Whitby Chronicle, 5 Feb 1897, p. 3

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t MURRA LANMAN~S FLORIDA WATER MIM1t FRAGRANT PIL RUOISS FORFUHER AN GENERAL DELERS. TO r T~ r rlItik. r Reportcri-uend-rl lv Cni:etrnian h)owc-well. f nntnoon ;Io i e!rr Po~ur!t'rrv Sîd Flort Ira tui (s r ntsrse-u$2. \Vtbv c ;rwi-it .nI-c. îtic r.r<'ien MaVu"q$nr i strr lIrite' $8.20 lir.e-rion -rîar 1tars ui- aîrcipars tsi-r mn hlank lui res Sein , rr r t-i n r r-rifs L, r -r priruuung re Couris counît e-lect<ins $_3. - - whu W, he' Oa. Th» e p --ind haï à' iG.4*1 Ec u.U mimerg waB IIf *oiy b ge iwaYheme51IR LMH Tue. An edquitl Into the charges against h Mr. Ogrnaei movea th&%t he coubaty Wm. Logan, who has been postmastef T property commite be instruote< to pro at Pioktrinag for the past 12 years, wrasTh cure à better lamp for the obaudmiier of commtenced on Thursday of last week the ocunoit chamnbel.-OUIried. at 1 o oclock, before Col. Lazier. There T on motion of Mr. Coithard the. eonn. were two chiarges taken up: (i) That cil adjourned at the call of the Warden, Mg. Logan pf a sumn of money for the Th w hicli oel i s to be in 3 une, sud Whenever appointment as postmaSter; (2) ThatT1 the volunteers m ay drill bere, if the Mr. Logan ferged the naine of Mr. B. gavernmfeflt agrees to bave the drill take Bunting, J. P., ta a contract for carry- w place here. ing her majesty'S mail. Mr. J. Baxter, af Stratfotd, who was chairman of that wi A Wife Zqiual to a Gold Mline, division of the Canservative associa- tion at that turne, swore that he saw aw Will smornfa your readers give me a check made by Wmn. Logan payable ta good recipe for making a coid starch? 1 a praminent memrber of the Conserva- Ti ma selliîng self.-heating flatirons and iran tive party for the surn oC4 $200, or over , AI a littie at every boume and have ta use which he believed was ta secure the orne @tarch es'ery Place and want to kunow appointment as postrnasterat Pickering. TI how ta inake a good cold tarch. My Mrs. Whitney, the late postmiStress, huaband wau in debt and 1 being anxiou% having just previously died. C1 tn heiji hiîn thought 1 would seii elf- Mr. Logan swore that he did flot pay heatirîg fiati-rons and I amn doing splendid- any money for the appointmreflt and ly. A cot a worth of fuel will heat the was flot asked for any. He fiirther vç i ron for 8 hours, so you have a perfected stated that he had givefi about $200 10 e% en heat.- 'bU cani ran lin half tbe tie the Conservative election fund. This aind noI danger of scorching the clothes, was gi yen after Mrs. Whitney's death as with the oly iron, and you can get theanbfrehsppnteit iliosi.beç.uliful gloa. 1 mli at nearly adMefr.eetmsapntswn ad av t-tery huse, as the iron aaves go wuch evidenc e eardta seveornand previe fuI everybody wants one. I make $1.50 . igateins eadth cra rviu nui each iroil 'md have ual sold legs than investigtos ad held there. 'ed ten any day 1 worked. My brother is reported them ta the govefrninent, andE 1.în el ndithnkayueea naethe reports could only bc had now froin1 lots (J niîîuey ariywhere selling irons j. the Postrmaster-General. In regard ta F. CASEY & CO, 1t.Lus Mo., wil*l the second charge, that of forgery, NIr 1 gtart aîiyone in the buiinesm, ÈAs they did Mr. Sweetman said that at the previaus 1une. if you will address thern. investigation Mr. Logan had made a a 1 ~M. A. R ussF.1.L. private statemnent ta him regarding the fargery, and he (Mr. Sweetmnan) did not then consider any public inquiry He rie bol Wh Th, Vet fai Whilk To Scu electe presi( dent, Davié Kelle, fu-ey. HotIC ors, net-. M anc Real, Arn fr il-- -r 4ure 'ala I*. Si a 1 il> V.% n -i aat i-r feathers-contain sol"; nuch ail tbai- the water docu -not pene-' 9iIIADmEO. TOITEL r-s rate thetf. 1ILY I La e c g p I I I If k TeBlcylstsb H'a rise wheelumn vosetoal bag contains something beside - Nus medicine for a damaged machie. He is ust as lable topwctrhil own skin as i-o puncture bis tire- «I -more liable to bruise himseff#i-han 59 Nov if 1 «Orbad a Uttl.P« of ta break bis vbeel: Quiskmue in my tio-Q j u r " j o n s wi h e e y o fQ u ic k c u re e y n w 1 s e r l m .Wben tuithla Sgane hé est bam le& contented cmon, 1 Te kettie ts a dowie tune, berem naetlslug bas msc blythe a sean, Sin, ilther'm gage. le bairnies gang wil ragged cimes, Sin' mitber's gave. 'here'm nane ta mend their broken tacs, Or laugis ut a' their pawhy ways, te nichts ar langer tisai the duys, When mither'm gane. Vha checrs them when therem ocb.t amies Sin, mitherm gane ? Tha takes their paints in that or this, And oout o' trouble mak's a blias Wi' kiudly words an' guid-nicht kiss- Dear mither's gane. i I I hi N + he does the best be can, e bas no sic a tender ban' - itom's aot a' nature's plan, 'en mui-ber's gane. nely hoose' oh etmpty chair àe mitber' g-ane; i-cv ofleu secs her there. i' a' i-be suniles she nsed ta weau-. chuings aar beau-t maist ta despair r think sbers garue. ]PORT PERRBY ugag Agu-iculi-ural Societ-y has e d i-be folîowing officers for 1897: ident. Tbos Graham; vice presi- 1A W Allun: Hon president, jas I Ison; directors, E J Wheeîer, C C i-t, E H Purdy, W M Real, S Je!- W Crozier. Ou-r Grabam,. Rab hyr XVm Gr-ahamn: bonorary direct- H-on J bryden, Wm Smitb. L Bur- 1M P. Rob- MilIeu-, Thos Grabam, icbester. W Pearson, jas Parr, Ger 1M Real, P Chu-istie, J as Carnegie. neei-ing of i-be directors was i-be 1wben J W Bu-own was re-electeÈ r-ary. j C Brawne tu-casurer, anc ýennedy and J L Forman, auditors STOUTVILLER 'in. Brogan, a wagonmake- of! i ige o! Mount Albert-, and Jobi ;amond, hatelkeeper of i-be saur e have been on very unfriendl i-s for i-be pas- two yeau-s as i-be re Sof an action for slander braugbt t- former agains- the la-ieu-, wbùc ienly callapsed in i-be court ai- ci- ie in Toronto Monday. Tbe plair bad alleged i-bat on October, 189ý Sdefendan- bad calîcd hum a rogug obber and a i-bief, and charged i-h. gai- into the cburcb by false pi ies and i-bat when bis charac-cu- . covered be was kicked out. TI fendan- was presen- in court wl If a score o! wii-nesses, backed up1 F. Patterson, Q.C.. o! Port Perr i-bhe plaintiff did not appea- and M stice Street dismissed i-be case wi -ts. MÂAPLE GREOVE Mliss Winnie Everson, is visiting rg. Wm. Snawden's. MIiss Bertie Far-ewell bas lefý chigan. Minr. G. L. Stevens and wife were r. Jackob St-evens an Sunday. Mr-. t7,'ed FPHtoff and wife ai-N Mu-. Lent.,itbe temperance lecturer. o aeb .E IL8 -ached a very pu-actical sermon heu-e WHITBY. iSunday afi-ernoan. Somne 'o! aur you ng folks ai-iended i-beA e rosOf . aumer s Institute meeting on Satuu-day AGfeOsOfr :Solina. wonder did i-bey speak on (Pubfflsed by Requesi-) iauimofly. Der Mr. Ediftr :-WrilI you kindly n- fo-ni the readers of yen? vatuable paper i-bai A card an the oui-aide of office door saym:- I will gbadly aend FREB ta any suede r uom Giai i-o lunch. Be back un i-en minutes-" LotMaabood, Neu-vous DebilitY. Nigh- id. i-be man wtll b. i-bere on ime. Tiiat l, i-ms, Varucocele, Impoiency ad the u-sults )r soi-e day., wekk or even montbm, be wiIl. f yonthfut folly. tîanicila-a of a simple and i-en be wtll i ba hns occuioly for a day inexpensuve means af self-cure whicb after be- e'il i-eil yen ho bad a headacbe-s turn of ing bumbugged and iniposed upon for yemrs culera mo-bus, or maybe he'll say hi îad a by quacks ad patent medtcine shau-k. Mrd mfp in bis iRîomach sud fait t.oo muserai-de u ue in a few weeks. i bave uothing ta sdII or ove ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a Th1upwapo.yuv s U ad- ve*tisin mu teni The report -as l paFgýd napa ieu into that charge necessary. ,3)RI. P CORT r(PI OrAtis Mr J E Far-ewell, County Crown At- held Report liv Chsîrnian (;isi That lira4iýýed or chapped teats ofi-en give tor-ney, gave evidence that the for-ged secK tile requetst of ithe Orillu». lingli sebnrOl trouble 'ta the milker on account af document had been placed in his board, for a proportiona iC arnanot for thi-e pain given ta the cow by the open- hands. and that he had reported the pupls of! ilis couuty, cannai- be enter- Inv af the cracks during the milking. same ta the head of his depari-ment. WI tainpd as the hinb achools of ltu; otinty Thi~s s avoided and the sores healed Mir Logan admii-ted having signed B. villa receINse no lîke reeoipeiise for teacLuig Liv washing the teats in warm wai-er Bunting's naine ta the contract, but Ras,; outisude pupils. Tbe report paissed. and saine pure soap. snd after wiping did flot think he was doing anything placi ROAID: ý5NlbBIDofiEl. ihemn dry dressing themn with pure vas- ver-v wrong. Mr Buntiiîg was next i-eun Repot b Charma Gerw :eline. This softens the skin and calfed, but before his evidence s'as suIt Rept-ortbyChirn aymnt oferi5rw: o avoids tearing open the sores. and thus concluded an adjourimnft until Friday the isoe Rrcomn f Spa-mnof oadw35 orCoui-aflords relief ta both the cow and i-he was mrade, sudc ;a, mabde , 121 $t) 2tir rhOS Haros%. WOrk on racîker. These cracks or chaps miay The evideruce is now aIl in and the assi2 arosbridgi,' 3 to Hlenry Whiînrv for Lie avoîded by milking with dry barnds. argument will take place in Toronto tiff1 nork on sami- hidge. 4 $.;7 4"4 ii A lait fur a practîce thai- shauld flot be le!- un- early nexi- month. the rnmter tsa-rt on sanie , itai Mlri.illespie5 noticed, at least sa far as the wetting a_____ro____ aippliitt- r a grant on FiAi Rapid's bridge, ___________ Kama. Lw- îaid oser tu June session ,f6j ibM no af the teats with inilk by dippirig the he1 &ranit le made ihis sessionl o nake improve- ingers i n the pal1 ta take up saine af teng inni eoee ie'!'n~î 7h nncsiOt ths -e milk. If it is ta Lic done ai-.ail, disc f i t rrdger , iliAi the bv laissu iîr t'he de artwiht ro.uilaay be laid over . 8' ih.i $îoo i thcrc is no necessîi'y ta do it in this df te- gr inrr-rion ibis muail in the nîcannirrîr pro'0 id waN-, but the hands mav be moîstened half r-e otiîii.rn d lDrii s' lkt ivnlking a lIuule of the mîlk an thern N. ýmorin1 , r ihai 5< iii-. ai-P îînt-i on' 'ugias it s d r-wn. But the practise is flot TrPtbut yoadway t-nr repair!s r uo) iliat no blis be pard a B wa e1 tîntri pioperly t-rtrii-t troiLe cond-oned anyhaw. If the miîker Jusý 'ie report psed musi- have oehn done and cannot cs 1i. 1-1, .4ATr 1 . Mlkwî-hout it. let pure vaseline be \hnvrnne Reporhy vClîairnan Glenlinntng used u t %v Il sofi-en the teats and the of k ne treatment 1 11)rr î'or o n.me sar urmrn \%Vstrdt-n inîlkers bantds, and. if not used in ex- Mr r 1,11trairîlway conîpanirs tie tirouàztll undar c ess. s-il1 do nu harmi n any wav. It always be true toMr t' risrr-rns oft hei' Iiag- and Illicheil and is excellent for preventing cracked Wat0)rges Ac.adaiot'>btiin laa--deletç in the winer, i-hase resulu.ing yourself and refuse Miý w trise- proit-ci i u î aiilgproperuy d ricosulv froni wet mi Iking. he ak en li avir hanges in tarhM tIr*d husCo. t'ronîrenac ir t-e coal 011, tarm Ontimiaonfthor rIe-nisfr5 bundtru Ieiuie and lmire lenceb) , (4, m t toro h r "rai nor actionW titken tu thave counis iewwab ts mi iririf~ urs ihr-ss.DR .CHASE'S iginal and genuine Tereport piasseni. ' C repri t iANC.. atarrn ur lleport hyclarua hime i 1 4 osi of couniy CrUuncll rie-rt n, 1beach F sz, ( *tnirfgion .22 -,cugo 4 1 bu,~- 80,a 8-7- 3-0o $~ , s $i4 5. l ta I -r ioued a ir a uhe esperse AAS gre-araie rt e- h. cal1 iiiriiiicnp)Aliiis hr-i-nt nu r-eiicr.n t i r-- ' s and .U rri the cutniNnr havrnZtiut>,-, tr 1 s ' 45 ruth hi' rstr rIe eet i n such <a- - 1t)rCH-. -2 ' ira g -Xsrtian ns $ t; fr-r, iAo eUrrflCv> pai- by misiake vrir8 ta)f - t- i niCiOai *toi e 1f irS 3, \lioirng S$î o J- Prla rînel ( Th r postage and s'atikrirery . _;, ln r,. r of the- L' rf dustriil st-h o! ai M rirrur- hecoieunzirg cvr- -ssm ,err-nr instittionl. n, $25 îo Irs-.s Aid As lui s.,c arr-"n (6) $ n-, t ri trsputin nrr.rs o pet lm trsXrks frrrprulrst r 7 #2$acr.i' r ý?thr arld Home Dairy Cream Stirrer. tuls nî i qni 5arl4rnlaier r-s i<n v Ues r- . -'n en t S fn(i ni nriaing r tfi,'ers k ( . tir-cldarsi S 8-4 Di W. L.apppsic;, boss 1,i fto iro1 n ýi A firsi- class creain stiru-er for the e' 114 2o R k KBonSi Nai-r us u.i i homne dairy is made as follaws: Geta i.%4 k Ah8- qktndiivaortf1 tin cone that will go easily up and i i oad îea ruts pecddiung i r-i se . 10, S :oto i lemine suruckeq) ;p-'opîe ut lndi~a. down and around inside your cream jar. .., Tbe reort plssed.Have ut punched full o! hales about an l Adje rep.ý ori e. inch across. Have sirang handle fiti-ed M Adîrurt<rlta d nnr.ta the upper sinail end o! the cane. (0i SATURDAY AFTEUNOON. Imnt CATASiM, RAY FMI. RUEa FMI, Age tO The handle can Lie made of metal an-dà Mri- at 1,40t. HEA COLO$ . . . CIVE uSOW£Wam Ivol ti soldered firmly on. Now pluange this tF-ItSiiRIAL TO urTAWA. BLGWEU ANDO TUtE POwEl 1 DIFFUSED, MAKINO A cane up and down through your creamr SURE aie PisAnEnI CURnE.. .. ...... ver and again tillit is aIl mixed thor- Mesqrs Coul-bard and Guillespie moved pURICE W17H BL.OWER 25 QENTS ougbly. The crearn will pass in and iotaiimrilb ette h in out through the hales. Stir i-bis sev- ]nGoverumaent prayunc i-btat the 341lb eu-aIturnes a day. in cold weai-her especi-b bat.Lalion of voluti-eersm ray duill ai- ibe ALTONA. ally. Yauu- tînner can make the canet towru of Whtby in tihee mon-h of June tibs ye*,' and Giat i-Le volunteers triav be Mr Gardon of near Br-ougham paid a for you. allowed wibulsi nuder au-une io t.ake 'Part flying visit heu-e Tuesday.É for ans day in clebratung i-be conapletuon The revial meetings un i-be methodisi-TeLt taw of 60 years o!f tLe reugu o!flier MNaJeEr'tY church here closed lasi- Friday nigbt. Th -- t w QusuVctri-Mrs. Rolph Fleur-y, of Toronto s15 don'i- believe Nellie cares much for THE PUBLIC LIBRr.ÀRIES. visiting friends here. me, observed Dickey Doolittle discon- Mr. Gerow moved thai- $25 h guanted Qui-te a large number o! aur citizens solai-ely. i-o sach public libu-ary in ti-e cauniy, and took in i-be Sunday schoolîconventioni What's i-be maiter now?> queried bis t carrîed unanitn*8ly. ai- Stouffville lasi- week. friend. THEKNEW .iAIL SUIi-iEON. W G Bau-ky soîd i-bu-e porkers the Well. you see she bougt a new cîocki *Mr. Cauli-hard intu-oduced and carried ai-ber day which weigbed 168o ILis. i-be other day and put ut in the parlor. tiuraueh a by law i-o appoint a jail Mr Rolph. Jones bas secured i-be Oh! 1 don't care for thie cdock. But surgeon, defuie bis duties and fix bis privîlege o! suppîying i-he Wood for wben a titIc door opened at midrsight salary. Dr. WXarren was a ppoini-ed afi-er i-bis seasan fou- our public school. and insi-ead of a cueckoo a figre repre- a voie bad beeui taken on Dr. MoGilljv- Qui-e a few sleigb loads are attend- senting a newsboy appeared and yelled ray's namne as folows : yeae - Kýnig teSna coi ovnina Gerow, Gillespue, Cari-iagie, Dowswell, Cng te Snday scnoîcovetin i Mou-îing paper! loud enough i-o waken Gleudiuiflg-fi ays-Jhiston. Cald- Caenrtibswe.the cwbole famtly, I thouKht ikwas time er, MeGregor, Christie, Webster, Umph- Mu- Benny Lehman was thbe recipieni- for me ta say good-bye forever. rey Bronfel, Cultard8.The al- ai a fine, whit-e pony thbeai-ber day as a lai-. t wbom, I vil1 exolsin conSif a- bow aud by wbat mourus 1 vas cnred. Irda bave been cured throab iuq ad- Oasis aoi-bing ta ean bat I paiel bun. 1of dollars i-a Sud ou-. Addru sconfi. ally and enclose stamp if convenioiil. G. . OWEN. aunto. Ont. - Riverside P.O. Souvenir -- Fge-OU t- Scranton CoaIXý "There la no better Anthliit COlý mincd ihan i-is." Neyer bati sud neveu- can have a superior among An- thracite Coals. GRÂTE, STOVEP - OTEUT. inakes dlean, buigbt, quick, bat, si-rang>, cheerful flu-es. Also quantities ai Soft Coal (for domestic purpoes.) Thu-eshing Coal, and i-be Celeb-ai-d "Morris Rus"' Smithing Coal. Parliculari care in screeifg oad detivcu-y. OuF1uE.OPP05ITIt CHuaNIcLE, WHITBY, - ONTAEU. IE ..-EBLODW, E1 leT LILFL e, 1-. liW5>e- qlr tas t r on Or- , )ru I ,ht af-or Schurch 78 J 1L 1) le asuai Ln nu unha-r ,) ttijiiy Messrs Hoyle and Hughes were un the neigbborhood of Zephyu- on polutic- PUMPMAKER, WHITBY. ai work lasi- Thursday vvhile i-be Sunday School Convention was in session i-heu-e. (Sùccso laI H. T/nMPSoui.) - i- occuu-ued i-o these audent party men thati- i would Lie a good idea i-o addrcss The Suliscruber bas again aperued business i-be convention, but i-he only obstacle bore. His office wil1 be at E. R. Blow'5 was i-be lack of an invitation. Mu-. telegrapb affilce, factou-y at Mu-s. Newbei7'9 t ol baearqetthth sol ouse on Brock Street, pouth. New PnWp - Hylemad a equsi-i-bt b sbuîdmanufactured and ol J Pumps repaired. be allowed i-o spcak a few minutes i-o Firsi- class materu-l used aînd work warrant- i-be convention in order i-bat he rnighi-i d. Wells dug or cleaned ont. Orders 0annaunce a Conservai-ive meeting fou- solicited.H.SOT i-beevening. The progu-ainwas lengi-byH.S TT n u-euerd. tereus was polîtely FeLi. 14, 1895. Wbitby and Oshawm. reue.Lai-eu- a note was sent i-oi-be dpresident. asking heu-i-o let -aold gen- Fr tleman who had Licen a.Sunday school Fr for Sale. S. superini-endeni- for- iweni-y-cighi- years" The south Y4 af Lot 7, concessioP 7, East i-oadd-es i-e mci-ui--.il paceof ev.Wbitby, containing 15o acres nio e or leas, iu- cluding about 15 or i-icrues bush, mostly beecb e Mr. Reid, who was absent on accouni- and maple. This fau-m <s kruown as one af the n o! sickness. Ali-er sanie consultai-ion beau in the townsh:p of Eau Whsuby, and îs e i-e requesi- was guanied and ih-e od sitiated 1!~4 miles essuaf Columbus and 6 miles lygetemn lwas allowed t oefr noruh of Oshawa. The buildings consisu ai a Iy gntlean ia cone fr- z suorev frame bouse wtb extension. A large ýe- wau-d. hi- turned oui- i- be Mu-. Hoyle, bau-n with stone -cllau-s, borse stable, hay baurn, by and t is said be made good use o! bis duiving shed. etc. A young orchard of <)o trees. ch turne. Mu-. S. Hughes, who also was Possesion in thbe (all of z897. - Apply personially vlini-roduced i-o saine o!fi-be Sunday 0!' b' Icti-er.Di.GE . ýn- school warkeu-s, dcscribed hiinsclf as a 131 Sherbuurne St. Toronto. 5, mani wbo had 1"1been in and around ________________ e, Sunday scbools for i-be pesi iwcni-y,- i hu-ee yeaus.'-Journal. ID O*0 O vaslI MENTHOL. he 0 .~.PLASTER é: W onei 0 bave pie.fIbed M,,,ihui PlaufoeIn a namii TY ik.ly om n!Ofi&of ,,- ur.îgicceud theaUMir Pe.aËean VI .en vry neu.h piesud wl-h tiheeffm'tsandu Ont of sorts5e4asiîy tr îag fMSClrTeUsn Undpn I ermanh » gard. pale and listless, tryindi-an tbas hi-, wmout taaantand PSmM" N*U- Waman's BaIm - lA makes rich S0 hI- Cures ficluttea, Lumbugo¶u- new blod, bnishe backchez. raigiÎ, Pains lI Back or Bido headaches, eari palpitation, con- ayMmlrpls stipation and ail ai-er ailinents lePu-Ice Davis & Lawrence. Co, Ltd, tii which wamen are so subjeet. It 250. Soie Puoprietors, MoeTA.umà. ai- M{r. The ma ho iboîta",,bislncheis vill fSud )r- Pierce's Plesaunt Pelleta thbe beau fnsend be rer moi-. Tisera ig ncase af bîliananeso, osinimPation. nigeaiiau."heau-t-burn.'" or auy of i-hi test of he aight-mane breediug brood, tha- t-homo lile I-bOoets" yull ual cure. Thoi ocu-e permanent- y. Soi-d 31 coula in one-cent stampo ta gontd', Dispeussary Medical Association, Bnt- Iob, N- Y., sud reaoive Dr. Pierc'@ 1008 page &Common Sonse Kodical Adviser." prof usely Muut.rîtod. Set a D&ity.v Table. A daini-y table is a mark of good >recding. and an uni-idy table pu-oclaiis .o aIl beboiders a îack in i-be bousewife o! all i-be (mer seasibilities. i- really lacs not take a great deal more time and uai- much more trouble i-o set i-be table ati-raci-ively and i-o serve i-be food in a - dauaty, appeiiig way, and i-e gain is inestimable. A li-i-le green --for garaisbing i-be mea- plate cani always be procureti. Wai-er is pleatiful in mos- places. soap is cheap andi every day is 24 bouts long; 5 i-ba- there is small excuse for soiled iien on i-be table. There is no place wbere i-hougbi-ful care ie, more needed or more productive of ,gratifying resuts. A Grinville Causty Vai Spiaka bis Mind- ols Hâte oa Nev Mu-Cnniwd by. Pom Boxes aiotld'sKidue>' Pilla. Cardinal F.b. 1 (Speclu)-Mr. X~eutMe IJumau, a umer vmry widely kuovus luai-h apSuty. and living scean ti- llage buas il a& painmt oh ad daugirus condition as i-e resu! aitk Wiiuydirnease aoflesing ithi blasider. WbS cal fl asbe saisi "IDatlng i-hie. jeans, until qu-site recmnti cured bLUDuSg' tour baxes et Daodd's Kidu. ol 1 benééau»intense suferai fras otik »ey dlsei wbich kept golug rons lid t runsdvoeI bo-a ,s oàdd's K(dis P ille. a#- ocereatîzssg grmiiibiip . I nW ov c Ilk se ncw man snd &Minip«(feoIX cured ai kid 'uey trouble i-n *auyfrm. Pribco"a Lau sn. of BAOign airepaod t bave .la'ped veuh a miliar>' ffice. 1paomtmoui DujaiuOEsulMW 0£emeisi M t. !ha. Giadais ïïb kkeprftiWrAcli t oa., - s w tar edi*e d0ti'Pt Mi. CEAB.s. rxH. Dy» Mills, ont.,9 @avm. .«Far mirj Vrai y 1i a I astronbled vitb ip -EES A RIS in or limbi, vhloh coatined getiing vorsogE TS AL TRIS untti 1 thongbt I vould bave to quit vau-k. la tact thbs pains e wo0 s e ore.that I conlelnot tutailgts. I tcok one box af Mller's 0cm- Fli-tSi clams accmmoda-io. Oudmr promptl pouud Itou Plleansd ams peeîlY cuxred.nCu thtl, reeue re Âltheuffh It isnearly 0 Yeur sie Mr. &. stoandee ta.Casuthusoeectsodr oc h e pb î lla ho bas b.d nô rotin intboheîeft ut Ncvport's lirYOry u-carage factory paiwnd udfmlms plendid. SoId by A. H. opposte pcst office. WM. NEwPORT, Pro ;li», druggist- pnui-tor. Al the tM.lsnsuhaii tirlsnmrs accused of ar,- wMtu,, juiy 1. x96.-z yr. eau bave bien lociseduinup 1 Orngeilb jail. if attackedviit choiera or au m nmea- plaint niBa~y kiuid smd stance for a boite of ht sceording ta directions. i i- ltvi'A , .tri . ai sd BmateRliffîWmn derfal r&pÏd i-y isu bd ing bâtdreedful dis- AI vy u jUable. v oi i e i-bai veakeB tise atroSifeSt mai Md tist iImi"u& i ewAlajageai . » dmtoyatii y sutd delfoste. 'nias viaO ATOMZ ý ads've eget. Ay5. --CATa, - besa th .c er&ndîheaa otata » e »iimel 8 . Our bookiot 4 ïen W& b T~ *protpl! s10&i nveri@flm oeffeet S.tsaraùo 8.00 ama, u -Seven persou vere buu-e t eti 4 os ment hanse firea in Hboke5, '~~ AGENTS Are yen 1Ici Weil ? Are vanPl, ýiy deproaaed lu-iÉwil&*, mlanil t-0, e. CNKR LRE8LR! r0 voudidrritable? DO Y<,u lack ubai hua>'" vekly. caiasnig orelam Nursery a nue of fits indlctirt* oi jebuat beau-b ? Who passe' novesand u Mad o-sd Tise 3sii-n KIla', ompuid touPilla. fouro ugtI5g hay 9étôor 4ailsections8 ~"*i iili ons i-si p euuivus p O asads minc ne aidInted 'vareties 01 TUiy *1 bidY U4 T1tscod upotato nsV;Mwrite nus fer t?r s e s$"tomu give o yu e"fwv sua nime vn.lm ctîie exiucy a1. alîk ov noriams. 401ss4a sis od ESNnVSeRY CCMITeonto. ItbyAn H. Alie. druggist a Ha.mnTari-o vl? attend t*6e Qundlss " ~ pess&aoeIuIsdiU~n Trmta.- A TEAGROWING 'PARADISE," YThe. Medilue fSr Lv.>' sud Kida.> 000- TÉ) O ~ ~ ~ ure fp, 0îiý hsnabave b0ve voifé.e rlitSit1hr 1JO ïn ,i$i<euxb.-Y "d ±bêoiave pveeuimtntti 1i4f*y*sl ft rnamuldd ita ue 750 $*llbom - - ra, àd qéaI flm 84 Iu- 10 the.O ft jon the wound, Quickcure will do the rest-quickly, suely, painlessly. IAt alldggiStS 25C., 5oc. and $ . oo. M THE QUICKCURIK COMPANY, LT.b. QUamifo, CARn. compi tîally Huudi du-eds dentia Tor rs END je suffering womanhood's 9resteýt bSn. ilas cure& thotmands Why not youl

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