Whitby Chronicle, 5 Feb 1897, p. 2

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Resuits Astonish MEN 0F SCIENCE. AVERSparll A MEDICINE WITHOUT AN EQUAL Ststtement off a Well Known Doctor *Ayers Saraparilla ls witb)oîît an equal as a blood-purtfier andi Spritig nwd Leoand ranîsot have praise enough. 1 lhave watched 11,5 effeets lri chroriic cases, where otiser Jtreatment was of no avaîl, and have beeri a -toîîlshed at the reîuIts. No other blood imediclne that I have ever used, and 1 have tried them ail, ls so thoraugh lnlits action, and offects s0 maiy permanient cuires as Aypr's Sarsaparlla."-Dr. Il. Y. MERRILL, Augusta, Me. Aye's "a soSaîsparilla Âdmnitted at the World'a Faix. .Iyer'a Pilafor liver and bosueLs. OORRESPONDENOZ Godwood Severai af the Gooiwood peope were up ta Uxbridge ta see the hockey match between Claremant and Ux- bridge last Frîday. Mr. Adam Davis had a wood bee last Wednesday. About twenty, were pre- sent. Since this last fail of snow Mr. A. T. Lasher, aur enterprising carniage iaker. bas sold six or seven cutters around here, and everyone seems satis- J fied with his bargain, which speaks tt the credit af Mr. Lasher. Mrt. Ross, aur popular minister, gave us a fine sermon on Sunday afternoon froni James, 3rd chapter and 8th verse. He preached mainly ta church mem- bers and prof essing christians. Mr. Oliver Wagg. of Mount Albert, mnade a flyîng visaitota ur town an Sun- day. Mr. Frank Rabinsan, of Baldwin, was at home on Sunday. Miss T. Flawerday bas returned ta Toronto. Sunday was quarterly meeting in the methodist church. There was quite a large number fram the variaus church- es in the circuit. Mr. Frank Alcock, of Siloam, was in tawn Sundav. Rev. Mr. W. Tharnbey is sutTering from a cataract an his left eye. and is gaîng ta the general hospital, Tort5nto, ta have it removed. There was a large number of strang- ers araund Sunday night. A meeting was hebd in the town hall Iast Friday evening in the interests af temperance and for the purpose off or- ganizing a division off the Sans of Tem- perance. The meeting was addressed by provincial organizer Mr A D Weeks, and he was very ably assisted by Rev Mr Thornley and Rev Mr Carey, with Mr P Pugh in the chair. A number off friends were present fram neighboring divisions. A division was formed with the following offîcers for the remainder of the present quarter ;-W P, Alexan- der Brawn; A W P. Miss A Thornley; R S, W A Henderson; A R S, Miss V Wagg; Treas, David Watson; F S, W Baker; C, E W Davis; A C, Miss M Wagg; I S. C Johnson, O S, D W Mc Donald: Chap. Rev W Carey; P W P. P Pugh. t7TICA. The following is the standing off the pupil s off Utica school for january. L. Gilroy. teacher: Class b-W Cairns 171, R Ho>rn 155. G Lawton i6. jun- ior part Il-B MurraY 321, I Walker 201, S Howsamn 152. A Holiday 83, L Wagner 48. Senior part Il-P Cairne 246. W Tennyson 204. Yunior Il-H Orchard 305, D Crozier 275, j Lawton 267, G Cairns 249, A Wagner 232, ' E Harper 229, M McDermott 217, A Walker 210, P Stevenson 157. Senior 1Il-H Fawn 33 1, C Lakey 32 1. Junior II-L Fawn 476, M TennysOn 456, B Tennyson 432, S Howsam 32o, D Bal- lard 244, T Bailard 192,. j Stevens 18 1. Senior 111-G Bentley 455, Medd 415, M Howsamn 272. Junior 1V-F Lawton 728, ,Edith LakeY 720, E Orchard 7o6, E Walicer 679, A Walker 67 1, L Bentley 630, Ella Lakey 642, E Horn 622, W Walker 528, A Bentley, ' 523- M Christie 513, C Sonbey 4S, V Mima PatIer waa lnterred in th. Chriatisu oometmry bore as few deym mine. Deatb wus th. esaIt of thati fatal malady 00onupttoii. Chas Barclay sean a smiling coun . touanos. Isis a girl. Ounr choir were found in their place on Sabbatih evoning bait. Bm.re a- nsenting tb. faot that several in tihe chair ranko are attending ail tho dancing parties attainabbe. How eau snob people sing forth God's praises in the sanotuary It is a question we wil blave witb thern for moduation. Our sabool toucher is giving excellent satisfaction we understand. Ho e smsk- ing preparations for the Divine cafling into the minastry. We wish bîm succeas. Miese Johuston, who bas been under mnedical treatment for a long tuae is, w. arc pleased ta report, considerably better. Mr Harvey, oua off aur most respectadl furmers, purchaeil a fine cow sud hèifcr dowu easet a les day. sinca, sud passed throuAh aur village an Tucasday hast en route bomeward with the two animnais. Robti Bradley i. doing an excellent Rtrake off business dealingiz iahi kinde off fresh meute. The other local butchers are etrictly out off it wbeu Bob sades in. Since our postser bai exonerated bis position froni the charges off anxous office scekers, we flnd peace reiguing su promo in aur post office. The Brook road bas beon almoat im- pasibla sitb the reccut drifts. Quito a fes off our young folit bave a mania for dancing parties sud guiug to the skating rink. KINSALE Taîlor Jack bas been renewing aid acquainitances in aur midst, John is past the meridian of life and faut be- coming aid. He bas alw1ys ived a single lite off bissfuîlness, and had he ta ive bis life aven again be wouîd go it single handed. John says wamen are first rate in thein place but be neyer couhd successfully arrange matters to locate one. The cottage prayer meetings here are weli attended; last one sas beîd at Mn.' Royal Rogers. Next Sabbath evening it wilI be beld at ohd Mrs. Rogers' home. AIl sibl be wehcomne. Professor Kent and son struck Kin- sale on Monday evening and beld forth in the temperance hall, ta an audience of about twenty boys anud girls with a sprinkling off ebderly people. Things are pretty selI settled with Mn. Wagouer nas, we understand. It is bis present intention ta stilî trust Kinsabe for a livelibood. J. N. Hortop bas for some time been undergoing medical treatment. Pleur- 15 i said ta be bis ailment. The nortb and soutb roads have been pnetty welI drifted up. Our S.S. anniversary wîlI take place about middle off February. Look out foir particubans au a grand ime is anti- cîpated. ____ Greater Than Ever Jariuarty V/c torias Over Disease, And Death. The Grandest Record Ever Attained ini one Month. Paine's Celery Compound the Ac- knoiwledgetd King off Medicines. able ta meat your case, aven though it b. seriane sud desperate-able to givo you the uew iffe you sa mucb desira. Try it once ; s boule or twa sili work wondera «M scuGoo Mr Wm Irwin, off Giandino, in visiting friends hene. Manitoba seeme ta agree witb bum. Mr sud Miss Haod, off Ciaremant, are viiting relatives hère tibiasweki. Miis Emmana diey ançl Mr Ed Barke, off Osawa, spont Sundsy ber.. A succesaful shaating match sas beld by Mr Chas Sweetinan on Tuesday off lastweek. Mr Neil Sweetman took the palm, kiiling every bird. Mr P Lansing was Lb. crack rifle abat. A bamkit social wum held at Mr P Sseetman'a hast Friday nigbt, in tb. in- terests off thse Christian church Sabhathl achool. A very pleasant eveuing sas speuti byý th~e large nuinbor proue. About 810 sas realizoïl a. the resaIt off the social. The new Sanday sohool in in a flouriah- iug condition, being .sueppi.d sitil good literature aud.a, goal staff off tesaoe. The. uttendauco lait Sunday sas large.' W. lia-8où. individual at 't h.o entrQ off thù .tow»ýduip vIspreuate lu akg bimmoa uian ce lie tothi.e omoue it7,af. waym ebdeavo riu b ymil1 sa'.M o t Mir op itdWRef. Us v.r7th gou sud~~ &Ususeep eo aw ta anythiug stndsII4, asli Ier »# 6 »eenis ta b. ertwthauf p ai artos. A.word tic ithé'~ Munyon WitnieBseB People Whom Me Mas Cured Love to Sound bis Praises- THROUOS ARE 00118 IL. Forsaklng old Fogy - Doc tors, Harsh Medicines, and 8 tg B 1118. BÂVINO LIVES AND MONZY. No sonder that these rescued sud benefltted anas saut t o tillthe good story. No sonder -that thay lave sud bonor the name off M uuyon sud doter- mine ta keep bis remadias in tibeir homea sud tW forsake the sbow-going otl doctors, the aId systei off sevane, barai> sud ex bausting medication, sud the aid stylo off doctors' billis, that offton ivalled in size aud oppressivenes the moutbly relit bille. One off Lb. beauties aud advantages off the Mnnyon Homooopathic Home Rom- cdy Systminu that hy sdopting it in your home circle you can escape many off the sîcitues incident ta the bringingu.p af a famniîy. You can saya yourself sud your dear ones a sarli off pain and dis hearteument, can avoid getting sicit, sud ovale that bigzgest off aIl taxes sud debta for mast families-the standing and ever threateuiug doctar'a bill. This in why se always ite ta let the nes made and the ahI tume friands off the Munyon systeru tell about iL in their osu strong sud haneet sords ta their owu borne friands sud fellow-tasusmen sud ueighbars. Mr Emanual Harrison, a promninent sud sesitby resi'ent off Brampton, Ont., sys: "I suffereil sith rbeumatism ince lait February, ard the pain sas so severe ut imes that 1 could nat sleep. Mun- yon's Rheumatism Cu Ue sas roconi- meudel to me sud I pur&iased a bottle ; took three doses that night sud the naît mornlng I foIs greatly relieved. I bave ouhy usel the anc tweuty five cent bottle sud amn nos entirely cured. I cousider tii Rbaumatism Cure the mont sonder- tub rerncdy I ever hoard off." Mr. Robent Hosie, Gare RosI, east, Londau, Ont., says : Isas a gi-est suf- ferer ffrom dyspepsua. Ail the remelies that 1 tiried did me no goal. except Mun- yan's. I taite grass pbeasure in recom mendiug your preparations." Munyon'e Rbeunmatisma Cure seldoni tuila ta relieve in one ta three heurs, sud cures in a fes daym. Prica 25c. Munyon's Dyspapsia Cure positively cures ail forme off Indigestion sud stoin ach tronhe.. prie., 250. Munyon*s Cold Cure proveuts pneu- mania sud breaks up s col in a few bours. Pria., 25c. Muuyon's Congh Cure stops congYis, nightseats, alisys so4renesa, und speal ily beals thbe lunge. Pnice, 250. Mnnyou's Vitahizer restores boat vigor Price, 81. % A separate cure for eaab isease. At ail duggists, mosthy 25c. s vial. TREATMENENT BY BML. Write Prof. Munyou, il & 13, Albert St.. -Tornto, for advice, whicb is abso- luu.ly frne.. The moat oatinata cases euccesffully treatal in stricteat confi- douce. - Guide ta, healtb ' Free. uxaRIDQle Mr Sain Hughes, off Lindsay, in dniv- ing ou tihe 7th off Scotti Monday nighs, met vith an accident that stironghy dis- coorel one off bis eyes. The bora. bad boon bitched too tiight sud bal kiakel in going bswn Munro'a hil, Mr Hughes gting s touch on the eye, eitiher frein the liorae'e hoof or a piece off the shiffie' tree. As tihis is ebetion timno de oubti mauy people ii attribute tbe black oye to a political "stcrap." He sas fartunata in escaping sithl no greater injury. The followiug st.ory- is tabd off a weUl kuowu herse trader. sud. au insur&sac agent in tasu. Th.y traded horses- smie lin. &goansd atrange taiamy the. ln- surauce agent got a ittle tIse bestio eti. beal. TIse proffeaianal trader psti. af ter tihoaghl lie soulb Jike tc trade baok, oIs. elipped tIse -iisadd~ iLs Lau sund got,&s ms fo. asotber plac te take it in baud te effeta dea '*Jtb- Lb. insuraace agenti, TIse lattIe id mIse styhisli appearaceoff tbaiiag nMd traded baok,. oI j. Mgg eing te or until a day or two =flr lth:del. thiuks that if thIe . sa littile diffIirance in tii. value off the olie...the joke mu-si up for it.-Jaarnal sas it A. nice, quiet., white pony. The old maxinin aya, cbarity boums u t haone, but se think ike Eus. fEtiser, the giver, that it ueed not suîay there. This ia the right ort off practicble ce- oporative kindnem ansd love. That WonidertalTuO Get Gom-' b"ntion. Raving a doestre te please and ente$tain the yeuag, the wauuf#oturora of Diam-; oui) Dyea vii seni) thbe -:faowng valu- aIle corabitation -forten ýenp to, .any aàddrem luOads .On 5E.eRhym gA'BO books Mary Palmner, mged 22 yeu% mnd eld- es, daughiter off th. lat.Ueo Palmer, Broughskm, dWa sti the romideneoff Ja.. Llamer n Friday evening 22nd int. âaoom d d uffered front conmomption for nmre months. 8h. hbu beon at Mr. Pabmer'm place for nearly thlro. yoara, puit. The funerai took place on Sunday aftoruoon when tibe remairas vore inter- rod at the Christian coinetery, Brougham. The widowed mothar sud other'friends have munît sympathy in their sorrow. Her many frienda will deeply regret the death off Mr& Oea. Harrington, nec Missi Ann Jane Cuthbert, which oocurred at ber reaidence, Toronto, on Tuesday marning, January 26th. The funerai took place on Wodnesday afternoon, whon the renssina were interred st Mount Pleasant cometery. Decesseil wis rsised in Ibis village snd wus a special favorite with bath old and young. Death resuit,- cd fromnomane lung affliction. She leaves s huaband snd tbree younu chul- dren, wbo deeply mouru tho death off an affectionate wife and loviug mother. Mr. Gregory Bsghdasarian, an Armen- ian lswycr, who with hie wife sud famuly miraculoualy escapeil deatb by the cruel Turks a few monthe ego, lectureil in the Presbyserian churý hero Sunday night. Ele was au oye witft!5taOsante of the terrible outrages whic. ok place in that fair baud and wbich haý frotn i Le ta time been published int prs. The lecturer spolie in bis native uignage sud hia son who bas been in Toron ýfor orne yeara preparinsg himacîf for the "ry acted as hie interpreter. Through the intervention off Lord Aberdeen with the British 0-overument Mr BaRbdaaarian goý permission te lbave the country. On hie wsy ta Constantinople ho wus robbed by the Kurde off overthing ho had, even hie buggsgo hoiug taken. Thora wua very large gatbering present. A collec- tion wu a L aiot the close off the meet- ing for the support off the lecturer who in justly deserving. IL in surprieing bow many off aur people abways object te having their bouss pIs. cardeil shen infections diseuses have hoen repoct.ed therin te cit by tbe aL tending physician. Nos there in no dis- grace about haviug these carde up. sud for aur part we sould rather have suob precaution taken than othersise sas a failure ta have the matter reported migbt cause the spread off the contagion, which might otherwise have been prevonted. None off us cars ta have a 'isease off auy kind visit the family. yet when that vis itor camtes se uaulil ho sebtish cnough ta do ail the ontertaining. Perhapa iL i. nat generaîly known that a doctor who faila to repart such cases ins hable ta a fine off $20 for each and every failure. A practitioner who Isils to do bis duty in this respect in a dangorous mn in the community, sud se the las regarda bum. If thoefleabtb Inspector faits ta placard a bouse within il hours front the timo off notification h. makes hîiself hiable teas flua off 825. Thia preesution muet ha eonsidered off vital importance by the Heabth,departnt.ent in Torobto, or else such hcavy fines woubd not ha continuons- ly danglîng over the beada off carobesa officiais. -Ne ws. 811MLEY School report for Jan. V class-Mag- gie Robertson, Annie Roberteon, John Weir, Wm Moore, Susie Weir. IV clais -Chas Oaamb, Lottie Castes, Edith Espin, Mary OCates, Marshai Frank lin, Maud Moore, Gco Spencer, Luther Gra- bamn. III sr-Ediih Franklin, James Mackie, Hloward Franklin, Eli Coarnb, Jas Conlin. III jr-Austin' Grahams, Edith Coates, Laura Franklhin, Martin Hocitin, Laur Coastes, Harry Hlumpage, Alex Mrckie. IIl sr-Wnsm Powell. Stan- 0O voman ! icvoly woruan! 1nature madie tisce to tempor mau ; se had been brutes sithant yaui"' Woman more tissu moîts laIl thse goed tisinga that have been eaid of ber b; tise sitesud poots of ail timses. Wbeu wnsu lande soman sud ber charms and virtues, ho bas in isa mind's oye au ýdêaL 1%st ides] is aissys a hesltisy so. =ana. No mian makes pretty speeches sud watty toasts about semai, siti tise picture in hua mind off a suaks ickly, nervous wo- mn, tortureti by pain, and uffeing froi Idepreslsu sud despoudée.It la lu tIse oerf every oman tob some man's Fe ifse sIli but build up sud guard F >er womauly isoaltis. iThe beat of kuowu renuellea for ehl fo=me off disoase poculiar 50 o one sDr. iierce's 1ïavorite PreScttiPticu Itsworks ditectly aon but one set off orgas lu a wo=in'esbdy It allays sud oradicates psain. It iotiseýsis- 'fissuuatieu. It luvigoratos and purifies. It restorea complet. isealth té tise orpau dia. tinctly feminne and buuishos sealpuesa, juepremouansd despeudency. it la the dis. ýovery f0 . .V.Perce, chef ceusultisug Physiciaetetise Iuvmlid't;'Hotel and Surgi. Wý Iustitate ffaom. 'Y. If you sisis tes &;os more abut it: write to hM. Èabeeu. off Carpus cariaIt Nue=Ce- .,Texas -tuat I l hotu e îi for twent y-eoyera .Ks .Was aI curedl: wmas~ em the'é o Tt s neasyrto b. el) as U-aud'nueh -more ïCixeimtble. , cüo#pbticis la lb. ýMuee offf uay bmOflléé. k Dn Plems' m~sant Pellets mue eustlPatiu, Tb-7 tic" Pelet e vtie5 aIea relt catarte, l amie uwodiczl ,em . Lagnipo hs, -u t * tes vloirnjie Deputy.Sheriff Gilpin wua hore on 'Tneaday. Geo. Dowawell la ber. from the oity with bis parente for as riait. The toads bave been conmlderably bloced during thbe past few day. Geo. Gerow, Emq , vu sway tic Wbitby lait week -attending the county counil. Mina Pugh, of Goodwood8 je bore witb Mrs. Wm. Dowswell for a visit. John Graham, our livery man, bas been indimposed for somne days, but is now sornewbat botter. J. Spence bas been bore for some tirno with W. J. Graham. Re appears to en- joy tihe clinat. up horo. The. curlers visited Stouffville on Fni dey and were rather worpted in the game. A good Lime wus bail ai the sme. Miss Ada Patterqon returped home on Tuesday, alter Bpending a few weeks with frnende in other portions of the township. W. Doîphin moved hie; honsohold aoods to Warebam, Grey county, this week, where ho and his brother Charlie have purchaaed a farm. Mrs. Thomias Gibbons has taken s re. lapse and is% now ini a rather critical state. By careful troatment it ie oxpecteil that she wiil again soon rafly. Miss Mary Pilkey bas retnrned home after spendintz a fortnight witb ber many friends in Middleexz ounty. Wo undor- stand that during ber absence oh.s per- formed the duty off bridosmajid at ber cousîn's wodding. John Williams, whomn we mentioned last week as being rather indisposed con- tinned to grow weaker and on Thursday woek be died. Hie iliness only lasted a fow days. The funeral took place on Saturday to Salemn cemotery. Deceasod waa rather a peenliar man, and a bachelor. While well vorsed in ouvrent copice he was not fond of company. He leavea considorablo property. W. Hayward had rather an nupleas- ant ozperience last week. He is moving Up to Scott snd drovo a oow np from bere. The Black river overfiowed ita bankesud causod mnoh delay ini traffie. It bocamo rumored about tbat Mr. Hay- ward was bast in the swamp, and bis friends were much exoited. Ira Powell ef t boe. Snday afternoon and drove op ta Roseville, only ta find that Mr. Ray- ward had loft for home on Saturday, wbere he was wben Mfi. Powell left bore. B. P. Hoover, wbo bas conducted a general store business bore sucessfully for sorne yoars, bas disposed off bis inter- esas therein to his brother David, who is Dow in possession. Robert P. desires us to tbank bis numerous patrous for their very liberal patronage, andl modostly asks that his brother be treated in a situilar way. David bas hosu in the store as clerk for considerable time and thereforo needs no introduction. He will carry a fnil stock of ail lices of maerchandise, sud bas added a stipply off Gonld's best family flour to bis list of iines.-News. 'w a . la a very r.makabia rem.Iy. both for IN. TIEXOAL o MnMEXEEAL une, and won- darful lnaIts quiok aoittarOU labdI«&. PAIN-KELLER r"Cora 21oer, m -CailB<w.i <Ib ryln . emn m ou fr rem. Sîces. Uc Amasee Palm la te PAIN-KELLER B L1V EZ MADL h tbrings amoyAil?~NDPEUXASENT EEuK tu SU cases of Bruhos.Cmiieu- am Butasm, etc. and sAPE x t i latewmaullior exterMafly wftb Bewire of imtilo. Take mon. but lb. g.eul»e 'xi1D,&vià." bbd ove".yw MO. t. big hotU. kW VmyLaigobe. 5Mc P AL U C11-S ONWATHEU., ber 09 galYOW wb hrndrdone side of ber body etrei leso. &Ph71as aid thonevas no chance CI h r MvMirth seo ber limbe. Hope demaed ot ut t4&ythele wlkliý.undteiling ber Il!. and hpns.SwrtJuy10. 1896, before J. W. Seymsour Oarley, Notary Pubtl Mw.Mm 8AYENEHT' or A oflaTEFUr, IMOTEML. Loulu.white, nins 7-09Wadovia ffed l tb Eczems ince ber birtb, bas been entirelî cured and ber general ystuin boUt up by Ryckm au "KOotay Cure." Thse aboy a tatsaue gitn i n a awor,àLatdi- ment mades by ber motiser, Mrm.George Wht, 139 Stinson St., Hamiton, Ont,, dat@d JUly 8. 1896 bulorn J. F. Monck, Notaa7 Publie. A CXBh5ATION DISTIIRED - BW@RN 5TATEIIET MADE. Char LesE.Newman, 13 ilarlisOrougis St.Taronto Ont., had a complication af blood traubles. Risn. matis4m levers Sidney trouble and conadpatzaa. W"a tuentiy disturbed at nilit, Icet hie appetita Sad wVAS a ver7 ick nian. Hi, Kidusys are nais luaa h=mth ycondition, hie appetit. 9 a eeep undss- turbed dconstipation cured ;aim" u udons by RICaCUIan111"KcOîenY Ours." He makSemar etatemanSt tathe shOw. fact beore. J.W.BSoiw ori". JaIY 10. 189. ' .JVe The onby food theat will build! :Baby up a weak cons- f ~ tiution gradu- Chnanceallytbut surely is Martiru's ~CardînaI Food; a simple,' Scieûtific and highly Inutritive preparation for-ifants, delicate children and inyallids. KsRRY WATSON I~CO.. 'UQP doR . PILiqu~ Mr J Y Iavery, VS, ham located ler. He wua formerly a reident off tisiaplace, but haa been living in Michigan for smre turne. The ladies' aid of the. methodisti cburch heid their montbly tes Bt Mr@ J L Srnith'm at week sud a very plesmazit evefing was apent. Â large number were present snd ail ssm.a te, *joy The sleighing in rnaking an improve- ment in business generrnily. W. hope it msy oontiuue for a while. Mr S Cooper, who ha. been laid up with rheumatic foyer, is able to be around again. EVERY FAMILY O1O0 IWKOW THAT S ii.SUM'S Tii THE Il. hepont real by Ci2airmran anuinzion tip(t,le.5 3 Port - $3, Part Ferry ý)bsr-rvýr $2. %N $0a.Oshawa %Vnd:cttir$2t $2.Beavertn ran îarsi.M., b<sîjk forma $20. \ý"hitt;v -i pinuing ne counuy counilcOeeuo!. The report sas parsed. 3RLo REPORT ON EI)U( Report by Chairman GÀIf1 tne requca8t af the Orîllua board, for a proportOnate pupibe off thîs couuty, cana tained as the bigb se-hoola oj neceive no lite recompense onisido pupila. The report RoÂI)S ANS) B5.tDO Report by Chairmnan Garc (i) RecommendinR paymfiutc hxissioner Ifaternan af Scugolgr lays madie:; f2) 6 25 to Thos Naruows bnidge; (3) $3 u Fiel work ou saine bridge. ý4 8-17- Iumbenuused on saune. 5) tuS application for a granu on Fiat kama, be laid aven tu june sessit grant bu madie this session 1a mients. betweeen the 6î1î and 7th of txbnidge; (7) thai the bv L Cartwright rosdway bu laid ove be gnanted ou thîs road iun the r ed Nonîhusmbenlaud and Dunt amnount ; (9) uhat $50 Se app' uoadway fan nepains ; f t) thal outil properly certified. The repart passed. LEGISLÂT10N, Repart by Cbs.in.s Gît <if Iu favan of one vy-n r (2) that railway companie- bu provisuons of the Drainage Water Courses Act, sud also il h,- madie to pratect shose ha'l stroyed by lires aloug naIlway action bu- takea in tavor ai urgeri by Ca. Frontenac (free c4 plemnenta. binden twine sud that no action bu taken ta hai for capturiug horse thieves. The report passed. FINANCE. It'cpont by chairtnuChl f(1) Cosi of cotuuty council $5. Cauninglan $22. Scugag B>evenuon #7.30. S'COît $45. tSaitihe expense was gresMer municipalities held no electîi cauncilons. the couuuy haviue 1 of the whole electiaru in surf (2) Aliowiug L. Fairbanks moneys-paid by misuake veau eer's fers. (3) Allowing $15 for postage and suationery. Industial schcol au Mumacu.'b, ment institution. (5 , $25 10 sucisuion. (6)>$2 a luWhby books for prîsouers. (7) $t: South olquaria larmers înnlu of nomibatiuig efficers: R. C W. Lapp $z5. Rosa bohnsi( $14 2a. R.-R. Braton $181 kt.M. Roa-h 831- (9) Refi Gaodhearl's peddlng licier famine surickeu people afinu Thse report passe1.- Adjotiruel tu dinner. SATURDAY AFT Maet ut1,40. NEMoEI4L TO 0 lieus» Coulhbard sud that a memoriai ho sou -ion Ooverumaist prayima batitaion off votunteors1 Y own off Whitýby iu the tiiaye*1 and that thb. alowed whilst under a fer on. day lu cahebrati ci 60 yoarsOfitib6a rgu Q enVictoria. TEM PUBULI] 1f.GrOrO ouve1 Lbi t omWsh publie IibrrY i à oaura.l uuaniiilY. Tau »]&w JAIL MURRMA LANMANI FLORIDA WATE W!ET EST mrst F AGRA'4T MO&Y REFRESHINu- AND tNDURING OP0FA PLýRFUMEgS FOR THF TOILET QO BATH. ILLBOGGISTSI-ERFUYE GNRL-DELER','

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