Whitby Chronicle, 5 Mar 1897, p. 2

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A'om . 1.ohn. A Common Affliction Permanently Cured by Taklng A CÂB-DRIVXR'B STORY. 'Il was aifiicted for eight yars wîth SaIl Rheum. )urlng thrf tu1e Itried a great ruany meditiieswhich w4re high] y ec- ommelîdefl. but noue gave me relief, 1 was at asat advised Lu try A yers Sarsa- parirlla. by a friend who told me that 1 must ,îpîrchasc six botîles and lise tbem arcord ingto directions. 'i yi,ideî tç, fus [ srtîiasi", ought the six botes'aid tonrk thecontents 0of tfîree of these bot- lies wthout uotictng any direct henefit. Before 1 ha.d fiiiisiîed he fourth botUe, my hands were as Free from Eruptions n.q ever thpy weWe My buinswhicb 14 that of a calb-driver, reqîrires me to lie outr ini cold and wet weather otten wiLiiout gloves, andifitLe troublep has n(ver rettirnepî." THOIrAs Â. JoENB, S(lratford, ont. Aye's l'ovSarsaparilla Admnitted at tise-World'sIPair. .Aue rs Pilla Cleanse th-e .BoweLs. O ORRESPONDENQEC WRITE VALE GranI1 winter Ibis. Mis Loretta Anme s mreturnel to O sh awa Mm. John Besse had a bee haulîng logs to theie mu].Tbeme is an immense quan- tiry aI the factory just nuw. Mme. A Tihompaeon is ependîng a weelr iun the cty witti friends. A few frorn bere atteuded the oyster supper aud eîrtemtainrnent at Claremont on FmdaY night Ja8t. Miss Nellie Taylor. of Sanford, is with fri8nds here. Sfie intenâs Lu sLay till F, t e r. Law "ver Johoston pleaded that young liatmnrond hi'] nu motiier. Hie also migbt hav-e pluaded tbat he bad no wife. Thée bal),î1.t [Ir misgion circle met at Mma. Judsoîr Pugbi's ou Tnesday aft.er- Mr. W iii. Major gav'e a ffartwell paty to Mm. John 'lrkv ou Tnesday nighr Johnnie îiends lenviug for Dakota be- fore long. About tbîrîLy were present sud after îudtîlizîni id eameis sud varions other amusements lefr about tbree in the momning, afreàr spending a very long and enjoyable evenirrg of fuu. Muc;s Gordon lias been stayiug wth lber cousin, Mis@ Lulu Thoruton, for a week Mr. snd Mme. Siple, bough nuL fainly recovered fom their recent illnees left for their former borne near London. They will be abseî.t for Bomne tinie. Mme. Thos Pugb wag with frienda iu the oîty on Saturday. We are pleased to see Mr. Chas. Hod- gin ont after being in the hunse for over two weeks witb the Rrîppe. Evervbody should attend the nietho- diat eutertaiument on Mouday, March 8th. IL will altogether likely be the best of its kind belli in this vîcînity for a long tîmne past. The admission bas been cbanged from 35 to 25 cents. Qnite a number will likely attend the Work mens uyster supper ou Tnesday evening next- A splendid time is Iooked forward to. The Whitevale male quar- An excbange seis: "Ma 'ke tbe faone a ecientiet sud thon train' Lie yeung acientiet te b. a fammer and 'many ques- tions cf ecouemy wilh be solved. It i. esid that Lieme je eousidorable dis- satisfaction smong sorne cf the shoep breedere cf this tovnship abent the new regulatione cf shoop quamantino. Blieop cannet be shîpped ont ef Lb. townshiîp withont boing inspected by the. vetem'n. ary bealth inspetor sud hoe is msai miles, distant, hie home la in Auroru& However, the eider fnom Ottawa muat-b. obeyed, but w. bliev. it vilî be cf short duration, ase there in no scab lnthie town- ship or viclnity. Pickering alieep breed- «s bave some of the boat sheep lunOi,, Mr. Loant, 19-P., !e applylmg teo govezmeaui for an lpv..dti tlonofte Mu# ~ 0ý lion whloh in unid is dls.4snlnsict ât Wbi.iièen jev tSt Ofwai ît-or the . w ia.to ,i is enoouraging $0 frienda of prohibitiion ta observe that -o»me of the Provincial gov . enment are taking auoh ps'aotical meas-1 unus as are fouud to b. ini their juriadic- tien toeourlailt1he evils cf the trafflo. A bill te probibit the retail sale of intoxi- cante is about te b, inlîroduced in the Nova Scotia legielaptre, thaugb the. manu- facture sud whales.le - trade are now found to be beyond the ephere cf provin cial legistration. A statement said te be frorn a reliable autberity, credits the On- tario goverument witb tihe intention cf adopting a rnogt piactioal means for stnik ing a muet deadly. blow at sonie cf the woreî features cf the traffic. by briuudiug in a messre Lu cnt off aIl saloon licenses in 8 snccessive annual strokes, by caucel- lîng ý of the number each year. lu would be pretty sure te gain the approval of ail frrende of temnperance wbether pre pared Lu voie for prohibition or nut. Oh ali institutionis for the sale of liquor the saloon seeme to be the leat reason te be and is uudoubedjy the muest harmfnl. It is the greateet promoter of the pernicus habit of "treatiug" aud so becomnes aL bot bpd for the culture of intemperance. Muoreover, lie would be a bold advocate wbo wonid undertake to show that thce abolition uf the saloon wonld be a serions inconvenuence or loBse te ayone but iLs proprietor. GKKZ£NWOOD ( Too late for last issue.) Council met at Brougham on Mouday. Miss Emma Linizett, of Toronto, open Sunday under the parental rouf. Mrs. S. Green Toronutola the gue8t o hem son Mm F. R. Green. Mm John flodgson spent asat week ai the guest of Mm sud Mrs Wm. Gee. Mrm Gieorge sud Miss Ella Wilson o Mount Zion were the guesta cf th. Misses Adainsoos ou Sunday. Misasouamy Matt wus heme last weel buyung cattle. He dlaims to be payinî the beat prîces of any buyer in th( country. Mm Frank Harrison disposed of a valuable horme tu Mm Buruett of Green- bank last week. The patrons of the creamemy have eecured the ice for the comiug hot season. Some 700 blocks of the beat ice that wu, ever taken off the pond was carefully stored away. Mr R. W. Mowbray Towuship Asseasou called oit ns on Monda5. Owing te the bad condition of the roadb last week. Those from our league whu ,vere te take part in the entertaiumneuî ziven hv the Audley leegue were unable te get dowu. I am t.ohd a very pheasaut evening was -spent by those who were fortunate enough te get there. I am told there bas been a little dis- pute anîong sorte of the members of tht choir sud some bave withdrawu froiv that body of sirigera. As thia ia the firac tie auythîng oif thirs nature bas occumeà snce the choir bas been organized it il, hoped those who were net seen in ter places on Sunday will soon resume theur old positions. Rev. Dr Lsmbly, of Booklin wili preach a missionary sermon beme ou Sun day the 7tb of March. The auuiversary services were well attended on Suuday. Rev Leggott, Ciaemont delivered two excelfanir ser- nions. Tbe feewîll offering was very goud althuugh not as guod as vas wished fur. r~~mIn luil the wide ange of humai sorrow there is n( more pitiful trag edy than that of - nother at child - moment when i has achicved it- grandest dnty sac of its greatest hap pintas IL leave? a heipleas, niotheriesa babe to the care cf straugera who have ne blood intereet in ite wel1fare. Kind as a Sister cf Charity or v nurse maybe, they caunot replace the. IOv ing ministrations of a mothei. This -eveu recurring tragedy couid be avosded if - o men would but learn the vital importance o1 caring fut the heaith and or f the cli cate organs that bear tihebbmdens of uaatern ityr The womnau whci nenFlects weakness and dîsease of these organe ns unfitted for moth ehood sud il ouly hoids ont to her the cer- lainty uf aguuizing pain aud possible death. A sure, sale, sud speedy cure for aIl weak ness sud disease o f the organs distinctly femninine is fuund in Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription. IL prepares for motherhocd by makiug these organe stroug, beslthy sud elastic. If taken duriuqý the period pueced ing uotherhood it hanishes the usual dis> comfurts. It insure a healthy baby sud niakes its sdvcut easy, almpet painless. li pruvides ample nonnishment for the uew corner, sud shortene the mother's period of ilinessu d debility. Il je the best cf al] known medicrncs for women sud uver go,um of hemn have said so over their signatures. if you want tu know more cf it write tc it disccverer, Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consuit iug physician to the Invalide' Hotel sud Surg-îal Institute. at Burffalo, N. Y. 'f s e A good, pr-actical home medical work isathe beet friend sud adviser a young wife car have. Dr. Pierce's Commnon Sense Medica Advisem is such a book. It contains icol pages sud 3no illustrations. Several chap ters are devoted to thse reproductive phys ioîogy of women sud facts that every vifî .and mother shouîd kuow. Over a millior wcmeu possess captes of it. 4 nev editiot is ready and will be given away absoluteI3 FREZ. For papet-covered copySentd 31 one cent stamps, to ccver the cost of mailiug sud customis ernly, ta thse World's.DIsPru sary Medical Asseciation, Bufflo, N. Y Send 50 stampa for cloth-bound coa»._ How the Dipper Saved the Furn. Father vas sick sud the mnortgage on the farm was ceuiing. due, I1s in the Chrietia a dvooate wbere Mis A-. M Frite, cf tation A, Bt. Louis, Mo., would sentia saMPle combinationdip e-'ior 18 two* sent utampe, &ud IOrd.wedne;1. sa&w the (dipper .ould -b. -usvslas bi jar Mler, s plain dipper; a fin. strain.ir4 s fuànuè-l;astrainer funn el; àm o rn vartniflgPaanti a pu o zescre. >JT1se A -l-t different uses. makea fÈîe dipp vork -*Itpit il pd i1$ a.l-',', work ou 0A 4 U MUNYON. cures by Mail. ThouBand8 Have Been Cured Through Prof. Munyon'e Free Medical Advice. Munyon's Medical Institution, il aud 13 Albert St, Toronto. iis the best une of its kind in the world. 1It employa a large staff of skilled specialisa tt diagnose the cases nuL only of peuple applying per socslly for reatment, but those in al parts of thbe country who seud in per- aunaI letters, askîug the beat asethoda cf beiug cured of varions diseases. Thons- suds of these letr.era are received every week, sud a staff of from ten te fifteen doctors are daily eniployed in dicfrating replies through Lhe rmedlum of as mauy steiograpitera. These lettera are receiv- ed in the strictest confidence and prompt- y auswered with the best medical advice obtainable. No effort wil be spared tu see that eacb case in thomoughly diag- uosed snd tbe proper remodieis to effect a cure are prescmîbed. For tbese services noi fee is expect.ed. A separate cure for each disease. At aIl tîugise, nioetly 25c. a vial. Addregs Prof. Munuyou, il sud 18 Al- bert St, Toronto. CLAREMONT Thomas Saddler remaines in a feeble state. Miss Adelia Pilkey je indisposed this week. Duncan Hulibard was In the village for a few days th-a week. Alex. Smith and F. Cooper weme heme Suuday from Ashburn. Miss Mitchell bas a Beaverton young lady viaitîng with hem. Mat hew Beelby bansos far recovered as te he able to attend church agaun. Mme N Burton bas sizain been called te Brookîmu Le nurse hem mother. Twenty-Fourtli Annual ]Report -0F THE- Ontarloa Loan and Savi'ngs Co., FEBRUARY l7t]h,187 T H1E TWENTY FOURTFI ANNUAL MEETINGI 0F THIS COMPANY was held at the office of the Conpany on Wednesday, FeL. l7th, 1897. The following abareholders were in attendance :-Messirs. W F Cowan, W F Allen, R S Hamlin, John Cowan,.J A Gibson, T H McMiilan, W Readwin, Thos Paterson, John Carter, F E Dingle, and W W Tamblyn. The president occupied the chair, and Mr. T H McMillan acted as secretary to the meeting. The minutes of the previous annual meeting were read and confirm- ed. The chairman then read the Annual Report of the affaira of the Company for the past year as followa - DIRECTORS' REPORT, YEAR ENDINO DEC. 3Ist, 1896. The Directors beg to snbmit the twenty-fourth Annual Report of the Company. The business of the company has been well austained during the year. The arnounit loaned on mortgage 8106,901, be 1ng an increase of 857,401 over the sum loaned durirxg the previoue year. Great cale lias been exercised in the selection of boans. Ouly those affording *xceptionally good security has been favorably con- sidered by yonr board. While the amount held on deposiir has decreased $9,500, un the other haud the liability to the holdera of debeutures exhihits an increase of $50,00. Repayment of intereat on loans $45,627.72, is nearly on a par with the amount collIected under the same head asat year, which we looked upon as an unusually good showing, particularly when the depressed condition of agriculture, Manufacturing and general business interesta were akena into account. We regret that we are unable to chrouicle auy marked improvement in agricul- tural matters, tbe advance in the value of wheair not beîng a factor of prime impor-ý tance in this Province, and any &mail advantage accrning tberefrom being largely overba.lanced by the decline in price of ail coarse grains, root cropa, and apples. In the face of the drawbacks mentioned, it will be seen that the earnings of the Company continue to be reasouably good, enabling ns to declare onr nanal six per cent. divideud aud strengthen our resources by the andition of 82,500 to the- Con- -tingent Account. This accounit, which is designed to prntect our Rest Account, now arnounts to $21,5x0, being nearly thirty per cent. of the Reat, whicti now stands, as before, at 875,000. Iu conclusion, your Directors congratrulate themselves sud the Shareholders that they have been able to accumnulate frorn îast earnings alune, the respectable pro-rata suni of 8%6,500 for the protection of the capital entrusted to their care by the Shareholders. Oshawa, Feb. l7th, 18q7. R Grahamn shupped another lot 0f herses on Monday for tbe English mar- 1896. ket. Miss A. Hutchison is viaitng with hem -Jant.1 cousin, Dm, Hutchîson, of Ricbmond HIîll Dec. 31 "Miss Mary H ugbee is wiîhr hem people n the cicy sud hem aiter îs beme in ther m eau time, John Underbill has aken possessi ofI the Macuali farni te unr vet. WVe ont sud sIl juin in welcominig John and fainilv te our midbt.. Miss Lînton will resume business ar the old stand ini a week or ten days viîîî I189. a fullIliue of mrlnemy. Dresa makîîîg .u doue as usual. j DeJa 31 The parlor social et R.. P. Hopper't residence on1 Munîday eveninu was a great succea, both as Le atteudance add proî graini. Those who were present art inuch pleased with the affair indeed. The yung folks are niakiug arrange trente for holdinîg a parler entemt.ainment in D. Forsythas coinmodionsi residetîce sbortly. Full particulars given hater. The date is not definitely aiettrled upon, but the lt uf Mamch jes poken uff Whilo working in.-the bush on Thure- day cf lsst woek, Ed. W. Evans received snunghy wound, sud iL yull be some ime before he fuhhy recovers. Rie vas Ieadiug a blind borse over a log wheu the animai stum bled, Lhe cmlk cuuting su ugly gash inu Edward's leg. S. Coxwomth fommerly cf our noigbbor hood, but nov cf Whitby, had a serious faîl ou Fridsy ve sre told. He bsd as sale sud smong other thinge dispesed cf vas a windmill. Thia he agreod te me- move snd place for the purchaser. On Frida yhe prcceeded te dc se, whon he fell from t he top cf the Ire ernto the rocf of the barn then Wto he ground in aIl s distance ef forty feet. W. are glad te say tihat ho ia net considoeed dangerously injured. although muai bmuîsed. IL vas a miracules ecape.-News. UTECA The foloving i. Lb. standing of tue pupile of U ica scoeol fer Febrnary. L. Gilroy, tesober. 1I ase-W Cairns 171, R Horu 86. Jr Part I1-B Mnarrv 811, I Walker 808, A Holliday 257, L Wa2ner 211, 8 Hovani 75. gm Part Il-W Ten- nyson 272, P Cairns 257. Jr Il-M Mo- Dermeott 301, j Lawton -297, E Harper 280, A Wagner 276, D Crozier 275, G Caimus 267, A Walker 249, H Orchard 236, P Strephenson 122. L Heveatn 165. Sm IL-H Tawu 860, 0 Lakey 277. Jr III-L Tawn 443, B Tennyson 402, M Tennyson 892. D Ballard 819, 8 Hovearn 205, J Scevene 157. SnrIL-G Bentley 485, J Medd 861, M Hoeuani 129. Jr IV-Ella Lakey 871, Edith Lakey 808, F Lawton 791, E Orehard 780, A Walker 766, C Sonley 768, E Borp 550, M Chnis- ie 559, A. Bentley 557, W Walker 548, L Bentley 485, AàHemn 888. Sr 1V-8 DeFoe 800, F Bandison 755, W Holliday *RWef for 'Troables e ~j~UL!q x.oiI~umwTKK mîu al WTQ 1' W. F. OWAN, BREC EIPTS. 1To Balance .................................... 1 Repsymeuts on Loane .................... Ititerest Received on Leaus................ Intemest Recoived-..Banks................... Revenvie Account.......................... Deposita Received.......................... Debeutures Issued ......................... Ontario Bank, Buwmanville................ DISBURSEXENTS. By Western Bank, (>thawa..................... D"posits Returned ......................... Debentures Retired ...................... Loans oni Mortgags.......................... Intereat Paid............................... Dividende Nos. 46 and 47 ................ Expense Accoutit.......................... Western Bank, %Vhitby..................... Western Bank, Oshawa..................... Les@ Cheques noL preseut.d............*»*'** Cash on baud............................... 870,589 60 43,578 68 38 15 1,680 89 $4,503 58 574 51 PROFI T AND LOSS. CaR. 1896. Dec. 31 By Interesir earned for the year .. ......... Revenue Accounu.......................... Bank Intereer. Receivea .................... 1896. Dec. 31 1896. Dec. 81 1896. Dec. 31 To Interest paid............................... Dividende Nos. 46 sud 47 .................. Expenso Account. includiug Commissions on Loans aud ail other charges ........... Amnount Transfqrred te Contingent Account ASSETS AND LIÂB1LITIES. ASSIETS. By Mortigage ansd athen Securities........... Office Promnises........................... Office Fumiture........................... 'Cash in Banksa............................. Cash on band............................... President $ 10,718 73 116,217 32 208,998 28 191,300 00 964 92 $528,199 25 $5,90') 59 218,499 08 141,300 00 106,901 88 20,390 60 17,965 80 5,738 01 6,833 33 4,029 07 640 94 e528,199 25 #44,545 87 1,680 89 368 15 $46,594 41 $20,390 60 17,965 80 5,738 01 21500 00 $46,594 41 #879,916 98 11,000 00 414 58 10,862 40 640 94 $M.2884 80 LIA BILITES.' To Capital Stick..................................... 18299,480'53 Depositoris........................................ 261,389 35 Dobontures...................................... 244,600 0 Contingent Acunt............................. 21,500 00 Rest Account.................................... 75,000 001 Annount due Omtarlo bank, Bowmanvil,... 964 99 $M,8" 80 T. IR. McMlL=N, c. -Trss.& We bereby certify that the above etatement oontaine a correct. rèpruaentation of the affaira of Lthe Oompany, as shovn by the. books fleý. 3Ist, 1996. W.e haveoex- amined voncheonq anti seurides ând find the saie correct. PEROT H. PUN8ION, uros J. n. OWRS, f T.» ema' t nmoie&tbaetbe reppot.be.dopted. M.A11.*i .mozde4 the. adption of li' i6 r4of, Wi mArks by t#é iiu~#and iohms Mi I.5aooiédb7 *lf. ?Tnblyn, move ~~t th th, _ -'.'It±.à f« VS5~ AYER'S R.stores natural coier tt, th. haïr. and alio Prevents Ji. W. Pen'wick, of e..Dagby, m. a., »aa, ~iiaIl A lutIle more titan tWo years ago to urn -out. Af- one hottie of Ayr's flair Vigor mY hair was restored to its original color and ceased falling out. An occasional application has aince kept the hair lu good condition. "-MZS, H. F. FENlWICK, Digby, Nr. S. Growth of Hair., "E ight vears ago, i liad the varie.. ]id, aund ost my fiair, which previ- ousl y was q uite abundaut. 1 tried a variety of preparationis, but with- oUt beneficial result, tilI I began to fPar 1 slîould be permauently bald. About six rnuths ago, rny husband broll g h orne a bottle of Ayer's flairgVh )r, and I began at once to use it. ýn a short finie, new bair bt-gan te appear, and thero is now every prospect of as thick a growth of lrair as before rny illness."- MrS. A. WFBER, Polynia St., NeW Orleans, La. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR PREPA.RED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., MUWLLMMS., U .S. A. Âver'a PUisa cure SickIHeadache. JO ve The only food th. that will build Baby up a weak cons- ta itution gradu- ;C nance ally but surely is .Martin's fCardinal Foodj nutritive prepamation for infants, i delicate childreu. and invalids. * KqRrY WATSON à£CO.. mPITA. ontise. agi MUetayCaure cu, entirely uselsu e br seacac oer em errsooveu gIb* wmgo& be ilmb&.Bl» demed ber, but to-day @bsi el aUtogmuu" d ltlg ber friende s hm '"otee ur"gv ha ier an sd apjul us.. I onit, Jîi 1 lu& beove J. W. SeyuraaCoadq, Nctaq swoau STAEENTO @» A GRATEMUI Loulu WbbtnUlm ynn ol'wbo emmmrd wtSh Eiczema stucsber blfth; bu berna atk«yroued sMd ber goerai esy.îoe balllIp b ay&kjnf@"Kobea Oure.* Theab*e £ume i ina wo 5W ruent mails by beS maher, M,&gep 139g4I stinson BS., aullIceo, k a" dJUIji8, UI1 bfars eJ. F. moeck, seuiuzyn~s A.S m ul oeDETe uTUEU - swam Ohre ,Nevuasu .8»EUlaeg~~oa Wm frequ.Usy dlC:bid a& u i qpsa bwh r CO bM hmappetft4 '0".sp 1nadws 4temeaul t be bv as s W. Iau- ocd7,uylO 80 SONY A Miss Alice Butland, of Oshý aLt prescrit the guest of MNrs Watson. The Sons of Scotlaîid orch-stî to Canningtun this wfe.ek t., tn, in a band concert tbefr&e. O)wing( to our at k I tck i lî~~ u berf' n'ur.vferrý be]d berf' un thée -' -,f . Giefcairrî ( ýimp, (4'srt> Ir bf'isid tLer'rarnuuiI<r Ilr<i ar"e aîd < b~a'ead ,Jjf. echues rof tb'1w J'k .< wav, the elairmirn, j{ý -.A il),-, to ((dfr 'y a l' -f t.iid r,' CO[iuîng ythe tap r r ev*'rvrre in the Lest r(À buil teefdfedlw itti tbh' e t 1 b r, w hicb wris rof a vf-ry b () rd. tf f ear the au Id etrL morle and sr a1i, f-ly ~ were lv yMiss R'P&T11. L -4 ePba1 dd f-'rWwrd %île Burns, W brtbv, thL,-~pf- plause ielrjç<trl iieP1 berarts ()f tbf, uIe ' ~tormîî wlier Mes i Ro.,s ard Buri, of brv in tli b bwf- >S l, 1. ibe HrIla.d Hru.l{e(Ap anid rtber pF(0l.fr .îp. secretary o rf 01- Çj r Robertson, of thfe "'dli 1-i Toronto, giv e a ,ie- j proved lie was 1i1,1 O l- a] tboughborn iin tbir', e<uit r% Sotchian. lie wa, s> r0%- thp sweet strains ýf tiie mis oined bis kilteri l,rttibren , oid Scotuh real. The darcui T'. Mainlerson, of NI% rtle. especial mentinn ensîdrî. and nirn1leness w mitb wbîhcb lef the steps, t' ij'îd ' by NMr. (alverley. Tbeh~ given by Mr. ciliryw orous and well reridered ai called back again adaaî of S. orchestra asied N I r cornetist of Caîîinin-toil. sweet miusic tbrourZhoUt tbe me wbich was well rcei' s $McPhadden and Mr. Pollard n~et duets. MNiss Jenîie actedi as accornpainist. a-rd las least is our piper,MrAea &id, who Is fast conuing to tbfl afirst class piper. It 1,ugh said that those of other naý who were ýresent wer& ',r' envy that they wereno 1lk of old Scotia. After a heari' thanks wa.s tendered the cliai the able manner he had fille( a very pleasant everflfg's ments was brought to a cIOs<- ing AuId Lang Syne a.nd God Queen. Proceeds W~5. AUDLEY * - Mr. Chas. ?vtcClellan ar3ld Whitby, spent a few hours w here on Suuday. Fred Lawrence, of Whi'l Aimon Puckrin seems travel. Messrs. Harding prchased about 100 of tl ~C and Simon went with thE Mrs. Somerville, of IPickE a few days with lber sist Guthrie, here. A few friends spent an eveniflg t] ]y. miss Sophia Elliott hi froru lier Orangeviiie trip her folksa ai well and bas c of their "ood health -with h Monday's Toronto paper that t~he firwa of Mulvey an barristers, bail dissolveil -Vinoent still oceupies his Mi s asEMoBrady wen *saturdq. to attend Business College. She Igraduate a£ Easter. We COeffl forber. Ferank-Mcfntoah, who, %)hava, Fob. lGth. 1897. ieatelWx..17

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