Whitby Chronicle, 5 Feb 1897, p. 5

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Thanks bis many custoin. ers for their appreciative words and practical support during the year that i. past. In 1897 no effort will be relaied to nake bis stock of Watohes and Jewelry thoroughly attractive. The P taste, the quality and the price shall menit a con- tinuance and an extension of the patronage so liberal- ]y bestowed heretofore. May 1897 prove a, ]Prolsp8rous ,M,,,Now Yoar. iïýr (rht0niCIt. Omcad ouyO gaLags iel. tion of auj local pape:la Cansia FRIDAY, FEB. 5, 1897. LOC0AL LACONIOS. 1 emploe ni Faine îonaght. a2% cents. Business is flourishlng in towa jusi nov. Mr .ind M"s E Brantan, Oshawa, were in touii on Sunday last. A ,leie h load of y0uflg people (rom Pick- ering visited the rink on Tuesdsy night. Il s Ilonoir and Mms Judge Dartneli visit- cd wwîth relatives in Toronto tor a few days ]aSt week. Mrs Ward, of Lljbridge, bas been spend. rieV a fi-w days i twn with her mother, Mi'ilckinigbottom. Mr G6e-ofi. Sonley bas purchased the qrrnistoîî farmi, on the 3rd concession, ai 1,resent occuîîied by Mr. Thos. Harris. Mr lsiaac Paquet. srr returned on Mon- dav fronm Montreal where he bad been diga few days with relatives and ri end s. Re-nember the (,reek tes, to be held Feb i soh, in aid of thet public librarv. A music- al and lirerarv programme viii be rendered. ke-treshments served during the evenîng. lohn Craw was taken to jaîl (or tva nînth% on Monday morning. He hung off this vear and would not take tif his winter qiarters as eariv as usual. He will corne o t n ail fools day. A large number of counterfeit haif dollar t sare in circulation. As for appearance imiv art- an exscellent imitation and tear the daîte of iVýo The metai is very so(1 but has i mrost the same ring, when dropped on the ti r, as the genuine coin. Wýe notice bv the Toronto papeis that Mr WV Il (,reenssoodi. Torouto. wast one of the Iwo selected to represent Teronto unîversitv I l i ltiqiiecoiicgZiate oiitoiâçaicontesi with Mc(,ill on -Prohibition." It may be added, iough prohahlv superflunus. that Green- saoods ide won. Settiers' Trains TIhe (anadian Pacific Raîlway will rua set- ilers irains to Manît a àand ( .tiadian North- seîduring March and ApiO lhould salit eat 1-usiness offer) e-avn#4 Tornio every Tuesday ;'i, p.mn A coloniat sieeper wit! he artached in lacitic express on ihest- daîps, due to leave 1 ornto 12 30 n1001. Asic for Scgîlers' Guide end ail iitornaioti front F R 1l4oiw C P Ry ticket. îclegraph and expieýsa agent, Whitby. Ontr. Wedding at R C Churcis. Earlv on Mondav mornifle last, Rev Father Jeficott unîîed 10 maîniage Miss Catherine Goodwin of ibis toarn 10 Mr Adain Spurrili, of Ninga, Msn. Miss M. (.mbodwtin acîed as brîdesmaid uie Morgan ( ' odwin supported the groom. Tise yod- dfing breakfast was served at )Ar. P-tîer C.ood wjnris Tht bappy couple left an tht âfternoon train for ibeir future home in Man- itoba. The besi viabes of the CHRONICLE (oliov ihem. Stmaeded. The Frenchs gypsies visa vert camped out -il Vounga voodm last (ail are nov strauded isi outside the limits of tise dlv of Londou. Tbev were hal(' starved and almost naked .aud couid not mnove on as their horses had riuber heen stolen or had strayed avay. Tiacir onlv protection (rom thse bitter cold weather is their rude cames coosisting af tiieces of mstting ibrown over (rames. Pub- lic sympatbv vas aroused and piles of clatis- ing Âd ple nty of fo-d vas contributtd. GrueVi'ntetest vag taken lu the coiony uhen it vd leamnted tisat one of the vamen isad given bu is 10t a child, tise 11111e ont being usisered loto tise vorld visen tise mercury wau five beiou zero. Tise Grass-Jackson Case.i Came up for hearing on Tuemday nigist.i Ouly tise de(endaut's eviderce vas taken.i Grass ated tisai on tise mocning after tise municipal election he vas au Pringle's cor- sier in conversation vits some other men when Albert Jackson came doue street.1 Albert Jackson made smre remnrk, but hei <Grossl did ual isean vsaI vas said, isavieg, star-ted for- his store. Albert ealied againi ed amked visaI isad been sald tise nigisî he- fore. Grass remarked tisat ise vas not iu conversation wiîis Mr. Jackson. and pro- ceedtd up stnett, visen he noiiced Tisas. Jackson rsinning tovard hlm, pîîlliug up bis seeves. Thomsas miade a passata Grass, visa rata tovards bis store. Ht slîpped int tise store a ad Jackson slipped b>'. Tise door bas neitiser boit, lateis or an>' olier (astener bel a large lock. Tht dean visen col locked la iseid sisut b>' an air spriag. Grass r-an be- heild thte cunter te tise place viser-tthe key ls usueily hung. Tise ke>' vas mot ie iaý place. Close b>' la>' a -package cf knives witb tise sampie laying ou top. Nothieg eisc liing lsatsdy lie rabbed tisanmd rauto -tise enadcf tht counter. Abert Jackson vas Ai the. door. Gros told Jackson not to dire to coe n.u An intercisange af eplîliets took 'lace. Allier-t opene-d tise daor grd placed is foot laside Grass sîepptd for- uart *kthe bapdie qf tl4e door n lihi. em~ donéà, ,Jackson am ott& Stsulin. ÀÎper o> & -*ltggb teopas lthseurm. QGriM s iislanebiws&4ý(bueii.ofii,. do1v end <àade<a aIb St jatiti oftln tsd - in e o ilt llasbut te friglteu li tasm>, -sud MA muet know ta b d stablieJackson Mr josbioxwotp n PSWspnta fev 4ays -m week Visiîl bis broUser, Mr Sid ut Who- je able o aruc agin, M intown on Tuesday list.V Mr John à§6 g~ÇJrombsac having almogt eyu* 1~dT dent ut tise Junction station. He says lie do«s not remember snythinig about tise acci- dent.t Mis. Gerrie-Srnith, of Hamilton, W!ho vasa in town. durfiig tisê>at veek, the guest of Mis. Aunes, left onTueaday wîth Mra cýar7,t of Hamilton, for Naffee, where they willi viait for severul veeks.1 Tise Grand Truuk Raiivay lu cutting1 dove the numIser of bonds employed on1 their Une I id off Mr. Jna. Patterson and Mr.à Tho%. Rooke. Mr. Patteson bas secuiredi emplayment in thetaîsnery.1 Tise public ibrary board inteeds cele-. braîing the Soth anuiversary of the forma-i tion of tht library by a conver-azione In tht hall- Oddfellovs' building - on Moudayi evening, Febi îti, at 8 o'clack. Adimission i 5c. Brer, Clarke, of the Pickering News, vas in toua Saturday. Ht la boring under hlm office (or gold, coal, gag or mnvîhing else tbat may be Secreted lu tise groucd there, and took aur valuable opinion as ta thse gea- loscical formation he ln fanding there. On puîting aur pouerful minds tugether on tht question ut coucluded 10 besast isfied viîh any sort of minerai, that vii lfanm tht ground yack for a mining, prosoecîing, develop- ment, invesi ment aud llmittd campany, uith a capital of(siaoaao,ooa, ta be dlvided op la one bu ndred m ill1ion ahare of tee cents tacli, wsiich shores viii be placed upon the market at ane cent each until ail foals day, uhen1 the price vill bc raised ta one-and-a-halfg cents per shore. This la designed to meet1 tht requiremnents af people visa co-uld not1 raise five cents ta boy stock in the Rassland mines. We vculd requtat our esteemed fritnd, Inspectai Ferguson, ta peruse aur Oshawa neysasnd he viii sa" vier-e Whitby vauld find itssel( if tisere vert no eigistwmîciman emplaytd. Ouhawa, trltd ta brave tht threats of tht fiee undervnitra mnd afier Mlarch i st vîli be classifitd at one grade higher rates o( insurance. There are stili those ln Oshawa ubo uai to go mia orne lire Instasce company outaide tht uinder- wriers Association, but tht sound business mtn are almnoat unanimous la trying ta meet tht requirenienta of th-t body. Osh- swa viii nov bave to face the dictation of the underwriters, ubereas if s uatchman and baud extinguishers bad been securtd there vauld have been no trouble. IL wyul be an icieresiing siudy for al uho appose s vaîchuan here to a scis the pragress tht fisght belveen tht toue of Oshava sud tht fire underwriters. That toue yull nov have ta comply viih every demand ai the associa- îian's inspector or psy higiser rates. Whit- hy uould suifer tht same fat if it veretot dispense vitis its watchmnan. Temple of Pane Thîs (Friday) evening is the everiiug vien you shauld hurry off ta tht music bail ta st the ave liieramy and spictacular production under thse auspices of the WCTU. Midland Hockey Association. Tht folloving table shows the standing of thse teamns lu this league Won Losi Ta play Port Hope Whitby Boamanville Cobourg Oshsawa The Liberal Cabinet. 4 O 4 2 t 5 1 2 5 a 2 6 O 2 6 Sincti the announcemeut hast veek o( the prcmnium picture ubhicis goes vits the Week- i y Globe there bas been a general rush ta secure it. 25 cents added 10 aur ciubbing rates lom a fine pIcture of Mr. Laurier sud bis minisiers is a mere uaîising. It la a fine womk cf art in ibree colorsansd gives a per- fect likenesa of(every trember of tise cabinet. We hope ta mcii several hundrtd during tht mnonth of Febmuary. Chum-h Notes We note (rom tise Port Hope Guide tisai Rev R Malleit, (sîher o( Rev J H Mallett. Scugog, bath of vhom have bitte removed either voiuntamily or (orcibly (rom metbod- ism. bas been diismissed from tise Harner- item. Rev Thos Manning, M.A., prtached a good sermon on Sonday cigis ou tise sele- tion of literature ta read..- iis main attack i-s upnthe books visicis bave naoailier liter- ary virtue but a plot, visicis excites tise mind and nerves to a greai extent over a piece of pure matten of imagination. Sucis rý adiug caucat improve tise mnd sud yl certaiely vreck tise nervous systeun. Th. port Perry B ail Thse bachelors and benedicts cf Part Ptny have isaued carda of invitation for a ball ta be held Thursday eveeiug next, Feb. zitis. at the toue basinlutiai place. Tise hcnarary.aecre- tary im Mr H G Hutcheson ;tise lady patronesses are Mrs Parrish. Mis Adams, Mrs Practon, Me Paterson, Mis Hutchesan, Mrs Sangster and mrs MaGili;, and the stewards Messrs W L Parnisi, H L Adams,_ Dr E L Proctor,R G Baird.[)r 81 bieo. F G McMihlae and H G Hutcheson. Thost ubo remembèr tise exceed- îngly pleasant affairs ofthiis kied given le fariner Ve&ssby tise Port Perry people ueed no better iuduoement to attend one aan Farina ntte Tise meeting osf tise farmers' instit heid bere on Tisbmsdsy last vas cot vel attended by (armers, oui>' a feu comieg lu 10 bear tise addresses. Mr Wm Renaît, of tise Model Facm, is lise principal speaker, sud devotes isimsît sîmosi exclusivel>' ta dealing vils tise sou. Ht bas studied detpli mbtise subject of (ertiliziag. Ht dlaims that land sisouid be pioved but once lu four yearu, visea breaking up sod. His ides le tb seed dove aud grou grass or ha>' for two ytars. Tisen plov sud gnou bot crop or pesu. The fourtis year gnou -fasuer spring wheat sud seed doue, lHe holds tist to maintaln fer- tilit>' tiere muet be vegetable muatter cou- stautly goiug lu tise r-oiltt iin ust hé de- compostd sud retalued Ior fèedng grevwing plants. B>' setdieg doun vitb red cloveir and using barujard manure tht soiu can h. kept in gond condition. For tht une plow- Ing lu tacis fou-r years lie ujond tsarsover about six ladies ofsoiU.Whes 5>11-getoso poor that doyen uli not calth lie advis ts soviug pes and ploviugt,ttie green trop doun, after uhicli buckuhestmy Ïhésoya ad served the- saine. Mr Rbislels plan vouid rendier farming tht saslest audopes-Of t1je ciemnest jas luanyUneliofutbudqmbeuand ifbheiserigbt'aud 'tan spreed bis idesspec- pi e yul soon be flocking býath to the faim insîead of mvi>' (rom IL Mr -Wbestley, t Lambton count>', bas cnough siopies Of bad vends of Canada ta bang up a on one aide of :% hall, sud fie - aika , -dt on tht subjeet. Ht regards tht Ioll<eiW1ng as 'th- mast dangfyous t Rusaln Itle,,peremuti eau tWitite, prickI ltd le"ýtttute, Ã"x..ye dis>', vild bariey# uild cati and vtld tirei 1Tht best way to hii ltlaem la by i . rop. or otber constant -surface thùiwtlôàl-IMr Wbestly als offi5t 4be -model m M sd sOon t lat 1 bo1l 1defmS c t »O*.eiés 4f nyb t culture. 5Kt wlJ Ptal W, * aSoI Sm ud -W~fsh bume ont. cd ~ udry. lhasrent ~is 5 etedtbs$ib ateqaidaoeat fie rem" cpiit viltb i l pàeiffl la ieoa'u 10bal ere - NmsSniay la qnartsrly mutité day la the teb ooe. Love feast commen mi930 in e fanerai Saturdaafternoon of the 1- fumi son of lir. snd Mms John Thotupson vai largely attended. Tht child was il but two daya. Mauch synipatby is feit for the suddenly bereaved parents. A woinan (rom east of Oshawa passed througb here on Suuday on ber vay to To- ronto, ieading a barge. If vue gatbered the points of thse matter correctly she stated tisai se had divided the bouse wlth her bus- baud, taktng tise aniside as ber share, vith a hors. added, visich sbe vas taking to To- ronto 10 sei, se intends ta atart the vorld anev on the pruceeds ai the sale. W H Piper's mustangs îook a filie rueavav tbrough tise tou e staerday. Wisen in front of thse OusONItCLE office ane oft ilwm :ook itjeta ils bead 10 bave an scrobaiic performan.eansd proceedcd ta mmr a somersault ai fu speed. Thai as wbai many fly people iry ta do in ibis Iord, and they slway, corne out exactly as the horse diti ilis us imcranks. Il gat taegied up ini the haines;, and cui an awful figure. About fiftY gsihered round ta help raise the mustang up, and i vent off ail rgigaîan. The toun coueil bad sa field day on Ttiesday nigisi. Thinrs appear ta bave bern mc nmanager! ibat noîther Depuîy Scoat cor Otunacilars Jack- son or Robsan bave had ati opportunity to attend the cauumittea meetings, ubach tbey say are held on thse bale-and-camner principle. Whaîever 'DRY be trtie about thîs there can be na doubi thai ihese ttembers are ta be shut aut inje cc. and bers is thse secret of ail the mtinis. The tbret may be short uhen ilucornes toa aCount of nases, but an the point af talk snd fighîtbey are ail cOrkers. As ta thse maneer in uhicis the toue business la being baadied. ut leave people ta farmi their ove judgmeei. Binths At Wbitby, on Wednesday, Jan 27, î897, the wife of Mr John Gibson of a daughter. At Whitby. on Monday, FebIsat, 1897, the wife of Mr Thos Harris of a daughter, (atillharo.) M4AsNIN-At Wbitby on Wednesday, Pcb. 3rd, tht wife of Rev. Thos Manning of twies, a son and daughter. Ob foS Manitoba and Europe. Ob for Mdanitoba and Eurape. See Ste- phenson,. Wbitby, for cheap tickets ta and (rani Eegland. Seotland, Ireland, British Columbia, Manitoba, California, ail United States and Canadian pointa, anywbere. everyvhere, boat., rail ar ocean. Rates guaranteed right Thraugh tickets from Pickering, Taronta, Myrtie, Brooklju and Whitby. SeceB. Stepbensou, ý,4 bitby, be- fore travelling, and gel choice of tee be8t ocean fines. Hockey Notes. Cobourg pisys Oshava as ve gr) to press. Ciaremnont beat Uxbridgtà on Friday 3-0. Port Hope pîsys at Bouinanvile this Fni day nîgbî. Cobourg juniors are expected here ehrly next veek. Port Hope wilI rua a special car up on Friday the îath Don't (ail 10 tee the game. Oshawa, ubo plaved Wbitby to a draw on Mouday nigisi, viii play their first game here on Monday evening the î5tb. Cobourg juniors have challeag-ed aur jun- iors bave cbaltenged our juniors for a gam,« on Tuesday evening next aud bave been accepted. Tht Oid Orchard hockey teamn could coi corne to play iast Saturday on accoucî of having te play a cbampiacship match vîtis U3 per Canada Coilege. Prospect Park that la piaving a close game wvitb tpper Canada Coilege (or-cÈi,,mpion ship in the ciîy league, pluys bete Saaurday afteruoon. Game called 3.15. The greatest game a( tbe season viii be played here on Fridiay tht e2tb 1051, when Part Hope, ubo are lcading 1n tht league, corne to cross stieks vitis Wbiîby. Port Hope viii be bere on the î2th accorn- panied by a train ioad ai rotrs. A guar- antee listislabting gotteus up 10 secute a special traia ta convey tistin ta Whitby on tisai date. Raîti than disappaint tise lavera of hackey oa Sarorda'; iss, the home --iub went ta cocsid- erable expeese ta procure a teain ta flli in tht place ai Old Orchard, and then ibreu thse doors ope ta- the public free ai charge. Thse Whitisy junior goal tender must have had a tired feeling dorng tise match vitis Oshsava on Satordsy afternoon as he mai dovu maast of thetlimne. the puck beicg in tise vtîiciy aitise Oshawa goal. Tht assembly ai Part Perry bas bee changed from February 12th ta Thursday i tth, and Osisava bas cbmcged theirs (ranm tht r2th ta tise t9th, al awicg ta lise great inter-est taken iu tise Port Hope sud Wbiîby hockey match ta be played here on tise 121h. Tise doors aI tise ink verethIrovu open on Saturday aftereou in con"euece of tise match advtrtised to takce place between Wiithy's fi rat teste and tise Old Orchards af Toronto flot matei-iaiiig. Tise Osisawa intemmediate tesai plavtd tise Wilby Jun- iors sud vert defeated by a score of î9 z. Tise Juniors veut ta Part Perry on Tues- day eight ta shsowtise Juniors of tisat lavis hou ta play hockey but tbey nearly bud tise table tureed uthein. Tise juniors of Port may bea littît behind in s keovitdge of tise cules of tise game but tisey are (ast skaîers sud gond fstick isseirs, and before tise vinter lu over vili give a gaod accouni of tisernselves under tiese kilful sud patient coaching of gealal jack McCul<ougb. Tise gaine resulied 3 ta 2 i fayor ai Whitby. .Tht Wbitbv teatu vent la Oshawa an Monday ulgisi 10measure stickswvus thse teaul of that toue lu a sciseduled game la tise M H AXTise teains linedup as -follous : ýsiava-goall Lennox, point Hastings, c point Coadv, forvards, Frenchs. Hinton, A Coady, and Hobbs. Wiby-gcoal Brant, point, Stewart, c point Birneli, foruairds, Barees, Paquet, Sithiiasd Tbcmpsoti. Reterce- T Sykes. Umpii es, W G Waltera and P McDougail. Fur tise fir-st ten min. utes.anuexhibition of goW dcitaishockey is1 vieved by thse spectators, tise .Wbitby tes-u doiug' some gond teissus rkmand havlng 4 goals tiseir credit, wvile Oshawa-bail. notched one. Prom tien te hall Urne iseavy checking, slasbing sud vood copo characteciztd the game. Ai tht Mlo, ofle kIlstle Oshsaai a cord 2 more goals, nsaling the score 4-. Play vas- reaurned ulacu Embu o securiug thet puck *0-slide scored lu o"e minute: 3 minutes lâtei' Paquet shot tht puck. betwieth le Ouhaaa pae.Off aide play vas chia r-risflc',o( Hste i sd tuice agalu h. portd h# au 4ff side.- pis>. BeClore-the Cal1 oftlm~e Wbl*hy oi4ô e ntmore, maklg thée s'#616 team scored. By' mitual .g -reenitlb. tob.playe -ov -§eseêYtts fuîi tÀ l. a 8J-0: 1> - .4 . - t-ý.. ,- I- i 4 .j tiaf ru~ < ~ ~ - /j i i, - i .I ~n -- , t-ý tdis !n % .0 Beliable goode at poeitive Bargains have been the attractive features of'this anntzal event, and the success which we have attained in the paut je directly due to our VERY LOW PRICES. Ibhis great sal will preaont the beist bargain chances of the entire season, We itemize below only a few special bargain.- as 5f418 100 Ladies' Oloth Jaekets, blachu and colons, yl boe losed ont (for your. choice) at the abeurd price of $2.00., AU our MILLINERY will b. clearedl out at cost and under. Bee our $3.00 Rats for $1.75. Bee our $2.00 Hats for $1.00. 0. AUl our ladies' UNDERCLOTHING Che very beat goodea t ver>' laouet 1 prices. Soeour ladies' Vesta at 25e., worth 50e. Drea Gooda, Remuants in Dr... Gooda, Flannels, Printa, Sateens, Linons, ete,, ail to b. oleared out st very close prices W. bave the best and cheapesi Dreas Gooda in town. If>' ou waut a nice PLAID BLOUSEj or DRESS b. sure te ueours. Se. Our Plaide ut 25e and 5o. Fancy Blouse Silks st 25a, 50e and (35c. i E'. STE ýW ART, BARGAIN DAY Nov in the. dîne to get a SUIT or am OVERCOAT made to or-dor. ur pricea and stylos are right. Be sure t&. ealud ndao our good». No one ean ben% our priees. Gents TIES, SOCKS, SHIRTS, UN DERCLOTHLINO, etc, at riglit prices. All goods lérkd st Lowest, CASEH pRIOE8. W~ITBY3r SALE 0F RE*M NA NIS rAr E~AILE Saturday Febe FRICE 6thd 1897& We will offer Remnants from our different departments on Sat- urday, Feb. 6, only, at one Haif Regular Price. REMNANTS COTTONS, LIN ENS, DRESS GOODS, RIBBONS, LACES, FLAN NELS, TOWELLINGS, MANTLE CLOTHS FRILLINGS, BRAIDS, SHEET [NOS, SUITS, JACKETS, SHA WL, TIES, mi u. r ipo, GAUNTLETS, ODD ULSTERS, OVERCOATS, BATS, TABLE COVERS, DRESS LENOTJES FUR COLLÂRSI 1 2 DRES8 TRIMMINGS, ETC. LACE CURTAINS,ET.jEEiIflu Don't fail to attend this Bar gain Day Sale. Corne. e -arly. w Go -WALT-ES The Pruldent }Iousewife will serve lier New Year's callers witha cup of our Special Blond Pure Java. andý MochaCffe ,Md thus obtain the m qnality'si minimum coat. Fresh ground ,,wI&ile you, wait. M.C Headsof Familles- WHO Study ::Eeonomy will1 find it to their ia1terests tobu -AND- -FROMu- -it<-x LAw: 8 ;iimý .04. a a * m - --.a .8 m m 0 ý 4bweý 1 '

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