *75c- to 2.00. 10e to 50e each. '25c. to $1.25. - 2.)c to $1 per yard, Including: the Big Store&for goods F We bought largely and Presents for Gentlemen. Men's Mon'@ Men's Men 's Men 'a Men's Men 's Men's Men's men's Men~'s Men 's Men' s Men's Mlen 's Men 's SATLTRDAY jackets, in brown andj ng price S4,50, 'lat y<7s price $3.50. Lad ýesL ç Suits froma Overcoats, from Pants, frorn Cloth Caps, froru Fur Caps, from Wool Gloves, from n"ia (-+oves, troin 500 to Lined Gloves, troni 75e to Neck Scarfs, $ 25e to Shirts, unlaundered, extra heavy weight, Laundered Shirts, at - 75o to Linen Collars,- 12jc to Linen Handkercbiefs - 10eto SiIk Umbrellas, - $1.50 to SiIk Handkerchiefs- 25e to Winter Underwear, per su'it, 1.00 to MANTL $3.75 to $12,00. 4.50 to 12.00. 1. 00 to 3.00. 25C to 1.00. $1.50Oto 16.00. 25c to 60C. 1.25. 2.00. 1.00. 50Sc. 1.25. 20c. 250. 2.50. 1 50. 4.50. mnever clear, close buying will give you a oreign to our regular stock, eut in harmony with our ever- cheaply of -several popular and-,, ,useful fines of goods for. Presents for JýT9dieS. JACKETS-60 choice, Winter Jac-kets, alV' this season's styles, from- Silk Handkierchiefs, from - - Pure Linen Handkerchiefg, from Kid Cloves, from-- Fur IRuffs, frorn- Fur Muifs, from - Colored Dress Goods, per yard, from Colored Dress Goods, high chiss, length, froni- Ladies' White llemstitchied Handk-erchiefs, - --5c each or 6for 25o $3.t 2 50 tu-' '. 1.00Oto 10 00 - 2j l2 o 1.00 dres $5.00 to 10.00 BARGAI NS. ýies' Tweed Jackets, large sleeves,' Ladies' Tweed Jacket style, regular price $6.oo, lar, regular price $8.oo, Saturday's price $4.50. Stra' 's, siik velvet col- price $6.OO. W A VVORD, we have the highest class goods at the lowestprcs WALTERS -Oddfellows' Buildin.g, Whîtbyq h-,~ haîve rnev'r 'et heard of Jesus Christ or %&- or (J nI ( ;,)(1. e slîould support this 'e' s tecatise f what ir has already done, n-IJle rlîewors of ',mi uls thre one re- 01tf(id tu mari. 'ariorrs hymnrs ý Igber-'ar'en tht'ee-", Mrs. Avers -g It the' organ. Tlhe chairmnan pre- h-ti hrt ks of thre Society ta the' col- nI lIt meeting~ was closed witlî s ilr' 'tnedictirîn. I' Th 0" 10rh- s be t ' ie it!"nred bv l'r'îfe-s-srr Clark ti-fig DcciC lt)ii i Ire nmusic titi 't of "TIhe Nater 't'.'TCia r k's lecture ' ,' I'r the work. i lî.seen home TIsposeil retur- o'rk, but was aitende r> rernia1 "i C 'i bc L, s'ef Messrs. E. D HolIidâv aand A. Flarman Raglan. were in town Mosnd.îy. Do flot fîîrget the' leicure hy Prof'essonr Clark on Mondav evt'ning Dec. 14Lh in music hall. Rev. Thos Manning, M A, preached at Cobcure on Sqinday last, Rev j S 'Clark. ver>' ably filling the pulpit of the Tabernacle. Last SrndRy was the onniversary of the Merhodist churî'h. Bosvmanville, and the thank oflering of the' congregation and Sab- bath School at the diflerent services atouit- ed to $îoion iî. No doub thie oMd cents were intended to make it good measure. Town Conneil. Met on Moindny night. A rrommunicatiotif was read lrom the grand division of the ions of temrperance thanking the town for the use of the' towe hall during their 48th snnai sessRýion. The followving amounts were order- edho be paid: streets and impreverbýent- ino. Murphy $2 40. W'm. Bailey $l.Wbltbv Harbor Co. si.so, Geo. Thompsnn- S, .J. E. Farewell $i for gravel. A. C. Wilson $r.5a for lettered notireç placed on the bridge at Ls'nds creek, jJ. O'ConnorS84 for Iron work irsini on bridges, Wmn. Marshal$4 9.5 for 'rr.,irsaws. Jno. MeCarl $10 for work, Bell 5ii 4J 34 for dia winz lumbher, Jno Ji, Hrtrh Bros. 87.80 rils and 'oul, "r'r'r$250r drawingZ gravel, John 1% for worir. Towon and imarket 0 Bell $2.75 for drawing straw Bi4 $-S~o for coali oh, Jno. Ç5,CDti,,Jacob McIntvre $215 %"nack $3.173 for stationery. dgins keep af Mrs. Rie. relief of R. Collins 88C., I ber and wood $5, Jno -:nd water-Lakefield Ã,ht in front of music ,)sal 85 76, J no Bell 's to college well 'Ok objection to z business In nily. He iask the 'essH The World's best Dollar Journal. The Ladies' Home journal during 1897 rwill have articles on Lue in the White House," by ex-president Harrison; anoilher termed "A Serie-, ofvre-it Personal Events"; a thisd "The Inside of One Hundred Amnen can Htomnes";a fourt h will be a series of ertiles Oy D 1- Mix-bdy, the evangelist. Temany other fainoos departments of te Ladies' Hont. journal will b. kept up and improved. Auctioneer Fairbanks held a great sale of standing timber on Thirqrday asat at the farm of Mr Geo Robinson, $th conces.sion Whitby townqhio. The timber sold at an average o over Sioo pet acre, and one-portion of it seld at the rate of $152 per acre. This is about three tintes as mnucb as arable land would seli for, and shows the need of finding ceai or seme ether line ci fuel in tbis province. The Cornwall 'Standard gives an account of the marriage of two of Mrs J Mcuntyre's sisters, the Misses Marrev. bMiss .Josephine married Dr F S MeGarman, of Preqcott, and Mi." Maggzie mnrried Mr E C MGar- mani, of Prescott. Tihe vounit ladies were residents of tbis town for santie dîme. W. wish themn much happiness. Au Error. In reporting the St. Andrew's socjetv's ainusti sermon inst week we made a mis- take, crediting it to Rev Mr McKlm, instead of Rev LicAlpin. One gels mixed among the Macs once in a while. Whilst speaklng of St. A ndrew's aflairs we might say that the ode of Mr. Roma Johnston, the bard, wblch came te us tee late for last issue. owung te our cotemt getting boid of it, la Inserted tbis week. Landlord and Tenant. We bave been favored by the CarswellCe of Torento, with a cepy of their niew publi. catinn, "'Handbonk of Laindiord and Ten- ant."1 pricest. It will pay any perses who îç eîher a landlord or a tenant to purebase- this book and study it caretully, as-one Mey easily loe more tha aellar by net kitw- ing on what greund be stands.- Master Steeve Coffey, sen ef wldow Cbf-l fey, of be north ward, met with rather a rnioee accident on Ktonday. H. wus puiy- " -22 calbre rifle and SCcidetalIy in the hsnd. Tbe bullet enter- and fo 'und loclament in the t. juqt belew the thlutpnb mad e ball was extractedsand st, das daing welf. f c$ei p n. Bn ~retsXy 'finani orG rfor C hri s t Read3 WHITBY'S BOOK AND M'USiC STOREP With a large selection of the newest novelties'iu Fancy (Jelluloid and Brà ser Goode, in Toilet, and, Manieur. O F -A choice collection of Poets in fine Maroco and Olà oth biiigp Albums M» u lthe nowest designs.' A large asnortment of Bibles, and,,a1l_Jhurch BookÈ.1 Writing Deegkq, Work-Boxes andWokBa1es -"'" Tuck's 3rtistIc Calenders li gneat variety, -wti quoirnos roi 1oel in ,/Musical ,Initruments-Ânutohar.g, Violine, Unmes, Guitare, Banjoli, éto. . Games from 6 ets. up , iToys 1 great variety for BùaýOdi Subacniptions takei fer s i~I ud, W ýWe jnliierlyi MsPection Sad baa&our cn1or eu;--- aoictktjeifurther-patro'"~ W'ish*n yu allthe OoxuWalm"aI-of -théoson I .1 os f th*~ above nçciety elutglas t- , 'i ch{îef, Sm J ne -0 WEST S .Id at Lower Prices than anv store in Whithv- 40 1 lo«f vryV les, Beaver r-cgular sellil Satuï'da' N t/te' 1 Il - 1.50 to 3.00 M.P 4»Q ýL- i XMAS.