Whitby Chronicle, 5 Mar 1897, p. 3

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'vents M us. (k, -A Whitiuy, spent a few heurs Viri rerds_______ here ormt Sundav. lu accerdance with an erder f romn the A Cure for Corpulency. Frel Ltwrrscs',cfWhil' s .u'd iiîister cf Agricnlture ai Ottawa, the Frdo local H-t)ard of Health met at i3routzhain ur'g a e' or two witii lis nt t1. e l'. 't uîdyarmonad ase A physician who inakes a speciatty bM t i rvi, rand sisters, of btsi- tic. resolution placîrîg this township in quar- of physical culture and the reduction ~îsîed t M. S t)s't lir'-triSun lutine a.4 regards thbe sheep businefss, as il cf ebesity telle a rather amusing stery visied t Nr. . Ovis lir- .il-ýu-je reported that eheep ecab je feunmd te cf a sidewalk peddler who caine te hum exuet soînewhere in the Province cof Ont- for sone reîeedy te cbeck bis grewing t r E, L tofC('E. Is led i'ti Iev. tario. The Iocca autherities have ie cerpulency. The man was a dealer in Th-'l"t, l A. cof ltk--nrc exi option în) the natter as; the order fronu o ajOs n tems rmnn '1'eu':ve' -r îig.()Id jtt'utfteart-al- (tlawa rouet be cbeyed. Bu,- much dis tybtcnadtems rmnu w i' wlc'urrte. lia1 tisct'n je expressed with the action PortiOn cf his frame was his abcoriat- -v eIYSt tu f tise de1iar- ment at the capital. if scaiu ly large abdomen The physician pre- A slvuitloaîd frorîî hrli er ttethe ad beemu repcrted te exist anywbere scribed ne drugs, but advised the man Iloirle uf NIr. Cçdioft do' 3rd con1., within the township, therA would be te change hîs lune cf goods, and te cf- anti arîl ie i'vcrîinlast Friday 'stuite reasoîl ftr euch precaution, but wî' fer for sale sonie mechanical tey thai nr1gIlt. faîl to fiîd any ýne whc bas any know would ise dispiayed on the sidewalk. Mrs. Vî'iu. o-ray f Port A'r- ledge cf sucit a ied. The sheep trade cf Tenwpecito bie h a thu, las etrne toIl e bone fte aPickering ils ne smaîî matter. as maneyo ent Te ne pertoorlethe pa thur,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~U lis etînd e e hne ftrs u .~ feed all their produce wt-< in esopoerteo be u vi.,ît cf serine weeks -wislut-r fater ie- sheep, sud now they find themeelves dred times a day, and the decter de- iaw's fi)plc Site wîl i Mass lie Mwcl- completly crit off from bueiness. To be clares it te be a fact that in threi coLU(' iere agaîli. sure i-bey cars enîpioy the service cf 5an menths' time this exercise, witbout Simon >ur-krmrî specrus 1î)Und te inspecter t-o examine the animale that are diet or medicine, had reduced thie - te be soid, but we do cci kuew cf comnsert~linhs t ravel Me'ssrs. li1ar'dîrigamudMil her nearer than Aurora, The services cf an ma _s____ 1ichs purchasil aabtut 100 cf ilerST", îse pecter might be readily secured were arnd sirinwert wrtis therîs io \Vis- tire deal an extensive eue, but ibis tîme (:Osin o yer or armrsare changing sheep Pai090%Ier INIrs Sonevileof icerigspet nsueellieg Iambe te butchers, and tii os n- il r Mr. omsevilP c Pckrigspn have the-îe emali deals made under the (M' DV. a feiw days sith ber stster, Mrs. R. eyecof an inspecter, would înuch increase À 8nre and Wae Rezne4 tri evar'cas (îithrie bere A.few Pick r the price cf mutton. particularily if the audoevery IdetO Cual.mi friends spent an eveniflg there recetit- A uroranr an bas te, be atled. The Scar- l.bore farmers are alec, mucli annoyad. P a n K iller. ,yMiss Sophia Eliiott bas retîrned Sheep &cab je a very bad disease, and P i sbonld be wiped eut befora getting a Thiis a tre stamnt and tt cant be fcciii her Os-sîîgeville trip. Sule lefi foethold; but there is ne need cf sncb aetosrn o o mhte lêer folks aIl weli and has carried some wboîeeale mesaures as the quarantining it la'a imp1Oï, ,fead q cufree of their grocd îeatb witb ber. a whole township, whom itiL umnet eveti 'Cmpe, Cougb. itheuuiatbsm Monday's Toronto papers anuounced charged that a case axisa within its cous Cll, Coldà, -Neur»4gla, fines. If tbe district systernuje the canbse, Diarrh<55 Ci'>iip, ooUaeh tha th tini f Mlve an Mcrmaythen the district should ha made amatlen. TWO SUES, 25r. waMr-Oc harristers, had uisslved parteiership. The stock trade cf Canada in jnst now W --- Vincent st1 e ccupies bis Canada Life struggling to ta feet agaili, and is ilI b. -__ _ _ 0 fi ces. cerne any Goverrimant te in any way An Egpicure' Stm&k Miss Eva MeBrady wect to Toronte retard that detormined effort te eueceed.- - en Saturday te attend the Central -News. The nexL tino ypu buy stoâk, say Business College. She expeets te an epictUre, b. sure te cet au~pes graduate at Easter. We prediet euc- loin <ut, 'wituý the bcîia reti4ved, an cees for hem.NY frt llA about oue and a qu&*rti uch'es thicl Fran Mcnte h bo has beon liv- Put into a tffspoq a~ little saIt an inR with James Plaski'tt here, went opppe n 11i up wit olive 01 Wesbigoeu on Tuesday with the Or- PosîivoIy> cures Rbht ids<. ~ sektc'ug] vis Bros. COUGI4S andCOLD8 ywt hmiixtSedtg e is just-inaly indig- abrt î'w.îcaaW c' stnd tWo hb%ù«rs on~apat.~ Pickerinsg township ye a re*d>m tep 'i1fiveau nau eerthe qua'rantiine that has beau aunha ingi eeIP. j , -letoah i placed on our sbeep. tseoeins that thora is ne case cf the disease in ou r district and thie seeme harah ince our farinons do a large ebeep trade. A number of the peophe cf Audley met at the residence cf -Mn. and Mme. satnuol Bray, ou Thursday cf last *oek, and presented, Mn. sud Mms. e ray- with a fine chair and hanging mtp- sud -the Misses Bray wth suit- rlOgifteau tokens of the regret we Ajv -rthein dopirturefri or "Idmt., Mr. Bray fealingty ropoudod tbrew open bis house to the guest . . eioiiaisoe SM W7S mes t S.TlootW ?uDD7 ~ngs. 5ONY& as well am g &Ung a ahearty inVit- Mima Alioe Bntland, of Oshawa, is tion to viait Mim at Olaremont,. Re < ~th5eengo i d lut, this et prent the. gueat of Mm. T. H. almo .aid that this vioinity wus the quiet littevillage 'wu .nlivened by a Watson. best ho had ever lived in. The ad- ?iait from a tin pan *ad sleIghb)ell Or- h The Sons of Scotland orchestra ge dress was read by F. M. Chafl9aIL 4hestra whioh discoursed.sweet mugie t] t>o Jannington this week to t.ake ar The company enjoyed tbemselves till in Iront Of the reidence of a oertàin in aban cocerttheia.thesailhous ofmomng.well known fariner of this viciflity m in bad cncet her. te aalihers f mrnig.and his btter haif, who a few days im Owing to our pastor, Roev. P. A. Me- previous were happily reunited after a Leod, B.D., Ruffering frei a slight at-rthrlgseatonthreutfa tack of bronchitis, ne service was heid ualmsdetnig.Teerm here on Suinday evenîng. enadtual misunderstandg. the ea Al hr n gtern the egCfans days j j .~j road shouting and yelling with a fervor he here onst .ntheven ofbrs y U 3 BYDR. C A that might have raised the dead, te (thencajr ns (Camp i heSons cf sotland,9. C E. the deafening aecomnpaniment of clash- GlenairnCamp Son of cotlnding tinware and the jingle of belis.e held their annual concert in their hall, . FOR EIGJITEEN VEARS Judging by the blood-curdliflg war- wich was ileato the doors by a W.W.tiODGE-S SUFFERED tWhe bnd, tee mus hae "bce o f or large and enthuéiRstic audience. After tebnteems aebnoeo the echoes of the bagpipes had died -DR. CIIASE'S KIDNEY- two cf our aborigiiial fellow-coufltry- tsway, the chairmian, Rev. A. Currie, LIVER PILLS EFFECTED men present, probably hired for the LA., lion. cliapltain, called the meet- AN ALMOST MIRACULOUS occasion. The beleaguered party re- iiig te ee ) bifades wl UE... ponded by firing several shots inte conîîng the strangers and puttusg tear u steiuiin i o everyone ini the best of humor, pro- ss.Ett\'. BATES & CO.. happen te be flying overhead, ne eue (,eeded with the lengthy programme was injured. After favoring sorteofcf whîch was cf a very hîgh eorder. And i rAR '-1kvS 1i ak-e theilihertivoff wrting to the neighbors with a few choi ce selec- to hear the auld Scottish songs once ." r .':tg r ccrte sc %th On. CtnASE'3 tbons the orchestra quietly dispersed, îmore and se aiily rendvîed as they ';D-Y,1 V LIV! R Pl. LS, andt tht'wttt .ertul cur, of but thrilling and delightful though were hy NMiss Renie, Layton, MiN1ss t Lnngeicith ie the nmusic was, we earuestly hope that MePliadden, Woodville, and Nir. ' ttt.'es. il, .t %%sell as 1I% rr v.as, ne occasion will arise in future for a Burns, W htly. dthe apprecitttiofl cf "nt i -nn i 14e t ft 1 ha'r' re- repetition cf the performance. wiliil was testitied to I)v the lond a- ýV HAL3KDvrLIVES PILLS to LTN jtltýuse tttnd tat'iwerofs. The ;'rt cnt)cr of r"'at îhcv ail s,ý hev Mrs Thos Paisley, cf Churchill, wau je hi-utrts cf the autlierute were takn v tt tn t ifs isre uridtItwek storiiu wluin Messr-s. M< ilvrv,[>w. .tt-tkCi et tt luycs. Mise Bal, of Whitevale. wusvetn Ros n Bris o Wil,, peaed ilUbe plca, t' iutnisb une. here laut week at E Reesors. in fuand Bue,liidc Winurivadparce< Su. tA life insurarice agent fsem Port Perry the lIuî.lIuIrî id rt!Z t1 o f lullocr. ' iolamd Landang, Ont. gave us a flyîng vieit laut week. an d otluir pý 'ij1;r se-sTie graiid 'Sydney Morgan ls engaged with Jacob sec-et;ury tf ti i tder, Caj't.1). M N----------- éyer here for the cemîing year. k"luert"'trt. "t the' isth Ilighlanders. PICKERING Elias Reesor sold a clydesdale te Robt. 'IturIttis a L\r'nivf ,%1 s. ~h cli J.erçimiah O'Conneor, cf church etreet Grahamu the other day for a reasonable 1'roveîi lit, t tsrurîtina speaker, and ha8 a haiidsoime cocker spaniel dog in hie figure. .tiîuogu liur Hiilis ttutV stitrix 1>ceessîon and le now lcoking for an The speelal meetings are etili beinui ýilh()gh or ii ths cuitryis t u wxîer. The deg followed him home continued in the union church beire. 'Stotclin i.tt l i a st iovercolne b. while he was returning f.om Whitby. Mr Morgan, ef Markham, litende lheie we-tt stri, cf theitii tîtrîi htt lit, A number cf young folka frcm W'hitby building a zew barni on the farm tenant- uni ki kltudI lrothire-n eIr' a t>land vicinity viired L Bank e residenci- ed here by Mir Roper thue coming suîn- IS,, ,t hIIrtal. "lite danoinrg cof )Ir. 'n Friday evenîng and enjruyed a eplendid mer. T. Mo-r )r, f Mx tIi.îstrves tinie. I wa8 one of these gatherînge -------- <spectîl mnrt 'n etîsidî'ýrung lis age knruwn a@ a 'suprise" cf which close call antd nrtî'î""Witit whiciîlie t'er'uted notice waB given. 1lr i' ')mlterr1îiî'd (on1the violir Tlho recent action cf the A. 0. V. W È r Ci al îre.Thti retît atitons .,raýid lodg e in separating from the . zu~irt v M. ~"i~t;îîi' rny ereulu iierican juriadiction as well as the 0rou Mi wel rvderd ad h wasadotio ofgraded asseesments jeq caueing (trtut Litiwt'l r'ttlirt' ~ld e ws uch discussion here abouts. It does cstlli'il iiauk az.aîi art aiti. T 11e S. seeri, rather unfair that those wbo becaîne if >;. r(iuestr't a-ited lv Nîr. Poltîrd, moinbers cf the erder years ago because (cOrniuîttof t ttaiimîgton, su1sl ied 'f île cheapniess, are now compelled toin rwi'et rîruisi" t itrtughîî(ut the progrinil crease their payinents, many cf whom are so' li'i wsWiilree1i'.Missrow toc old tobeo adml-itted to any other ine hic waswol INIIsskînd cf insurance. But we muet look Mcliîsddn ndMr.Polad gveco beneath the @urface in thie matter. Tue tiet duet s .I'R erirtre Me.Mtllain graded assesinent plan is the proper one acted as acsiprts.and last b)ut net tor nutual insurance. Its adoption now least is our piper, MIr. Alex. MIcl)oni by the Workmen is nothing more than aid. whois utfAst tciirug to the front as was expected hy those who had given the a irst clasus piper. It rîuîght safely lie. matter much thought, and it was te pre- mtid th;tt tose cf otiier nationalties 'ent a complete collapse within the next who erepreentweregreil ithfew year@ that the change was made. whcwere pescit eregrel wthThe order bas increased during the pasi erîvy tint tiuey wî'rr not l1ke-wise so t en yearcs, but only slowiy, rival societies of ol d Scoti1a. Vfter a heart y s "te cf 'ha hçd the graded assesement were geL- thanîks was tendered the' clai riî,en for ing the young men whîle e d te be the alle minler he had filled te lii1,i, oc ~r em -_______________ very pléasaiit eveiig's entertain- bes enîhcu lnws!uhmr imets as rouhttO clsft'v sin- cunînnendable. N ow thinge have vhanged wens ws bougt t a los '~ and we can bud fair to the yîîuff and THESE BRISK LITTLE PILLS mng Auld Lang Syne and God Svthe ARE f anda e.awat on. y WHAT le ALWATS *EKD! in Quecri. Procet'ds *50. the atdoption of the Lyraded plan the HEADACHE. BILIOUS £TTACKS MID AUDLT UitedWormenhavebee plaed pon DYSPIEPSIA L o E vrpywmwff5E AT25c. AUDLY Unted orkeu hve bau iace upo 90 . 000018 MEOICINC COMPANY, -~ - f" a es ut Stone foundation, that cannot p'% y , To iONONTOt. Mr. has Mcietiln lto '~'~' rumbe utîlineranc usne ore The palaied old man mat by tue fine, hie head shakir.g frein aide te aide in the manner peculiar te his comptaint. It muet lie awful te b. affiicted that a'ay, said the sympathetio young por- son. Oh, chirped the old gentleman, I mid it niglit handy in the sumnuer when I want te look at a Lwe ring cirens 1 I bear that Goldy isgeirig te takre a cemparsy te Cuba aud hold the insur- genta 7 Ho thinke there's idi plund- er un iL. Doesn't surprise me a bjt. I felt Lhat ho was a free becter wheu I ask- acI him fer hie daughter. Mlary had a tittle larnb. IDA That time bas passed away. A nurmben cf petitîcris t5 the Ontario No lamb could folew up the pace lagisiature, negardiuugthe gamA law will O ur M a y s ts to- ay qo n eer .s at in fr ein a ibu tn and Our Mry sts teday.Norh Victria. The petitienera wilh asie Fer uow she*rides the air shod wheel that thae eti.lers be net required to, pro. Ie skirts toc ebert by haîf. cura a ticeese, and that more stningent No~~~~ labi eae erar iib, mes be passed prohibiting the herindiiR .No ambkn saresber iryfligt, cf deer. Farther than this little fault is But yeu. eau see hem caîf. foeud with the law. First Kentuckan-I understacd the Speaking cf the Canadians in the lyncbing cf that mans who murdered Stateo, a geod etery is toid of the editor hie wife was a very quiet affair. cf a pinter'e paper in New York. Itoc Second Kentuckian-Oh, yes 1pe- curred te hlm that it wouid be a good cent death in the family, you knew. ideaste publias weekly biographical sketches cf the foreruen cf tue vaicus ile-Do you think your father compoping rooms in the city. He began Sould offer nie personal violence if 1 wît.h the Rerald office. The sketch b.. were te ask hum for yeu ? gars suetinrg lilue ibis : "Mn. Bi,rsk, briTel- ro-n tif, CanTIrèada." Ttî subjee t4t BICYÇLES m WATCHIESFO g~f it e t r lent pretty 50011. ef the nexti narrative was -berr in Mnt- Everybody says mv daughter get her real, Canada."~ The next firet eaw the beuyfrom mie. WVhat do you say te Ilighit in "Three Rivers, Canada." Af ter teaty thie "18t. John's, Canada," -ad "Halifax, ~hat 'iCanada," followsd in order, and then the frmyeu. 1tbis: -In the naine of the noble bald- Whronis h g fciarA beaded bird f freedtoi and b)y the shade Whatis he ae c chialr, Autof the immortal George Wahington, 1 Penelope? beg of yen to let rip on biographies cfP A P ! Those good old times when men fell chape 1 foremen until we eari at least raise in love with wemen over 40. ee.American te break thie Canadian ____ ___ onepcly." Durlng the Year 1897- WO DRU !The board",of maniagemenit cf the Hoee FtUIprlursecavi5mDtOPPY --for the A.ged have muets pleseure tua ack- o u uiuS Savrieans rayt Piles Cured in 3 te (6 Nights-Itching, newiedging the receîpt et 850, beiàng the LEVER BROS., LTD., 23 SMIT ST., TORO Buruing Skin Diseases Reieved in one amount cf a legacy beqneathed te the __________________ Day. homne by Miss Mary Ann Mathie, lte cf W Dr Agnew's Ointmont will cure aIl Irikster, Dakota, te which place skie weit If. SCO TT, cases cf itching piles in frein three te six te reside soe twenty years ago, when nightop. One application bringe comfort ehe tock up a quarter section cf land, the pEUMpm A R , WHITBY. Fer biind and bleeding piles it ia peeriesa. cultivation and management cf which she Also cures tetter, sait rheum, eczemna, poeonally superintended, and by ber (Successor Io H 77omPson.) barberes iteli and ail eruptions cf the mkill and industry she acquired consider- skin. Relieves iu a day. 35 cents. able wealth. Miss Matabie ha beau Sold by J E Wiilis. formenly watt aand favorahly kriown in the The Subscriber bas again opened business town oi Lindsay. Sha was a sisiier cf the here. Hie office wlll be et E. R. BIow'8 ate John Matithie, and seinacf lier reta- teiegraph office, factory at Mrs. NewberY'S The alvs ad th Cots.house on Brock Street, south. New Pumps The alve a.d th Cols. ives are still esteerned citizens cf this mancfactured and old Pumpe repsied. tewn. Miss Matthie je still1 rernembered First chase miaterial used and wurk warrant- The reugli, staring coat cf calves as a womari cf remarkabiy kirid disposi- aed. Wells dug.or cleaned eut. Orders and colts their firt winter s cften ien. and har kindy gifstet the Home for soiicited. i. SCOTT, due te troubles cf digestion f rom the Aged enly confirme thie receilectiion changing suddenly fromi succulent te cf fermer eharitable'acte, We hope ihat Feb. 14,,1895. Whitby aend Obawa dry feed. But a part is aise due to othene maay be prompted by lier good ex drinking tee little water, because water ample te romember the poor iu their in wiuter is always cold. If water Wilis. .fS* e emade on* 0@qu fer young animais be warrnçd te a Satielfactory progre8esbeumaeo * temperature near that cf animal hcat, the new steamer Dow under construiction *M M Ul they witl drink more f reely, and their a ocyenfrteToSVie VLIEU. fed il igstistadofrmanigNavigation (O., snd which je to taka the 0 ln;~r fee wlldies isted f emingplsa c f the Eetnnion on the Lindsay 0 U 1611 Qfl in the stensach breeding fevers and Bobesygeon route next erimmer. The disease. Do away with constipation steamer will ho ready te launoli by tkie 0o* » u wra e ad bâ t yfaiu -d in young stock, and rnost cf the diffi- time the Inka is clear of ice.-Watchman. 8-'.Lo'lse a.--y LCEt- cuhty in keeping themi thrifty will be L___1_____ 3 OSfl()%àapU Sinby"af Z bav ed Mo = -d Plitt u m-«Yai m everceme. auarsmasm d utaeeyes Marry This Girl Quick. AN frwn=ayxüuaplf t o k S t h at .0*a ri ce a I> v ie & A m w e e C 40 -1 l à & . saw ini yeur paper tuat a 18 year old 2 i hi i..50c. 1 scie Propri-tor5,MOSL. boy made 1.25 the fret heur lie worked :i eellhng the Perfection Mathib Tip Lamp OP>EN iimits ancIs- **0 * *lb **** -wick. I erdered a sampleansd weriste rm1ý Swork aud the finsweek I cteared $10, SECRETi.' EÂls - LJ the second week I ceared $l.1 ex lmi-______ pect te mtn up to0 25 a week in tha nean r ew c .N EW BU-S --LI-NE.- -future, as tue perfection Metat Tip-Lamp- the omcn sic wooee- wick imakos snob a beauliifLil white ight tloen i &l il- coe M ES L TANS -and doos away -with sxuokey -chimneys i u h & ee 0W M ES ALTA'S- ,e and bad odon aud saveil cil, it ie easy Le knOWn to feu. Prioe $MnOU It sali. If yen wish Wte tY it Bond 18 two Pamphlet freebyad&îhesng: First cime accommodation: Orders pMOnPti cent stamps te Miss A.. M. Frits, Station Bs1m Medicine Ce., Ltd,Toronto,Qut.gs.. or execûtes -otdc A, St. Louis, Mo., and seo wil &ndmoudmu, yenma, g sape ufith1i agcdwy esuk eft at Newpoft's- lverir or C&rdage I9Try aamle uLft, hisis . god ay o mkeopposite post office. WUM. NSWPO1RTIIpu money &round home. Miss TrzRÂ W. o ao yi.E IL8 Mr. S. Shortridge teSt a valua.bie WHITBY. Wub.jayx 86- n young herme last weok.________ Mr. Frank Thompson's friends gave eàO @TCA NS T N Y ?LI hin a pleasant surprise lust Wednes- day niglit.An. excellent turne was (Pctnt~tYRqUS. ,~ tusami spentbyat.fear 1fr. Rditor .-rWlM1U ye kidlyW lwy elal gaOtI Me.Geo. Van Dyke and family fonin th. readers cf Yoùr vanuhe" g, a t OXOI spont lest week witu iber -slister, Mrs. ITinl gladiy ",*Md FRKM tO #y ntebt**r A L. Pasce. Let akoo4, ffMem& 1%d>.bh1 Revival meetings have closed ai Wi you*ffîu.'. i 05ili$'.d - The bIne-bird la bailed uas a hMbh*«mroo! we-îs ta few J Ueo" ýtonb Sig. in ta alsua nia a fua ibIod r Aw"b pinifien in ueedad 1W pantâ Re,55 debiitating weàum rto e ;ere.TMý 9-t#,uua. wifl ear tbç birde 'sk~ AyW* ;*ir tIy :od-*-batýV r&-Saraparilla in iiMo . . Ma , ad beld tm fcn laor 'R- èà u Ach ing îý Tooth f rom W.lmdaul vuawud«W &y ed, yielda B~ ~ ~~h Qakce" h clgwould op aI ne popl C to eue application of "Qtifc Ifl" S The pain disappears almost immeditely. Infammation inProinptly checked aud need- less suffering avoided. "Quickcnre" My be relied on as a certain cre for toothache. * Sold by druggists ora Tie Qalokocure Company Mt. Qumbea, Ca. - cured er boly TElS L ed viLi, rei anti ')"Uny Ite. i119 WO-1 1Itheu- ir&I.oný tw tn Il > und.- ie, by 1 swomn wyMou ARKS, 'S &c n oly recel ve u>R ni ",Mrw dÀsuJL -'-I C -~C ~ -t1 "t t-i 't C - C1 C (t ~ '1" "S ~1 r 1,.' j ý 1 weman payiug $1,000,000 for a ciga- rette holder 1 Geteout ! Esot. I believe it aise had a title or semethin-a. r s - ~UC ýA"' 1 the ý«é* bffl,ýýf lý.Y' fqtahouvi«mîný thýnllý e - -Vil "d s-, rWae èYer ô ars 0% .:ND

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