Whitby Chronicle, 12 Feb 1897, p. 1

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eA. 11e Aluinl .Chem ist and *.,Druggist, Headquarterg for Pure I)rugR, Chemicals and ail Patent Medi- cmoes. Fresh Stock SPONGES from le. to$1i. Tooth I3ru8hes, Nail Briushes, Cornbs, and ail Toilet Articles. V.IA H. ALLIN, CHEMIST & iiRU(;GIST, WHITBYP ONTARIO. Est&blished 1849. Whitby Steam MarbI8 and Graoitc oràs, Dundas St., WH ITB Y. 'Chas. H9. Smith, (Pormerly Wolfenden Works.)im- porter and Dealer iu MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS, Etc., o the latest material and de-ig-ns. Ail kinds of Cemetery work. Our work guaranteed- r»-iN oR DEsIGNS Anti PRICEs. FARM TO0fiENT First-clasa Dairv Farm to refit , o acres, îbo tinder cultivaton, balance pasture >Weil watered; on Vonge %trieî, six niieý from Toronto. A. S. JOHNSON, 6o8S Church street, Toronto. Feb i 1, 1897. WINDMIL LS. -0---o Geo. Aflin --.oO Selle the Genmine ÂERMOTOR,, of Chicago. lntendiug purchasers sbouid examine this mil before placang their order. Do not let an agent put an imitation on you wben you can gel the Genuine Ae:niotor, tboroughly gaivaîîized, and warranted, for lesm moîîey. More os these mils sold in Canada to-day than any other make. The Aermotor Co. claimn tfiey sell one baîf the number of wand- aInil outilla soid in the world, at the present lime. Mr. Williamson, of Orangeville, sold 127 outfits durkng the past îhree years. Ali styles of Wood and Iron Puinps for Any information regarding these outfits will be freely given by writung to0 Feb 7, 189-6mO. OBO. ALLIN,' W H aTB5V TENDERS Sealed tenders will b. received up 10 Mdonday, 12 o'clock, Feb î5th, for to corda greenu and îc cords dry, good beech and maple wood, to be delivered at the colleg- late Institute, Wbitby, as early as possible. Address tenders to the undersigned, A. M. ROSS, chairman achool properî>' dom. Wbitby, Feb i1, '97-1 in. Farm for Sale or to fient. Lot 34 in the rear of 1h. 3rd con, of Wbit- b>' township, contaiuing aoo acres of good land, higbiy cultivated. First casas build- iugs and orchard, and a good atream. Ap- 'plyto WM. BAILEY, Wbiîby. Feb ii, 89-tf ~WêSTERN BANK 0F CANADA. <lapitalAiithriad $19000,000 105000 BOARD 0F' DIRECTORS, JolEMCowÂII, EsQ., Prealdeni. R*VenuM S. RÂssLIw, ESQ, Vice-Pren. S T. H. MCMILLIN,- -Cser O*eiilýnkingBusiness tru4od.1 l0WO , p*yable lu ail parfts ofts'ii Unktd SýWtsuad on Aondou-Efg Wde14sl Parts of Euper' Swdon Siavinga ank ec, t lal fyearly. LOCAL NEWS LETTERS, CIsONIcLu COauSPOîqDNCE. jMr. Wmn. Wbitc h ýat present very MI. Mr. and Mr@ Albert Major vas with frieads iu the city last wrek. Revival services are being beld lu the. baptist chaath this week. Mns Couli-r bas bt-en very rnucb indisposed ibis week but as meudîng. Mr and NIrs 1ludaon Pugh was witb fa-ends lu Pori Lnaon last Sunday. Mr and Nîrs Sr.-etsville is here with their uniec, Mr Di>vid Turner. 'Or sud Miss Poucher, of Toronto, is witb ibeir sisrer, Mrs A E Major. Mr El Wilson as gettaug things imb shape to -rt-ct s new barn next summer. VL I.WI-IITBY, ONTAR10O, FRJDAY, FEBRUARY1, 1897. N.i BIoiI New Rass rookIls. ha eer Ck snds, 2gcessar it cheaer5tCantever.quake sitands.25 cents frit bow'.sets25 cents.quart itcher 2 cs 6peatssts3 et.H Mr. A Ketchen bas made a sale of bis Mani- toba farm tbrough bis agent at Carbenr> getting $3,000 cash for the 32o acres. The chaîdrejaoa the Presbytriu Sunday- sohool had their chrisîruas last Friday evening. a montb later than usual ibis year, but st was none the less enjoyable for that reasn. A large coin- psny was preseut, there being a Rood represent- a'îon of parents lu addition 10 neariY atl the chaîdren whorse naines are on the roil. A splen. did entertalument was Riven by the littl folk sud dariug an intenmission. bags containing nuts and candy were distributed 10 youug sud old alike A collection %%as taken which amnounted to $9 o6. Hall of this ha@ bren sent td theeh, id- reu's h'ptl orouto, sud the balance tn the Armnenias (und. Mns. A W*%ilson, formerely Miss Annie Step. benson, died at Claremout Isat Fridav naghtafiter Th-rt- bas bren a gi-iat quantity of legs tlarown i (rom the residence of ber beother-in-law. Mr o oft at the- factory this wiek.1 Waring. Mrs Wilson bad beer. marrard but sax MNI. Chas. Reesor aud Mn. Wm. White lest methe. each a cow tasa week by deatb.i Several of aur yaung men are bard at wo.ak The ladies bapti.t massion ctrcle mec theimra kang an open skarang nink lu the field adjoin ing the Maaonlc hall. The venture as larRely an baptist chuîch on Tuesday afiernoon. ex perimen i but we hope il inay work alnigbt sud Tht-eeta satd ta be considerable dstemper pre- that the>' ma> succeed in making a good sheet of velant an some of the 3tshies lu the city. ice. A ârood covered nink would aurei> psy well There bas bren a gi-et many hogi sold sud in this village. Someone wîîh mont-y te invest detavered (rom around here the tant week. should build one sud have il aeady for next Mr Wm Burton bad R bei, last week haullniz stuter. Stone. He intend% ta put a fcundataon under bis Miss Neal of Park Hillisl here visiting ber buildangs. cousin Mass Mai-v Neal. Mr. anid Mes. Poynter accompanard by Misa Sweet biscuits, six kands mixed, 3 Ibs. for 25 F-rgusimn, of Cherrywood, apent Sunda> withCents. Ho1lrfY Bras. fnends bere. Ma-s Snell, accornpauied by ber busband and The ni-thodist congra-gation bas declded to tva children. la visting ber sister, Mes, W G change the anuiversary sud it viii net b. bi-d Medland. Me and Mes Snell are froua Gladstone tili some an March. Mantloba. Tht- scruti>' of votes cast lu tht-rt-cent bv-lsvý The revtval meetings lu the Methodiat cburch on local option comnienced hi-fore j udge Dant- are now lu the fifîh week, sud the inierest as soal] neil ou Mcnday last an Pickening, vell maintaaned. These services bave bei-n a Mr Aiberi Thoruton bas bren lu ah. hocpital means of b;essang to many. sud ha.,,ieiurned t0 bas home bei-e. We are Dr. Lmbi> twil pri-ach ai Kinsale ucit Sun- pieasr-d ta are bas anspeovemnent. day es.enln)g, sud Ri-v. j S Clark. of Whaîby watt Quartr-n meeting was hi-Id lu the- metbcdist have charge of tht service bei-e cburch las( Suasday niorinng. Quate a few îrom We were somewbat startled te notice hbis thet etrh tue chuich attended. posted the other day waîb the fallowling beading. Mr. nd rs.%4cov,%whobasbee spndig "Grard tes sud entertaigument vali h. given by Mr.aodMes Mcoywbobasbein sendngthe- Kinsa!e S S ou Sabhatb, i4th ins.' Ou tht- wnter an Newcaust le. has reiurned, and s at fuma ber reading, thougb, ve fouud that the. tes pi-etawaîb Mi-anid Ma-s. Sleigh. and eutertaanmeui were not ta be on Sunday Mr, Adar Spears, of Atha. bas got the con- after %11, but good oitbodox preacbing services tract oftsiapp:itng wood ta the scbooJ sud as at lnstead, wtb the tea etc., uthe folbowiag Tues- pi-asent engaged a det iveeing the samnebei-e. day. Mmas Tumbieston, of Toronto, as visîaîug ber Messr-s. Sheriau and Sherry of Toronto, horse brother bei-e. Mr. Jas. Kayes, for tw0 weeks. buyers, vere hi-ne on Tucaday, sud an uuusuatty She bas but reci-ntly came out of the hospiai. lange number of boa-ses were offei-ed. more pet- A lady in tbas sectaon took a pan cuabton spart haps iban wcre ever bi-ougbt together ai one lasi wa-ek sud fouud urar!y thi-te bundned nte-r point in ibis couti> for sale. Fromn these tbe les. besides maaay other dafferent kinds of pi-ada. buyers ptclaed eleven fins animais, paying (from We are sort-y to say that Mr Thas Todd is $o îol8îco, the average price beang a buudied mucb vorse He nov bas ta b. kepa undea olr.Aogtee h & eeMDo opium mont of the tame, the pain beang s0au- lutile John Gordon, IJno Neshitt. R M Maîbew- tenseýsoin, S Stocks, R Radgees, lob Wbite sud Juo vuli a ew-atenien>meann avasa.ry silvce ht-éd at LOI prebyterian cbunch ut Ctdan Gi-ove. sud tie Ceute-nasi methodasi churci ai Poa-t Union on Sunday lisar Mr Jas Sidei, an aId Whttevale boy. bas late Iv bt--t marîaed inu Sunderland. Elan Thouihheis fan avav bis arany fiai-s hbe i. speak for biam evea-y bappatiess. Ma- John Wilson will bavér a sale on the sob of Fi-braay of faim stock. Has cattle lsa al good short boru stock sud bas borses are ti splendid conditaon and will doubtîtas briug top Tht- farmies'institut. brld for'h lu Wilson's bail on Tnui-sdsy tast. Tht arien lance vas large sud the addresses, especlall>Me Reunie's, vas excellent. Tir Wbarevale quartette st%-l ptaad spiéndad music. .0 Wbjle Miss Manion Pugh vas comiug homei fi-ans Claremont the othea- day ber fhons. took fa-ght and rau awsy, ihroviug ier out. She was not anjured in anv way. Tbe hors. was catigbr beltiatprocea-ded fan. ' Mn Gee. of Pickering. bas been huyngappies bere froua several lai-mars ta send 10 ah.enRglisb mar-ket. He pays about saxîy cents a bai-ael, and alë apWles are four dollars s barre]lu Eng sud. somebody mtist ruake no liatle amouca. The B Y P U social that vas hi-id as Ma-. joseph Larigbtan's on Friday ilhtIsat vas quite s success. Tht- elocutaan of the Misses Taylor, Richardson sud Phillips vas mos t honoughty erjoyed as veil as the music fua-nshed b>' the choir. Praceeds i5. The baud, under their nev leader, Mr. Hugb Pugb, serenaded Mr. John Larkiu ou Tuesdsy nigbt last. John is a good felIov sud feu aDIleu did Bter bis necent veddang sud tnip. The boys bad a mosi enjoyable ture neud vent borne viab tvo big Vs luin the easurer's pocket. Saucethe abolition of tatI gaites ou Kingston road, tia îoroughfaae bas developed moie gen. ceai traffic than bas been known fat tht- iasît tn yeaes. Every day there la a continuonus streain of vebicies ai allItlanscaeryiug att kinds of pro- ducts whicb reminds résidents of fifi> years aga. On Monday uîght lasi à gang of thse young dudes atound tovu vent ont sud cbarivaried a newly mranied couple., l't-y gat consiaerable swkagg sud with ib the>' sent tva of their crew ta Markbam and gui a hig jug of vhiskcy. Af tee loading Up ahe>' proceededta the bail room and lie be illghca-nival tilU nearly dayligbu. The stove pipes were knocked danin and-cvery lengt ai pipe vas kidèeal loto swmany cacledbats, sud ne ans wa%Ç able toasleep vithin yefling dis- tance of the. yonng hoodlams. A member of the York aountpinSeonii ba, ve observe, giveld notice of a motion Iavoeiug abs emptoyment of convict labor on the roads. There ares. evmars dafficiait peacuicai prohiems lu Socloagy nov pressing for Wsajuthan that of providing useiful labar for ahI. bodiedprsn ers witbaut unfair camupetition wiii recelbo. Airnasi eveevone yl adrditt hepropriet> sud necessit>, that couvimt who arec able te vork, sbould be maade te wordkarsher tissu be support- ed- lu Idienees at thse expepse M the bons ans industeicus. The obvkiýocodtioh ftiat tise worli shahb. productve b.d thal t l » t soenarlessontht Ceaa .-oeplioymest, or Ïsgeat honnelaoorseaCl an>' lina of indtisty. Thebe Ofairad-nmakl snd roSad-mbeudlngla liad, 9eakb.sd4anhusk ed in qum-ily. t Miss Plowmnan is ih uetof M 1p j Mcdd.î Me Will Bcynton, o Torçeto, Speat Sunday at homwe. Miss IRboda Spton i. s tfiends' ln Cedar t)le Mrs MRKe1aid to Uà:Wd& have been *apending fêlw daïmith 'Mrs Eigarl. D da: Penu -e 7h Ms dgar 'Ce1 ,O é, den, sistçrotI Dr Lambly wiIl preach a special sermon ta the children and tbe membePs of the Sunday schçaol an tbe Methodiat cbnrcb uext Suuday morniug. A public meeting will be hi-Id in the counicil roomu on Thursday e'easnn, î8rhinast., at 7 30 p mn, for the put-pose of conaidering the organaz ation of a Young Men's Christaan Association, under the managemunt of whach frire instruciion an varions branches of education may be given to is members. Ail are invited ta corne tai discuss the mater, a.nd bear wbat bas to 6e said witb re gard to it. Mr Luke Robinson jr., wbo bas been assistant stiperntendant of tbe Loudon street raiiway foi a year or more, was home on Wednesday, baving :9topped off ou bis way to Montreai, where be has received the appoinnâment of super intendant of the. Montreal Park and River ral- way. We are- pleaSed ta congratulate Mr Rot> anson on bis ad vancement and hope h. may bave stîfl furtiier sucesa-W & IH. BR ATL, IL - lieuer of Mais Licenses Realdence opposite Town Hall, Brookili. A A MNEBLY, D V S-GradUaI. ocite On, tae-o Veterinary Coliege, Toronto; BoMrari menîber of tii. Ontaiolo edical iety. Ta-sala ai! lissaseof lb. dtne,îetd animais by <h. muet appov.4 nethod. Aise piatieular atention ta urohi operations and dsntlstry. Day or night cele pftmptly attended ta. Office and reuidano BrokiUm SPECIA FEBRUAY : PR/CE LIST FOR CASH BUYEES. DRY GOODS-Overcoats and Ulsters, wei'e $5. $6 50, $10, $12, reduceil t0 84-.50, $5 50, $7 and $io. Heavy Shaker Shirts, ,oc. Black Sateen Shirts, 50c. 32-40 Shaker Fiannel, 14 yds for $1. 36 ln Grev Cotton, worth 7c, for 5%4c in 10 Ycf lengtha. 36-lu Union Sbeetiug for 2oc yd. Caps, meu's or boy's, in clotb or curl, clearing out at cost. GROCERIES-Choicet Coffee, geouud fromt beans, special. 42C per lb. Our special bleud coffee, 32C lb. Enitlisb breakfast cof- fee, 25c lb.» ',Ludella," "Liptipu>s" and "Ben Hue' Ceylou Tesai 25c. 4oC and-4,c. "Victor': Japan tes, apecial imrpofiation, 25c, or 4%,,,lb. toi fi. Scaled herringu, utew, 2 bores for 25c. Mixed pickles, fftra qua-; ity, 2 boules for 25c. Best pznk sIo. 2' tins for 25C. Mized nuts, 2 lbo for , 3-lbj bar best laundey aoap for'J 17C. "Ever Ready» l Coihes pins, 3 doz for toc. Webee': mince mneat, troc package, makes two large ý. pies. Castile -or onatueal 505e, 4he for 25C. Butterpik oalmis-a 5 Clover houe>', extçact4d,j4c la& figa,,5c lb. L erfg, lb. PATjENIý ' WDlCU5Fs-efâ@a1a.l,!ý large boul, 35e. L'e inls 4 " otilé5' ioc., Bef, Ion and iisô 8 y pf' île. Copfgb 4rçps, 2SJSJOhS t ard tnpdcfnb at cuiM Pdt1is.- 1r MANCHESTEA Mrs D) Reese is visitiug with ber daughter in Toronto.. Mr Jos McClintock bas returned home (rom Trinity for a short urne. Mrs j R Heard and pupils will give a grand concert in the towu hall here some lame soon. Messrs J Thompson and F McClin- tock had large bees this week drasving saw-logs to Cairns' mil]. Me and Mes John Fersey returntd home last, week, after a visit with frienda nind relatives iu Park Hill. Miss Naomi Ewers, who has been spending somne well earned holidays with ber parents here, returned to Toronto on Wednesday last. The Rev Mr Weatherall occupied the pulpit here last Sabbatb eveding, on account of quarterly meeting at Prince Albert in the morning. A number from here went to Epsomn on Wednesday evening of iast week to attend a surprise party at Mr W C Heard's. AIl hada very pleasant lime indeed. The enteatainment given last Thurs- day evening by Mr Rowley, on the panapaphone, did not "-catch on"~ here. Most of the selections given were not1 diasti nct enough, con<equentlv they were pot ver>' bagbly appreciated. We will say, however. that the instrument is a wondefful invention, and if maore care wasa taken to procure such pieces as could be more plainly reproduced, At the Jauuary session of the coun- cil, that body saw fit to cancel the lease with the Scugog Gaine Preserve Co., o! certain roadways. and trouble seens to be brewing. At the meeting on Monday a letter (rom the company, setting forth man>' objections to action. taken. was rcad. The parties con- cerned, both for and against, seem greatly grieved, and ver>' Iikely a law- suit will be the only terins of settle- ment. These gentlemen from Tor-7n- te own;the marsh, anad te refrain from getting in trouble with their neigbbors are willing to psy liberailly te have the roadways shut up. Bust in doing se, they are not acting the square. and mauy are beginning to think them a nuisance. Besides a number of eue local sports dlaim the right of free ac- cesa to these roads, to have a sboot -when ihe>' desire. If sucb can con- scientiousi>' bo-granted; we would sa>' doe so; -but if 'game shôuld îight avec1 the fiue, what tben ? These cit>' gen- tlemen seen ver>' particular as to.baud- ing cîhers down, perhaps the *-obers" can play' at the same gamne. W. would suggest that the opposition lease tise roadway and then forbid the cempauy to trespass. P. C. GRAHAM. PORT PErETi Last Frida>' moruing luspecior Ferguson modeý- hieappearance ini town, sud inu wcre wondering whaî "lbiz" beoughî hlm bere. The Royal Templars will hold an "ai home" on this Frrda>' eveulng in the Sons af Efiilaud bail. An excellent prograîn bas been pnepared, besides refeeshinents will be served duriug the evening, sud aIl ai the Inw price admissi' -n of fifteen cents. A cor- dial invitation la given. 4 Tii. Canadian, John B Gough, Edwalrd Carswell, delivered one cf bis excellent lec- tures on temperance iu tuavu on Wednesday evtning. Mr Cars s'ei bas lbai noue cf bis virn, earnestness and humor. It is always a pleasure to bear that gentleman,, ud li fa always sure cf a good audience wheu lie speak in Port Perry. Musical honora lIa Wednesday'a Globe I se. that tvo o our town's youaag ladies, yvi : Mis Etel1 Willard sud Miss Leila Mehaner>', weSuc-. cesaful lu obtaiuiug second-claqs honoa in thc pianroforte departynent second year in 1 tbe Toronto Conseevator>' of àMsi .aî taèj rnid-winter elsaination. Mwiss Net4e Met Taggart af Myrile secuarei fient elasaonora for th ii. ta year lu tfi, Theoretical d.pan- ment ofbe saine ititution, Mieetlag of ResetSof Rducation. j At lb. first'ineet cf t4e Board of Edu. canbeld in thetiown hall, on .Wedr.çs4, eveaiug, 3rd hlm, the.foMinlg o4fcers werg1 dhuI> appatuted for cirrent, qar vipi-',-Citàr. mata, Ur ýE 4 'Yaeiold cal iru- balls et; ' retar>' *thoS i W cas; n s-tkqo hiaw meut comiitteeî*swi~~~t~ for the homne îeam put Up a Swift game as forwards, and if they would work together and more in unison they would be bard to beat. On Tuesdav evening z6&h mt Ux- bridge and Port Perry seniors will piéîy. This match is expected to show the mettle of the two teamq, and it 18 to be boped that no slugging wili he done by either teamn, as it la neither fair nor gentlemaîîly playing. Our boys expect the townspeople wiil give themn a good crowd, as the procceds go to their benefit. PaIIed to appear. The case of Qneen vs Hooey that wAs ad- journed to M1e 4th mast, came up before the magistrate. The prisoner was called by Chief Constable McKnigbî b)ut the redoubt- able Sam J Hooey of poetical faîne failed to show biS smiling counitenance. By tbe looks of things Sa m has taken French ileave, and no doubt his bail will be eïtreated by Crown Attorney Farewell. Had Sam. J. Hooey faced the music at the trial the pro- babilities are he would bave been clear as It was pretv weil known that tbe Crrawn bad a very weak case against him. As thinga stand now be la in a bad box as be will read- il1y fi nd out. 1Ifbe cornes back to Port Perry he can he arrested and placed in jail and kept tbere until bis own bail ia paid. It looks bad on Hooev's part to leave town tbree days before bis adjoisrned trial was to corne off, it shows that hie Is guiitv, and that is ni w tbe prevailing opinion of many citi- zenq. Sam Hooey and Barnev Houck are believed to be the ringleaders in ail thoft petty tbieving cas"s tbat bave taken place. Dozens of citizens bave expressed tbemsel- ves as glad that both those boys bave skip- ped the country, as it ia sald there wlll beno more bousebreaki ng or other petty îbievlng going on in town. Town CounciL Met Monday rst i. lhe tenders receiv- ed were opened by the clerk and read. Rev Mr Fletcher came before the council. He said be appeared in the intereet of the pub- lic library, and bis object was to secure a grant for that institution ; be boped tbe counicil woold make tbe usual annual grant. Mr D Campbell's offer of $66 for rentai of town- scales (or r897 was accepted. Mr J Carnegie's tender for cordwood, cedar and cedar iccantling was accepted and that of Mr C L Vickery for pine plank. Tbg,,aud- htors' report as submttted was referrèd Io the finance* committee to report ai special meeting tn 6e called by tbe reeve. Messrs Watson Hodgsot,, Thos Werry and E D Rogers were appointed fence viewers. A gzrant of $2;l was made to tbe public library. The following was ordered to be paid.' Miss Btsnn, six weeks attendance on Rebecca Mincks. $12;« Wright & Co., wood and coal for indigents $~50; T j Wldden, goods, do., $1.85 ; Jones and Co. do., $594 W L Par- rish. zoods, $7.63 ; H Hall, repati to jail $Y. Aid was granted as frllows, S Houck, f$3; C Sbeey $3; Mrs Lewis $2. r Batemait gave notice tbat at a future meeting of coun- cil be wIll askle ave to introduce a by-law authorizing the council to issue debentures for- tbe sum of $iooo to meet the liabilities of the corporation. W. J. No-rT. Worth Knowing That oui1 prices are 25 to 4o per cent. GbIp- e than any piher undertaker la this dis- trict. That we bave the Best Hearse. and (the fin- est Casket Wagon sud Casket Sleigb in tbis county. Thet we conduct funerais wltb decorun,. That we takre more palus wthboer worf tban do tb. majority of tlndéierkm That we use kid, and liste gloves inteid of, C heap cotton gloves. Tht we use *approprlaté doose and>~su drapes. âfne floor ' mga, beaoulffl - eee tais and drapeuiia.Inblu ow~t,~ That we delivelr ail CaktsWM CKw4 our Caskeî WagXon or Cakee6.l That we &ive evé-y order eutpras.-d prompft attention. aptoaL*. - Miss Norton, Oshawa, la viaitlng at Me. E. Moores Mr sud Mes Gordou, Hope, are visiting friends in the village. The members of the. Enishillen E L C E are expecied to psy a fraiernal viuit 10 the Epworth L -ag te bei-econ Thursday eveuiug, Mr. G Law was unfortunate enouegh to bave maved abouitt 2jO wortb nf fed and implemonts ta the Humber farua near York Milla. on whicb the buildings were destroyed b>' fiee a few daya ago. The members of the Rising Star Division wbo atteuded District Division, at Maple Grove last week, report a very interesting session and speak very hilzbly of the way an wbicb they weee enter- tained b>' the residents of the Grove. The membees of Darlîngton Lodge, 8 O E B S.. atteuded the fanerai cf their laie brother sud physician, Dr. Lamminan on Tuesday. The es af the suddeu deaîb of oue so well known and respected, east a gicum over the entire village. VE-OOMATON Mr. Thos. Fraudas had g wood bec. last week. Oue "Mayor" la greatly exciîcd over the electlon. Every owner of a hors. and sleigb can 6e seen drawiug wood. Revival meetings are expected te beglu lu the Mlethodist church bere tibis vweek. Mr. Jo. Johnson aiîeuded the fune'raI cf bis cousin, near Cannington, this week. Mr. Jos. Thornpson's cow, whicb bas been sick for thc pasi few days, in slowly improv- ing.1 Messe. R. H. sud J. W. Glendinnlng and L. K. Oliver attended a pari>' at lPAT. Reid's 7th con. A pleasant time was spent ai Me. Cas- siday's last Frida>' evenlng, b>' s simber of our young people. TrOWN Lis£ Mr. W. Lee loat a valuable cow on Tues- day. Miss Taylor, of Toronto, bas been visiting et Mr. Irving's. Rev. Mr. Manning will peeach a mission- ar>' sermon next Sanday, Miss Iterr, cf Toronto, made Miss TraIt a vieil the firai cf the week. Mrs. Hall la haviug a wlud mill erccted on.ber farm, Mr. Allen is tb. agent Mr. A. sud W. and Miss Garret, from near Orilia, are visiting ai Mr. Rowe's. It Two Mr. sud- Miss Carmthers, sund Mis Lawson, cf Markhamn, viuited ai Air. D. W. Careuthees ovee Sunda>'. . - Mr. W. S. Gold sud famnl>' bave been sur- fering -witb a (orin of'grippe. Soine of theus bave bten quite sick; ail are better nw.- Mr. Woodrufila havi ng a welnn-s farm, the men have dug and drjI.d fol but sa>' la incllued t, bé drm, Mar. A. Jeffer>' cii down the lare whicb a:ood la froue of bis' place, i1 ly dend. One by one tbeoj are disappeazing. >- SM. Albetî wobas .l Kayfat,,*t e omd - last year, haedeilivered u grain at the wrebis time WltIb.up tbehtàutOf flot got another fsreW, y. have aakle bave ced-Ite« r 4 era l a a v i ' g .4 Ï4 Port Perm- ,fr Itt o re, trth 1wv q, ilid arm r foi-t. sud h oea the oursg tic

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