Whitby Chronicle, 18 Dec 1896, p. 11

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lrhos Kempthorn -lef t on Monday pa« I U O maotning for lumber woods near Sud- bury, where hp intends putting in the PESJj~J winter. ________ Fred Hot; who was taken to the To- ront.o hospital last week. has returned home again, and will entireiy recovery. W i Miller returned firom Indian H-ead, N W T, on Thursday morning. He is hirhhly. elated over the abundant whe at crop o( the past season, as wel as more thaà pleased with the prices obtained. eWe regret to state that W'arren >oodruff Is seriously ill with pieurisy. Ie bas been conined to the bouse for ieariy a tortnîght. It is to be hoped that he may soon be hîrniseif again. T C Kain, formeriy night operator at the station here, has forrned a partner- sbtp wlth J T Ellis and together the% iave purchased an hotel at Harnburg. Ti m shouid make a very good land lord. Rev. Hossack, of Parkdaie, wiIl de- lîver an interesting lecture. in the Presbyterian church, Du ubarton, on the evening of Wednesday, t)ecemrber 2;3ed. Rev Hossack is one of the leading lecturers in Toronto and no doubt bis effort on the above date m'Ill prove interesting and profitable to ail. Inspector Ferguson paid an officiai visit to the Gordon bouse on WVednes- day and states that after a tborough search of both bouse and premises failed to discover ans' jntoxicating liquors. [le was acnmpanied by a NIr. Baliantyne. and the visit was miade for the purpose of investigating a b#arge made that rnuch rowdvisrni and ,q nkenness was goîng ()n here, par- laariy at niglbt and on Sundays. Atter triaking a second searcbl of the Gordon bouse the inspector and assist- ant returned borne feeling satistied that the charge was a false one. We have always contended. ani bave not as vet o1tal ued Ipr Of to the contrary. thatï brivshcîîld hugi)n at bot-ne - people who have enougb and to spare have a 1perfect right to con- t ribute t) t b c -Armnent an or ans' fund t bey decem *adCsýCrv1tg But another (i Ilt vasWeili devoil cs a pon thb i-e iho lia' e gifts to I)etowN. -bould flot ou r (ýX1 ý ,r alve equal claints uç}on u: ii ii thosc 1,)()rîor îls tb-i are stirving nlcatibcn dari.ness. 'Ne are rnot for nî tuint alvocat îng trie cau-e (f ),(,. w wh î % il nit e xert tberntsels t \n cun iportunitv ati ords itself. 13v j'ii rcs euncourage laz uc-s, and1 uti ttesnet in)e reWard înulustrv. There ,ci1rw faixtlics in this teighb()hrb'id t wiý)fltChî-ta' ll bc but a lio1- 11ut ekerv thi-, vcar, uinl(ess)our ti.trîtafi!N'i n.lined jpeopleCdecre other- we R eniernber tbough that tbhose (at)d work o! an vkînd. and are oi-v flgo!aid. wouýld imucb prefer t) (1-tilt1idnacacept cbarit v. Encrurage t iti haracteristie for the beneflt of li re nrt ion s. Q4~l XjLiflc~ ./UI~ ~SU~D '#tjuqvidU1O~ ~IuoJII~ Dr. A. Smîith veterinary @urgeon, un- der instruction of the Dominion Govern- i eottIlut week inspect.od a number of t piggeries througbout the suburba of Tor-. ont(' ani where animais are affect.ed by choiera they have been put under qusrantîne regulatiions. In Todrnpdern, Dr. Smith made a rigîd inspection Mon- day, and found that there were only three deatha front this terrible disease. A number of pigea were ordered to be kilied, and ePvery precaution taken to prevent the spread of t.he contagion, On Monday nigbt o f laut week thbe bouse of Chris Forsyth ' lot l(Ë, con. 5,1 Uxbridge wss consumed by ire. The cause o! the ire ls unknown. Mr For-i syth was away at church for singing practice Jduriu)g the early part of the even- ing, when the fire occurred. He had left $5>0 ln cash in the house and the su&pic- ion% are that the mcuey wus taken and the blouse set on fire to conceal the theft. This niakes the ifth fire which has (Occured in Uxbribge township during the 1)tFit few weeksa and if tbey are of incend- iary origin tbe guiltiy parties shouid as speedily as possible be bruught to j ustLice. Lawyer Creigbton, of Gait, bas a very imuportant case on hand just now, in wbîch the Brititth Goverrnent figures s du fendant, and connected with which if, ail interesting story. Seventy ire years ago. during the war of the Spnish ruc- remsson, Don Joseph Cortîz's, a Spanish contraclor, su . ,ied the Knglish armny with food, dlot ing and mules, an accounit of whîch wau rendered to the British ;overrent and by thew referred to a specl committee, of which the Kari of Carnarvon was secretary. The ainount due Don Joseph was setteied upon snd the sum of £ 10,000 paid on accounri, but hut bcfore anytbing furth3r was done he dîqd, and the heirnhat-e neyer since heen ahle to obtaiti the balance adrnitted by ( rsîlrallestr was noticed in- our the Governumedi to be due thent. He s lae onFrtay evenîng last. it beïn adbcome a British subject and it teoccaî,on o! tiie instîtuting of a appears tbat urtil late yeara, a subject 1,ige of the i. (t). (). FA 4 charter havinit a ciaini ag-tinst the Crown could baîn een aîiplied fr 4 six mem- flot enforce that lalim by the law ourts, lu-rs. and grant cd bv the G)ranid L-odge but since the passing of the Judicature ýý iimt.irio. a lodge was dulv instituted Act that barrier has been removed, and bv ilen1rv Whiie. Esq . Grand Mlaster. the heirs, who reside in Toronto, have a br,îllv 1 Il B3utler, I)DGNI; rad instructed Mr. Crelghton te enter action S(-eretarv1 -13 King. j E Farewell,.(G for the recovery of the amount due tbem., W~., and A Il lakl.>I. super-. wbich witb principal and initerest amounts intrundant of Agenc e- ( )ddfellows' Re- teo er £1,000,})00.-Ti-ibune. lot \s, n tiU)i ffCanadlanad tern- îo'. î~ e> te - tIier he fol-ect atarrh of L'ong Standing Re- Muni ttael dtotel tîrîr-s pnve1s- Iieved in a Few Hours. (Y N.. 13iîuîW (G hit V\G. 13ru j A Il -,, . ro Villt 1 Horn- It is nat aoa the people of our own P S.,liro (,îio A tiordon- Treas. Rro ronntrv, tauJ prouiineut citizens like Ur- Riebî.rd NI cir( The lcmî'leu iry ban Lippe, M.P., of Jolitette,.Que., aud înstrtîited, n tcton ader ce- .otlipr uembers of Parliampnt, who, bR mon es v.\ ire lroceeded with hv a de- ing nsed Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, grceut l rii Phoenix 1,oîdge. o! pronouce it the mosti effective remedy 2-1canidaes erein-t.hey have ever known, but people every- )saea îen adiaeswr il bere are expressing their gratifloatiota rntip.Thdit e ut gr res o! (>ddofeilow- at the effectiveness of duis medicine. C sbîp Th degeesbeig coferedG. Archer, of Brewer, Maine, gavs: 'I the foIlouinV adultional (ithcers were have hsd catarrb for soveral 'Years appoîntcd and installed :-ar, l3ro J' Water wouid ran front my eyes and nose R Winters. Cuon, liro \V 1) Rogers-, O Isys st a tinte. About four moutha ago G, diro ;eo (;tlders; 1 G, Bro jas Cor- 1 was induced to try Dr. Agnpw's C& neli; R S N (.Ir, ro J S Barker; L S N tarrhal Powdcr, sud sino. using the wou G, Bro isaae 'Wise.' R S V, G. Bro R M derful remedylI have cot had an attacli Bateman, MI 1) - L S V G. Bro D W 1 would not b. wîtittt it." Ib relieves Kennedy; R S S. 1I H Burrows; L S S, la tien minutes. Sold by J. E. Willis. itro T A, Greiz: Chap, Bro John Green- e- .Thtis lodge wili be known as On- ENu JJ»D ~rio Lodge NO 324. 1 O O F. and will Great excitement -lrevaila ovor the ïeet for the present each Friday in contest in the Division. The oyster sup- Oddfellow's hall, Bundy's block.- nai-rnmes off neit Tuesday niitht. News. For more tha.n twStty ye.=r we have bccn tefing how, Scott's Emulsion overcomes tbe excessive waste -of thec Wstan, puts on f lesh, nourishies asI4 builds up the body, making it the remedy for aUl wasting di-. seases of a4lults anid ch1Idbegi, Ptit isdat poWsblc for u f I. c nepaper type by brt &pDur wMi*fr Mr. L Pascoe and L Bradley attiendod thbe Grand Division held at Whitby. Mr Hubbard and Mr L'ariah are thresh. ing clover tii winter. Tbey do good work, being experienced bands. Miss K Ormuiston, wbe bas beau 1dl. with a Mild atack al fever, we are glad tic hear is recovering. Mr M Glibson, ont ez-pedagogue, spent a fow day.lasti week renewiôg old se-- quaintances in the neighboihood.- The sports of our town mnado good tis of tb. light snow fait. The faitibful houndeOMcrib. heard in avery diction Mr N N iddery shot a fine foz mnd, maniy mprpe u=aowly eusped, but wilI have tu look eut neît timne. Re# Mr Borke Io condueting special services St »urketon, seocEufield bas to have local presobers now. Mr. Wm-Gordon spent Tuesy ati toanion . W. heuartittMiml..Ne0iUe Wo1hejis imuravîne and will»'0»b ble te t4d Tepursuit of - money tempts many a mnan to neglect bis health, with the result that he soon loses both money and 1bealth, and finds himself dootned to an untiimely death. A man should reinienber wben i> he is tenipted to over-work him- vote insufficient tlme to eating, resting, and sleeping, that death is t1ic terntter that holds out money as a bait. If a mati will take proper care of his health, he will feel like work. and will find that h c an do ail the work that he cares to do liahin working bours. Dr. Pierces Golden Medital Diseovery gets a nian into working shape and keept hlmi there. It invigorates the liver, keeps the digestion in working ôrder, the appe- tite hearty and keen. It keep.q the biood" pure and plenliful. It keepe out and drives out impurities and disease-gernis. It wards off nervous and wasting diqeases. Tt cures eS per cent of a11 cases of consumption. It is the product of the lifc.work of an emi- tient and skillful spec-lalist, Dr. R. V. Pierce, for thirty years chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Su lcal Imati-g tute, at Buffalo, N. Y. Druggxsts sel it. Mt-a. L. F. Coates, of BlvthebourTiC, Kings Co., N. Y., wiites:- Three vears ago, 1I-wagS e kk1 could flot bat. sleep or "Iak. for I coughed ail day a nd nigbt. -My weight was reduced from i xo to îz7pounds. Thefirat ntght thatlIslept forlhoulE at one tme, wss after 1 had taken three dosas of Dr. Perces Golden Medical lpbiscvM YbTe of-i fensive mnatter expectorated grew lees ever day and whenlIhad taken thre whole of one bottie I could sleep ail night withorit coughing, and have been well ever ince and weigh x7S pound&.' A good, praclical, medical book le wvorth more in a homne than a thousatid navels. Dr. Pierce's Common Seuse Medicai Adviser is that kind of a book. It contains î,oo8 pagzes and ovex 3lm illustratios. 'A new edition given awÏy absolutely PREjr. For paper-covered copy send 31 one-ceutstamps (thecocet of customas and maillnir only). to World's Dispenaay Medical1 Assocition, Buffalo, N.Y. For cloth-binding, 50 tanipa Recent Visifors -Mrs. Wagbington, Mariposa ; M iss A. Brimconibe, Haydon; Mias M. Hurbut Poft Perry ; Mr. M.J. Gibson, Courtice ; gins L Heatlie, Lona, Sault,; Miss dith Argue, Solens; Miss ]* Gilberti tnd Mr. 0. Mackey visited been eugaged st Makenzie's sohool for 1897 -; Mr.- W. ÀAvety bha. renteciM rWJ MoCXloli'. frt;Mi~J. T.. Hur1b,4t who h» -beau egago< hïiaotii. SUM-Mer bau retured tu yOwege8oun4 ; Mr. Axuod in c*ArWfy on au ti eLt tVOtrade ti ý8;TUDYING EOON-OMYal -in tiese .hard4 1neS thound4 O amsian .old briglt ' wonen 1find, tha4t thé »iamond Dy t is r o v.-onder that rub- bers, m hich are flot the same G ranby shape as the hoot, should be uncomofortalile. It costs mo- w.~ be'~ney to employ skilled pattern Iubb rs akers but the resut is a sati-factory fit. Each year new patterns are added, to fit all the latest shoe-shapes, and Omrnby Rubbers are always " 9up-to-date. "1 They are horaestly mrade of pure Don't Draw the Feet rubber, thin, light, elastic, durable, extra thick at bIml and heel. They Fit the Boot Mr. Edward Varnunt, a well-to.do far mer living near Solina was up before Mragititrate Haines, on Saturday last, charged witb stealing nmre grocetieBsuad other thîs o ut o! 'Mr. Chas Rodger's buggy while iti stood under tihe bot(). ebeds at the Bennett-Rouse on Thursdry lasti Tti appears Mr., Rodgers tiook tihe goresdown and pt tbernin bis buggy ndthnwent up ?tract to attend aume other business. When bo returned to go homne ho maissed - the ieooda sfrai» bis buggy. It dawned upon M.r. Rodirers that be sas Varnuina in Lb. sbed wbhen lie put the ooode in bis bulggy and be at once laid tihe obarge ta hlm and on Fri- day be geL a seereh warrant aud in ent- pauy witb chef Jarves proceeded te Mv. Varnumoe s here evei'y article was fonnd in bis peoamaon. Jarres brougbt iho good-a and bis man to tiown -and placed i'ii te cooler fer the niglit nd on Saturday- noraing h. appo#ed 1bfor the- m9gitrat-,fer trial. 1fr. Varbui pleaded ity ttit etarga. àMvJ. GaVr&ititplesdod hi. case battit- tbhê mstlettçt n R taghie good qealili.ê éâ tiegood socioty Mr Vàraum rankIhoin, el t etr Ifrsi o aiOýMýel '*s et off on auPenàde6 entetçr- $j1ô otiste of-te bo9WcfurS ale Failed in Healtti aud Strnutb-Ri« Kid- npe Acbed and ho Took Doddm Klduey Deseruto. Dec. 14 ýSfeiIt)-Amiong bus!- nae peoplo bore, sud ospeoisly by bis ffoe workmen greati int.erut hoa. beé takon ini tho case of Mr. lames Sticks., sho for tbo Puét efi- teec years bus ben a stippe' tor tite Mathbbm Lateiy hoehsd'rua down la hoaltit and strengtb tt ithe Point of beimig compell otIt qeuit work anud bis rgoserylorM ibe reuit usmg Dindâsd* WPuei t of, kaittre t.0r 0 - W le 1 idgatIl gtr aiufed Thei.0dopait là, the iGoverwlnut sviup behkW f o ,00ebei ware P4O a t th 'Oi Low Corne esony a,~ Ps B. l3rya Broca. DOMINION BANKO Oapital Paid up, - $1500OOD Whitby A gency. General Banking Businew Transated. BÂVINOS DEPÂBTMSENT. nteret allowed st hlghet ourrent rate«. No notioe of wthdswal required B. J. THORNTONe Managere * fl m g j q P a -ui 'U 8 Z m L I *Icnuwxe a u XFJQ791euposa mi &a :qnoib"q-iv -9JMIVTJWOC TAM OsIl' vPI" 'va>Hflr vi ~STAR UIFE ASSURANCE cars 0F LONDONb, ËN GLÂNUf. IEstablished 184_3. Total funde in hand. . ......$ 18,50177796 B on uses ad d ed . . . . .. . . . . . 9,63 5,706.40 Total aims pad22,132,956.39 Total armount Assurance in force Dec '9,..70,967,26.4a 68,5 daims paid '93 Bifotint- ing to ..... -." . 1,380,656.83 Grants a worl wde and indisputable policy. No restrictions às to residenc. Profitslncreasing witbh age of policjr. Immediate payment of death daims. Inerm and compound bonuses added. EVery dscription of Life Assuranoe policy granted. Local agents winted. Most liberal terme Apply T H Carter, Generai Agent, Tor- onto junction, Ontario.. Head Office for Canada, No. i Adelalde St. -East Toronto, Ont. Gen. Manager, A W BRIGGS, Esq., june 23,1896-31109 Toronto, Ot W. A DA MS, Ce3'DENTI ST. Roonts over John Perguan's dtlgsoe FAR<T a r n l o t . o <I 8mlusi $1V500 000 -

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