a' - .4: 2 '--2' n VOL. XIL. WHITBY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 59 1897. Asius MLIII, .,,,,,Chem ist and ...Druggist, Headquarters for Pure 1I)ri ig, Chernicals and ail Patent Meuli- Fre6h-tStock SP)N;EFS from le. to $1. Tooth Brushes, Ntiil Brushce,, Oombs, and ail Toilet Articlus. A. lH, ALLIN, CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, WHITBY, - ONTARIO. Ektablished 1849. Whitby Staam MarbI8 and GîanitB Warks; Dundas St., WH ITB Y. Chas. HE. Smith, (Formeriy Wolfenden Works.) Im- porter and Dealer in MARELE ANI) G;RANITE MONUME'NTS. Etc., of the latest material and def-igos. AUl k indaof Cemetery work. Our work guaranteed. »*SRNiD FOR DESlIGNSÇ AND FRICES. HAYWARD'S GREAT RETIRING SALE Raving fully made up s>' min I to1 up business, 1 viii offen my ulve Entire Stock taO the people af Whitby sud surrouuding oeutr>'ai haver pricea Lisais ever kuavu, to otsure a q oieS sale, COMMENCING SAT URDAY NE)'ýT, JANI 9tht 1897. Now for unprgecedeuted Bargains. I'rice Liste *reu no in it. 1 amnsott b oeil. Goode muet go at nome prieY REGARDLESS OF LOSS. Doc't think this je an old chestnut or you will get lefI. This is «a real, atraight, honest, out and out sae. It is true I intended selhng out last yeer, but vas pereuaded to vait till the Fail in hopes times vould be botter. TsaI vas a mistake, they a're worse inted of botter. TPhat's past help, nov gooda mouet go what- evei the, sacrifice. MoesIoas for us means gain to you. Don't daiay, tb. iret ta ceine vill sureiy get the Biggoat Plumn Wait- ing for you. IF&&mn Produce taken in ezohange for goodea a Reogular Prices. E.R. B. Hayward. à IN BNK 0F$ AUD 4%¶ OF DIRECTORS. #O~,~Pî SQ.,Presldeut. LOCAL NEWS LETTfERSI OHaONICLZ CoaassBPOssr.xscNu, Rev. Thorn officiated hera an Sabbath. Mr. Alfred Mowbray, V. S., bas of late hcen viitng hi-. brother, R R Mowbray. Mr W V Richardson, ai Pickering, passed rhrough omit village on Tuesday, eastward. Mr 1 N lortofi visited Toronto an Mon. aws, some time in the near future. It la a FORT rEBEy long time snce Mr. Carsweil lectured in out 'Fred Brown is home fransTorouto for bis village, and those that have neyer heard himi holidays. should flot miss the opportuuity and those have heard him we are sure wil vauit tc M-s C 1 Pearse bas gone ta Cleveland, Obio, hear im again. Watch oui for the date. ta visil ber tasi her, w ho is vary iii. If lasi week's record ha maintainesi the Lare qrasntities of ace blocks ara beiug cnt next census wili show a wonderful increase aud hauled by cîtizens of the tawn. in the population of this district. The fol- Col Paterson gava bis lecture toas goodly num - lowing are tIse returns as far as heard from: ber asat F'idey evensng. The views, uinety- Wednesday, Jan. 27th. the wife af D. W. eght, were very fine. L,îke af a son; Thursday, Jan. 28th, the. Rav ) N McCamisa raturneil on Wednesday wile of Edward Bewaîl, of a son. and Onfl rons Norwond, where ha bas beau sssisting bis Friday., Jan. 29th, th-e vile of Jas. Carnegie, brother in evangetistie work. of a daugbtar. jMrss-Shaw. and Mis Martin and daughter, are damv last. lie is ntucb better lu bealth josi BLACKSTOGK. Dow. Mr. Robert McNally speaks of leavingau Frank Lewis bas been for sanie tute village u utIde! Dr. Mloore's care. Franksa aliment ge sb paralysis of the face. Mr. Edward Williami-.on la home iras i- W, \tice snd Stepheus;on Bras. toak Torouto for a short vacation. - - . n tA t , MF,.. .mr.n, hp Wpplr Mr. loseth Tavlor bas Zone tommke n posi- Smîbit Faitsa, Mrs Martin goas tu Manitoba. Diedinl 7tb COn Reach, naa Port Parry, an Jan 3c(tb. Minnie Sarah Jesqim. youngest daugb- tar of 'Mr andl Mn joseph Rainas, ta ber s6tb year, 119jio to vote in the bye-election Veaterday, 'hrsday) some for Grahami and others for cLood. C.onductor Saider preacbed last Sonda!, orffing and evening. in the methodist church v'ýrv large congrega.tions. Ris sermons were aii and practical and were iistemed to vory as- .sively by the large audiences& Conductor iider takas ail bis illustrations from raiiway 1%e bons of Temperçance division have a cou. ti cow going on, and as a resuit tbe meet.ings erv Wedne3dav evening are inîeresting. The >d resuhis of the re=et district division held town shouid b. seen la a largely iucraased tsnbarship of the local division. The division miîly composed of young people, aud îhey iuld raceivo encouragement tram those wbo e oIder Rnd bave experienca heCarnlval 1 On Wedorsday evaning, Jan s7th. Manager cka hsd ai firsi-class carnival. 'hare was a rze crowd, and fine skating. The following ses were gîven:. Gents, iut prise, Jas Goudy ; )ys, tat prisa, R Bruce; comtc, Fred Mc- .enzie ; girls, ust prise, Nonnie Paterson. uring the evening a hockey match was played ewaan the seniors of Port Perryasd Sunder- îd, and after sanie sharp play Part Peiry won Y4 tu03. ecoud Days Races. Vonty trot-Munsçhaw, V. B. Woodruif, Ihîîby. i i s; Evargood. L. SebeMt Port Perry, 2 2 Bitly. T. J. McMilan, Port PerrY, 4 3 3~; tt e Hector, J, Aidons, Fenelon F'alls,3 44 me, 2,364, 2 38. 2 4o. 3 minute trot-Haad- son, H. Scott, Osiedonia i r y ; Manager, W !poiLn dsy, - Wm Heniry. Sharon.. teb.o 2 4 4; Dan E.. GOa May. Toronto, 1; Oç- . M owat, Geo. Raid, Caiedonis. 3 6 6:; reie, C. Clark, Acton, 7 5 3; Sandy B,. rowa, Peterbaro, 4 7 7. Tîme 2 39. 2.3, 2.34. lckey Match On Tuesday evening of this week-au intarest- qmatch was pisyad batween the juniors of bhitby vs Port Perry, resnling in tavoir af Vbitby _3 ta 2. Sevaral of oaur bockey- p layera era ai Osbawa last waak, and R.aeèraa Hander nu told the Part Pari, continizent ta bave their mior team play the Whitby juniors and nsaka San interesting match, After bis arrivai in Ywa an Tuasday eveniug Mr Henderwn said ,ai P. P. bail bet ter play thuir senior team, as si igbi a surage the -boys-4o lie- badlv-bait.- lt Reffrea Handarson counied his chikns be- ra tboy cera hatchad as ha found ont our aliors ware no chicks by any meana. ln tact, e exprassedi hitusef as greasly aurprlse ai tha alur juniai hockey team playad. Whan it la nown thae the junior ream bail onir playad ta- ether eight- limas, sud flot one membar aver andiail a stick befora this season, thair playing vas creditabte. As îh is aur boys feal an gacil Smor sud are raady for another tilt. If they ad baW as mnch practice as the Whitbv juniors he tables would hava btias surned. Our seam vas well pleaseed with- the visit 0f the Whitby arn and ap mak veryklndiy of the mambers off bt tesm, and for Rafaeae Hendarsosi, thoey aay- s is gentlemanly and impartial- Te membars i the junior hockey teatz wouid ha pleasail ta ee a largar turu out of our citizes visan tbey ave a mtceh with an outalde teainas the re- >&is go b replanlsb their traasury. W. J. No'rT. Worth Knowtng l'bat odr pt4a re m*S 146 pt eant. ebeap- er than assy c*her undertaker la tise dis- trict. Tuat tie bave lhe 'BeM t Has's. and thse fin- est Casket Wagoti sud Casii e 1g ln ibis coonly. ['bat we cotiduéd ûiserais witb decorus. ['bat tue take ftorie pains witb OUF wai thaa do the- majoriy of ljndqrtsksrs- ['hat tu tM tid and lsle gloires hlstd <of cbnapcotti= igisa. .' lisat *e use ýappopiate door and arts 'drapes, fie floorrugi, beautltul pede& taie and drapea In lublack or wbîte.r - risat we deiver a&W Casket* sud CoffuinI oui Caaket Waggon-orCaokat Slelgh. > Tisat wo give evesy aider 4oupers" nd prompt attetion. Aibars Gravas. The ouly invibeil guesta vere Mrs Weeks, o! Whîtbyis spendlug a fes~ Mr aad Mrs. H A Rosa, marchant, sud i Couch. May the happy couple bave a long and prosparons hf e.1 day for the purpose of e.ectiug new schaoo iris- ees in the place ai those wtio vare thoughs by sotie not ta ha lagstly elecsed at the regular school meeting à ii the beginuirig af the ytar. The electin tookc place sitar pointine aois the mistakes sud listening to s lot ai goal for notb- ing village gaosip irons shose man wbo were an- xions ta fill the coffice themnse.ves sud cen things in their owu way. AIl the ratepayers were pre- sent, sud sitar haariug tram sthosa dissauiieil, s new nomination ai trusteas saok place. Mr Per-ry Haruden sud Mr El Holliday were elect- ed. The baard is now comprisailofairMsEl Fiolliday, Mr j Bray aud MIr P haruden, with Mr Angle ast sec treasl. We voice the sentiments of the rasepayers wbeu wa say we rote bave the bast board af managers lu the conay.- The meeting braise up by singiug "They ara jally gool fallaws,"' sud tbree cheaers fan the electail trustees. WKITECVALE Mr. Mescaife was in tate n auSuday. W.e ara pleasel ta tee the baud prospering. Was not lsst Suuday a regular jue day lu January? Miss Netoe Cooper bas been vsitlng friands iu Brougham. Miss Chester, ai Port Union, is witb friands bera spresaus. Mra. John Michel la recoveriug irons an at- tacis ai sousails. Rev. Mr. Brace wili occnpy the matbodist pul- pis aext Sonda! aighî. Miss Noble, ai Norv2i, la vitis ber friand Miss Ids Thoruton. th*3s ee%. Mr. Wm. Mâýajn udsn bave lately sali tvo borsse at fairly ood prices. Mr. Wm. Gerow waa in Whitby sud Oshsawa ou Wednasday lisa on business. Mr. Gea. Linton, af Brougham, bnrlad usair infant daughter bore on Monday asat. Dr. Hutchin-ou bad the misiortuna ta fail Laut vo-k and break bis sounding machine. Mr. Stuart Phil bas lately nsovtd ita the bouse laialy occnpedbv Mrs Burkisoldar. Mr. Chas. Hoilgesitili work biseaten faim ibis year and is note praparlug for tisesaime. We notice tome a! the Canadian banks are giviug quise lîberally ta the ludia reliaf fund. Nolan Bros. bava beîweeu one sud twa bund- red corda aIfvuail sur sale sud itl e ail lirai chas& Nolan Bras. bail a grand bop ai Ibair resi- dence on Tnssday uigbt lust. Tasea ti era there bail a gool dîme. Mr. John Aunis. of Scarbara, bas beau iasaly matrlad His many friands around hare are pleaseil ta bear it. A bappy sud long lifa is aur varsaiwisb. We notice that tisera bas been a Young ladies' socia cincle formadin l Pickering. Wby cannat aur village malIens do tise saeahem There la lots ai satanail. days with friands. Mr Mariha Brander ai Toronto, is visiting ber uncle, Mr John Forresier. Quite a number irom haie attended the methodist church, Port Perry asat Sunday, the pulit baing accupiad by Conductor Snider. We are iniormed tb'st Mr Wili Turner lu- tends ieaving for the U S ta juin bis brother. Last Fniday avening his maay finrds form- cd a party in 'bis hooa, vbich was held ai the residance ai Mr Kirby. Whtby Tows Locale. Temple af Fama îonligbt. 25 cents. Arthur Ellis, jr., wbo lataiv came Irasn New York bad.y uj;ei up by a falliug accident witb a scsfiold, ih able ta bc oui arounil town. Ha wiIl remain haro until apring. The public library wiil hold uts aunual canvarsazione, wlth s Greek tas, ou Monday eveuing, Feb. t5th. lu the hall--Oddfeilow's building. A good programme is being an- rangeil snd amusements provided. Tisa Gazette adopta uts usual smail tactics lu raiaiug a cry because there vera seven suistakes lu printing tha standing commit- tees of the couuty councl ai ihis office. Ouiy tisree o! the errors were ours, ana -ba- iug lu a date, which is a tisig which often accora in printing. Thea Gazette had ta print a whole set of sale bills over again re- cantly because of about a bundred biund-* ers, snd ius jobs are always patched sud eassd more ai lems.Oua maninsutown paid for zoooo statemants printed aItisae Gazette office vush his -wrong addrass, rather than lai thse blunderiug "Gazette man losa the price of tiser. Tihe visai job vas usales ta thse business man. Qulcker Urne tlsu ater Coupantes The Dominion express caupauy forwards god oail points in Manitoba, Nortiswest Teritoie-, ritshColumbia. and princi- pal in~fte in Washington territory, by' 4dietroute," tbereby uaviug- lime snd, flot snbjectlng sbipinenl tai fraqutest trans- fers, snd possible boa of connections, as veil as custoins papers to be made out; wbich contingencies wl l a met met with ifsent by ather companis - ail sach, siip- mania isaving ta. go via (éhicagoansd St Paul. Sac tisat your express goada ara for- warded via Dominion Ex. Co's "direct route." E . R. Blov. C. P. Ry. tickets, tale- grapis sud Dom. Ex. Cols agent, Whitby, Ont. Ever>' vas boot ter w satisiy Ibis1 publîas durit viava ai a i cheerful sudi ,fitting sudit rooms, halls, ing, bail sud ;Ood prices were paid. tinna sro.h-lafamily ara to folioe. O i)» not forget the date ai S S tes uan- Mucb sicknass has pravailed ln our vil- (Tt tertaîsmnieni, Sabbath s4th sud Tuesday lave for about A month. Most ai those Mc oth Let everybody corne. afflicted ara convalescent.c Mr. Frank Harrison took the firat oppor- A good number ironi oui village attandad moi tunisty of visiting the millionaire sud gava the caruival ai Port Pcr'. Tho- Port Parry- to his a hearty weicome home, îles are to neturu the compliment whan aur PI itr. Weatberali, ax-posimaster, la teainug catitival cornes. Sun down bis stable here sud moving tisa samne Our skating rnu s la al patranized, about li over ta bis fanm soutb ai Solina. twrntv came irrs Dsr!ingtau on Thursday Our local muerchant la fast closing oui bis eventug. A masquerada caruival la araug- business preparatar>' ta moviug ta Wsba- ed for Wednesday. tesi gon. M. Rdd ulmay luas aon55 Antiosi cusîgregationai meetings vera heid Ro (Irvis vacates. issi waab in the presbyterian cburcbes, Cart-inlu .Our assessor, R. WV. Mowbray, la calliug wright sud Enuiskillau. Owing ta the me on tise ratepayers ot the tonship these fiue stars ou Tueadav evauiug the meeting atistaC days. Kea p your logs in the cellar if you Cadmus vas poâtpouail for two eeaks. The ahi vaut ta be disbsouest and save mouey. chu rcb.-s as Enniskillen sud Blackstack gaveamar Thse Misses Rd vere an thse prograni lu splendid reports lo4 lasi yesr. A fair lu- Th conuection with the epvartb icagua concert crasse in membersbip vas uote4 sud the at Mt Zion Tueada>' evcniug. No doubt finances were ioîîud ta be in excellant shape. Hio their services vould be niocis ppreciat.ed. The prospecta fur edisuing yesr ste very lain J.H. Stephenson le doing soma praity .gaod. p heavy dealing in horsas ai laie, sometimes BO.I.bol bringing home tva fresh anas tise sainie day. K 0f course thse usual boni money accompan- Wm. Muro, inspactar for tise Reliauce Du tes eacis sud every trada. Loan sud Savings Ca., vas lu tovu nnb Reports have beau cinculatad lu surraunil- Weduesdlay. las ing ueighborisood tisai Mr. sagouer bad Mrs. Frank Blair, vho is beau viaiting by purchased the Wbiiby founir>' a fav days with frienda near Suderland, raturued Se, since, but va are pleasai to a ta> Uera la no home lasi Fnida>'. truth in the report vhaiever. IAi the Sonda>' schooi convention, bal ai wl Oving ta regmlar quarteri>' meeting ai Clai-mont lasi veek, Mr j N Dehari vas 22t Mt. Zion nexi Sabbath tisera yl ba no elected sacratar'. il servsoe- here. S. S. will beciseld lu Use Tise C E3 Society ai tisa presbytariau Tii afternoan Quarteri>' business meeting ai chiurcis bas forvarded a contributian tb theeeas Greeuwood the followiug Mouds>' after- India famine fond. Sif, noon. Mr L Dudley, of Caîborua, wvas ibrongis Pe, Staff Captain Emerson, forxneriy 0f Kin- thîs viciuit>' lasi veek lonkiug for apples 53 sale but nov ai Greenvool, vbo bas been but ioud fev, if an>', ta suit him. Bsi vîeviug bis real estata in Engiand for sanie A leigis loaci ai Claremont friends cama Br moulu past. has returuel home tis a eek. dovu lasi Friday sud speni s verv enjayabîti He He booksahale and bearty sud cao relate vngwihMadMrEREdy some sîartiing alventunes since ha took sbip evuu vsM udMsE dy for the alIlund. Messrs. Siseridan and Cherry, of Toronto, W] Our S S inteud giviug a ublc nteta.iadvartisa tisat tis>'yl l bataiSebart's hotal W menton Fb. 1th ad 1 th. nte sp nexi Tuesday, 9th i., to purcisase borses. _ seronsvii h pracal u Sbbtb ud Rev T W Leggott preacised tise sermon inw on following Tuesday a tes sud entertalu- thietaiodiat cisorcis on Monda>' evening s meut will bc given. Pickering chair is ex- visen a val'> large congragation vas preseit. t pacteil ta taise charge ai the usical depart-1 Lasi yack T vroîe that tise tempeatssre -ib ment. Addressas viii ha given by reaidenti isad fallen ta 18 baby raem ois Mosdsy, ti suluistars sud othera. Sec postera. moruing, but a prlules's errai smade *t'md Ani Many iromm ere attended lise S. S count>'1 50 degrees. Bu convention converned ai Clata.isott lasi ' Herbagaum "lais e basi bloal purifier !08t vecis. Mosi pleasiug and progressive ra- sud flash sud milk produces. No stock lui ports coma ta us o! thse didiereul sessions. man sisonl ha vitisant il. 4 poutil package bc Mn. R. W. M cAvoy sud NMisa Blla McBrien for 4ac. ai Hollida>' Bras. vs represented Kinsale S. S. A.u exception- Mr F Baile>' sud famiiy, from near Ux- ks ah>' large gathering vas sald tb hava beau bridge, hâve jusi movad juta lise bouse g ihere, but the homes andl people af Clare- label>' occupied b>' Mr. Tisas BackS. Wah mont vitb their genaral hospitalit>' douea'aI extend to tisernas hearty velcome ta aur ihat coul1 lie done ta eniertaintu e etvilg.ho crovil of S S varkers aud ta tisadtiegatn iLarge r t f e od hi eki-ho ai ail tbey succaeded most admiralîv.Tish agercit ! e otsthsvai .-i nexiconentin vli a isld u Brokhu.. cluditig prints, shirtinga, flanteletles, drass , nextconenton illbc hld n Bookin- gaads, valveans, also a shipuani of boots. te ToWN LINZ - Tiss v ara nov offaring ai closesi pricas. th Mss. Dîugman, oI Baisani, vas visiting Hollida>' Bros. b, iriensa ere ast week. W j Murray, o! Halifax, spant s fev laya ai Mr. . ad Mss uyof olubus spnt era ibis wvei. Ha leon bis vay boue se Mn.J. ud is Gu, a Coumtss spntfrora New York visera hcasttauded Use hma Sunday %vibh friands bere. aunual meeting ai tisa Mutisal Resarve Fond as Miss Carmichaei, ot Oshawa# visitad vîth Lufe Association. Mr. . . aceylat riay Last Sunday Rev.<j. B. McLaren complet- Thote who attende1 tha convention aii dth it year o bis pastoyrala over tise Clanemont report a splendid tisai. presbyterisu congragations of Bronklusund Mn. J. L. sud Mrs. Smith, os Corbebi's Columbus. Duriug tisai lima ia mambers paint, vetrt ,r-testsataiMn. Tliomas Etumait's have beau added ta tise cisurcis rail, but thse lad Saurday.ramaval b>' dealis sud iransfer o! certificates lastSatuday.have beau *116, tus leaving Usa membar- Mn. Waller Me'Cregor sold bis appies lasi sip, in taphte of thç @ 4dc1tiyp somade, veel. e. a tored ihas in tisa cellar inaîead1j six les. ibat Il was linSqri. ai sellng lasi fall. 1 A lesta af footbsallI players fions Assbtin Many ai tisa fai'mars araehustling haone ilayed s ganse Sera asat Saturday. The ibair fine vood. Mn. Rave bad a heca cutitug leams vaera snpposad ta bc from tlie scisuols bis wood last Tuesday. of lise tva places but as a malter of tact lise Mr. R. Davey sud Mr. R. Jardine, ai Dar- Asshuru players Sud ani>' ana or tvo tchiad i1 lingion, vîsited ovar Sunday at the borna ai boys amoug tiseransd ta aveu thlugs np ibeir uncha, Mr. W. T. Davey. tise Brookliu caplain took a number o! ont- laid e men onlo ibis teara. The game vas 1l Lasi Sunday aternoonuà n elydressad itnsedb qieanumber ai spectaters1 lady passed alatig leadhig avany nice sorrd sud rsle nfavar o! Braokliu b>' 2 ta 1. honte. She sai ibat abc vas goiug to Tor- W E outo. Mr. David Btêwn la toliciting usinas toaa petilion ta presaut ta the counicil of tisa town- U#. Drse? ship ai Whitby, ta put s, gaie on thea swainp IBRALL, IL - ImeofetMarstage Liesume. rosI or open it îhrough ta thse basa hine. I Baldance oppasite Towus BoB, Braok.liâ. Lesgt Saîurdav being a beaubifil viniers W A MONzyELY, D V si,.-Gradutôe oethtie On. day there vas a great amounniai drivlug'and tarie Voetrary- Cofloga, Torotoa; Bonoa'a t besnsing au thse Kingston rosil. Auy person inmnber af tise Ontario MIcal social>. I living beivean tise tovo sud Kinsale rosI ITiieste al itissseseofthtie dotseOitoe t wouîd c acantinuaîîy turning oui for rige. prtcul~r ar a roWà Ved u=gim mted V Tise Sonda>' shbol enteriainmeslt vililieansd dentlstr>'-Day ori nigiscees rasuplj a gi ven tsexi Thurada>' nigbt, tise sis, instead ltOd 'oOM ani; *= ,- ai Mooday uigbt. Be sure sud nota tisae change and ha suie ta attend as yon viii have a goal lima, as lisera la ta ha a aplati- SE dil programma. a cup acfleeandsicake. man bas natux-si curlosit>' ti sea romen furniss ibair homes. To Tise.Ladies' Home Journal yill ig tise yar initnlr pisotograpbic. buridred of the- mut artistie,. 1consfortahie boises lu Amenasu,,; shov iu detai thse cotuctôs frnishiug afpalrlonsdr 3,racepiiosi, sain ,atg Jbath 'ious, kutébénÉ~ This unique si.. i Ideas fo yee>' eos r- ilvhli p'esot -ouss aim4eat pd !furnueed-vls's 'and .-cmâls -set by thse at ta yso mattai, btx riallve, til ' à liwtei'eot B. Wsrfieie ['beologicil meablenes 4, M c Pretcher", aarof'5Llie i acibenM«ayi' dih hIs' uttes and tha scwsors <oes, directi' ut 0tise La sud vnln su thsougisaon-ail ihe *e day, in viisistise iisterested. lu tiss ,D.D , t.»,o bee t 1 ,ea:s 1usd alba W. -J. NOTT, >M"ÂZ5G3U, Pi6rt Perry;, - Ont..ý MeI 1" l< minc mal t NO. 10 -j ls spending a fevý * Accendiisg ta Cantadian coal ou men visad lpisszzas, sic. an audience wvu thse tarif comissieners astm a!excellent I veek, va do net use tisa rigis kind o! lampasisis ome-msker. ed ta Canadian coall îuitrars of - IlefYýP..U. uuod,.tow4sscal$MWai Mr.are fuItt aren 1oaLangbhin's, cf COèiwu>adlM , *tb'bsie ,good t#ste, o gai a Cood programma perend tisel iAsicpe'té Pense.' a geai tisa. Teassud programme iroc, Th~e loUec Grain dealers iu Wisnnlpag are farful ai an- -Tise'Ãaionl otber sliup luthe price ai vist, t" upi te pace-- vise hava age* in l tisa cauctry baveluÀstveà ekd dOteei tbem not to a y OVE ur OW liottIl Ni sbard. for -eltoap ýu à philosopher sys: "Put off nsatlsisgtilite-o greal a'djtisar morrov.% A yotbful correspondant, suggestus eSýjo ibat ibis'IteSti sta o e happy 7Ion ibett90i go bnug qse te bail in yen claUS sud isarobe ins*the mers- preacher la log. . vitrk t cas but aye cents s day téofeitise prisais-, andl of liln ens as the central prison, The pri mo era do net .lis 11 1711 appreve of tise qualit>' ettse l suý,Pple iai e ra er le~ .1 but tise>'hava notettime at tii dpeavtaPdinteto Ta lok forauaSherboardlsg jriae, - 4r 4KO Mr. Jobn Larkin, of Whiteuaie, vs inuuid ed a h to Misa O'Leary, of Andie>', on Tneisday hast.,-GI>kie, anit Tisa>'oteckthe evenlug train for Beilavilte =sud $ov lthe lte oslaar points east. Wa extend ta bit.ast Mi,, Famüiliar vi Laii aur beardetVtiaicegabiulatica.. mnr, D. P., possily ane ai the bardest si and slc&.etc.,' Tise Il kng trampsa tsbasvistaI liis burg ta oe ials tîue veut daxougis beré ste ailer dayvi Hsli- .Etsal was doten over bssstiddos~1i~ss.vs-i n, ! covaetib>' a large piuer. Th is tdrod ulis o wm swviug off ors a faillyc Pte ai., . , gras Thse ee ofMeritym é SswBûis eïo uplar lu 4týti hesriug la Taooo ast-woek. Mchstyis, uwlw tiSl vas. a .teat tfor Butoes, W#pooueol ie ~ SI. mmcm~~rtuvngionh 1tb'a vewefstud5 I tIla "as. teee disuluiud. -- clw bi t yw ei bi rautl ati~ o n iclou 'bbetu cation. bMn. »uIl 4ppeared .foi dsthen5f-a and Mn. Lxsbifcb the doistidesat Cçi;&JLreatcr Met edlhsi114Ibo pWatuthe, tIsa a if e 1- 'j A .w 'l