, I' oi, Ti2 ail va th N w ai ir fil bi p( al S( o1 c nr w1 C4 a r t] a TAKE N OTH gU AVcltîOýM2.R-, WIIITEY'ONT. nei iudeMgned ei sp b*olu e i tià a tbeS o wieee f*auc$oeeçd ,su Wbftby.u., of '~0I. DPP i , ' imothy Cain ...od r l.$2;' lleniv NI oore -ex NMoore5Si. Isaac Litte.1ohn »os 13ack $1 , F Hutchison, in-1 -spectiflg trees. 5$..(On motion of Sîr Mowbray the report was adopted. Mr Hilîs presented the report of the committee on indigents. recommend- ing pavinent of thli foîlowing amounts: M Gleeson, aid to Phoebe Johnston. $ 7 ; dîtto. aid to M Ryan. $2 5. 50; ditto. aid to Ed Bowes, $2 2. 50; Geo .Philip, aid to Nirs Palmer, $42. 5o; Asa Hubbard, aid to Mrs St.ark, S22.5~o; Diekie & Co., aid to Jane Losie. $17; Geo E Lawrence, aid to Mrs Healey, $34; R l' lopper, aid to 1h09 Lee, $34; A O.rvîs. aid to Mrs Proctor. $17, las Taylor, aid to MNrs Birumisterick. $25.5o; 1) [lafue. aid to fi Elson, $6. 2 5.; NIrS ,jic lntvre. ald to Marv jolIy, Si i, Dr li aieson, imedicat at- tendance n l>boebe Allen anid Srs Palmer, ; Colin Phitip, aid to MIrs Linton. Si-r. Comni nîttee recommend that îhey bc empo-wered to niake such arrangements as mia hbe hought neces- sary in aid of Robert Gibsor 0On n i») tion of M--r Hilts the report was adopt- Mr Poucher reported for tht corn-a nhjtet on roads and bridges. recom-r niending pavmcent of tht following ac-r counts: lJohn Caber. culvert betweent lots 32 and 33 n 4th -con., Si; John Percy. cedar timnber, $31,.65; George Lawrence, cedar, 7 5C: R R Mowhrav. timber for east townline. 2 5C ;t) Hoover, work on west townlint.2. - ,;eo Hood, repairing culvert in -,rd con, $2. 25; Wm Gilmour, for 300 tilet for 1os's Hil. t3~; B Powell. for gravet. $3.08; Thos Knox, repairing washout on Brock road. $î. 25: A S Maior, comipleting eontract on hill be- tween lots 28 and 29, 4th con, $2,50; R Somerville. bonus on wire fence. $1 1.25; Wm Pengellv foi work be- tween lots 28 and 29 in 4th con, $5. 5o, R MIedd. repairing two culverts on Brock road. one washout on 5th con. $2.,50; F Mlatthews. remroving dirt from Pickering bridge. ',i - C Bradford, rail- îng and posts for Post's Hill, $8.40-1 Wm Barton, gravel, $1.28; Wm Pen- gelly', for culvert and filng washout hetween lots 12 and 13 in 6th. con, $4; (;eo Long, for !6o014 yards of gravet and for work, $27.09; Wm Pengetly, gradiý, and gravelling 5th con, near !rock road, $20; jas B Maditl, posts and railing. on 7th con opposite lots 14' and 15, $645: John H Micheli, statute tabor collected for road division 56, $1.13; A Surreli, shovelling snow last 'vînter, 70c; T W Lamoreaux, grave1. $308; A Waddel, gravel, $960; Geo Parker, bonus on wire fence, $io; jas (;Iltchrist, ditto, $7r.50. Committee ac- knowledged receipt of application of Mr J J Fothergili, for crossing at Post's hil, and recomrnend that tht 2fld dep. reeve be appointed to make inquiries respecting the same. On motion of Mr Poucher tht report was adopted. Mr Richards, for the committee on damages to sheep by dogs, recom- mended the payinent of $io to Uriah Young. On motion adoption of the report was depressed for f urther evi- dence of dlaim. Mr. F. Hutchison, inspector of trees, recommended payment of the fotlow- ing sumns as bonus for trees planted: Major Bros.. $1 5.25: Hugh Mowbray. Si i ; Jos. Monkhouse. $2o;, Wm Har- bron, $5.50; Geo Phiîip, $6; R For- syth, $27; N L Stevenson, $7. 50. J D McAvoy. S.75: Jno A Whit 'e, $17; Thos Wilson, Si S. On motion of Mr. Mowbray these several amounts were ordered to be paid. Mr. Mowbray introduced a by-law tc pay tht following contingent expenses: Geo Gerow, reeve, $85; Thos Poucher, ist deputy reeve, $5o; R R Mowbray. 2nd deputy reeve, $5o; Jas Hitts,, 3rd deputy reeve, $5o; las Richards, coun- cilor, $5o; Geo Parker, treas.,,S$150; D R Beaton, cîerk, $4.8o; Thos C Brown, caretaker o! hall, $30. rhe by-law re- ceivtd tht usual readings andt was pas- sed.6 Tht board o! health presented theii annual report :-3 cases of cflptheria bail been reported, scarlet fever 5, îy- phoid fever 14, 1 death, meulets 3. On motion of Mr. Pouclier tht coun. cil adjourned until Tuesday, tht i 5tt înst.,- then to meet'for tht purpose o, prtparing financial statement; etc. TUESDAY, I3EC. i&5h.- Council met pursuan t ro adjourn ment. Mr..Pouchecý. eçocd by, Mr. Rich, ard s, moved that thé report. cf th e re ceipts and ýdlaburamnents, assets an( liabilitie, and. uco4ettcd..afo. tha'pôiwl , ôir i eai ening t>ec i tb,,1896. s' pxýiare4 bythis couucil be and are heto1.y , dopted, anud ha 9o pies hoe 'fà Ã"hWith .printed I paýj 111E LAKE 1 H41' F R i F iARE VEI. i l' VF RRx ' 1( l\i E\\11 i HA PflM, U [ I'ý l \ VK HF1FRYHi- 1 FhF fl N FRS1 4NS THE W'-Il ATION Hi RF- Ai.i. BUT TH E 011. -roin the Tonawanda, N. Y., NcAs., Dispatches fromn that town say uhat il bas been stru k at \Vhîtby, O nt. bat place iis opposite Wilson, N. Y., id is in thenidst of one of the garden pots of Canada. If it is true that a aluable oul field lbas been dîsco\ ered icre, the find wuIllhe some importance, irobably. to at least one town îni îIagara County, and incîdentaîll> the hole of thîs part of tbe State. Just how a discoverv of oit in a Can- Aian town may afiect the business iterests of this end of the state may at rst seem d iticult of determination, ut a little investigation in the light oit acts will serve to show that the pro- osîtion is very simple and reasonable. In the first place the discovery of oil t Whitby rnay bring Canadian kero- ene into comipetitien wîth tht produci f the Pennisylvania oit ields as far as- Northrrn and Western New Yorkart oncerred-that is provided a prohibi- ve duty is flot impoged upon th( anadian raw or re6ined product. It is quite easy to cxplain whv thIsý rnav occur. Wýhitby bas agood harboi which mnay be entered during any sea- on of the year. unless the winî.er bc avery severe one. It is situated al- nost directly opposite Wiîlson and it iý, not more than 35 miles distant across he waters of LakeOntario. For vearsý past there has been under consider- ation a project to connect these tvw ports by means of a regular winter tint of ferry boats simîlar to those emptoyed on Lake Erie for tht carrying of loaded cars aud also passengers. Tht advan- tages urged in favor of this scheme arc many. and there woutd have probahIN been a materiali.uation of it two or thre-c years ago. had it not been for the gen- eral business depression on both sideý of the take. The Grand Trunk RaîIwa% hai. secured possession of a large stril ofthe water front at Whitby, wîîh th( object. it is alleged, of carrying this pro. ject into a reaîîty as soon as the busines.- conditions are favorable to its consuma tion. Tht flrst idea, when tht proposition was broached to build this line of steam- ers andl open up a winter route between tht north and south shorts of lake Ont- ario, was to make tht ti nt a coal carrier. Iwas argued by tht people o! tht Cana- dian towns and cities in that territorx that tht existance o! such a l-me woutd enable themn to buy Pennsytvania coal at a greatly reduced figure. At present îhey have to pay in their coal purchases for tht heavy.freight charges for carry- irîg the coal round tither end of the lake by rail -that is. if they us~ American coat, and it is used to a arge extent, being of course cheaper than the pro- duct o! the distant coal fiields of Nova Scotia. Then ibere came the idea o! also making thie1tint a passenger catrier and capturing some of tht international travel that now gots exclusivtly to the railroads d'uring the winter. There tht project rested for a wbile. Now it has been revived. It is being talked o! on both sîdes of thteUe with a good deal of interest. The oil discover t Whitby bas reviveil the enterprise and,.created in it an interesitbat will .lnevitably draw tht attention of hustling capital- ists Vo it. witb the resuit that tht mat- ter will be taken ug and investigated by those who art able Vo act. If the plan is foi¶nd feasible,' and it is believeil to be thoroughly so, say those interest- ed, American capital will be ready to step in and develop it. Canadian capitalists are also reported to be inter- esteil deeply in tht sebeme, because, argue the Canadians, if they buy our coal tbey can stîl us their oul. In this way they propose amieasure o! teci- procity, provideil tariff t inkers do flot raijse an impassable barnïer Vo trade. It is beyond dispute that we- can furnish *tht Canadian towns along tht north short o! Lake Ontario witb coal at -lower prices than they -canf buy the product of theif own distant mines, and othe differenct woWe Ibe especiail> -marktd if the cheap winter ferriage were once establisbed. On thet- other r hanri, it is equalty true that they could furnîsh us with raw oil at teast et loweî -rates than those at which the - product o! tht Pennsylvania 911 fields can be laid down here. These are thç facts hwhich are reviving, ,-tinay -beÀnii >fstrumental in carrying to colnpletiQni thie proposedînteroational winterferr And'tht ferryprQject..mrnins, à 'ki..be. lieved, an addition to the international - trade oftb 'itrcsfècted of no in" Sucb, -inibrief, je sýtht preserýt Status oif a pear future Pcs> iiy bf f d - . ubedlyj-f reaied me Mow ,thinz ,tp thet Tona*"adas' in zCommQç with- oter*estern Ne wYog*rkk andvillà ges.- -d~SharoyteU i e- e l- ie " i I *-as per- ..iwhen NMr. eind Miss Annie ppiîy united in matri- .e presents were numerous Tht anniversary services on Sabbath. 2-t h inst., by Rev. O. R. Laimbly, M. .A., . D., ati1. 30am. and 6.30 P. M.. and the greai event of tht season wil be on Monday night, 2&,th, supper and plaiforni meeting. Wm. Smith, Esq.. will preside over tht meeting. Good music bv- the choir and oîher interesi- ing exercîses wilI be given. O&DMUS Joy in the home of Rich Philp.-a bouncung baby boy has just seen tht li ght. Mr 'ohn Cowan bas stared a shngle factory. (irders hilled on tht shortusi notice. Miss Emify Williamson has returned home fromr a lengthtned visit wib ber sister, Nirs T Beach, Toronto. Mr R Roberts, of Montana, us visii- ing at Mr J T Powers. SIr Albert Woodward bas returneci from tht N W T; he looks hale andi htarty. Our enîeriprising young merchant. MIr J S Sharp e, reports business od Miss B Robertson has returned f rom Cobou rg. A suting ai Mr E Fice's. Miss M McKnight was visiting Hannah. \1iss hree Monthe Withoat Sleep-Wpsted in Flesh and Given Up to Die, Bnt tht Great South American Nervin' Sonothes to Reat With (hie Dose and Effecîs a Rapid and Permanent Cure verton P.O., wa» dangerousîy i* l f roi nervous trouble. Sbe wa o nervolub that she bail not slept a night for three monthas. She was s', low that ber frend8 despaireof h! er recovery, iu faci. had given ber op Vo die She wus persuadeil to try South American Nervine. Her re- lief wus go instantaneous _Lhat after tiuk- îng one dose she slept soundîv ail night. She persisted iu tbe use of this gi-eat cure and gaineil in healtb rapidly, so that now there is not a aigri of the nervousiîeas. andl she f eels she i5 entirely cured If yoa doubt i , write and ask ber. Sold bý J. E. Willis. flusîntss lively in our village. tev sethishre. e hopelmuch good w«ll be the result. Mr R Mains, of Hampton, is about to remove to the bouse lately occupîed by Mr j Cowling, on the Hooe3y- estate. 'Ne welcome him a neightboî among us. A genuine surprise took place at the' home of Mr j Cowling, at Enniskillen, on Thursday evening of last week, when it was entered by about twenty- five young friends from here and the surrounding. neigtiborbood, carrying with them weli fllled baskets. Miss Jessie Truil is in Toronto on business. Several of out farmers are having their cattie dehorned and consider it a great improvemefit. Mrs Levi VanCamp spent a few days with bher daughter, Mrs Simon Pen- Mr and Mrs Edward DeHart and family, Whitby, were visiting at Mr j Trull's. Mr S Lockhart has noved to West Whitby. Miss josephine Williams, Bowman- ville, is visiting ber sisLCr. Mrs j Truill Mrs Cracknell is visiting fsienids in Oshawa. Mrs Philip Tyler and S Snowden, jr, bave- been. making improvements by putting a new fence in front of their d wellings. Mr Lawrence Wood bas been visiting his brother, )U James Wood, and-other riends. e. Miss Lillie Penfoùnd, Tyrone. is vis- iting at Mr G Allins.. Miss Allie Souch, town, vieud here on Sunday. Lizzie Snowden. takeïç, barge at the or- gan in the absence of Gertie Foley. Mr T Power soki to Mrbt# ionenry, Oron o. a -very fine horse lm, wek for which he received $100. A meeting was held. here. oW Satur.. day afternoon last, called 'for the-pu-'r-, pose of _discussing counties cQouçc11 matters. Only a few oif the ClCtçtr4a4 this'divisin Wete pesen r,.M~R Fu ter was appoined chairmail andê Mr, jas Gale. <of the News; sec., ,Mir F<s; tex, on cong ontheworkiing.of.thexc*wý'Actý, $and then ifè4cmd rZMflh . ý 1 -i a#ê syopsofwtabêa coutiesC' YCWIt#ea for, the come le4r, Mr, ustice of the Peace. Another Victory hi Ova Scotia. Paine's Celery Comipounil Doe tht G;ood Work After Other Medicines Fail Tht majority of people cured by Paine's Cetery Compounid feel compet- ted io make public statements with a view o! benefitting, other suflerers. Cured people gratefuîîy contribute im- portant îesîimony in order that tht sick and afii»cted may cease spending money for worthtess preparatio15 that can neyer elleci a cure. Truthfut tet- ters coming £rom reliabît peopte, who test.ifv to tht worth of Paines Ceîery Compounid, have a mighty influence for good. and are fully appreciaied by îhinking muen and women. Mr. jas. Cossaboom, jr.. of Tiverton, N. S.. says: -"oit gives me pleasure to add my tesîimonv to tht valut of Daine's Ceîery Compound. For Some y'ears past 1 have suffered from stomnach troubles, also pain tht head. 1 îried manv medîcines that weîe recommend- ed to me, but neyer received any bene- fit. from them. At last 1 was advîsed to use Daine's Celery Compound, and before I had flnished tht first bottle I experienced a happy change. I con- tinued using Daine's Cetery Compound tilI I had taken five boules, which made a perfect cure. I can heartily recommend tht use of Daines Cettry Compound to any ont suflering from tht same troubles. You have my best wishes for tht future success o! your excellent medicine.- Mr. Allen Outhouse, justice of the Deace, savs: - 1 cani certify that the a bove statemeni is true ini every par. tîcu lar.-' MR W H BOYLE SELECTED AS CONSERVA- TIVE CANDIDATE FOR TUE The Coupervativos of North Ontarli met in convention bere on Tbarsday Dec. 1Oth, with 140 deleiZates preoent and nomnated W. H. Hoyle, reeve o this towo, as their candidate in the comý ing Provincial election. A nnmnber oi gentlemen were nominated, but aIl re tireil in favor of Mr. Hoyle, it beinil de cided to show a uniteil front. Mr. Hoyli accepteil in an able speech. IT I& PLAIN AB DAY. Ail those terrible backaches, limb aches, headaches and a dozen other kiude ot acbes are siraply tihe resait of thbel'aili-. are o! the kidneys VO take the poison out of il o bloo 1I. No use tryilig tb te ealthy with unie iicid and other poisns tloating through the system. The sensible thing Vo do ie to eet the poisons eut. Doans Kidney Pille regulate andl strengtheii the kidueys and good bealth foltowi; as naturatty as niuht follows day. We cannot give one-hundredtb part of thbe testimeny we receive, but tihe fetlow- ing certificate from Mir. William Kirk- land, wbo 18 employed with Mr. West- lake, tihe well know brick nuon and con traotor, furnishes very conclusîe ovi&,- ence as Vo the good effecte o! tibs excel- lent medicine. Mr. Kirkland said, 611 tbink there i8 nothing as good for kidfiey trouble as Doan's Kidney Pille. 1 have b.d a bad back lor three years, and auffered from ter- rible pains in both aides an welt. 411 was so sore that 1 oould bardly bear to toucb mysel!. and was hestiese, hope- lese and ired nearty a&U the lime. I also endered a grost deal witb nenralgia snd disuines ithe bead, and folt as if 1 was ini a atupor monti of the time. ,"My appetite aie was very poor. and I b.d sevore cramp nm legs. ince taidog Doan's KidneyPilýnle whieb I geV from Mr. Wilis drug store,- Whitby, Ont., I amn wondorfully botter. The pain, crampe, dizzinessud istupor are a11 gene. 4&1 en>oy reelful slo.p, snd my appetite has r-elurned in âail it'sotd-time force. Doan's Pilla have done me far more good than I could have exIeted ftor 1 hwrly bolj.ved my cas curable. .I now feel 1k. s new manu and te took joat two box- ta produce Liis gratlfying reault.p" J. Mi. WILLiISl, chemit andiTrgg, tret £ '*m. Oar Bar Cou Baz by Brc Att Col Blo B al of Bic Off D J. 1 f Brookli. fEce houri 9. a. In. Whitby. Office houri il s.rn tn 2n. Ar Private 7Telephowl omUlIafo 1.p. BO(4AIV1, j*.LD Ofiice and Residence next Vo AilSans Cburcli Dund.5 Street, Whitby. NB- Dental SurgerY in II its branches proimçtly attended te. Dr5H.Wightman C P )ver G"os G yage'8 Wbiitby . W. C. YARNOLD, .L8. ounty Survyer and Drainage Engineer, Port PerTy, Ont. WUl. CALV IILEY, HIEUNS M.KEB, WRiTE?. are reýaea o extend the range of business Ail worâ pertaiilfl tothe harness-making and saddlery buinets will h done to atis- fgetion. Co1lan a speciatty. Cal and see muy shop and stock. W. CALVERLEY, Second door west of old shop. D-andas Street, Whitby JNO. NOBLE, -DECALER IN AI& KINDS OF- Sash. eTU and Eliui Turulng 54 Tr"d SSWIUE ,, r Il eras osudrntif cnb obtaied from jOHN NOBLE, Dudas Strcet, Whitby, opposite Mr. A. C. Wti- sonla residence. Whitby, Aprîl 4th. 1894. Established 1856. the ofios of publieali0. The publhr do Dot undertl*te odelur lhé paper lai »Y post once but VWbilby . Au7x1pOi ,vmo f" to euoliils destiation bl replsced upon nollftostta . a aies o0e oourley. -Adueriminu lraISlelmby co- tract, 10-oenl. pet hue, aonp#rIý4 fihsil- sertie, *aSut! etspar li. . b s- quanti nertion Loobls, 10OMUoeils line. §W'Aht obanges for yyle Y a!WllstemCfll muet be broughl ini noStalter tMS nTuedAj m ermufg. -. _ M ' à Prpr*t7SITES >13W WRITI(k PÂPERP EiwyTime Table GSAND TRUlqK AND KMIDLÀAND Nss m SDSlY Mau ..... 5.48 e l No. 8.iDidZYS No.?1, Lclx zex uzdye..9:8 TIrm u S 003*O M O 14 W A MP No 8,om. " 48*o~<48lV6M Sîttingi 0f The Division CoIl~.ts. Dufld&s St., Whitby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor. Commercwalmen iiberalîy deai with Teaming don@ at reasonable pruces. Froight ana Baggage hauled ai reascn- ablepricel. A eail joli cited. DENTIST. UfficowndSYardtion. aso Whlitby, Oct. 2bVh, *1894. A8K YOUR 8TATIONER SPÂRTICA, 1uÉe s.Y&at. L ' 4 e rrister, County Crcwn Attorney, and ansy Solicitor. Office- South Wing 01 art Bonne, VW hitby. JAMM.téiRUTL.EDG6& rrister, etc. office f orrerly ocpied Farewell & Rtledge, net Royal Botel, ock St., Whtby. DAVID OIRMISTOÇ, IB. A-,, torxeyatLaw, Solicitor in ChanceTY, veyancer, etc. Office - In the Office th of the P>ost -office, in McMiliBf's cek, Brock Street, Whitby. G~. YOUNG SXITI. LL. B.9 xriter, etc. ,-Money o Loan. Isseir Marriage Licenses. Offtce ,Srith's oc, South of Market. B oek St., Whitby. DOWV & rMc<,LLIVi(AYt Lrristers. Soicitorsinbu (hancery, Pte. fice in Matuison & Hlawkeras5 new block chSt.. V. hitby. south of Ontario bank. rs Warren Moore. G, t$ro Geo Gîtdtrs neil; R S N G, Bn G, Bro Isaac WVise Bateman, M D; 1 Kennedy; R S S. -Pro T A Greie - C ~4.This lodge af3io Lodge No 32 3elet for the pre Oddfellow's hall, News. Twi -FOR- ý JOUS ST»nOlq, ?O»Malm. WHIT'OY.' cOUNTY OF ON~TARIO 1896. Wg.ny-D. C. Macdoneil, Wbitby, Clerk ja. 3; Feb. 3; March 3; Apriî 2; bday,2; June 2: lulY 7 Sep. 2; oct. 2; Nwv.,3; Dec. 2. osluwa&-D. C. Macdoueii, MWhitiuy, CleYIk jan. 4; Feb. 4; Marcu4; APril 8; hlay 4; jtune3; July t, ;Sep. ;Ot 3 o.4; Dec. i8. ]Baov'OE.A - M. Oteeson, Greelawood, Clerk.-JOn 6; AMaraki 6; lsY -7; JuIY 9; Sep.4 ;Nov. 6. PORT PIRnY - J. W. BUrrihrnP ~t peMr, Clerk-46fl. 29; Maiu 9; keây i July 20; Sep. 213; Nov. 18. UlBaDIOZJoseph E. Gould, xrd? Clerk-J5au 30; )darcb 2'4;, a ~î;J 14; oct 14 ; Dec. 16. CAXilloTroNGe orge Smith. CaLnningtoin, Jan. 31 ; Marck 2-1; May 20Y-; Ju 1:, (Oct. 15; Dec. 17. BEÀvgERTOîGO.F. Bruce, Beaverton, Clerk-.Marcb 26; May 21;- Ju;y 16; Oct. L6; Dec, 18. ppTRaBovRFJ Gillespie, Upto ri'rove, Clerk-March 27; MaY 22; luly 17 ; Oct. 17 Dec 19. n-y -UAr O)ctober 7th 1895. New Llveîy and Sale. Stables 01 1 i 1 1 1 f( e e io v 0 t le ai For the neit three inonths I amn givirug pecial attentionl to patients f roui a dis- tance. Arn stil makig plates in rubber, 88, Celluloid $10. Gold snd ailver filling work crovflifg by ifittlse operators at the most reasoflabte rates in the city. When in the City cai in and let nme exam- ineyDur teeth. I1inake Do extra charge. C.Eî RIGOS, Dentiet, soutki eau corner King and Yonge Bts., Toronto. N ov. Sth. 1892. WVu H. WARNER, DE.ALEB IN COALI LATE, LUMER, OORDWOOD, BLABSt ETC. AGENT For the PIEOPLE'S COAL CO., TORONTO. Thos Kempî,hr,'; morning foi. v bary. wheru -i, ."r Fred lr ronto l-; lisec. N Vit 1 ber, a d. ra , s DENTIST. CANNINGTON LOCAL BOUSE. found. -FORjý SALE BY- IN 1 ý - open everv