Ly so far as ce have been able ta learu the CHRO(NtCLES advice ta avoid buying mnining1 st iil a lt cc th h4 si p. p ai t'( n a a e ei Iown ceunei. çMa and cmtchs and otherwise decrepit. fonght îln -the SePOY Insu rrection in India, onRRetywhere bravery save4 an mpIe ~ wuwv~êj ~te~d, j#d 1'er been a $1l ba1c~m ô o1t feliêw sintl*ilm *5w upon the Purity of our>'Uge ilor ent1ote ~Queen's best sOldiîs. Ac- and hemcai , he enune-cidents brought uearlY ail Of tbem loto their andChe ia .; hegediCfl p'te" 4gh. 44T " ttoa'bçta ur tiensof.'oa resicIgb.nQ1bý opci,,rs of@ e exercînJABt4rein " ii mei.,sgd'OO,510II1 iuTe 9h bu ad i y h beb ail supporters of a bouse of refuge no inthebs adgl teb matter bow tbelr constitueuts maY (ccl. goods in the market. K of tbe dn~u _m be= e uge brI agr Our Dispenaing audX 1]o . approaches upon this county ilil furnish a pounding is always accura.te subject for bard figting. In 1832 the and correct. govertiment found that a shorter ani better road betweeca Wbltby and Toronto cas necessary for milltary purposes, and coin- NEST NORWEGIAN mencirig about a mile this ide ai the west boundary of Pickering. A defiectirn cas made from tbe concession ai the soutbwest, COD L VER 0«[L andabout a mile and si quarter of road made in this county, and thence on through iCents Per Pint Scarboro tocards Toronto. Ater keeping this road in ordèr for about twenty years the goverument decided to seli it, and ater one or two unsuccessful attempts with road F I ompanies whlcb bad flot capital enougli ta 0 Et ILLIS runit, York caurity bought the whole sys- E. W IL L18, of governrnent roads araund Toronto for $72,.500 There cab profit in toit roads CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, iRtty years ago, but there la none nnw. and CHEMbI &York county was begtnning ta scratch ils MEDICAL HALL, head for a plan ta get rid ai the roads, when the cty af Tarania affered ta aboiish mar- kret fees if York wouid aboimh tolae. This ROCK ST., W'HITBY. wauld rid the York people ai botb toila and market fees, amounting ta 825000 or $30, - 000 per annumr, but they wauld bave ta keep up the roada by statute labor. But the ~~ ~touble i, that anc ai the mo,, ep«nsive hoand dangeraus parts af the wbale York tati rodsysteru is the mile or sa in Pickering, id neither the townsýip ai Pickering nar con; fOtai aïdsi okeepup. York FEB 6,189. ail where they may. t position was aptiy ;HITBYP E . )187 escribed by Mr Gillespie when becon ptred that caunty ta a man who bud robbed __ its ward and turned it upon the public ta &tort Notes. keep. ock hias been adopttd, and we hope the Met M-nday uight. - lthougn aaouîiona: seat-s nave been pro- ,aousands of dollars thus saved cl serve as Count. Bloc read a report iroru the property vided by the public ibrary (or their hall in remidertha anhonet ad otspkencammttee as foliaca : acc. ai A. H. Aluin, Oddieliows' building chere the aoclety remnde tht a hnea su ouapoen95c.; Jna. Bloc, Coa1, 814.38. Tenders for mneets for rehearsal every Wednesday uîghî, ýewspaper bas an inftuence for good lu 1his ici corda waod: M. Caffey, S475; Jan. Brav the attendance iâst week cas so large as ommuntty, and deserves evety support. ener, drY $4.75, grecu 84.65 ; Grass & agatu to be ton gi-est for the accommodation. lundredsofttmes the Ci4Ror'IIULE las lost Granger, dry, $474 ; Jno. Edwarda, green, There ià still rooru in the hahl (or chairs and m ioney by flghtiug for the truc interests ai $4,5o. Grosa & GrAnger's tender cas' ac- benches chîcb must b. iortbcoming if the he people, and the onlv return ce can have cepted (or the dry caod by the committee, heaitby, vigarous growth bu membership ,r ask s the fulI support of a public chich but Coun. Jackson moved ta give 5 cordi ai continues and is ta be comiortably seated in ýas been thus protect cd. We ask every sub- the contract ta Jahn Bravener and 5 corda ta proper arrangement of the voices as placed crtber who appreciates aur course ta use M. Cofiey. He aaid there cas oniy a cent a by the cariductor. The request that mcm- s influetnce ta secure us another, and ta card ofidifference, and these men couid sup- bers cishing ta take part iu the sigbt-sing- and by the CHRONtCLEC an ail occasious. ply wood (rom araund bere, chule in ail ing sbouid be preset t t 7 30 sharp cas ccli eopIe have only to rend ta learn bac other nrobability Grass & Granger's cnod ta (rom re'posidcd 10. This very vahuable series ai )apers would skin them u fr a few dollars in the north. The mayor aaid the advertise- tessons in the rudiments aifrmusic cas ma- dvertsig. rnent did nat state that auy but the lacest rerialhy Impraved by the transcription ai the Ailpubicbodesof anaa re reaing tetider could be accepîed. There isa exercisca upon large sbeets ai paper sus- Ailpubic odis o Caadaarepre gpr.nciple connected with taking tenders peuded (rom the blackboard. The notes, o celebrate the dîamond jubile ai the cor- which wP must observe ta somte citent. Me signs, and ather technicalitbes ai this muai- nation ai Qucen Victoria bu June. Her admttted that wood grocu around here is cal score are sufficieutly eniarged ta be cign hias been a very prosperous one, and jiable ta be better iban from s distance easihy rend (rom ail parts ai the hall. The io artof he mmeseempire is a. . i north. Mr. Robsais said the wood grown cîaas had a most profitable driliing in these a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hr pato h imne l ani. n better than from th. uartb. Tbe eiementai-y exercisea of the divine art upan nything cantributing ta happiness except a reeve aaid he btslîeved al these matters bad the study ai chich so good a tart bas beeu ortion ai India. Mer reign bas been au crs been consbdered by tbe commbîtee. Coun made. Tbe practice ai the "Sang ai the- f gond government aud good lacs, aud the Blow said that the comrittee bad iearned Vikings, " " Boat Sang" and the inspiring iritish Empire lias been greatly eiîlarged ster makiug sorue enquirbes that Messrs. - Victoria-Our Quee," the three very ttd covsoidated. Brtish dipiomacy has Cofley sud Bravener iutended ta gel their beautiluil compositions whlch Mr Harrison hroughout been directe-ilto the permanent wood from Teedies, sud that that cood is tias sa happiiy selected ta begin the serious stablishmnent ai peace throughout the earth, inierior lu quality, sud has been reiused by wark of the saciety, cas coutiuued with ha spread ni religion sud education being piarties chen il cas beiug delivered ta theru. aatisfactory resuits. Same fine efiects ai -ncouraged in ever) way. Canada bas heen Deputy Scatt moved in ameudmnent that swell sud crescendo movemeuts are already ýruîy iavored, aud lher interests so iaaîered new tenders be taken for the dry woad, snd qap#rent from the couductoras skil(ul band- s ta mnake her peophe tunited for thiebonar the amendment carried. Jahn Edwards' ling ai the chorus. The volume ai sound is n4 the throue ai Quecu Victoria. The pros- tender cas accepteil for the green wood. Ail greatly improved aver earlier rehearsals, pect for a succession ai wisc rulers is gond, the- tenders (or coal were (or $5.65. The there having camne in mnany flue vaîces, ual- sud everylhinz makes (or good. Our Cana. comuitce recammnded John Blow's tend- ably seversi ai the college ladies cha addeui dian people iuliy apprectate the pleasaut sud ci- (or acceptauce. Coun. Robson ruoved bu eflectively ta the altas. There are stili a praruising stale ai îhiugs, sud can join wlth amenilmeut that Grass & Granger's tendet number ai people wcha hve nat joineil the goad heart bu celebraîiug the gi-est occasion be accepted. He said bis eyes cere opencd societv chose presence would b. mutuahiy cbich cl accur in a iew mautha. Every by the lIact that the tenders are ai alikrebeneficial. There ought flot langer ta be public body should takre ils part iu the re- cspecially afier uotlnE Grass & Granger's auy besitancy about the matter. A blgh >amcmUg ai this juhilee. tender at $474 (or cood. Dcputy Scott autbority upon the subiect recommenda maved that new tenders be taken (or coaI as everybady to study singing chether îhey The famine in Indu s jas calamity beyand ccli as cood. Court. Bloc Slec mad aI this hope ta became great singersaoruot ; or even estimate. Want and disease are raging sud gave the council ta understand that il ifithey posaca but amati capacity ; for theye ihere, sud such satae ai affairs appeats teanau nec tenders cere ta be taken samebody wiii by study become capable ai under- thewhoe orl. ne esut f te ailngelse couîd tie th- ru, as be couldu't. standing sud enjaying good music when thechoe ci-I. Ue rsuî aithe(aiingDeputy Scott said Coun. Blow need flot gel îhey hear iî ; whicb bu itselfisha a vahuable crop in Indus bas heen ta iaise the price ai hot. There cas no ueed ai having these sud beautiful accampliabruent ualta be ac- wheat throughoul the wortd, sud as a con'e. tenders come bu the- day the council meets quired cithout practical study. If there be quneail praduciug countries are enabled The reeve sabd he tbought it wouîd b. as sanie persous coming buta the society choS qunc elI ta take nec tenders for coal. seeirig are unable even ta sing the scale, &0 com- c îo sire the îprosperity thus created with the tbey are ail aike. Coun. Smith said Ibis peteut a teacber as Mr. Harrtson ta proving îamtshing people whoat- mi-ioi-iune bas been move ta bave nec tenders laoks ta him tlike hiruacli ta be, wiii not discourage or irighten the cause ai it ail. Recogniziug tiis isct trifiing witb the committcc. sud that t theni but, as he is doing ecd eveniug, ex-h millions of moîîey is hciug subscribcd (rom should be stopped. The amendment cas amine Iberu indivbduaily, try ta find theo ail quartera cof the corId ta be burried (or- lost-Yeas : Scot, Robson, Jackson ; nus : cause afitheir lncapacity ta sing, sud tenderc ward for reliefi. The coid cide feeling is Pri-lgle, Smith, Beceti, Luire. Court. Rab- individual advice as to lbe proper course anc ai brotherhoad iu relieviug human dis- son then ruoved that Grass & Granger's (or theni ta takte. Goiug about tb. carkc treas. The county council ai Ontario bas tender b. acceptcd. He dot-s ual believe iu prapcriy lie doca net (ail ta aid and ecocur- sent ils; quota ai $5a ta the i-chef fond, sud ih a mncruber ai this council holding a conîract age auy onc dia bas the cisb ta sing. Il la ta worlhy ai every public body haviug funds ta suppiy coal ta the tocu. Coun. Smith natoriaus that snime ai tic most successiai st command that a coutribution b. ruade -ô said it is John Bloc cho ha teudering. Dot E studeuts ai vocal music bave beea tiase cha this cause. Human fof-sight cannaI prcdict R. Bloc. Couin. Robson says if Court. Bloc* had only an apparent inabitity ta sing, where the next killiug blight sud co<sequet ieitl not interested tien he bas no furtber nb- tiaugi tiey bad been pronaunced incapablec distres cul (aIl, sud truc mauhood suggeats. jection. Reeve Pringle said Jobn Bloc bas of vocalizatian by so-caîîed proicesars ai vea demnanda, that those a-ha are able shal(or mauy years been in the coal business, shnging sud teachers ai music. Tic choral -tiare lthei-aIly wiîh those who waut. Indi snd ihe baya bis coal from bis son il makes society pravdes an opprtunity tbat never be- viduaily sud collecti vety oui- people cl caruno differeuce to us. He doca net be'ie#e lu fore bas beau offered ta, ti tocu sud thse (,od's bVessing by promptîy seudtng forcard overrîding a coruritîee'a repart.- Deputy surrouuding community. This ceek's rt--à cha ca b spre lathî ci-ty urpseScott says be dues Dot hesitate la vote hearsal cas marked by tic announcement oft againat any committce, or the choie councti the date ai tic fi st concert-Tbursday in County Conneil Notes. for that malter, il be tliinks îbey are crong. Essîci- ccek, April 22nd, lu the mu-sic bal,- Why not divide the contraet b.tcee'sti h suad aithc holding et an open rebearsal la The court cliamber iii ta le better lighlcd îhree tenderers ? Itloboksta ta im as if the about a monti's lime. At Ibis last each in future. litte ring farmed chen the council cas metnber msy invite tie presence ai two arganizeil is sîhîl holding gand in deasng aut trienda. A programme ai soloq and ciorusca An extensive repart of the countv counicil contracta. Court. Jackson said hie does flot sud the serving ofilight refresiruents during business ciii be iound lu Ihis isque. suppose that ten tous ci ceai ciii be ueeded tbe cosverséaioe wouîd Iprovide an inter- beiore the contract runseut. As it ha ho li estlug cntertahament. Eigty-five members We cougi-atlîte our tacuamnan, Mi- Roçra support Deputy Scotl's ameudruent. Coun. bave signed thc rol sud there are Marc than Johnston, an being seîected as county sud- Smith said these gentlemen who are maviug enougb stihto doso ta make theanumber run itor. Mr S A Flummerfelts re-election la ameudmenîs appear t, îhiuk there hn a ring conalderabty higher tbaancn bundred. Mr tht- same post vear ailer yeai teatifles as to bei-e. Ceun Jac.son-Undoubtedly. Coun Harrison made some important statensents, bis fitness for the place. Smith said tbey foi-gel wbat took place s as conductor, regarding the attendance of ycar aga. We have spent tme enougb talk-thie. co ciii take part hantthe society's con- Mr Gaioc had an easy task iu the nec îng bosh. Cot. Robson said the ring lic cens. Thc aîudy of Sir Arthur SulItvan's cauncil 10 put through the $25 gi-ants ta pub- ameils appears ta b. a coat ring. The re- cbarmlng I bear thc soft note of ber ecba- ic libraries. the vole being an unafiimous port cas thea adapted. 1115 voie," s seztet anid chorus, cas segua., oner During the short discuîssion Mi- Glen- Court. Bloc spid i. bad been asked by F. HowÂs» AINis, President. dinning stated ltaI Victoria cauuîy gives $5o Cou.n. Hayward, chu ciiutd net be present ta eatch public irarv , so this couuty dees to-nîgbl.ta o repart that the cntracl-far priaI- VfCflIL - - ual open its heari very big suter ail. iug had been awarded to thse Gazette for $3.,0 the CHaRONCt.a's tender b.îng$. Couacl ai Tp. Of Whfiby met Monday. Pcb. It wouîd be iaîîy ta aay that the business Coun. Robson said this cas no reporL "I l cmuiaontmthWCTUO ai the county is not sa cdel donc under th, am a memnber ai thc committee," said lie zt oiuiaiu~rmieWCT1, new ounv coricls at a wasthecas 'sud ibis is thie firat I bave beard ai iL." Toronto, asklug for contrbution la aid efthIe îîreviously, though probabiy ne (aster. Te Deputy Scott asked cbo opcsed the tenders, Shetter cas read ; also retam ofdregisltradnof expenae cas about $5s les(o The ainsd chere? Couin. Blow said anc cas births, deatbs ad mariluges lot towuship z866 Il takres a little hust ing frem anc commit. apencd iu bis office sund tihe other In the Teedersfor township-prictng cote mubimiud tee ta another la keep quorums corking. clerk's office. (Laughter). Deputy Scot-, Wel, ha il not about tume for the eilenium? froni s. M. Newton sud Hendmrsua kOraau but lhey canstansd that ail right. (Gi-cal laughter.) Here ha a commite tak- Ou motion the leader of S. M. Nectc<i'townoc- Wardeu King bas thet îanks ai tht- pi-tsa ing tenders sud apening anc hn eue end ai ship priatiag for tbe yesr for s6 Pasa6*ipto& for ordering a special table au the lwofaithet ocu uanc n i he c ther. The. Mayor C.mttepao ,dtouc ace'r gp-11W said there ta notbing before tic chair. baviug purchscd Lrginttyss&WMfà r ofl 4 the council chamber. Fron ttue immemaor- Court. Beweil ittroduced a by-law ta ap- H.* Burdge. Thse ;a'ditesa hmtenîaaid report il the gentlemen ai the iourth i esîsît- have point an assessor. He said the cemmittee of audit ofa souts'of township for Y,&»cas had -ia write thti- notes ou tht- jury bar, au applications iad taken tenders and iad gtuetetd by Audfitar 19. R-Eddy. The rqp»à cbchlaa ecio a tmerbullonaton dcie.l lve-a M. ec.. Cous hnio tetat recinta for rg& 6 ýtetRi$îStoal liolde*i 5 corda at i Wm Stirtevaqt, z,5 corda at $250 011 Brock street aonth; o< jWHeird$'ý&Q ~a t # Sai '"e t U M çodb rr's bill, fo dB treet n".t sOn Brqc -Ce t Dt."teveob le6 40 cordt .00 onl Brock Street Sauth,; H Meen 1o cordrat $.95on Brock Streel; pnh. The ii dcrsoJ eard 4 i.trtvant ~~cscr~gIcou l ~IQporttpas- e discuss n o the report Coun. Smith auggested that caîke b. laid in many cases of gravel and aand, Iosteadbôf Oubr. big fight over thecac- . e in asking for 92,000 iWt M Erau ti .- Tis la fer more than cas ever laid belore, even chea exten- sive eaqstdeWalks cere contemplatéd. The committcc cltb the exception of Çoti Noble cither could not or could nat give s*avia:o- matian about chat this lumber la ail fer. and tha Reeve tried aIl becou Id ta prevent Cou n Noble fram lettiug the counicîlita the com, muittee's secrets. Hocever, Court Noble ha 8 stated that lie cauld tell what nec sldewalk were ta be laid, and na med anc block at j B Powei's, one blok nortS of D Wilsan's residence. a bal block somewbere chue and a plece near St John's bay cburch. The mnayar interrupted at this point saylng that in detailing little patches ike this Coun. Noble wouid need to talk ail niglit la lay aiff the whole 92,000 fcet. He suggested that as it was unlikely that any sucli amaunt wouid be required the committee migbt state in their advert.sement that no stuted amaunt would be eontracted for. This appeared ta 4aolve the difficulty, but chile the reeve altreed to illie wauld flot allow a card ai the reprt te be cbanged, and the "ifag end" as Coun Jackson cails the trailers of tbe ring, supparted the repart as it cas. Coun. Robson braught up the matter ai supp'orting Mra. A. K. Rice. He aaid sbe is an Ameican citizen, and he understands bas rnoney. She is being kept in iuzury. chile many ather womnen witb familles bave a "tard tîme to get along. The town pays $2.25 per weck for ber board, besidea coal ta heat a roaru. Coun. Noble sagti the commit- tee had enquired Inta, Mrs. Rîce's finances, and iaund she bad anly enaugh money ta bury ber. cbicb lu lu the bank uin H. W. Willcox's name. The council tben adjourned. The Chorol simiety. Our Taitorii -Ladies' Gente' .110 < 2Qcents per pair. '<15 cents per pair. Children's Underwear at 15 cents and 20 cents each. Gents' "9 '25c, 30e, 35e, 45e each. Best Quality Wide Width Flannelette, only 7 cents per yard. Ail Linen Cheeked Glass Towelling, st 5c'. and 7e. per yard. Good Heavy Faetory Cotton, 34.-m. wide, only 5e. per yard. -7kn' _5 -I '-. - rFor dîiUdren's 1leà vy All WooîlRose, 15 cents per pair. Good Heavy Bleached Cotton, 36-in. wide, only 9c, and luc. py ja. Good Heavy Tweed Pants, ail sizes, $1.25 per pair. Children's Plush Caps, a few left, 10 cents each. Men's Plush Caps, ail sizes, 25c. and 35e. each. Men's Unlaundred Shirts, to clear, 40 ets. each. Men's Cambric Shirts, to clear, 50 cents eaeh. Chenille Table Spreads, good size, only 75 ets. eacb. Large Roll Cotton-batten, good quality, only 18 ets. eaeh. Floor Oil-cloth, good quality, choice pattern", 25e. per square yard. Good assortment Ladies' %antles and Gents' Ulsters. Also Men's arfd Boys' Ready-made Suits at Lowest Prices. Do Deartment is under the management of a first-class cutter, and our prioes for a good Suit, and fit guaranteed, is $10 and upwards. Give US a o«11 and we will convinoe you are prices are right. ANDRE Fancy me China. A Large Stock of On Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Seits, FulliUne of Fresh Groceries. Alway8 Reliab le. AT GIBSON'S. council. Couacil prepared stalemnent af dehen ure liabilies as required by staites. Mr. Smrith gave notice litha i ii 51 next meeting ai council intraduce a by-lac ta appoint averseers of higbcays, fenceviccers sud paundkeepers for the municipaiity. Tic collecter having returned bis rail far 1896. lie cas aflowed as uncollt-ctable on scouut of nonresident sud remittcd by coun cil tic suru of $7 55. Council adjourued ta meet firai Mouday ie Mai-ch iu council ranrus at î0 o'diock a. &0«a1Oton la Pickering Ms. RetTRas SiR.-Pemit me. tlirottb the colunins of your vatuable paper, ta, give tic opinions ai a fcc electors. cie are just aoce- JOYMr he ic ury of <bhuking (or themnacves In vie of tic cousiug titigatios ou the bylasu ta re- peal local option. it la ciearly evideat tiat "sane ,nuo bas bluadered," sud I îhinh tiat tie clect ors of Pickering wchU sec very clcaulv cie lias somneone la. belote tic lawc coulail couactian di tic trial ta belMd ou the cigitin"lst, b. fate Judge Dartneti. are paid. Tics. cosîs wcul, 1 ltiir bc expecled to coma out of tise pockets af thc ratepayers, as ha usual in sncb cases. I thick tiat you cid agree ciii nie liat it ha Une sncb uouscnsilealblunders cci-. irouitlbomne ta, tbe parties cia commit tieni, sud tbey ho cou plied eltior ta psay for sncb thiugs out of tiair acu pockets or cIsc vacate the seats tiat the lu- depeudeut electors of the towship ai Pickering houai-ad liens cli. lutic firsi plaoe.accord- îug to tie municipal lac, hisla ecarhy evidant liat fannera'sans, voting as sncb, bave no rigbt ta caut a ballot upon a municipal liv-law, If tiie clerk oftb. mnlipullty. earelessy et ,otber sé. furlsied the depuîy returnig oilcers cii sncb volets bats as would o t and thc test of smrtiuy, i. oertaiulv bas ne ngite hold -tic position b. does; an4 i f ou i muicipalcouacS doms net take tic trouble ho sec tiat tluvots, isam arerpurcd fi «lu toise,, w'en ibey bave a soibeitor euged tte ebomi hila udr tbusi- usasto submit sci questions as lunvolve sucli aus as tiaee 051- kre likely ta bc befoie It ila en4d. ticy sboutd bu cehiid la tise municipal bala= ansd. I bave no dotibithey cll'bu faud, c4utiag hi thae lectoars:ti eztni- cipâidea. And astothbe uounlehpl-sltor,, clievrb nayb. i i anih advl*emo ithe ïaosulpalty. b. deserves tisWauefteuatcw *ndouhtcdly be mol1ed ont ticJn'- itvrle (ohiace: scisoal mauagemeat-McClehlan, Farewell, VMcGillivray, Dow, Bai-dvaynsd Hatch; sciant property-Ras Bures, Blow, Par-ker, McGillivrsy ; finance - Barclay, Rosa, Fai-ker, Bloc, Fox, O'Donovan; priniug-Burns, Farecell, Fax. The i-e- port cas adopted. Tiere cas rame discus- sion about contagions discasca, but ue ROSSO 10 SE[I1 10 BELIEVE WM. TILL sud lie canvinccd that su Elegant hune ai FURNITURE ta beirtg raId at away docu pibecs ha keep jen oci hsthie HARD TIMtES. Antique Oak Leather Seat Cahier Rocker - - $2 25 Antique Oak Fluai Rocker - 3 00 Gent large upiasterd Easy Chair -10a Parlai- Sets, Oak, Fluas & Tspestry 190an Sideboards, Plate Mini-or - -6 an Bedrooni Seta, 3 picces 10-- 00 a Dining Table, 4 iesvcs 00 5a Chidreu's Rockers - . - 50 Ait otier gaads pro- portianally cieap! Evei-ythhig suitable, useful snd arfamentah. Repaining, Upholster- ing sud Uudcrtaking. r WM. TilLL9 WRITBY. Gordon Meldrum, IH.D. L. R. C. P. EDINRURGH, action cas taken.- The callegiate inatitute h8ca uà en~A~u/e ratures for Janary show an aggregate rl i-a ai8rgo d couhr of i29 pupits, ciîh an aver-age attendauce OfcealRsdneNrhEdo 1hiltby DIvison Canai. The TERRÂCEM, BYRON et. Cameren va. Chatterson.-Action ho re- Office Houri: 10 &.m. te 3 p.m., cover balance of cages. Herbert Cameran sud 8 ta 10 p.m. cas (ai-m laborar (or C H Chaîlerson, neair JITecpboue Communicati n cth o0ie ti locu. fratu April 151, 1896, ta Dec Cao 1e Sciai-c ermiug la Ciatterson' thie plaintiff sent a letter sîating that be csnted 815 per- monhi. sud testifies tuat b. iad Ico oSiera BOardOmi'8 vantod ai tiat amnount ai cages. Ciatterson1 laims tic bargais cas tiat Cameron cas ta Aiter New Yeats. Board and lodglug (or receive $100 or0i-$20. according as b. gave tco. Ranu te ici sultable for student. satisfaction. Natuiag furtier cas said Quiet home. Apply at bhis office Wbklwyu about Ituntil barvest, dieu Cbattcrsoa hn- Dec. tt, mSg6. furmed Camai-anthiat bc ccauld enly reccive__________________ $ioo, chiei Cameronsasys cas the fii't b. ever beard ai any talk about tb. amount ai is cages bcing optloual withbCiatterson. Cameron's lime cas ouI Dec. it, but hi. Il G i s.ciG d T corked an tilt Dec. 2.51h at $8 per moti.18aG o T/ng Then they settied up, sud Canseron tank Ciattersort's note on demaud (as lie suppos- cd) for $50, sud $25 cas ta lie aver. Chat- terson maya lis, seulement cas lu full, ibere b.iunuo balance, sud cas ahi. ta veriy Vaiety h Lag tI tuis by circumnstantlal icstimouy. h t trêcd out tIsai uis note cas for ten mantisansd tuis Cameron says, cas thse fluitb.heaMd -i Qualytyik e CkruiestI It ising for acy lengti af tîne., be belng un- able ta i-cal, Causeroi, sud for Py. but wes non-suitcct, cacispartyIo pay lits acta Pie k ~L w c as ie d t h ec # S p n t e, . M eG illiv u îra f r ; r ep i b -é Ornilaton for deft. Lon".s Siep. Âcètiâo r uVirspou b 'whloh Ie ta recover $83 63 padlu h i rr on & mipn li deïl. Richatd-Slcep VI s4ed J. H.LugaF B ItR ad . o0i5een uthc day of tisemnipa lcoa- snd asked -tise priceôf pesse. t[,omgaà ee tsat h ltaIbim 5$ -te 6aents fo« blat<kees B-iphi 40n~8oe- rbt Sleep attegesa ta Lonsg dld not mnt"lp - -< î auy prtiular - kind. Belng - antdidae, ousolellotice Long cas in a bu an sd agreed to allow Cao. Sle bfr thée pau, cao. WM gise E a- J.JO~ l3rock ~j55 c F00 ~AIP IL omOW ' Ounty Orgun.-Lurgeat cirula. 1trn ton of a"Y local Paper lu Canad"a r; FRIDAY, FEB. 5, 1897. LOCAL LÂCONIOS. 1 emple af Famu" tonigh. 2t Cents. Business ta flaurishing itocu just noc. hi Mr ad Mrs E Brantan. Oshaa, cere iun town on Sunday hast. A sleigh load ai young people from Pick- ering visited the rink on Tuesday night. r Hi's Honor sud Mrs Judge Dartueil visit-a d with relatives in Toronto toi- a (t-c days last week. Mrs Ward, afiUbridge, ha3 been speud- ing a few days in town with her mother, ' Mrs Hickigbattom. Mr. Gea. H. Soniev bas purchased the Ormistan iarm, on the 3rd concession, ai t preseut accuoied by Mr. Thos. Harrs. .peuding a (t-w days with relatives sudi iriend .1 Remember the Gi-tek tea, to be heid Feh - i5th, bu aid of the public lîbi-ai-v..- A music- ah sud literary programme cilI ha rendei-ed.t Reireshments served duriug the evenîng. . \ýj ohu Crac cas taken la- jaîl for tco moutha on Manday moruing. Me hunq off %his year sud could ual take up lits w intert quartera as eariy as usual. Ht- ciii corne out on ail (bois day. A large nunnber. ai counterfeit hall dallari- pietes are in circulation. As foi- appearance they are an excellent imitation and bear thie date ofig:7o. The metal is st-iy soft but has almost lie same riug, a-heu dropped an tht- floor, as tie genuine coin. We uotice by the Tai-auto paiper s that Mr, W H Greencod, Toronto, cas anc af the tco selectcd ta represeol T ~routa tîniversitv in its intercoilegiate aratoîcat contesi eitl McGill an "Probibit ion."' It may be added, thougi probahly superfluous, that Gr-een- cood's aide cou. Settiars' Tratins The Canadian Pacific Raiîwsy ciii rua set- iers traîna ta P4anioha and Canadian Nortb- wpst during Mowch sud April (should suffi int busines offerT leaving Torurtia every Tu'-sday aI 9 p.m. A calonist uici-per wiii be aîtached ta Pacifie express on the"e dates, due ta lt-ave Toi-auto 12 3o nan. Ask for tîes Guide and aIl information fram E R Bloc. C P R ' , ticket, telegrapi and express agent, Whicny, Ont. Wedding ut R C Chai-c. Early au Monday morainz lâst, Rev Fatier jeficett uuîtcd- in ruarriage Miss Catherine Goodcin of Ibis lacu ta Mi- Adain Sparrill. ai Ninga, Man. Miss M. Goodwin acted as iridesmaid chite Morgan Goodcin supported the. groom. Thei ced-,1 ding breakfast cas served at Mi-. Peler 1 Goôdwin's. Tht happy couple let an thce aiternoon train for ticir future haine in Man- itoba. Tic best chIses af the- CHRONICLE folhow lieu. btiracided. The Fi-chai ypsica cho cere camped out ai Vount's wcoda hast faîl arc nocstrauded juat autside the. limita ai lie dlv ai London. They cere bauf starved and airnosl naked and coul not move an as tbeir herses bard eitir icen stoien or bad strayed acsy. onli' protection firnithc bitter cold ceathielaticir rude camps consisting ai pieces ai mattlng thrown over (rames. Pub- lic sympatiy cas aruuscdasd piles ai cioti- ing >d plenty ai fozd cas contributed. Grlletefst cas taken i htcoceony chen i,@ Icarncd that oue cf the. vainuitd given hi-rt to a cbuld, the littie anc being _ushered int thse coid cien thie ercury was five bcloc zer'o. ~h rs-Iackson Case Came op for beariug on Tucsday night. Ouy the deiendant's evideî'ce cas takeli. Gerau ss ted ubat on thse morinigaler lcoe uiclpal eleciion b. cas ou ngî cr t du Ovesion ith iisou. other men V'bcn Albert Jackson came dacu at-cet.' jijjlbert 1acksmnde seau. remark,,but lie a)> dinelt -heau *bat c asid, bavin< sm fo *r bis store. Albert -c«Iled agatla and asked whst badlbmen »Wdthe nigil lie- ;oaGross' remarked tsilccsoti wt Mb1r.- jackson, sud -pro- -ceced p cI-ce,-ben -b. noticed Tises. A' ackson Munni<tootard bw, pelling up bis' .psat Grogis, wh Tomu~h- m'oe !ecpse the tor mnJscTDoDiiPOd y. The. do-or lms sellierboit,. iteisor-a 810 r atee - bt1arle, ocr. ThiedoçrWhieli mot lcked Tic ekey cas sot In - 1bit~B CWSe bYy eapackage cd kn114s l~aitc. '.Iyn~o tp-Notiiug -rM lsaud rau to tolMacs=, aco&ca :tlicdo.Gstkjckopen tetoreM A5lO~l.~ltcç5Ioepiit Te Mi been Thanks bis able Many custom- Tuei ers for their appreciatîve Mi ha'. wordg and practical support denit during the year tîhat 18 den, past. In 1897 no effort wilI Le relaxed to make is stock lm >' Of Watches and JewelrOf ' tboroughly attractive. The dl' V taste, the quaiity and the th Thý price shaHl ment a con- en tinuance and an extension bhi of the patronage so laberal- ha ly bestowed heretofore. M-ay 1897 prove a1 ~.Now ear ri Fi 50 d BI i ý 'A., dé 20 cents and 25 cents each. Ladies' ir%-aip varti -