47 sponsîble cilizeus. Samuel Niî, af Lb. veloped Total Paralysis of Oua Sid- O f e feet am kniowu moin af Lb. coanuy. "For tibre. Teeth of Most Adverse and Comnplicat. ttinities successive winters," ssyii Mr Neil. I suf adAinuatncsOrrcms il udpro feted froru savere attache of ]agrippe. Reatorea Wife sud Mother in Good WE CLAIM there is anly ans preparatilcuand wa 0Jwîng ta the exbsusting efforts of tbelae Healîb La hem Family-These are thein Csanad to-day that is guaranteed la cum 'attacks I wus unable ta attend ta my Writteu Worda of Edward Parr, Surmy ]BRONCHITIS, and that is 0L CiAJ& 88flP busine-ss baîf of thbe ime. The Iassi ai- Centre, B C. OF UNSEED ANDI TURPENTIL It is MOTHIfefte.5 the-k I bad was in Deceruber, 1895. Il n'as tb. moet pnolonged sud Lb. subse- "My wife was taken bad last Auggust ERS cure for her child when his alstuffed Muent effect Lb. mosi trying. Al ibe with nervous prostration, wbioh later on up wi th CROUP and coughing ils littho lungu wiuter of 1896 I was under niedioal came developed miat paralysie of one aide. out wiîh WHOOPING COUGH. Onse 0a11 aud heing somewhaî advanced In ie 1 We tried rnany rmiedies, but atl l ifai. dose imusediatel>' stops thbat cougb. B>' presenled a ver>' frail appearance. My ItOghiIoudrySthAerIcan loosenuthie piegm, puis Lthe little one lan Ià I n'e kuse ~as o ronuned ba I .-Nervine, haviug seen iL advertis.d in Lb.e lel, and mtet Dr. Chase. opcuided ibis M. W. OL carne a victim of weak turne, and even NwWsmntr aes u r wî th tbe assistance of a cane I waslihable glad ta b. able to a s>'tathIe resuit af ter slentsteotrupesns tai . and l. un ta fait Attempta to -walk were risky, taking tures bottles wua an asioniali plEasntistoir tpenie sd inr hse* Z _________ aud often ta be egretted. aement to myseif and fsmily. Iii womked OFRu t rfll nd loal tIsetîric iaD. ao' trouledwit a iesiesain ubehesadwopders for ber sud w. cannot apOak 1aSrpwilfo d ilta sclindh e that rendered locomotion difficuit and bighly of tu's great remedy." efy sold t onuguarantes aiad!aL rred. lar-pleaîsant. Besides Ibis general weak- tee acute or of loo long standing 10dfton ae o, SLmadS.Pc.s neea I haé pain in my shoulders, morne- iLs wonderfnl tuerits. tbiug like articnlar nbeuxauieM in ita Sol" by J EWiis fluctuatia n d severity. Aer a fiveCok!, mouth IbtreaîmotIvas no l >'botter, in falet Lb. docoer gave me Tory lit). asu- Rev N D Drew @pent Sunday lut inlu eema as if'B e Mtien t Piceaont eouragement. Ho said I hail palpitatio Peterboro. Mr Ernmernou occupisil the Ibe brigtuts beet. FollY eaSsx Iraile of the hein ÀRd lit Muet mnits course. pulpit in his absence. the doublie Ihat omcamins $he wMrlame eanud, d 1mfOe b>' canumption. le> hasmmc es The truth ie I feît mc weak that rny hope Mn Edward Williaumon, Taronte, la aidered lmpogssb ' 't w.*aj4lie strettnge mif 4S0' of necovery w-s about nil. About the sp.nding a few days wîth his môtthen and medicil scence <114 sol î4e "sepncgeo& fI8eq~~ frst of Ma>' I determinedil te trY Dr.sters. Ths e apli ad tuepisee*, %4thoemph, q. slanie *ik bel William.'Piok Pille The reuût -wu. .. the. lectnie lgtalve nei~osbs lb. iaznea 1.1 me de' b> da mv Miss Wood, cf Kirkl is visitiflg asu e ues i a mpessiMle oçu o maep- thie viieu lofte ijuer aotbiitdal MY itbhe aut, Mr@ Geoe ggtt. tiou. Tibet wuoe ta Iltîfs.of tIr. Pi.ro liiegana feel *yse ,in. The ins. A nutuber frotu ber. attendeil the ~MDiosi"e à m4à pravement eoutiud nutil I vas able ita races sud alo thecarul in Port >er r y t o .au.Ca-.* o%#M >e, < .#ebyr folbow my basiýesswitl -Yido Wdedywe pI unte$ & gr. an i~teilg wfieh n. i Mr John Pol;en, Oavaftille, sp:eutt lb lcc& t Xeb.r4 .pggof gop# bejalth. -and I Sanday with his e ts flitandiliaMn' ~ '~-"1 ,Iaus'-4Pin*yku te My' teHenry Pelon. irWoël bl~sl~ - Và "**-Pik PUIO«Mrs P Bol uibasreterneil tojiet Dt ,se jwý4'Adb w~nfaw ink a» gIs>e oMldY home iu Ottawa, aiter a -Iegthy ià trà tidý,il -b lu boe b .#* &W,,s'r4q mak witb ber motiier, I«ra:w )Vd - b et r in& ohù Ptilld e ar A ybting aise inLw or>~ ~ Mh mmoir 9d n'11« « th doenor ME«' " Dà t, i* o1 ufçtP qiaý 1 Te bnt o 1eMOblt c f b blix>4bd lratutd nerve tonwos, havele lb Ir Put up in mdollar foroe iuteuded t0 de- UV L oMre. They &r Il ii*Uo a Whou' The veather fvomd. us with a fan of Makeru hope te reap a n;peoUunf'iar dvâau-now wbioh will b. acceptable te help tage e the wonderful reputatior the. sleigbing in some plaes.> aohieve4 by Dr. Wllliamim' Pink Pille., February wua- usbered ini vith spring- A.sk your dealer for &hem. 1k. weatber, but perbapa, before it pasa. *These Pille are manntactursd by the es away, we wili b.e reminded &bast his is Dr Wil-am's Medicine Comupany Brook- a winter montb, -ville, Ontario, and Schenectady, N. Y., A arygodegtinfm fel and re oldonlyin oxe beaingthedivision attended tihe disatrict session fioej's ad mark and wrapper, ati 50 whiob was beld at Maple <Jrove on the 0 cents a box, or air boxes for 02.50. 2nd. Tbey onay b. bac row any dealer, or Mr upgltyofavebs -N, will be senti by mail on receipti of price. MrHmpelelofanrbs nioved into the houa. wbioh was rescued Dr. Williamns' Pink Pille may be had froin the flames' a shbort time ago \\\ of ail druggieta or direct by mail froru Dr. Wiliiains' Medicine Comnpany from Visitors: MisSosie Wotiten of Burke- either address. The price asi which the ton, and Mr. B. Powell, at Hill Head pille are sold rnake a course of treat- am .1 menti comparatively inexpensîve as The Rev. D. H. Lent preached a prao. 7 cornpared with otiber remedies,or medioal ticatl sermon to an attentive audience on treatment Sunday last. H. intends to deliver a ffl - lecture bier@ in the near future. A l o taSouth Daruington. Another conteat is raging ai the divi- Rev R D Foster intends holding re Fion. Pie si cial at the end. The de- H opeless Case. vtl eeigsate ae lin. oooThe furnipsand potaroes wlhave to A Terrible Oough. No Rest Ntght Mise Ella Burgess 15 visiting hier aister, Hmna nor Day. Given uv by Doctors. Mrs Manning, of Clarke.Avrypeaneettoklaeath LIF SAV D .Mr Jesse Truil had the Pbaft of bis residence ()f Mr and Mrs. B Camnpbell A LIFE SAVED utter broken through being upset by on jan. Ê"dLb, when bis second danghte r.M MY TÂKIN being mun into with a bay raek. Misi Edna, wss united in ho'ly matri Miss Nettie WNitherage is quite indis rnony to Mr. Geo. bMîllton, eldeet Son Of CHERRY posed. Mr. Eber Milîson, one of the leadîng 17 Mien Bertha Farewell is visitîng agricuilturali@ts of Darlington. To the 1 friens inMichgan.straîns of the w-0ddînz march rendered -Several years aga, I caught asevere cl d, lantern views gziven by Mr Lent, were Parties entered the. room, tbe bride lean attencled vith a terrible cough that allowed ntveyweîî1 atde.i olerfhr'am Ae ak me Do est, either day or night. TJe doc- to vr>hede.in onabersfthers arm. Aftler atak uing lor-s. atter working over me ta the best of Mr Samuel Everson bas returned borne firmly tied hy iheir pastor, Rev. S. G. ilîrir ability, pronjounced my case hopelesi, after berng tbree manths in western On- RorkA, Enniîkilen. The bride was and said they could do no more for me. tari a kngappies. petî îîe nacsueo ra * trlend, learnlng of rny trouble, sent m rpackiuge i csum f ra a botle of Ayers Cherry Pectoral, whlrh 1 BAMPTON crepon with oream ribbiu, lace and __________ l1egan to take. and very soon I was great ly Mr o8 lit sbte.eqntim ngadcridabuut M r. Thoste. El1ijo 3edth wbleof cream roses. She wag atteoded by boille, 1 was completelycrured. 1 have never Mra. Nathan Gîfford bas been quit. ber consin, Mie Gertie Rov, Toronto, ~ * C... lad mnuch of a cough Ince that time, andI indisposed for a few daye. wha was eqnailly cbirmingzly gawned frniy) bejieve that Ayer's Chierry Pectoral saved my life.,'-W. Ji. 'WÂB.D, S Quiinby Mr. F. J. Groat Wau able ta t.akc nil. green cashmere trimmed witb pparle.N Ave, Lowvell, Mu. charge of bis echool again laat week be- Miss Flo Aunis acted charminaly as a ing of duy fo a wek, itid of bonor. Tbe groom wau bonor Miss Annie Wilcox was ver>' ick lasti ably tzupported by bis brother, Mr. Ar- ( Ayer's Cherry Petoral week but s oinsbetler ttmofwt.tuMiso Gep.Aeran knd c IGHEST AWARDS AT WORLDS FAIR. ing. wisbes and tb. dejeuner partaken of tb* Sjer'a PW. SA.theB«oubily U.UV . Wbile Mr. Saul Hanoock wasa assîeting happy couple. anfii showers surcead : hi& rothr-inlaw r. L A. runttoaid boots. left for Western Ontario ta bind a load of bay one day lust week, Lthe bida e was b.eîpeuonZtheofrn>'s binder broke tbrowing biLn ta the ground fnl abrdecwu theprepen Thef paryen0 HOPE ENTHRONED. fracturing bis amru. Dr. J. C. Mitchell the bid esldponta Tber a hansof reducsd tb. fracture sud the patient *ithDomiion on aed bMra and raMle uaw ding sll.son, par-nta of thbe groom, a beautiful 1,11-E PIIOLONGE-D AND ITS USE. The Hampton Chasse Co. are thinking combined set of china disbes. Among spriously of puuing in a butter plant be- the invited gunet Lb et were 1resent were lU LNESS QuEATLY EX. fore anoîher faIt. -Mr aud Mns Eher Milîsion, Misses My- TENDED. Rey. E. E. Hloward is still condncting il@ and May aud Ed Milîson, Grandpa special services at Zion with good resultB. AMÉiA, Mr ai-id Mrs Dr Mitchell, Mr and Mr. Thost. Elliott,of Man., ie vieitiug Mrm Levi Annimp, Mr and Mr& Gea Grav ( Tihe Rutiblese Hland of Nature Permîts bis brother in this village, sud Nellie;, Mr and Mme And ergon, Mr Ouy h urvival of thl Strongest, MrDElLetBt*o pacd and Mrs Edwin Annis aud Fia, Mr sud THeJM- t J n l y e M n. D H . e n t B lti n s re1p r a I re d J u a O r m is to n a n d K a te . E d i t b R ic e H E J A E but Medîçali c-ence Secures the berse Sunday wef-l, and gave a lecture on 'Nancy' Orriston, Mr and Mrs J Cooper, Survival of theWeaketst. temperauce last Fnidîîy nigbî. Mr Lent Misseq N Kennedy, Janet and Npllie Or From th Coruwjl SLauar<1le a good speaker, hie sermon on Suuday msoLl u tblMClob Frm heConal Sanar.wus very iuterîýstînR aud instructive snd Omiton iyad MB Nchls, NAlenlle, A IL L , The science and art of medîlcation lie is a corker ou temperance. O1rs JTo ndBr nsud L Aoetaomer,W 1L L iA linlds a unique place in lhe esteem of tie Mr. W. J. Ray Dar ingtoan'e uew As. j B MoCalloci -esfn i-dBri surracîviîed ond, ecusei> asestior is ou the war.path. Gilbert, Mr and MN Latgmaid sud Mr D judîcions application of progressive Mn. 'qamuel Thompson bas eturned ta Russel, Mr Arthur andi Miss L Annis. ___________ science relative ta tbe art of beaiîIg Ilu- 1 Maple Grave ta work. Mnr. D. H Lent's temperance lecture nuniarable trîuwpbs8 are won in the' Tii. Sons of England will open Ibeir wa's not very largely attended la8t Friday sfruggle for bealtb. 'I e professionia al oetoefnlenerftue 'ei2 Mnedicine we tmay eafely say, ji@nsune- alsmtm nte erftr. eei cure, its îriuwpbe and successes are te- Clatwirîbli andi Juhns have theecou M r J. M WalLton, G.W. P., of the. Sons easrsed daily by thbe million. Tiiose tractr ta lîild a fiue brick bouse for Mr. of Tsemnpérance, af Ontario, rmade quit. s ga wlio are su Lhe vanguard of tiiis [nove S S Bragg rovidence,ta replace t ie one fïvorable impression ou the member of Uent are aur greleet benefacton Tbeir recently bumued. thi' order onu is flt visit to Rising Sa r dîscroveries are a boon ta bnmauîîyv Froni present appearances there wiil division lest Monda>' eveniug. tiie>' bave given relief btouosandl; wbo be a weddîug ber. soon. 0 Il would bave draRRed out a mîserablo sud Liottowel, Sept. 220d, 1896. more or less existence. Dr WiliîaintQ, E.Imarnî-îu, Btesm & Co,,? U hYmeans of bfe Pink Pille, bas earrueî I -P1 IC B r Çhasse -I have pleasure ini saving that e pteriae and enja>' thbe gratitude of nntid nn- POinîmsn Pilla su.d*.C.11arrh Cure ýLD V. S. K ROCH E Retail c.PE First 1 Prize Medals ,"REGAL PERFECTION": far coal or wood, feulils ever>' require. meut. The design and ornamentation 'of tis range are lu aivance of anyting previously attempted. 1 he avens are large sd provided with draw-ut rack, aveu doors lmed witb in, ire box pro- vided witb genuine duplex gransd It la5a prfect and sure 1 kr. nB> equipped with ven shef, tes pot shelf, font oven door trip, don-r hearih andl extra large broiliug or toasting door *ith mica frame, made n'iîh four or six cooking bobes. Send fur descriptive catalogue. i71R SMRsMG CALT -sBocvLLmOai &0R SRAEB undas Street, Wlhitby. It is no wonder that rub. bers, which are neot tise'same 12 b y shape as the boot, shouid Lie- uncomfortable. It coste mo- neyhoe eploy skiiled pattern quil akers but the resuit is a satisfactory fit. Each year e added, to fit aIl the iatest shoe-sbapes, and GIranby vays 11up- to-date. " ;tiy msade of pure Don't Draw the Feet ut, elastic, durable, hy iIheBo Ml and heel. 'ThyFtteB t ~hoe That Slip sole excuse for rubbers or over- which rot your l1oots, draw your - Lud wesken your eyes iÀve up to your opper-ý es! Wear the new vulcanized mber-sled, water-. leather shoci Black or Tan.- Swe4les5 >tyis arm. Goodyeur Welted. Sister method. MIater Sipl sSo L.fJlvIrIUrE AI'41S OaSurpls, u,- 150,o iW"hitby Agency. Generai Banking Buoiness Traneaoted., SAVINGI DBPABTMENT. tuteret allowed st hlgb.st Ourent ratu. No nottoo cf wlthdrawaînsrquired E. J. THORNTOIi, Mase FAI RBAN K'S Real Estate Column. FOR SAL.-A nice etcry sud s haîf bouse wich 2-5 otan acre of laud, corner of Dundas sud Garden streets, Wblîby, wihb fine lot of choice fruit trees, goad stable. weIl sud ciaieru. Al lu firat clans ordmr Will b. sold cbeap. SmaIl Pr-sme Hanse and Lot, corner cf John sud Byron streets, Whutby. Wil l e sold ver>' cbeap. LO TS-To be sold, lots 324 sud 258, Borth ward. ROUGH CAST HOUSE-Ou Asb street, narb ward, will be sold cbeap. Cheap. A fiue iwo slory brick bouse, witb brick stables. SiLuated an Byron st,, Whuîby, Lb. fiuest reaidential erpini-b. town, uithin ibm.. minutes walk ofuhibe St office. There ore lhree lois of land ulIl arn enîrauce on two simeets. Haus lun perf=t repair. For particulars appi>' te L. FAIRBANKS," 1, IIO6OR, and VITALITt-- RESTORED- INl 30 DAYB. OATON'Y IÂLZR 'VIA< Cutas OUBU IN St SOL, *i zý .GOLD W. havethe Pineet 1Selee- lion iu lovu of thase 1 BEAUTIFUL AMERICAN CIGARETTES WA LL PA PERS,~ imbali & Co,, Ba'rders to Maétch STER, N. Y. AT LOWEST -:PRICES. lEverywhere Core iarly and getfirs choke. P. B. WARAM, BryanmaId aStand, Br Pacage. Brook St., Whitbjp B Sm ART $1,500 & SON