Whitby Chronicle, 25 Dec 1896, p. 9

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V t Ton sorial : A c ade my 2 rairdressing, F Tb h5Iampooing, SSkal'ing, Lic. If you wish your craniuin renovated, Your moustache curled, that bristly. beard et- moved front your physiognomlt, or Your hair trjntnto in the latest New YVork fashion, dru p in to the Up-to-date Par. ]orof Lou IBande,,-mà* -et# One door Northi of Stephen9On's. OMotcai Caunty Organ.-Lîrgest Circula- tionof a y local papor tn Canada FRIDAY, I)EC. -5,1896 LOCAL LACONIOS. \Xmas presents worth twice the niooney at '?or choice robes and overcoats go ta Fer- s .-un's Tho-. Wilkinson, ofoLindsay, was in town last week. cy< hocolites ooly 2,5 cenia per pound aM Mathison's. If vou are lookiog fur Xmas bargains read A. Alliiî's adv- Listeri ' ' Dont buy a stave until you see Jake Mclotyre. The lu-t of convictions for the past three ruonths appeara on anather page. ]as Gorden, of Pickering, and Jno Gerow of Broughiam, were in tawn on Tutada>'. Miss 1, Woodcock. of Brandon, Manitoba, us ini town visiting ber mtgher and sisters. Mes Jos Bandel, of the Whitby House, wss with rienda in Toronto on Frida>' and Sý'atrurday last. Mr. J no. Downev ofCJ. H. r)owney and Co t-. spending tht holidays at bus honte in 0su-cge N. Y. oi spi-cial meeting of tht executive of tht Sýuuth ùntairiî't. Conservative aAsociation was lîeld here Gn Saturdav Mdessrs. W. fi.(;reeniwood an d Alex. Sr-%sith are home from Toronto University, which resumnes operation Jan. 4th. Miss M. O. lFastwood, Messrs N H. Mc- t.illuvrav. N. R.D. Sinclair. Alex W. Sy'iith, ot Toronto colleges, are honte for the holudays. We omitted to mention asat week thal Misas B I)artnell contributed Lo the progrant ii c)nn<-cti,)tt with Prof Clarke's lecture urider -thù auspices of the mechanicas in- (,rest slaughtering of bo-ots and shoes stili contumte at the inew shot store. east side. si amid $i so boots for 5oc. Evervbody wel- come to have a pair.-tCome early. M. W. CollI nt. i )n Chiristmroas Dav. at Ail Saints' church tehours of service wîll be 8 and ii a mo, ,d730) P m At aIl services there wfII be spt-ciAl Christmas music. The Christmas Carols wîli ')e sung at the evetning service. MIr Broughiall wîiI bc the preacher at bath services. Mr. W O. Johnston, Mfuskegon, Mich , is bere this week, visiting bis man>' relatives and friends. Htelias not been borne for four yeaes, and is enjoving a ver>' hearty ce- ception from bis ntany old frienda. Four vears bas made no ver>' noticeable change in Me. johuston's physicial appearance. Birth. At Whithv, on Tuesday Dec. 22nd the wife of Mr., Alfred Butt, of a son. Probable Candida.t«. For reeve- Messrs. Prmngle anid Deverecl. For dtputy-Messrs. Scott, Burns and E.R. Blow For couticilos-north wacd, Messes. Robson. Noble anid Heury'. Four Mionthe and $xg. Fine. joseph D. Thotupson, wbo wms convicted of traud at the couuîy court bere - was sent- enced on Tuesday by is Houe Judge I)artuell, Thnmpson wes sent ta thle centrai prison for four months, mmdf6usd $150 b.- A H amble Accident. Mr. Arthur Ellis hem recelved a letter rom New York ststing that bis second sou, Arthur, wba lias beeunjn New Yack for a y ear or two, was the victînt ofa very severe S accident asat weck. Wlth five other wark- mien be was worklng on a scafiold over fort>' feet from tht gcoundi, wlicn the undeestrnc- turt of the scaffold gave way and the wboie su' men fell witb thîe debris ta the. graund. The theirs were fortuate enotiglita find obstacles ta the long (ail, but Ellils <el] the wbaie distance a liglitinq in such an un- fortanute way as tu break bath armea an both legs. The accident taok place lent Tbursday, and on Sunde>' wlen the letter waa written spprising bis parents of the accident, young Elli was stili uncouscious, sud it was a difficult matter to foras an opinion as ta bis chances of recover>'. pou4,at b0btO 1 fui Value.piese cati ' Pt t 4ieço-to $frOtooà ward's, Saturday. There in firet cims k t rnk and, skaters and curilers May enjoy thetniseue there ou Xmui at1bertoc*m m4 e-j#iîng. Nothiâg nicer thati Ours ilgold em- bosseë'I photés fÃ"pXi3ïiWU . Wr & Stedhamm PlNb> gallDéry, -open, evet y day.. Mr ffenry Cort. a foner. resideut of thie' town, but latelyý residing at St Mary'a, died in that towu on the x9tj i mt. Mr Cave was a ahoemaker, and worked some time for Mr Wm Burns. The CHRON.ICLIR deliveey boy will carry round bis annual addeua on New Vears day. There have been no complaints during the yeur and we bespeak for him a very friendly reception. The twenty five cent shinplaster is becom- ing rather scarce n0w. It wati a very lîan4ly ruoeyfacorinits day and:îts usefuiness should contribute ta the public convtenience by msîkring a new i-sue. These inail bis are convenient to send by [etter, and would be asource of revenue ta the goverfiment, as their value is flot inucli and a nuni ber ol them are lbat. Mr. Walter Gibson objects ta a reference to him in last week's Port Whitby items, as reading an easay at the 'Tincombe Club."' He wishes ns to state clearly that he did riothiný of the sort, and we therefore with- draw hi% namne from ail connection with it We have no knowledge of the clnb's mem- beishipý Mr. Alfred Perry also wisbes us to state thçtt he gave no exhibition of tobacco chewing, and we are- turther informued that no such meeting of 1lie club took place. Mr. John Spence, Toronto, came dowxi front the city to be peesent at the collegiate Iistittite entertajumnent on Tuesday night, and remained over to shake hands with as many of %iie Whitby people as lie could see. By way of bringing old tintes to memory he assumned bis old editorial functions on the staff and dasbed off a few thoughts for the benefit of our readees this week. In returu for wbich we feel that it is but courtesy (and indeed truth) ta say that Mr. Spence is' near the top notch of the profession of pub- lic school teaching, and is a ver>' handy fel- low to have around an editorial sanctunt. He bighly praised the exhibition of physi- cal culture given by the collegiate pupils and said that if the entertainment coulad be put on the Grand Opera Hanse stage, at Toronto, with electrical effecta, it would prove the bit of the season. Blrtb At Wbitby, on Thursday, Dec. 24th, the wiiec of jno. Baker, ofia son. Home Made Bre»A Parties wishing the above cen be suoplied by calling at tht residence of bae. Henr>' Gould. Destroytng LUne Pences b>' PIre, Mr. W. H. Wikcox bas been annoyed lately by sorne partý' who sets fire to the Uine lence between hSn muid Mr. Janmes Rtcd ai nigbt. Tht party uses coal oil, ¶nd bas iounid no difficulty un burning large sections of the feoce whenever he lit dbsposed ta shed bis ight. Mr. Wilcox bas ta be ready at al l imes of tht evening and nigiýt tu. run and put out the fiee, aud ta bound to have the psrty con victed. St John's Church. There wilI be divine service on Christmoas morning atiiu, Mr McKînt ofllcimuing. lu tht evening a mm;àgic lantero eotertai!,meni and distribution olpresenîs tb the Sunddy sclic.l chidren will be given iuî the sch4,ol house. On Sutiday onez(, tht a7tà ittat., %Ir. McKim wiil be as-isted hv Rev. L G. Wood otf the chîu-cb of the Redeemer, Toronto. HoIy Communion admristrd ai tht mxorn- ing service. AUl seats fret; everyone weî- came. A Loreection. EDITOR CItRONICLE: SR-If your Ux- bridge rieurs last week there is a notice of tht Baird vs. Wiîlcox suit, which requ ires a Wo'rd of explanation. In r889 Mr. Wiicox. as executor, heid a martgage avec due, and Me. Baird made proposais thcougb bis solic- itar to purchase it. Mr. Willcox calcu'ated the interest at nine per cent, the rate tht martgage calied for, sud the amount was volunîariiy paid by the plaintiff throuigh bis solicitor. Then saine years alter wben tak- iog proceeditîga in the masters office they discovered thatprobably too much iuteresi bad been paid ta Me. Willcox, and demand- ed b&ck thetssuint af $153. Mr. Wilicozret- fused la psy tht sumn as be had administered tlie estate in fuit and paid aIl tht interesi lie got front the mortçâge ta the pacty entltled ta, it. Hnwever suit waro brouglit In the count>' court of tht county ai York sudte ieAruted judge gave judgment agaiust bir. Wicoi as executor, ual for $15 but only $U.3snd divisiou court cos, instead of caunty court costa. Voues teuly, D. OaMtis- TON, solicitor for bit. Willcox. HymeneaL I A very pleasant and happy eveut taok place on Weduesday, :6tb mast., at "H-ill- aide," the residetace of Leonard Butenett, Esq., M.P., b.lng the mariage of bis daugli- ter, Leonora, ta Jas. B. Davidsan, eldest son of John Davidsoti, Esq. "Ivanhot," Ash- but-n. Tht important ceremony was per- fornaed by the contracting parties and R~ev. Dr Welton, 0< McMaster College, Torônto. Precisel>' at 4 a'dlock, amid îthe strains 0< Mendelson's wcdding maech, piaycd by Miss Howson, ai Toronto, the haudsome bride was conducted 10 the sItar, end gives away by ber father, muid the everiasing toufeact compleîed. Tbe bride looked perticularly pretty, dressed in whitecashmese iwlth peeri tuimminga, and bore in ber baud a boq-e of white cases mand. ent. Tii.bmppy coPte were wbolly unsuppgrted being Cvur gpmff eugh to encouater <he LZ1ti.e- 9111e ýals» The cereoeouy beiag ended smftny vouriw- latious were sbowoi'ed u'ù th=n, wh.wlhoe part>' adjoumed t@ Ibe igtât 'riom,, s4-ea- o i r., uwrqu -eput. -The pressai were;numerouse and 1 cos pçti tho¶ b e et'w"s a *cbhqeet *to Mbbreb*roàber fe uid-au*Ite,ý EIàaidon,'Jr. The, Il ,e rried topp blf it a 6 30 hwoftcojiztloIis, audgod "*bus, .seiie br' a len*iEsW 1 &oWér-dI iloe ad4e~4 hr rp lu -Weguern tïris. ?The -h1 ed uestea1 wea e o » 0 Me *s Ir* ~M 4 Mien >B~O I fleduced prîes on all XmasirO and leelrv as vu asa by. ZY!à for Christrnas, 8et a' -déoutitlon t Torosbto toInter- Me.w the mnittu of- qducatioo lufavos- of four instead of E, e ;cl.dIstas.suffidem't foracoilegialeinsttute. IL -tu-difcuit tosc how, but this waid dns la IMr RHadèes roeetof coure. l. m, itThé"fs teugthedeputatica tiere had tot- e acm mercili apedaWlit dded. Ili" thé minister ofEutiouescheé ihfor->lus*tomakea, San-ta Caus takes possession Corne ini and ý-tFVii . éo j stbë,plïctotaget IL Mr. John Baker, caretaker of thc;coltglate luBistmsItes the recipient 91 a very nîce Cisaspresent, being a boy brought into his household by the doctor front the region of nawhere. 11 i» 6fPhotos. Henry & Putney, of Oshawa, made the first and only liCe bized photographs ever made in thii vlcinity. A Denial. EDITOR CHRONICLL: SiR,-In justiceto mnyseif as well as ta hint, 1 beg leave to state that 1 did not use, in rcference to Mr Barclay, any such language as is attributed tu rme in the accouat tnat appeared in Ian-t werk'i' CH RONICLît of a seh-ool meeting in the soui h ward. W W TAmBL.YN, Whitby, DcC 24th, 186 Congratulations to j udge Dartnell. Has Honor Judge Dkirîneil bas been ap- pointed County judge for the coutity of On- tarlo. We heartily corngratulate bis honor uipon the advancenient coniferred tipon him. Hia very abie and painstaking juîdicial work for a quarter of a centurv past is a t-li liar- antee that the laîvwilf be properly inlter- preted in this counity, and the rights of its citizens wili receive full protec:tion as5 has heen t he case heretofore. Our Cat The CHRONICLE has a cat. We have had Rond luck, and hard Iuck, and r<,ws, and fights, and wars, and rumors of war, and threats of murder. and, wîîrst of ail, lihel suis; but a cat of our owit we neyer hid uni il now. Every rit-wspLaper office is sup- posed to %port a cat. whîch is supposed to carry Rbout in its grave and sleepy craniuni the wisdomn and prophetic inistincts of the place. Many journiais are run without a cat fur mentor or monitor ;but the absence of a féline oracle is always regarded as imperil- ang ail hope of a constant displav of wisdcbm nhd dicretion. We have not ini handc suffi- dient aîîîhorities in tht matter to enahlt us tu decide what color a newspaper cal shotild be, tradition being flot very clear on th-ît Poi-t, but we have soughîta m neet tht difficulty by a dat of many colora. like joseph's coat. [t is of circassian extraction, havitiî a whbite face, but it speaks no tangu- age exceptang m-ows and somne tpecial caterw-iuls, and thus we cannot determine its nation4tiy. Nor cari we give ils breed or pedigree, theste mMters befing ciouded an mystery. [t us auflicient that we hoive a dat, and that it bas flilen inlote with the officiai duties of its position without giviog us émy spectal trouble. [n future our vitais upon public and priv-tte matters shiould be seasointed by startling sAgicity. The Gazettes Cariival. Tuesday's Gazette only had tsvo pages of Toron to priot, and devoied the other twc to s carnival of town and ichool polities. It shows clearly that every leading member of the town counicîl is a trickster and most ikely a hoodler ; that ail tht members of the school board are dishonest schemers ex- cept Mr. Fox, who isl only wrong in bis virwb ; that the teachiers of the collegiate institute and maie teachtrti of the public schools have too high salaries§, largely the resuit of schemiog ; that tht CHRO-41CLE ba% extrcised an evilivifluence in everything and over everybody It is ail poured upon the public in a severn-columrn arraigrimenIt, and in order that there inay be nio uoubt as to the reason why ail thes'e frightt-l hings were perprtrated our cotern states emplhatic- allv that it was al&donie in order to bolster up Mr. Henderson's salary. Having laid the sciienies of vears bare, our coteni proceeds to show wlîat the town must do to retrieve it self. It nust take a pruni. g hook in one liand saticle iaver in the other. The one mnust be used t,,top otf the useless branches, and the otiier to chop ofi nearly ail the muni- cip>ai aîd educational heads in lown. Tht î'îayor rotat go, the reeve must go, the deputy-reeve inust go, Ont of the maIe teachers must go. The constable must go. If the Gazttîe's opiniori graws a littIe strong- er the nmîister of education wiil have to go, fur il appears lie bas also been itt this carnivai of infamnv. Wbilst clearing up an awful st-iLe of aflirs, our cotern finds wavs of saving maoy thousaiîds of dollars yearly. Itwtiould appear that large sums can be sav- ed by callinit on tacb persun ib the sti vice of wants more room to make a shoNN see the N/ce Things to * bè seeng 1000 yards Drese Goods, regular 50e., Saturday 39c. Ail our French printed Flannels, regular 5Oc, Saturday 25c. New Black Crepons, regular $1, Saturday 75c. New Table Linens at very lowest prices. See our Table Napkins at $1 per doz., regular $ 1.50. Men's Braces, reg 50c, Sat. 2.5c. Meh's Caps, reg 50e, Sat 25c. BE SURE TO SEE OUR SIL VER WÂRE ffl zM (Ioz. Teaspoons, ;-)15e. Sdoz. Teaipoons, - - 2.5c. Sdoz. Forks, - 25c. Cbi1dren's Sets, 2 5)'2c. Jewel Cases, - 25C. Butter Knife and Sugar Shel! 25c. Silver Teapot, - - $12.50 Silver Sugar Bowl - $ 2. 25 Bec Sure To Bo Fancy Xmas Goods. See our New Linen Doyiies at 5e, 8c, 10 eacb. . New Table Na'pkins and Table Clotha just to band. Aprons in white and colored, 25c. New liue Gents Ties, Silk Handkerchiefs, Caps, at very lowest prices. EF STE WUATI XMAS l3Being heavilv ovprstocked, we have deeided to make WZE[ITIS m very SPXOIAL REDUOTIONS IN PRICES until Jan. lgt. You will find a large and varied assortrnent to select your gifts frorn, in FANLC Y GOQDS, TOYS, GA MES, BOOKS and A'YVELTIES, also a fine Belection of Raphael Tooli & Sons' XMAS CA RDS and CA LENDERS, (the finest in the wcrld.> and the Prices Are Right. are lessening every day. Bargains will be the order of the day for Holiday Shoppers. We wil try your wants, and wish ail our friends and patrons a Merry Xrnas and a Happy Subscriptions for any 1896. Wîliis' * Medîcal Corne early as the choicest articles y to please you, satisfy you, and meet y New Year. 1897.' Hàall a- m.ANNOUNCEMENT. I?~0 CRi M.&C0X: DEVEBELL'S BLOCK, BROCK ST. Newspaî;er or Magazine for the New Year at Publishers prices. OH RISTM-AS Will be one of 13argain for prCsoes Tg~iru !o1aa~o. ilit «ý roniclco

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