-~ ~ - A Common Affliction P ermanently Cured by Taking AYEVI-ari'la A CAB-DRIVER'8 STORY. «Il WSSamilcted for eltghtyear% witli ISaît Rhtun. DurIng that tm une, a geat rnany medicines which were bhi rec- omnesà ded, but nonte gave nie reAef. 1 was ai Iîst advised to try I&yer's Sarsa- parilla%. by a frieîAd who toid me that 1 mnuqtip'rcltase six botties. and use theni according t> directions. 1I >eiedd tîs peruasioti. bought the six botties. anîd to<tk, the ôontents of three ef these boL- tIi-sq withottt noticing an y direct benefif. Ilefore i had iuisbed Lbhe fuurtb bottUe, nmy lands were as Free from Eruptions as éver they were. My business, which is that of a cab-driver, requires me Lo ho out tu coid and wet ineatber often without gioves, and the trouble bas never rettrned.-Taom.A A. JoaxS, Mratford, Ont. Ayeî'S TheSaîSaparilla Admitted et the World'a Pafr liter'a Pilla Cieanse tse Bowela. OORRESPONDENOE PICKERI NG A crusaide te beine înanizurated in York County airetnst wire fencces, on the grounds ijat they are in)juriou8 to the roads wlhen the snow dies. So confirm.- ed ini this belief are some of our promin- ent residents that the Government wil bis s.ked to grant a stmai bonus to those who wull build board fences along thie roasi where drifts are knowrn to congre- gate. The v îpust have lîfferent kind of 5130w up tiiere, aseDur township couneil hats for a year been bonusing the erec- tion of wtre fences et sucb places, and the improvement in the road bas beeu ndmittAd. There bas not been suflictent. e00w Lo Loroughly test the vîrtue of wire fences titis season, but the favorable opinion bas lbeen acquired in previous yeaes. Considerable cvManges have been made in the managemient of affaira at the Grand 'rrunk station bere. As we said last week, Win batcbford, the night awitobrnan, bas beeri released. The night operator is required to perform more Work tbRn beretofore, and t.he day siwitchinats, Geo Seldon, bas; had the carrying of the rnais added f0 bis duties. It strikes us that te latter bas long heurs. -The fir8t passes up at 6 a m and the' last one in the ev-ntng at 9. Many Qchanges bave been mrade along the road, the principal objeet being the re- ducing of expe oses. à number of tbose wbo were ait the fanerai of the late Donald Stephenson, have called during the past few days and* eacii in tara stoutly affirmed that there wpsdfot a Farticle of truth in the report t.bat the poli-bearers and mourners were arwed for four that an attack would ho made upon dis coffin en route te the cernetery. We eot our information from the Toronto daily papers, und not seeing thO. sateMent corr6cted, sube3equently reprinted the sanie. XVe deeply regret thet tii. above papers were not more caretal ini publîsbing sucli star.ements8, as it leada other people to Lnale eLtements thet are entirely nnc-alled for-~ s ing good ime along tb. smooth surface, and Joje Wa to put on e spurt te overbaul it. Lt wp.s ploed in bis mit and taken to town, but died sbortly efterîi arrivai. I& i. a peculiar lonking littie creatue.e, about the size of a umail rat, covered with fine silky fusr, sas oft as seal. It ha. a ring cf movable filaments, probebly or- gens "of touob, et the. end of tb. snout. The. animal is a varity inU tus section. Tuésday motging a man comed Mer. 'naa ro ,eb bfore P. M. Molutyre ehrgd- wi£ ,-,Owg trout illegally eagt, IHo bad' *rrived in towncin Mondey evenng with asleigh ;J-oad of fine-frosaeaitasoefh*ip in o-elght pounds. and nTU~ proo.d. te 1sp~oohis OR, iboat çw. ow ;h li eoo"d isied te sin Do more-i biseality et lIeest. ,Tii. flsh wredrivai> upttee sidewslk 9D Kent at., and Constable John Crawford, acting as salesman, bcon dis'. posed ci the. lot et W'7 cent$ a piee figé orne flrst ssrvéd. It was iii.oheapeat flsb sold ru,. Lindsay for mnany e day, and it did'nit e more tien twentymnue to clean eut the lot. The amouxil recl' ized was a trifle Over 89, which waa placed to the credil of the receiver-gener- ai et the Banik of Miontral.-Wetchman. LINDSAY. Election of Reeve.-Owing to the. ro signation of Mr. Ray of the reeveship the. election of the successor is neeassamy. We learn tisai Mr. Touehborn who has been a member yf the council for tb. past eighe yea.ra, sit of which he was a cliairman of the street -and bridge coin mittee, je a candidate. We hope that Mr. Touchbbrn will be eleoted by acclama- tien, wbicb he well deserves, and thns sive the town the expentie of holding an election wbich would cost in the noiRh. borbood ef 8100- Tbie amnount would bis of more benefit te the ratepayers if spont on the etreets. Small thougla ht te tbero is; alweys oom for more than has been approprieted for this department in the pat. The flburton train, in charge cf Cznductor Johns, had a vory narrow os cape froni being wrecked on Saturday miorning. As the train was nearînà r the 1. R & O. junction driver Rlph Clarde and fireman Priceseaw twe berces on Kendrick's croek bridge. It was noticed that the animale were caugbL between the ties and could not extract t.bem selves. The driver reversed the lever and both he and bis fieman leaped from tîteir englue before tiîey came to the1 bridge for it seeomed almoat a certainty tbat the trati wonld be wrecked. Fer.' tunately', bowever, afier striking and1 killing the herses the train kept tbe1 track and after runniniz a short distance stopped. The herses were ibhe property et Mr. Wm Hlamilton and Mr David Morgan, and bad been hitched togzether and wbdle drawing a load bad runaway, clearing tbemselves off thie sleigb. The escepe et the train from being wrecked was miraculous, as it is more oten Lie case thst a horse is sofficient to throw at train off the track. - Hed the train beenf wreoked on tbe bridge, wbicb je @crue-1 wbet e frail one, thie dîsaster would bavec been eppalling, as thie day being Satur- day tiere were many paengers on board.- Warder. BEST IN THE WORLD. JuBt The Kind You Need. Paine'e Celery Compound the hope of Every Sufferer. Il CURS AND MIKS PEOPLE W[LL Are You Allingy, Anxious or Desporident ? Try 1 Bottle of The Great Health n Restorer. Trnly Paine's Celery Compound je Lie world's boaet end most efficacious medi- a cine. At this seeson yen need its life- gtving virtues and iLs bracing up powers. If von are suffering frein rhoumetism,s nenralgia, nervouneesa, yspepsie, blood digeasos, lîver or hidnsy troubles Paines@ CAlery Comnpound will Rive yen a newd OHILLIA On Tesaday, a gRirl about nine yeeri et agis ment te tbe Daly iiouito, pointed eut a horsae mhich a termor's mite hed driven in, and sqaid aseiras sent for iî. Tise vehicle ires givon ber, mie drove round feý tire companions, and took tAiem "for a drive." Wbsn Lie rigbtful oirner ep- plied for ber property. iL ires missing. Const.able Dreyer and Mir. Dely ovei-took the party et tise market, and Lie girl "cf- the firit part" mas aken before Police Magistrat. Lafferty, ira adininisterod e "écaution" and sent ber iione.-Packet. iiked by a 00W Mms. John Clintecais, East street, mes kieked by a ccir on Banday morming apQd seriously injured. Wbiie milking in the stable tii. animai beceme firightened, and had iiufliited somne terrible blowe miti its boots before Mr. Clinkecale mas able te rescue hs it ie. Mns. Clinkacal, is oer. iousiy bruised but tortnnately no boues are broken,-Timou. - euek .A.~ r v - w' -w-i Break Up a CoId in Time Dy USING PYNI- PECTORAL The Quick Cure for COjGmUI, COLDS, Czot?1, iBRUN- MRs. Issap.ii Noomicx. of 66 Set auutinAve., Torouto, mr'tça: 'nC , over faed b cui cUrd mci!eof a lu;tnîng ia tçsîroral ntitar remvue, bi L Uýn ilba 1aar' IP',fvn i10srotiermedc» cf Litl Roaher, N.13 tu acr o esiPt> ~~te~~ NCs eli< es*bv1 foionsVii hY5afo,ï. r, 4 4 4 q 7ý-. -- 7 y Y AlUN> ON8 dU8 TIFIED' The People df Ontario are Sat- isfied and Convinced, ALL WILL TESTIFY That Munyon has Kept Taith With the People and Made Good HIS PROMISES. His Remedies Are Becoming the. Safe- guard cf the Home. The people Have Trusted and Have Not Been Deceived. For nearly seven months nom the Mnnyon Rernedies bave been befome the people of Ontario Thsy wore repre- seuted as medical discoveries of more then ordîrtary value. Tbhey were repre - ented as atmiost certain eures for certain diseasesa. They irere put ont as safis home romedies wbich contd b. dependoîl ou in etnergencies or iuLhe treataient of any disease. The peoplu more told that Prof Munyon mouId teach thern to doctor themeselves Mothers mer. toid that with Muriyon's Guide v, fHeelts in thoîr bande and Mutiyon's Remedies mithin reach tbey could b. mother and family physicien a.il in one. Hem weli eveU promise han been kept the bundreda wffbhave found healti in Munyonsa Cures, irbo have had their pains and distresses remitved, cen testify. Mms James Millizan, 288 Bulier Street, WVoodistock, Ontario, says : -I have suf fered mitAi eatarrh and bronchial affection for thie pust sixteen ye'irs, and T1mau geL- ting morse each year. I had lest con- stiderable flesh and iras so e mee I ould eeareiy walk acrosLbe floor. I dector- ed with several doctors and tnied evemy thing I heerd of. even getting medicine f rom Newr York. The lest doctor tlId nie be con!d do ne more for me and I could not lie cnrt-d. 1i toit I could not stand iL mucb longer. I had a distressing etîugh, had te ait up in the chair niitht tifter night and ires, in fact, a physical w rec k. My family advised me to tmy M1unyon'so remedies. but I had no faitis. To please them I got Lhe Ceugb Cnrs. Catarrh Cure and Cetarrh Tablete. 1 îîoticed an improvement almoat from the srart. I ami nom feeling better in every way and cen de aIl my own mort, and aaI a mile vetbhout feeling timed. Mly appetite là goed and I fee I 1arn on the lîîgh moad to recovery. 1 have net felt so welI in nine years." Munyon's Rhonmatism Cnre seldoni faits te relieve in one ta tbres heurs, and cnres in a few days. Prie 25a. Miunyon's Dvspepaia Cure positively cures aIl forme of Indigestion and stoni &eh trouble. Prie, 2.5c. Munyon s Cold Cure prevents pnen- mnonia and breaks nap a cold in a foir ijours. Price. 25e. Munyon*s Con2h Cure etops eougbs, night seoats, allsys s<',reness, and speed ily beale Lie langs Price, 25e, Muinyon's Vitalizer restores lost vigar Prie, il. A separate cure for each diseaêe. At ail drnggistg, moetly 25c a vial. TREATMENT BY MAIL. Write Prof. Munynn Il and 13 Albert St., Trouto, for advice, which is abse-i lutely free. ho moat obstinate casesi iuccessfully treated in strictest confi lence. "Guide ta Healtb, ' F'REE. Brown's Corners W Montkiris has been on e trip threughout Hamilton bas meturned, home ooking hale and heamty. )ysm iapeer t Ebeneza- on--o6-L Quit. a rumpus hes cmigineted over Irawing gravel and as to wuic cn dram ho moit. Tise excitement mau gettingr ao great that iL ires thougiit best to lot thie job north of us by tender to seve KIDNZY PAIN. John Snell, of Winghaw, Ont., meagin a Maelstrom <of Pain JandAgony. fr003 Dieeased Kiduey-8onth Ameèrican Kidney Cure viïu tue Welouno 1h14! Preservr'-1t iýO-'inmIatiy anti Cure s ur.ly. ".Five years fagoIÃ& a lever. attaok O! la grippe - which aff.. i>i7 kidney and ceosed intense paf au an urneary orgasi. I suir ,t? ZÙ etiiscoud aoîî ' anu4. ing -positiion gaveém - J'4 b." cerne morsse M dïbi came alaruiet.ý,i.l- thia The. desth if Mn. A. 0. W. Plank, whieb oôoeSid Wedneodty ve.k, as ,brielly anouniWd lua cr issus o! lait week, vras kaaied 0! with regret by aul residenta of Par towm sud thus section. Deoeased beu been aiting for a long lime, and her doath ýas not altogether onex- petd. Mrs. Plenk mas one* of tise pioneers ofthiis secion, oornang to Un. bridge from Wiuby over thirty eigbs yeers ago. Het buabend, the jae A. C. W. Plank, wbo demis. ooourred some ten years ago, ires one of the. most promin- en& pioneers ii tise eerly days of &iei se&. de of Ontario counhy, and wes a man widely and fevorably koown throughout its precincts. Tii. deceased lady was a preminent member cf tbe mer.hodiiù churci, cf charitable disposition, and higily respected by the wisole commaun. ity. Five children-Mrs. Home, cf Day- ton, O.. Mrs. Gilpîn, ef Uxbridge, M. W. Plant, cf Oshawra, and Meora. Charles sind Fred., cf Uxbridge.-ere left te mourn the ls cf a kind and tbougbtful motber. The fanerai teck p ace on Fmi- day laL Lto tise Uxbridge ceimetery.- 'rimes. Mr. Isaae Bircheli, of Aohburn, wae in town on Tbursday visiting Mr. 1Y. Camp tbell and other friends. Rev. Mr. Ceekbumo, cf Paris, paid bis friends in teirtia flying visit ibis week. Thought ah. kueir bim As Mm. Wotberald, Lie Quaker preecb- or, irbo is vlsiting hers, sntered Crosby Bres.' store the other day a littIe daugb. tom cf Mr. George MoGuire looked up at the tall mani mihtisewhite beard and fior ceat sud said 'Il kncw irbo yen are." -Weil. tny deer," ho asked, IlWho am 1 ?" -"Yeu're Sante Clans" came the cou lient ansirer. "No," he said, "I'm iîot Senta Clans," and, noting the puzzted disappointment on Lie cbIlde face, be added :..nI'mSente Claus' brother;' Tiien he bought her some candies. Hold- ing ont a hendtul ah. seid : "Gi,. tii... to yonm brother," but. i. ield her to keep theni ail, as his brother did not need tiieni. Tbis pnzzled ber &aein a mo- tuent ;thon wit.i the brigbtness cf a lawning idea ah. exclaimed : "Why, cfi course; he makes theoe, doesntl ie? Complimentary esupper To mark theiî apprecietion cf tise vain- abIe and timely services cfour volneer tire brigade et a recent fire, Messrs. Mo- tOuwan Bros ontertained the brigades and some of thoir friends te a supper et the Qneen's ictel Tuesdey niglît. A bont rIorty 'saL dem te the repaat wmci iras orcely prepamed and deftly served. Soin. ,,f Mr. McGomen*e Scotch Lunes-on tho violin ade the boys shufle iheir feet and Ion%: for -a his stop " At eleven 4) Cock Lie toast ef MeGeman Bros. mas propcsed anti suitably honorr>d, afti-r wbicii "Auid [Lang Syne" and "God Save Lite Queeu- broughh Lie affair tu a close. onue per oeni per mnth A gold mining cmpany ini Toronto are advertising a certain emount of stock for sale et les. &hen par on wirbici hey and their benkera guerente eue per cent. per mnontAi for ifivo years. To tiie ordinary tuid iL eeems strange tiat sncb an in vestment should have te b. advertised exLelisively day atter day in order La get people Le tek.e dvantage ot it. IfthLe -uarantee is seuud thoeecugit tc b. Isundreds cf oapiteiiast.eready to gobble tise isole amount cf stock offered. And tigain, if tise company or iLs wnaging lîrector can meke good Fucb a guaman- tee as this, they should b. able to reise tibe uoceasery fundeis aif Lise raie ot in terce8t and iritieut apendîng a dollar an advertising. We eo afraid tus geid iniining business, to mmie cmrany re- .-pectable people have lent libeir namoes, te vory mucis like patent medicines-the icdvertising is tise best part of iL.-Jour. ual. The men wmli abut us ftcughs ie he as eacedanrpeod cagestadTis men ~ ~~ta mielv ln iea r is nmse o tako cre et their hetti ufyothandr old saylng thsihatesad os nine."Tise oe irbo don't e tîmle off of nervous frsrtor n, hear failre The bet Mailutistoh-esemen heseei reaces.za s r.ierclae Gole mendicalDisverngLt cu res th er et. tail cares of tconsompatin yIthard Ltorets ail disrdaeers!truditonth ino aites te1' a i n ti e seS atie. , tefils wtic ar otersuixdie Thre bich ofdablc fhealthesteera caSvry.es t cures,98 ercent. or eldcasetsacnsu=asid eaces t lieuba nt oreLtsbail is fm,ers f iesL h filke tteeamuscleswithoth steadies a bm>otofes hedte. Lteauvs, debilty.ad 'wandeso!eayescrim-P tion. It l t -liprzadueýt lUi . 7t Jamnes Socti bhmbeen quite 111 <rom the. effecesof e sever. ccld, but7-lader the. cere of Dî. Moibon, is gain$ng in heal- Whand mil ancu b.around &gain. Ur,. Willi. Wilscn and Mr »ick Wat- son made a visit et the resldenoe of Mr. leisBaok ast we.k. SMr. Diek Watson 'wbiJle working in the swamp, lut week, received a deep ont from an aie in bis knee, whicii ilIley hîm up for smre ime. David Martin is spending the winter in Manitoba but wili retumu in Lh. Upring. There iras a very pleasenti ime spent et tb. residence of Mm. David Malcolm, Nestleton, lest week, by,.a number of young people in the vicinîhy. ()Ur teeciier muade a flying visit te f ho residence of a friend on the I4th Con. cf Menvors, mitAi Mm. Deacon's fast driving 'mare ",Jenny", which ho purchasod f rom Mm. William Ferguson, ef Toronto. Mm. Andrew Bruce sud Samuel F. Fer& guson, viaited thes ceunty cf Victoria lest week and purchaeed several head cf cet- tlb, in the towni§hip cf Verulamn, miere Lbrough the esult of a dmy summer, feed is'very scarce Luis winter. Mr. Emmerson, of Valentie. bas leaaed the biacksmith shop of Mr. Fred Veale, at Neat eten, for e ternis of yeams. and Mr. Veele intends devoting all bis ime te bis steadity inereasing business in groceries andiry goode. 'lwas Hard Work Years Ago. To-day Diamond Dyes Maire Home Dyeing Fifteen Easy. Fifteen ysars ego the mark cf home dyeing iras jus& in ia infancy. Tii. old- fa.siioned, crude preperaîions more thon in vogue, necossitaiing muci ime and great oxpenfe, muile the rosulte, even mitAi the greateet amount cf care, nover brougit saisfactiion. The itroduotion cf Diarnond Dyes revolntionized home dyeing mort comn piet.êIy. Diarnand Dysseved ime and rnoney te thonsande cf bus7 iromon, and et once became popular in every family. Each euctoeding year found tii. Dia rncnd Dyee improved in color, briiliancy and durabîlity cf siade. To-day tbey stand fer abead cf aIl other dyes in every leeding point, and are as perfect as science cati mako Liemn. her. are mnany imitations cf Diamond Dyes in the land, and many wmtu are deceivotidadely rben pureba6ing. Ln order te insure aheointe soccese in-iiome dyeing ses Liai every pitet of dye yon bny i. mailked -Diamond Dye." How the Dipper Saved the Farm. Fetiier mas siet and Lb. martgage on the ftrm mas coining due, I saw in Lie ChmitlAan Advocate wmore Mdiss A. M. Fritz, et Station A, St. Louis, Mo., mculd send a samnpie comlsinatiou dipper for 18 tire cent stamps, and I crdeved one. 1" saw Lb. dipper eauld b. nsed as a fruit' jar filler; a plain dipper; a fine strainer; a tunnel ; a straîner tunnel ; a sick roon.a marmîing pan and a pint mneesume. hes. eigbî different ures mates tiie dipper sucs a neeessary article thai I1iront to rk with. it and à "slle t vsry neer every house. Aud in four rnonths I peid cff thse mortgage. 1 Lhink I cen cleer as mach as 8$200 a menti. Tf yen need work you enu do moîl by giviniz tus a trial. Miss A. M. Fritz, Station A, St. Louis, Mo., wili aend van e samplo for 18 tmo cent st-emps---wriie ai once. JoHN G. N. Tise annuai session ot Durham Divi- sion Sons of Temperance mas iseld at Mapie Grove Tuesday Feb 2nd. Every division in the district iras repmeseuted and reperted an increase in member- siip et 62 since last session Nov 2oti. Mr j M Waltcu, Kettleby. G W P, iras present and added greatiy tc the inter- est efthLe session by his interesting and inspimiug addresses. Tise fîo iug cificers mere eleçted for tise ensu- ing year: D W P. j A Werry, Solina; ,P Coud, F W Foiev, Maple Grove; D %V A, Miss Ida Souch. Orono; D Sent, W F Bradburn, Burketon; D Scribe, Fred T Allib, Hampton; Suýt cf Y P work, D Treas F W- Fligg, Newrcastle; D Chap, Eli G Pascoe, Solina; 'P ED W P, J E Dyçh' Enfield. Arrangements meme made for furtbering tise interest of tise order throughout tise district. The public meeting at nigbt was well attended, fully 300 persons being pre- sent. A irst class musical and-literary. programme mas rendereti, inclucing in-. teresting addresses by tise G W P. Bro ýWa1ton, and Mr D H hent, Baltimore, P D C o! tise Royal Templars. Next session is th be heid in'Orono. aryThà Gid lÇedek3 1Iw «ain youî paper ta a ly)esk Old boy made 41.26 tise irai hourti.worired Toroto Droed X.bat Euab- Toronto je te bave aua abattoir st laut Bat. isfaotory arma gMenltshave 1>80 n mde by the. Grand Truk Raitway with Mr. Macdonald, of Galt, for the. establiah- ment of an abattoir on the plot of ground near the. hog market. Mr. Macdonsld will expend <rom $15,OOO to *25,000 in duildingi, with cold storage. Tii.iinu8- ry is expeoted to employ ab large number of men. A certain number of dressed carcasses are to 1>. shipped over the Grand Trunk. Raflway every week for ezport. '4' I PAIN-KILLER THIE GREAT FamIy Medicine of the A ge. Takon Internally, It Cures Diarrhoea, Cramp, and Pain in the 8tomach, o, hroat, Sudden Coles, Coughs, etc., etc. Used Extervmally, It Cures Cuts. Bnilses, Burna, BcaIds, Sprazins, Toothache, Pain In the Face, Nouralgia, Rheumatiam, Froated Feet Ne Satirl e""vattalned te Buch unbounded pnp.iaz. fty -&oierm Obuervr. We vi n b.wAr ieatfwIY te th@.PMI" fiwi l AiPa1n. Kilt-w. Wî have se.-. Iti ramg.,eff.maisn ê.tîwt> ýt. #wv .restPoIn. and knw AlttO ho B gOOd rco.-civ.,, naa4 [ &>.,fh. >t.h1u, h«tmwnpswnl tte Pain-KAUler. e.hfrh lu 1: hall.rSt melti; ma Bmuas of romovtng pà air . mediinabai si4.1trdtia reputacton oqsBA te PeM DTA rAln -K11Itr. - NoiapMriNoa. P-in -r IiAitudoDUBuy <Graybis genoiat'PU DAVLS. dtold lwaow.Im z. 26c. PAEAIYShs ÇRSD..Swhx VM.> mMeuglame NoMartin, 27 RadenhurstSt, TSvto ')nt., samars t14M Ryc ns'a"KootemwOu"sv e lier cf Paralysis wmbhnndegdaaill f bera body *miM-t 05.5.Pb siaan id shore mas icbance 4i ber cvroveigii use of ber lotS.. Hope Jeserted ber, but to-day "a lu a ing.around tellisig 1er Mrende bow BRykmna8's4"KoocSnayoure » v 'er lite and bappliies m o l 7o,.JIY zi56 ore J. W. Seymour Oortej, Ncsary Public. iWORN sTrATENENT.00W A GBATEV loe. irWbite. ntne yeuss ci, irbo mrd ith :ýczema ince -berar mii, busa en et.rely cnrd and mier Con"ral ateo boit t.upby,ýZycinns."g "Kootenay Cure." Theoabove facta am.gvni srrsaa teent ruade by lier Moor,. George white, lm ittumon St, Hauikon, Ont., dated July S. 1i26. tefore J. P. Monck, Nota,7 Publie. Charle IL Newn, 13 Marlboroughi St.Toronto -)nt., bad a oaorlitcatioci blooritrouble%, BSec' iatisin, aevsre lx ytrouble snd conrstipation. 'vai freqnennly distwtad etasuit lest bit appetite -mt wus a very siik m,_nAn Ris Kadrisys are nov ut a tiaeitby conition, bis appoifie god,@iaop undis' turboSad cnsîp&oa ccron; aiU &ahW masdons by itvckman' "Kcotenay Oum" Rne kee mmcm Atteniet to the. above tacie beeJ,. W. Sejooo ocel.>, Juýv 10, lm0 I. M BRISTOIiXS c% r a parMi a and GOT'D PILLS i)e (i eateust of A i L'. , A SPECIFIO FOR lliICtamatism, GoIAt and Chrenic Complaints. 1 Dr 1 '411 r~ Local Option in Pickering The arrurnent as tio the scrur;ry (,4 ci"-sI optiun vote in the T- wlttCil- 1'iAer;ijg toiuk p!ace at Piri s hai;, kt-riîîg, on -NI'ndav, lasI. bt f'r'- Hionor Judge Darîriell. _NIr. Duveu Tforonto, rèpresetited the i-ýr i. ets, MIr. Johni Bali Dow, WVhit;î,vt- wented the Temperance Alliance' of1 keriugz, and Mr. J. E. Farewt-' I t, ropresented the township ofI-ickeri There mas a large attertdarnce. Mr. DuVeruet oljected tonî'%r. E representing any ratepayers whose riai are not handed in, in order iliat if ci are awarded'againat the satd ratepaj they may be iietd for thie amonnît. i. houer muid that Mr. Dow te all ed to appear qubject to objection. Mr Dow gave the naines of W J I Win Hendersen, Clarksou Rogers, 'I Poueher, Ed S Wilson, Dr Batietx JToshua Bundy, Claremont, Rev Mr~ A uley. Mr. Dow said he utidertor- the responsibiiities and corisequenic,! appearîng. Mr Duvernet said the bill of pari ]ae conteined a great numnber tf vo objected to, and of -other char2ee ( rogularities, such as admitiug the pi to polling boothe, etc. Thire are se% classes objected te farmers s> tris-, residents, and men not otheri8 e âed. lie majority against the f) iras 58, muile 104 fariners'sans V4 The cemplaints furtber state that b- mere objected tU) and tbrown ont sieuld bave been counted fer the byl that others mere eeunted againet thb lair mbich siiould net have been cen that Aloi Margacb, a deputs. returi officer, freeiy admitted people til booth; and mamted the ballots of iIl ate votera in tie presonce ef many sons ; thrit James Linton freely edm' porsona te bis booth and nîarked a liherete voter in, their presence; Fred Meen freeiy edwiu.ed people t bootis, and tiiet ho lef t it for a ime the ballots and box exposed. D R Boaton, townsiiip cler't, smo am !ort cf Pickering. Have pmod ail papiers, ballots, etc., ordered. liait of fermera' sens voting on thie 't iras 104. The liat ef non-resident.-, voted is 4. Thse firit case cf tLii sort waý Rodd. -H. resides in Whitby t'eur but works land on both aides of the Mr Duvernet held tisai h. sh'ulgi bave .voted. Mr Doir suggested tbatthe tijec b. aIl finished, and thon go iuo once. Tii. cae proceeded, rebuttal evIii te be taken later. T G Cowli, and Henry Hodgson proven by the ciork as non-resideji the. roll and te have voted. MWr Dom esked hoir proving that voted ires going -tao ffect anythingu me find out hoir Lhey voted. The judee said that could b. argu a lator stage.. )Am Farewel esked if tiie itness ny that Lb... mon votied on the. by Mr Beton-I enu cniy say tis book showa thet they voted. The ber voting on council ballets do soincide mith the. number voting oi bylair. John ansd Jes BShes, W S Bosse, , Thorntan, Sylvanus MadilI and Kirby voted and are held te be residents, but the relis do flot tkeie non resdeuho, and Mr Dui mrill require. eutajde evidence- u to marnes. Robt Irland, Tisos Padgett, W Lestohtord voted as manhood fren menu mitheut being ass.ssed et ail. Mr Farewell.her. stated that at mont tan blank ballots lied beenp NKom o cm w e oI. ihoput la tics. Mr. Darerpet argued that ifà tookabiailol he muat be-heldto Ã