Whitby Chronicle, 12 Feb 1897, p. 5

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Ir. Barnvt Thank8 bis many custom.- ers for their appreciative 'word.s and practical support during the year that is past. In 1897 no effort will btr relaxed to make bis stock of Watches *and Jewelry thoroughly attractive. The tagte, the quality and the price shall menit a con- tinuance and an extension of the patronage so liberal- ly bestowed heretofore. May 1897 prove a Prospoious tien et aaujlocal papes- tu Cana"d FRIDAY, FEB. 12, 1897. LOCAL LACONIOS. Mr Thos Graharn, Manchester, was in towo Saturday. - Mr Robt Holden, Toronto, spent the fore par-t of the week at home. Bar-gain day on Saturday ai Tod's. Cream taify only 9 ct.s pt5r Pound in 4 flavors. Mr Fr-aîîk Haîch, who recenîly visifed Barrie, reports that Mr John Willis isadoîog well in bis hardware business there. The salvation arrny will hold s special meeting in their barracks on Saîur-day iiight, conducied by Capton S. Finney. Mcssis Wmn , Alber-t and Miss Rachel jari, )alr-ymple, ar-e spetîdîng a fîrt- night visiting friends in and around Whit- b.v O)ur- Saiurdav bar-gains adverîised at hall price. We wil be pleased 10 show thcm wheib-r You want to huy or not. Feb 13, at W G %Walters. The Oshawa Amnateur Minstreis intend gi % ing a nigbi's per-lormance h-r-e in a week ur two. Ther won great laurels in Oshawa an~d lilwmanville, and should bave a bump -s housecio our music ffall, wbich affirds stage room for thqeir wbole company of a5 There is talk of orgsniring a whist club in the romr known as tbe (>ddfelio)ws' hall. A goo î'oiany vîîîing me-n a.round towo fiid non . i1.îiîamusements for about hall ibeir eci eiiiîis andi ar-c anxlous to organîze some s-ci iof a society wbere ihey cao eopoy a lit- t-har-mlesi, pleasure two or tbree nîgbts (.., h week. Wiî(hmian McCour-î leard a boutle of at- '-rd %naier -go oS' 50 loud in \od r-ut] s b)ar-rt<îm about i a.m oni Saturdas iîîîrîing last, as he was passing, that he ( tiîcluised it was a pisiol shot. Hîs imagin- ;iti in suggcsied to hîi that sotne ah oîing mas gîîng on insîde, and as he cî,uld hear n- further sounds, he concluded ihat it iiîht be a case of suicide. He wiîkeMIr W triwbo searcbcd in vain fibr itie . iuwbich would be ncccssary 10 make Che capialos suspicions good. Help thse Needy. The Public Librar-y is gr-eatlv ho need of hïraiîal aid, show your- symnpashy hs- au tenuilîg the Greek Tes on Monday Evenink, oexl Refresbments, and amusements of v. r-iN sorts. Admission only io cents. Social Evening. ,\ pleasant social evening nmsy be speht ini the basement of Si. Andrew's church on i-rîida evening, the ib, wben the ladies' a:11 suceiy will entertain ail corners with r-e- fre-s1iments and an interesting literary and rn usica I trogrammne. Admission î5c. Liedîcated 10 the Gazette. Tbere are newspapers and there are news- palbers, ho one casas ii;ond the frotbung'- ()( an edîtor wlio dlairefnot rîsk R cent of his money on hissîvie of journaliatni, ansd wbo dodges bis vidtima by isaving husalal in bis wiles naine. H-e is usually the moat con- temptible of men, and neyer cnows what it i- to have a personal lriend. He ia the most h-ited of the community, and is tiever known tii exercîse a thougbt for any but self. He looks dyspeptic, he b-walks dyspeptic, lie s rites dyspepiic. Mierable in thougbt, roîserable in speech, miserable in act, he ac- c-'mplishes no good, and in the end leaves no record but that of a Circassian Chinet. SChoral boclety ,the attendance this week was away ahead of any carlier rebearsal-the stesdy increase continues. Again the seatîng ac-. commoýdation was inadequate for the proper placing of the volces. The ir-st ro-cati was niade by the secr-etary, Mr Will Richardson. The clasa in sigbî-reading advanced to the s",idy of hal(-tones. New beauties were de- vtloped in eacis of the four part song,- that have so happily been selected by Mr Harrson,-under the skillul direction of the conductor. There is beginning to be a swing and dasis about the chorus that i- full cif promise of bright things witb continued practice. There vas a considerable sîrengthening of the altos from emongst the new voices that camne in this week. Therei are stili somne otiser tralned and accompllsh-i ed vocalists wbo are coming In, so that the total strengtb efthtie scciety ini active mcem- ber-s viii be beyond tise century mark. F. HOWARD Ar-NEa, president. Board of Educata. Met Wcdneday nigisi. The ochool repents for the montis vere rend, also a repor by Principal Wsuch aas to booksasuggested for the colt. Ibat. liibrary, and a report trousIn- spector Mcflrien as to public achools. Tise1 reports vere referred tg tise commlttee ong schoal umanagemsent. Mr Barclay iread a re port f roi tise finance coMMiûee li'favOr Of isyng tise folievlng &CcOuftts - Wns Kirk- land,link, $7 8o;-Wm NMiie, re*lrs, $'7,66 Jno Newport, ssBf;lu raee, vood, fioJ Duwney & Co 1ca,'$275; R S cor ncir, book for sec<! $1.30y, ; Heu- ders Çrabath, prI$tig lnkSa, Î; bM1, Jess r M<t'beTom -3daysiteaehi'g, $ý1~ Tihe"reortpiZ. - Thse pMperty conmit-1 teeM w.rmttiitt@4to bur " ocotapiw 1 for thse I*tute, t10 UPPIY toweI SI4to racksefot he Institute, and have oare e sucteuffie caddats paited On thse Wall Of ris. p&Ml o6W. A, omumitteo wu, nemd d" * r .ru,1es lothte afand1 Cali At Todt* cm Saurday. Ciraestae M'ly 9 vu per pouad. s The weaÇ t vf~n ery agrebbe, bzUhs ben0adon the asilgh. Ing. ed'bo'he oni Saturday lad.: Tihe Kins.sde Sabisatis scbocol yul give s grand tea and entertahnmf,. on Tuesdy Feb'y. î6th. Mldeslb>tlà Wa ';6oà ti-#y, should attend. m Reeve Pringle *ras taken suddenly 111 wltb a conibination or lagrippe and pneurmonla, but yesterday was mnuch better. He wili be around town again by Saturday. Ladies' jackets, youths' and cblidrens' ready made tweed souîs and 30 pieces of dress goods wyul be reduced to one bal price on Saturday, bar-gain day, Feb 13 Rt W G Walterd. Oshawa represented this district in curl- ing for the Ontario tankard et Toronto on Wednesday, but its success only lasted into the second draw, when the Oshawa mnen were defeated hy Sarnia. The Pubic ibr nnrary 10 he wil be oft the ubic tithanyniversary f the oungof fittingly commiemorated by a Greek Tes in the Oddfeilows building on Monday Even- ing r5th admission io cents. Inspector Ferguson was at Port Per-ry yesterday forenoon proqecutingZ Hotel- keeper Brooks on a charge of fliowing guests to play dominoes Pour witnesses - Stewart. Fleury. Houck and McLaughiin, werc exaîuined, all of wbomn denied beingz cng-aged in the game there. Some of then swore they had neyer played dominoes in their ivea. Th hreor assauit prelerr-ed by G. E. Grýohs against ThomRs and Albert Jackson was called before P. M. Harper on Wedneq- day nîght, and Thos.. Jackson pieaded guilti- of assasuit utîder intense provocation. As the board of edo-catîoo wss wsiting to oc- cupy the court rooni the case was laid over until last oîght, anud we went to press befor-e it was cailed. Thie probability is that the charge against Alber-t Jackson wiil be with drawn, and possibly Mr. D"ow nsay ask to have T. G Jackson placed under bonds to keep the peace. Missionary Snnday. Nexi Sunday is missionàary day in the Mehodisi tabernacle. The Rev A Suther- land, D D, wilh preacb both mnorning and evening. Notice 1 The eighîh snnaI bail ofîtheemployeea of the R S Wiliams & Sons Co., Ltd , will be held at the factory. Oshawa, on Friday evening, Feb i9îh. The music ' wili be lu- nîshed by the Glionna-Mar-sicano orchestat of twelve pieces. Tickets may be cîro- cured ai Mr A H- Alin's drug sîtore. Price $i'_So. Chas R Bailes, sec.I Settlers' Tras TIse Canadian Pacific Railway will run set tIers trains 10 M4anitoha and Canadian North wp-st durng March and April (should sufflcieni business offr) leaving Toronto ever-y Tucsday m' 9 p.mn A coloni si eeper w"I be aitached t0 Pacific express on these dates, due to leive Toronio 12 30 noon. Ask for Setuleis' Guide and alilinfornmation fr-om E R Blow. C P Ry ticket, telegraph and express agent, Wbitîny, On t. Wiggins -Soutbwell. On Wednesday afternoon at 5 o'clockt Rev Thos. Manuing united I n arriage Mr. Reuben Wiggins, Os;hawa, and Miss Mar- g aret Southweil, second daughter of the late ikhoça. Souihwlli, of this town. The cere- sony took Place ai Mfrs. Southweil's resid ecc on Green air-cet. Mr. Wiegins is one of the worthy men of tbe R. S. '.Villiams piano works, (*hawa, whiie the bride is a voung lad y of qhe highest woîîth. A large number of relations and frieods were pres- ent to witness the ceremnony, and ail alter- isards sai down bo a splendid supper. For Amateur Lawyers. We subînît the lollowing case for those whîî know evervthing, to decîde. Ai mari fr-ove bis hor-se and buggy up to ont of our local blacksmitb sbops, uîshitched i and ie-i i inside wbere hontes are usually sbod. fise blacksmith a-as out, but sbor-îiy alter- 'Varda rctur-ned, and flnding the horse there, whicb he knew 10 belong 10 a customer, he examined i-, Ceci, ound no shoes; on bbc bond feet, andl that those on the fr-ont feet ncelicd r-seîtisg. He sbod tbe horse all rou id Wberîibe owner came back he r-e- fused to pas' Cor- tse wor-k on the gr-ound that lie did flot or-der- t. though be admuîîed leqvinz the bor-îss p ihe shop. As a matter 'f lau- his- cars the owner- of a horse be made to pay for the wor- done ? Thse Gar-den City -Wthh it r-unaf&= MWitby again? On Satur-das'ai- Thomas Nîban of St. Catharines. tbe genial ovner- of the steaus- huoat Garden City', was seen on the street lier-e in cornpsiiy with Commodore Jackson. The nautical editor- of the CsaONCLz et once eonchuded there was sometbbng in the wiîîd. Hitchingz up bis sailors trousers and turning bis quid he essaved to interview the îwo distingui!sheil navigators as to to the whichness of the thus, or iin jtlàer words wisat vas going to be donc wiib the favorite steamer tbis somnmer. But botis the big na val officers wer-e as close as the rigging oi a yacht in a.spankrinz breeze, an-d the nautical editor of the CH RONICLi was compelled to abandon bis investigation and tu rely ugon Fis imagination as to vIsai was up. Th-&e N. E. woîldn't wonder if the Commodore wasn't engaging to t-un tise Garden City thse coming season -and tisaI ber route ;would be a daity one bebveen Cobour-g, Port Hope. Newcastle, Bowm-anville, Oshawa., Whîtby and Toronto. The season of navigation s-il soon ise bere and sucis arrangements as bave been or a re 10 be made wit h regard to tIhe service of thse Gar-dca City titis summet sbontly announced. A liaffl aveunt. At tise residence of Mrs. Holden, tevu. on Wednesday, Pcb. totis, by tise Rev. Thos. "fenning. M. A-, Miss Aice Hoiden, third daugister of tise late James Hoiden. to Mr. James H Norton. Chicago. It vas a very hsappy eveut, and vas partici pateil in by a large number of relatives and friends. Tie event teek place et 4.30o oclock, and tise ceremony vas performed by Rer. Tises. Manning. Tise bride vas attited li e travel- Si ng govn, and carried in bler isaud a beasati . fui hoquet of visite roses. Tise mutual ob- ligation vas entered into vith ail Use ciqjse relatives of tise contracting parties standing as witnessea, and tise scene vas very pretty andl interestîng. Ansong those present tise folloving vere notsced : Us. A Ross, Mr. and Mrs. wm. Rosa, Viss Serahs Ro«a and Mr. Harry ilrock, Port Perry - Mrt J P HOI- den and R 13 Campbsell, Soust s MAllister, Indien Territory, U. S.,- ; Mu. Robert A. Hoiden and Misa Norton., sister of tise groom, Toronto ; Miss Mande Bolden, Nap- ance Milse Mr. and Mis. MX R. Holden. Brampton; Mr. and Ulir. X Airais and faaxihy, Soina ; tIse lMisses Pilciett, Man- cisester ; Mfr. snd Mrs.John Rice -sud- Miss Editis Rice, Mrs. John Billes, Miss Harper, Mr. John and Missa4 siyMcKaY, and Miss Gertrude H. Ros O.L. C.) Wlsîtby. The supper vas sumptuoitsly laid sud e very happy company a&M dovn to enjoy it.- Ater- warda mr. J., .Holdeti proposed thse Isealtis of thse-bride b i.pmt felicitous tsm, and e hippy -respesae sé gaven sythé- gi'oisset souse lenîgtl. ees fiiw0 isy Messrs.Wm-.-Rotsa, . 1Hoden,À-.'A Bvartio day-sale of dreus goodu Saturday '3 at W G ~ .WArner,s oo Keep P'ridayeeut"g, aftCh th. tii gb to thse baptîst chuyrevs to hearRev W VZ Weelks, pastor of Walmer Road baptist church, Tor- Ur. A. Lauralice, advertislng manager of "La Preese" Mlontreal was ln town last weelt se gura of Ur. E. D. Warren of the. Word çomes in (roms the nortbwest that on Weduesdray Ur. Robert joboston, eldest son of U. Arthuar joboston, Greenwood. was married to Miss Susan, daughter ofMUr. J. H. McQuay, Audiey. W. note from the Farmeri' Advocate that Mr. David Birreil, Greenwood, the well krnown breeder o( shorthorns and purebred stock, bas purchaaed Mr. John 1. Hobson's beautirul stock far-m at Moaboro, Ont., for bis son Mr. John E. Birreil. Inspector Ferguson bas received a cous- plaint which itl prety bard to know what to do with. Sorte parties at Wbitevaie herd a charivari over the remnains of a young couple there who got rnarrjed. Thse un- happy grroomn gave up $5 to save bis ile. The gang then sent to idlarkham for $5 worth of whiskey and bail a bhow-out at Besse's botel. The question to be decideil is wheth- er or not a drinking bout cao be beld in a tavern haviag no license, without rendering the keeper hiable. Take thse Famihy. and go to the Greek Tes on Monday nigbt in aid of the public libr-ary. Htrbhand Club The annuai meeting of the highland club will be held in the club room on Monday eveninir for the election of officers and o'eneral business. A full sttendance is par- ticularly requested. At Home. The Ladies' Aid Society of St. Andr-ew's chur-ch wull give an at home in the base- muent on Friday evening, Feb. i9th at 8 o'clock. Admission i5 cents. Refr-esh- ments wili be served during the evening. A good programme may be expected. A Well-earned bonor. We extend our congratulations to Chair- man John F'ergusoo of the b>oard of educa- tion. It ls but seldom tha- so higb an honor comnes to s man entirely unsought. Mr Fer guson's long service at the board pointed hitm out long ago for tbe chairnianship, but he always declined. His fliow mnembers would no longer excuse him. Midland Hockey Association. The lollowing table shows the standing of the teanis in this league ý- Won Lost To play Port Hope 4 Wh t hv 2 Bowmanvilie 2 2 Cohourg 2 Oshawat 2 Groas lusult to thse County Judge. Lasi Weeks Gazette coniains the lollow- iug insu lting reference to Hia Honor Judge Dartneil :" If judges cen be boughi by rither aide, of whai use is anyone appealitig> Ail eyes ar-e on our juilge on the Local Op- tion on Monday nexi. ' When one comnes to conaider ihat suclb a thing as bribing a udge is unheard of in Canada. and thai Judge Dartneil's greatesi detractor, if he ha' any, would not for a moment lîsten to such an insinuation, the Gazette's conîempt- îýle offence cao be betier- understood. %,r Newton probably cleared liooo oui of work secured tbrough Jîîrige Dartocllis bnds and iîow stabs film ihus. The judge îook a scorpion to his br-eas ansd it bas stung him. Jiiiiiors play in Oshawa as we go to press. Osia wa plays a ceague gamne here on Wed-' nesday evening, the 17th. Oshawa s-as de(eated at Cobourg on Wednesday right by a score Ofl3-1. The greatest gaine of the season will be plav,-d here on Ibis, h-Fridayî eveniog, with lout Hope for the championship ofthtie Mid- land league. Expeuses are heavy. Admis- sion. gentlemenis 5c., ladies toc. Gamne callcd ai 8 o'clock. The "sure and swilt Ontarios," of Port Hope, were floor-ed ai Bowmanville on Mon- day night to the lune of 5 goals tu 3. Port H-oipe bas protested the gamne, chaimîusg that Morriqon, the Bowinanvilie goal tender, r-e- peatedhy stopped shots, that vould have %cored, hy kneeling in the goal. Bowman- ville claims that Port Hope r-esorted to tise same tactica. Be that as it may it 15 quite evîdent that Port Hope cannot shine in s wehl lighîed r-ink like they can on their ovu poorly iigbîed ice. 1 The Rouge Bridge. We clip the following frous bhe Worid's re- port of Friday's proceedit'gs of thse York coursty council: "A byiaw waa passed te aband n thse Kingston-road in the County of Ontario 10 tthe Township of Picker-ing. Il Pickering refuses 10 accept control of tise road the Exective Council et the Province avilI deal vitb tbe menter. Some members thought tbc influence of(the County of On - tario vould be strong enougis, tbrougis rtheir representatîve, Hon. John Dry-den, to deleet tise bylav. Mr. Pugsley refolsed to telieve the Gyovernuient vould decide tise question othervise t'san on its tnerits. ru supporting the byiav, 5Mr. Ramsden said the passing of it voulil at least beip Picker- ing te couse to a conclusion et somne kind. Notices viii be put np at the Rouge bridge against furious d riving. A motion by Coun- cillor Baird, in favor of granting free passes !hrougb tise Rouge telîgate to Scarbon resi- dents if the gate ia retaincd, vas favorebly considered. Thse motion vas iseld over for thse present, but will probably be adopted, If necessary, and Mfr. Baird vas appointed as commissloner ofthtie road. Tise referetice ta the ikelibood of Hon. John Dryden using undue influence is purely gratuitous, and positiveiy insulting. Tise ides et placing a toilgate on Rouge bridge and tisen grsnting (rec passes to, the people of Scarboro is cîsild- isb and amusing, as avel as being entirely illegal. Ne discrimination cen be msade between people ln any siacis uanner. Whea laans--n drunk ? County Juditc Dartneli bas given bis deci- si00 in License Inspector fer Norths Ontario vs. Burton, an appeai trous a decision of Char-les J Gouid. 1 P, Uxbridge, viso iad fined defendant for selling liquor iilegaily to an ittoxicated person. Burton adusitted suppiyinïg the party with liquor, as cid aise bis bartender; but tisey veuid net admit that the party vas drunk, cleisig biset lie was only "pretty weil on," etc. Tise evi- dence of tihe prosecutiot s lowed tisaitise mian vise is of dissipated isebits, lied beau on a spree for e day or two. -ai vga sui staggering about making a b)g racket and usingi bad iaisguage. Tise judge heid tisai tise perty vas a druaken sn witiithUe meaning of tise Aî,t. H. fitier held 'isat as. a matter .ofelu ustattered iseli-vietiies-tise botel keeper ssoticéd bis conditi6-On.ot. To isid etberwlsé would bc -te maki, tise otleeper and 'hbis bariseeper the judies In tiseir owgu c" ' 451- wbethi is tuan vsdrutsk ornoe. '-n»rfuk" la '4elnedte Reliable goodsa aI psitive Bargains have been the attractive features of this annual event, and the-- success which we have attained in the paet is directly due b our VERY LOW PRICE S. This great -sale wilI present the best bargain chancejs of the entire season. We itemaize below only a few special bargain as saniples: 100 Ladies' Cloth Jackets, blachas and c"ora, .will b. closed out (for your choice) at thse abaurd price of Ail our MILLINERy yl be cleared Out at coat and under. Bee onr $3.00 Hats for $1.75 Sge our $2-00 Hats for $1.O.0* 1 Ail our Ladies' UNDERCLOTHJNG thse very beat gooda at very lowesti prions. Ses our Ladies' Vesa at 250., worth 50c. Dresa Goods, Bomnants in L)res Goods, Flannels, Prints, Sateens, Linons, etc., al l o b. oleared ont at very close prions. We have thse best and oheapeat Dresa Goods in towvn. If you vent a flics PLAID BLOUSEý or DRESS be sure to se ours. Se. Our Plaids at 25c a.nd 5OC. Fancy Blouse 18ilks at 28c, 5o and 65c. 1 E. STE WA2BT Nov is the time to get a SUIT or aus OVERCOAT made to order. Oumr prions and styles are right. Be surs te cali »ud son our'goods. No one eau besb our prices. Gents TIES, SOUKS, SHIRTS, UN DERCLOTHING, etc, at right prides. AUl goods mark.ed at Lowest CASE PRICES. W111TBy. SATURDAYY HALF PRICE SALE SATUIRDAy. Bargaîn Day, FEBRURY HALF PRICE SALE SATUIRDAY. l3the Ladies' Jackets, Youths' and Children's Ready-made Tweed Suits, and 30 pieces of Dress Goods, will be reduced to Haif Price, for the ONE DAY ONLY. IIALF PIRICE SALE SATUIRDAY. wi Go DON'T FAIL TO SEE THEM, AT IIALF PRIOR SALE SAT LTRDAY. WALTERS. The Prudent flousowife will serve her New, Year's callers with a cup of our Special Biend11 Pure Java and "Mocha Coffee, - ana thus obtain the maximum quality at miium coat. Fre8sh groun~d w hile you wait. I llfeads of FamiIii inteests to tu- Grocer isý 3..8 CTSI PER- LBàl« me C. -L~ For 8aIe op 'Store. Best suXo Possesiop 4 on, Thoynton, or Wu Pes end, 1897, tQE 'To, Ri Iok. Ob.-,Or a- -obéi 1" Mil -, 1 IT ýyý

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